Lycopodium Kind Anhang


Comparison. of Carcinosinum and others

Comparison. Med. with others for children

Learning disability

Vergleich. Kind Sulphur mit andere Mitteln

Vergleich. Kind with fear in Calc. + Lyc. + Nat-m. + Phos. + Puls. + Sil. + Stram.



Anxious/bullying behavior; digestive weakness


verwandt mit Tub; Positiv: sicher von sich selbst/dizipliniert; Negativ: Nicht blond, frühreif/schmächtig/schwach/kränklich, klug/will der Beste sein/auf

Intellektuellem ausgerichtet/verläuft sich in Details/will alles richtig machen/will alles im Voraus wissen/Prüfungsangst, fürchtet Anforderung wird eigene Kräfte übersteigen/

Angst sich zu blamieren, verlangt + weißt Verlangtem ab (essen/Schlaf)/Linderung UNsicher, mag keine (Gesellschafts)spielen, traurig/verschlossen/scheu/klammert an

Eltern, (erwacht) launisch, Streber/schmeichelt um beliebt zu sein/tyrannisiert Schwächern, erfüllt Forderungen Bandeführer/kriecht aus Angst vor Strafe, schwitzt/fröstelt,

weint vor dem Wasserlassen; Haut trocken, Kopfschmerz + > kalte Anwendung am Kopf;

Type 1. Fear and apprehension affect every aspect of the child’s life.

Type 2. Bossy to the point of being dictatorial and strives to control those close by (parents/siblings/friends).

Säugling.: schläft tagsüber + weint nachts, REAgiert auf Nahrung der Mutter, bringt Mutter Selbstgefühl bei/ADHD/ADD.;

Children: Bossy, dictatorial, rude at home. Stimid at school or with strangers. Can also be generally timid, fearful. Intellectual interests; [Rajan Sankaran]

Das Lycopodium-Kind hat die Symptome: "Furcht vor neuen Bekanntschaften", "Furcht vor Männern", "Furcht vor Fremden", "Feigheit", "Schüchternheit" usw.,

deshalb bleibt es neuen Situationen und Menschen fern und hält sich immer an die ihm Vertrauten und Bekannten.

[Dr. Douglas M. Borland]

Causticum versus Lycopodium in Children

The main distinguishing feature between Causticum and Lycopodium children is that Causticum children have a definite aversion to sweets, whereas Lycopodium children desire them.

[Dr Elizabeth Wright Hubbard/Presented by Sylvain Cazalet]

There is no better gonadal stimulant than Lyc.

[Heike Dahl]

Lycopodium bei Bauchschmerzen / Koliken von Babys, Kindern (und Erwachsenen)

Durch seine überaus starke Wirkung auf den Verdauungstrakt wird Lycopodium sehr häufig bei Babys und Kleinkindern mit Koliken und Bauchschmerzen eingesetzt.

Gerade zu Beginn des Lebens ist der Magen- Darmtrakt der kleinen Erdenbewohner noch nicht vollständig ausgebildet und mit Bakterien besiedelt. Dies dauert in der Regel einige Monate bis zum 2.Lebensjahr. Daher kann es vor allem in der Zeit zu Bauchschmerzen und Koliken kommen. Lycopodium wirkt hier lindernd, wenn diese Beschwerden Nachmittags beginnen, die Kinder schreien, sich krümmen, oder sich nach hinten verbiegen. Das Bäuchlein ist gespannt und schmerzhaft aufgetrieben. Deutliche Erleichterung bringt Luftentweichen.

Wärme tut gut, < Kälte.

[Paul Herscu]

The descriptions of the remedy Lycopodium as presented in the old materia medicas may mislead the prescriber because they tend to fit only the adult. The Lycopodium youngster may be an entirely different experience.

Two distinct types of behavior can be observed in Lycopodium children.

1.  fear and apprehension affect every aspect of the child's life.

In the waiting room, this child sits very near his mother and watches everything from that secure vantage point since the office visit is a strange, new situation.

We see a lack of self-confidence and the presence of many overriding fears.

2.  the child is bossy to the point of being dictatorial and strives to control those close by, be they parents, siblings, or friends.

This child, in contrast, can be heard loudly voicing variations on a theme: "Bring me that toy!" "I don't want to be here!" "Take me home!"

In the second, we find an irritable nature and a great desire for power.

What this demanding child says is only part of it. It is the tone in which these commands are spoken and the attitude that it reveals that prompts one to first think of Lycopodium.

The child speaks irritably to the parent and the parent answers weakly, almost apologetically; one quickly grasps that the normal parentchild dynamic has been reversed. The child, not the adult, controls the relationship. Furthermore, it is as if all the members of the family have become the Lycopodium youngster's inferiors, they are there only to meet the little tyrant's needs and gratify his whims. From these brief initial observations, the doctor can deduce the major thematic elements that will shape the behavior of Lycopodium people throughout their lives.

While these two types may be found in different individuals as described in this chapter, they also represent a continuum that may be expressed in one person.

First I will discuss the aspects of fear, then the lack of selfconfidence, and finally the emergence of the desire for power.

Insecurity / Fear

Fear is an essential factor in the development of the Lycopodium psyche.

[Kent's Repertory] Only Bar-c. and Lyc. are found under the rubric: Fear; People, in children. Even the babies are apprehensive. Infants need to be near the mother or on

a parent's lap, as they become especially afraid when alone and when around other people (loud strangers). Fear is immediately observable in the facial expression, set off

by the distrustful look in the eyes and a stare.

While most three-month-old babies smile back at a doting parent, the most pleasant expression a Lycopodium child of that age can muster is often a mild frown.

There may be clearly visible wrinkling of the forehead proportionate to the degree of apprehension the child is feeling. For example, in the office, the closer the doctor gets

to the baby to pick her up, the more numerous and deeper the creases become.

The eyes, too, stare out at the world with an expression of fear unusual for such a young person, making the observer wonder what the child is so worried about.

This illustrates the fact that one of the main ways in which fear is elicited, even in very young Lycopodium children, is as anxiety caused by the presence of strangers.

Whereas most children go through a "stranger anxiety" phase at some time within the first couple of years, Lycopodium babies develop this from birth and experience

it throughout most of their childhood. It seems as if

these infants and children only like what is already known; in this case, only those people with whom they are intimately familiar.

Such a strong fear of strangers may often be conjoined with a fear of being alone that becomes evident in many circumstances.

