Badiaga o. Spongia fluviatilis (Bad) = Süßwasserschwamm (Russland)


Vergleich: Enthält: I + Si; Arn. + Bel-p. + Cupr-met. + Rhod. + Rhus-t. wann versagen;

DD: Arn. Bapt. Con. Cund. Cupr-met. Dros. Ham. Rumx.

Siehe: Silicium + Iod + Uranosgruppe + Tierisches Gewebe + Kloner + Unbeweglich + Molluscae + Wasser aufnehmend  + Anhang: (Dr. med. Anton Rohrer)

Rhus-t. (> Bewegung) + Arn. (wund/< Berührung/Bluterguss) + Coff. (zittern/< abends) = Bad. (< morgens/Bewegung/Haut blau verfärbt)


= Rhus-t-ähnlich + < Bewegung/= Merc-ähnlich + gegensätzliche Modalitäten;

Kind: Dick/syphillitisch;

Positiv: Lebhaft/klarer Geist, gutes Gedächtnis;

Negativ: A. Rheuma/Arthritis = < Treppen heruntergehen, B. Fröstelt + < Sturm, C. Grippe + Absonderung l. Naseloch,  D. Wundes Empfinden irgendwo (+ Beschwerden),

[Wolfgang Hanning]

>> hohen (Luft-)Temperatur sehr wohl (40° C im Auto);


Badiaga is a sponge from fresh water.  The other sponge, from the salty water is Spongia. It mainly comes from a substance that is roasted. (Badiaga is from the fresh animal).

In traditional medicine, used as a roasted substance.  The main use was as an anti-haemorrhagic for bad injury – it was used for external and internal bleeding. 

The trituration of a roasted sponge was used a lot for metrorrhagia, etc.

The Arabs used this remedy in their traditional medicine.  They used it a lot for people with a goitre.  Every time they saw somebody with such a swelling in their throat,

they realised that the sponge was very efficacious to treat this problem to reduce the mass and also to improve the related symptoms.

In Spongia tosta, we use mainly the skeleton of this plant?/ or animal. 

It’s a kind of roasted Calcarea silicate! 

The amount of calcium and silica in the skeleton is exactly the opposite to the evolution of the animal.  The more it contains silica, the less it is evolved. 

Usually you find that animals with a big amount of silica are really, really primitive. 

Animals with the biggest amount of calcium are more evolved. 

If you study very, very basic plants (e.g. Lycopodium), they contain more silica.  Lycopodium used to be 100 metres high and some ferns were 2,000 metres high!! 

They contain lots of silica as a protection. 

The most evolved plants have a kind of thorn (e.g. roses) as protection. 

Silica is hard to be chewed and digested so many animals won’t eat it (they start to triturate their teeth before the plant!)

Calcium carbonate is the first sign of an animal having a bone (oyster). The animal itself is still boneless, so it has an external bone as a cover. 

From this point of view, we have more or less evolved shells.  (We have 4 shells in homeopathy: Murex, Calcium carbonicum, Pecten jacobeus and Venus mercenaria).

As you move on in evolution, the bone goes inside.  For example, Sepia has a bone inside the system upon which to attach bones and muscles so that it can move.

In these ‘animals’ there is no tissue, no digestive system, no respiratory system, etc.  Just a collection of cells living together to filter the water;


Basic Frame:

In our growth as human beings, we need to cross several steps in our evolution from the beginning of childhood when we leave the uterus to growing as adults. 

More or less, we all have a solid structure to our growing.  If there is a serious damage in this sense and the evolution is not growing in a proper way, you don’t only

have a problem in your personality as a structure of the self, but also in your physical structure. 

(A fundamental theme can be seen on both mental and physical levels.)

Basic frame means that the basic needs of survival are provided and they are OK. 

You don’t see anything more sophisticated than what is needed for survival. 

You can see this in their relationship to other people, their own understanding, their attitude to getting a good insight, their relationship to food, money & their house. 

Everything has to be sure, clear, basic.  They need a clear sense of being supported, whatever it is. 

If they don’t have the support, they’ll replace it as soon as possible. They  may cut off the emotional side of a relationship and only live because they need the support. 

It’s like the infant state of a baby who is unable to survive by himself. 

Spongia is blocked in this state.  Completely dependent on somebody else.  Becoming an adult means being able to live on your own.

They don’t set up relationships using emotions.  “I need someone, that’s it!”  This is acted in a very, very childish way.  When they are really bad, they will ask the wife

or the husband to go with them to the hairdresser! 

They cannot stand at all to be alone, in any moment of their existence.  This need is essential.

Distance: In a compulsory way, they must not get in emotional contact with another person. Between them and the others, there is always a kind of safety distance

which will prevent them from being injured, touched, invaded.  In some way this could appear as a kind of contradiction to the dependency. 

