Lac loxodonta (Lac-lox) = Elefantenmilch


Vergleich: Enthält: Solids 4.1,  Fat 15.19, Eiweiß 4.9,  Lactose 3.4, Ash 0.76;

Tub. = Elefant im Porzellanladen

Comparison. of Loxodonta africana and Lac Loxodonta africana

Comparison. Lacs.

Siehe: Lacs allgemein + Mammalia + Loxodonto africana:


Negativ: Murder and violence, terrible dreams. ‘I do not want to fight, but I have to or I will die. Timelessness/spaced out feeling/strange sensation of mental fuzziness.

Time passing too slow/is distorted. Forgets things/trouble finding things/dullness on mental level and difficult thinking.

Lac loxodonta Africana is a homeopathic medicine concerned with issues regarding Matriarchy and with women needing the support and guidance from other women

during mothering. It is also, due to the subthemes of Murder/Brutality/Violence and Suffering/Homeless, a medicine for trauma around conception and/or gestation.

Lac delphinum is also a medicine with emphasis on the need for group support. The rubric: Tranquillity is to be found in both medicines. Lac delphinum is a medicine

that offers a sense of tranquillity during a time of chaos and has rubrics associated with mothering being an imposition. Can provide a sense of tranquillity and support

during Birth.

African elephant  has had its very existence threatened through being maimed or killed by the poachers to obtain the ivory tusks of these beautiful animals.

One of the themes that came through in the proving of this milk was of murder and violence, terrible dreams. The feeling is, ‘I do not want to fight, but I have to or

I will die’. There is a sensation of timelessness with this remedy, a spaced out feeling, a strange sensation of mental fuzziness. Time can feel like it is passing too slowly

or it is distorted in some way.

Forgets things, or has trouble finding things due to the dullness on the mental level and difficulty in thinking. On reading this I was surprised, as the elephant is an

animal that we associate with a good memory, ‘elephants never forget’. Elephants also after one or more of their group have been killed are able to stand on the same

spot a year later and ‘mourn’ for the dead elephant.


Lac elephas maximus Quelle: Hahnemann Apotheek in Heiloo, Holland and can be ordered via

Doctrine of Signatures.

Symptoms of insomnia and restlessness while sleeping in the proving of Loxodonta africana correlates with elephants being both nocturnal and diurnal and the fact that

they sleep standing and for only a few minutes at a time.  Daydreams of eggs in a variety of animals [stingray/shark/skate/pupating (bag of silk) from a caterpillar to

a butterfly].

Chest: Awareness; heart is beating “As if body is a soft bag”. “My body felt like a big soft bag (dark on the outside; light on the inside) with my heart beating in the

middle of it“.

This is then, perhaps, a remedy for ensuring the well-being of the foetus and for anxiety associated with an inability to conceive; IVF; threatened miscarriage or

proposed abortion (Lac-ory).

Dream: Children; foetuses; abused children. This, in a way, is consistent with Herrick’s nominated themes of: Murder/Brutality/Violence and Suffering/Homeless

It gives some perspective regarding the circumstances surrounding the source of the milk for the Lac loxodonta proving in that the female elephant had just given

birth to her first calf, which had to be euthanized due to a congenital, untreatable deformity.

And it also gives approbation to Herrick’s observation that these aspects of the proving as well as the rubric Dream:

Murder, violent, may derive from a form of morphogenic resonance concerning the brutal culling of elephant herds that occasionally transpires.


The essence of Lac loxodonta Africana concerns Matriarchy and the role that the matriarch has in nurturing her family… the group.

Herrick reminds us that one of the most outstanding characteristics of the elephant is its devotion to its young. Female elephants have many calves over a lifetime;

even bearing young up to the age of 60. The mother stays in constant contact with her calf for the first six months and never lets it out of her sight. The entire herd

is constantly watchful over the calf’s every move… the mere whimper from a calf causes [the whole family] to stop and patiently wait until the problem has been

solved before moving on. Whenever a calf is in frank danger, members of the herd (and perhaps even all the adults in the herd) will work together to save the calf.

