Anthracokali (Anthraco) = 7 Teile Kalihydroxid (= Kali-caus/rasselnde Atem) + 5 Teile Steinkohl aus Fünfkirchen in Baranyaer Komitat in Ungarn/= Anthracite coal dissolved in

boiling caustic potash/Quelle:


Vergleich: Acon (Durchfall), Ant-c + Ars (brennende Durst/übel/Haut), Rhus-t (Haut). Verat (übel/erbrechen/Kolik/Durchfall)

Siehe: Kalium + Causticum + Carbons


Negativ: A. Chronic cracks + ulcerations of nostrils, B. Copious evacuations of pale/clear urine without sediment, C. Eruption + cold o. arm sweat on same parts, D. brennen;


Vater legt Pflicht auf die Sippe zu retten, DURST, Haut/Bläschenausschlag, Leber, Blähungen, Beschwerden + Erbrechen;

Skin affections: scabies/prurigo/chronic herpes/ulcerations. Papular-like eruptions with a vesicular tendency (scrotum/hands/tibia/shoulders/feet). THIRST. Chronic rheumatism. Bilious attacks/

vomiting of bile, tympanic distention of abdomen;


Gemüt: Erregt (während Hitze)/mürrisch/ruhelos/traurig (während Frost)

Kopf: Schmerz/Haarausfall

Nase: Risse in Nasenlöchern/Geschwüre

Gesicht: Bart - Follikulitis

Mund: Zunge - schmutzig/trocken

Geschmack - scharf/schlecht/Übelkeit erregend

Innerer Hals: Schmerz

Magen: DURST/Art des Erbrochenen - Galle

Bauch: tympanitisch

Blase: Harnverhaltung

Urin: Zucker

Harnröhre: Jucken in Meatus bei Harndrang

Männliche Genitalien: Erektionen - anhaltendhäufig/lästig/schmerzhaft

Skrotum - Papeln

Weibliche Genitalien: zu Menses

Glieder: Hautausschläge: Fußrücken - Papeln/Hände - Papeln/Schultern - Papeln/Schienbein - Papeln

Schmerz - rheumatisch/Gelenke - chronisch/gichtig

Schlaf: Schlaflos (durch Ruhelosigkeit)

Schweiß: im Allgemeinen

Abends (18 - 2 h)/nachts (2 - 6 h)

An betroffenen Teilen

Klebrig (abends)

Lang anhaltend

Periodisch jeden Abend, die ganze Nacht anhaltend

Reichlich (nachts)

Haut: Beschwerden der Haut

Hautausschläge [Geschwüre/Bläschen/Ekthym/Ekzem/Herpes (chronisch)/Herpes zoster/Impetigo/Lichen/Papeln (juckend)/Pickel nachts/Juckende Pickel/Pusteln - juckend/klumpig/Skabies/Urtikaria]


Allgemeines: Blutwallungen

Diabetes mellitus (+ Furunkel)

Karies der Knochen

Schmerz - rheumatisch (chronisch)

Wassersucht - innerlich

Schwäche (nachts)

Schwellung im Allgemeinen

Schwellung der Drüsen - schmerzhaft




[Mrinal Mohapatra]

A very absurd combination; anthracite coal of a certain kind, dissolved in boiling caustic potash, invented by Joseph Polya, in Pesth, in 1835; proved on many people, but in a very superficial way.

Applied according to Old School notions, but seldom alone.

Polya was followed by several others, and in 1839 a thesis by one C. F. Klinger; in 1840, an extract by our Dr. G. Piper, in the A. H. Z., Vol. XVIII., p. 235 and 253. It was mentioned as a "renal"

remedy by Reil, the forerunner of Sharp, of organopathic notoriety, and in 1849 Chapman mentions it as having been "useful", but says nothing but "herpes."

It has never been much regarded and was of very little use. The Old School made one of their experiments in 1841, and gave it to 800 patients with "tetter", in the Vienna hospital, without success.


Nose: Chronic cracks and ulcerations of nostrils.


Mouth: Taste: unpleasant, nauseous, disgusting.

Dirty tongue, no appetite, nausea.

Dirty tongue, with retching and colic.


Throat: Warmth and hot feeling in pharynx, going down into stomach.

Burning in pharynx: followed by anorexia; with dysphagia.

