Allergien Anhängsel 3


[Robert Medhurst]

These allergy homeopathic remedies may be worth considering for general allergy symptoms.

Remedy             Comments / Modalities

Allium cepa             Sneezing, profuse, fluent burning acrid nasal discharge with conjunctivitis, itchy eyes, photophobia, a bland lachrymal discharge, ticklish throat and a dull frontal headache are often seen. <: in a warm room/evening; >: in open air/cold;

Antimonium tart             Dyspnoea, a chesty cough, nausea and fatigue respond well to this remedy. <: warmth; >: motion/belching;

Apis mel             Commonly used for bites and stings by insects, those with hives, swelling of the throat, and general swelling and burning symptoms may benefit from Apis.

Skin symptoms > cold application.

Arsenicum alb             Violent sneezing, photophobia, burning tears and a thin, watery, excoriating nasal discharge appear here and there may also be swollen eyelids, dyspnoea, restlessness and anxiety. Symptoms are worse after exertion, after midnight and are better in a warm room

Euphrasia             Catarrhal headaches, profuse burning tears, conjunctivitis and a bland nasal discharge characterise this remedy. Symptoms are worse in the cold air, in sunlight or wind, for warmth and during the evening and better in bed and from coffee.

Nat mur             Weakness, photophobia, itchy eyes, lachrymation, swelling of the eyes and migraine headaches that are worse from sunrise to sunset, numbness and tingling of the tongue, sneezing and coryza may be seen here. >: open air/rest; <: mid-morning/mental exertion;

Nux vomica             Cough associated with bursting headache, fluent nasal discharge by day and nasal congestion at night with sneezing and irritability will often respond well to Nux vom. Symptoms are worse in the early morning and in cold, open air.

Pulsatilla             Occipital or one-sided headache, shortness of breath, bland, yellow, nasal discharge during the day and congestion at night may indicate the need for Pulsatilla. Symptoms are worse in a warm room, at twilight, at night and while lying down and better for cool and open air.

Rhus tox             Restlessness, swelling and oedema of the eyelids, photophobia, drowsiness after eating, occipital headache, sneezing with fluent coryza, hives, extreme itching and joint stiffness characterise this remedy. Symptoms are worse for exposure to cold and better for hot applications.

Urtica urens             Erythema, hives and contact allergies resulting in Itching and burning skin symptoms which may alternate with arthritic symptoms are often seen here. Symptoms are worse for exposure to cold or from touch.


Allergy Specifics

The authors noted in the bibliography have also made mention of a numbers of remedies that correspond to specific allergies. These may be miasmatic or symptomatic in action but in all cases the characteristics of the remedy should be matched to the presenting symptoms.

Allergy to                         Remedy

Animal Dander             Tuberculinum

Asparagus                         Carcinosin

Bananas                         Phosphorus

Bees                                     Apis mel

Butter                         Sulphur

Buckwheat                         Pulsatilla

Carrots                         Phosphorus

Castor Bean                         Alumina, Antimonium ars.

Cats                                     Phosphorus, Tuberculinum

Celery                         Apium grav

Chocolate                         Sulphur

Cod Liver Oil             Pulsatilla

Dogs                                     Phosphorus

Dust                                     Blatta orientalis

Eggs                                     Ferrum met, Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Fats, Animal                         Pulsatilla, Sulphur

Feathers                         Sulphur

Fish                                     Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Flour                                     Aspidosperma

Flowers                         Sanguinaria

Fruit                                     Arsenicum alb, Pulsatilla

Glutamate                         Nat mur, Phosphorus

Grass, Freshly Cut             Allium cepa, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Sabadadilla

Grass Pollens                         Medorrhinum, Natrum sulph, Phosphorus, Senega

Guinea Pig Hair             Kali carb, Lycopdium

Hair Dyes                         Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Hazelnuts                         Phosphorus

Honey                         Nat mur

Hornets                         Vespa crabro

Insect Bites                         Carbolic acid

Meat                                     Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Metals                         Sulphur

Milk                                     Calc carb, Homarus, Nat mur, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens

Mosquito                         Culex

Onion                                     Nat mur, Thuja

Oranges                         Pulsatilla

Oysters                         Lycopodium

Pollen                                     Blatta orientalis

Pork                                     Pulsatilla, Sepia

Ragweed                         Ambrosia

Sardines                         Sulphur, Tuberculinum

Shellfish                         Arsenicum alb., Terebinthina, Urtica urens

Starch                         Nat mur

Strawberries                         Carcinosin, Fragaria vesca

Sugar                                     Saccharum officinale

Tamarind Seed             Blatta orientalis, Carbo veg

Wasps                         Vespa crabro

Weevils                         Grindelia, Ipecac

Wheat                         Nat mur, Psorinum


Specific Desensitisation

Another more direct, but not necessarily homeopathic method of dealing with allergies, is by desensitisation using the specific material associated with the generation of the allergy symptoms. The normal method here is to isolate the causative agent (allergen) and treat the sufferer by using 10 drops of a 15c preparation of the allergen every second day for 16 days (therefore 8 doses), then use 10 drops of a 9c preparation of the allergen every second day for 16 days. This cycle should be repeated on alternate months for

4 to 6 months if the situation requires it, although regular challenges via muscle testing etc may need to be made to monitor the patient’s progress.

