Amnii liquor (Amn-l) = Fruchtwasser


Vergleich: Enthält: 99% Wasser/1% Na + Cl, Eiweiß, Glukose, Lac-ac, Urea (= Harnstoff) und gerinnungfördernden Substanzen + Sil; Meerwasser enthält durchschnittlich 31/2% Salze.

Siehe: Geburtsgruppe + Organen


[Melissa Assilem]

Diese Prüfung wurde in einem einwöchigen Seminar auf der ägäischen Insel Lesbos durchgeführt. Wie bei allen unseren Wassermitteln fließt auch durch dieses Mittel ein tiefes Element von Trauer, ein Gefühl, dass etwas fehlt, etwas unaufgelöst geblieben ist, eine Sehnsucht, zu etwas zurückzukehren, verloren zu sein, oder verlassen worden

zu sein. Der Fall, den ich in meinem Buch dargestellt habe, veranschaulicht das gut.

Wenn eine Frau das Gefühl hat, dass sie etwas falsch gemacht hat, will sie ins Wasser gehen, nicht um zu sterben, sondern um mit ihrer Scham zu verschwinden. Es ist eine Wiederholung dessen, was geschah, als sie noch im Mutterleib war. Dieses Mittel ist für mich mehr als alle anderen wie eine ‚Seelenrückholung‘; es bringt uns zurück zu

etwas, das wir verloren haben, das gestohlen oder vergessen wurde, zu dem Ort, an dem sich unsere Dämonen verbergen. Auch wenn sie verborgen sind, können sie uns als unterschwellige Bedrohung beherrschen. In dem erwähnten Fall gab ihr das Mittel eine Stimme, die sie hören konnte, und brachte ihr eine tiefgreifende Heilung.

Wie bei allen diesen Mitteln kann es schwierig sein, Rubriken zu definieren, weil sie offenbar ein universelles Spektrum besitzen, das zu groß ist, um es komplett in eine Rubrik zu pressen; doch ihr Bezug zu unserer frühesten Entwicklung ist nicht zu leugnen.

Ein Symptom, das in der Prüfung besonders hervortrat, war die Vorstellung, dass sie unter Wasser atmen konnte. Es gab Bilder und Zeichnungen, die entweder Gebärmutter-ähnlich waren, oder Föten im Mutterleib darstellten. Natürlich ging es nicht ausschließlich um die Reise durch die Gebärmutter, sondern vielleicht auch um einen anderen Zeitpunkt in ihrem Leben, wo sie einen wichtigen Teil von sich selbst verloren hatte, und sich danach nicht mehr ganz fühlte.

Einige Themen und Stichwörter von Aqua Amniota humana

Tief zugrunde liegendes Gefühl von Trauer.

Empfindung der Fähigkeit, unter Wasser zu atmen.

Gefühl im Mutterleib zu sein, unter Wasser zu sein.


Eingekapselt sein, Schutz, zurückgehaltene, gehemmte Gefühle.

Erhöhte Sensivität (ein gemeinsames Symptom der Muttermittel).

Zeitverzerrung, Atemprobleme.


Gemüt: Aktivität - Verlangen nach

Reizbar, gereizt/Ruhelos (im Bett/vor Menses)

Kopf: Schmerz (einseitig)/Zusammenschnürung

Bauch: Schmerz

Schlaf: Gestört/ruhelos


Mind: Acceptance and fear for death

Wants to be alone

Anxiety (felt in stomach)




Feels close to others

Doesn’t want to communicate


OTHERS close to others, feeling

CLUMSY (see Awkward)

COMMUNICATE - do not want to

COMMUNITY - feelings of

COMPASSION (see Sympathetic)




CONFUSION of mind - working, while


Delusions - connected with ancestors/finding balance in life/”As if body floating in sea”/fear to be born/being connected with (myself/the group)/not connected/wants to be connected/lack of control/wants control/duality in feelings/emptiness/”As if being big”/knows everything/looses everything/feeling quilty about existing/fatigue/feelings of harmonious co-existence/feels no boundaries around/everything is fluid/feels grounded/head feels tight, like a cap/heart stops from lightest exertion/inside is outside/