The parents may describe it in the interview if the child does not. The child keeps track of the parents' whereabouts throughout the day, following them around the house

and constantly querying the parents: "Where are you going? When will you be back? Are you upstairs or downstairs?"


While in Natrum muriaticum this same behavior exists, it stems from a concern and fear for the parents' safety. In Lycopodium, the fear is that if the parent is not nearby,

they themselves will not be safe. They may need to be in the same room or at least next door to a parent, as with Pulsatilla.

In Pulsatilla the fear is of abandonment, whereas in Lycopodium the fear is that something "bad" will actually happen to them.

Happier Lycopodium children wish to stay in the room with a parent and will be quite content with that setup. Conversely, the irritable child wants to be alone, yet is

afraid. When expressed fully in the irritable child, this fear leads to the famous symptom and keynote in the Repertory.

Mind: aversion to company yet dreads being alone.

Fear of being alone is greatly accentuated in the dark. They often do not like to go to bed alone, wanting a parent to go along to check the area and turn on the lights.

A Lycopodium baby will begin to cry as soon as the parents turn off the lights and leave the room, just like those needing Pulsatilla.

Some fear may be allayed by keeping a light on, but many of these children continue to scream until they are allowed to sleep with their parents or siblings.

This is especially true after they have watched a scary movie, listened to a ghost story, or even just viewed the six o'clock news on television.

Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, and Calcarea carbonica are also unusually sensitive to horrible stories and have fears in the dark.

Lycopodium children may wake up with a fright and go to the parents' bed, as do Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, and Stramonium.

Some children go to sleep more easily than described, but if they wake up at night for any reason, such as to urinate, they may check all the beds to make sure that the

family members are each where he or she should be and that they have not been left alone.Fear of being alone in the dark may arise at other times as well. For instance,

the child will refuse to bring something up from the basement. The thought of going into the dark underground, unprotected and alone, is unendurable.

The fear of being alone, < being in the dark, is a good clue to other remedies as well, such as Causticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, and Stramonium.

In Phosphorus, one encounters many other fears the likes of which only an intensely active imagination can create; in Stramonium, this fear will be seen in a violent child.

Fear of New Things

The child may also develop a fear or aversion to new things, not due to stubbornness, as is found in Calcarea carbonica, but because the fears the new thing itself.

The parent states that in new places and situations (as in the interview) and in crowds, the child will be fearful and timid at first. Once the situation is better understood

by the child, he becomes more comfortable and is able to interact with others more normally. In brief, anything new will be regarded with suspicion until it can be

understood. In contrast, a Calcarea carbonica child 's dislike of new things is due to slow assimilation and comprehension. Mothers say that the Calc. children cannot

be budged to start activities in a new situation because their stubbornness prevents it.

However, when they finally understand what is going on, they join in and often cannot be stopped! The Calcarea carbonica child is obstinate and unyielding, while the Lycopodium child is

fearful and anxious. Even though similar behavior is noted in their dislike of new things, the root causes are radically different for each of these remedy types.

Fear of new situations may be observed in the clinic. If there are several chairs from which to pick, the first-time Lycopodium patient will often pick the chair farthest

from the doctor and will have to be coaxed to sit any closer. The child, squirming in her seat, will neither talk to nor establish any eye contact with the doctor.

Others whisper, mumble, or look at the parent for cues or for whole answers. Some giggle nervously before or after every answer. Some will be very adultlike and

answer properly (if stiffly, due to nervousness), looking at the mother only when they do not know the answer. Toddlers may sit on their mothers' laps frowning at the

doctor and screaming whenever the doctor or the mother asks a question.

During the follow-up interview some weeks later, the child knows the doctor and what to expect and so is much friendlier and acts more comfortable all around.

At this point the practitioner may be misled to think that the remedy given has acted, based on the changes observed in the office, but these changes will occur even

if the wrong remedy was prescribed simply because the situation is no longer new and therefore not threatening. A good way to determine accurately whether or not

it was the remedy that caused a change in the child is to ask the parent how the child behaved in other new situations during the interim or in situations that previously

made the child anxious. Often the fear of new things leads to a predictable lack of initiative.

The parents state that the Lycopodium child is "not a spur-of-the-moment type of person." For example, every time the family goes out for supper the child may order

the same meal. Parental attempts to convince the child to choose something else are usually in vain. If forced to pick a new food, and if the food is liked (as it often

turns out to be), the new item will be added to the menu of acceptable choices.

I am reminded of eight-year-old Roger, who was brought for treatment of his frequent colds. Along with the rest of the symptoms was a strong fear of new things.

He would invariably cry and hide when presented with new tasks or new choices in clothes, foods, or activities. If he had not shown all the other fears and physical

general characteristics of Lycopodium such as a fear of the dark and of being alone, right-sided sore throats, and stomachaches,

I would have given the remedy Baryta carbonica, so marked was this behavior of hiding from new situations.

Fear of Public Failure

If one perceives why and how the child exhibits these fears, the case becomes greatly simplified. The fear of new situations in Lycopodium is intimately bound to

a prominent fear of failure.

This pattern grows more and more pronounced as such children mature into adulthood. The exact description of what I have observed is that they fear the decision-making process and the repercussions of any decisions made.

For the most part, the fear of failure is felt only before an upcoming event, not during it. They anticipate that something will go wrong, something bad will happen, or that

they will be ridiculed in some way. However, once they begin the activity, the fear diminishes and they accomplish the task with ease. The type and degree of apprehension

is second only to that found in those responding to the remedy Silicea.

These children also experience fear before an activity or event that disappears as soon as the event begins and they find that they perform well.

Argentum nitricum, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Phosphorus may likewise greatly fear upcoming events.

It should be noted that this fear is not merely a fear of failure; rather, it is a fear of failing in public. What the child may tell the doctor is that she does not mind trying new things if she is alone, but does not wish to do them in front of others (peers).

This sensitivity to ridicule should be explored carefully, as it leads the prescriber to understand the Lycopodium child's personality more fully. Each constitutional remedy

type is affected by the same stresses in different ways.

Compare the Lycopodium child to Natrum muriaticum and Pulsatilla.

The Natrum muriaticum child can be destroyed emotionally by ridicule.

Natrum muriaticum children have such strong emotions, which they try to control, that the thought of being made fun of is itself overwhelming. They become severely traumatized, something that will not be easily resolved once they are made fun of. The Pulsatilla child also has an emotional base of existence, being also easily hurt;

especially if the ridicule threatens to take love away from him. If he does not feel that this will happen, the Pulsatilla child will usually resolve the situation easily.

