Aurum Group


[George Lukas]

Gold discovered: known since prehistoric times.

Origin: The name is the Anglo-Saxon word for the metal and the symbol comes from the Latin ‘aurum’, gold.

Description: A soft metal with a characteristic colour and since it is chemically unreactive, one of the few elements to occur in a natural state. It will dissolve in aqua regia (royal water), a mixture

of nitric and hydrochloric acids. It can be beaten into very thin sheets (gold leaf) to be used as architectural ornament. Another use is in jewellery and some is also employed in the electronics industry and to colour glass or make it reflect heat . About 1500 tonnes of gold are mined each year, chiefly in South Africa and Russia, and most of this is stored as bullion. There is a lot of gold in the sea, but with only 1 gramme in 1,000,000 tonnes of seawater, schemes to reclaim gold from the oceans have always failed.

This group has been neglected by homeopaths because of insufficient knowledge about it. We are starting with Aurum metallicum which expresses the basic characteristics of the group and then

we shall describe the salts of the group starting with the ones that have been most often used.


Here we find the occurrence of visions in excess. Having a vision (in life) and working for it is a prerequisite of success. When a person possesses the tendency to pursue visions for the betterment

of society and does this without the motive of personal gain, he approaches the state of the gold of the alchemist’s stone.

Related with Apollo, god of creation

The psychological state of Aurum is quite different from that state, as this one is a state of excessive envisioning propelled by selfish motives. The person wishes to always be the best and spares

no effort to achieve this goal. He works the whole day in order to realize his ambition to reach the top. Aurum is a very hard-working person. He works in a tireless and methodical manner.

He possesses an inner strength which pushes towards the materialization of the vision. He takes it as a great failure if he comes second. Aurum cannot stand defeat, either. When defeated he gets sick, as he always wants to be the winner.

Aurum is serious, talks sparingly, is very responsible and gets easily offended. He cannot stand being doubted. He does not gives anyone the right to do something like that. He is consistent and hurried as well. He wants his job to be done well and fast. Therefore, he could be misidentified for Argentum. Here some clarification is needed: when we talk about consistency we must keep

in mind that a lot of other concepts can be connected with it; someone may be consistent because he does not wish to lose public acclaim, another so that the vision may be fulfilled, another

because he may be in fear of punishment, another because he wishes to appear perfect, another because he fears abuse, another because he wants to avoid being abandoned. etc.

Therefore, when we search for and examine concepts while getting the medical record, we have to find out whether a concept held by the person is primary or secondary in the sense of it being derived from another concept. In Aurum, consistency derives from his vision (goal). In Argentum, consistency is due to the reign of reason; the person is consistent simply because this is the right thing and this is how we should be. This is why we consider that Argentum expresses the concept of consistency in a more direct way. In Zincum, consistency is due to fear of punishment and

when that consistency is due to punishment then it becomes false. Thus the Greek name “pseudosilver” is a perfect fit to this psychological characteristic of the homeopathic remedy we make

from this metal.

Coming back to Aurum we see that the person has an inner strength perceived by others. So, he easily becomes the leader in a group or family. Everybody leans on him. He offers others the steadfastness of a rock and is a refuge for them, a haven. He constantly offers himself to others, works for others but all these efforts are not selfless. He offers to all and everyone but at the same time needs to have others by his side. The result is that he may easily feel neglected, abandoned, he may feel that he has lost their love, and can get very angry because of these feelings.

The fact that he feels this way can be deduced from the symptoms:

ANGER, irascibility.

    absent persons while thinking of them, at

        contradiction, from

        trembling, with

        trifles, at



    conscience, as if guilty of a crime

    future, about

CARES worries, full of

    trifles, about

CENSORIUS critical

CONFIDENCE want of self

CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles

CONTRADICT disposition to

CONTRADICTION is intolerant, of, agg.




DECEPTION causes grief and mortification


    affection of friends, has lost

    best, wants to be the

    confidence in him, his friends have lost all

    deserted, forsaken is

    neglected his duty, he has

    reproach, has neglected duty and deserves

    unfit for the world, he is

    vision, he is after a

DISCONTENTED, displeased, dissatisfied

    himself, with

EGOTISM self-esteem

EXCITEMENT excitable

    trembling, with




    persons who had offended him, of

    revenge, and




INDUSTRIOUS mania for work



    absent persons, with

OBSTINATE headstrong

OCCUPATION diversion amel.

