Carbo Fullerenum (Carb-f) = Buckyballs/= Carbon 60


Vergleich: Siehe: Carbon + Nano


Repertory:                                                             [Misha Norland]

Violence             Ground Zero             Red                         Jagged             Pressure

Paranoia             Privacy             Germs             Anxiety             Panic

Going to die             Energized             Restless             Dancing             Powerful

Extravagant             Repulsion             Irritability             Firmness             Aggression

Dispersal             Calmness             Apathy             Paralysis             Confusion

Time confusion                         Space                         Confusion             Isolation                         Disconnection                                     Solitude

Behind a Screen                         Trapped                                     The Group                         Safe                                                 Tearful


Buckyballs. molecules to Earth

C = central to life on Earth. Chemistry has 2 major groupings Organic Chemistry studies compounds containing carbon + inorganic chemistry studies everything else. Carbon = IMportant in Materia Medica. An important element in all substances found in Plant/Animal Kingdoms. Impure = Carb-v/Carb-a. C = IMportant because each atom = able to form 4 molecular bonds. N can form 3, O 2 and H 1. It can form chain or ring of C atoms and have spare bonds to tack on an almost infinite variety of bits and pieces that give organic molecules their remarkable range of properties.

In its pure forms the carbon to carbon bonds are extremely strong. In Graphite the atoms are bonded in lattices (= Gitter) of hexagons, like chicken wire, these large sheets are loosely bound together and can slide over each other which makes it a superb lubricant. This structure also leaves loose electrons which makes it an electrical conductor as good as many metals.



In Adam each atoms bonds to 4 others in an STRONG tetrahedral (= vierflächig) structure. With no non-carbon bonds, except for H atoms capping the outside surfaces, and a three dimensional structure; Diamond has a strong and rigid structure that makes it the hardest substance known and gives it remarkable optical qualities.




In 1985 Harry Kroto observed strange molecules of C detected in deep space by radio telescopes.  Richard Smalley and Robert Curl. created the sort of conditions around red giant stars near which these strange molecules were found. Vapourising Graphite in an Helium atmosphere produced a number of different Carbon molecules but by far the most common ones contained 60 atoms. The molecule was STABLE suggesting it might be spherical (= kugelförmig) in shape.





The structure in which a (partly) spherical is created from entirely straight elements is known as a geodesic sphere (= dome) and was first proposed by R Buckminster Fuller, the brilliant engineer and inventor. The most famous is probably built for the 1967 Expo in Montreal. The similarity of the molecules to these domes led to them being called Buckminster Fullerenes or Buckyballs.

Although they were a new discovery and had been first seen in outer space Buckyballs can be created in much more mundane circumstances and can be found in the soot from a candle flame.

The spherical structure and the carbon to carbon bonds of Buckyballs makes them incredibly stable. They can be fired at steel plates at enormous speeds and they bounce off. They can be squeezed at enormous pressure to 70% of their original size and are then 2x as hard as diamonds, yet they will return to their original shape after being squeezed. As they are spherical they can be used as miniature ball bearings and make fantstic lubricants. Made soluable in water they become little sponges that can mop up free radicals. By adding in rings of extra carbon atoms the sphere becomes first a rugby ball shape (Carbon 70 then a tube (Nanotube). These tubes can be used to make scanning force microscopes. Buckyballs have unusual electrical properties(espec slightly compressed). Could be important in future generations of electronic components and are already revolutionising solar panels. Attaching other elements to the outside of Buckyballs promises a further whole range of possibilities. Buckyballs have been used in quantum experiments and are the largest objects to have been quantumized so that they exist in wave form as well as particle form.

However, it is the fact that Buckyballs are hollow that may be their most interesting feature. The space inside a Buckyball is a special one with very unusual properties. Meteorites have been found containing Buckyballs with other molecules trapped inside. It is only inside a Buckyball that many chemicals could have come to Earth from space and survived the heat of entry into the atmosphere. It has been postulated that it is only inside a Buckyball that it might be possible to keep Positronium without it annihilating. The properties of Nanotubes mean that they are likely to be central to nanotechnology, electronics and engineering.



Eyes: Deeper structures/appearance of floaters or muscae volitantes indicates involvement of the vitreous of the eyes (= syphilitic activity).

Stomach: Emptiness/passing away of hunger after eating a little

Female genital system: Hormonal control.

Upper respiratory tract: Sneezing, sinusitis, hyper-responsive airways indicates a type I hypersensitive response. This along with the peculiar pus-like discharge, which is in fact a general of the remedy + < night (= active Pseudo-psora/= tubercular miasm)

Extremities: Deep bony pains as by a trauma to the joint/stiff

Fever: Heat flushes + desires fanning and cold bath

Skin: Dermis/Eruptions (like urticaria/insect bite/herpes zoster-like)


Wirkung: Tuberkulin/psoric



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