The Lycopodium child is concerned about something quite different. He does not have the strong, deep emotions of the Natrum muriaticum and so will not be so easily crushed emotionally. However, he is sensitive to social ranking and will not wish to lose status. For this reason, the Lycopodium fears new situations, people, and activities

that can potentially reveal his inadequacies. He resists new projects, new ideas, and even new games.

He fears that he will get up in front of the class, make an error, and look foolish.

Herein lies the Lycopodium fear of ridicule. Later in life these individuals learn to bluff their way through situations such as illnis, but as youngsters, they resist putting their rank on the line.

We can conclude that in Natrum muriaticum the criticism and condemnation comes from within. In Pulsatilla the fear of losing love is the major threat felt in being made fun of. In

Lycopodium the child is most concerned with how he or she is perceived within the group.

As a corollary to this concern about what others think, one finds that the Lycopodium child may compromise easily, dress neatly, and maintain a tidy appearance in general. Such behavior shows that her energy is spent on climbing the social ladder, doing everything right so as to secure a desirable position within the social strata.

Lycopodium children are preoccupied with their looks. The children may be sloppy in their rooms and messy in the bathroom but they groom themselves well, always concerned about their "show."

Lycopodium will often prove to be the remedy needed for seven- to ten-year-old girls who are preoccupied with clothes, hair style, jewelry, and makeup, even though her family does not encourage this behavior.

A memorable case illustrating this aspect involves 16year-old Jody. She complained of allergies, a postnasal drip, and sore throats that had become more or less constant

during the past two years. The case fit Lycopodium in the time and temperature modalities, becoming aggravated in the morning and late afternoon and in the cold.

When asked what had happened in the two previous years, the answer confirmed a Lycopodium diagnosis. When she was fourteen years old, she became pregnant.

This shock seemed to place her not in grief or in sadness, but rather in a deep Lycopodium state. She became so concerned about what others might think that she starved herself. For eight months no one suspected that she was pregnant. Finally, when she could hide the truth no longer, she was found out and married the father of the child.

As usual in Lycopodium pregnancies, she developed constant stomachaches.

Usual for Lycopodium pregnancies, though unusual for one her age, she developed extensive varicose veins and hemorrhoids. She became severely constipated as well

and needed strong laxatives to have a bowel movement during the two months following the birth. It was impressive to hear how the emotional shock of this unwanted pregnancy, which put an unbearable strain on maintaining social status and appearances, expressed itself physically. Even two years later, when she was first seen in our

clinic, all the symptoms of her physical pathologies still fit the Lycopodium picture.

Fear Somaticised

Apprehension and anxiety are often felt by Lycopodium children in the stomach and abdomen. They develop frequent stomachaches, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools

or diarrhea. I remember a teenager who complained of frequent sore throats. Along with all the Lycopodium modalities of the sore throats, food desires, and skin problems,

she also described herself as having had a "weak stomach" her entire life. She was a very good student who maintained a high grade average. Her scholastic abilities, however, did not lessen the anxiety she experienced before every test. Whenever she studied for any test she would develop stomachaches so intense she would eventually vomit.

Physical problems may also lead to emotional changes.

Charles, a boy of seven, became very crabby and challenged all of his mothers requests and argued with the neighborhood children with no apparent provocation.

This behavior began immediately after a hernia operation and persisted until given the remedy Lycopodium years later. It seemed that the physical Lycopodium symptomatology transferred to the emotional state after the operation. Another Lycopodium patient of mine developed similar irritability, along with fears of the dark

and of being alone, after receiving allergy shots to cure a chronically stuffy nose.

In arthritis cases, as the inflammation increases, so too do the fears and irritability. Parents of arthritic children bemoan the transformation, saying that the child used

to be more "happy-go-lucky" until the physical changes occurred. Changes in emotions can be an especially important clue in diseases that have exacerbations and remissions. These slight changes on the emotional level can indicate to the parent that a flare-up is eminent.



Lycopodium. D12 – C30 – C200 Glob (var. manufacturers) 5 glob. 1x day or single doses

is indicated in cases of primary metabolic weakness: These children are generally frail, develop slowly, quickly feel satiated at meals, do not like to chew and crave sweet foods; breaking-down processes in the upper abdomen are deficient, resulting in a tendency to bloating and constipation as well as a high frequency of allergies. The chief liability here on the attention is chronic stuffy nose, which—like the digestive condition—can be improved medicinally. This remedy is helpful for

• boys

• who are clingy to their mothers but need validation from their peers;

• are afraid when alone and may sleep with a sibling to avoid being alone;

• prefer to hide their weaknesses,

• yet are ambitious, expecting a great deal of themselves or having the feeling that others do.

The hyperactivity is moderate, taking the rather subliminal form of nervous unrest with weak attention due to metabolic weakness and inner nervous tension. It is important to air the issue of parental expectations and to include the father in this discussion. Supportive measures for these children are yarrow compresses on the liver, adequate fluid intake and use of Hepatodoron Tbl. w for regulation.


Cichorium w

Bei mageren, neurasthenischen, intellektuell frühreifen Kindern mit Durchfallneigung wie auch bei pastösen, stoffwechselträgen Kindern angezeigt sein.

Wirkung: Besserung des Stuhlgangs binnen 1 Wo. (Therapiekontrolle).

Therapiedauer: 1–2 Mo.


[Dr. Srinivasan]

Unruly, recalcitrant, disobedient, irritable children. Little devils when sick. Puny, sickly children. Babies crying all day, but sleeping at night. Constantly rubbing his nose when awakening. Sleeps with eyes half closed, throwing his head from right to left while moaning. The infant sucks so hard that it makes the nipple bleed. Protruding belly, flatulent, with umbilical hernia.

[C.G. Raue]

Sleeps apparently soundly, but screams out suddenly in sleep, stares about and is not easily pacified.

[Tanja Hofmann]

Lycopodium-Kinder in meiner Praxis:

Sie sind oft durchaus freundlich und aufgeschlossen, dabei aber distanzierter als Phosphor, und der trotz jungen Jahren ausgeprägte Intellekt fällt – sofern man sich ihnen widmet - sofort auf, denn der Intellekt wird gleich einer Waffe präsentiert: Schau her, ich bin wer, weil ich was weiß! Ein Mädchen, natürlich eine der Klassenbesten,

fühlte sich immer als „fünftes Rad am Wagen“. Sie sagte von sich, sie sie anders: „Ich bin nicht witzig. Ich kann mir Witze merken, aber ich kann sie nicht erzählen. Ich weiß auch nicht, wie ich mit den Anderen reden soll.

