Carbo miserabilis = Torf


Vergleich: Carbo umbra (= Braunkohle). Cypr. (wächst auf Torfboden). Mineral gold extra (= Torfart durchsetzt mit Mineralien/Utah/Quelle: Internet)

Fago (wächst auf Asche verbrannte Torf).

Liriope spicata = monkey. grass/= creeping lilyturf. Asparagales. Quelle:

Rubus chamaemorus (= Torfbeere Rosales). Sphagnum. (= Torfmoos.). Torfwolle (Tantragruppe).

Siehe: Carbon + Brennstoffen + Teergruppe + Moorgruppe

Carb-v. (weich)/Carbo miserabilis (faserig) Carbo-umbra. Carbo-mineralis (hart)


Allerlei: entstanden aus Sumpfzypressen (Taxodium), Mammutbäumen (Seqoia/(Metasequoia glyptostroboides/Sequoia sempervirens)/Kiefern (Pinus) und Fichten (Abies).


Solum Uliginosum and Peat Products.

Peat products in themselves do not cure us; rather they can be used to form a protective layer around us, allowing our own life forces to sustain, strengthen and heal us.

Dr. Hauschka researched the therapeutic use of the fluid extracted during processing of the peat substance. It was known a long time in Europe that organic substances from the moors could be used

therapeutically for many illnesses and ailments. These histories lead towards the development of solum uliginosum as both an oil and internal medicine for modern illnesses. Solum uliginosum was first eveloped by Wala in Bad Boll, Germany. Peat fluid is collected and prepared over months to produce solum uliginosum. Initially the substance is stored in a dark incubating chamber and over seven days rhythmically exposed to sunrise and sunset. Then for a further two-three months it is stored, enabling the loss of the sulphurous odor.

In Sweden peat is harvested using sustainable environmentally protected systems for alternative biofuel and horticultural use; it is the by-product in this process that is used for the peat products discussed.


[Fritz Ewald, Ph.D.]

On April 26, 1986, a nuclear reactor exploded in Chernobyl. During weeks that followed radioactive clouds spread across large parts of Europe. Every particle of dust in this cloud, which measured over 1000 m in height, carried radioactive material: large amounts of I l31 [affinity with the thyroid (children/younger adults)]/Sr 90 (takes the place of calcium in bones)/Caesium 137 (takes the place of potassium in muscles).

All of these are carcinogenic/cause damage to cells. (Aqua pluvia 86).

Are undetectable by any humin sense organ. The effects were detectable in Germany only few days after the catastrophe: radioactive pollution settled down in fields and streets.

Vegetables/salad plants/milk had to be avoided because polluted with radioactive particles; play areas and sports grounds were closed for the same reason/children were not allowed to play outdoors.

Fear prompted people to take action and use peat products and textiles. The longer the fallout lasted, the greater the demand for peat textiles.

Source and development of peat fiber

Peat fiber is a constituent of sheathed cotton sedge (= Eriophorum vaginatum = Scheidenwollgras/(= hare's-tail cottongrass/= tussock cottongrass) growing in bogs/boggy soils. Raised bogs always develop soils with little mineral content where there is almost no drainage. Rainwater collects as though in a bath tub that gradually fills up.

Few plants survive in such conditions; the original vegetation (trees/bushes/forests) gradually perish over the centuries: becoming peat. Only mosses/heathers/a few grasses survive on the surface.

Plants with few needs in regard to warmth and nutrients (these gradually submerge in the water).

Sphagnum mosses are the only plants that flourish in these conditions. They grow over everything, incl. themselves, creating

a layer of vegetation from which new shoots constantly appear; new plants create further layers on top of the dead bodies of older vegetation.

Over many years a spongy mass of vegetable matter develops. Increasing in thickness it will in the end absorb 25x its own weight in water. The surface of these raised bogs is noticeably higher than the surrounding ground, hence their name. Sunken bogs are flatter, as the name implies; they contain more nutrients and therefore support a richer assortment of plants such

as birch/alder/Carx = sedge.

