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Überträger: Aedes albopictus

Während der Chikungunya-Epidemie, die in den Jahren 2007 bis 2009 in Teilen Süd- und Ost-Indiens herrschte, wurden mehr als eine Million Fälle mit einer Einzel-Dosis

von Polyp-p. D 1000 von uns selbst und unseren Studenten vollkommen und dauerhaft geheilt.

Die Erfolgsquote lag bei 97%. Wir bezeichnen dieses Mittel daher als 'Simile' für Chikungunya. Wie haben wir dieses Heilmittel gefunden? Chikungunya beginnt mit  Fieber, Schüttelfrost und Gelenkschmerzen. Viele Patienten mussten wegen der lähmenden Schmerzen zur Toilette kriechen.

Ihre Gesichter wirkten "bedrückt". (Calvin B. Knerr - GEIST, GEMÜT und STIMMUNG - bedrückt, bei Wechselfieber: Polyp-p.). Obwohl Chikungunya nicht dasselbe wie Wechselfieber ist, ist das die nächstliegende Rubrik, die wir für das Aussehen von Gesichtern von Chikungunya-Opfern haben. (Wechselfieber: Malaria oder eine andere Krankheit, bei der Fieber und Schüttelfrost auftritt).

During the years 2006 - 2008, almost all homoeopath practitioners had been giving different remedies for chikungunya disease (mainly Rhus-t. and Eup-per.) to be taken for days and weeks with little relief.

Polyp-p. C 10000 is almost a specific for chikungunya and with this remedy GIVEN IN ONE SINGLE DOSE, my students had cured many chikungunya victims during the years 2006 to 2008. (Success: more than 97%).

Disease begins with fever, shivering and joint pains. Many patients had to crawl for going to the toilet etc. because of crippling joint pains. Their faces were “gloomy.”

(Calvin B. Knerr’s Repertory - MIND AND DISPOSITION - Gloomy, in ague: Polyp-p.) (ague: malaria or another illness involving fever and shivering).


Chikungunya (= Chicken Guinea) is a form of viral fever caused by an alphavirus that is spread by mosquito bites from the Aedes aegypti, though recent research by the Pasteur Institute in Paris claims the virus has suffered a mutation that enables it to be transmitted by Aedes albopictus (= Tiger mosquito). This was the cause of the actual plague in the Indian Ocean and a threat to the mediterranean coast at present.

The name is derived from the Makonde word meaning "that which bends up" in reference to the stooped posture developed as a result of the arthritic symptoms of the disease.

Alphavirus that is spread by mosquito bites from the Aedes aegypti and Aedes Albopictus mosquitos.

Self limiting febrile viral disease; characterized by arthralgia or arthritis typically in the knee, ankle and small joints of the extremities, high fever, followed by a maculopapular rash; buccal and palatal enanthema can occur; nausea and vomiting may occur; mild haemorrhaging may be present (child); inapperent infections are common, immunity is long lasting.

Found in Africa, India, south east Asia and the Philippines

Humans, mammals (primates), birds


The primary symptoms of Chikungunya include -

          Joints pain

·         Fever, up to 104° which lasts for 3 - 5 days

·         Headache

·         Swelling in joints

·         Chills

·         Nausea

·         Muscle pain

·         Vomiting

·         Redness of eyes or conjunctivitis

·         Photophobia

·         Weakness

·         Fatigue

·         Haemorrhage

·         Rashes on skin

.         Fever which can reach 39° C (= 102.2° F)

    A petechial or maculopapular rash usually involving the limbs and trunk

    Arthralgia (bodyache) or arthritis affecting multiple joints which can be debilitating. The joint pains can be severe and even crippling.

There can also be headache, conjunctival infection and slight photophobia. Fever typically lasts for two days and abruptly comes down, however joint pain, intense headache, insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration lasts or a variable period, usually for about 5 - 7 days.


Dermatological manifestations observed in a recent outbreak of Chikungunya fever in Southern India includes the following:

    Maculopapular rash

    Nasal blotchy erythema

    Freckle-like pigmentation over centro-facial area

    Flagellate pigmentation on face and extremities

    Lichenoid eruption and hyperpigmentation in photodistributed areas

    Multiple aphthous-like ulcers over scrotum, crural areas and axillae.

    Lympoedema in acral distribution (bilateral/unilateral)           

    Multiple ecchymotic spots (Children)

    Vesiculobullous lesions (infants)

    Subungual hemorrhage



    Detection of antigens or antibody to the agent in the blood (serology)

    ELISA is available

    An IgM capture ELISA is necessary to distinguish the disease from dengue fever.


[Dr. S.P. Koppikar]

It prodded me to Chikungunya where we have the inflammatory changes typical of an acute arthritis, where the patient is in a sort of a shock as to why on a seemingly

fine morning has difficulty even to take a step! Well, a friend was made. For all acute arthritis-like symptoms, whether it is chikungunya, polyarthritis or gout,

Ac-form. has been handy in relieving the pain and also adding a spring in my step in treatment of arthritis. Acid formic has hence given a break to Bry., Rhus-t. and

Colch. who are ‘on the bench’ for now.

