Zincum metallicum Kind Anhang


Comparison: child Tarentula with Zinc-met;

Learning disability

Vergleich.x Kind Sulphur mit andere Mitteln


Father is emotionally remote. Perseveration, over-sensitivity, mental fatigue are evident.



Zincum met. praep. D10 – D20 Dil. w 5 drops in the afternoon/evening, poss. also externally as Zincum met. 0.1% Ungt. W, apply to forehead in the morning potentized zinc is of chief therapeutic value in cases where the formation of the nervous system has been impaired through such factors as extremely premature birth or a convulsive disorders, and competency deficits are prominently in evidence. The symptoms of these children are:

• very easily distracted, fidgety and restless

• memory is weak and judgment uncertain

• over-excited states alternate with stuporous inactivity

• make frequent slips speaking and writing

• subject to the familiar „restless legs” syndrome [Zinc-valer. indicated here as well (in bed before sleep)}

Competency deficits, unrest, distractibility, impairments of the CNS



Loquacity during fever (Bapt. Gels. Lach. Pyrog. Stram. Teucr. Tub).

Very ticklish (Kali-c. Phos. Sil).

Child makes many gestures: Excessive tics (Agar. Cupr-met. Stram. Verat), puts fingers in the mouth (Calc. Cham. Ip. Sacch), stands or sits in strange attitudes and positions (Agar. Cina. Coloc. Nux-m. Op. Plb-met.), etc.

Excessive hurry in eating and drinking (Bell. Coff. Hep. Sulph).

Marked terror of night (Aur-br. Cina. Kali-br. Stram).


Excessive restlessness of the lower limbs (feet), < in bed (Sulph) and while sitting (Alum. Bar-c. Puls).

Very sensitive to draft of cold air (Calc. Kali-c. Rhus-t. Sil. Sulph).

Excessive stimulation of CNS, leading to restlessness and involuntary movements (Agar. Hyos. Stram), by dullness (Anac).

Nervous exhaustion due to excessive academic stress at school (Bar-c. Lyc. Nux-v. Sil).

Twitching here and there, during sleep (Cham. Hyos. Stram).

Other important symptoms


Dullness with an inability to concentrate (Agar. Bar-c. Bar-m. Op)

Startles easily at trifles and during sleep (Borx. Hyos. Kali-c. Merc. Puls. Tarent. Verat)

Anxiety at night in children (Ars. Borx. Calc. Cina. Kali-br. Stram. Tub).

Causeless crying (Apis. Cina. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sulph).

Child extremely sensitive to music and noise; even the crackling of paper is intolerable (Asar. Ferr-met. Lyc. Nat-c. Nat-s).

Docile children.

Fascination for pink (Ign. Nux-v. Phos. Sep. Sil) and white (Ars-i. Lach. Nux-v. Phos. Sep. Sil. Staph. Tub) colors.

Fear of darkness (Carc. Cann-i. Med. Stram. Tub), ghosts (Lyc. Med. Phos) and robbers (Ars. Lach. Merc. Nat-m. Phos).

Poor artistic abilities (Bell. Calc. Hyos. Mag-c. Plat. Staph. Stram).

Shrieking in anger (Cham. Iod. Lac-e. Nux-v) and during sleep (Borx. Lyc. Puls. Tub).

Strong sense of discontentment (Anac. Carc. Hep. Merc. Tub).

Weak memory.


Clinical observations of a Mentally Retarded Zincum Child

Reflects for a long time when answering (Bar-c. Cocc. Hell. Ph-ac. Phos)

Retarded children who are born after a history of severe fright associated with anger or mortification in the pregnant mother (Bufo. Carc. Cham. Kali-br. Op)

Speech, repeats the same thing (Coff-t. Lach. Plat-met.)

Speech – incoherent/slow/unintelligent (Bell. Hyos. Ph-ac. Stram).

Answering in monosyllables (Kali-br. Ph-ac. Puls. Verat).

Answers very slowly (Alum. Gels. Hell. Merc. Ph-ac. Phos).


Dull and sleepy, does not understand even a bit of the conversation occurring around him (Calc-sil. Sacch. Staph).

Laughing constant and at trifles (Cann-i. Hyos. Lyc. Mosch. Puls. Stram. Stry).

Mental exertion, in any form < (Arg-met. Calc. Ign. Kali-p. Lyc. Nat-c. Nux-v. Pic-ac. Staph. Tub).



Headache in children overburdened with studies (Bar-c. Calc-p. Kali-p. Pic-ac)

Hydrocephalus after infantile cholera or diarrhea.

Examination findings:

- Cold forehead, with a hot occiput (Agar. Camph. Sulph. Verat).

Hydrocephaloid children who tend to bury their head into the pillow, or knock it against things and constantly grind their teeth (Apis. Bell. Tub).

- Involuntary motion of the head while speaking (Acon. Cocc).

- Wrinkled forehead (Caust. Cham. Graph. Lyc. Nux-v., Stram)

- Brudzinski’s sign +

- Child is unable to hold up his head.

- Hair: Bristling sensation, and sensitivity.

- Kernig’s sign +

- Rolling of head.


Lachrymation on eating (Ol-an).


Examination findings:

- Hippus.

- Opacity of cornea (Arg-n. Con).

- Pupils: One contracted and one dilated (Phys. Rhod).

- Tarsal tumors (Staph. Thuj)

- Argyll-Robertson pupils.

- Chalazion.

- Conjunctivitis.

- Foster-Kennedy syndrome.

