Kind Anhang Repertory


Vergleich: Siehe: Kind Anhang 2


[Peter Tumminello]


sleeps on couch with family around: Arum-t.


pleading, supplicating, entreating: Stram.

chorea, in: Stram.

BEHAVIOUR   (see Control, Discipline, Disobedient)

improves at mere glance from parent: Nat-m.


backwards, pain from: Bell. Cham.

backward and grasps at larynx: Ant-t.

double: Cham.

head backward: Rheum.


waking, on: Alum.


Bell. bufo. carb-v. cupr-met. hyos. nux-v. sec. stram. sulph. tub. verat.

anything it can get into its mouth: Phyt.

chorea, in: Stram.

dentition, during: Phyt. verat.

everything: Sec.

fingers: Merc.

fists, their: Acon.

glass or spoon when drinking (see Bites - spoon): Cupr-met.

gums together during dentition: Phyt.

meningitis, in: Bell.

nightclothes, his: Tarent.

nails: Acon. ambr. am-br. arn. ars. arum-t. bar-c. calc. cina. hura. hyos. lyc. lyss. med. nat-m. nit-ac. phos. Plb-met. sanic. senec. sil. stram. sulph.

people: Bell.

people who interfere with him, bites, scratches and nips: Hyos.

people who try to control him: Nux-v.

spoon: Ars. bell. cham. cina. Cupr-met. lyss. puls. verat.

tumbler, his: Ars.

BLACK, desires everything coloured: Luet.

BLAMES  others for being horrible and mean: Lach.

BLACKMAIL, emotional says "you don't love me" when refused: Puls. tub.


about his belongings: Sulph.

BODY LANGUAGE, crosses legs and moves ankle in a circle: Nat-m.


BORED: Bor. phos-ac.

seldom allows himself to be: Sulph.


finger into ear: Arund. cina. psor. sil.

finger into nose: Apis. arg-n. arum-t. aur-met. bell. bor. bov. bufo. cina. con. Hell. lil-t. lyc. nat-p. op. phos. ph-ac. psor. sel. sil. spig. stict. tarent. verat. Zinc-met.

scarlatina, in: Arum-t.

head into the pillow: Bry. tub.

head backward into pillow: Zinc-met.

hydrocephalus, in: Apis.

hydrocephalus, in: Bell.

meningitis, in: Hell.


[Farokh J. Master]

-- Fühlt sich nicht wohl in den Armen der Mutter: Thuj.

-- Fröhlich und glücklich. wenn es auf dem Schoß der Mutter liegt: Ant-t. Bism-sn. Cham. Gels. Kali-c. Lyc. Phos. Puls. Sanic.

• Wie schreit das Neugeborene?

-- Der Hungerschrei. der schmerzhafte Schrei und der Schrei. um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. sollten unterschieden und die Rubriken entsprechend ausgewählt werden.

-- Das Schreien aus Schmerz ist ein lauter Schrei. gefolgt von einer Pause und dann erneut ein kräftiger Schrei.

-- Das Schreien wegen Hunger steigert sich von kleinen Schluchzern langsam zu kräftigem Schreien.

-- Das Schreien des Babys nach Aufmerksamkeit besteht nur aus kleinen, weinerlichen Tönen.

-- Beachten Sie. dass es bei schmerzhaften Schreien immer Tränen gibt, während Sie beim Hungerschrei meist keine Tränen sehen.

• Arten des Schreiens:

-- Weicher. Mitleid erregender Schrei: Puls.

-- Gereizter Schrei: Calc. Cham. Ip. Sep usw.

-- Häufiges Schluchzen: Cham. Cupr. Hell. Hyos. Ign. Lyc. Op. Stram usw.

-- Winselt und wimmert unaufhörlich: Bell. Borx. Bry. Cham. Cina. Cupr. Nux-v. Rheum. Stram.

• Welche Seite der Brust wird bevorzugt?

-- Die Rubriken in Allgemeines; Seite – rechts- oder linksseitige Beschwerden sollten entsprechend berücksichtigt werden.

• Saugt das Kind langsam oder kräftig?

-- Für langsames Saugen sollte man unter Gemüt; Langsamkeit - essen und trinken nachsehen: Calc. Hell. Sulph.

-- Für kräftiges Saugen sollte man unter Gemüt; Eile – Essen. beim und Trinken. beim nachschlagen: Caust. Hep. Lyc. Zinc.

• Wie oft wird nach Nahrung verlangt?

-- Einige Neugeborene brauchen nur kurz gestillt zu werden und sind sofort zufrieden, während andere längere Zeit saugen und dann. nach wenigen Minuten, wieder heftig danach verlangen.

angelegt zu werden.

Andere wollen nicht wirklich saugen, sondern brauchen die Brustwarze im Mund zur Beruhigung.

-- Ist nach dem Stillen sofort wieder hungrig: Calc. Cic. lod. Lyc. Merc. Phos. Psor. Sil.

-- Sehr wenig Appetit: Alum. Bar-c. Cina. Lac-def. Lac-h. Tub.

-- Befriedigt schon nach einigen Schlucken: Am-c. Cina. Lyc. Rheum. Sil.

• Schläft das Kind beim Stillen ein oder ist das Kind dabei fröhlich. Weint es oder wird es unruhig?