OFFENDED easily; takes everything in bad part


SENSITIVE oversensitive

SERIOUS earnest

Aurum is very sensitive in spite of the inner strengths that he possesses and shows to others. He can be easily hurt and disappointed, can easily feel humiliated, neglected, underestimated or may

get angry easily. He may be violent when angry. On such occasions his behavior does not remind others of the character they have been used to dealing with. However, the anger does not usually manifest itself. Then, the person develops hypochondriac symptoms. He exhibits the picture of someone with an imaginary serious disease. For example, he may think that he has a heart problem,

or “is often subject to heart attacks”.

The hypochondriac symptoms are an unconscious punishment of others for their “indifference”. Yet, this strategy is accompanied by pain and other ailments which give him some kind of morbid self satisfaction that someone(himself), at least, is interested.

A hypochondriac symptomatology may present itself after a failure of the individual to be the best, a failure that brings disappointment and low self-esteem. However, no matter what the deeper cause is, hypochondriasis is a defense which protects from intense melancholia and/or suicide.

We find in Aurum the following symptoms:

AILMENTS FROM anger, vexation

    anxiety, with

    fright, with

    indignation, with

    silent grief, with



    excitement, emotional



    love disappointed


    scorn, being scorned


ANGER irascibility

    absent persons while thinking of them, at

    contradiction, from

    trembling, with

    trifles, at




    others, about

EXCITEMENT excitable

    trembling, with

FEAR, apprehension, dread

    death, of

    heart arising from

    organic, of

    disease of

    stomach, arising from




    absent persons, with



SADNESS friends, as if lost affection of

THINKING of complaints agg.

It is worth the while to study the main action of this remedy as it used to be described in the Materia Medica of our time until recently. Here we are talking about melancholia. The term requires some clarification. The word “melancholia” comes from the words “?????-melas” and “?????-holos”. The adjective “melas” means black, dark, gloomy, terrible, dark-souled, vague, inauspicious. The noun “holos” means bite, wrath, anger, indignation, rage. Black color symbolizes mourning, it is the color of death and destruction. Therefore, according to the above the term “melancholia” describes the psychological state of destructive wrath.

As we write in our comparative study titled “Roots-Principles for the Unification of Human Sciences”, black bile corresponds to the syphilitic miasm. (The correspondence is blood-psora, sycosis-phlegm, yellow bile- tubercular, black bile-syphilitic).

Therefore, melancholia is the syphilitic sadness.

Now, lets go back to Aurum. When melancholic the patient loses every interest in life. Everything seems to him futile meaningless, sad. He wants to end his life. He feels that he is to blame for everything, that he has made mistakes, that he has neglected his duties, that his friends have lost their trust in him. He feels deep despair and wishes to give an end to his life. This may be done either by falling from a high place or driving in the opposite direction or crashing the car against a wall, or by using a gun, getting drowned or hanging. The suicidal wish is often fulfilled. When this happens no one in the family realizes anything. Aurum is the person who works late and after work goes and does away with himself. Aurum as a remedy can also be prescribed in cases of minor depression without suicidal ideation.

In such cases it is possible that after ingesting the remedy, the individual should tell you that he has observed having suicidal ideation which was not insistent and did not last long, while he did not have such ideas before. This is not due to a proving of the remedy but it is due to the realization of repressed suicidal tendencies. When this happens, it means that the patient is doing well, as after an increase of awareness the general condition is improved. Such cases need adept treatment and readiness on the part of the therapist. On other occasions depression is covert and the person becomes desperate, feels tired out and fed up with life as a result of his physical ailments. Alternatively the remedy may be indicated in bipolar disorder where we have an alternation between depressive and manic symptoms.

The above are evident from the clinical symptoms:


    salvation, about

    suicidal disposition, with

    weary of life, with


    corner or moping, b. in a

CHEERFUL gay, mirthful

    # anger




DEATH desires


    convalescence, during

    thoughts of


    confidence in him, his friends have lost all


    fail, everything will


    mortification, after

    neglected his duty, he has


    right, does nothing

    succeed, he cannot, does everything wrong

    wrong, he has done


    thinks everything is lost

    pains, with the


    religious despair of salvation


    everything, with



    sadness, with


    life, at

    life, evening

LOQUACITY rapid questioning



MOOD alternating

    changeable, variable



RELIGIOUS affections


    remorse, from



    suicidal disposition, with

SELF criticism

SUICIDAL disposition

    drowning, by

    hanging, by

    hypochondriasis, by

    pains, from

    sadness, from

    shooting, by


    throwing himself from a height (windows)