- Holmes-Adie pupils.

- Iritis.

- Paralysis of the upper lids (Caust. Gels).

- Pterygium.

- Rolling, nystagmus.

- Squinting.

- Sunken eyes.


Examination findings:

- Otorrhea of fetid pus.

- Perspiration around the ears (Calc. Puls).


Examination findings:

- Boring and picking the nose with his fingers all the time (Arum-t, Sil).


Examination findings:

- Hippocratic expression of the face (Aeth. Sec).

- Lips sticky, dry, and cracked.


Examination findings:

- Cracked corners of the mouth (Cund. Graph).

- Gums spongy, detached from the teeth (Kali-p. Merc).

- Halitosis.

- Herpes on the tongue (Nat-m).


Food lodges in the throat when attempting to swallow (Lach. Nit-ac)

Choking on swallowing (Lyc. Puls).

Mucus: Greenish yellow, and difficult to hawk up.

Examination findings:

- Paralysis of the vagus nerve.

- Tonsils enlarged and inflamed.


Great hastiness while eating or drinking (Coff. Hep)

Liquids are vomited immediately after drinking (Ant-c. Phos)

Ravenous appetite at 11 h. (Iod. Sulph)

Violent hiccough (Nat-m. Nicc-met. Stram)

Extreme thirst.

Loss of appetite with clean tongue.

Vomitus: Black and bloody.

<: Bread (Bry)/milk (Aeth. Mag-m)/melons (Ars. Puls);

Aversions: Fish (Colch. Graph)/sugar (Caust)/sweets (Graph. Phos)

Desires: Cold drinks/cold food (Phos. Verat).

Examination findings:

- Endoscopy: Achalasia cardia, esophageal spasm, gastritis, and H. pylori.


Involuntary stool (Podo. Psor) and urination (Aloe. Mur-ac) in sleep.

Examination findings:

- Congenital megacolon.

- Paralytic ileus.

- Inguinal hernia.

- Liver enlarged and hard.

- Retracted abdominal wall.


Difficulty in passing stools, though soft (Nux-m. Sep).

Nervous diarrhea (Arg-n. Gels).

Stools large, dry, and difficult to evacuate (Bry. Mag-m).

Examination findings:

- Acrid moisture around the anus (Carb-v. Nit-ac).

- Prolapse of rectum.

- Worms.

Urinary organs:

Involuntary urination when coughing (Nat-m. Puls).

Examination findings:

- Gravel passed in urine, forming sediment on the diaper.

- Urodynamic studies: Paralysis of the detrusor muscle, with a weak sphincter.

Male organs:

Disposition to masturbation.

Examination findings:

- Undescended testes palpated in the abdomen.


The child grabs his genitals every time he coughs (to prevent the involuntary urination).

Forceful cough (Anac. Nux-v).

Respiratory organs:

Asthma that starts after suppressed measles (Carb-v)

Wants to be fanned during asthma.

In asthma, the child finds it difficult to expectorate.

Respiration difficult from flatulence (Carb-v. Nux-v).

Examination findings:

- Respiration gets arrested during cough (Ant-t. Cupr-met Dros)

- Accelerated, anxious, panting, rattling and slow respiration.

- Rhonchi all over the chest.


Examination findings:

- Pericardial effusion.

- Pleural effusion.


Back sensitive to touch or pressure.

Examination findings:

- Opisthotonos during convulsions (Ars, Cic).


Soles sensitive (Kali-c. Lyc. Med)

Examination findings:

- Motions of the fingers (Lach. Stram), hands (Kali-i) and legs (Caust): Automatic, constant, involuntary (Crot-c. Stram) and nervous

- Blue hands.

- Cogwheel rigidity.

- Contraction of muscles and tendons of upper and lower limbs.

- Deep tendon reflexes exaggerated.

- Hands tremble when resting them on the table (Stann-met.).

- Hypertonia ++

- Stumbling, spastic gait; totters while walking (Agar. Caust) [in the dark and with closed eyes (posterior column sign)].


During sleep: Chewing motion of the jaw (Calc. Ign); grinding of teeth (Ars. Tub); open mouth; shrieking; twitching of muscles; and weeping (Cham).

Sleeps with his head buried into the pillow (Apis, Hyper).


Pyogenic and cryptococcal meningitis.

Excessive shuddering with the fever.

Perspiration after fever.

Useful in cases of continuous fevers, eruptive fevers (measles) and typhoid fevers.

Examination findings:

- Brownish discoloration of the tongue.


Ailments from head (Cic. Nat-s) or spinal injuries; and suppressed eruptions (Cupr-met. Hyos)

During convulsions, child springs up from bed, gnashes his teeth, with eyes rolled up, rolls or bores his head into the pillow or knocks it against things,

and passes urine involuntarily (Bufo, Hyos).


> any form of discharge (diarrhea, perspiration, etc.) (Lach. Phos)

Cannot develop exanthemata due to severe immuno-compromised states.

Emaciation in children, even though they eat well (Calc-p. Nat-m)

Neurological complaints that arise after suppressed eruptions (Bry. Dulc) or discharges.

Difficult dentition with diarrhea.

Discharges: Acrid, bloody, corrosive and excoriating mucous secretions, pus, stool, ulcers, urine, and vomiting.

Eating > in general (Iod. Nat-c).

Enlargement of glands, Hodgkin’s disease.

Sensitive to draft of cold air (Rhus-t. Sil).

Tendency to catch cold easily (Bar-c. Kali-c. Tub).



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