Meine Mitschülerinnen gehen zum Beispiel gern gemeinsam zur Toilette. Ich finde das total blöd. Was wollen sie da? Sie schließen sich sogar zusammen in einen Toilettenraum ein! Und sie reden die ganze Zeit über Klamotten und Jungs und Schminken. Dafür interessiere ich mich einfach nicht.“ – Konsequenterweise verbrachte sie ihre Pausen in der Schulbibliothek, doch als ihr ihre Einsamkeit zu sehr bewusst wurde und nach Anschluss suchte, organisierte sie eine Online-Hausaufgabenhilfe für ihre schwächeren Mitschüler …

Eine Vierjährige setzte sich mit finsterer Miene an den Kindertisch, nahm sich ein Buch und „las“ – und erst, als ich mich zu ihr setzte und mir zeigen ließ, welche Buchstaben sie schon beherrschte, taute sie auf.

Selbst Babys haben schon einen intellektuellen Blick: mit gerunzelter Stirn starren sie die Erwachsenen an und wirken so, als sei ihr Körper nur eine Tarnung für einen verborgenen, großen Geist.

Ein Vater gewöhnte sich daher an, mit seinem Säugling technische Fragestellungen zu erörtern: „Wenn er mich so ansieht, meine ich immer, er versteht alles …“

Rubrik: Intelligent begleitet von schwacher Muskulatur

Willkommen in der Welt der „Nerds“! Wer die Serie „Big Bang Theory“ kennt, der weiß, wovon die Rede ist. Brillante Menschen, die Spaß an theoretischer Physik haben und sich mit 10 Jahren

kein Mountainbike, sondern ein hochauflösendes Mikroskop wünschen. Sie zählen zu den Klassenbesten, obwohl sie nie lernen, und korrigieren auch im vierten Schuljahr schon einmal gern den Lehrer. Ihre Freizeit verbringen sie bevorzugt vor dem Computer, allerdings nicht vertieft in Spiele, sondern in die Programmierung und den Austausch über Fakten mit Gleichgesinnten. Sie lieben Superhelden-Comics, haben mit dem anderen Geschlecht eher wenig im Sinn, und wenn sie zu einer Party gehen, dann zu einer LAN-Party (= 10 Kinder hocken die Nacht lang schweigend vor ihren vernetzten PCs und spielen Computerspiele). Es geht ihnen vielfach um Ruhm und Ehre, weniger um Geld, weswegen sie später oftmals in der Wissenschaft ankern – es sei denn, Microsoft entdeckt sie frühzeitig und sperrt sie in eine Kammer mit 15 Bildschirmen, 30 Festplatten, Cola und Chips.


Mark, 14 Jahre alt

Wenn die Pubertät zuschlägt, mutieren viele nette Kinder zu kleinen oder auch größeren Ekelpaketen. Das war bei Mark ebenfalls so. Mark war ein intelligenter Junge, der weder besonders faul noch

besonders ehrgeizig war. Das hat sich vor zwei Jahren geändert. Nachdem er in der Schule einige schlechte Noten bekommen hatte und ein neuer Mitschüler in die Klasse kam, entwickelte Mark

extremen Ehrgeiz: Er wollte besser sein als der „Neue“, was schwierig war, weil der nämlich ziemlich gut war, und das in fast allen Fächern. Mark machte sich einen Lernplan und wurde immer

nervöser. Er lernte sogar freiwillig am Wochenende (mit 13 Jahren!). Und sein Verhalten gegenüber seiner Mutter wechselte zwischen unerträglicher Arroganz („Wann räumst du endlich mal die Küche

auf? Sieh dir an, wie es hier aussieht! Eine ordentliche Hausfrau bist du nicht!“) und Hysterie („Ich werde das Abitur NIE schaffen! Ich bin einfach zu schlecht!“) Bekam er Kritik von seiner Mutter,

reagierte er entweder genervt, oder er brach in Tränen aus.

Aus dem Pennekamp:

Hochmut: u.a. Caust. Hyos. Lach. Lyc. Med. Pall-met. Plat-met. Staph. Sulph. Tub.

Eifersucht auf andere begabte Kinder in seiner Klasse: Ars. Lach. Lyc. Nux-v. Plat-met.

Da der Mangel an Selbstbewusstsein augenscheinlich war und auch ich die Arroganz während der Anamnese deutlich zu spüren bekam („Homöopathie, das ist doch total veraltet.“) gab ich

ihm Lyc. C 200. Nux-v. ist nicht so arrogant, und Sulphur ist meist selbstbewusster.

Mittlerweile (9 Monate später) hat Mark nochmals Lyc. in der C 200 und der C 1000 erhalten. Mark hat den „Neuen“ in seinen Leistungen immer noch nicht erreicht, aber erkannt, dass ihm die

Sprachen nicht liegen, er aber viel Spaß an Naturwissenschaften hat. Seine Stimmungsschwankungen haben deutlich abgenommen. Die „3“ im Diktat hat er ohne schlechte Laune oder

Weinen hingenommen, und er hat auch nicht versucht, die Note wegzudiskutieren, wie er es sonst gern getan hat („Ich habe eine 3 -, aber das ist ganz okay, denn der Klassendurchschnitt ist bei 3,

und ich bin der drittbeste Junge.“)

In diesem Fall habe ich übrigens weder bei der Mutter noch beim Vater einen Anlass für Marks Verhalten sehen können. Meiner Meinung nach sind beide liebevolle Eltern, die ihren Sohn weder durch übertriebene Leistungsforderungen noch durch Desinteresse zu seinem Verhalten bewogen haben.

Kinder immer auch Individuen und nicht nur das Produkt ihrer Erziehung. Viele Eltern –insbesondere die Mütter- machen sich Gedanken, ob ihre Erziehung Anlass für die Erkrankung oder das

Verhalten ihres Kindes ist. Manchmal sehen wir in der Praxis deutlich, dass unser kleiner Patient durch einen besseren Umgang genesen könnte. Oft genug erleben wir aber auch ganz normale Eltern.

Nach meiner Erfahrung ist es ein Teil der Therapie, den Eltern zu sagen, dass sie sich über ihr Verhalten keine Gedanken machen müssen. Perfekt ist niemand, auch Eltern haben schlechte Tage,

auch Eltern sind mal schlecht gelaunt, machen sich Sorgen oder streiten sich. Das ist Teil des Familienlebens, und kein Kind will in Watte gebettet werden.


