Ipomoea spp.


Vergleich: Siehe: Solanales + Kletterpflanze


Ipomoea arborescens = Palo. del muerto.        


Ipomoea batatas


[Alveera Singh]

Leaves are orally taken as blood tonic and leaves are mixed with salt to treat whitlow in Nigeria; leaves are topically applied against boils by the Bench

ethnic group of Ethiopia; tubers used by tribals in Chitteri Hills, India, to treat diabetes; leaves used for treating gingivitis and toothache in animals in

Shitol Para village, Jhalokati district, Bangladesh; roots used as aphrodisiac by tribes of Lalganj block of Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh, India; used as digestive (tender leaves eaten boiled) by the Karbi tribe of Anglong district, Assam, India [189]; boiled tubers with skin on are orally taken for kidney

problems in Oyo State, Nigeria; leaves orally taken against diabetes in Yoruba medicine of south western Nigeria.            

Antioxidant, antidiabetic, wound healing, antiulcer, antibacterial, antimutagenic.


Ipomoea aquatica


[Alveera Singh]

Antidiabetic, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, antimicrobial, antiulcer, nootropic, antiepileptic, central nervous system depressant, anxiolytic, hypolipidemic, diuretic, analgesic, antiscorpion venom.

Fresh leaf paste aplied on wounds and boils by the Yanadi tribe of Sriharikota Island, Andhra Pradesh, India; fried leaves are orally taken for head reeling; leaf juice along with cow “ghee” (clarified butter) is taken for gonorrhea; leaf juice is taken as blood purifier and purgative in South Orissa, India;

crude extract of leaves for wounds and boils by the Chorei tribes of Southern Assam, North Eastern India; juice obtained from macerated whole plant orally as antidote to poisoning and against chicken pox in Kurigram district, Bangladesh; whole plant in digestive problems and liver diseases by rural people of “Chatara” block of Sonebhadra district, Uttar Pradesh, India; leaves are orally taken for leucorrhea and to increase lactation in nursing mothers in Shitol Para village, Jhalokati district, Bangladesh; used against gastrointestinal disorders in Iloilo, Philippines (plant part used not mentioned); leaf juice used in jaundice, urinary trouble, and nervous hindrance by the Nath people of Assam, India; tender shoots used in diabetes and as galactagogue by ethnic communities of Tinsukia district, Assam, India.



Ipomoea purpurea (Ipom-p) = Moonflower


Vergleich: Enthält LSD.-ähnliche Substanzen; Oper. (= Ipom-ähnlich + langsam/= Indian Jalapa)


Negativ: SensiTIV, traurig + weinen, ängstlich + Herzrasen, will alleine sein, schlaflos, < nachts + muss aufstehen;


Nase: Absonderung eitrig


Schmerz (stechend)

Innerer Hals: Schmerz l. Mandeln

Magen: im Allgemeinen

Nieren: Nierensteine

Schmerz (in l. Harnleiter/strahlt von der Nierengegend aus)

Blase: Schwäche

Rücken: Schmerz (dumpf/in r. Schulterblatt/in Lumbalregion)

Allgemeines: Hitzewallungen mit Schweiß

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Fett/Fleisch/Milch; 


Wirkung: phosphorisch/fluorisch,


Allerlei: Blüht nachts



Ipomoea tricolora o. violata


Vergleich: Etheogen


= LSD.-ähnlich;


Allerlei: Ursprung: Mexico



Ipomoea violaceae (Ipom-?) = Prunkwinde/= Morning glory vine/= badoh negro.


Vergleich: Enthält: Mutterkornalkaloide + Hydr-ac.;

Siehe: Aristolochiagruppe + Drogen allgemein


= Arist-cl.-ähnlich;

Gebrauch: LSD-ähnlich + unangenehme Erfahrungen, matt/übel/erbrechen;


Unverträglich: Schwangerschaft



Quelle: Gartenhandel



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