They have to keep the right distance to use the support in a safe way.  It’s an emotional distance, rather than a physical distance.  They look emotionally dependent but

because of the basic frame are completely dependent.  They won’t allow anyone closer than that. It’s like when you need milk from the mother to be fed, but on the other

side, you are almost unable to have an emotional relationship with the person – you just need the milk, warm environment and to be protected.  Beyond that, there is no

connection. Dependency: The idea of living by themselves is almost impossible.  There must be the physical presence of somebody to guarantee the protection that they


Whenever there is a lack of this support, for any reason, they are in panic. 

If someone who was one of the most important people, dies or has to leave, there is a very serious state of de-compensation.

Seek out the relationship.  Often, they will find somebody who is happy to exist in this kind of relationship – like a kind of nurse!

Even if you try to understand what’s going on in this person, because of such a basic frame, it is almost as if they are unable to make a clear connection that takes a

minimum insight.  You can be quite astonished that the person is not able to understand the connection. 

You sense a clear feeling of being disconnected.  There is such a lack of organisation in the basic frame.

Immaturity: This is very strong in Spong. The person is clearly not able to be independent. 

It is clear that they need somebody else, even to survive.  They suffer tremendously if there is a loss, but it’s not an emotional suffering.  It’s related more to them

than the person that dies. 

They will panic – “What can I do now without this person?”  Their programme will be to replace him or her as soon as possible with another who is stronger.

They must have close to them what they perceive as a strong personality. 

A stable house, stable finances, enough food and good life insurance!

Safe environment: This is like the Sea. 

What is important in life is to be safe, to be protected, to be stable.  Not to change their mind, not to face new things. 

Not to move out from common habits.  Not to face problems with food, work, etc. 

Guaranteed work: Very basic needs and wants – to have something sure and safe. 

You get a clear feeling that they are not ambitious at all.  There is no ambition at all. 

It’s essential to survive and stay in a place that is safe. It’s as if everything in life points to this – to have something safe and sure.

Alternation: From a clinical point of view, a common observation in cases of Spongia, is that they always think something in the external environment makes them sick. 

Whatever they’re complaining about is something that comes and goes away. 

It is as if they try in some way to get rid of ‘my problem’ but it comes and comes and comes. 

They are either good or not good, constantly. In every patient, we should look at the relationship they have with the external world and the relationship they have with their

internal world.

They live somewhere where the external world can affect them as little as possible. It’s as if the constant fight against something that they perceive as something that makes them

sick, is a strategy to help them try to overcome the problem. 

Whenever you try to give a context to their suffering (a modality or causation), you often have a very poor result. 

It is as if their problem surrounds them.  It overwhelms them and there is nothing that they can do except to try to avoid it and compensate for it.

From the point of view of the physical translation of this suffering, you often see alternating symptoms.  The problem comes and goes.

Spasmodic retraction: The tendency of developing different kinds of spasms is common to many remedies. 

However, the intensity of the spasm in the case of Spongia are almost paroxysmal and out of control. 

They happen in a strong way and are overwhelming.  Like a whooping cough that keeps on going and they don’t know what to do. The reaction of anything to something that

makes them sick is that they retract.  This is a kind of symbolic picture evident in Spongia.

If they come across something that makes them sick, they immediately jump back into their safe environment. Whatever happens, the retraction is immediate. 

It is spasmodic and blocking. 

It is something in a clinical way where the result is a kind of paralysis.  A symbolic, rather than muscular paralysis. 

They are stuck and cannot move.  They can’t do anything to react against what’s going on rather than retract straightaway into their little house.

They often have problems affecting the muscles –  paralytic pains, something that blocks the motion, makes them unable to move. Think in terms of what is indispensable to

our system. You can live without eating and drinking for a few days. 

You can live without breathing for a few minutes.  This is the most basic need and the most common use of Spongia. They block the first act of existing.


Mager, erregt/emotioNAL, verlangt geistiger Betätigung, husten = niesen, plötzlich, >: Hitze/warmes Zimmer; <: /nachmittags/Kälte/Süßes/Berührung/Druck/Sturm;

Drüsen (geschwollen);

Wirkt stämmig und stabil. Zerschlagenheitsgefühl an der Oberfläche. Kropf, Drüsenschwellung, besonders der Halsregionen;


MIND: - -   < Thinking of complaints. - -   Weeping during cough

   -   Ailments from joy. - -   Cheerful, excited  - -   Desires mental activity -  -   Restless. - -   Mistakes in time. - -   Dementia, paretic.


   -   SORE PAINS, as if beaten, sensitive (touch of clothing) -  -   Induration of glands.