[Rajan Sankaran]

Lycopodium hat eine schüchterne und introvertierte Kindheit, während Nux-v. eine waghalsige und spitzbübische hat.

Symptome: "Furcht vor neuen Bekanntschaften", "Furcht vor Männern", "Furcht vor Fremden", "Feigheit", "Schüchternheit" usw., deshalb bleibt es neuen Situationen und Menschen fern und hält sich immer an die ihm Vertrauten und Bekannten. Ein Erwachsener mag diesen Mangel kompensieren bzw. sogar überkompensieren.

· Großer Kopf, magerer Körper

· Kinder, die sehr alt wirken

· Kinder sind bescheiden, unsicher, zurückhaltend, können aber bei näherem Kennenlernen ein sehr erwachsenes Selbstbewusstsein an den Tag legen

· Kinder: Anginen (gern rechts), Schlucken tut weh, warme Getränke helfen

· Kinder, die nachmittags komplett fertig sind, wollen dann Süßigkeiten

· Kinder haben Angst, ausgelacht zu werden

· Sehr kleine Kinder; Jungen, die klein sind und darunter leiden (Lycopodium fördert das Wachstum! Mein eigener Sohn ist mit Lycopodium in 6 Monaten mehrere Zentimeter gewachsen)

· Kinder, die gern Chef sein wollen

· Kinder, die ihre Mutter herumkommandieren

· Kinder, die zu Hause frech und woanders höflich sind

· Kinder, die Angst vor „Beliebtheitswahlen“ in der Schule haben (Klassensprecher, Sportunterricht, Gruppenarbeit) – „Mich will niemand haben, obwohl ich so gut bin“


[Faroukh Master]

The timidity and cowardice of Lycopodium is best seen in children requiring the remedy. They have a fear of facing new situations, meeting new people, and will try and avoid the same.

As a result of this timidity, and also because of the physical weakness, in Lycopodium children we find an aversion to play.


Acts confidently and surely, sometimes over-estimating his power, to compensate hidden anxieties and insecurities (a mask).

Careful scrutiny of each and every action, so as to maintain an image (intellectual manipulation).

Cautious children who never take any risk; as a result, they are never opinionated; spineless.

Over-inflated ego.

Presumptuous behaviour (extremely simple, nice, and modest to the outside world, yet at the same time, is angry, irritable, abusive, intolerant to people at home).

Pretentious; many times falsely takes the credit for things they do not deserve.

Self-depreciation, often considers himself very small and inferior to others (in children who cannot compensate their fears and anxieties by being overconfident).

Suppression of the intuitive, imaginative, and artistic abilities (right brain), and over-stimulation of the intellectual, rational (left brain).

Children are prone to break down emotionally if anybody is kind to them; they may actually weep.

Children who rely more on their intellectual strength than their physical strength.

Extreme lack of confidence in his own abilities; aversion to undertaking any new thing, as he strongly expects failure. This arises from being verbally

criticized by dominating parents.

Pompous, exaggerates, and loves to talk only about himself.


Air hunger; strong craving for open air, even though many symptoms < in open air. Cannot tolerate draft of air in any form.

Dryness of various parts (skin, intestine, mucus membrane, nose, etc.).

Full of gas, like a drum.

Infants and children are unable to eat a full meal, as they get up in between bites, due to troublesome eructations and hiccoughs.

Sallow, thin, emaciated, old-looking children with dry, rough, wrinkled skin and distended abdomen, but a well-developed head and dark hair, muddy conjunctiva and long, narrow chest (older children tend to stoop walking).

Yellowness is frequently observed in the complexion and the discharges, like coryza, expectoration, vomitus, stool, leucorrhea, urine, etc.

During the day, the child kicks off all the warm coverings, while at night; he needs the same coverings to warm himself up.

Emaciation though eating well (malabsorption).

Liable to digestive upset, although they have good appetite and often eat and drink more than average.


Infant needs constant nursing (attention), even after a full feed (ravenous hunger), or cries for the breast, but stops after a few sucks (easy satiety).

Infant prefers the right breast.

Needs nursing to fall sleep (sleepiness, feed, after).

Wakes up shrieking and crying to be fed (nocturnal hunger).

Poor stamina; easily exhausted mentally, as well as physically.

Other important symptoms


Ambitious, competitive children who apply all possible means to win.

Aversion to company (strangers)

Aversion to playing outdoors; prefers to play indoors with games like Lego and Scrabble           

Causeless crying in small babies (at night).

During an interview: child is reticent, never expansive.

Envious of the qualities of others.

Even with his best friends, the child may not always express his feelings.

There is a certain amount of reserve; try to hold back a lot of information, and never share everything

Lazy children tends to procrastinate any work or duty given to them.

Precocious vanity in small girls.

Selfish, greedy children; very possessive of their things; will not share with anyone.

Strong beliefs and ideas; averse to contradiction.

Terrible handwriting, almost illegible.

Very observant.

Very slow in the morning, becomes more active only after eating breakfast.

Weak in mathematics (calculations).

Ailments from: Anticipation, bad news, being in a crowd, death of loved ones, failure, fright, long history of excessive parental control, mortification and sexual abuse.

Babies who want to be carried all the time.

Baby tends to cling to the mother all the time, holding her hand, and will not go into the arms of anyone else in the family.

Cowardice in children; frightened very easily by trifles.

Dyslexic children; make a lot of mistakes when reading, speaking or writing; use the wrong words; transpose, reverse, or omit letters or words.

Fear of being alone (at night), failure, ghosts, insects, narrow places, noise, people (despite fear of being alone), taking up new pursuits, thunderstorms.

Mimic and imitate their grandparents, teachers, etc.

Restless children; stamping their feet when sitting.

Sensitive to pain; becomes violent with it.

Sobbing and crying bitterly at trifles; from the slightest bit of admonition.

Stage fright.

Tendency to bite or put everything in the mouth (to bite nails, pillow).


Headaches are right-sided; caused by anger or vexation, emotional excitement, hunger, suppressed eruptions (scabies, atopic eczema), travelling in a car or bus;

< after breakfast, coffee, getting heated in a warm atmosphere , mental exertion, and suppressed coryza (nasal decongestants); > applying external pressure,

cold open air, eating, in an air-conditioned room, sneezing, uncovering the head; associated with concomitant gastric symptoms like constipation and biliary dyspepsia.

