Orthoklas w = K + Al + Si/= Kaliumaluminiumsilikat/= Moon.stone
Aluminium Gruppe/Familie Zurückziehen
Kalium Arbeit Anfang
Silizium Gruppe/Familie Erfolg
Akut: Entzündung/Quetschung;
Vergleich: Feldspath. (Orth. = Varietät). Mondstein (= Moonstone/eine Varietät von Orthoklas oder Plagioklas mit blauweißem Schillereffekt).
Siehe: Kalium + Aluminium
+ Silizium
Wirkung: tuberkulin
Mondstein: fördert Träume. have a soft attractiveness that is in contrast
with the flashing angles of the majority of precious stones. They are usually
cut en cabochon/sometimes turned in the form of balls, and, as the stone is
reputed to be
in providing good fortune.;. Held in the mouth stimulates the
memory. Would cure epilepsy. (French Basque province). During
the waxing of the moon it was an efficacious love charm; while during the
it would enable its wearer to foretell future events. If there is any basis in fact for this belief, it
should be the favourite gem of tipsters of the race tracks and stock market. A
sort of cousin-german of the moonstone
the sunstone (a transparent variety of calcite or crystallized calcium carbonate),
which however is a far less important luminary in the firmament of gems. The
true moonstone is the opalescent variety of orthoclase-feldspat
adularia). Albite occurs in opaque to transparent masses and in triclinic
crystals having a dual cleavage in different directions.
(68.7%)/Alum. (19.5)/Na (11.8%). The moonstone of commerce comes chiefly from Ceylon, where it is found
in pieces several inches in diameter resulting from the decomposition of a
porphyritic rock.
moonstone is sometimes erroneously termed "Ceylon opal".
term sunstone, or heliolite, is applied to aventurine kinds of oglioclase, one
of the feldspars; these are of a greyish white to reddish gray colour with
internal yellowish or reddish reflections, proceeding from
crystals or flakes of iron oxide. Sunstone is found at Lyme, Connecticut, among
other American localities. Its use in jewelry is now very limited; it is not
costly, and artificial "sunstone" or "goldstone,"
of glass, containing sparkling particles of metal, is often preferred to the
Vorwort/Suchen. Zeichen/Abkürzungen. Impressum.