Dioxin (Dioxi) = eine Gruppe unterschiedliche Substanzen


Vergiftung: Modulation: hormones/receptors/growth factors

Steroid hormones + receptors (androgens/estrogens/glucocorticoids).

Thyroid hormones/Insulin/Melatonin.

Vitamins A, E, G, F, and receptors TGF-a and TGF-b TNF-a, IL1b, c-Ras, c-ErbA.


Immune system effected (suppression of cell-mediated and humoral immunity/increased susceptibility to infection/auto-immune response).

Developmental impacts

Birth defects/foetal death.

Impaired neurological development and subsequent cognitive deficits. Altered sexual development.

Male reproductive toxicity/reduced sperm count/testicular atrophy. Abnormal testis structure.

Reduced size of genital organs.

Feminised hormonal responses. Feminised behavioural responses/Female reproductive toxicity/fertility decreased. Early arbotion.

Ovarian dysfunction.


Organ toxicity (liver/spleen/thymus/skin).


Wasting syndrome. Altered glucose and fat metabolism.

And more.

Effects on health

Biochemical studies have shown that dioxins act as powerful "environmental hormones."/can cross cell membranes/alter the activity of genes that regulate the body's processes of development/self-maintenance. A molecule of any dioxin-like compound can bind to a specific "receptor" protein within the cell; this complex then enters the cell nucleus and interacts with DNA to change the expression pattern of certain genes. The resulting changes trigger many biochemical reactions (synthesis/metabolism of hormones/their receptors/enzymes/growth factors). Unlike a natural hormone dioxin resists metabolic degradation and has an extraordinarily high affinity for its receptor. Tiny doses of these "false signals" can thus have powerful effects on processes regulated by hormonal mechanisms [cell proliferation/cell differentiation [cancer (respiratory/lung/thyroid gland/connective and soft tissue sarcoma/hematopoietic system/liver)]/organismal reproduction/development/metabolism/and immune function]. Dioxins can thus be thought about as "toxic transmitters," interfering with, confusing, and disrupting natural body systems (hormone, immune, and neurological systems).


Toxicological effects of dioxin-like compounds:

(From Greenpeace report by Joe Thornton 1997)

 Sources: Adapted from U.S. EPA, 1994a and Birnbaum, 1994

Steroid hormones & receptors (androgens/estrogens + glucocorticoids).

Thyroid hormones.



Vitamins A, E, G, F, and receptors TGF-a and TGF-b TNF-a, IL1b, c-Ras, c-ErbA.

Suppression of cell-mediated/humoral immunity. Increased susceptibility to infection. Auto-immune response.

Birth defects. Foetal death.

Impaired neurological development and subsequent cognitive deficits. Altered sexual development.

Reduced sperm count.

Testicular atrophy. Abnormal testis structure.

Reduced size of genital organs.

Feminised hormonal responses. Feminised behavioural responses.

Decreases fertility. Inability to maintain pregnancy.

Ovarian dysfunction.


Organ toxicity (liver spleen/thymus/skin).


Wasting syndrome. Altered glucose and fat metabolism.

This new remedy was introduced to me by a local, self-taught homoeopath Mathew Lines who claimed that it could cure depression and chronic fatigue (caused by chemical exposure). He had been using it himself for some time. Mathew was involved in an earlier proving of DNA. Soon after this, a colleague of mine who is sensitive to remedies undertook a blind, proving of this remedy on herself. Her main finding was that this remedy would be useful for people overloaded by toxicity from any source. Quite a useful attribute I thought.


Develope poorly (constant earache/nose always running)/undernourished.

Just sniffles to annoy (says mother).

Itchy skin with no apparent rash.

Heavy set, “thick boned”


There’s something about them/can’t make them better.

