



Vergleich: Siehe: Gesteine


Darmnosoden and cervical spondylosis


[Collin Griffith]

Ankylosing spondylitis: an auto-immune disease characterised by inflammation of the vertebral joints eventually causing the effect of vertebral fusion. The spine becomes stiff and rigid. The condition usually starts in the sacroiliac area and the earliest symptom may be waking with stiffness of the lower back. This becomes progressively worse and extends up the spine until the dorsal spine and the ribs are involved causing chest pains and difficulty breathing. If the upper spine is affected then the TMJ and the eyes can be affected.

Swimming is good/daily exercise of some sort is essential. Sleep on a hard mattress and without a pillow. Avoid being sedentary too long. Avoid lifting.

Aesc-h. and Calc-fl. can be of help therapeutically.

Remedies: Aesc./Con./Kalmia/Nat-m./Rhus-t. Consider Silverfish/Rad-brom./Sycamore/Ayahuasca.

[Dr. W.A. Dewey]

Rhus-t. in Backache. A violent pain in the back, as if broken, is the greatest characteristic of Rhus in backache. More characteristic than the symptom “> motion,” for Rhus-t. may be indicated where the patient is < motion.


Osteoarthritis: Drying out of the joints and breaking down of the cartilage. < obesity/< acid diet/< over-use of laxatives.

Consider: Emerald/Rhodochrosite/Black Obsidian/Sycamore Seed.


Fibrositis: brought on when adhesion between muscle fibres cause stiffness and pain. Often the result of repetitive strain injury or poor posture with unaccustomed movement or emotional tension.

Consider: Nat-m./Sea Salt/Rose Quartz/Rhodochrosite/Emerald/Berlin Wall/Ign.


Herniated and prolapsed disc: Partial rupture of a buffer disc between the vertebrae or a severely ruptured disc. The outer casing of the disc collapses and the soft inner ‘jelly’ protrudes and presses on adjacent ligaments or nerve tissue. Lower vertebrae are more likely to go but it can happen in the thoracic spine and even in the neck as well.

Sciatica can be the result of lower spine (lumbar) disc trouble.

Consider: Rhodochrosite, Emerald, Sea Salt.

Amp. = Doppelschleiche/Hernien im Bauch/Wirbelsäulen-/Nervenverletzungen/= worm lizards


Helod-c. Hernien der Bandscheiben


Picric Acid


Burning along the spine: Ars. Lyc. Phos. Pic-ac. (caused by study). Zinc-met.


Lumbago: strain in the back from lifting unwisely or over-strenuous exercise.


Osteoporosis: loss of bone due to ageing, physical inactivity, hormone changes, medical drugs (steroids and asthma drugs) and parathyroid insufficiency (produce too little calcitonin).

Consider: changing the diet (> vegetarian)/Tree Calcite/Chalcancite/Silverfish.


Paget’s disease: a condition in which new but poor quality bone is produced faster than old bone is broken down. Old bone cells are replaced by fibrous tissue and blood vessel but the body fails to calcify this properly leaving the area weak and softened. The resulting bone is more liable to fracture and is subject to scoliosis.

Consider: Calc-p/Sil./Aur-met. Also Syph./Chalcancite.


Sciatica: Sharp pain shooting down the leg due to disc trouble in lumbar spine.


Sepia ossis w (= „Rückgrat“ des Loligo) Mollusca:



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