-- Schlaf; Schläfrigkeit übermächtig nach Essen: Calc. Carb-v. Lyc. Nux-v usw.

-- Schlaf; Schläfrig nach dem Trinken: Nux-m. Ph-ac.

-- Schlaf; Einschlafen nach dem Essen: Arum-t. Bov. Calc-p. Graph. Lyc.

-- Gemüt; Ruhelosigkeit – Essen: Borx. Petr.

-- Gemüt; Fröhlich nach Essen: Puls.

-- Gemüt; Weinen nach Essen: lod. Puls.

-- Gemüt; Weinen beim Essen: Bell. Staph.

-- Magen; Schluckauf beim Essen: Lac-h. Mag-m. Merc. Samb.

• Schwitzt das Kind beim Stillen?

-- Schweiß; beim Essen: Ant-t. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-v. Kali-c. Merc. Nat-m. Puls. Sep. Sil usw.

• Weigert sich das Kind zu saugen?

-- Abneigung gegen die Muttermilch: Borx. Calc-sil. Cina. Merc. Sil usw.

• Lässt das Kind Flatus, Urin oder Stuhl während oder nach dem Stillen?

-- Rektum; Stuhldrang beim Essen: Sanic.

-- Rektum; Flatus nach dem Essen: Aloe. Ant-c. Op.

• Wie wirkt Baden auf das Neugeborene?

-- Neugeborene werden nach der Geburt normalerweise in lauwarmem Wasser gebadet.

-- Wenn das Kind beim Baden schreit. in Konvulsionen fällt oder steif wird, verwenden Sie die Rubrik Allgemeines; < heißes Baden: Apis. Bell. Bry. Gels. lod.

            Lach. Nat-m. Sulph usw.

-- Einige Kinder baden nicht gern. auch nicht, wenn sie größer werden. Allgemeines; Baden abgeneigt: Am-c. Ant-c. Bell. Borx. Cham. Psor. Puls. Sep. Sulph. Zinc.

-- Einige Kinder baden und spielen gern im Wasser: Fröhlich – Baden, beim oder Verlangen. mit Wasser zu spielen: Calc-s. Lac-del. Lac-Leo. Tarent.

-- Für Kinder. die sich vor dem Baden fürchten, können Ant-c oder Sulph nützlich sein.

-- Nach dem Bad werden die Neugeborenen wie eine ägyptische Mumie in ein Tuch eingewickelt. Babys. die frösteln. lieben solche Wärme und Geborgenheit:

Sil. Calc. Hep und Psor.

Spina Bifida (part of one or more vertebrae fails to develop completely leaving a portion of the spinal cord unprotected/often associated with insufficient folic acid.)

Consider: Lumbricus; Bar-c. Syph.; Sil.; Calc-p.; Calc-c.; Calc-s.; Phos.; Thuja.; Tub.


Farokh J. Master Extracted from Kent, Boericke, Boenninghausen, and Synthetic Repertory.

Mind: Dentition: with sour smell of body, pale face, irritability: Kreos.

Dentition: with weakness, pallor, fretfulness, must be carried rapidly: Ars.

< during dentition (of children): Acon. Cham. Coff. Nux-v. Rhus-t,,

Infants screams, shrieks: Bell. Cham. Rheum.

Irritable during dentition: Calc. Calc-p. Cham. Cina. Kreos. Rheum.

Anxious infants: Acon. Cham.

Anxious during dentition: Kali-br.

Moaning, groaning, whining in dentition: Cham. Podo. Phyt.

Morose, cross, fretful, ill-humor, peevish during dentition: Cham.

Restless children during dentition: Rheum.

Shrieking, screaming, shouting during dentition: Apis. Kreos. Rheum. Ter.

Starting, startled during dentition: Cham.

Weeping, tearful mood in children during dentition: Phyt.

Head: Infants fontanelles open: Calc. Calc-p.. Sil. Sulph.

Hypertrophy, hydrocephalus: Calc. Merc.

Swollen: Am-c. Rhus-t. Sil.

Pain during dentition: Acon. Cocc. Cham.

Pain after nursing in infant: Calc. Puls. Sep.

Face: < dentition: Bry. Hyos.

Eyes: Dentition with eye symptoms: Bell. Calc. Puls.

Canthi < in dentition: Ferr-p. (in infants: Euphr. Sulph).

Ophthalmia: Acon. Merc. Cham. Dulc. Puls.

Inflamed in infants: Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Calc. Nit-ac. Puls. Thuj.

Ears: Often pediatricians say, “Your child has a mild ear infection.” I am very suspicious of this diagnosis. It often means that the ear drum does not look quite right, the parents are anxious, the doctor feels pressured to prescribe something, and so a diagnosis of “mild ear infection” is used to justify treating the child with antibiotics. A doctor examining a child’s ear with an otoscope looks like one of life’s last great mysteries. But what does he see?

It’s so simple. A normal ear drum is pearly white. An infection in the middle ear (behind the ear drum) turns the ear drum red. But there are many shades between white and red. And the ear drum also turns red from other causes - fever, or the baby crying. And what child doesn’t cry when that otoscope is poked in his ears? Often the doctor cannot tell just by looking at the ear drum for a brief moment whether an ear infection is actually present. In a recent article, doctors said themselves said, “We are only sure of the diagnosis in 15% of the cases, the rest is hoping and praying!” Sounds like a very low batting average - and yet in almost 100% of the cases an antibiotic is prescribed. Physicians and parents would do well to learn some of the great homeopathic remedies for ear infections. I will cite some of the most common ones.