   -   Syphillis (infantile). - -   Injuries, trauma, concussion. - -   Rheumatic pains:   < cold, wet and stormy weather; cold air.

HEAD: - -   Pain with pain in back of eyeballs, < motion eyes.

EYE: - -  Intermittent neuralgia, < motion eyes. - -  Inflammation, < heat  - -  Pain in paroxysms.

ABDOMEN: - -   Swelling of inguinal glands.

COUGH: - -   FORCIBLE, spasmodic. - -   EXPECTORATION flies from mouth and nostrils.

   -   Sneezing after coughing. Cough causes sneezing and profuse coryza.

   -   Caused by tickling in larynx, “As if sugar dissolving”. - -   > Warm room.



Gemüt: Aktivität - Verlangen nach

Beschwerden durch Gemütserregung/(übermäßige) Freude

Demenz (paralytica)

< Denken an Beschwerden

Empfindlich [gegen (geringste) Geräusche/gegen Licht]


Fehler; macht (i.B. auf die Zeit)


Furcht (vor eingebildeten Dingen)

Gedächtnis gut, aktiv

Geistige Anstrengung verlangt danach

Hysterie (mit Blutung)

Ruhelos (nachts)




Wahnideen [Teile des Körpers scheinen zu groß)/vergrößert (Körper/Körperteile)]

Weinen (während Husten)

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf : Blutandrang in Stirn

Hautausschläge (Ekzem/feucht/Herpes/Krusten, Schorfe/schuppig)

Hitze (nachmittags/Stirn)

Jucken der Kopfhaut

Schmerz viele


„Wie vergrößert“ (während Menses/mit Metrorrhagie)

Haare - spröde, brüchig/trocken

Auge: Entzündung (skrofulös/< Hitze

blaue Lidknorpel/blaue - Ränder der Augen/rot

Meibomsche Drüsen (verhärtet/geschwollene)

Gereizt nachmittags

Schmerz einige

Vorwölbung - Exophthalmus

Tumoren - Lider 

Zucken in Lider (l.)

Beschwerden hinter den Augäpfel

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche - nachmittags/abends/(entfernte) Kanonenschüsse/Knall (auch mehrere) (wie entfernte Schüsse)

Jucken im Gehörgang - brennend

Schmerz < Heruntergehen von Treppen

Nase: Absonderung - l./dick/gelb (nachmittags)/Flüssigkeit kommt in einem Schwall, in Güssen; (l.)/wässrig

Schnupfen (l./mit Absonderung)/Heuschnupfen (mit asthmatischer Atmung)

Jucken - l./Nasenflügel

Niesen (nachmittags/hustend/nach Husten)


Gesicht: aschfahl/blass

bläulich (Ringen um die Augen)/rot

Hautausschläge - (Herpes) Stirn

Schmerz < Berührung

Schwellung in Drüsen im Allgemeinen

Steife in Unterkiefer

Mund: Hitze

Schleim, Schleimabsonderung fliegt hustend aus dem Mund

Schmerz („Wie verbrannt“/Zunge/brennend)

Speichel - blutig/“Wie Klebstoff, Kleister“

Geschmack - schlecht (abends)

Zähne: Schmerz (ziehend)

Innerer Hals: Entzündung (Tonsillen)


Schleim - morgens/blutig/klebrig

Schlucken schwierig (< Süßigkeiten/Speisen)

< Süßigkeiten

Äußerer Hals: Kropf (Basedow)

Pulsieren in Karotiden (< Erregung, Aufregung)


Magen: Appetit vermindert

Auf Durst auf große Mengen

Schmerz tief einatmend/lanzinierend/erstr. Rücken/einige

Beschwerden des Epigastriums erstr.  Schulterblätter o. Wirbel

Bauch: Bewegungen im Hypochondrien

Bubo (verhärtet)/Geschwüre in Leistengegend

Schmerz - Hypochondrien (lanzinierend)/seitlich (wund schmerzend)

Schwellung der Leistendrüsen

< Wasser Trinken

Rektum: Hämorrhoiden/Obstipation

Nieren: Schmerz (nachmittags/schneidend)

Urin: dunkel/rot

Harnröhre: Schmerz - Meatus (schneidend/stechend)

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor/Menses reichlich nachts/Metrorrhagie nachts

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Katarrh/Kitzeln im Kehlkopf/heiser, Heiserkeit

Atmung: Angehalten, versetzt, unterbrochen einschlafend auf der r. Seite

Asthma, asthmatische+ Schnupfen/durch Heu/Pollen

Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen - erwachend/< einschlafend in r. Seitenlage  

Heißer Atem (nachmittags)

Husten: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/nachmittags (13 - 18 h)/abends (18 - 22 h)/nachts (22 - 6 h)

< Abkühlung, Kaltwerden

Anfallsweise (nachmittags/abends)