”As if left side of the skin of my skull is knitting together”/respect to mother earth/doing exactly what is needed/feels like pregnant, body is growing, become healthy/

”As if protected”/sleepiness, dreamlike state/being in the space between/ doubtful about synchronicity/time passes too quickly/time passes too slowly/time is important/ something is unwanted/can hear under water/is doing everything wrong

DETACHED and indifferent



EMOTION - lack of (but aware of body)/lack of and sympathie





EXHAUSTION (< evening)

FEAR of death (and acceptance of death)

FEAR love, versus

FEAR - protection, lack of

FEELINGS – lack of/changeable/alternating/ecstasy and surrender/of harmonious co-existence




GOOD - feeling

GRIEF (deep/overwhelmed by/with palpitations and heart pain/in waves and happiness)

GROUNDED - not grounded (not relieve by eating/> drinking alcohol)

HAPPINESS - waves of, grieve and





IRRITABLE (> when alone/by noise)

ISOLATION (desires it)


LOVE - compassion toward all beings, deep love and/versus fear/quilty feelings about the quality of love


MISTAKES; time - conception

MOOD - alternating changeable/repulsive

NEGATIVE (see Mood repulsive)



PEACE feeling of

QUIT - expectations into duty, no




RESTLESS (with a sense of anticipation)


SAFETY - feelings of


SHAME - feelings of




SYMPATHIE - emotion, lack of and

THOUGHTS - wandering

TIME - conception of time lost (see Mistakes - time - conception)



UNIFICATION - sensation



CRAWLING, as if insects on vertex and right temple/on scalp (see Formication)



FORMICATION – Vertex and r. temple

ITCHING – r./forehead/scalp (l. > scratching)/vertex

HEAT - flushes of

HEAVY SENSATION on skull - Right on side a large, round area, not intensive/upper left quadrant

“As if hollow”

PAIN [l. (to r.)/but calmness/above l. ear/eyes - behind inner canthi not relieved by pressure relieve/shooting above r. eye/ frontal (also occipital)/occipital/pressing (inwards around temples and cheekbones/and heaviness/

screw like)/> pressure/l. temple/frontal sinus/sharp (on side of skull/from one side to the other)/on vertex shooting to right side/> warmth/in whole head in surges/temporal sharp/sore > cold and pressure/

/stinging (in temples)

PRICKLINGG sensation

PRESSURE – both temples/outwards/on vertex and temples

RADIATING feeling; from the left side to the back of the skull

Sensitive - to colours (orange)/to impression/to light/to smell/to sound

SWEATING feeling

TIGHTENING; top of head

Eye: < closing


Lid feels heavy r.

Eyelid itches > scratching

Itching – l. eye (inner corner)/r. outer corner

> with eyes open

Pain – burning (< closing/slightly)/in eyeball/l. inside corner/shooting over l. eye/smarting

TEARS - leak out

Ear: BLOCKED sensation; unblocked and

Sensation - crawling r./fluttering r.

HEARING - muffled

ITCHING - around l. ear(lobe)/behind r. ear/in l. eustachian tube

PAIN – in the canal/feeling fullness l./otitis external with burning/stitching pain below l./sore in l. ear

PRESSURE in r. ear, right


Nose: Congested l.

DISCHARGE - dripping, postnasal/watery offensive (r./l.)

NASAL PASSAGES congested comes and goes

NAUSEOUS and hot

NOSTRIL – blocked/nostrils flare

ITCHING – at the base of the back of the nose/in r. nostril outside in the middle/in r. nostril outside (in the middle)/r. nostril

PAIN – in r. nostril ext. temple

TICKLING in r. nostril

SENSITIVITY in nostril ext. temple


Face: ERUPTIONS - acne; burning

PAIN shooting


PAIN – in teeth of l. upper jaw + chest pain/in jaw ext. l. ear > pressure

SALIVA - tastes metallic

ULCERS – on palate/on gums

Throat: DRIP - postnasal

PAIN – stitching l./deep in the throat (> at night/and nasal congestion)/sore


TIGHTNESS in pit of throat

Neck: FLOPPY/muscles weak

PAIN – in base of vertebra

Stomach: APPETITE increased



INDIGESTION - heavy feeling by eating too quickly

NAUSEA (> leaning forward)


PAIN – “A from a lump”/fleeting

Abdomen: BOWEL - movements

CRAMP abdominal

GAS - Left Ovary region; around


PAIN – cramps/pressing/sharp l.