In acute episodes, 10-15 drops of the 9c preparation of the allergen may be used along with 10-15 drops of Histaminum 30c, 3-5 times daily or as required.


[Dr. Manisha Bhatia]

    Histamine – allergic to dust, strong perfumes

    Nat-m. – allergic to bread; acidic food

    Kali-bi. – allergic to beer; malt liquor

    Sepia – allergic to warm boiled milk

    Hepar Sulph – allergic to cod liver oil

    Carb-v. – Allergic to aspirin; bad liquors, salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items

    Sulph. – allergic to antibiotic

    Bry. – allergic to castor oil

    Nux-v. – allergic to coffee

    Apis – allergic to heat

    Ars. - Allergic to cold drinks; fruits; rotten foods, iodine

    Dulc. – allergic to dampness

    Ailanthus – allergic to smell of flowers

    Thuja – allergic to sweets; fatty meats, onion

    Arg-n. – allergic to sugar

    Tellurium – allergic to rice

    Petroleum – allergic to cabbage

    Nitri-spiritus dulcus – allergic to cheese

    Justicia adhatoda – allergic to dust; coryza with profuse nasal discharge and sneezing in the evening


[Manfred Mueller]

For asthma, look at Arsenicum, Ipecac, Eucaluptus, Chlorum and Nat-s.

Homeopath Manfred Mueller finds that most allergic reactions nowadays are due to toxic factors like radiation, chemicals, and medical drugs. He shares his special approach

to treating these reactions, including reverse chronological tautopathy.

“Some persons are apt to faint from smell of roses and to fall into many other morbid and sometimes dangerous states from partaking of mussels, crabs and fish roe, or from touching the leaves of some kinds of sumach.”

S. Hahnemann, Organon 117.

Allergies are systemic disorders that make the sufferer susceptible to certain triggers with a wide range of clinical reactions. Many of these triggers can be identified with diagnostic tests and some cannot. Many triggers are natural.

For example, common syndromes such allergic respiratory congestion or rhinitis, often called hay fever, with nasal discharge, sneezing, eye irritation and lachrymation, are usually reactions to natural allergens. Other common allergic reactions include the widespread syndrome of spasmodic constriction of the bronchial tubes, known as asthma.

The triggers for asthma are similar to those of hay fever such as pollen from trees and grasses, mold, dust, animal hair, animal dander and others. These occur only in susceptible individuals while other more fortunate people remain unaffected.

Natural allergens can also cause symptoms in some of allergic dermatitis with skin symptoms like hives and blisters that follow contact or even mere proximity to certain plants, such as poison sumac or poison ivy. Most of these plants are not common in Europe but very common in the US. Especially in the southern US, ordinary outdoor activities give ample opportunity to test your homeopathic knowledge for allergies.

Then, there are the allergic reactions to insect bites and stings, mosquito bites, spider bites, tick bites, skin mites, and many others. The susceptibility to these varies widely

from person to person, and this is one of the most fascinating things about allergies: One person can die from a single bee sting, while others might not even get localized swelling from the same. So, the condition of being “allergic” to something appears to be a state of health or a condition of the whole organism.

Furthermore, some allergies clearly run in families. Research conducted on allergies has confirmed a genetic component, suggesting that some allergies can be hereditary. Genetic factors for developing food allergies have been observed in several studies.

In addition to the above environmental allergies we see more and more food allergies. You may know people that have had local or systemic allergic reactions to ingesting certain foods. Apparently, food allergies are increasing in frequency.

What causes allergies? Noted allergologist and author of You are what you ate, Sherry Rogers MD, believes allergies are the result of metabolic cul-de-sacs from toxins that block the normal metabolic pathways in our bodies. But does this account for all allergies?

Some allergies appear to develop as a result of triggers that somehow change our state of immune health. In some people, allergies gradually increase along with general sensitivity. Old age or “depletion of cortisols” are often mentioned in the literature as factors in developing allergies.

Recently a friend named Lisa, a woman in her late thirties, ate at a restaurant for Valentine’s Day. What promised to be a lovely evening was followed by a hasty trip to

the ER because of an apparent systemic reaction to the shrimp she ate. She had never had such a reaction to shrimp before. The specialists were unable to diagnose any

known allergy to shrimp. Was she reacting to another ingredient in the meal?

Events such as this have caused many to question the whole theoretical basis of allergology. Many have found it is a good idea to carefully study the content or exact ingredients of the foods they eat. In the US, we have an advantage that all ingredients of processed foods must by law be listed on the label.

This seems to be especially important for those with food allergies, and especially with commercially processed food purchased in the store.

However, when it comes to restaurant food the ingredients are rarely disclosed.

In the United States, at least, there is no legislation that requires restaurants to disclose all their ingredients. It is largely an issue of “caviat emptor—buyer beware!”


People with food allergies are usually limited to eating at home.

After taking Lisa’s acute case, I came to the conclusion that she was reacting to the common pollutant of seafood—mercury. Shrimp is not one of the high-mercury content seafoods, unlike tuna fish. However, Lisa had a history of an adverse reactions to a flu shot. Some flu shots contain up to 30mcg of mercury in form of thimerosal.

