

Skeletons and fossils are histories/memories/records of lifetimes. Heaping up or collecting the days, weeks, months and years in this way is typical of the sense of memory and history

common to both Plb-met and Calc.

And the keeping of records requires writing: with chalk on a board or slate/with a piece of lead (Plb-met.). Similar to the remark about Calc patients: `sits and thinks about little affairs

that amount to nothing'. Intense clarity of memories, dreams and visions! As if their recordings are so perfect.

We might also see fossils as collected memories, records and histories that the Calc rocks have accumulated and retained in incredible wealth and detail. They are recorded with great

faithfulness. This magpie (= Elster) or squirrel tendency to absorb and collect, record and store in detail for very long periods might be seen as a feature of the Calc mentality.


[Peter Morell]

Cognate (= verwandt mit) animals are those that are sessile/have reduced motility, which put down roots or attachments to rocks or which have large shells, calcareous deposits around

them or which leave a hard skeleton. They leave these hardened or sclerotized parts behind them after their death as evidence of their strong plant-like urge (incl. molluscae/some marine

worms/barnacles/crinoids/sea-urchins/tortoises/turtles/foraminiferans/crustaceans/bryozoans). Here we find the most plant-like animals (those that must keep records/build up traces of

their life). Keeping a record/leaving deposits/shells/bones/traces of one's existence is a plant-like drive (tree-rings: an expression in the lignified cellulose as a record of the passing years/

represent the life record of that tree) that is much more diminished within the animal world.


Alte Bäume


Wal (American Indians)



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