TALK indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn

    others agg., talk of




Aur-s.: Scholten: sich verantwortlich fühlen für gute/Harmonie in Beziehungen, wollen Selbstwert erhalten und Zuneigung + Harmonie durch Übernahme von großer Verantwortung für

Verwandte/Bekannte/Gruppe; setzen sich in Arbeit für die anderen ein, sind schnell in Direktionen, Betriebsrat; versuchen Partner vor Problemen zu schützen; wenn fehlt in Verantwortung;

sich für die übernommene Verantwortung nicht mehr wertgeschätzt fühlt, o. die Beziehungen zerbrechen, starke Kränkung mit Vernachlässigung von Kleidung + Körperpflege, tiefe Depression

mit Suizidgedanken

Has the characteristics of Aurum but the influence of sulphur is strong. There is a resemblance with Aurum sulphuricum as well. The person has the feeling that he is not appreciated by others and exercises great efforts to be appreciated, to obtain praise and admiration. It is an important antisycotic remedy. As we have stated in the unified theory of idiosyncrasy, the sycotic miasm corresponds to fixation at the anal developmental stage of psychoanalytic theory.

The above characteristics show us a general tendency for stagnation, for immobility. They direct us towards a certain group of remedies which can help a lot with differential diagnosis but do not

help us prescribe the absolutely similar remedy.


Three main remedies for the sycotic miasm: Thuja, Nat-s. and Med., he did not possess knowledge of many important remedies known today, of the sulphur compounds, for instance. Whenever the homeopath, finds out that sycosis is prominent in one of his patients, he prescribes one of the basic antimiasmatic remedies, Nat-s., for example in order to effect a clearer picture.

He has then used a partly similar remedy. In such a case, he prescribes for the outer “layer” of symptoms. After the latter have subsided he will prescribe for the next “layer” and so forth. This is

a method which Hahnemann used to employ a lot because he had very few remedies at his disposal. However, the more remedies we know of in depth, the more possible it is to approach the similar remedy. Aur-s. one of the remedies which has not been prescribed as often as required, because there has been an undue stress on the layers approach. In one case, for example, the patient had taken Sulfur, Nitric acid and Aurum over a period of eight years. He had improved; however, as soon as he was given Aurum sulfuratum, he felt a lot better, he experienced great change in his life and a fuller and more permanent improvement of his symptoms. Due to the above findings, I believe that a deep understanding of this kind of study of the periodic table will help a lot with the evolution

of our therapeutic art.

Let us come back to Aurum sulfuratum. These are people who are visionaries and have the tendency to be the best in everything they undertake; however, they often feel they are not appreciated in spite of all their efforts. May be strong individuals who function as a support to those around them; however, they feel that they are actually not as appreciated as they should be. They constantly strive to win this appreciation. When they do not manage this in spite of their efforts, they become irritable and very critical of others. We find quite a number of sycotic characteristics in their personalities; their physical characteristics are very similar to those of Nat-s.

A depressive state may appear when the individual’s efforts to implement his visions or to win the appreciation of others are not effective. Here we must distinguish between this state and the depression of Aurum metallicum in that the element of control is developed, and, consequently, the suicidal ideation is rarely implemented.

Sycotic characteristics, when they exist in a depressive person, are among the positive signs that make suicide less probable. However, these same characteristics obstruct psychotherapy as they contribute to a lack of flexibility.

The above are shown in the symptomatology below:



    conscience, as if guilty of a crime

    fear, with

    salvation, about


    dearest friends, with

CONFIDENCE want of self


DEATH desires

DELUSIONS, best, wants to be the

    vision, he is after a

EXCITEMENT excitable

HURRY, haste

OFFENDED easily, takes everything in bad part




SUICIDAL thoughts

Aur-s-n.: When the Aurum person intensely seeks appreciation in relationships, the remedy is Aurum sulfuratum natronatum.

Aur-s-k.: When the person intensely seeks appreciation from his own people, the people he is closed related to, then the remedy is Aurum sulfuratum kalinatum.

Aur-s-c.: When an Aurum person, together with the need for appreciation feels an intense need for protection, safety, security.

Aur-s-m.: People who are trying to overcome the feeling of being an orphan via appreciation and creation.