Lisa had possibly become sensitized to mercury during that event. She quickly recovered from her acute symptoms with low potencies of Dr. Hahnemann’s chief mercury antidote, Hepar sulphur calcareum, which, in a way, may have confirmed my hypothesis, because her symptoms did not fit those of Hepar at all.

This leads me right into the topic of the selection of acute remedies for allergic reactions. It is really no different from any other urgent care prescribing. As in all acute cases,

it is important not to loose sight of the forest for the trees.

The most important homeopathic considerations in selecting any remedy for an acute case, including cases of asthma, hay fever, or contact dermatitis, are the general symptoms. So, you ask questions like, “since this reaction started, how have you been feeling in general?” or more specific, “have you been thirsty or not thirsty, warm

or chilly, what makes it worse or better, is this worse of better from getting warm or chilly, outdoors or indoors, etc?

So if you have general weakness, with sneezing, and not thirsty, it could mean Gelsemium, whereas weakness, sneezing and thirsty could require, say, Natrum m.

In non-thirsty cases, you have a choice between several common acute remedies, Gels., Puls, Apis, Bell., etc.

In hives, or itching eruptions, chilly and thirsty could mean Rhus-tox (thirsty for milk). On the other hand, if a victim is not thirsty and < heat, it might mean Apis and so on. By the way, why is such an important general symptom “thirstlessness” not listed under “general symptoms” in our Complete Repertory? Instead, it is found under stomach! Thirst is neither a condition nor a function of the stomach.

It helps to consider what types of allergic reaction you are dealing with: Hayfever remedies abound, but do not forget: Aralia, Naphtalinum, and Limulus.

For asthma, look at Arsenicum, Ipecac, Eucaluptus, Chlorum, and Nat-sulph.

Contact dermatitis with hives may also be helped by Antipyrinum, Copainum, and Fragaria. In common cases of mold and dust allergies, especially if there is wheezing, remedies like Blatta, Kali-bi and Nat- sulph should be considered. Lycopodium has been a most successful remedy for general chronic tendency to react to mold.

Natrum muriaticum is a wonderful remedy for patients becoming hypersensitive to everything they love like chocolate, etc.

Animal hair allergies have responded well to Ant-t., Gallium, Kali-ars, and Sulph. If it is a cat allergy, Arsenicum has often provided relief.

In dog hair allergies, I have tried Haliaethus lycocapitus without much success. I have done better with a combination of dog hair mix. Dust allergies sometimes respond

to acute treatment of Brom., Hep. and Puls. and are often relieved permanently with chronic treatment of Ars. Sil. or Sulph.

Another important consideration during acute case taking is the fact that we cannot simply switch randomly from one remedy to the next. Each remedy has its specific interactions. And it has its relative duration. This you could look up in Gibson Miller’s charts.

Vermuellen’s Concordant has one of the most complete references on interactions or “relations”, and so has my Oncology Materia Medica. Some remedies follow well,

while others do not. Some are inimical to each other. You need to know these and what to do in that case.

And what do you do when you have overlooked an interaction problem, when you realize you have aggravated a case, by choosing, say, Rhus tox after Apis?

Or after giving Caust. and you now needed Phos.? You have to know your “inimicals” and their homeopathic antidotes like the back of your hand.

I wrote about such a situation, published in the American Homeopath, entitled Prelude to Surgery. Or, what if you encounter as case of a yellow jacket sting with

symptoms resembling Apis, on top of a severe dermatitis reaction to poison ivy resembling Rhus-tox.?

I recommend you study my article carefully. In food allergies, it is not always the natural ingredients but the unnatural ones that are the culprit, such as preservatives or pollutants, as possibly in Lisa’s case, or perhaps chemical poisons that are involved in the production and processing of food.

This was possibly also the cause in the swelling the lady in Prelude to Surgery had encountered - a surgery, which by the way, homeopathy could prevent. But it looked like the situation was started with a serious allergic-type swelling of the fingers, possibly after eating in a Chinese restaurant. Sometimes you need to proceed like a detective in these acute cases. And you need to have a scientific rather than a dogmatic mind.

Here is another case for a detective: Elaine, a highly sensitive woman ate a new brand of yoghurt and promptly developed symptoms of anxiety with ravenous hunger.

Under different circumstances, this would have probably led to a referral to a psychiatrist, had she not been one of my students.

After she called me and told me of her symptoms, I immediately suspected that she was suffering from iodine sensitivity. She confirmed that she had never been able to

take iodized multivitamins without adverse reactions. Arsenicum album quickly antidoted the reaction, which was followed by a prolonged course of treatment with Iodum

for the existing chronic iodine allergy.

Curious where the iodine could have come from, I had consulted with a client of mine who had a dairy farm and who confirmed that dairy farmers commonly wash the cows’ udders with a solution of iodine.

I once personally witnessed a tragedy in the making waiting in line at a steakhouse, where I was eating lunch, when an individual who had partaken from a salad bar suddenly collapsed after what appeared to be an adverse reaction to something in the salad.

It turned out the gentleman had an allergy to [Manfred Mueller]

sodium metabisulfite and other sulfite-based preservatives, which are commonly used in the US in commercial salad bars.