Eriophorum vaginatum favors raised bogs where it constantly dies down and then regrows. Peat fibers are obtained from the light-colored peat nearest the surface of the bog. The black peat lower down contains almost no recognizable plant remains.

Its dark color foreshadows the process in which it will gradually turn into coal. Peat development is neither decomposition [microbial activity converting organic into inorganic matter in the presence of air and water], nor putrefaction [bacteria ultimately converting organic matter into sludge in a process (generating CO2/water/gases: H/methane)]. Peat develops once the upper layers of vegetation have died when a lengthy process begins in which microbial action takes the organic matter through many chemical stages before it turns into humic substance systems. Despite their lack of structure these are relatively stable mixtures of substances on the way to becoming coal, with some very special properties.

In peat, the ascending (etheric) forces in the remaining life processes of the vegetation are met by descending death processes that cause the vegetation to disintegrate.

R.S.: "In peat the ether forces have a descending tendency; this must be transformed into an ascending one. This divides plant nature into 2 aspects.

1. towards life/wholly in the sphere of the periphery: the sprouting organs that sustain growth and flower.

2. toward the lifeless/remains in the sphere of outward radiating forces, including everything that hardens growth, providing

a firm supporting structure for life, etc.". Such is the stream of substances in which the lifeless comes to life and what is alive dies; plants exist within such a stream.

Raised bogs develop when plants live in an ongoing process of excessive new growth and dying. In the form of mounds.

R.S. These mounds particularly good at absorbing the cosmic forces from the periphery. Centuries of stored forces of growth and development from an originally healthy, vital natural world free of environmental toxins are imprisoned in peat fibers.

     Characteristics of peat and peat fibers

A number of physical and chemical properties can be deduced from what has been stated above regarding the development and composition of peat. For a wider understanding of all the effects, however, we shall, have to base ourselves on points of view gained from Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science. We can assume that much of what can be said with regard to peat also applies to peat fibers, since these are a constituent of peat.

Peat preserves: ancient oak boles/tree coffins or corpses/fruit and vegetables laid in peat also stay fresh longer. Decomposition and putrefaction of organic matter are not only prevented by lack of oxygen and acidity; certain substances and forces present in peat also counteract decomposition.

     Peat provides warmth

The warming, vitalizing effect of peat has been used for a long time in the treatment of rheumatic or sclerotic conditions. This is due to the high specific heat of the humid substance system; such heat is easily stored. It goes without saying that individual reactions must be taken into account when medicinal peat products and preparations are used. The same goes for the wearing of peat fiber textiles (discussed below).

This brings us to the advantages of healthy clothing. We all know the discomforts of wearing easy-care synthetic textiles that quickly make a good many of us perspire and smell. This generally happens because heat is trapped by fibers that cannot ventilate adequately or which lack the ability to absorb moisture. Peat textiles do not have these disadvantages.

     Peat absorbs moisture

Peat has a low specific weight so the fibers are loosely woven and light-weight. They absorb moisture because of the colloidal nature of the humin in the fibers. They act like a sponge/absorbed water

can be squeezed out again. It is also the humins that make the textiles specially efficient at binding odors, sweat and salts.

Peat fibers can easily be spun with wool and 40 or 50% peat has proved a good proportion in a wool-peat mixture. The properties of peat still apply in such mixtures or else the peat complements or

increases the properties of the thread with which it is spun.

     Flammability and electrostatic charge

Peat fibers bum almost as badly as wool; they just glow or glimmer. Synthetic textiles on the other hand can generate high temperatures when burning, and they also release toxic gases. There is almost

no electrostatic charge in peat fibers.

     Peat and solar radiation

Textiles containing peat fibers give warmth in a highly specific way. This might also involve a heat-activating process triggered when high-energy light is converted to long-wave heat radiation by the brown humin substances. Heat and light, which are essential for life, are in continuous wave motion. Light has very short wavelengths, and those of UV light are even shorter. Light with especially short wavelengths damages proteins (cells). Human skin transforms short-wave into long-wave radiation with the help of endogenous melanin. Melanin is the brown skin pigment we know as freckles.