Gelöst, locker [morgens (zäh, fest am Nachmittag)]


< Kalte Getränke/< kalte Luft

Keuchhusten/Kitzelhusten, durch Kitzeln im Kehlkopf

< Konfekt, Zuckerwerk

Krampfhaft, spasmodisch (nachmittags/abends/nachts)

Niesen - endet in Husten/Niesen mit Husten

> Warme Anwendungen

„Als ob sich Zucker im Hals auflösen würde“

Auswurf: Nachmittags (13 - 18 h)/Blutig/fliegt mit Gewalt aus dem Mund/gelb/granuliert, in kleinen Kugeln/kugelförmig/Schleimig (nachmittags)/zäh

Brust: Entzündete Lungen (bei Typhus abdominalis)/Rippenfell

< Gemütsbewegungen, Emotionen


< Denken an die Beschwerden

Herzklopfen (Mitternacht - weckt ihn/< Denken daran/nach Erregung/< nach Essen/nach Freude/mit Kropf/nervöses Herzklopfen/zittrig)

< R. Seitenlage 

Schmerz viele

Herzbeschwerden (Zittern)

Rücken: Schmerz Schulterblätter/mehrere

Steife Zervikalregion

Schlaf: Einschlafen mit Erstickungsgefühl

Erwacht nach Mitternacht 3 h - 3 - 4 h/durch Träume

verändert häufig die Lage/ruhelos

Glieder: Beugen der Zehen gehend

Exostose an Schienbein

Frostbeulen (Füße)

Gefühllos, taub -Unterschenkel < Sitzen

Herzklopfen r. Seitenlage

Hitze in Handflächen (trocken)

Kontraktion von Muskeln und Sehnen in Unterschenkel

Lähmung - Zehen knicken gehend nach innen ein

Schmerz einige (nachts/lanzinierend/krampfhafte SCHMERZ in den Metatarsusknochen)

Schweiß in Füße unterdrückt

Indurierte Inguinaldrüsen

Syphilitischer Bubo der l. Leiste; eine längliche, steinharte, unebene Geschwulst wie Skirrhus; nachts

lancinierende SCHMERZ, „Wie von glühenden Nadeln“, 1. Bubonen mit schießendem Schmerz, 2. Eiterung;

Schwellung an Beine - hartes Zellgewebe/Unterschenkel

Trockene Handflächen

Zucken in Unterschenkel – konvulsivisch

Schlaf: Unruhig

Muskeln schmerzhaft

Träume: Schrecklich/Wecken den Patienten

Haut: Ekchymosen


bläuliche Flecken/braune Leberflecken/rote Flecken - kupferfarben

Hautausschläge - Lepra/Roseola/syphilitisch/unterdrückt

Narben - blau/erhöht/werden rot

< Reibende Kleidung


Schmerz (wund schmerzend)


Allgemeines: 13 h./15 h./19 h.

Drüsen: Abszesse, Eiterungen/entzündete

Fettleibigkeit bei Kindern

Fleisch fühlt sich schmerzhaft „Wie nach Schlag“ und empfindLICH gegen Berührung/< bei Bewegung/durch Reibung der Kleider

Flecke nach Fall o. Schlag

Härte, Verhärtung


< Kälte/< kalte Luft/< R. Seitenlage 

Schleimhautabsonderung - brennend

Schmerz - r./Muskeln (Reibung der Kleider)/einige

Skrophulöse Krankheiten (geschwollene Drüsen)

Beschwerden durch unterdrückten Fußschweiß

Speisen und Getränke: <: kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Süßigkeiten;

Verhärtungen (in Drüsen/der Muskeln)

Verletzungen (Erschütterung/mit Extravasaten)

Schwäche - lähmungsartig

Schwellung in Drüsen (chronisch/entzündlich/hart)

Muskeln steif/schmerzhaft (an Oberfläche)

Syphilis (+ Drüsenbeschwerden)/bei Kleinkindern)/Tb.  in Lymphdrüsen

> Wärme/< Abkühlung, Kaltwerden

< nasskaltes Wetter/< nasses Wetter/< windiges und stürmisches Wetter


Komplementär: Iod. Merc. Sulph.


Gut gefolgt von: Calc-f. Brom. Fl-ac. Kali-c. Lach. Lap-a. Mag-f. Nat-f.


Unverträglich: Herzbeschwerden                  Süßes


Antidotiert: Nat-m.


Wirkung: syphillitisch/sklerotisch/psorisch/phlegmatisch             plötzlich      

Allerlei: Ursprung: Russland. Gemacht von Si = Skelett einer Schwammkolonie, stirbt im Winter, aus ein Stückchen Schwamm entsteht eine neue Kolonie, enthält weniger Iod. als Spong.



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