Aur-i.: Empfindung von den Personen/Gruppe heimtückisch verraten/betrogen/attackiert zu werden, für die man die Verantwortung trägt

Present in addition to the characteristics of Aurum and those of Iodum. The main characteristic is that the person lives with the intense feeling that he will be abandoned. Consequently,

what we have here is a person who, all along with the dynamism and the visions of Aurum also harbours a delusion that he will be abandoned by those who support him. As he fears abandonment,

he forms too strong an attachment to other people and spares no efforts to keep them by his side. We have a preponderance of the tubercular miasm:  a need for change as he easily becomes bored. For example, he likes travelling a lot. This is quite an amorous person; however, he feels that the partner may abandon the relationship. When we are dealing with a person which is very emotional,

a person for whom the most important thing in life is the relationship with a love partner and in addition to that there is a feeling of insecurity, a feeling that the love partner will abandon the relationship, then the remedy needed is Nat-i. When the person bonds himself with the group, that is with family or friends and harbours a feeling of insecurity stemming from a fear that they will abandon him, then the remedy is Kali-i.

Each and everyone of us has some life principles, some ideas about his and other people’s identity, about his relationship with others. Each one of us prioritizes various aspects of life in a different order. This prioritization has to do with our imaginary experience of reality. Consequently, in order to conceive a remedy in depth we have to understand the principles this remedy expresses, we have to conceive the concepts it is connected with. This is the true essence of the remedy and it is very important to truly conceive this essence. If we have a deep understanding of the remedy then we can prescribe it with ease. On the contrary, if we know a remedy only superficially and this happens when we base our knowledge on behaviors then, we easily confuse certain remedies.

The feeling of insecurity coming from fear of abandonment makes this person giving to others; however he does this in a bothersome way. As the behavior of others is often interpreted as abandonment, the individual becomes irritable. The results of the above may be hypochondriasis or depression.

Aur-i-n.: A person we perceive as Aurum iodatum and we see that abandonment is focused on the relationship with the life partner then the remedy should be Aurum iodatum natronatum. He tries his best not to be abandoned by his/her partner.

Aur-i-k.: A person who fits well Aurum iodatum and fears he will be abandoned by friends or family, then the remedy is Aurum iodatum kalinatum. He tries his best not to be abandoned by friends.

Aur-i-c.: When an Aurum iodatum person needs safety and protection the remedy is Aurum iodatum calcareatum. Therefore, Aurum iodatum calcareatum children are afraid of being abandoned if they are not creative or the best.

Aur-i-m.: The main concept of Aurum iodatum magnesiatum is the occurrence of visions in excess to avoid abandonment due to their orphanhood.

Aur-i-s.: When an Aurum iodatum person needs intensely appreciation too, the remedy is Aurum iodatum sulfuratum.


[Sankaran]: aus übergroße Verantwortung für sich und eigene Gruppe Versorgung sicherstellen (mit Betrug o. sich von denen betrogen fühlen, für die man sich hochverantwortlich gekümmert hat);

[Scholten]: mit großer Pflichterfüllung und Übernahme der ganzen Verantwortung um Bezugsperson(en) kümmern + einer (dieser) Führungsaufgabe gerecht zu werden; großer Arbeitseinsatz mit dem

Gefühl nur alleine diese ganze Verantwortung übernehmen zu können; zu viel Verantwortung für die Firma kann zum Gefühl der Vernachlässigung der familiären Sorge führen.

Here we have diffuse disappointment. It is the disappointment of a person whose visions have not been fulfilled either because of life adversities or because others did not do their duty.

The disappointment of an Aurum person may have to do with the people he has helped and supported. It may be that no actual events have taken place but this “visionary” may report that he gets easily disappointed. He may tell you that he is afraid he will be disappointed by those he supports, by those he constantly offers himself to and works for.

He is introvert and does not express his complaints to others. He cannot stand being answered back and wishes that others should obey. Whenever this does not happen he gets angry at them. Hypochondriasis is the result of not expressing his anger. The person thinks he has some serious disease and goes from one doctor to another. This remedy may also be indicated in depressive and suicidal states.

