Comparison Banis-p + Phos + Lach. + Cann-i. + Anh. + Med. 



This remedy displays the lassitude at times, plus the clairvoyant abilities and sensitivity to all external impressions. But it does not have the profound intensity that ayahuasca displays. The lassitude of phosphorus comes from a constant diffusion outwards in a form which is connected to compassion, but at the same time the phosphene patient will tire easily of such constant stimulation, while the new remedy goes into a state of deep exhaustion.


This remedy has symptoms of clairvoyance and delusions of being taken over by supernatural forces, plus an intensity that gives the symptoms an edge so competitive, and centred in a deluded  egotism that verges on megalomania with its concomitant suspiciousness and desire for vengeance. So that Lachesis is fundamentally a remedy centred around competition with other individuals and does not lead to insights which revolves around more existential states.

Cannabis indica:

Here the person becomes sensitive to all external impressions; can be clairvoyant and deluded about his state: seeing things as more beautiful, colours more brightly; and music louder and more vibrant. He also laughs a lot and creates fantasies out of ordinary things. But this remedy lacks that intense grief or weariness that Ayahuasca can produce that seems to realign an individual with his creative side.


Is by far the closest equivalent in its symptomatology to Ayahuasca, and is also a remedy used by S. American shamans in their pursuit for altered states of consciousness. According to R. Sankaran it is for people that seek ultimate spiritual experience and are searching for an out of the world experience. In the Synoptic Materia Medica,

F. Vermeulen describes "an increased involvement in the inner life to the exclusion of the outer. It is also associated with audio visual hallucinations and coloured visions,

a sensation of being carried by music and a confusion as to his identity. In summation it has many similar symptoms to ayahuasca, though my own opinion is that one would use anhalonium in cases of psychiatric deterioration, while ayahuasca would tend to be a remedy used for reestablishing a sense of purpose.


This nosode is similar to ayahuasca in its extreme mood swings, and states of exhaustion and clairvoyance, but it is different in its apparent egotism leading to cruelty and lack of connection to those around . Although it can be sensitive at times the underlying theme of medorrhinum is great instability leading to a state of sycosis where insight is lost. Whilst medorrhinum might lead to a diminuition in the state of sycosis, its main activity is towards equilibrium, while ayahuasca has a more teleological function in so far that it may transform a situation from the depth of the insight obtained in the action of the remedy



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