Lolium tremulatum (Lol) = Taumellolchfrüchten/= Juraie/= Bearded darnel


Vergleich: Liebt Ca; Asche enthält 50% Si; Atro. (Lol. hat Atro-ähnliche Wirkung). Parkinson           

Comparison.:  19 Fungi + 2 von Fungus befallene Pflanzen

Siehe: Commelinidae


Closely resembles Nux-v. in pathophysiology;

Vergiftung: 1. Durchfall/Schläfrig/vergrößerte Pupillen, 2. VERstopfung/Unsicherer gang/Krämpfen/niedrige Temp./ohnmächtig, 3. BewustLOS; Nach 2 h. KopfSCHMERZ/Schwindel/

GERäusche im Ohren, Zunge zittert/spucken + schlucken unmöglich, Druck + Schmerz Magengegend/erbrechen/Atembeschwerden/oft Harndrang/matt, nach 5 h. SCHLAF; Denken getrübt/taumeln/Kolik/schläfRIG/Atemlähmung;

Gegengift: rohes  Sauerkraut;

Negativ: Nervös/reizbar ohne Fieber, geistiger Benebelung, Unbehagen/ängstlich/depresSIV, schwieriges Verständnis/Sprechen; Inkoordination, Gliedmaßen zittern/Händen = unsicher + zittern, empfindlich/fröstelt (bei berühren Papier/Steinkohl/Samt/quietschen/auf Glas kratzen), „Als ob Kopf mit Wolle  gestopft“/„Als ob  Eiswürfel im Genick“/„bei jedem Schritt vorwärts gleiche Abstand rückwärts“/„Händen vergrößert“/„Waden zusammengeschnürt“, Schwäche, Nahrung schmeckt schrecklich/“Wie Erbrochenes“, Händen steif/rot/geschwollen, < Druck/Finger bewegen schmerzhaft

(„Wie Insektenstichen“), Krämpfe (Waden), JuckREIZ + Bläschen, <: nasses Wetter/Saison; Rheuma/Gicht/Magenschmerz/Schwindel; Parkinson;

[William Boericke]


Has been used in cephalalgia, sciatica, paralysis. Prostration and restlessness.

Head: Anxious and depressed, confused. Vertigo; must close eyes. Head heavy. Noises in ears.

Stomach: Nausea, vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen. Severe purging.

Limbs: Gait unsteady. Trembling of all limbs. Loss of power in extremities. Violent pain in calves, as if bound with cords. Cold extremities. Spasmodic motions of arms

and legs. Cannot write; cannot hold a glass of water. Trembling of hands in paralysis. Grows up to a meter tall and it is notable for having black grains. When eaten it

causes a sensation of drunkenness, which can be seen from the rubrics:

[John Henry Clarke]

Trituration of seeds. Tincture of ripe spikelets. Tincture of ripe seeds.

Clinical: Delirium tremens. Paralysis. Paralysis agitans. Tremor. Writer's cramp.

Characteristics: Darnel means stupefied, and the plant's evil reputation is of very ancient date. The symptoms are the result of observations made on persons poisoned

by eating meal containing an admixture of Lol. Allen mentions an assertion that Lolium is much infested with , and that it is to this that the poisoning symptoms are

due, the unaffected grain being inert and Allen notes in support of this that the poisonings have been most frequently observed in low, wet districts, and during wet

seasons. Provings are needed to decide this.

Chief symptoms: Confusion of mind, at times delirium (very great). Nausea and vomiting of the bread containing it and mucus with it. Paralysis, tremors, and convulsions. Cold rigors, internal chilliness; cold sweat. A very characteristic symptom is: Calves (tightness/violent pain in the calves “As if bound with cords”). This tightness affects

the rest of the legs in less degree.

Bonino has cured a carpenter, 29, who had had trembling of the hands for 11 years, < morning. Later the legs also began to tremble. His father and brother were similarly affected and only relieved temporarily. Lol. cured.

DD.: Ananth. (paralysis; < wet seasons). Op. (sleep).


1. Mind.: Mania. Slight delirium. Depressed spirits. Anxiety and general uneasiness. Comprehension slow and difficult; distraction; confusion and stupefaction.

2. Head.: Vertigo; > closing eyes; with shaking in head. Dizziness, nausea, loss of speech. Intoxication. Violent sticking in head, esp. forehead and temples.

3. Eyes.: Pupils widely dilated. Vision: dim; blindness in some cases; scintillation before eyes.

4. Ears.: Deafness. Roaring and tingling in ears. Noise like drums and cymbals.

5. Nose.: Epistaxis.

6. Face: red, hot, puffy; or pale.

8. Mouth.: Tongue: first white then black; tremulous. Burning in mouth and throat. Speech: difficult; very imperfect or lost.

9. Throat.: Deglutition: difficult; impossible, cannot pronounce a whole word.

11. Stomach.: Nausea, Inflammation of gullet, bowels, with fever, Vomiting (every half-hour, all night, portions of bread and colourless mucus, leaving disagreeable taste),

Uneasiness in epigastrium, with eructations of peculiar taste. Pain in stomach (pressure in stomach-pit and abdomen).