Now, with the death of her mother it is her turn to take on the role of matriarch and she feels that she lacks the strength to do that.

Lac loxodonta Africana predominantly a psoric medicine and psora promotes a strong mother/child bond and vacillates between Positiveness (optimism) and Despair.




Water, playing in >

Lassitude with desire to lie down

Weariness, afternoon

Short naps >


[Dr Nancy Herrick]


Mind: Despair; sadness; despondency; depression; melancholy

Weeping; tearful mood; tendency, to; from despair

Dullness; sluggishness; difficulty of thinking and comprehending

Prostration; mental exhaustion; brain fag

Mouth: Itching; palate

Throat: evening



Tension l. side

Cough; dry

Stomach: Eructations

Abdomen: Distension

Rectum: Flatulence

Female organs: “As if bubble water or air in vagina”

Extremities: Hand…”As if lying in a puddle” of water

Cramps in thigh

Dreams: Vivid/groups/animals/people/violent murder

On the strength of that group of symptoms I was tempted to re-prescribe Phosphorous.

However, with the issue of perceived lack of support, my mind turned to Lac delphinium which Herrick has stated seems very much like Phosphorus.

I have written elsewhere about the ability of Lac delphinium to provide an energetic space for birth support; much as a midwife does.

We discussed the issue and I explained to her how the energy of the milk of the dolphin would hold the space for her to birth knowing that all was well.

Rx: Lac delphinum 200C NMN 2 weeks before the due date.




Verhaltensforschung Auch Asiens Elefanten haben soziale Netze

Asiatische Elefanten galten lange als unsozial, weil sie nicht so enge Kontakte pflegen wie ihre Verwandten aus Afrika. Forscher beweisen das Gegenteil.

Es ist ein bisschen wie auf Facebook: Manche seiner dortigen "Freunde" sieht man auch im echten Leben oft, andere nur selten. Manche kennt man nur noch entfernt.

Eine ähnliche Staffelung sozialer Beziehungen haben Verhaltensforscher aus Sri Lanka jetzt für Asiatische Elefanten ausgemacht.

Bisher hielt man die Tiere für eher unsozial, weil sie nicht – wie afrikanische Elefanten – in großen, eng verbundenen Herden, sondern in kleinen, wenig vernetzten

Gruppen leben; .

Die neue Studie im Online-Fachblatt  BioMed CentraEcology zeigt, dass Asiatische Elefanten genau wie ihre Verwandten in Afrika größere Gruppen bilden, die über mehrere Jahre stabil bleiben.

Dass Asiatische Elefanten in dichten Wäldern leben, erschwert Verhaltensforschern die Arbeit. Um überhaupt Elefanten sehen zu können, mussten Forscher bisher auf Bäume klettern und hoffen, dass Elefanten an Lichtungen oder Wasserlöchern zu sehen sind.

Weil das Zuhause der Großsäuger auf Sri Lanka in den Udawalawe-Nationalpark verwandelt wurde, leben dort seit 30 Jahren 800 bis 1.200 Elefanten in Gras- und Buschland. 286 von ihnen beobachtete ein Team um Shermin da Silva, die an der Pennsylvania-Universität  in den USA und auf Sri Lanka arbeitet, jetzt über zwei Jahre. Soziale Beziehungen konnten die Forscher für 51 Elefanten aufzeichnten.

Wie oft treffen sich zwei Elefanten? Wie häufig teilen sie eine Wasserstelle oder den Schatten unter einem Baum? Solche Situationen erfassten die Verhaltensforscher.

"Ob Elefanten vertraut miteinander sind, erkennt man auch an ihrer Körpersprache, an den Augen, der Haltung ihrer Ohren, daran, ob sie etwa ihren Rüssel über den

Rücken des anderen legen", erklärt de Silva.