Eczema of the scalp (occipital area) with excessive scaling and itching; < warmth of bed; oozing an acrid discharge that destroys the hair.

Sensitive scalp (cold air) averse to any cap or covering.

Sweat beads on the forehead when he eats.

Examination findings:

- Premature graying and falling of hair.

- CSF: Meningitis especially tubercular.

- CT scan: Cerebral hemorrhage, hydrocephalous.

- Dandruff.

- Head drawn sideways (r. side)

- Lice.

- MRI: Berry aneurysm.

- Perspiration at night in bed.

- Plica polonica.

- Sebaceous cysts.

- Unable to hold up the head.


Acrid lachrymation with coryza and fever, or when out in the wind.

Catarrhal conjunctivitis in infants.


Weak, painful vision from reading or watching television for long periods of time.

Examination findings:

- Brilliant red eyes.

- Eyes half-open

- Icterus.

- Agglutinated lids.

- Blepharitis.

- Cataract.

- Chemosis.

- Constant inclination to wipe his eyes.

- Convergent squints.

- Discharge bloody, purulent and thick yellow, more from the outer canthi.

- Ecchymosis.

- Granular lids.

- Lachrymal fistula.

- Photophobia.

- Protrusion.

- Pupils dilated.

- Retinitis pigmentosa.

- Styes near the inner canthi.

- Sunken.

- Twitching of the lids.


Chronic suppurative otitis media after measles (r.) characterized by severe pain; < draft of air/open air; the child points behind the ear as the most painful part

Constant boring his fingers into the ears, even in sleep.

Impaired hearing from enlarged tonsils

Ears are painfully sensitive to wind or to cold, open air.

Examination findings:

- Eczema moist, scabby, with cracks (behind the ears).

- Greenish, fetid, excoriating, right-sided otorrhea.

- Increased wax in the ears.

- Polyps.


Constantly itching, picking, or boring his fingers; even during sleep, starts up suddenly to put finger into nostril.

Nasal obstruction in nursing infants; < at night during sleep

Snuffles in newborns.

Constant inclination to blow the nose.

Discharge: Bloody, copious, greenish, offensive, purulent, or whitish yellow, with a tendency to form crusts or scabs.

Epistaxis of dark blood (during fever) on blowing the nose.

Nasal catarrh extending to frontal sinus; acute frontal and ethmoidal sinus pain, < pressure (pressure of spectacles), and motion.

Nasal obstruction with pus; < during sleep.

Tends to sneeze after every paroxysm of cough.

Examination findings:

- Fan-like motion of the alae nasi with chest complaints.

- Post-nasal catarrh.

- X-ray of nasopharynx: Adenoids.

- Pinched nose.

- Polyps.


Acne associated with gastric disorders.

Swelling and inflammation of the submaxillary and parotid glands; starts on the right side, and then spreads to the left.

Examination findings:

- Constantly licking his lips.

- Crack in the middle of the lower lip.

- Discoloration: Red, one-sided or circumscribed; < during cough, when eating, or with headache.

- Wrinkled forehead (+ chest complaints).

- Atopic eczema on face with excessive crust formation and a moist fetid discharge.

- Bluish circles under the eyes.

- Chewing motion of the lower jaw.

- Discoloration: Dirty looking, earthy, grayish, yellow, and pale.

- Eczematous eruptions around the corners of the mouth.

- Expression: Anxious, hippocratic, old looking, pinched, and sickly.

- Greasy face.

- Icy cold sweat on the face.

- Tics.

- Warts on chin.


Grinding of teeth with rage.

Stammering speech (last word of a sentence).

Dry mouth with absence of thirst (on waking in the morning).

Toothache < at night and from taking anything cold; > warmth in any form.

Examination findings:

- Lapping and smacking of the tongue

- Motions of tongue from side to side, darting in and out like a snake

- Yellow discoloration of the teeth

- Constantly clenching his teeth, or putting his fingers in the mouth.

- Mapped tongue, OR blackish or brownish coated tongue, with red sides and a red tip, with fissures and erect papillae.

- Froth from the mouth.

- Halitosis.

- Profuse salivation with scorbutic and suppurating gums, which bleed easily from the slightest touch or when being cleaned; the salivation gets worse

during fever and during sleep.

- Pyorrhea, with boils on the gums.


More difficult to swallow liquids than solids; can take them only in teaspoonfuls.

Throat complaints (membrane formation, pain) that tend to start on the right side and then go to the left; pain ext. ear on swallowing; < after cold food/cold

Drinks or warm drinks: may be > after hot and cold drinks.

Child tends to hawk out cheesy lumps.

Foods and drinks come out through the nostrils on swallowing.

Examination findings:

- ASO titer greater than 300 units.

- Elongated uvula.

- Goiter.

- Hard, indurated swelling of the cervical glands, like knotted cords.

- Paralysis of IX and X cranial nerves.

- Right-sided tonsillitis, and pharyngitis.

- Weak gag reflex.


Baby prefers the right breast for nursing.

Canine hunger, the more he eats the more he craves. The child also wakes up at night feeling hungry.

Children are hungry even when sick (diarrhea and headache); eating gives > temporary.

Digestive upset in neonates, such as biliary atresia, congenital hyperbilirubinemias, and lactose intolerance, where the mother had a history

of prolonged abuse, anger with indignation, anger with silent grief, or suppressed anger during pregnancy.

Disordered stomach with nausea, vomiting, and distention of the abdomen from taking bread, cold food and drinks, fruit, milk, onions, or oysters.

Eating ever so little causes fullness.

Flatulence, dyspepsia, and gastric irritation due to delayed emptying of the stomach or congenital pyloric stenosis; < cold food; > warm meals/loosening of clothing

(neonates prefer being diapered and swaddled very loosely).

Kids always thrive better on small meals; can never digest large meals, which produce agony.

Loud eructations and hiccoughs accompany almost every nursing, and make the child angry and irritable.

Thirst for small quantities of cold water, even during fever.

Infant frequently awakens in the morning due to gastric upset.

Vomitus is bilious, bloody, and sour, < after drinking cold water.

<: Beans/bread/cabbage/carrots/chocolate/coffee/cold drinks/cold food/eggs/fat/fish/fruits/milk/onion/oysters/pastries/peas/salad/sweets/and turnips;

Aversions: Beans/bread/cabbage/coffee/cold food/cold drinks/fat/meat/mother’s milk/onions oysters/pastries/peas/salt/soup/tomatoes;

Desires: Bread/cheese/chocolate/oysters/olives/farinaceous food/sugar/sweets/warm drinks and food;


Any tight clothing around the abdomen makes the child uncomfortable.