PELVIS - aware of/heaviness/pressing

Rectum: FLATULENCE (smells)

Bladder: PAIN pressing in ovary < after urination

Kidney: PAIN (shooting in r. kidney)

TIGHTNESS - feeling; discomfort and

Female organs: ENDOMETRIOSIS


LIBIDO – increased/sensation

PAIN - Ovary cramping l./stabbing r./pressing l. < after urination/in uterus (pressure outward “As from pressed air in uterus”/in uterus and in coccyx area/cxramping)



Larynx and trachea: ITCHING in pit of throat

VOICE hoarse

Respiration: coughing air to get air

Cough: dry

Evening and night only

Cold air <

dryness/rawness painful l. increases irritation and coughing/rawness on swallowing

Chest: CHILL - in thorax/sudden in upper arms/1. upper body, 2. lower body;

HEART - dragging sensation over/heaviness, pressing pains

ITCHING in r. armpit

PAIN – l. (< bending forward)/in l. nipple/r. mamma stabbing/in chest and flushes with palpitation and anxiety/> exertion/in heart area + sadness/upper chest l./l. lower rib/upper l. rib < using arm/in sternum pressed in spotted areas

PRESSURE in l. upper chest

PULSE - irregular

Back: PAIN Upper Left Shoulder - collar bone on the outer end, shooting pain

PAIN – in dorsal region between shoulders between/in coccyx, dull, deep, sour, ache/in lower cervical vertebrae/in lower back, can not sit comfortable position/< leaning backward/> leaning forward/> stretching/sharp in lumbar region/in sacrum > pressure

SPINE - energy sensation/heaviness/pressing pain/upper thoracic

TRAPEZIUS – tense r.

Extremities: AWKWARD/clumsy

COLD feet at night

ELBOW – r. itching,

FEET - discomfort while walking

HANDS - rheumatism


LEG - heavy feeling/r. stab, itchy

TOE - anterior big toe, left

TOE - itching; between toe

PAIN - Arms and hands like needles not > change of position/in r. calf blistering/cramping in r. forearm/in r. hip (cramping/ext. knee)/ischias l./in l. gluteal muscle/sharp l. leg > motion/l. knee/r. knee moved to r./

knee > sitting/pressing/shoulders (r. heavy pain/ext. down arm - pressing pain on right side)/upper limb/in toe > pressure and cold/r. thumb ext. up arm rheumatic/wrist (r./rheumatic pain)


SHOULDER - itching, sharp r./l. bursitis

Stiff – hips/knees

UPPER LIMBS – heavy r./tired r.

WRIST rheumatism

Sleep: RESTLESS – no position is right



WAKING - night - after 4 – 5 h. (with anxiety/with sadness)

Dreams: animals/birds/boundaries/cars/children and babies/cocoons/enveloped completely/erotic/floating (in a warm sea/in a sm all space)/friends/lucid/men and guns/phone ringing/calling/

skiing/spiral shape/water/wife is pregnant; we were 3 when we had sex/womb

Perspiration: BODY upper and face

ODOR – offensive/aware of

Skin: ITCHING (body > scratching/not relieved scratching/back of r. foot/on sole of r. foot

Generalities: l./r.


BODY – discomfort > stretching

BODYSMELL - offensive and sexual

WEAKNESS chilliness; with; and exhaustion

COLD (< at night not > wrapping up/coldness in whole body ext. lips)

EXERCISE - aversion to

FANNED; being desire to be


FOOD and DRINKS: Desires: cold water/comfort food/meat/soup/sweets (vanilla/chocolat);

FLUSHES - with heat/with palpation and anxiety around heart/with perspiration/and shivering


MOVE want to

PAIN - heavy and pressing

TREMBLING - feeling; inside

THIRST - ice cold water, which tastes bitter (see STOMACH - Thirst)

TIRED (< 21 h.)

