Silicea terra Anhang
Frei nach: Otto Wolff, M.D.
as Vessels for Forces: Silica as an Example
If physical
matter, substance, is the end stage in the process that has given rise to it,
the nature of the substances must reflect the nature of the forces that have
been active in the process.
Pure Si02
and quartz (its mineral form), show the characteristic hexagonal form of
A salt
crystal is always cubic and never hexagonal. We shall not attempt to 'explain'
the phenomenon by considering the atomic infrastructure of the crystal lattice,
for it is the essential nature of the substance that has given rise to
internal configuration, and not vice versa. The current way of thinking has
been programmed differently, and it is thought, for instance, that an organism
is built up from cells. It is not built up in this way, however, for the cells
have arisen
from the organism, which is the primary element. The first cell is an organism!
In the same way, the hexagonal structure of silica develops out of the
essential nature of this substance. The question then arises as to the
nature of the number 6.
A salt
crystal is cubic, and the number 4 dominates the configuration of a cube. In
Hebrew, every letter of the alphabet is also a number. Numbering starts with
the greatest there is, which is the number One. Oneness, unity, is the
of everything. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph, is the name of
God, the One, the source of everything there is.
The number
4 always indicated that something belonges to the earth. This can be shown to be
true in every detail. The number 6 on the other hand relates to cosmic forces.
It should not merely be considered to follow 4 and 5.
6 can be
divided into 2 x 3 or 3 x 2, which again is not the same thing. In the case of
silica one is clearly dealing with 2 x 3 in the form of two triangles, and not
with 3 x 2.
is the
image representing spiritual entities who in the perception of the people of
past ages numbered 6 (creative spirits described in the Bible as the Elohim, a
divine power). The term may be translated as 'God', but in Hebrew
it exists
only as plural. Another translation would be 'gods' whose creative activity is
in the sphere of light. We find them in the light and on earth in plants,
humans and minerals (silica). They are specific plant families (Liliaceae).
transverse section through the ovary of a lily reveals the image related to 6.
The floral diagram of a tulip shows 2 x 3 and not 3 x 2 elements. Every member of
the Liliaceae family has been formed out of this power,
essential lily nature that was always felt to represent the cosmos. Paintings
of the Annunciation, with the angel Gabriel telling Mary that she will bear a
son, always show the angel with a lily. It was felt that the angel was a
spirit and therefore required a lily, as something cosmic on earth, and not a
The rose is
the flower of Mary, and that is something entirely different.
light forces come to an end in silica on earth. Silica is thus the vessel or
mediator of cosmic light forces. In its purest form, as rock crystal, it is
pervious (= durchlässig) to light, though one might also say it is pervious to
Silica is
found in plants (grasses). You know the phenomenon, the edge of a blade of
grass can be so sharp that one may cut oneself. This is due to the action of
tiny silica crystals. Grasses contain a considerable quantity of silica, and so
do quite a few other plants. Human beings contain only little silica (compared
to Ca), for many years no attention was paid to silica.
more accurate estimations have become possible. Voronkov's book Silizium und
Leben (Silicon and Life) gives a vast number of data.
Silica has
many different aspects. Rock crystal or quartz is much harder than glass and
can be used to cut glass. Yet it also has a specific relationship to water.
Finely dispersed silica is able to absorb enormous quantities of water.
One mole of
Sil. will absorb 330 moles of water, an incredible amount. It means that 1 gm
of silica is capable of absorbing approximately 100 gm of water = 100x its
weight. The result is organized, structured water, water that has
form. Where
would one find this? The vitreous body of the eye is such organized, structured
water, and in fact all water in the human organism is of that kind. Swelling
and gelling processes occur everywhere, and that always means
water and
How does
the human form arise? Connective tissue is present throughout. The liver is an
extremely watery organ. Connective tissue gives it form. Also in intervertebral
discs, cartilage (the form-giving element is always connective tissue/has a
high silica content). The fibrin which develops when blood coagulates has an
extremely high silica content. It is all a matter of organization in the watery
ahead for a moment, it may be said that the watery element does of course
relate to the ether body. The principle that creates the human form goes beyond
this, however.
Before we
consider this, let us take another look at the human being as a growing
organism. Sil. levels depend on age just as much as Ca levels, and the younger
an organism is the more water it contains. This makes it pretty obvious that
the organizing principle behind it is Sil. Compare the hand of a one-year-old
child with that of an adult and the difference will be immediately apparent.