Die Forscher betrachteten dabei drei verschiedene Ebenen: die Beziehungen zwischen zwei Elefanten, innerhalb einer kleinen Gruppe und innerhalb einer kompletten Population. Sie konnten zeigen, dass die soziale Interaktion abhängig von der jeweiligen Ebene ist. Das heißt: Die Tiere interagieren viel stärker, als das bisher bekannt

war. Wie treu ein Elefant ist, hängt von der Anzahl seiner Freunde ab

In der Trockenzeit hielten die Elefantengruppen stärker zusammen als in Regenzeiten. Nur in der Zweier-Beziehung haben Asiatische Elefanten wohl einen langjährigen Freundeskreis. Außerdem variiert die Treue der Freundschaft von Elefant zu Elefant. Je mehr Freunde eine Elefantenkuh hatte, desto illoyaler war sie und wechselte entsprechend schnell den Freundeskreis. Elefantenkühe mit wenigen Freunden waren am treuesten.

Ob das unerwartete Sozialverhalten auf den veränderten Lebensraum zurückzuführen ist, wissen die Forscher nicht. "Natürlich ist es denkbar, dass sich die Elefanten auf offenem Gelände eher zusammenrotten", sagt da Silva, "aber wir können das nicht herausfinden, weil die Vergleichsmöglichkeiten fehlen."

Auch wenn die Asiatischen Dickhäuter sich nach den neuen Erkenntnissen ähnlich verhalten wie ihre Artgenossen in der Afrikanischen Savanne, ist ihr Sozialverhalten schwächer ausgeprägt.

Die Fähigkeit, soziale Beziehungen über längere Zeit aufrecht zu erhalten – ohne, dass täglicher Kontakt besteht – erfordert eine gewisse Intelligenz. Elefanten sehen nur sehr schlecht, ihre Artgenossen erkennen sie über den Geruch und die Stimme. Außerdem gelten sie als geistig hoch entwickelt, sodass solche komplexen sozialen Beziehungen durchaus möglich sind.

Als nächstes wollen die Forscher auf Sri Lanka herausfinden, wie eng verwandt die beobachteten Tiere sind. Da es in der aktuellen Studie nur um Weibchen ging, folgt außerdem eine Untersuchung, die gezielt das Sozialverhalten männlicher Asiatischer Elefanten untersucht.



Aepyornis maximus = Elefantenvogelei/= Bird Rock, Ovum Aepyorni maximi = Fossil./Ausgangsstoff = Eischale

Ganesh. = Gott des Schrifts (I)

Gink-b.  = Yin-Hsing/= Ya Chio (= „Entenfuß"/= „Elefantenohr"/=  „Mädchenhaarbaum")/= Yin kuo

Haemanthus albiflos = Elefantenohr. Asparagales./= Zimmerpflanze

Harpun = Elfenbein Waffen.

Holarrhena antidysenterica (Kurch.) = bitter. oleander./= ivory tree Gentianales.

Holarrhena pubescens = Jasminbaum/= Elfenbeinbaum/= Osterbaum Gentianales.

Panopea abrupta o. Panope generosa = Elefantenrüsselmuschel/= Königsmuschel/= Geoduck/= Aphrodisiacum. Mollusca.

Phal-gig. = Elephant ear orchid

Philodendron domesticum = Elephant ear. philodendron air filtering. plants Alismatales.

Phytelephas aequatorialis = Elfenbeinpalme/= vegetable ivory/= Steinnuss./= Elfenbeinersatz. Commelinidae. 

Phytolacca dioica = Ombúbaum/= Elephant Tree/= Bella Sombra.(= schöner Schatten)/immun gegen Insekten; Symbol. Uruguays/Argentiniens/Gauchos = keinen Baum. Weiches Holz Caryophyllales.

Portulacaria afra (= Elefantenstrauch/= Jadebaum/= Portulaccaria/= Strauchportulak/= Spekboom Bonsaigruppe. Caryophyllales. Sukkulenten. = keinen Baum.).