TIGHT feeling - left; back, low and middle


WARM - clammy, and feeling


WEIGHT losing, despite increase of appetite



Neck, i.e., the cervical joints, feel as if slightly “greased,” (the way parts move in a machine are greased). This enables my head to turn left and right with greater ease - ease in rotation

Ovarian cancer, cell division/mitosis

<LHS, <exertion

Sensation brings you to seeing and feeling with your body, which brings unbelievable love. Total contentment and no need for food.

Preverbal expression: drawing, dance, hand signs, pictures, feelings, intuition, shamanic state. Dancing, fertility, movement of sperm

LOVE: Feeling of guilt about the quality of love given and unconditional love failed to give; Realization that love given was inadequate, this brings grief; remedy teaches what love is,

problem is the quality of love;

PROTECTION: Feeling protected, held, warm and safe, no one can see me. Establishing protective boundaries; protected but then lose the connection; Easy to be inside, also easy to be out. Feels like floating in “fruitwater” - nurturing water; don’t want to leave the water because the food will be dirty; feels like floating in a warm sea, insulated. Want to go back to my mother.

DEATH AND REBIRTH: Reconciliation of death; death and rebirth; Thoughts of suicide because of lack of connection and love. Coming through a gateway. Questioning our existence: who makes this, where does it come from.

CHAOS: chaotic thoughts, scattered thoughts; going from chaos into patterns and from patterns into chaos; from chaos into perfection and completeness. Joining a portion with the whole, making it one, thereby changing the whole, it is ONE. Together we are one. Mind scatters, mind drifts. Mind is confused when judging emotions.

Feeling criticized, judged and judging followed by acceptance. Alternating states of being; being one and being different. Surreal feelings.

CHILDREN: Impatience from want of children, then calmness and acceptance. Thoughts about stolen children, and grief about it.

Sees colours, dark, green, yellow and pink; it’s dark and light together; sees only lights and colours


WATER: Healing is from the water, and will keep us healthy (baptism). Everything is from God; all is God. We can all heal from this “fruitwater” = nurturing water

(it can never contain any cancer cells).

REBIRTH/REINCARNATION: Connect with eternal life; review whole history; recapitulation. Strong and complete feeling. Interconnectivity of human beings is beyond time; feeling of infinity.

Reincarnation - have travelled this path many times before, every time with a different goal.

Reactivation of your potentiality to the degree that you are aware. I’ve gone through all the layers of the life cycle. The embryo is a totality in itself like the whole universe.

LOVE: Insight into the true nature of love; unconditional and in dissolvable; first emptiness, then making space for love. Image of a heart cracked through the middle with

a bright light shining through. Broken heart heals and this leads to a bigger love. Love sustains the experience of living.

Love, connection, contact, friendship. Looking for oneness and harmony; it becomes a good orchestra.

RELATIONSHIPS: Gives an overview about your relationships from young onwards; insight into your whole history of relationships, complete with connections and disconnections. Gives you insight where you had problems; brings back information and memory from the past. Forgiveness: feels she can forgive everybody, everybody

is forgiven. I can bring up the child, feed it and educate it.

DEATH: Death is the flow of life. Emptiness is the fullness. You cannot fill if you are not empty. The river of the life needs death. Sacrifice of the twin in utero

PRIMEVAL INSIGHTS: our understanding of life is informed by signs and symbols that reveal themselves in their own time; no words to describe the layers.

Perceiving visually without opening or using eyes.

SPIRITUAL CRISIS: realization that you didn’t take the right path; references to suicide, spiritual death and rebirth. Going through the layers of losses, darkness, grief

and happiness. Then like being reborn. Ambivalence about existence.

Restorative: this is a restorative substance. It allows the resetting of the organism, like rebooting the computer. One’s potentiality is rekindled. Possibilities are accessible.

This substance renews the soul’s infusion into the physical body realm. I understood the world and myself. all we want is to be loved


Allerlei: wird produziert von Fötus


The power to "create enveloping forms" also helps the patient at the soul level. Often give the D 30 together with Cuprum met. prep. D 30 w every week or two weeks.

