

Aspergillus niger = Pharaos Fluch Fungi.

New arrivals prone to get diarrhoea through exposure to bowel bugs the local people are immune for. Tourists call these diseases Delhi belly, Gippy tummy, Montezuma’s revenge, etc.

The cause can be a different strain of Escherechia coli from that found in the traveller’s homeland.

Caru. gedeiht > wann mit Flüche gesät

Escherichia coli. = Delhi belly/= Gippy tummy/= Montezuma’s revenge

Fallopia japonica. (= Reynoutria japonica/= Polygonum cuspidatum/= Japanische Staudenknöterich/= Japanischer Flügelknöterich/= Japanischer Rhabarber/= Japanischer Buchweizen/=

fleeceflower/= monkeyweed/= Huzhang/= Hancock's curse/= elephant ears/= pea shooters/= donkey rhubarb/= sally rhubarb/= Japanese bamboo/= American bamboo/= mexican bamboo).

Heracleum. mantegazzianum = Stalins Rache           

Metrosideros collina polymorpha = red Ohia/presents goddess Pele (= hot-headed/bad-tempered/violent goddess of fire./volcanoes./violence/jealousy/vengeance) Staatssymbol.

Lepra. Mythos Hellas: Apollos Strafe für den König von Troja

Musca-d. = Hausfliege/= Strafe Gottes

Hawaii Myrtales.

Ruta. Damit sich die Pflanze gut entwickelte und heilkräftig sei, sollte der Samen unter Flüchen und Verwünschungen ausgestreut werden; Jungpflänzchen dagegen hatte man zu stehlen.

Spig. = Wurmfarn/= Demarara gebraucht um Rache zu üben




[Francisco Alonso, Cristina Esteban, Andrea Serge, Maria-Luisa Ballestar, Jaime Sanmartín, Constanza Calatayud und Beatriz Alamar]

Traffic accidents are a major cause of death and injury in the world. Generally speaking about aggression, evidence has shown that drivers who use to express more aggressive behaviors tend, at the same time, to have higher rates of road crashes or traffic incidents. Furthermore, in most cases, the situations that appear aggressive behaviors are typical of normal current traffic conditions, making this behavior into something very common and very serious road safety issue. It has been also related with the clear lack of Road Safety Education that is

evident in most of the countries. The aim of this study was to describe the factors and perceptions related to aggressive behavior of verbally insulting and shouting out while driving.

In this study, it was described an extensive list of behaviors that experts consider more or less unanimously as aggressive driving, one of them described as shouting and insult.

In this study, the sample was obtained from a random sampling by proportional representation to population segments of age, sex, region and size of the municipality. The survey

aimed at Spanish drivers over 18 years. The starting sample size was 1,100 surveys. As result shout and insult are not considered a dangerous offense as it is driving under the influence

of alcohol. Multiple modes of bad or risky maneuvers, will be banned from a legal point of view, uncomfortable and restrict other drivers and pedestrians, creating violent situations for

risk and stress. The degree of social tolerance towards such behaviour is variable. Some individuals are limited to ignore them, accepting them as something inevitable. Multiple types of

risky maneuvers and deliberated misbehaviors, which are (formally and informally) already forbidden from a legal point of view, uncomfortable and restrict other drivers and pedestrians,

creating violent situations for risk and stress, are still performed among drivers. In short, aggression on driving is one of them. As a conclusion, there are a high prevalence of this

phenomenon among Spanish drivers. Furthermore, most of the aggressive expressions related to shouting and cursing on the road are preceded by subjective factors such as stress, fatigue

and personality traits, which may be intervened through the strengthening of road safety education and road safety campaigns.



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