Not doing so well in class/Not quite awake. (In-/Exkarnieren) Daydreamer;


Negativ: Herz/Lungen



Fear that good is not good enough/Negative about self/loss of faith/Fear of live

Hopeless/cannot be bothered/disconnected/don’t want to face the day/

Stay unconscious/stay in bed/deep tiredness/flu-like

Raw/vulnerable/fragile/feelings squashed/heart closed




Mind and body seperated

Boundaries/personal space/sense of self

Inability to act/weak will/Chaos/shambles

Drugs and Tobacco


free elated/lighter/happy



Vergleich: “Roundup” (Dioxin = Teil von „Roundup“ des Chemiekonzerns Monsanto/= Breitbandherbizid). Quelle: Gärtnereibedarf


Repertorium:                                                                                       [Linda Grierson and Philip Robbins]

Gemüt: Computer abgeneigt/Erwachen abgeneigt

Angst [morgens (erwachend)/Gewissensangst/unterdrückt]/Furcht (um das zu bitten, was er möchte/erwachend/das Leben anzunehmen)

geht mit niedergeschlagenen Augen


Distanziert (rationale Gedanken)

Empfindlich (für das psychische Umfeld)


Gedanken - verspielt

Gefühle, Emotionen, Gemütsbewegungen - zu kräftig/Verlust der Emotionen, Gefühle

Geschäftig (obwohl müde)

Gesellschaft abgeneigt (verlangt  Einsamkeit)

Gleichgültig , Apathie (gegenüber Freude anderer Menschen/gegenüber dem Leben/gegen Vergnügen (Dinge, die er gewöhnlich genießt)

Glückseliges Gefühl/fühlt sich high

Hast, Eile (bei dem was er tut, womit er gerade beschäftigt ist)/Ungeduld

Kreativität - verloren


Optimistisch (bei Schmerz in der Lumbalregion)

Reizbar, gereizt

Ruhelos (erregbar)

Seelenruhe, gelassen


Stimmung, Laune - veränderlich

Stumpf/“Wie im Traum“


Unsicherheit; geistige

Unzufrieden (mit sich selbst)


Verlangen, Wunsch nach - voller Verlangen (für Schnelles)

„Wie verlassen“ „Wie isoliert“

Wahnideen [Körper und Geist seien getrennt/sei von der Welt getrennt/Glieder haben ein eigenes Gehirn/Hilfe ist unerwünscht/Liebe ist unmöglich/ist am falschen Ort/ das Schlechte triumphiert über das Gute, weil das Gute nicht gut genug ist/schutzlos zu sein, sich nicht verteidigen zu können/sieht einen Fluss aus Teer]

Weint (leicht)

Willensschwäche (Rauchen aufzugeben)

Zorn (grundlos/wird leicht, schnell zornig/; wird

Zorn (während Warten)

Zurückhaltend, reserviert

Trocken (Nase)

Kopf: Jucken der Kopfhaut

“Wie durch Rausch“ (zwischen Ohren und Augen)

Schmerz [nachmittags - 16 h/+ Erbrechen/+ Obstipation/+ Übelkeit/drückend/dumpf/< Erschütterung/> nach Essen/> Kaffee/negative Gemütsbewegungen/nach Rausch/bei Schnupfen/Scheitel (drückend)/Schläfen (erstr. Scheitel/drückend)/Seitlich (l./erstr. Auge)/Stirn (nachmittags)]

Schweregefühl im Stirn (nachmittags/> Wein)

Zusammenschnürung (seitlich)

Steifheitsgefühl im Hinterkopf

Auge: Schmerz (dumpf)

Trocken (morgens/abends)

Sehen: schwebende Flecken

Ohr: Jucken

Verstopfungsgefühl r.