I was later told by the manager of the steakhouse that the victim died on the way to the hospital.

For some people, an innocent glass of red wine containing natural sulfites can be a death sentence! There are natural sulfites in wine, and additionally, sodium metabisulfite

is commonly added to many California wines. Restaurants can be dangerous places!

Even the conventional medical treatment of choice for anaphylactic reactions, while often lifesaving, does not always work; it can have devastating effects on some individuals, especially those with drug allergies. Apparently, drug allergies are a common cause of death in United States hospitals.

The CEO of a major global pharmaceutical company stated recently that drug allergies and sensitivities are becoming a more and more serious problem for the industry. Anyone who has ever worked in an ER knows that this is, indeed, the case.

Not all people respond the same to a drug. This is also true for injected vaccines. The US CDC reports a relatively high incidence of allergic reactions to standard childhood vaccines, some of them systemic and life-threatening.

We should also learn about the difference in sensitivity to homeopathic medicines.

I have written about this too. I will briefly discuss the solution to this. Hahnemann recommended the olfactory dose be tried first in these cases, then additional dilutions

of the potency without further potentizing—in other words, without succussing the mixture. Only gently stirring the solution after each step of dilution will do.

This would be impossible if you were only taking globules, so, for acute cases, except for the first dose, we need the water potencies.

I have reports from some highly sensitive persons who had adverse reactions to sniffed doses of q-potencies. I recently worked with a young man named Jean from Belgium. Jean got anxiety attacks and chills every time he took the remedy Arsenicum.

And a patient from Mexico, Carlos, had tried classical homeopathy several times before, and it always failed, because every time previously he’d developed proving symptoms of whatever remedy he took. But after I had explained to him how to make further dilutions of that potency, Carlos found out he could take his remedy in 800 dilution cups. Likewise, Jean discovered he needed to dilute his remedy to 900 cups.

I have a list with probably several hundred cured cases and not all of allergies, but of a wide variety of disorders, each of them accomplished with more than fifty dosage cups of additional dilution. Theses cures support the observation that persons who were too sensitive and developed the proving symptoms from the standard globules could be cured, even after they had “flunked out” of standard homeopathy.

By taking the remedy with olfactory doses with additional dilutions they discovered this could be accomplished by increasing the dilution dramatically. They were cured, not only from their diagnosed conditions, but also from their hypersensitivity to homeopathic remedies!

I am currently working with a British attorney, a woman who was reacting to any remedy in the regular dose, and it took weeks to recover each time she had tried it.

She recently reported she took Pulsatilla by the olfactory route in a liquid dose diluted in a series of 96 dosage cups and had a wonderful positive response.

These are exponential dilutions, without succussions! You may read up in the Organon on this method proposed by Hahnemann, except going to these extremes by trial and error to suit the highly sensitive patient.  I recommend my latest translation of this section in the Concise Organon (aphor. 248, p. 110).

I pioneered this method for these sufferers of preparing seemingly extreme exponential dilutions that suit the patient through additional steps of dilution, without increasing the potency through succussion. (For more information on how to obtain my tutorials including, please call our clinic at 001-619-741-5795 during business hours EST).

Another common allergic reaction, the vaccine allergies are often-discussed these days. I remember the case of a mother from Tennessee who called my office about an allergic reaction her eleven-year-old son had to his two-year childhood vaccines. The parents stopped all vaccines after that. However, a few years later, the couple ended up divorcing. During the child custody proceedings, the father’s attorney advanced the mother’s concern over vaccines as cause to prove she was not suitable as a mother.

The judge ordered the boy be taken straight to the health department and vaccinated. Predictably, this was followed by another serious anaphylactic reaction that required emergency medical treatment and follow up treatment in the ICU!

For cases like this, and perhaps for all, homeopathic immunization would be the safest course of action to protect against infectious diseases. If you wish to learn more about this method, please feel free to consult my latest book on the subject.

This brings me to another often-discussed subject in homeopathic circles: the state of health or that of the vital force. I hinted above that the general state of health of an individual was possibly responsible for some extreme allergic reactions.

The expression “state of health” is, admittedly, about as blurry as the term “State of the Union” in American politics.  However, nevertheless, it is meaningful to homeopaths that see the difference between the sick and healthy state every day as a result of treatment.

According to the Hahnemannian definition of health, health is the predictable result of extinguishing of all signs and symptoms of a disease with a suitable (homeopathic) remedy. But what about persons who feel basically healthy, who are fit, young and seemingly have no signs or symptoms of any disorder and still get serious anaphylactic reactions?

Unless they have reason to believe that this can be changed, they would not likely even seek treatment. This is unfortunately very common. The symptoms of the typical allergic individual only occur, when there is a trigger. Doesn’t this constitute impaired health?

Of course, as homeopaths, we know there are latent states, lopsided or “defective” disorders, where no symptoms are manifest! Surprisingly, in his Organon, Hahnemann described exactly that state of healthy persons with certain “idiosyncrasies” that under certain circumstances predisposed the sufferers to serious hypersensitivity reactions

to certain foods and plants, even without exhibiting any other signs of illness:

“Some persons are apt to faint from smell of roses and to fall into many other morbid and sometimes dangerous states from partaking of mussels, crabs, and fish roe, or

from touching the leaves of some kinds of sumach.”

