Clerodon spp.


Clerodendron infortunatum (Clerod-i) = Bhanta (I)/= Ghenda (I)                                                               

= Ip-/= Puls-ähnlich;

diarrhea + nausea. loose evacuations + worm symptoms with liquid stools/of deep yellowish color and frothy.


Kopf: Leeregefühl, „Wie hohl“

Auge: Eingesunken, eingefallen

Sehen: Trübsichtig, trübes Sehen

Mund: Zunge - weiß

Zähne: Zähneknirschen < im Schlaf

Magen: Heißhunger


Vergleich: Siehe: Lamiales + Insektizide


Phytologie: Haut/Tumore

Übel + Durchfall (Würmer)/Stuhl schaumig/gelb



Clerodendron glabrum (Clerod-g) = White Cat's Whiskers/= Tontelhout/= Natal glory-bower



Allgemeines: Bisswunden, Bisse - Schlangenbisse

Rektum: Beschwerden durch Würmer - Band-/Maden-/Spülwürmer


Antidotiert: Beugt Insektenbefall vor


Phytologie: A weak tea is taken at night by the Tswana to aid sleep and to prevent bad dreams. Pounded leaves, placed in the armpit and neck, are used to induce sleep and to provide a remedy for convulsions in children by the Lobedu.

Leaves are also used to return the effects of witchcraft and their smell is believed to repel witches' familiars.

In Zimbabwe, leaves are traditionally used to drive away evil spirits.



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