Hiccoughs occur with peritonitis.

Noisy abdomen.

Abdominal colic: The child doubles over from eating cold food or taking cold drinks; > passing flatus.

Malabsorption syndromes (Protein-energy malnutrition), carbohydrate intolerance, and celiac disease.

Obstructed flatulence with whitish discoloration of the tongue and distention of the abdomen, even after small meals. Passes a lot of gas.

Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen before diarrhea.

Examination findings:

- Inguinal hernia +

- Liver enlarged and tender to touch.

- Pancreas: Mucoviscidosis.

- Paralytic ileus +

- Abdomen retracted.

- Ascites +

- Fatty abdomen.

- Intestinal tuberculosis.

- Peritonitis +

- Tympanitis +

- Ultrasound image: Cirrhosis of the liver and portal hypertension, liver abscess, and enlarged mesenteric nodes.

- Watery discharge from the umbilicus.


Acute diarrhea due to pseudomembranous colitis (Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea); or chronic diarrhea in children who are suffering from

intestinal parasites (hookworm, roundworm, E. histolytica), iron deficiency anaemia, or protein-energy malnutrition, or after excessive consumption of fruit juices.

Constipation after milk or when travelling; where the stools must be removed mechanically.

Stool: Brown, copious, forcible, green, red, mucous, purulent, and undigested; the first part of the stool is hard, followed by soft, thin, or fluid stool, or long narrow stool, accompanied by passage of large quantity of flatus; or the stools are thin, brown, and pale, mixed with hard lumps of yellowish green or reddish undigested particles

The diarrhea tends to start or get < after cold drinks, coffee, farinaceous food, fruits, milk, onion, oysters, pastry, potatoes, vegetables;

after suppressed eruptions (scabies) in the morning on rising, after midnight (between 1 - 3 h. or 3 - 4 h.), or in the evening (16 – 20 h.).

It is also a good remedy for drug-induced diarrhea due to ampicillin, amoxycillin, or clindamycin.

Obstinate constipation due to a sluggish liver, leading to great pain in the anus on attempting to defecate.

The following are a few marked concomitants or accompaniments to the diarrhea seen in this remedy:

- Blue rings around the eyes; eyes wide open and unblinking.

- Canine hunger, with complete thirstlessness.

- Earth-colored or flushed face.

- Loud rumbling.

- Mind: Irritable, listless, and sad.

- Putrid smell from the mouth.

- Tenderness all over the abdomen.

Examination findings:

- Excoriation of the anus.

- Rectal polyps.

- Stool examination: Worms – Oxyuris and segments of tapeworm.


Involuntary urination after fright and during typhoid fever.

The child screams and cries before urination.


Frequent urging to urinate during fever.

Useful remedy for renal failure, juvenile diabetes, nephritis, and nephritic syndrome.

Retention of urine in the newborn.

Examination findings:

- Urine: Albumin +; glucose +; granular calcium oxalates; RBC +

- Urine appears cloudy or milky, or is of a muddy, brick-red color, with an offensive odor, and the presence of red or yellow sand.

Male organs:


Tendency to masturbation.

Examination findings:

- Moisture between the thighs and scrotum.

- Phimosis +

- Relaxed scrotum.

- Small penis (adiposo genital syndrome or sexual hypogonadism).

Larynx and Trachea:

Voice: Barking, hoarse, hollow, husky, lost, and nasal.

Respiratory organs:

Asthma in children, due to gastric upset; < at night/after midnight/during sleep/in cold open air/lying on back/walking in open air;

> eating/lying on the sides/sitting upright.

Fan-like motion of the alae nasi: An important concomitant with respiratory complaints like asthma and pneumonia.


Barking; loud; constant day and night; causing a lot of distress (during fever).

Expectoration difficult, gelatinous, greenish, and purulent.

Pneumonia (Resembles Kali-c)

I have had experience to see Lyc. children with pneumonia to be pretty dictatorial and exacting in their demands.

Pneumonia of this remedy frequently affects the right lung.

Respiration is accelerated, gasping, impeded, labored, loud, panting, rattling, and short; < child lying on the back; he feels more comfortable when sitting up.

The child appears anxious, haggard and tired and is frowning; his behavior is rather torpid and sluggish.

The child is extremely sensitive to cold, yet at the same time he dislikes stuffy rooms.

The child is very anxious and worried about his illness, and so needs constant attention and wants somebody to be around him all the time. Inspite of this, he tends to be

peevish and irritable with those around him, who are only trying to help him out.

The cough is paroxysmal, spasmodic and violent, with scanty tough sputum.

There is an absolute absence of sweat in pneumonic fever.

Child is angry and irritable as soon as he wakes up from his sleep.

Neglected pneumonia due to weak constitution and abuse of antibiotics.

Recurrent pneumonia in immunocompromised children.

The child can be thirsty for warm drinks, which immediately leads to sense of a fullness and distention in the abdomen. Many Lyc. children can also be thirstless.

The temperature usually starts at around 16 h. along with respiratory distress and increased coughing.

Usually indicated in the later stages, after 3 to 4 days of illness where initially the child was very active mentally.

Examination findings:

- Emaciation around the clavicles.

- Flapping of the alae nasi.

- Chest X-ray: Pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pleural effusion.

- Lips are cyanotic.

- Pinched nose.

- Sleeps with the eyes half-closed.

- Tongue coated white.

- Twitching of the facial muscles.


Examination findings:

- Emaciation of the cervical region.

- Kyphosis.


Awkwardness; drops things from the hands.

Profuse, fetid foot sweat.

Extremities drawn together spasmodically.

Examination findings:

- Icy coldness of the hands and feet.

- Cerebral palsy with excessive contraction of muscles and tendons.

- Clenched fingers.

- Corns.

- Synovitis.


Ailments from anger in breast-fed babies whose mothers have a strong feeling of suppressed anger

During convulsions: Clenching of the fingers, foam from the mouth, and redness of the face.

< after cold drinks.


Examination findings:

- Blood boils.

- Dirty skin.

- Psoriasis.

- Urticaria.


Disturbed by cough, hunger or nightmares.

During sleep: Jerking, laughing, moaning, muttering, open eyelids, open mouth, perspiration, salivation, shrieking, and weeping.