Does this description not remind you of cases of the typical environmental allergies we have presented above? As it turns out, Hahnemann was of the opinion that these individuals are, in fact, basically healthy, and he thought that they were even the ideal candidates for becoming volunteer subjects for our homeopathic provings or pathogenetic trials!

Some prominent homeopaths have theorized that allergies and hypersensitivities are encountered in persons suffering from a “tuberculous miasms” that had to be eradicated. No doubt, many people do suffer from such a derangement.

And yet, there are many allergic individuals who do not show any such tuberculous signs or characteristics. Some homeopaths have pointed to the allergic condition as seen in persons afflicted with the “sycotic misam”. This may well be the case. However many do not!

Chronic Psora is also being blamed for allergic characteristics, and, indeed, it is often the antipsoric remedies that resolve stubborn chronic allergy cases. However, not all!  What about the modern miasms? Some theorize that for these, homeopathic treatment might reduce their hypersensitivity. I hope it works for their sake.

But what if they tell these people to take a single globule because they don’t understand that for some sensitive patients, a single globule of a homeopathically suitable remedy could send them straight to the ER?

Carlos or Jean, for example, could not be treated of these miasms using the single dose globule routinely given with the standard regular wait and watch high-centesimal-potency method. They needed the milder q-potencies in extreme dilutions!

The only task we have as investigating homeopaths is to prove our theories by getting results! If you can show that your method works, I invite you to write about it and publish it. Homeopathic science is a constant dialogue, or at least it should be, although sometimes it has been more like heated discussions, alternating with total silence.

Are we proceeding like scientists in homeopathy? We should be at least open to investigate through experimentation.

Not all sickness is caused by underlying emotional derangements. Sometimes a person’s emotional derangement is the result of the sickness! Remember, I am saying this

as a trained former psychotherapist! Having said this, there is no doubt that emotional states can play a significant role in allergies.

Fear and anxiety are common among sufferers, sometimes justified, as the reactions can be quite scary. That’s why Acon., Staph., Ignatia, etc. can be very helpful in certain acute allergic reactions and maybe a constant companion for chronic allergy sufferers or highly sensitive persons during their treatment.

In my paper on cancer published in the The American Homeopath, Vol 16, 2010. I noted that persons suffering from this diathesis are also apt to being highly physically sensitive in a very general way. I pointed out that this state could be the result of an accumulation of poisons, and that more and more people are suffering from this affliction.

In other words, our modern miasms may be generated by cortisone, ionizing radiation and glyphosate rather than by microbes.

[Manfred Mueller]

They form the blockages or injuries to the metabolic functions that Dr. Sherry Rogers talked about. These miasms are caused by chemical compounds or perhaps a single toxin interfering with our bodies’ proper functioning, including their protective response against harmful microbes.

Let us take, for example, one common indoor pollutant present in almost every single household—formaldehyde. Formaldehyde gas is inhaled and once in the body can block its ability to process or break down certain common protein foods into ordinary aldehydes, such as from eggs, and suddenly we have a serious problem.

This is an example of an aldehyde metabolism cul de sac or blockage in metabolizing aldehydes. This causes the immune system to kick in and even form antibodies against that food. This then leads to an egg allergy.

There appears to be a connection between toxicity from multiple chemicals in the body, and the systemic condition multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), causing adverse

or allergic reactions to many chemicals such as to the odor of a big box store, and the condition of generalized allergies, which can cause the individual to develop immune reactions even to common natural substances.

In my article on the cancer diathesis, I pointed to the natural tendency of the immune system to try to solve a problem in the body, when it has become overwhelmed by generalized chemical overload to prevent the next stage of degeneration, which, should the hypersensitive phase fail, would be cancer. You see, instead of thinking of the body as a set of mechanistic reactions we ought to think of it as teleological life-preserving operating system.

This sensitivity stage is part of an evolutionary protective mechanism, in the sense of a reverse of Hering’s Law, from a healthier more sensitive, irritable state to the less sensitive or insensitive/asymptomatic cancerous state. In this sensitive state, the immune system begins to manufacture antibodies to all sorts of natural and unnatural compounds, including found in common foods.

A similar situation seems to be present when living bodies are exposed to pulsed high-frequency microwave radiation, such as from Wifi (= Wlan) or cell phone technology.

Which is now for most people, all the time, and everywhere they go! This constant overload of microwave exposure seems to lead to electromagnetic hypersensitivity and allergic-like symptoms resembling in some patients the symptom picture of allergic dermatitis.

For example, one woman installed a wifi system in her office, and the next day developed hives all over her body. They did not disappear until she had the wifi uninstalled.

One study on ionizing radiation used for telecommunication has found that those with symptoms from that type of radiation have a lower risk to developing cancer.

This might indicate that there is an adaptive function at work. Many studies on toxicological phenomena show that the body can adapt to serious, even life-threatening toxins by being exposed first in minute doses. We are talking about a universal principle of toxicology here—possibly a way the organism can adapt to remain healthy or return to health, known as hormesis. There clearly is a relationship between allergy and toxicity, and the body’s failure to adapt versus adaptation at a cost—allergies!