Grüner Elefanten = gemischtes Heilöl aus Vietnam (Camph./wilder Minze/Eucal./frei von Konservierungs- und Farbstoffen?/Wirkung: antiseptisch/Erkältungskrankheit/ verstopfte Nase/Grippe/Ohren-/Hals-/Hüft-/Herz-/Muskelschmerz/Arthrosen/Zerrung/Insektenbisse/-stiche/Schmerz der Gesichtsnerven/chronischen Hautkrankheit/wird passend zur Erkrankung an festgelegten Akupunkturpunkten und Bereichen eingerieben).

Rosa. Elefanten = Metapher vor Suff.

weißen Elefanten“ = wenn eine Sache mehr Ärger macht als Nutzen bringt o. Nützlichkeit verloren hat.


Allerlei: Lebt in Gemeinschaft


[Forbes, Barry]

Dr Nancy Herrick conducted the proving of Lac Loxodonta Africana, milk of an African  elephant in 1995.

A variety of themes arose including homelessness, brutality, violence, murder and  not  enough  food  that reflected  the  conditions  of  living  that  the elephant experienced.  A more natural state was also noted with themes and interests in   air,   water,   food,  feeding   others   and   a   feeling   of   positive   emotions, timelessness and theorizing about the substance (Herrick, 1998:54).

Provings  of  indigenous  substances  are  of  great  importance  as  was  noted  by Sherr,  who  stated  that,  the  most  significant  and  appropriate  medicine  will  be found  within  our  surrounding  environment  (Sherr,  1994:49).

4.3.1 Mind:



ACTIVITY –desires (with weakness)

ANGER (causeless/from conversations/from cruelties/easily/with red face/internalized/from trifles)

ANSWERING – abruptly/dictatorial/snappishly

ANXIETY (in crowd/besides oneself from anxiety/hysterical)

ATTENDED to; to be – desire

AVERSION to family members


BROODING (over imaginary troubles)




COMPANY – aversion to/to country away from people; wants to get into/desires solitude/desires it # aversion)

CONCENTRATION – difficult (cannot fix attention/would rather be outside/studying/talking/writing)


CONFUSION – on attempting to concentrate/of  left and right/as to time/writing/desire it)


IDEAS deficient

INDIFFERENCE (to everything/with ennui/to loved ones)


IRRITABILITY (easily/to own family/from trifles)

MALICIOUS thoughts

MEMORY– weakness of memory (expressing oneself/from mental fatigue/aversed to)

NATURE –loves it



OUTDOORS – desire to stay outdoors



SADNESS (when alone/aversion to company/desires solitude/with brooding/cannot be consoled/from disappointment/desires to weep)

SENSITIVE – to noise/want of sensitiveness

SERVANTS; desire to have


TALKING in sleep

THOUGHTS – disconnected/persistent


WEEPING > consolation

4.3.2 Vertigo:

VERTIGO + chest pain/ + pain in head/> cold drinks


MOTION of head

TURNING head, whirling


COLDNESS internally


CONTRACTION - in occiput/in vertex

FULLNESS (as if would burst)

HEAT (flushes of heat)

HEAVINESS (+ heaviness of eyes)

MOTIONS in head (from MOTIONS)

PAIN (((<<< viele>>>)))

PERSPIRATION – Forehead/Temples

SWASHING sensation

WAVING sensation (with confusion/ with vertigo/”As from water”)




INFLAMATION – > cold/lower r.

ITCHING (inner)


PAIN: –left/dull, across eye l./right/burning/> closing lids/burning > closing lids/burning inner (“As if dry”)/As from sand (> rubbing/+ dry mouth)/tearing

PULLING sensation (inward/> looking up)


TWITCHING –around the eye

WEAK reading



BLURRED [reading (> looking up/writing)]

DIM – “As if covered with mucus”/reading/> rubbing


HYPERMETROPIA (= Far-sightedness)



DISCHARGES – right/serous (r.)/

DISTENTION – sensation of distension in ear

FULLNESS, sensation of (r.)