Wider experience with Aurum muriaticum is expected in the future. For the time being we can recognize the following symptoms:


ANGER thinking of his ailments, when

MOROSE thinking of his ailments when alone,

RESTLESS in angina pectoris,


ABSENT MINDED starts when spoken to

AILMENTS FROM anger, vexation


    excitement, emotional




ANXIETY excitement, from

    mental exertion, from

BUSINESS averse to


CHEERFUL gay, mirthful


COMPANY DESIRE for, aversion to solitude, company am.


CONTRADICT disposition to

DEATH desires


    congestion, with

    headache, from h., delirium


    best, wants to be the

    disease, he has every

    vision, he is after a

DISCONTENTED, displeased, dissatisfied

EXCITEMENT excitable

EXERTION agg. from mental

FEAR evil, of

palpitation, with

suffocation night


HORRIBLE things, sad stories, affect her profoundly


INDOLENCE aversion to work


LOATHING life at


MOOD changeable, variable


RELIGIOUS melancholia


    air, in open, afternoon

    walking air, in open


    climaxis, during

    mercury, after abuse of

SHRIEKING screaming, shouting

STARTING startled

    sleep, during

    sleep, from

    spoken to, when

    waking suffocated, as if

SUICIDAL disposition

THINKING complaints agg., of


WEEPING tearful mood

WORK aversion to mental


Aur-m-n.: Abhängig von Bezugsperson o. Gruppe, übergroße Verantwortung übernehmen, diese zu versorgen, deren Unabhängigkeit in der Versorgung zu garantieren, und sich eventuell betrogen und ausgenutzt fühlen, wenn diese übergroße Pflicht nicht wertgeschätzt wird, o. nicht mehr geleistet werden kann.

An important remedy and has been used a lot less than is necessary, because its psychopathology is not well known. When we have the basic characteristics of Aurum and we also hear of frequent disappointment in this person’s love life or of his feeling insecure due to fear of such disappointment, then the remedy indicated is Aurum muriaticum natronatum.

As the person deludes himself into believing that he will be disappointed in his love relationship he becomes very selective in his love life. He may get involved only superficially and avoid serious involvements. This is a very good remedy for people who cannot decide to get married. Together with the above there is always the tendency for envisioning and its relevant psychopathology which we have described in Aurum. The individual often feels that he must be the best in order not to be disappointed in the relationship. This is often found in puberty which is a very disturbed period and the issue of a love relationship is timely. Aurum muriaticum natronatum is a very useful remedy in cases of depression due to disappointment at this age. There may exist suicidal ideation or even a suicide attempt. It is one of the best remedies for suicidal tendencies after disappointment in a love relationship. However, such disappointment is not necessary to exist as a provoking factor in order to prescribe this remedy. It may be indicated in any age in cases of suicidal ideation with any provoking factor. But then, we have chronic disappointment in love relationships.

Involution is another phase during which relationship issues come to the fore. Women with a chronic disappointment in their love life run the danger of having an uterine problem like a fibromyoma or cancer. For this reason, this particular remedy has been used for diseases of the uterus, a lot. Men with a corresponding psychopathology are prone to enlargement and/or cancer of the prostate gland. There we have to say that there are other important compounds which could be useful for the management of such problems, such as

Argentum muriaticum muriaticum,

Zincum muriaticum natronatum,

Cuprum muriaticum natronatum,

Baryta muriatica natronata,

Platinum muriaticum natronatum,

Plumbum muriaticum natronatum etc.

Their basic characteristics we described elsewhere.

We have found that the following symptoms are covered by this remedy:


    anger, vexation



    love disappointed


    rudeness of others

    scorn, being scorned



    husband, to

    sex, to opposite


CONFIDENCE want of self


    best, wants to be the

    doomed, being

    vision, he is after a



DWELLS on past disagreeable occurrences

    recalls disagreeable memories


EXERTION agg. from mental


    cry, cannot



    Revenge and hatred


    everything, to

    recovery, about his



    marry, to




    convulsions before, during or after

LOATHING life, at


    sadness from

    silent grief, with



PUBERTY mental affections in

READING unable, to read




    grief, after

    love from disappointed

    puberty, in

    suicidal disposition, with

    weep, cannot




    sadness, from

Aur-m-k.: The Aurum person who deludes himself into believing that he will be disappointed from love from his own people, the people he is closed related to, his friends or family.

Aur-m-c.: When an Aurum person, is easily disappointed and feels an intense need for protection, safety, security then the remedy is Aurum muriaticum calcareatum.

Aur-m-mg.: The main concept of Aurum muriaticum magnesiatum people is a need for creation to overcome their deep inner disappointment due to their orphanhood (imaginary or real).