Nase: Schnupfen/Heuschnupfen (+ Jucken am Gaumen/> nach dem Essen/< Eintauchen der Hände in warmes Wasser/Aufenthalt in der Sonne/< Temperaturänderung)

Verstopft morgens erwachend

Gesicht: Aufgesprungene Lippen

Hautausschläge  - Herpes in Mundwinkel/Pickel (blind, unter der Haut)

Schmerz im Unter-/Oberkiefer

Spannung der Haut - Stirn

Mund: Zunge gelb

Jucken in Gaumen (nach Mitternacht - 3 - 4 h)

Innerer Hals: Schmerz - morgens erwachend

Magen: Angst (erwachend)

Art des Aufstoßens: laut, geräuschvoll

Prickeln, Kribbeln


Bauch: Schmerz

Beschwerden des Solar plexus

Rektum: Flatus

Blase: Wasser lassen - häufig (nachts)

Brust: Beklemmung im Herzen

Schmerz im Herz (wund schmerzend)

Rücken: Energie strömt schnell nach oben

Schmerz zwischen den Schulterblätter erstr. Rückseite des Halses/Lumbalregion (morgens erwachend/wund schmerzend)/in Lumbalregion (wund schmerzend)/in Sakralregion (wund schmerzend/Zervikalregion (r./„Wie verstaucht“/blickend nach unten o. oben/nach Kopfdrehen


Spannung in Zervikalregion

Glieder: Schmerz in Schultern - morgens erwachend (wund schmerzend)

Spannung in Schultern - morgens erwachend

Schlaf: Leicht, nicht tief/unerquicklich durch Träume

Träume: roter Sportwagen/erscheinen wie unter Drogeneinfluss/Erotisch (Verbindungen)/Fäzes/von kalten Füßen/weit entfernt von seinen Gefühlen, Emotionen/Geld/Glücksspiele/Grenze wird überschritten/Küchenschaben schwärmen aus einem kleinen Loch im Boden/laute Musik/Unterseeboot/genießt Spiele/Verantwortung/verfolgt zu werden wilden Tiere/kochendes Wasser spritzt aus gebrochenen Wasserrohren/Wunden mit sehr viel Eiter/wechselt die Fahrspur, das Gleis

Allgemeines: Aktivität vermehrt

Allergien gegen petrochemische Dämpfe


Prickeln, Kribbeln innerlich

Schmerz in Muskeln (wund schmerzend)

Speisen und Getränke: <: schwere Speisen;  Verlangt: Obst/Fruchtsaft;

Müde [morgens/nachmittags (16 h)/abends

Schwäche der Muskeln

Zittern äußerlich (durch Angst)/Zucken


Repertorium:                        [Linda Grierson]

depression and chronic fatigue (caused by chemical exposure).

Head: Itchy scalp (Day and night)/Spannung (seitlich geheilt)

Conscious of occiput full of energy.

Ext. up into neck.+ nauseous

Sluggish, slow and inefficient on waking/> Coffee.

Eyes: Tränen/trocken nachts/morgens

Sight: Farbenfroh/Floating spots in vision l. then right.

Ear: Right ear blocked and ringing /Tar in ear

hearing much less, almost deaf/schmerzlos/grundlos.

Itching in ears at 15 h. - 16 h. with hay fever >.

Nose: Runny nose - dull headache/Have a cold, congested sinuses.

Woke with sore throat, sore back, blocked nose.

Got sore throat, dry mouth, sinus blocked, both sides, then alternating. Yellow and white snot.

Sneezing, runny nose

Head congested, runny nose, sneezing

smell of damp rocks/Hay fever >/Schnupfen

Was < change of temperature (to warm or cold); in the sun; hands in warm water; morning. Was > after eating.

6 months later his hay fever of many years standing is still cured.

Face: Pimples on face - forehead, jaw-line, chin.

Lips chapped - normally does this in the wind, but had been inside all day.

Haut trocKEN around mouth, nose and chin.

Mouth: Tongue coated in yellow./Itching in roof of mouth on waking 3 - 4 am with Hay fever > CS.

Throat: Woke with sore throat, sore back, blocked nose.

Stomach: Heat in stomach, fullness, poor digestion > abends/Not as hungry as usual./A lot more thirsty.

Yesterday: acid heartburn often; not related to eating.

Lot of flatulence continued.

Acid burps on and off. Acid heartburn still.

Neck sore (Same feeling as knee) 'strained feeling'

< right side/looking to the right/looking up; looking down.

