Polyporus spp.


Vergleich: Siehe: Fungi

Comparison.: 19 Fungi + 2 von Fungus befallene Pflanzen.


Polyporus officinalis = Boletus laricis (Bol-la) = Lärchenschwam


Polyporus pinicola (Polyp-p)


Useful in intermittent, remittent and bilious fevers, with headache, yellow tongue, constant nausea, faintness at epigastrium, and cïnstipation. deep dull, severe pain in shin bones, preventing sleep.

Fever: Great lassitude, congestion of head, with vertigo, face hot and flushed, prickling sensation all over; restless at night from pain in wrists and knee; rheumatic pains; profuse perspiration.

Headache about 10 h., with pain in back/ankles/legs increasing until 15 h.

then gradually better. (Chikungunya.: Polyp-p. = specific).



Polyporus pinicola

Gemüt: verlangt in Rente zu gehen, sich pensionieren zu lassen

Ruhelos [nachts/nach Mitternacht (3 h)]


Kopf: Leeregefühl, „Wie hohl“

Schmerz + Fieber/< lesend/in Stirn (morgens < im Bett)

Sträuben der Haare

Auge: Verklebt morgens

Nase: Kälte (in Nasenspitze)

Gesicht: rot

Schmerz in Wangenknochen

Mund: Zunge gelb während Fieber

Geschmack - schleimig/süßlich (morgens)

Inneren Hals: Schmerz (wund schmerzend)

Mandeln geschwollen

Trocken (morgens/abends)

Magen: Flaues/leeres Gefühl in Epigastrium während Fieber; während

< während Übelkeit

Bauch: Milzerkrankung

Rektum: Hämorrhoiden

Obstipation während Fieber


Stuhl: Dunkel/gallig/hart/hell/schaumig/teigig, breiig/trocken/wässrig

Urin: dunkel/spärlich

Rücken: Kälte (einschließlich Frost) - Wirbelsäule

Schmerz [in Lumbalregion/Wehtun]


 Glieder: Schmerz - nachts/rheumatisch/ziehend/in Füße/in Handgelenke/in Knie/in Unterarme/in Knochen des Schienbeins; verhindert den Schlaf/in Zehen

Schwäche - Füße/Knöchel

Trocken in Hände (in Handflächen)

Schlaf: Gestört



Schläfrig abends

Fieber: Gallig

Intermittierendes, chronisches Fieber, Wechselfieber


Schweiß: Reichlich

Allgemeines: 13 h.

Verlangt sich hinzulegen


Schmerz morgens (wund schmerzend)


nervöses Schaudern


[H.C. Allen]


Type: Quotidian, tertian. Sporadic or endemic, of spring, summer, winter. Rarely called for in autumn. Time: 5, 10 and 11 h. – 13, 15, 16, 15 - 16 and 21 h.

Prodrome: Great languor and aching in the large joints.

Chill: Chills, with slight thirst, alternate with heat several times a day. Chilliness with disposition to yawn and stretch. Frequent creeping chills along the spine between the shoulder-blades, up the back to nape of neck, intermingled with hot flushed (Gels.: chills along the spine, running up the back in successive waves). Chills commencing in the back between the shoulder – blades (Caps.). Coldness of nose, hands and feet. Great languor, with severe aching pains in back, large joints, and bones of legs (Eup-per.: Podo.), yawns and stretches.

1. Severe chills, lasting two hours, 2. heat and perspiration. Unusual chilliness when the open air is encountered, with icy coldness of the nose.

Heat: With thirst, constant, lasting all night (after evening chill, Lyc. Puls. Rhus-t.).

Skin extremely hot and dry. Face hot and flushed, with prickly sensation (Nit- ac.), hands, palms, feet hot and dry.

Thirst not excessive, nausea and vomiting often occur during heat.

Sweat: Profuse after midnight, sweat all night, mild in recent, profuse in old chronic cases.

Tongue: Coated white: or yellow thick coat, with red tip. Taste, bitter, coppery. Loss of appetite. Desire for sour things > always symptom.

Apyrexia: Pain in liver, with jaundice of the skin and great lassitude. Pain in abdomen between stomach and navel, loud rumbling in the bowels. Constipation, dull headache and great languor, or congestion of food to the head with vertigo. Intermission very short, fever almost continuous in severe cases, and apt to become remittent.

Best adapted to old, long standing cases that have been saturated with Quinine, and remained proof against all febrifuges.



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