Aur-ars.: In einer sehr verantwortlichen Situation/Stellung ANGST eigene o. anderer Sicherheit zu verlieren (Vermögen/Gesundheit).

Except for the characteristics of Aurum we also have the characteristics of Arsenicum; there is a lack of trust, a strong suspicion that the person will be stabbed in the back, will be robbed. The result is ambivalence. On one hand he is the support and the leader, on the other he cannot trust the people he supports and leads. He thus becomes a very controlling person. He wants to control everything and everybody. He also harbors a tendency for great order and fastidiousness. He wants to do everything in the best manner and often feels guilty, wondering whether he has done what he ought to have done, whether what he has done is right. However, this remedy may be needed by people who do not feel comfortable with orderliness and would rather have disordered surroundings. Opposite behaviors may often be observed in a remedy. Behavior expresses only the surface of a personality. It can be changed, with difficulty or with ease, no matter. Moreover, similar behaviors may come from differing concepts. That is why prescriptions based on behavior are not reliable. In our opinion, prescribing should be based on concepts. Some take a compilation of behaviors, of general or physical characteristics for the essence of a remedy. We maintain that this is due to inadequate understanding of psychological dimensions. However, scientists like Rajan Sankaran have thoroughly studied the latter. Our study is based on such work as well as on psychiatric findings.

As this remedy has been neglected by homeopaths in their prescribing we have little experience of it. Nevertheless, we know that it is sycotic and syphilitic, and from what we already know about it, we conclude that it is indicated for obsessive-compulsive disorders and depressions. It is also indicated in the case of mood disorders with psychotic features.

We have found the following symptoms:


INSANITY fanatics, of

NEGLECTS children, her

REPROACHES imaginary insult, for

TALK indisposed to, alternating with violent

VIOLENT alternating with tranquillity


ABSENT MINDED unobserving


AILMENTS FROM anger, vexation

    silent grief, with



    sexual excesses

ANGER irascibility


ANXIETY daytime


    conscience, as if guilty of a crime

    fear, with

    salvation, about



CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles


DEATH desires


DELUSIONS animals of

    best, wants to be the

    fancy, illusions of

    vision, he is after a

    wrong, he has done

DESPAIR chill, during

    pains, with the



    religious despair of salvation

DISCONTENTED displeased, dissatisfied

EXCITEMENT excitable

    chill, during

EXERTION agg. from mental

FANCIES exaltation of

FEAR apprehension dread



    alone, of being

    crowd, in a

    death, of

    evil, of

    people, of, anthrophobia




HURRY haste


IDEAS abundant, clearness of mind



INDIFFERENCE children, to her duties domestic,

INDOLENCE aversion to work

INDUSTRIOUS mania to work

INSANITY madness

    drunkards, in




    # cheerfulness

    chill, during

    spoken to, when

LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing


LOATHING life, at


MALICIOUS, spiteful, vindictive




NEGLECTS household, the

OBSTINATE headstrong

OFFENDED easily, takes everything in bad part








    lying, while

SADNESS evening

    menses, suppressed

    perspiration, during

SENSITIVE oversensitive

    noise voices, to

SHRIEKING screaming, shouting

SPEECH wandering

SPOKEN TO averse to being

SUICIDAL disposition

    perspiration, during

    throwing himself windows from

TALK indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn

THINKING complaints agg. of




WEEPING tearful mood

    chill, during


    sleep, in

Aur-as-n.: In Aurum arsenicosum natronatum these feelings are experienced in the relationship. Hence, the Aurum arsenicosum natronatum person, is an Aurum who, like Natrium arsenicosum, feels the need to trust his partner.

Aur-as-k.: In Aurum arsenicosum kalinatum there is a lack of trust, a strong suspicion that the person will be stabbed in the back or will be robbed from his friends or family.

Aur-as-mg.: The main concepts in Aurum arsenicosum magnesiatum people are creation, trust and orphanhood. They are strong creative persons who feel lonely and they have nobody to trust.


The Phosphorus element makes the Aurum person seek for love. They are lovely, extrovert Tubercular personalities who work and create a lot.

Aur-p-n.: When the Aurum person intensely seeks love in relationships, the remedy is Aurum phosphoricum natronatum.

Aur-p-k.: When the person intensely seeks love from his own people, the people he is closely related to, then the remedy is Aurum phosphoricum kalinatum.