The child's hand is dimpled because the tissue layer is very thick and full of
water. Going further back you finally come to the first cells, and these
contain more than 95% of water. The human being originates in water.
content of the human embryo/ fetus in %
95.4 94.3 88.7 87.3 85.5 75.5 65
Age* 2.6 3.0 4.3 5.1 7.2 10.0 Adult Senior
*In lunar
beings originally consist of water. It is a perfectly good image to tell
children that the stork has brought them, having picked them up out of the
large pond. We have our origins in water and not in the earth. The water in
question does, however, have a high degree of organization. It is also known
that Sil. levels are the higher the younger the organism. The same applies to
water, and this water is fully formed out. If it were not, form could not enter
into it. Sil. mediates the entrance of form. As we grow to adulthood, both the
water and the Sil. levels decrease.
distribution is as follows. Sil. relates to the periphery. Organs with the
highest Sil. levels are the skin, nails, hair and the connective tissue that is
present in all parts of the organism. Here the form-creative principle is at
work. How is form given to the embryo? From the outside. Much more important
than the embryo itself or the germinal disc is the environment of the embryo.
Formative impulses come from it right until the moment of birth. The tissues of
the amnion, the skin enveloping the embryo, have the
highest Sil. content of all, with the ash contains 22%. That is the peripheral
source of the forces that bring form into watery, living substance. It is now
known that embryos are hairy all over, with hair covering the face, the
forehead, the nose and all other parts. Darwinism interprets this as due to
man's descent from apes, with the hair lost, to end up as a 'naked ape'. It is
beyond me why people refuse to see that this soft woolly hair known as lanugo is something entirely different from the hairy
pelt of apes and from permanent human hair. Why do embryos have this hair
cover, and indeed, what are hairs?
Hairs are
antennae, organs of perception. People were aware of this in times past. With
the aid of hairs (= appendages), the organism focuses on the environment,
perceiving forces radiating towards it and taking them in. Take a spoon and
stir your coffee and you will see a vortex forming in the coffee. Forces coming
from outside have an effect on the fluid. The same thing is to be seen in the
embryo. The hair forms a vortex that terminates in a point over the posterior
fontanelle at the back of the head. That is the exact spot where these vortices
enter. The 2nd point is between the shoulder blades. Here we have a still
photograph of a process of becoming. You can literally put your finger on it(this
is where formative forces reach the center from the periphery, and that is the
reason why hairs have a high Sil. content. here we have a receptor organ, a
substance that allows cosmic forces to pass through, and we now understand why
an embryo is covered with hair.
The embryo
needs such a receptor organ for cosmic forces. The route can be traced from the
amnion, with its high Sil. content, via the hair and into the organism, via
epiphysis and hypophysis right into the nervous system and then into every
individual cell. The formative processes move from periphery to center. How
does an organism come to grow? How is an arm, a leg produced? Not by the method
we would think of using. If we had a lump of clay we would start from the
center and make it go thinner and thinner until we came to the hand. Yet that
is exactly how it does not happen. The formative process starts from the hand,
and this is formed first. Then the forearm is produced, the upper arm and
finally the shoulder. First comes the foot, then the lower leg and only then
the thigh. You can see that in children whose mothers took thalidomide. It is
possible to determine the exact day on which that happened. One therefore does
not see children who only have upper arms, as in the case of amputees. Dysmelic
children have a hand up near the shoulder. Development is from the periphery,
therefore, and not from the center outward. Unfortunately our thinking follows
a different line. We are still looking to the cell and the cell nucleus for
formative impulses, yet that is where we are bound not to find them. They are
in the environment. The whole of human development proceeds from outside and
not inside; embryos grow from outside. The formative trend originates in the
periphery or, to put it concretely, the cosmos. The human being originates in
the cosmos. It is of course utterly trite to say the child emerges from the
uterus; that is self-evident. But it does not tell us anything. What is a
uterus? A cosmic enclave. Cosmic forces prevail in the uterus. Within the
amnion the embryo is exposed to cosmic forces until it is born, and not to
earthly forces. So you see, the human being originates in the cosmos and not on
earth. The cosmos is the true home of the human being, as is evident from
embryology. Sil. is the vessel for cosmic forces, not earthly ones. The younger
the embryo the greater the number of cosmic forces at work in it, creating
structure, the human form.
This human
structure must, however, come to earth. To do so, it needs material amounts of
another substance, and that is Ca. At the very beginning Ca is not present in
material form. Calcification only develops gradually during the final months in
utero. At birth the infant will have bones, but their Ca content will be low.