This also matches our clinical observations in homeopathy. Often the very same medicines are needed to treat cases of intoxication and allergic reactions, precisely because

the symptoms resemble each other. So, food allergy cases often present very much like food poisoning. Radiation sensitivity can present like radiation poisoning.

The chronic health effects seen from electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation have been thoroughly studied for decades by the US NAVY, by Soviet Russia, and by numerous universities in the US and elsewhere, and long before cell phone technology was introduced. The studies predicted that non-ionizing radiation could have serious consequences for all persons, not only those susceptible.

I recall the case of a nineteen-year-old patient who was seeking help from me in person, coming to my door with his mother instead of calling, because he was so sensitive to even mild electrical fields from an ordinary line phone that could cause intense discomfort. The mother and son ended up camping out in the middle of a nearby wild life reserve because that was the only place where he could feel comfortable.

Clarke reports on the case of an electrician who as a result of mercury intoxication was unable to continue his occupation because he suffered from an extreme sensitivity to

the electrical field.

To summarize, in addition to the typical and common seasonal allergies already known to homeopaths at the time of Hahnemann, and for which we have many common remedies in our materia medica, we now are also facing numerous chemical allergies so bizarre that afflicted individuals simple no longer have anyone to turn to except homeopaths. But especially those homeopaths that understand the serious problem of sensitivity! These unfortunate afflicted souls, unless they join the Amish, simply have

no place to hide any more in our industrial society.

We no longer live in the idyllic horse and buggy days of Hahnemannian times, when natural contagious diseases made up the majority of all acute and chronic disorders

and could quickly matched with a similar medicine that in many cases cure with a single dose. Today, the majority of disorders are due to insidious toxic factors like

radiation, chemicals and medical drugs, and it is also those that are responsible for most allergic reactions.

Even from the Hahnemannian viewpoint, today’s allergic and hypersensitivity reactions are clearly special cases of sickness. And special disorders require special solutions.

I have gone into details as to the several variations of sensitivity, and my solutions to this are discussed in detail in one of my tutorials called The Sensitive Patient.

This includes the special measures in our Organon already mentioned above but many more. I pioneered a systematic method to expand these dilutions to an extreme degree, much beyond what was suggested in the Organon. With this I have been able relieve many highly sensitive individuals from their chronic conditions gently and permanently.

These methods should be investigated scientifically, because they may represent the only medical solution left for mankind if this trend continues.

We already have quite a few scientific studies of the standard homeopathic treatment that show homeopathy works against various allergic reactions, especially for the acute

or symptomatic treatment of allergic rhinitis.

As I have pointed out in another of my papers published in the American Homeopath, Vol 23, 2017, on the scientific evidence on tautopathy, many of our scientific studies that found efficacy of homeopathic treatment of allergies were actually “isopathic” or “tautopathic” (= eine Behandlungsmethode, die unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen herkömmlicher Medikamente aufhebt, indem dieselben Mittel – und nicht nur ähnliche wie in der Homöopathie – in potenzierter Form verabreicht werden.) studies, not homeopathic ones!

Dana Ullman, in his excellent 2010 Review of Homeopathic Research in the Treatment of Respiratory Allergies, concluded that “no studies have evaluated the efficacy

of long-term homeopathic constitutional treatment.” According to Ullman a number of clinical trials were conducted that evaluated the efficacy of certain homeopathic medicines for treating various acute allergy symptoms.

I personally find the lack of studies on the constitutional approach unfortunate, though understandable, because they are difficult to design. Constitutional treatment is difficult to define and to standardize to fit into the standard parameters of scientific studies.

As we have seen, not only do the majority of studies on homeopathic treatment of allergies actually investigate isopathy using homeopathic potencies, but also even in

our record of published cases we are hard-pressed to find many published purely “homeopathic” cases that have relieved chronic allergies.

BTW, regarding the difference of the terms “tautopathic” and “isopathic”, please refer to my first paper on the subject. In my talk today, I am using the two terms interchangeably.

In my review of Tautopathic Treatment During the Classical Era of Homeopathy, The American Homeopath, vol 17, 2011, I quoted WA Dewey, M. D., of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in his book Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics, in which he reported on the use of the tautopathic method among his colleagues for the treatment of allergies.

According to Dewey, in the 1870’s, homeopaths treated food allergies with the potentized foods, reporting many apparent cures:

And I quote:

“Dr. Samuel Swan, and Dr. Thomas Wildes of New York and Dr. P.P. Wells of Brooklyn and many others in the latter “seventies” reported many cases of supersensitiveness to various foods, among which was a case where common garden celery when eaten produced itching, changing locality frequently and other disagreeable symptoms.

Apium graveolens (Celery) in a high potency removed the condition and permitted the patient to ever afterwards eat celery with no untoward effects.

People exist who cannot eat strawberries. These susceptible individuals suffer from urticarial rashes, sometimes difficulty in breathing as if a weight were on the chest. Potentized Fragaria vesca relieved at once. This was first advocated perhaps by Dr. W.P. Wesselhoeft of Boston and amply verified by Drs. Swan, and Wells.