Aur-p-c.: When an Aurum person, together with the need for love feels an intense need for protection, safety, security then the remedy is Aurum phosphoricum calcareatum.

Aur-p-m.: The main concept of Aurum phosphoricum magnesiatum people is creation, love and orphanhood. They are strong creative lonely persons who become very giving and demonstrative in their effort to be loved.

Aur-br.: It is one of the compounds of gold that we have recently started to use. The characteristics of Aurum and Bromium are combined. Therefore, the Aurum bromatum individual is the Aurum who believes that he will be abused because he is the best, or because of his visions and of what he has accomplished. The feeling that he will be abused if he is not the best also belongs to the psychopathology of the remedy. It is going to be an important remedy for disorders involving delirium and paranoid psychoses.

Aur-br-k.: In Aurum bromatum kalinatum the abuse has to do with friends or family. Even they are strong personalities there is the feeling of insecurity, of being abused without the support of the people close to them. They need to belong in a group.

Aur-br-n.: The main concept in Aurum bromatum natronatum are need for creation and an intense sense of insecurity, of abuse during the sexual act. They are persons who try to overcome their sexual problems by working.

Aur-br-c.: The main concept in Aurum bromatum calcareatum children is insecurity, that they shall be abused by parents if they are not the best. Many times they feel abused from the persons that protect them and try to overcome these feelings with hard working.

Aur-br-mg.: The main concepts in Aurum bromatum magnesiatum persons are creation, abuse and orphanhood.

Aur-chr.: These are very sensitive Aurum persons who get very easily hurt. Because of this tendency they are very introverted, they are very selective about their friends, to avoid getting hurt. On the

other hand they try not to hurt others. When they get hurt they become depressed or experience hypochondriac symptoms.

Aur-chr-k.: The main concepts in Aurum chromicum kalinatum persons are the feeling of being hurt by the members of the group in which they belong and the need for creation. They are strong, creative personalities, that support the members of the family with whom they feel closely attached to.

Aur-chr-n.: Strong creative personalities who easily feel hurt in their relationship.

Aur-chr-c.: As we have already mentioned the main concept in Calcarea Chromica people is that they are easily hurt by those who provide them with safety and protection. In Aurum chromicum calcareatum except the above there is the need for creation.

Aur-f.: The element of fluoride has to do with a greedy nature, a tendency for immediate satisfaction. There are many needs which are difficult to satisfy on one hand and strong aggressiveness against the person who fails to provide satisfaction together with a wish to break up the relationship. It is a syphilitic remedy. The Aurum fluoricum person is a greedy visionary. He has the tendency to break up the bonds with the people he protects. Another prominent feature which is due to the influence of fluoride is great motility. The arms and legs are the parts of the body aggressiveness is channelled through.

Aur-fl-n.: When the Aurum person intensely has the fluoride feelings in relationships, the remedy is Aurum fluoratum natronatum.

Aur-fl-k.: When the Aurum person intensely has the fluoride feelings for his own people, the people he is closely related to, then the remedy is Aurum fluoratum kalinatum.

Aur-fl-c.: As we have already mentioned the main concept in Calcarea fluorica people is the feeling of non-satisfaction of their needs by those who provide them with safety and protection. In Aurum chromicum calcareatum except the above there is the need for creation.

Aur-c.: The carbonicum root has to do with the feeling of being inadequate; with the belief that the goals cannot be achieved. Therefore, Aurum carbonicum is characterised by a strong tendency for being the best, a strong propensity for visions on one hand and a feeling of being inadequate, of not being able to manage, on the other. The psoric nature of the carbonicum root makes this remedy useful in cases of anxiety disorders.

Aur-c-n.: The feeling of being inadequate in relationships, the remedy is Aurum carbonicum natronatum.

Aur-c-k.: The feeling of being inadequate without the support of his own people, the people he is closely related to, then the remedy is Aurum carbonicum kalinatum.

Aur-c-c.: When an Aurum person, except the feeling of being inadequate feels an intense need for protection, safety, security then the remedy is Aurum carbonicum calcareatum.

Aur-c-mg.: When an Aurum carbonicum person feels the loneliness of an orphan the remedy is Aurum carbonicum magnesiatum.

Aur-nitric-muriaticum.: Appropriate for patients who, although they seem to belong to Aurum muriaticum they also present the feeling of undefined danger of Nitric root.



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