Puls.: right-sided ear infections. The temperature is less than 103F and the child is thirstless. The child shows very clingy behavior, wants to be consoled, kissed and carried around, but is less contrary and capricious than Cham.

Cham.: teething and is also a top remedy for ear infections (r. side). The child is besides himself with pain, wants to be rocked or carried, and shows a typical capricious behaviour (“give me that” and then when you give it they throw it away). Nothing that the parent does can satisfy the child. The child is likely to have a red face and a fever below 103F.

Acon.: commonly used in the winter when a child has been exposed to a dry cold northeast wind (or is taken out on a blustery day). The child feels fine when going to bed but wakes up screaming with pain around midnight, with a very high fever (up to 105° F), very restless, thirsty hot all over the body. The pains are violent and burning/extreme sensitivity to the touch. stands for the F’s: “Fast onset, Fulminant (strong picture), Fever, and Fright.”

Bell.: r. sided ear infections with a sudden onset of great pain either at 3 h. or 15 h. There is a high fever (105F), the face is flushed beet red and hot while the extremities are cold (Acon. the whole body is hot). Baby restless and agitated.

Ferr-p.: left-sided ear infections, with a temperature, not agitated behaviour. It is an excellent remedy in beginning stage and will prevent the formation of pus.

 for the colicky baby, Arnica for any fall or bruising, Calendula for any cut or open wound, Cantharis for a burn, even second degree, Borax for thrush, and Graphites for the inflammation of the eyelid with those little yellow crusts that stick the eyelashes together in the morning. I would advise parents and professionals alike to learn as much as possible about this gentle, effective and scientific medicine. You will see the magic of Homeopathy, and a rested, smiling child will be your reward!

Nose: Coryza dry < in newborn: Dulc.

Coryza dry in infants with snuffles: Am-c. Cham. Hep-s. Nux-v. Samb.

Stuffed, obstructed in infants: Samb.

Dentition with deafness, otorrhoea, stuffiness of nose: Cheir.

In infants obstructed: Nux-v. Samb. Carb-v. Cham. Dulc.

In nursing infants obstructed: Lyc. Nux-v. Aur. Kali-bi. Samb.

Snuffles in new-born: Lyc. Nux-v. Samb. Dulc. Puls.

Sunken in infants: Aur-m.

Mouth: Teething difficult, delayed: Acon. Bell. Bor. Calc. Calc-p. Cham. Coff. Cupr. Hekla. Kali-br. Kreos. Pod. Sil. Tereb.

Dentition with compression of gums: Cic. Phyto. Pod.

Dentition with salivation: Bor.

Generals: < during dentition (in children): Acon. Bor.. Calc. Cham. Kreos. Pod.

Dentition slow, difficult: Calc. Calc. Sulph.

Dentition difficult: Calc. Cham. Sulph.

< during dentition: Acon. Ap-g.? Asar. Bor. Calc. Cham. Bell. Coff. Ign. Mag-c. Merc.

Aphtae in infants, in: Bor. Cor-r. Sul-ac. Merc. Nux-v. Sulph. Sul-ac.

Infants stammering: Sulph. Bell. Euphr. Merc.

Pain – sore in Gums during dentition: Berb.

Stammering during dentition: Stram.

Biting on something hard > pains during dentition: Phyt.

Dentition difficult: Calc, Calc-p. Cham. Sil. Ign. Kreos. Phyt. Pod. Rheum.

Dentition slow: Calc, Calc-p. Sil. Fl-ac,, Mag-c. Mag-m.

Toothache while the infant nurses: Chin.

Dentition difficult: Acon. Are. Bor. Calc. Cham. Mag-m. Nux-v. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Cham. Mag-c. Mag-p. Rheum. Stann-met. Staph.

Ailments from difficult dentition, wisdom teeth: Sil. Calc. Fl-ac. Mag-c.

Difficult dentition slow: Calc. Calc-p. Sil.

Stomach, abdomen, rectum: Arg-n. Cham.

Dentition with constipation, general irritation, cachexia: Kreos. Nux-v. Op.

Dentition with diarrhoea: Calc. Calc-p. Cham. Pod. Sil.

Dentition with milk indigestion: Mag-m. Aeth. Calc.

Dentition with worms: Cina, Merc. Stann.

Vomiting, retching cyclic, in infants: Cupr-ars. Ingulv. Iris. Kreos. Merc-d.

Cholera infantum: Aeth. Guai.

Cholera infantum as summer complaint: Bism. Calc, Calc-p. Ip. Pod. Sil. Zinc-m.

Constipation in bottle fed infants with artificial food: Alum. Nux-v. Op.

Constipation in infants, children: Alum. Bry. Coll. Nux-v. Paraf. Sil.

Diarrhoea, enteritis in infants, children Aeth. Arg-n. Ars. Bor. Calc. Cham.

Diarrhoea, enteritis in infants (dentition): Acon. Aeth. Bell. Calc. Calc-p. Cham. Kreos. Mag-c. Pod. Sil.

Jaundice (icterus) infantile: Lup. Cham. Merc-d. Merc-s. Myr.

Bleeding from Navel in newborn: Calc-p. Abrot.

< when infant is nursing: Carb-v.