The writer used it successfully in a case having similar symptoms whenever strawberries, of which she was most fond, were eaten. Fragaria vesca in a high potency not

only removed the condition, but so completely that the patient was ever after able to eat strawberries without symptoms for the remainder of her life, which ended some

30 years subsequent.

There are numerous cases of over susceptibility to Apis poisoning which is remedied by taking Apis mellifica in minimum doses. Bee keepers and those who handle bees

are rendered immune, and do not mind or suffer from bee stings, nor do they produce swellings or edema when the person is thus immunized.”

Apparently, some patients recovered permanently from tautopathic treatment alone, and no additional treatments such as “constitutional treatment” were mentioned.

What is true about foods also apparently works for pollen and all sorts of other allergies. Many of our best hay fever remedies are prepared from known allergens, such

as Ambrosia, Arundo, Arum triphyllum, Euphrasia, Gelsemium, Sabadilla, Solidago, Wyethia and many others.

And many of our asthma remedies are prepared from allergens. This not only includes plant medicines but also the cockroach Blatta orientalis, and halogens like bromine

and chlorine, which are known to cause asthmatic reactions.

In urgent care situations, the selection is sometimes greatly alleviated by using the isopathic method. I have seen many quick cures of acute asthma attacks in children who could not partake in swimming in a chlorinated pool, and even their chronic asthma, cured with doses of Chlorum repeated over months.

What I have shown for cancer remedies in the [Manfred Mueller] Oncology Materia Medica, is true for our allergy remedies: the quality of proving experiments of some

of our best allergy remedies still varies widely. Some are thoroughly proven, such as Gelsemium, while for others we cannot find any provings at all (in Fragaria vesca).

These remedies are used simply on clinical observations and sometimes on tautopathic indications! But in spite of the advantages of the tautopathic method, we must resort

to the homeopathic method in cases when the triggering allergen is not known. In these cases, the symptoms of the acute attack are the most reliable indications for the selection of a remedy.

Dewey also acknowledged the use of constitutional characteristics or constitutional type for remedy selection in chronic treatment of allergies. I myself have seen this work many times, and I have also seen even more dismal failures.  Dewey in his chapter declared the action of the tautopathic medicine is simply homeopathic! He pointed out

that many foods that can cause disease are already in our material medica, and some have even been proven.

I myself have counted 86 food remedies in Boericke alone.

Quoting Dewey:

“In 1867 Adolf Lippe had a case of chronic poisoning by cane sugar (in other words a super sensitiveness to this substance). He removed it completely by Saccharum officinalis. (Hahn. Mo. Oct. 1867.) A case of quininism cured by Cinchona sulphuricum in high potency. (Organon Vol. iii p. 208.)

The susceptibility to parsley can be cured by Petroselinum 30C, says Dr. James W. Ward, one of our best and most careful observers. Asthma from eating scallops cured

by Pectens jacobaeus, which in a high potency cured permanently.

Asthma due to susceptibility to the proteid substance in eggs, cured by repeated doses of Egg White. (Boericke’s Materia Medica p. 491). I have personally cured many

cases of hay fever due to the rag-weed by Ambrosia artemisiaefolia in potency. The pharmaceutical houses of today are making much capital out of the pollen extracts

of the various hay fever producing plants.

The hypersensitiveness to Rhus poisoning has been removed many times by the use of Rhus toxicodendron, and why it does not relieve in all cases is simply owing to a difference in sensitiveness in different people and to the many varieties of the plant. It has been clinically observed that allergic persons are less susceptible to contagious and infectious diseases. (Ward.)”

Dr. Dewey did not see much of  difference between homeopathic cures and isopathic cures, or, for that matter, isopathic treatment for the prevention of infectious diseases,

a subject he covers elsewhere in his book. Like many others, he felt that once all of these agents have been proven, it will become evident that the action of all isopathic treatment is simply homeopathic:

“A study of epidemic remedies, which physicians have often reported will be explained along similar paths, also constitutional remedies, and it will be found that SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR is the law of all curative medicine.”

He was of the opinion that isopathic (and tautopathic) treatment was homeopathy, so long as it was done in potency—plain and simple.

He quoted Swan:

Isopathy would give raw cucumbers to a person made sick by eating cucumbers and would make him worse. Homeopathy would give him Cucumis in a high potency

and not only cure the patient but also enable him to eat cucumbers with no untoward symptoms.”

This position avoided the controversy surrounding the isopathic method. I showed in my paper on Tautopathy during the Classical Era of Homeopathy that this has caused some American Homeopathic teaching institutions and professional organizations to dismiss their professors and students of homeopathy on dogmatic grounds.

I also showed that the real controversy was about the method of selection of the remedy, not really on the remedy’s efficacy or its action. This distinction was also made

by the Scottish homeopathic physician J. Compton Burnett in his famous remark:

“I maintain that choosing the remedies according to the totality of the symptoms is only one way of finding the right remedy; and, moreover, sometimes totally inadequate. You may find the right remedy once in a way according to the old doctrine of signatures; and, even though so found, it acts homeopathically; the way of choosing is poor and crude, but it is a way. You may find the right remedy by organ-testing after the manner of Paracelsus, and the remedy acts homeopathically although found that way. You may find the right remedy purely hypothetically, after the manner of Von Grauvogl and Schüssler, the mode of action remains the same, i.e., homeopathic…

and now, please pay attention:

You may use dynamized salt (= Nat-m.) to cure marine cachexia, sea side neuralgia, sea-side headache, and the like, and still the action of the remedy is homeopathic.”

