

Nitric acid (HNO3) can in some ways be viewed as a cross between the nitricums and ammonias. There’s “anxiety as if he were engaged in a lawsuit”, grudge-holding, hypochondriasis with fear of death, and fear of evil. Acid states in general imply a state of relative depletion, and nitric acid can be found in states where the person has “collapsed” after the strain of responding to repeated crises (actual or perceived).

By becoming familiar with the nitricum influence, one can begin to use it in situations apart from Argentum nitricum.

Baryta nitricum (“cannot handle things anymore, overwhelmed by stress”),

Ferrum nitricum (diarrhea from excitement, emotions)

Kalium nitricum (“punctuality, full of cares and worries”)

Natrum nitricum (“capriciousness, cannot handle things anymore, overwhelmed by stress) are other Nitricum possibilities. One would expect the above pictures to be distinguished by their respective well-known themes:

Baryta (delusion small, laughed at);

Ferrum (pertinacity);

Kalium (family, structure, rules); and

Natrium (closed hurt, desire for relationship).

Calcarea nitricum would include the fear of one’s condition being observed,

Magnesium nitricum would hold a great deal of tension related to expression of conflict.



[Stephanie Nile]

From Idealism to Rancour to Exhaustion.

Nitricums can be enthusiastic party people. They want to be someone; to be the best and in Hydrogen there is a sense of joy and unity.

How do the positive life-asserting traits of Hydrogen and Nitrogen turn to Rancour in the Ammoniacums?

When the gases, Hydrogen and Nitrogen combine their primeval freedom is lost.

They jangle together in a burning liquid!

The negative aspects of each prevail, for H2 loss of unity, looking for something to hold on too ...

For N2 its hypochondria - a fear of loosing it all.

The result is anger, from both frustrated idealism (H2) and enjoyment (N2).


The Ammonicum molecule itself can combine with various anions. The rubrics of Ammonium Carb and Ammonium Mur are very similar which makes differentiation very difficult without the knife edge dissection possible with Dr. Scholtens group analysis. Lets start by comparing the rubrics.


    Dwells on what people are saying and complaints from listening to others talking (Kent).

    Dwell on what others did to displease her. Lies awake from the excitement caused.

    Ailments from anger and disappointed love.

    Abusive. Morose. Estranged. Hatred. Violent. Loathing life. Amoral.

    Fear, life-long. Suicidal.

    Aversion to opp sex.

    Sensitive to impressions.

    Escapes from family.


    Abusive. Morose. Estranged. Hatred. Revenge. Malice. Envy.

    Ailments from grief, abuse or humiliation.

    Sensitive to certain persons

    Aversion to family

    Grief cannot cry


The similarity is striking. Using group analysis we can begin to differentiate. The salt gives direction to the Ammonium complaints. With Am-c it is directed towards the father and in Am-m it is towards the mother. Mother can also imply nurturing - or the lack of it. So the resentment can be about lack of protection and nurturing.

They feel unloved and insecure.


Am-c. can turn against the father and then extend to life in general. Resentment ext. every little injustice in life - the lads who pick fights with everyone/-thing.

In the Nitricums, Hydrogen and Nitrogen are exhausted and used up by Oxygen.

The main Oxygen themes are selfishness, loss of self-worth and a sense of abuse - we begin to feel sorry for ourselves, and become a helpless victim of circumstances.


Compare: Nit-ac. vs. Ph-ac.



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