After this the Ca content increases, and Sil. and Ca are polar opposites in
this respect.
calcification progresses, the human body becomes more and more earthly and
impermeable. Bone is not transparent, but the eye is. Another fact is that the first
cells are impossible to see because of their transparency. This makes it
difficult to find a fertilized ovum: it is practically all water and completely
transparent. Gradually the material grows denser. The human being originates in
the light and grows dark. The Greeks were aware of this; they used the verb
melainesthai, literally "growing dark“, for "maturing“. Look at the
facts: a child is born fair-haired and later the hair darkens. Negro babies are
not white at birth but definitely much lighter-skinned than their parents. The
skin darkens gradually (palms, soles and nails remain light). That is the
periphery, where Sil. mediates cosmic light.
The above
diagram shows the relationship between Sil. and Ca in time. The same
relationship can also be seen in space. The transparent aspect is localized in
the head, with the eye transparent to light and the ear to sound.
The brain
is transparent to thought.
In alchemic
terms crystallization, the Sal process, makes things transparent to forces.
Sil. belongs to this sphere.
"Sil. always allows everything spiritual that is alive and active in the
world to pass through“. The formative impulse comes from the head. What is it
that makes the human being really part of the earth and in extreme
thoroughly bourgois? What does such a person look like? He has a pot belly, and
the head counts for less. "Curvatures" are seen in the abdominal
region, and that is due to Ca activity. Ca feeds the belly. Formative
derive from Sil. from the head region. So we now have the differentiation in
space. Sil. always belongs to the neuro-sensory system. Eye, ear, nerves and
all sense organs have to be considered in terms of Sil. It would
be possible
to go into further detail about this.
Yet if you want to place someone firmly on this earth, incarnating the
soul, it is a question of Ca, a substance acting on metabolism. Calcification
of bone proceeds from below and within; form is imposed from above and without.
periodic system shows Si and C to have a certain similarity, as they are
closely related chemically.
Sil. shows
a strange duality; in the form of quartz it is extremely hard, yet in the
organic sphere and in conjunction with water it may be said to be extremely
ductile or plastic.
C = Diamond is the hardest known material. Organic C
compounds on the other hand show infinite plasticity.
consist of carbohydrates = compounds of C and water. A plant is therefore
watery C or water organized by C! This makes plant substance so tremendously
responsive to form impulses. Plant forms show the greatest
richness in
variety, and yet it is all C and water. The same holds true for Sil. Sil. and C
have the number Six and hexagonal structure in common.
Kekule is
unlikely to have been thinking of Sil. when he developed the concept of the
benzene ring. Sil. and C are both totally determined by the number 6 (= by
cosmic forces). Light lives in both of them.
In the
plastic sphere both are still entirely open; in the inorganic sphere they reach
their end points, earthly above and more cosmic below. Quartz and diamond are
each the end state in a long process. Initially, when everything
is more
wide open, we get an abundance of plastic form, a dynamic principle. The same
can be seen in the organism. The amnion, skin and vitreous body contain
substantial amounts of Sil. Nerves have relatively low Sil. levels.
Yet the
white matter has been produced by Sil.
What are
the indications for Sil. forces in a plant? Sil. relates to the periphery. Sil.
activity is in evidence wherever the periphery gets even more 'peripheral' and
points are formed. Where do we find points? Anywhere where
one sees
downy leaves: Verb./thistles. Thistles are prickly, and that is an extreme
periphery. It is dynamic Sil. activity.
The awns (=
Granne) of barley contain substantial amounts of Sil. Barley is an out-and-out
Sil. plant. Wherever one sees rays like those, one has Sil. activity. The awns
are 'hairs'. Arn. another typical Sil. plant, and it, too, is
downy. It
will only grow on siliceous soil. Add just a handful of lime or artificial
fertilizer (an earthly element) and the plant dies. Arn. never grows on lime,
only in siliceous soil. Arn. really does have a potentized Sil.
exactly the same as in the nervous system. This makes it medicinal for the
nervous system and also for the form principle; for instance, when injuries
have been sustained and the 'form' destroyed.
conclusion, let me refer to some scientific data. The internal organs have
relatively low Sil. levels. Little Sil. is found in the lungs, relatively large
amounts in the pancreas. What does this tell us? Not long ago Tb. was
still quite
common, and a reciprocal relationship was found to exist between Tb. and Sil.
What does Tb. represent? It is a process of dissolution. Capacity for form is
Lung tissue
actually dissolves and cavities result. There is one organ that practically
never develops Tb., pancreas. The function of the pancreas is to give form and
structure to the food in the intestinal region.