I myself, in the absence of having a homeopathic emergency kit available, have followed Dr Clarke’s advice and taken unpotentized grains of salt and saved the day in many

a yellow jacket or wasp sting. This tried and true home remedy can remove all pain and swelling quickly. Of course, it helps only the acute condition and yes, I would quite prefer to use Apis mellifica.

Homeopathic treatment of acute allergic reactions can save lives. I spend considerable time outdoors and have treated hundreds of acute cases of allergic reactions to natural allergens like plant and insect allergies, localized swelling and discomfort from insect bites and stings, more or less severe cases of contact dermatitis, numerous and multiple cases of asthmatic crises and many cases of anaphylaxis. I can attest to the efficacy of both—the homeopathic and the tautopathic method. This is true for chemical and drug allergies in addition to the standard natural allergies.

A middle-aged fellow came to office one day, and by the time he sat down on his desk, he had broken out all over with an itchy red rash that quickly spread all over this body. He had seen a truck parked outside the office that looked like it carried a tank of herbicide spray, so he reasoned this may have had something to do with this sickness.

He confronted his boss about it and was told, yes, they did spray an herbicide. By now he was feeling absolutely livid over his skin reactions and at the same time was on the verge of going into anaphylactic shock. He ran to his car, but instead of going to the ER, while he drove home he called my office, and over the phone after quickly reviewing his symptoms, I recommended he try Rhust-t from his wife’s home remedy kit.

He called back an hour later and reported he felt much better. He took the remedy as recommended in “plussed” liquid doses every hour or so, and by the next day, he was back to normal. 3 weeks later, he developed all sorts of other unpleasant symptoms. I asked him if he could find out what the poison was, and he did. So we sent him the 30C potency of Telar XP Bayer, and over the next month he recovered from all his chronic symptoms, simply with the tautopathic treatment of the acute reaction.

Or the case of a teenager who went to his dentist to get his new braces attached. He had an apparent anaphylactic reaction to the adhesive they used, and the dentist called

an ambulance. However, the boy’s mother did not want the epinephrine treatment offered by the EMT for him, and drove him straight to my office.

I received a call, “we are on our way to you with an emergency! John’s choking from increased swelling in his throat, and he has difficulty breathing, and we are right around the corner from your office!”

My assistant and I rushed down to the parking lot and were waiting for them with several potencies of Apis on hand. By the time they arrived the young man had turned blue in the face, his tongue was so swollen he could hardly breathe. The first dose was a globule of the Apis 30C, and he took a deep breath. This was followed in five minutes by

a globule of the 200C. He now looked relieved and said he was feeling better. I looked at my assistant and saw she had turned pale. A trained EMT, she said, “I could think

of only one thing: epinephrine, epinephrine, epinephrine…” But Apis had saved the day!

I had a middle-aged client with an allergy to sesame seeds, with regular signs and symptoms. He would eat at a restaurant and react even to salad dressing containing sesame oil. This was usually followed by a hasty trip to the ER and a week or so of recovery from epinephrine treatment.

After carefully evaluating his symptoms, I chose Apis, and from then on he carried a small vial with Apis globules in his pocket. Whenever he had a reaction to sesame seed,

he placed one of them under his tongue and soon felt relief—much more relief that he ever got from the epipen!

However, to cure his chronic allergy required recurrent doses of Natrum muriaticum and simultaneous desensitization against sesame seeds with a remedy I prepared myself through potentization of crushed seeds, because I could not find it in any of the common pharmacies. Usually, we get our pharmacodes from Helios and Ainsworths because the US pharmacies are prevented by the FDA from marketing or selling anything other what is listed in the HPUS.

Homeopathic remedies have also worked for me in many cases also as preventives of anaphylaxis. I once attended an outdoor wedding, and during the ceremony, there was

a loud scream of a woman’s voice followed by calls for my name. I moved towards the commotion and was told, a little girl Sara who had a bee allergy and gets anaphylactic reactions to bee stings had just got stung on her finger.

“We forgot our epipen”, sighed the mother. “I am told you have something to help?” I explained, it was a homeopathic remedy and walked calmly to my car, got my travel kit out and gave her a pellet of Apis 30C. The girl took it, calmed down, and within five minutes, her mother declared in amazement, “it’s working.” I waited another ten minutes, by then she said, “I can’t believe it, Sara is fine. By now, I would be scrambling to get to the ER!”

These are just a few of hundreds of examples, when a homeopathic remedy quickly resolved or prevented acute systemic allergic reactions. And not all cases responded to Apis. Some cases of anaphylaxis required the use of Camph., Carbo-ac., Carb-v., Torul., Vespa crabro and others. I could tell you similar experiences with asthmatic attacks. I will now read to you a few testimonials from clients on our website of successful allergy treatment:

5 years ago I was unable to be around grass or hay without extreme itching and wheezing. Today we stacked 200 bales of hay into the barn. I am so thankful for homeopathy!”


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