Abdomen: Flatulence, belching, poor digestion./Gut ache, feel too full to eat./ poor digestion.

Bloated intestines. Full feeling.

All evening a lot of free moving flatulence, without indigestion or anxiety in stomach.

Rectum: Only been to stool once in a week. Forgot to go/Verstopfung:.

Stool: trocken/Extra bowel movement per day for first 2 days/small and hard after great urging.

Kidneys: Pain in right kidney.

Bladder: Frequent urination esp. (evening)/Had to pee every hour and first two nights had to get up during the night as well.

Urin: pale, then infrequent and dark.

Male organs: Sex drive increased: Feeling like company in bed.

Wake up at night with erection at least once.

Itching under-side of penis for two weeks.

Female organs: Close to heaviness in lower back, abdomen and pelvic floor, a lot of discomfort. Don't usually get this type of physical feeling with periods./Menses früh/PMS/

Skin: Dermatitis on hand  (knuckles/Fingerkuppen) for first time.

cracked/scaly /itches (in shower)/like chemical burn/wants to take skin off.

Itchy and burning the whole body./Slightest touch or scratching will make skin red./Skin peeling on heels.

Extremities: Schmerz in Hände/Füße /Juckreiz

A 'tiredness' feeling as if used a lot.

Chest: Twinges of pain intense but short lived and over.

intense shooting pain up left side of rib cage - very quick.

Heaviness and pain in heart solar plexus region.

Back: tight across shoulders and neck.

Sleep: Little sleep between 12.30 and 6 h./restless sleep, no dreams/Schläfchen/slept well, deeper than usual.

On waking in bed less anxiousness in stomach than usual.

Sweat: Sweat smelly smells like exuding toxins.

Generals: Exhausted/steif

Strange sensations in muscles, twitches and little pin-prickles. Trembling sensation in body /“As if muscles weak and stressed”/weak, aching and fatigued /Tremor on the inside.

Feeling physically tired/deep tiredness with strange sensations in muscles, twitches and little pin-pricks.

Flue symptoms                                             


Vergleich: „Agent white“ enthält Dioxin. A.I.D.S. (Dioxin + H.I.V. Viren belegen gleiche Rezeptoren). Anac. Op. Ser-ang („Als ob in schwarze klebrige Massa versinkt“). Hom + PCB (ähnliche Wirkung wie Dioxin)

Siehe: Chlorum + Hormonen allgemein + Kampfstoffen


Komplementär: DNA. Camph.


Folgt gut: DNA

Gut gefolgt von: DNA 


Allerlei: Ist Sammlung hunderte Substanzen/entstehen in chemische Herstellung mit Chlor/Müllverbrennung. Dioxin is formed by burning chlorine-based chemical compounds with hydrocarbons. (95%) comes from incinerators burning chlorinated wastes (ie. Plastics) along with paper. Dioxin pollution is also associated with paper mills which use chlorine bleaching and with the production of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) plastics.

persistent resisting physical/chemical/biological degradation for decades and longer (estimated half-lives in humans 5 -10 yrs).

accumulate in aquatic sediments and in the food chain.

highly oil-soluble but insoluble in water [accumulate in fatty tissues/moving up the food chain (meat/fish/milk/Lac-h/placenta)].

act as powerful "environmental hormones”. The resulting changes trigger a cascade of biochemical reactions (synthesis/metabolism of hormones/receptors/enzymes/growth factors). A natural hormone degradates fast/dioxin resists metabolic degradation + has a HIGH affinity for its receptor [= cancer hazard/exposure to dioxin causes severe reproductive and developmental problems/dioxin causes damage to immune system damage/interfere with regulatory hormones.

The recent finding that the genome of the HIV-1 virus contains regulatory sequences that bind the dioxin-receptor complex and activate transcription of viral genes is cause for concern that dioxin-like chemicals may also play a role in the expression of infectious disease

Quelle: Helios Pharmacy, England



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