Organs with
high Sil. levels do not develop Tb. So there you have the capacity to give
form, and on the other hand Tb. as a disease with dissolving tendencies. What
kind of treatment was given in the past?
medicine made use of plants with high Sil. levels [plants with high Sil. levels (Equi-a =
horsetail/Galeopsis tetrahit = hemp nettle/Teucr-s. = wood sage]. Tb. was thus treated with typical
Sil. plants.
examples show a way in which it may be possible to gain understanding of the
essential nature of Sil. Sil. is much more in accord with human nature than Ca
is. We have seen that Ca is a vessel for the astral body
and lets
the soul enter into metabolism. It has also been mentioned that water is the
vessel for life, for the ether body. Where does Sil. have its place? The
question can only be answered if understanding has been gained of
the nature
of the human being. It is part of the essential nature of human beings, as distinct
from animals, that they are able to have immediate control of the spirit and
have self-awareness. This is connected with the ability
to stand
upright, walk, speak, and think. It calls for a specifically human
organization, and R.S. called this the "ego-organization“. Sil. provides
the physical basis for it. With its aid, the human organism is given the inner
outer form
that makes it a vessel for the spirit. Because of this, Sil. is tremendously
important for human beings.
Ca and Sil.
levels depending definite on age, with Sil. decreasing and Ca increasing with
age. What is the danger an aging person faces? Calcification, sclerosis. It was
known right until the present time that Sil. has antisclerotic properties. An
example of such a Sil. preparation is Sclerosol (consisting of Sil).
Present-day thinking is very different, has attention focused on cholesterol
and fats, though these are entirely 2ndary where sclerosis is concerned. What
is the problem of people suffering from sclerosis? They remain too earthly.
They immure themselves in living substance that has not been mastered so that
it becomes like a prison (atheromatosis). They and those around them experience
the process like this: Mind and spirit have become narrowed down and are
imprisoned. Lacking wide open horizons, the cosmos, release into the spirit.
These people do not lack vitality, yet most geriatric agents contain anabolics,
vitamins, hormones, etc. Yet these people lack anything but that! What is
lacking is catabolism, form, conversion of body substance into spiritual
principles. Sil. can be used to achieve this. Other substances
will serve
the same purpose (an example being Scleron, a potentized lead preparation.
subjects lack comprehension, universality in short, the wisdom of old age. That
is a Sil. process.
indications for Si and Sil. may be derived from the above. The relationship to
the neuro-sensory system has been discussed. Quartz is always indicated where
the wrong kind of metabolic processes, and particularly inflammatory processes,
develop in the neuro-sensory sphere. This may take the form of neuritis,
encephalitis or inflammatory conditions affecting sense organs. The skin, too,
is a sense organ in this respect. Quartz is therefore indicated for inflammatory
skin conditions. It will be given in relatively high potencies: D 20 - D 30. On
the other hand there is the therapeutic rule that the related plant drug should
be given preference, particularly in the early stages of treatment. In the
sphere of the nervous system, Arn. would be the Sil. plant of the first choice,
again in relatively high potencies. When one is dealing more with the metabolic
sphere (kidneys), Equis. is particularly effective in form of Equisetum Silicea
cult.; here the growing plant has been specially treated with Sil. with the
result that the mineral is "opened up" and made more effective by the
plant. This preparation will generally
the patients' formative forces where form has been lost in dysplastic
processes. (D 2 = 1% oral). This also addresses connective tissue, where the
root cause of the lack of form must be sought. Connective tissue
frequently makes the whole habitus appear to be lacking proper support; other
aspects are flat feet, flaccid skin, growth disorders affecting hair and nails.
who are masters of observation, have described a type of individual who is the
essential Sil. nature: sensitive/skinny/rather weak/shy/quiet with thin, fine
hair and tend to be hypersensitive/overprotected. It is immediately apparent
that the neuro-sensory system predominates, and this needs Sil. if it is to
function properly.
Sil. may
also be provided in the diet (barley and millet: rich in Sil). One reason why
our usual diet is low in Sil. is that the mineral cannot be made available in
the form of a fertilizer, plants are only able to utilize it if supplied in a
more accessible organic form.
If we
compare the essential Sil. nature with the constitutional type and the
pathological symptoms that have been shown above, it will be found that they
correspond. The powers found lacking in these individuals point to the very
substance that is the vessel for such powers, and that is Sil.
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