Stool: < during dentition: Cham. Pod.

> during dentition: Bro.

during dentition: Merc. Cham. Sulph.

Infants, affections of abdomen: Cham. Rheum. Bor. Cina.

Infants, constipation: Nux-v. Bry. Op. Sulph. Alum. Lyc. Verat. (with dentition: Nux-v. Bry. Mag-m.)

Infants, diarrhoea: Cham. Rheum. (with dentition: Merc. Ars. Cham. Sulph.)

Infants, digestion weak: Calc. Suil.

Infants, gastric: Ip. Nux-v. Puls.

Infants, gastric, acidity, sour stomach: Rheum. Cham.

Infants, hernia, inguinal or umbilical: Nux-v. Sulph.

Infants, indigestion, acute: Aeth. Nux-v. Puls.

Infants, jaundice: Chin. Merc.

Diarrhoea, during dentition: Calc, Cham. Dulc. Ferr. Rheum, Sil.

Dentition difficult with diarrhoea: Calc. Cham. Dulc. Ferr. Rheum.

Bladder: Infants, retention of urine: Acon. Cham. Puls.

Retention of urine in new-born infants: Acon. Apis, Ars. Camph. Canth. Caust. Lyc. (after passion of the nurse: Op.)

Urging to urinate (morbid desire) frequent, infant screams before the urine passes: Bar. Lyc. Sars. Lach. Nux-v.

Urine: Smells ammoniacal in infants: Iod.

Male organs: Syphillis congenital: Aethiops. Aur. Calc-i. Kreos. Merc-d. Merc-s. Merc-v. Nit-ac.

Female organs: Leucorrhoea in infants, little girls: Asper. Calc. Caul. Cina. Cub. Mill. Puls. Sep.

Small, infantile, uterus: Bar-c. Calc-p. Con. Ferr. Helo.

Infants mammae hard: Cham.

Infants mammae swollen: Am-c. Cham.

Infantilismus genitalis: Ov.

Menses painful with infantilism: Calc-p.

Respiration: < during dentition, of children: Cham. Op. Ign. Ip.

Infants asphyxia (neonatorum): Acon. Ant-t. Arn. Bell. Camph. Chin. Laur. Op.

Infants, affections of respiratory organs. Cham. Ip.

Chest: Infants, affections of: miliaria: Acon. Cham. Sulph.

Inflamed lungs in infants: Ip. Acon. Ant-t. Bry. Ferr-p. Kali-c. Lob. Lyc. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Op.

Cough: Dentition with cough: Acon. Bell. Ferr-p. Kreos.

Excited/< during dentition of children: Cham. Cina, Ip.

Excited/< suckling (the infant): Chin. Ferr.

Infants cough during dentition: Cina, Nux-v. Cham.

Cough during dentition: Cham. Calc, Calc-p. Cina, Hyos. Kreos. Pod. Rhus-t.

Extremities: Enlargement of femur, in rachitic infants: Calc-f.

Infants - weak muscles: Calc. Sil. Sulph.

Infants - learns to walk with difficulty: Calc. Sil. Sulph. ?

Nervous system: Dentition with cerebral, nervous symptoms: Bell. Cham. Helleb. Pod. Zinc.

Dentition with convulsions: Bell. Cham. Cic. Mag-p. Zinc-br.

Dentition with threatened effusion in brain: Apis. Hell. Tub. Zinc-met.

Paralysis, hemiplegia, infantile (poliomyelitis anterior): Acon. Calc. Caust. Gels. Plb-m.

Chorea (st. vitus dance) reflex, from dentition, pregnancy: Bell.

Convulsions of children, infants, from reflex causes during dentition: Aeth. Bell. Camph-m-br. Cham. Cic. Cina, Cupr-m. Hyos. Ign. Kali-br. Mag-p. Oena. Santon. Stram. Zinc-m.

Infants. during dentition, nervous, excitability: Acon. Bell. Coff.

Infants, during dentition spasms: Cina, Bell. Cham. Ign.

Infants, lameness, infantile paralysis, etc. morbus coxarius: Merc. Bell.

Infants, spasms: Bell. Ign. Cham. Cina, Coff. Ip. Merc. Op.

Spasm, convulsions, etc. in general during dentition: Bell. Chlorl. Cic. Cupr.

Convulsions during dentition: Calc. Cham. Acon. Aeth. Bell. Cic. Cina, Cupr. Ign. Kreos. Pod. Stann. Stram.

Convulsions from fright of the infants mother: Bufo. Op.

Convulsions in children/infants: Art-v. Bell. Bufo. Cham. Cupr. Hell. Hydr-ac. Mag-p. Mali.

Convulsions in children/newborns: Art-v. Bell. Cupr. Nux-v.

Convulsions in during dentition: Calc. Cham. Bali-br.

Twitching during dentition: Cham. Ter. Zinc.

Chorea during 2nd dentition: Bell. Calc.

Sleep: Dentition with insomnia: Bell. Bor. Cham. Coff. Cypr.

Infants sleepless during dentition: Acon. Bor. Cham. Bor. Coff.

Infants sleepless: Coff. Op.

Sleepless in general during dentition: Acon. Cham. Coff. Ferr-p. Mag-c. Phos.

Sleepless in cholera infantum: Cadm-s.

Sleepy during cholera infantum: Am-c.