Cancer patients often feel unprotected, naked and exposed and at the same time, paradoxically, as though surrounded by an impenetrable wall. Potentized Amnion can

help them to develop the enveloping and, at the same time, open soul structure they need.


[Ruth Sagerer]

2.2 Amnion - Stellvertreter / Empfindungen

Ich bin und stehe zwar an meinem Platz, doch ich spüre gleichzeitig wie es sich 2 – 3 m weiter vor mir anfühlt. Ein  wellenartiges Gefühl setzt sich nach vorne immer weiter

fort. Ich weiß und spüre genau, was auch dort 3 m weiter vorne vor sich geht und wie es da aussieht und sich anfühlt. Gefühl wie eine Erweiterung von mir selbst.

Dennoch ist der Platz, an dem ich stehe richtig: „Ich bin vom Wesen her ganz da, wo ich stehe.“ 

Bezug zu Amnionhaut (Stellvertreterin):

Ich möchte sie in meiner Nähe haben. Sie folgt mir auch  bei jeder Bewegung. Wenn sie weg wäre, würde etwas fehlen;

doch sie ist da. Ein eher neutraler Bezug zu ihr.

Bezug zur Inkarnation/Manifestation:

Wie eine Einladung von mir zu kommen und zu schauen. Ich will die (im Raum) vorhandene Freude zeigen. Alles ist möglich! Ich fühle mich frei und unbegrenzt.

Wie Gas in Form von Wasser. Ungebunden und warm. Dezentes Licht ist im Raum immer dabei.

2.2.1 Zum Abschluss - im Kreis stehend

Empfindung eine positive emotionale „Überschwemmung“ kommt hoch. So eine Freude, weil es keine Grenzen gibt.

Ich kann überall hinfließen, in jede Ritze; es ist alles möglich für mich und alle anderen. Ich spüre Wärme in meinen Beinen (mir war vorher kalt) und eine überschwaengliche Freude, weil alles fließt und alles möglich ist.

Bezug zur Amnionhaut Ich spüre etwas Vertrautes, etwas Beschützendes (nicht mehr neutral). Sie ist da und das ist sehr gut so. Es würde etwas fehlen, eine plötzliche Lücke, ein unvorhersehbarer Abgrund würde entstehen, wenn sie nicht da wäre. Freude in den Körper zu gehen.

2.2.2 Antroposophie: Amnion-Heilmittel für Hauterkrankungen (Grenzen)

Stellvertreter-Empfindung in der Aufstellung: Wie wenn ich mit den Fingern die warme Freude in jede Pore der äußeren Haut hineinfließen lassen möchte. Ich möchte vermitteln, wie es sich anfühlt, diese Freude zu erleben. 



Amnion w = Eihaut/= Teil Fruchtblase/Amnion bovis wa


Negativ: Child seems "too weak to think by himself" and process what he has experienced/ADHD/ADD/hilft In-/Exkarnieren

 amnion is the most peripheral organ developed in life (silica about 20% in the ash). During the embryonic period, the configuring forces may be said to act through this enveloping silica structure

During the embryonic period, the configuring forces may be said to act through this enveloping silica structure, and the preparation can call up differentiation powers in cancer patients.

The power to "create enveloping forms" also helps the patient at the soul level. Give the D 30 together with Cuprum met. prep. D 30 w every week or two weeks (injection). Cancer patients often feel unprotected, naked and exposed and at the same time, paradoxically, as though surrounded by an impenetrable wall. Potentized Amnion can help them to develop the enveloping and, at the same time, open soul structure they need.

Ovi-p. = Hühnereischalehaut


Amnion/Mesenchyme = lining of all internal organs; the connective tissues (blood/lymph/bones/cartilages/muscles/skin/fascias/coverings of organs)]


Allerlei: Hergestellt aus Schwein

= Teil Placenta

Reptilien waren die ersten Landwirbeltiere mit einer vom Wasser unabhängigen Fortpflanzung. Die Embryonalentwicklung geht in einer schützenden, fruchtwassergefüllten Eihülle (dem Amnion) vonstatten, was sie von Amphibien und Fischen unterscheidet.



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