Vergleich: Volatile oils                                                 Fatty acids                                                         Wax                                               Cholesterinum


Identified by the fact that drops applied to filter paper                        fatty oils leave a fat stain.                                            Not nutrients, are solid lipids only melt at temperatures             Is one substance

Combustibility (up to explosiveness)/more inclined                       Combustibility = characteristic of fatty oils,             higher than fats do and are chemically more inert.               Stimulates growth

To evaporate, intensely addressing themselves by smell.              Insoluble in water and saponifiable                                                                                                                                Can’t be absorbed

                                                                                                         Lighter as water                                                                                                                                                        Heavier as water

 Do not melt or solidify                                                                        Do not melt or solidify at a sharply defined Melts at certain high temp.

                                                                                                         temperature but in a fusion interval.                                   but in a fusion interval                                                           out of the range of life

Not nutrious, have pharmaceutical actions                                               Nutrients                                                                                                                                                                 Insoluble in water

Tending towards gaseous                                                                      Fluid                                                                                  Solids                                                                                    Fluid - Solid

Made mainly in plant organism                                                        Made in plant organism/many                                   Made mainly in plant organism                                               Made in animal organism

Can dissolve waxes, resins, fats                                                     Is produced with light and heat of sun.                                                                                                                     In the dark

bones, structure of patients are weak.                                            Has qualities related to origin in plant                                                                                                                     Shows not immediately

                                                                                                                                             Is absorbed and changed in animal organism                                                                                                      Is produced in human

                                                                                                         Is foreign and modified                                                                                                                                 organism and excreted


Mykabris cichorii = Ölkäfer/= Ban mao/= aphrodisisch Arthropoda


R.S.: The medicinal action of etheric oils (rosemary), consists in stimulation of the ego. Tannins make the astral body inclined to combine with the etheric body. Bitter substances stimulate the etheric body to take the astral body into itself.


[Nhlanhla Wiseman Nsele]

Terpenoids and Essential Oils

Plant fragrance is carried in the so-called essential oil component. These oils are secondary metabolites that are highly enriched in compounds based in isoprene structure (Marjorie, 1999). They are called terpenes and their general chemical structure is C10H16. If the compounds carry an additional element, usually oxygen, they are called terpenoids. Terpenoids are synthesised from acetate units and as such they share their origin with fatty acids (Marjorie, 1999). They differ from fatty acids in that they have extensive branching and they are cyclized. Some examples of

common terpenoids include methanol and Camphor (monoterpes), farnesol and Artemisin (sesquiterpenoids) (Marjorie, 1999).

Terpenoids are reported to be active against bacteria (Ahmed et al., 1993/Akpata and Akinrimisi, 1977). In 1977, it was reported that 60% of essential oil derivatives examined to date were inhibitory

to fungi while 30% inhibited bacteria (Chaurasia and Vyas, 1977). It is speculated that the mode of action of the terpenes revolves around the membrane disruption by the lipophilic compounds

(Marjorie, 1999). Food scientists have found the terpenoids present in essential oils of plants to be useful in the control of Listeria monocytogenes (Aureli and Zolea, 1992).

Terpenes are a class of hydrocarbons usually produced from plants. They are the building blocks of many essential oils used in perfumes and other fragrances.




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