12. Abdomen.: Distension, Severe colicky pains.

13. Stool.: Severe purging. Diarrhoea; with great colic; obstinate constipation.

14. Urinary Organs.: Copious micturition.

17. Respiratory Organs.: Difficult breathing.

18. Chest.: Sticking pains in sides. Heart. Small irregular pulse.

21. Limbs.: Gait unsteady; trembling in all limbs; unable to hold a glass of water. Spasms of arms and legs.

22. Limbs.: While attempting to write, hand refused its service and he became stupid.

23. Lower Limbs.: Attempting to rise from a seat he began to stagger, was obliged to steady himself on walking along the room.: Great pain and tightness in legs (calves,

ext. ankles, with redness, swelling, and itching of skin.: Legs excessively tight and painful, swollen, inflamed, itching much for nine days, followed by a small collection

of gelatinous fluid inside foot, terminating in gangrene, followed by sphacelus. Violent pain in calves as if bound with cords.

24. Generalities.: General tremors.: Paralysis.: Restlessness.: General malaise for several days.: The action of Lolium is apt to be manifested in very wet seasons.

26. Sleep.: Drowsiness. Unusually heavy. Sopor.

27. Fever.: Great internal chilliness. Cold rigors all over (limbs). Fever with cold sweat.


    Vertigo, reeling. > Sitting

    Stupefaction. Torpor. Vanishing thoughts.

    Taciturn. Delirium. Mania, with rage.

    Speech difficult. Imbecility. Cretinism.

    Mouth, discolouration, tongue, black.

    Eructations, water brash. Mouth, taste offensive.


[ABC Homeopathy Forum]

Hello Dr Sharma,

My dad has parkinson's disease for past 7 years but for past 2 months his symptoms seemed aggravated.

Below are his symptoms

1. Trembling of hands,

2. Not able to write on the paper (able to write on white board)

3. He writes his name and address everyday but he does lots of spelling mistakes

4. Not able to concentrate

5. Forgetfulness, not able to remember any relatives name

6. can't not multitask

7. He closes eyes when sits idle on the sofa

8. His sugar has gone very high so doctor has increased the dosage but still not on insulin

9. He has hypothyroid and low blood pressure, so takes pills for that as well

10. Goes for a walk every day

11. Always looks depressed

14. Mask like face always

12. Changed soft voice

13. Hardly talks to anybody

15. Doesn't like to meet new people

Can you please suggest some medicine, is the Lolium temulentum 3 C right medicine for him considering all above symptoms

Please help

Thanks, Bhakti


Severe numbness of hands & legs and burning sensation of whole body.

DD.: Astrag. Phos (Scattered; dizziness of the mind). Zinc-met. (peevish);


Unverträglich: Fieber


Antidotiert von: Absinth. Cham.                        rohes Sauerkraut.


Wirkung: = giftig

Allerlei: Kosmopolit/= befällt in Symbiose mit Pilz.           



Gemüt: Angst/Furcht


Delirium (rasend/wild)/Delirium tremens


Erschöpft geistig/verwirrt geistig

Gedanken vergehen, schwinden/Konzentration schwierig

Geisteskrankheit, Wahnsinn (mit Lähmung)


Manie (mit Raserei)

Raserei, Tobsucht, Wut

Ruhelos (ängstlich)



Ungeschickt (lässt Dinge fallen)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

+ Taumeln

< Bewegung/< Gehen

> Augen schließen/> Sitzen


Kopf: Beschwerden + schwankender Gang

< nach Durchfall


Schmerz [+ Beinbeschwerden/stechend/in Schläfen (stechend)/Stirn (stechend)]


Auge: rot

Tumoren - entzündete Meibomsche Drüsen

Sehen: Trübsichtig,  trübes Sehen

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche wenige


“Wie verstopft“ (“Wie mit Wolle“)

Hören: Taubheit, Verlust des Gehörs

Nase: Nasenbluten

 Gesicht: rot

Hautausschläge - Stirn

Geschwollen Stirn


Mund: Zunge schwarz/weiß

Geschmack - widerwärtig, ekelhaft

Spricht schwierig/Sprachverlust

Innerer Hals: Schmerz (brennend)

Magen: Nachts

Aufstoßen/Art des Aufstoßens: Hochsteigen von Wasser in den Mund (schlecht schmeckend)

> nach Essen

Schmerz (drückend)

Übel/erbricht (schwierig)

Stuhl: Morgens

Weibliche Genitalien: Menses zu spät

Glieder: Waden „Wie bandagiert, umwickelt“

Gangrän in Füße

Jucken in Finger


Krämpfe in Ober-/Unterschenkel


Schmerz in Ischiasnerv/im Knie/“Wie gelähmt“

Schwäche in Hände < Schreiben/im Knie

Schwankender Gang/ungeschickt (Arme)

Waschen, Baden > Fingerspitzen

Zittern (Finger/Hände/Knie/Ober-/Unterschenkel)/Zucken in Handflächen

Schlaf: Schwer/tief

Gähnen (mit Aufstoßen/mit Übelkeit)


Schweiß: Kalt

Allgemeines: Apoplexie

> nach Essen


Konvulsionen (epileptiform/epileptisch)

Lahmes Gefühl/Lähmung/Lokomotorische Ataxie


Mittags > nach Essen


nach Rausch


Schmerz - erscheint allmählich und verschwindet allmählich

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Kaffee/Süßigkeiten;  <: süßer Kaffee; 

Völlegefühl innerlich

< Niesen


Zittern äußerlich - konvulsivisch/nervös



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