It is produced by melanocytes as a protection against the UV radiation constantly reaching the earth from the sun. We protect ourselves against this inimical/cold/invisible radiation by increased sweat secretion (contains substances absorbing UV radiation) by producing our own active substances (enzymes) which immediately repair cell damage by increasing cell production (horny layer of skin), and by the all-important synthesis of skin pigments.

The existence of inimical radiation brings us to the current importance of peat fiber textiles for clothing. UV radiation from the sun and outer space has hitherto mainly been held in check on its way to earth by a protective ozone layer. We know that this is subject to growing damage through industrial use of CFCs, so that exposure to UV radiation is on the increase.

The types of radiation reaching the earth from space and from the sun are: radio waves, heat, light, UV light. Wavelengths are progressively shorter in this sequence, reaching zero in X-rays which come next. From this point, more or less continuous radiation turns into the crackle of the Geiger counter caused by gamma, beta and alpha rays: radioactive radiation. The chemical actions of UV light in cells become destructive when X-rays or radioactive rays reach cell tissue.

Radiation damages the DNA in cell nuclei, causing irreparable damage and cell fragments the removal of which has toxic effects on the body. Almost exclusively young/growing tissues are affected or tissues that reproduce rapidly, such as blood/reproductive cells/cells in the intestinal walls. This is why children are particularly threatened.

            Peat fibers in clothing

A healthy constitution will to some extent resist radiation damage or cope better (physiologically and psychologically healthy lifestyle is important). Natural clothing can have a place in such a lifestyle, and this is where textiles containing peat fibers come into the picture. Peat products in bedroom and living room also have their place. Direct protection against radiation, however, is only provided by proper protective clothing.

            Peat and human skin

The antibacterial properties of peat products are due to solubles in the peat. Open wounds heal more quickly and are less likely to become infected, which is also partly due to the acid pH of bog water.

Textiles containing peat fibers provide with a protective layer that corresponds in some ways to our own physiological protective layer, the skin. Peat fibers (originating from a grass) contain a lot of silica (high silicic acid content of sheathed cotton sedge) Commelinidae)/silica = SiO2 = quartz. Quartz, in turn, has a strong affinity to light, to the cosmic environment surrounding us all.

The humin system belongs to the dark carbon. Peat fibers' affinity to light and repulsion of light both react to external stimuli. Human skin contains relatively large amounts of silicic acid, and the

melanin-producing pigment cells containing a process similar to the human system.

The above-mentioned skin substances also react to external stimuli by triggering an appropriate reaction in the relevant defense system. It is therefore easy to understand why textiles containing peat

fibers can lend a helping hand to our own protective skin layer in its efforts to ward off harmful influences from outside.

            Peat supports the life forces

Life forces need warmth. Textiles containing peat fibers provide warmth in a specific manner. Life forces need activating wherever damaging influences exercise their inhibiting effects. Textiles containing peat fibers are thus doubly useful: as a prophylactic measure for healthy individuals, and as a support to help the sick regain health.

W. Dethloff: "... debilitated life forces need plant fibers (linen/cotton)“. We can confidently add peat fibers, even though the resulting textiles are not as soft as those made from wool or silk.

            History of peat fiber processing

R.S.: fibers of sheathed cotton sedge in the peat of raised bogs could be made spinnable. Textiles woven from such yarn would be warmer and stronger than those made from wool and would also provide some protection against radiation.


Allerlei: entstanden aus Sumpfzypressen (Taxodium), Mammutbäumen (Seqoia/(Metasequoia glyptostroboides/Sequoia sempervirens)./Kiefern (Pinus) und Fichten (Abies).

Anthrazit = unter größte Druck entstanden

Steinkohl = unter mittlere Druck entstanden

Braunkohl = unter wenig Druck entstanden aus Cupressae

Torf ohne Druck entstanden



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