Frequent or constant yawning or makes ineffectual efforts to yawn.

Infant gets very sleepy after his night feed or meal.

Position: Genupectoral.


Chill stage:

- Icy coldness of hands and feet

- Chill stage + nausea, vomiting, and yawning.

- Chill without thirst.

- Chilliness is not better by covering.

Heat stage:

- Face, cheeks, ears, eyes and palms hot and burning.

- Great heat and redness of face.

- Mental: Irritable, restless, taciturn, and stuporous.

- Physical: Constipation, coryza, epistaxis, increased frequency of urination, lachrymation, nausea, salivation, sour vomiting, thirst, and

tongue clean or brown-coated.

Sweat stage:

- Sour

-smelling perspiration of the body except the extremities.

Fever is either intermittent or due to leukemia or lymphoma.


Emaciation with a ravenous appetite.

Family history of cerebrovascular stroke, gout, hypertension, rheuma, rheumatoid arthritis or renal stones.

Lack of reaction, when indicated remedies fail.

Tendency to develop dropsy due to heart or liver disease.

Tendency to faint in a crowded room from hunger, and from standing.


[Tanja Hofmann]

Viele Leser kennen die Romane und Filme um „Harry Potter“ und seine Freunde. Hier finden wir eine gesunde bzw. im ersten Teil gesundende Lycopodium-Persönlichkeit: Hermine Granger.

Hermine betritt aufgrund ihrer besonderen Fähigkeiten als Tochter von nicht-magischen Eltern die Welt der Magier. Sie fühlt sich dort fremd und allein, was sie allerdings nicht zeigt – und versucht, sich mit den anderen Kindern auf ihre Art anzufreunden: Sie brilliert mit ihrem außergewöhnlichen Verstand und präsentiert ihre eigene Zufriedenheit mit ihrer Leistung auf eine derart herablassende Art, dass sich bald alle Kinder von ihr abwenden. Anstatt also Bewunderung zu erhalten, erfährt Hermine Ablehnung und Ausgrenzung.

Sie lässt sich hierdurch jedoch nicht beirren und fährt fort, penetrante Klassenbeste und arrogante Besserwisserin zu sein. Nur Harry Potter, selbst jahrelang ein ausgegrenztes Kind, hält zu ihr – vielleicht, weil er ahnt, dass hinter der überheblichen Fassade ein unsicheres Mädchen steckt, das nicht weiß, wie wahre Freundschaft gewonnen wird, das aber zu wahrer Freundschaft fähig ist

(wie wir in den späteren Filmteilen sehen werden). Hermine macht sich durch eine perfekte Ausführung eines Zauberspruchs und selbstgefälliges Gebaren unbeliebt

Hermine hält sich streng an Regeln: Von ihren perfekt ausgearbeiteten Hausaufgaben darf niemand abschreiben; gereizt erklärt sie dem geistig weniger gut ausgestatteten Ron Weasley, dass er selbst lernen solle. Maßgaben „der Obrigkeit“ sind Gesetz, und werden auch gegenüber älteren Mitschülern bis hin zum Petzen durchgesetzt. (Lyc: kann in diesem Stadium an Kali-c. erinnern, für den Regeln, Normen und Gesetze den sicheren Rahmen seines Daseins bilden. Für Lycopodium sind Regeln jedoch nicht gleichbedeutend mit Sicherheit, sondern mit Macht: Es gibt diejenigen, die die Regeln machen, und diejenigen, die sie einzuhalten haben. Und Lycopodium steht im kranken Zustand gern auf der Seite der Mächtigen.)

Anstatt jedoch zu einem geachteten Mitglied der Gemeinschaft zu werden, grenzt sie sich durch ihr arrogantes Verhalten zunehmend selbst aus, was sie jedoch nicht wahrzunehmen scheint. Immer wieder versucht sie, sich Ron und Harry anzuschließen, bis sie unfreiwillige Zuhörerin eines Gespräches zwischen beiden wird, in dem Ron seine Meinung über Hermine deutlich kundtut („Sie ist ein echter Albtraum. Kein Wunder, dass sie keine Freunde hat“).

Enttäuscht und wütend zieht Hermine sich zurück; nun ist sie gänzlich allein.

Hermine wurde soeben als „Albtraum“ betitelt. Hermine’s Wunsch, Teil der Gemeinschaft zu sein, zeigt sich erst zur Mitte des Filmes: Durch einen Zufall macht sie unfreiwillig Bekanntschaft mit einem gewalttätigen Troll. Ron und Harry eilen ihr zu Hilfe und werden selbst angegriffen. Dennoch können sie den Troll überwältigen. Den Lehrern, die Harry und Ron vorwerfen, sich dem Troll gegen jede Vernunft genähert zu haben, erklärt Hermine daraufhin, dass sie Schuld sei – was zunächst Ungläubigkeit („Ausgerechnet Sie, Miss Granger!“) und dann Punkteabzug für Hermines Turmgemeinschaft nach sich zieht. Dennoch ist die unverhoffte Hilfe in einer Notsituation für die sonst so selbstsicher wirkende Hermine ein Wendepunkt: Sie erkennt, dass sie nicht gleichzeitig Liebling der Lehrer UND ein Teil der Gemeinschaft sein kann, und entscheidet sich, ihrem eigentlichen Herzenswunsch nachzugeben: Freunde zu haben. Hermine versteckt sich vor dem Troll, während Ron und Harry für sie kämpfen. Fortan sind Hermine, Ron und Harry als Dreiergespann unterwegs, und Hermine lernt, dass selbst der begriffsstutzige Ron über Fähigkeiten verfügt, die Hermine nicht hat. Sie lässt ihm dann den Vortritt und beugt sich seinen Anweisungen, als es darum geht, gegen den bösen Lord Voldemort ein Schachspiel zu gewinnen. Sie macht sich also nicht mehr größer, als sie sich fühlt, und stellt sich mit ihren Klassenkameraden auf eine Stufe. Die Besserwisserei wandelt sich in kluge Vorausschau, und der stark ausgeprägte Sinn für Gerechtigkeit siegt über den Wunsch nach Macht.

Ihr analytischer Verstand und ihre Objektivität sorgen jedoch dafür, dass sie ganz automatisch einen herausragenden Platz in der Gruppe erhält – und gleichzeitig einige echte Freundschaften schließt.

Hermine ist nun Teil der Hogwarts-Gemeinschaft; die Kinder klatschen, weil Hermine für ihren Turm 50 Punkte gewonnen hat.



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