Sleepy after cholera infantum: Chin.

Sleepless during dentition: Cham. Gels.

Sleepless newborn: Bell. Cham. Coff. Cypr. Op. Psor. Sulph.

Frequent waking in newborn: Bor.

Disturbed sleep in newborn: Cham.

Fever: During dentition: Acon. Ars. Calc. Cham. Nux-v.

In infants: Acon. Cham. Coff.

Remittant in infants: Acon. Bell. Cham. Gels. Bry. Ip.

Skin: Dentition with intertrigo: Caust. Lyc.

Erypselasis, traumatic on umbilicus of new born: Apis.

Infants excoriations, intertrigo: Bor. Cham. Carb-v. Merc.

Yellow jaundice in new borns: Acon. Bov. Chin. Nat-s. Sep.

Generalities: Dropsy in newborns: Apis. Cofn. Carb-v. Dig. Lach.

< Dentition: Bell. Cham. Kreos. Pod. Rheum.

Nursing < infant: Calc. Crot-t. Ferr-met. Puls. Sep. Sil.

Cyanosis in infants: Dig. Lach. Laur.

Trembling internally after nursing in infant: Olnd.

Dropsy in newborns: Apis. Carb-v. Coffin. Dig. Lach.

Food and DRINKS: < fat in infants: But-ac.

Weakness, enervation during dentition: Calc. Calc-p. Ip.


[Dr. Farokh J. Master]

Milestones are the definite landmarks in the growth and development of the child.

The term "Delayed milestone" (or "developmental delays") is used to describe the condition where a child does not reach one of these stages at the expected age. Milestones are often measured using percentiles, and for many milestones a value between the 5th and 95th percentile does not require intervention, though values towards the edges of that range can be associated with other medical conditions

Delayed growth involves poor or abnormally slow gains in weight or height in a child younger than 5 years old.


Delayed or slower - than - expected growth can be caused by many different things, including:

Low birth weight

Birth asphyxia

Brain injury


Poor Nutrition


Chronic diseases

Psychosocial health.

When we talk about normal development, we are talking about developing skills like:

Gross motor: using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc., keeping balance, and changing positions.

Fine motor: using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other things.

Language: speaking, using body language and gestures, communicating, and understanding what others say

Cognitive: Thinking skills: including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering.

Social: Interacting with others, having relationships with family, friends, and teachers, cooperating, and responding to the feelings of others.

It is very essential that every homoeopathic physician should be able to diagnose the cause behind this delay.

One cannot just treat the child blindly without proper diagnosis. In the introduction I have mentioned some of the causes of delayed milestones but it is essential that we take help of the

experts in the system like pediatrician or neonatologist and try to find out exactly what is the cause and what is the damage.

Homoeopathic repertory is full of rubrics that can really guide about the delayed milestones. Some rubrics are the direct ones and the some rubric can be an indirect ones.

Look in synthesis repertory:

The direct one of course will be:

Mental retardation

Development arrested

            Development slow

But indirect way could be many rare syndromes like:

Angelman’s syndrome

Cornelia de Lange syndrome

Crouzon’s syndrome

Down’s syndrome

Langer giedion syndrome

Laron syndrome

Laurence-moon-biedle syndrome

Mashall-smith syndrome

You can also look under:




However the most important thing is that one just cannot treat in every case giving Bufo and Bar-c. to the child.

What one actually needs is a proper case taking (giving lot of importance to the pregnancy), the state of mind of mother during pregnancy, the state of mind of father during pregnancy,

the whole environment of labour, detail questioning about the mode of delivery, drugs taken, emotional disorder during pregnancy and labour and try to find out exactly what is the cause

or find out any situation which was very intense and persistent during that period because according to my experience I have seen many cases of retardation and delayed development where the problem

is in the early part of pregnancy or during the labour or the family environment around the pregnant woman is extremely pathological.

Once you find out this particular situation then one can look at the constitutional symptoms like general and mental symptoms of the child, as far as possible one has to prescribe on the totality of the symptoms and not just taking few symptoms of retardation and then repertorise the case.


[David Wember, MD]

Kolik/colic. in Säuglinge:


Cham.: will getragen sein und ist garstig

Coloc.: flatulent colic, knees pulled up and > pressure +/o. heat on the abdomen.

Mag-p.: flatulent colic, knees pulled up and > pressure +/o. heat on the abdomen.

Stann-met.: > hard pressure on the abdomen (has to walk with the child on shoulder, so as to put pressure on the child's abdomen).

Anis.: wonderful for baby colic.

Dios.: child < bending double and > bending backwards.

Jalapa.: good all day and troublesome all night.


Hernia in infants: [Dr. Guernsey] Sul-ac. + weakness


ANKLAMMERN - Kind kann nicht beruhigt werden - greift nach anderen - ant-t. ars. camph. op. phos

Nach der, der es trägt - ars. borx. gels. Puls.

Umstehende - ANT-T.

Hand der Mutter halten. möchte immer die - ars. bar-c. bism. phos. Puls.

Konvulsionen. vor - CIC.

Personen oder Möbel - bar-c. bism. borx. coff. gels. phos. Stram.

Ruhelosigkeit. mit - ars. carb-v

ANOREXIA nervosa - ARS. calc. carc. CHIN. ign. lach. levo. merc. nat-m. perh. puls. rhus-t. staph. SULPH. tarent. verat.

ASPHYXIE, Säuglinge - acon. ANT-T. arn. bell. CAMPH. carb-v. chin. CUPR. LAUR. op. Upa.

Blässe, Atemlosigkeit. Pulsieren der Nabelschnur, Puls bleibt nach Acon. nicht tastbar, purpurne Gesichtsfarbe - op

Blutverlust der Mutter (starkem) oder wenn der Säugling blass ist - chin.

Scheintod - camph. carb-v. laur. op. sec.

ASTHMA - acon. ambr. ANT-T. ARS. bell. calc. camph. carb-v. CARC. CHAM. chin. coff. cupr. form-ac. graph. HED. hep. ign. IP. kali-ar. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. KALI-N. KALI-S. lach. lob. lyc. MED. mosch.

nat-m. NAT-S. nux-m. nux-v. op. PHOS. psor. PULS. SAMB. sanic. sil. stram. sulph. thuj. TUB. tub-a. vib.

Impfung. nach - ANT-T. carc. sil. THUJ.

AUFFAHREN. schnelles Hochschrecken. Säuglinge - cham. coff. Phos.

AUTISMUS - aeth. agra. anac. bar-c. bufo. cann-i. carc. hell. hyos. kali-br. lyc. med. merc. nat-m. op. stram. syph. thuj. tub.

Impfung. nach - aeth. bar-c. bufo. carc. merc. Thuj.


BADEN abgeneigt - am-c. cina. SULPH.

BEEINDRUCKEN, leicht zu - ant-c. arg-n. carc. con. croc. med. PHOS. tarent. viol-o

BEKLAGT sich - anac. ant-c. ARS. bell. bism. borx. bry. bufo. CALC-P . caps. caust. CHAM. CINA. coloc. hep. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. mag-p. merc. NIT-AC. nux-v. psor. puls. rheum. rhus-t. sil. staph. sulph. tab. tarent.

TUB. verat. zinc

BELEIDIGT die Eltern - am-m. androc. calc-p. cham. CINA. hyos. LYC. nat-m. PLAT. TUB

BERUHIGT werden. kann nicht - acon. ars. calc-p. CHAM. CINA. ign. jal. med. syph.

Nur durch getragenwerden - CHAM.

schnell - ars. Cham.

Ant-t. Berührung ABgeneigt/mürrisch/weinerlich/jammert/klammert an Mutter; Kind will in aufrechter Haltung umher getragen sein; zahnen + husten.

leichtes/mittleres Fieber/Übelkeit/hörbares Schleimrasseln.

Brom. will schnell getragen sein im Krupp. oft Nasenbluten/l. seitig

Cina. Körper + Geist sensiTIV/ERregbar + launenHAFT. verlangt auf den Arm getragen zu sein ohne Beruhigung + dick + launisch. Annäherung = unerträglich.

kapriziös. Nasenbohren/Würmer. Blähungen/aufgetriebener Bauch. Zähneknirschen im Schlaf. > bewegen. < leichter Druck.

Kali-p. will nachts von Zimmer zum Zimmer getragen sein

Puls. langsam tragen

Verat. will schnell herumgetragen sein.

BERÜHRUNG agg. - ant-t. apis. Cina.

berühren. muss Dinge - carc. Cina.

BESTRAFUNG. Beschwerden nach - agar. anac. carc. cham. COLOC. ign. lyc. nat-m. STAPH.

BETTNÄSSEN. Enuresis - aesc. bell. benz-ac. carc. caust. chin. cina. EQUIS-H. kreos. lyc. med. nat-m. phos. puls. sep. sil. Thuj.

erwecken. das Kind ist schwer zu - bell. chlol. KREOS. Thuj.

Jugendlichen. bei - lac-c. lyc. nat-m.

schwächlichen Kindern. bei - chin.

BEVORMUNDUNG durch andere. Beschwerden durch - anac. CARC. LYC. med. nat-m. sil. STAPH. Thuj.

BRONCHITIS. bei Säuglingen - ant-t. dros.

Bronchitis + allergische Diathese/nach Impfungen:

1.                                         Dros. (not in acute phase)

2.                                         Thuj.

3.                                         Pert.

 4. Sulph. Calc. Lyc. Puls. Sil. Nat-m. nach Konstitution

5.                                          Bac. (Bronchitis or Tonsilitis) o. Tub-a. (when dysponoea is more with rapid breathing or pneumonia)

(palliative treatment in acute situation, also cough syrups)

BRUSTDRÜSEN. Verhärtung und Schwellung. bei Säuglingen - acon. arn. bell. bry. calc. hep. Sil.

erysipelatöse Entzündung. berührungsempfindlich - cham.

Quetschung. nach - phos.

BULIMIE - carc. ign. iod. nat-m. puls. Staph.

CHOREA bei Kindern. die zu schnell gewachsen sind - calc-p. phos.

DIARRHOE - acon. AETH. agar. agn. apis. arg-n. ARS. arund. bapt. bar-c. bell. benz-ac. bism. borx. CALC. calc-act. calc-p. CALC-S. camph. CHAM. chin. cina. coloc. colos. crot-t. dulc.

elat. ferr. form. gamb. grat. hell. hep. IP. iris. jal. kali-br. kreos. laur. lyc. lyss. MAG-C. MAG-M. med. MERC. merc-c. merc-d. mez.

nat-m. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. olnd. paull-p. ph-ac. PHOS. PODO. PSOR. puls. RHEUM. sabad. samb. senn. sep. SIL. stann-met. staph. STRAM. sul-ac. SULPH. TUB. valer. verat. Zinc-met.

DIARRHOE. Säuglinge - aloe. ant-c. ars. arund. calc-p. cham. chin. jal. mag-c. PODO. rheum. stann-met. Kind Durchfall diarrhea

dünne. wässrige Stühle. mit Schmerz. nachts - cham.

häufiger Stuhlgang - cham. chin.

lienterisch. unverdaut - mag-c.

sauer riechender Stuhl. mit saurem Körpergeruch und Erbrechen von saurer Milch - rheum. Rob.

saure. lockere Stühle. mit Kolik. nach dem Stillen - rheum.

Stillen. nach dem - ant-c. arund. calc-p. cham. mag-c.

schleimige. grüne Stühle - bry. mag-c.

Stuhlgang beim Stillen - coloc.

wund. macht den Anus - cham.

Zahnung. während - kreos.

DOWN Syndrom - BAR-C. bar-m. calc. carc. pitu-gl. thyr.

DÜNN. kränklich - brom. calc-p. carc. caust. irid-met. lyc. mag-c. PHOS. psor. SIL.

DYSLEXIE (s. Lernschwierigkeiten)

DYSPHAGIE beim Schlucken von Flüssigkeiten. kann nur feste Speisen schlucken - kali-br.

EIFERSUCHT. Beschwerden durch - apis. ars. HYOS. ign. lach. lyc. med. NUX-V. phos. PULS. staph.

Tiere und Gegenstände. auf - CAUST. hyos. lach. med. nux-v.

zwischen Kindern - ars. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. puls. sep. sulph.

EIGENSINNIG/-willig, starrköpfig - abrot. am-c. ant-c. arg-n. arn. ars. arum-t. aur. bac. bell. CALC. CALC-P. caps. carc. CHAM. chin. CINA. hyos. kreos. lyc. mosch. nux-v. psor. sanic. sec.

SIL. staph. stram. syph. tarent. thuj. TUB. verat-v. viol-t.

ärgert die Umstehenden - psor.

Fettleibigkeit, Neigung zu - CALC.

Fröstelig, widerspenstig und schwerfällig - caps.

Masturbation bei Knaben – aur-met.

weint wenn man es freundlich anspricht - sil.

EKZEM - alum. carc. graph. mez. nat-m. psor. sulph.

EMPFINDLICH - acon. agar. ant-c. ant-s-aur. ant-t. bell. borx. calc. calc-p. calc-sil. CARC. caust. CHAM. chin. cina. coff. coloc. croc. gels. IGN. kali-c. kali-p. lyc. med. NAT-M. nux-v. op.

ph-ac. PHOS. plat-met. puls. stann-met. staph. stram. tarent. teucr. tub.

ENTMUTIGT - calc-p. lyc. sil.

ENTWICKLUNG verzögert/angehalten: aeth. agar. bac. BAR-C. borx. bufo. CALC. CALC-P. CARC. caust. chin. cic. cupr-met. des-ac. iod. kali-c. kreos. lac-d. med. nat-a. nat-m. nep.

ph-ac. phos. pin-s. sil. sulfa. sulph. thyr. vip.

Drüsen: bar-c. iod.

Impfung, nach: carc. sil. thuj.

Knochen: calc. calc-f. calc-p. sil.

Kopfverletzung, nach: cic. nat-s.

Muskeln: calc. nat-m.

Nutritionsstörung, durch: bac. bar-c. calc. calc-p. caust. kreos. lac-d. med. nat-m. pin-s. sil. thyr.

ERBRECHEN von Blut. Säuglinge: acon. arn. ars. ip. nux-v.

Milch, von: aeth. bry. calc. cina. iod. ip. lyc. nux-v. ph-ac. podo. sil. sulph.

ERREGBAR: aloe. ambr. carc. coff. hyosin. lyc. med. phos.

ERYSIPEL, Säuglinge: ars. bell. bry. graph. lach. lyc. puls. rhus-t. sulph.

FALLEN, Furcht vor dem: borx. cupr. cupr-act. GELS. sanic.

FEIGHEIT (vgl. Selbstvertrauen): acon. agar. anac. arg-n. ars. BAR-C. bar-i. bar-m. calc. calc-s. calc-sil. carb-v. caust. cham. GELS. graph. ign. iod. kali-p. LYC. merc. nat-m. OP. ph-ac. phos.

puls. SIL. staph. stram. thuj. verat.

FEMININE Knaben: calc. LYC. med. plat. PULS. sil. staph. THUJ.

FETTSUCHT: ant-c. bad. bar-c. bell. CALC. caps. ferr. kali-bi. sacch-l. seneg.

jungen Leuten, bei: ant-c. CALC. calc-act. lach.

FIEBER, anhaltendes. bei Säuglingen: carc. nat-m

Aufschrecken. mit: CAMPH.

fieberhafter Zustand mit Reizung der Nerven: cham.

FIEBERBLÄSCHEN an den Lippen: APIS. ars. brom. calc-f. canth. crot-t. graph. hyos. lac-c. med. NAT-M. phos. RHUS-T. sep. urt-u.