FULLNESS, sensation of –right


Noises in –whistling r.

PAIN –right/l.cutting–left/right (face with pain in face)/behind the ear (r./ext. neck)/Mastoid/pressing

STOPPED sensation (r.)


ACUTE (to all sounds9




DISCHARGE: watery (during inspiration)

DRYNESS –inside (painful)/+ headache

ITCHING – > cold

OBSTRUCTION (one sided/r./> rising from bed/> blowing/ must breath through mouth/ with discharge/> coughing/Posterior nares/Root –painful

PAIN – from dryness/ with headache/ext. head/Root/ (+ dryness)/burning ext. pharynx/In Sinus/burning, smarting (in root/inside)/dull

SINUSES, complaints of (dryness)


TASTE –bitter + nausea/sour

ULCERS –painful to touch/inside of lips/painful –sore, smarting


SENSITIVE (to touch)


“As if air bubble in oesophagus (> burping/< lying down/> sittin)

DISCOLORATION –white; tonsils

DRYNESS (painful)7

HAWK; disposition to (from thick mucus/talking)

INFLAMATION –right/tonsils/on waking

MUCUS (morning/tenacious/thick)

PAIN [right/morning (on waking)/Pharynx (in upper part)/burning + dryness/Rawness (swallowing/on inspiration)/scratching/sore]



SWALLOW; constant disposition to

External throat:

SWELLING –cervical glands (r./painful:to touch


APPETITE –capricious/diminished (+ nausea/during fatigue)/easy satiety/increased (on waking)/wanting with hunger/distended (walking difficult)/


NAUSEA (warm drinks/after eating/ > eating/smelling food/+ Pain (in Abdomen/+ Pain, during/> lying/during nausea/cramping (< standing)/stitching (l.)/



DISTENSION (after eating)

FLATULENCE + distension

PAIN < pressure/cramping at night (< eating)/cramping, hypogastrium/sharp/twisting


FULLNESS in perineum

ITCHING around anus

PAIN – burning (in perineum)




ODOUR smells like rotten eggs


URINATION – (As if) dribbling

URINATION –involuntary lying (> walking/standing)


COLOR – dark (yellow,dark)

Female gentalia/Sex:

FLATUS in uterus –sensation as if

MENSES –appear suddenly/clotted/copious/painful/protracted/too short/ORGASM –dreams/

PAIN –ovaries (in evening)/> pressure/cramping/cramping;> bending forward > pressure/pressing in uterus

Larynx and trachea:

VOICE –hoarse/mucus in larynx


DIFFICUL (morning on waking/with gasping/+ yawning/GASPING



ANXIETY in chest

HEART complaints (+ numb l. upper limb –left, numbness/+ vertigo

HEAT flushes


PAIN [Heart (at night lying: down/ext. l. arm)/in l. mamma (ext. axilla/> pressure with hand)/middle/behind sternum/burning (chest lower part/crushing behind sternum/as if heel crushing on chest, > pressure

PALPITATION of heart (+ anxiety/irregular)

PERSPIRATION in axilla offensive


ITCHING–right/cervical region/”As if hair was tickling”

PAIN –Dorsal scapulae:r./

PERSIPRATION – cervical region (during fever > pressure)

STIFFNESS (cervical region r. pressure/> massage/on waking)/Dorsal region (r.)/TENSION (r.)/

TWITCHING (l,)/scapulae


AWKWARD (lower limbs: knocks against things/trips over things)

BANDAGED, knee as if/ (l.)

CONSTRICTION –knee (l./ext. calf/As from a band)/

CRAMPING (l. calf/in tendo achillis

ERUPTIONS on Forearm: itching (vesicles itching)on hand



Vorwort/Suchen            Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum