Lac asinum = Hausesel


Gemüt: Hilflosigkeit; Bild des geschundenen, ausgenutzten und verlachten Wesens, das für andere den Trottel macht; hilfreich und bescheiden, doch leider etwas beschränkt und stur; fühlt sich unfair und grob behandelt, würde gern vehement rebellieren, fühlt sich aber zu unbeholfen.

Körper: vor allem Kopfregion betroffen, speziell um die Augen und Schläfen; „Wie einer Faschingsmaske“ o. „Wie einem Scheuklappen“; Blut schießt in den Kopf;

Allgemein: rechtsseitige Symptome.


Donkeys have a great sense of self-preservation, hence they will not do anything that puts them in danger. That is why donkeys are called stubborn, this is the result of misinterpretating their behaviour.

The donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, is symbolic of the spiritual kingdom of God. The Messiah riding upon a donkey offers forgiveness and peace

with God, whereas Christ mounted upon a horse implies judgment and war.

In time, the donkey became a symbol of those reluctant to believe the Gospel story, including St. Thomas, the Doubter, St. Anthony of Padua, losing his patience with an unbeliever, and declaring that it would be easier to get a wild ass to worship the Sacrament than to convince him of the truth. To the surprise of the people, a wild ass did approach the Sacrament and knelt worshipfully for it. Many who saw this miracle converted, and the kneeling donkey became an attribute of this saint. The donkey was the lawn tractor/wheel barrow in old Ireland.


Donkey herds sheep like dog.



Der sprechende Esel

Im 4. Buch Mose, Kapitel 22,21-39 wird die Geschichte von Bileam erzählt, der auf seinem Esel ritt, als das Tier anhielt, nachdem es einen Engel auf der Straße gesehen

hatte. Bileam schlug den Esel zweimal, um ihn zum Weiterreiten zu bewegen, doch ohne Erfolg.

Nachdem Bileam das Tier das dritte Mal geschlagen hat, gibt Gott dem Esel die Fähigkeit zu sprechen. Daraufhin unterhalten sie sich, aber der springende Punkt ist, dass

 in der Bibel nirgends erwähnt wird, dass der Esel die Fähigkeit zu sprechen wieder verliert.


[Farokh Master]

Gemüt: Hilflosigkeit; Bild des geschundenen, ausgenutzen und verlachten Wesens, das für andere den Trottel macht; hilfreich und bescheiden, doch leider etwas beschränkt und stur; fühlt sich unfair und grob behandelt, würde gern vehement rebellieren, fühlt sich aber zu unbeholfen

Körper: Kopfregion, speziell um die Augen und Schläfen; Gefühl einer Faschingsmaske oder wie von Scheuklappen; Blut schießt in den Kopf; rechtsseitige Symptome


Themes in the Remedy:

    Stupidity and Stubbornness

    Ignorance, darkness, idiocy

    Humility and Kindness - a little foolish but obedient

    Curse and Punishment - in mythology the person who is punished is turned into a donkey


    Helplessness and Desertion

    Others seem spiteful, unfair, ruthless

    Feelings of being an innocent, passive, defenseless martyr; a tragic, passive witness

Physical Symptoms:

    Pains and sensations around the head and eyes (blindfold)

    Pins and needles - paralysis of the head, face and trunk

    Swelling, oedema, sweat


    Stamina - wellbeing, fitness

    < exertion and heat


    Muscle spasm

    Heat sensations - face, eyes, stomach

    Epigastric pain and rumbling

    Hot flushes with a need to breathe in deeply


            Children, pregnancy, water, working, others mocking, knives/murder


Donkey hairs were widely believed to cure a number of ailments, and were often worn in a charm around the neck, to guard against whooping-cough, toothache, fits, and to ease teething pains in babies. Riding a donkey was also believed effective (rider facing the donkey’s tail). Riding a donkey was sometimes used as a preventative for toothache, measles and other children’s complaints. One cure for whooping-cough and ague stated that the patient should be passed under a donkey and over its back either 3x or 9x; the trick of feeding an animal some of the patient’s hair to

transfer the illness was also used with donkeys. The donkey also used to help cure the complaints of other animals; letting a black donkey run with mares in a field was thought to stop the mares miscarrying.

Donkey herds sheep like dog.


Vergleich: Enthält: Solids 11.1,  Fat 1.2, Eiweiß 1.7,  Lactose 6.9, Ash 1.3;

Agros. (= Kornradsamen/= rote Kornblume/Wurzel/= Zwijns-/schaaps-/ezelsoren/= Christus-/= Gods-/= schoonoog/= akkervlam/= steekneusken/= Bolderkruid/= muggenbloem/= orgelbloem/= corncockle (= Kornrade)/= Ackerrade/= Höllenkorn/= Klockenblume/= Kornnelke/= Kornrose/= Pisspöttken).

Aran. (= Esel unter Spinnen).

Daucus carota (= Karotte/= Eselsmöhre/= Gelbe Möhre/= Gelbe Rübe/= Mohrrübe/= Morich/= Mörle/= Vogelnestchen)

Elat.: (= Eckballium elaterum/= Eselsgurke/= Spritzgurke/= Springgurke/= Kletterpflanze).

Pert. = Keuchhusten Nosode/?hergestellt aus Schleim eines Kranken?/= Haemophilus pertussis/= Bordet-Gengou bacillus/= Coqueluchinum/= Whooping Cough/= tosse canina (= dog’s bark, Italy)/= Wolfshusten (= howling of wolves)/= Eselshusten (= braying of donkeys)

Ejiao: Donkey-hide gelatin or ass-hide glue is gelatin obtained from the skin of the donkey by soaking and stewing. It is used as an ingredient in the traditional medicine of China, where it is called ejiao. The gelatin is produced in several coastal provinces of China: Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong. Wikipedia

Symph. = Beinwellwurzel/= Himmelsbrot/= Grande consoudé/= Comfrey/= Bone set/= Beinwurz/= Bienenkraut/= Chüechlichrut/= Eselohrwurzel/= Hasenlaub/= Honigblum/= Milchwurzel/= Schadheilwurzel/= Schmalwurz/= Schwarzwurz/= Speckwurz/= Wallwurz/= Wottel und Zottel/= Wundallheil

Comparison. Lacs

Siehe: Mammalia + Lacs allgemein + Thanatose



Historians believe that Donkeys were domesticated by Nubians around 4,500 years ago. In that region they took over for the Ox as an important pack animal. This position

in life lead to Donkey becoming an integral participant in mobilizing pastoral and agricultural communities. They could travel easily over long distances, and even two of

the first Egyptian pharaohs valued them enough to give them honorable burials. So it’s not surprising to see Donkey symbolism and meaning tied together with the growth

of civilization, travel, trade and general service. Their versatility and being a beloved beast of burden is legendary.

In the 2nd millennium BCE, Donkey made its way into Europe. In Greece, Donkey had quite the raucous God looking over him, namely Dionysus the God of wine.

From the ancient Grecian hub, Donkeys made their way into Spain, France and Italy. Romans continued distributing Donkey throughout their realm.

No matter the region Donkey’s somewhat stubborn nature was actually an asset. This creature does not move if they perceive any danger. Donkey knows well what he can (and more importantly – can’t) do. As humans learned to trust Donkey’s intuitive senses it often kept them out of trouble. The lesson here from the animal spirit guide world

is one of caution. When we have a challenge, look for a safe means of resolving it rather than simply running right ahead.

Donkey arrived in America on the 2nd voyage of Columbus in 1495. In the early 1500s Donkey’s came into Mexico where they became a proverbial landmark for missions and mines. Early prospectors depended on Donkey to reach potential digging places during the Gold Rush. Here we see Donkey playing a role in both adventure and prosperity. Along the route Westward, many Donkeys escaped, which allowed them to establish themselves in a variety of places.

A Donkey’s ears are funnel like. They can hear sounds quite a distance away. For us, that represents active listening skills, clairvoyance and generally keeping our senses honed in so that we know what’s ahead.

There are some interesting superstitions about Donkey Spirit. A pregnant woman seeing a Donkey knows her child will grow up to be wise and attentive. And when Donkey brays while twitching his ears, expect rain.

Donkey took part in folk remedies too. Sitting on the back of a Donkey who circles nine times cures whooping cough. Hairs from a Donkey’s back had numerous applications including easing toothaches and curing scarlet fever. Carrying the right hoof of a Donkey safeguards a person against epilepsy. Who knew?


[Ina Woolcott]

Symbolic of versatility, intelligence, eager worker, determination, stubbornness, spiritual dedication, undying faith in the creative force, willingness to take onboard the responsibilities and burdens of others (beast of burden). Donkey’s have long been misrepresented and misunderstood by the ignorant masses. First domesticated roughly

4.500 years ago, they were regarded to be a status symbol for their owners. Versatile, eager workers with a kind nature and gentle intelligence donkeys can live for 40 years plus. Donkeys colours range from white, grey to brown. In general they have white muzzles, rings around their eyes and light bellies. Some donkeys have markings on their back that look like a cross. Some have leg stripes. Various tales tell of how the donkey came to get the cross on their back. Some cultures believe the Lord rode the donkey

and got the stripes on their legs from walking through the palm branches that were laid in their path as a mark of respect for the responsibility of whom they was carrying. Some tales imply the donkey was sent by God and the Prophet was carried to the heavens on its back.

The donkey is an indefatigable worker and personifies the qualities of determination and service to others. They have a deep dedication to the universe/All That Is.

Donkeys are willing to take on the responsibilities and burdens of others. If this is your power animal, although helping others is wonderful, taking on more than one can carry with ease can pave the way for physical and emotional problems. Mastering the art of saying no, and being accountable for yourself and your own well being is a life lesson.

Not keen on change, donkeys can come across as stubborn. If anything seems dangerous to them – they absolutely won’t do it. However, this isn’t because they are stubborn, but because they trust, respect and listen to their own intuitive senses. They know their boundaries, what they can and cant do. This shows us how to trust, respect and listen

to our own personal intuition also.

The donkey evolved in the desert, the irregular, testing land in where they resided learned them how to go about with caution. The frightened donkey would stop dead in its tracks without moving a muscle or run a short distance, before looking at what frightened them. They developed devious and cunning survival skills by getting themselves

out of many sticky situations. If donkey plods into your life, hold on and consider what is challenging you and look for a way to progress safely. This is an outstanding power animal to have and a skilful master teacher.

Donkey have big, funnel like ears that can pick up sound a long way off. They know the messages held within each sound, showing us how to listen and awaken our clairvoyant abilities. You are being asked to awaken, develop or utilise your own latent, inherent abilities in one or more aspects of your life.


Allerlei: China: Dummheit, Einfalt; Einfachheit; Symbol für den daoistischen Unsterblichen Zhang Guolao



                                               Ejiao: = Donkey-hide gelatin or ass-hide glue is gelatin obtained from the skin of the donkey by soaking and stewing. It is used as an ingredient in the traditional medicine

of China, where it is called ejiao. The gelatin is produced in several coastal provinces of China: Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong.





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