Pain in pharynx with a dirty tongue.

Dysphagia with dry throat.

Sensation of gnawing and scraping in oesophagus, soon disappearing and going down to stomach.

Stomach: Anorexia, nausea, vomituritio.

Increased appetite.

Burning thirst; before sweat.

Insatiable thirst.

At first no appetite, but soon after it grew sharper.

After eating, nausea.

After an error in diet, a gastro-bilious fever, with erysipelas.

Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, colic and flatulence.

Nausea and vomituritio.

Vomiting and bilious stools.

Bilious vomiting, with black phlegm, followed by too fluid stools.

Cramplike pain in stomach.

Warm sensation in stomach.

Abdomen: Colic with flatulence.

Violent colic at night > by a warm poultice.

Violent burning deep in abdomen, in evening.

Griping bellyache without diarrhoea.

Tympanitic distension.

Rectum: After colic and rumbling several mushy stools.

Copious diarrhoea with colic and rumbling.

Diarrhoea for several days with increased secretion of urine.

Three times during the day a brown stool with increased quantity of pale urine.

** Cholera.

Stool: Mushy/brown

Urinary Organs: Tickling and burning in urethra and at orifice, while water passes.

Ischuria, urine pale.

Some diuresis.

Copious evacuations of pale, clear urine, without a sediment.

When urinating orifice of urethra itches.

Urine: Urine pale, acrid, increased.

Urine pale, honey-colored, of unpleasant odor, strongly alkaline reaction, rarely saturated and sharp, very seldom with a nubecula, never a sediment.

Male Organs: Very often long lasting painful erections.

Frequent erections.

** Sycosis.

Female Organs: Catamenia appeared before the time.

Chest: Orgasm with heat of skin.

Slight vascular irritation.

In evening increased heat with frequent, full pulse.

The beating of heart sometimes stronger, with oppression, pressing headache nightly, restlessness and no sleep.

Pulse excited.

Pulse and temperature feverish.

Pulse quicker, frequent and more full.


Limbs: Eruption on hands.



Skin: Itching at night.

Eruptions increase with general sweat, get more red and ooze out more.

Urticaria = Nesselsucht. or erysipelas.

** Scabies: with ecthyma; with prurigo.



Eczema impetiginoides.

Impetigo scabida.

** Lichens.

Useful in cases of chronic herpes.

Herpes circumscriptus.

Fever: Horripilation alternating with heat, followed by slight sweat and frequent pulse.

Heat and pressure in stomach.

Febris evanida, with disturbed digestion.

After baring of skin, night sweats, continuing for several days.

Skin moist for two successive days.

Evening copious sweat lasting till morning.

General night sweat, returning every night.

Local cold or warm sweat on parts affected by an eruption.

After a viscous night sweat remission of fever.

Sweat viscous, skin remains shining, glistening.

After heat and itching skin moist.

Often a general sweat commencing at night and continuing till morning hours.

Copious warm night sweat with dizzy head.

Night sweat copious with sleeplessness and greatest restlessness, but less pain in bowels.

With sweat restlessness, headache, debility and frequent pulse.

Moderate night sweats beginning in evening with sleeplessness and excited pulse.


Rest, Position, Motion:

Nerves: Debility of whole body, with restlessness and heavy head.

Complete malaise.

Time: Eruptions decrease with full of moon.

Evening: increased, heat with frequent full pulse; night sweats begin.

At night: colic; copious warm sweat; skin itches.

Temperature and Weather: Colic at night relieved by warm poultices.

After baring skin night sweat.

Periodicity: Sweats: return every night; pressing headache.

Three times a day: brown stool.

Sweats continue for several days.

A reaction takes place always before the eighteenth day.

Pain: in pharynx.

Hot feeling: in pharynx, going down into stomach.

Burning: in pharynx.

Cramplike pain: in stomach.

Violent colic.

Violent burning: deep in abdomen.

Pressure: in stomach.

Locality and Direction:

Tissues: ** Chronic rheumatism, gout, caries, scrofulosis.

Touch, passive Motion, Injuries:


Wirkung: sykotisch

Allerlei: Anthracokali = Anthracite coal dissolved in boiling caustic potash


Phytologie: Tapeworm has been removed by pulverized anthracite coal.



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