Many a time, we come across a morose, never-happy personalities at our clinic who only complain of not having any energy or enthusiasm for anything. They run about their day with little interest and would like to postpone everything while their impatience and their sad and weepy moods disturb the happiness of the family. Under such circumstances, we consider the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, and turn towards getting the thyroid tests done. These being normal, our minds go to the anxiety and depression chapters. But when the Argentums, Ign., Nat-m. and Aurums return empty handed, I ask to check the Serum Cortisol levels.


Homeopathy offers medicines which may help in Chikungunya. These include medicines like Eupat-per. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Cedr. Influ. China, Arn. Bell. Bry. Led. Ruta. etc. Many homeopaths consider Eupat-per. as a preventive medicine for Chikungunya. The most commonly suggested potency as prophylaxis is C 200 of Eupat-per.

Eupat-per. Q (tincture, 3 to 5 drop dose) will remove the debilitating joint pains and cut short the intensity and duration of the disease. Other potencies may be used according to the intensity of the case.


Polyp-p. C 10.000 is almost a specific for Chikungunya given in one single dose. My students cured many Chikungunya victims during the years 2006 to 2008 success rate

> than 97%.

Conventional treatment:

No vaccine or specific antiviral treatment for chikungunya fever is available. Treatment is symptomatic: rest, fluids and ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen or paracetamol may relieve symptoms of fever and aching. Aspirin should be avoided

Infected persons should be protected from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors +/o. under a mosquito net during the first few days of illness) so that they can't contribute to the transmission cycle.

[Dr. Manish Bhatia]

The primary symptoms of Chikungunya include –

    Fever which can reach 39°C, (102.2 °F)

    A petechial or maculopapular rash usually involving the limbs and trunk

    Arthralgia (bodyache) or arthritis affecting multiple joints which can be debilitating. The joint pains can be severe and even crippling.

There can also be headache, conjunctival infection and slight photophobia. Fevertypically lasts for two days and abruptly comes down, however joint pain, intenseheadache, insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration lasts for a variable period, usually for about 5 to 7 days.



    Detection of antigens or antibody to the agent in the blood (serology)

    ELISA is available

    An IgM capture ELISA is necessary to distinguish the disease from dengue fever.



Homeopathy: Eupat-p. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Cedr. Infl. Chin. Arn. Bell. Bry. Ars.

Many homeopaths consider Eupat-per. as a preventive medicine for Chikungunya. The most commonly suggested potency as prophylaxis is 200C is said to remove the debilitating joint pains and cut short the intensity and duration of the disease. Other potencies may be used according to the intensity of the case. If prostration is very pronounced, Ars. and Chin. are important. Severe headache, Chin. Cedr. and Bell. Headache and prostration found together: Chin. is the remedy that is likely to help.

Please consult a professional homeopath to find the most suitable remedy for a given case.



No vaccine or specific antiviral treatment is available. Treatment symptomatic: rest, fluids and ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol may relieve symptoms of fever and aching.

Aspirin should be avoided!

Infected persons should be protected from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors +/o. under a mosquito net during the first few days of illness) so they can’t contribute to the transmission cycle.

Common Homeopathy Remedies for Chikungunya Fever

Eupat-perf.: Wonderful homeopathic remedy for all kind of joint and muscles pain developed with or after febrile disease. Bone pains, general to severe. Soreness with marked periodicity of complaints. Aching all over the body and soreness of flesh. Swelling of joints.

Intense headache with typical soreness of eyeball. Periodical headache.

Thirst with fever.

Rhus-t.: fever with urticaria, hives. Pain in joints fever with. Hot and painful joints with great physical restlessness. Change posture continuously or stretch the limbs. Pain in joints < during rest or by initial motion and ameliorated by continue motion. Pain in body on exposure of cold air.

Chin.: intermittent fever with great periodicity. Intense headache during fever. Prostration both physically and mentally.

Joints are swollen, very sensitive to touch and > hard pressure. Debility and trembling of extremities.

Pyrog.: very good medicine for septic fevers where the temperature rises rapidly. Great heat with profuse sweat but sweating does not cause a fall in temperature.

Aching in all limbs and bones. Bed feels too hard. Soreness all over the body > motion.

Arn.: Severe pain in limbs. Great fear of being touched or approached. Pain in extremities as if bruised o beaten. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Sprained and dislocated feeling.

Ars.: septic fevers with high rise of temperature. Periodicity with mark prostration. Restless both mentally and physically. Joint pains are not so marked but patient is restless with great exhaustion.

Other medicines include Gels. Sulph. Bry. Acon. Merc. Bapt. Carb-v. etc.


For complaints like Joint Pains remaining after Chikungunya Fever or Swelling in Feet/Ankles after Chikungunya Fever, consider the following remedies

generalities; swelling; edematous; fever; after (64)

generalities; convalescence, during; fever, after (23)

generalities; weakness; fever; after (43)

The one remedy that covers all of them is China, so China can be used as the remedy for the after effects of Chikungunya fever.



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