FINGER in den Mund, steckt den: calc. calc-ox. calc-p. cham. IP. lyc. med. nat-m. sil. tarent. verat.

bohrt mit den Fingern im Ohr: arund. CINA. psor. sil.


geschwollenem Abdomen, vergrößerte Leber, Koliken nach dem Essen, der Magen enthält unverdaute Speisen: nat-p.

FLEISCH weich, bei Säuglingen: borx. CALC.

lockeres Fleisch, kann nicht stehen. lernt nicht zu laufen: calc-p.

Nur durch getragen werden - CHAM.

schnell - ars. Brom. Cham.

Ant-t. Berührung ABgeneigt/mürrisch/weinerlich/jammert/klammert an Mutter; Kind will in aufrechter Haltung umher getragen sein; zahnen + husten.

leichtes/mittleres Fieber/Übelkeit/hörbares Schleimrasseln.

Brom. will schnell getragen sein im Krupp. oft Nasenbluten/l. seitig

Cina. Körper + Geist sensiTIV/ERregbar + launenHAFT. verlangt auf den Arm getragen zu sein ohne Beruhigung + dick + launisch. Annäherung = unerträglich.

kapriziös. Nasenbohren/Würmer. Blähungen/aufgetriebener Bauch. Zähneknirschen im Schlaf. > bewegen. < leichter Druck.

Kali-p. will nachts von Zimmer zum Zimmer getragen sein

Puls. langsam tragen

Verat. will schnell herumgetragen sein.

Schwäche. mit: podo.


Tanzen, übermäßiges: bell. hyos. stram. tarent.

-------- tuberkulös: calc. calc-p. caust. iod. phos. psor.

Uterus; mit Beschwerden des: caul. CIMIC. croc. ign. lil-t. nat-m. puls. sec. sep. ziz.

Wein agg.: zinc-met.

Wetter, bei trockenem: caust.

Wurmerkrankung. nach: asaf. calc. cina. santin. spig.

Zahnung, bei der zweiten: bell. calc. calc-p.

Zunge, mit Herausstrecken der: sumb.

COELIACUS. Neuralgie des Plexus coeliacus: camph. phos.

drückender Schmerz,verursacht Angst und Schweiß: camph.

CROHN. Morbus: aloe. am-caust. ars. but-ac. carc. chin. hoit. merc-c. nit-ac. phos. prot. raja-s.

CUSHING, Morbus: chlorpr.

DARMVERLEGUNG, Obstruktionsileus: alum. BELL. bell-p. caust. coloc. gels. lac-d. lach. OP. PLB. pyrog. ric. ruta.

Lähmung: OP. phos. PLB. sec.

DEHYDRATATION. Flüssigkeitsverlust. Beschwerden durch: ars. ars-i. calad. CALC. CALC-P. carb-an. CARB-V. caust. CHIN. chinin-ar. CHININ-S. con. crot-h. dig. ferr-met. GRAPH. iod.

ip. kali-c. kali-p. led. lyc. mag-m. merc. mez. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. PH-AC. PHOS. plb-met. PULS. sec. SEL. SEP. sil. stann. STAPH. sulph. thuj. valer. VERAT. zinc-met.

Amblyopie: chin.

Blutverlust. durch: alum. am-c. am-m. ars. calc. carb-an. carb-v. CHIN. cimic. cocc. ferr. glyc. graph. iod. ip. kali-c. mag-c. phos. thlas. tril-p. verat. vinc.

Dyspepsie: ph-ac.

hysterische Anfälle: cinnm.

lokomotorische Ataxie: phos.

Ohnmacht: ars. bar-c. carb-v. CHIN. chinin-ar. IP. kreos. merc. nux-m. nux-v. PH-AC. TRIL-P. verat

Schwäche: calc. CHIN. chinin-ar. cur. ferr-met. ferr-act. ham. hydr. lachn. nat-m. nuph. PH-AC. phos. psor. sec. sep.

Schwindel: chin.       

DEKALZIFIKATION. Entkalkung der Knochen: calc. calc-f. CALC-P. cor-r. hecla. sil. symph.

DEKUBITUS (s. Wundliegen)

DELIRIUM tremens

DENGUE-Fieber: acon. apis. aran. ars. arum-t. bapt. bell. bry. canth. chin. coloc. EUP-PER. ferr. gels. ham. ip. merc. nux-v. podo. rhus-t. rhus-v. sanic. sec. sul-ac.

DIABETES insipidus: acet-ac. acon. alf. all-c. am-act. apis. apoc. arg-m. arg-met. ars. ars-br. aur. bell. bry. cain. cann-i. carc. caust. chinin-s. chion. cina. cod. conv. dulc. EQUIS-H. eup-pur. Ferr-met.

ferr-m. gad. gels. glon. glyc. gnaph. gua. hell. helon. ign. indol. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. kali-n. kreos. lac-ac. lac-c. led. lil-t. lith-c. lyc. mag-p. merc-c. mosch. murx. nat-m. nicc-s. nit-ac. nux-v. ol-an. oxyt.

ph-ac. phos. physal-al. pic-ac. plat-m-n. puls. quass rhus-a. samb. sang. santin. saroth. sars. sin-n. squil. staph. stroph-h. sulph. tarax. ter. thymol. thyr. tril-p. uran-n. verat-v. verb.

DIABETES mellitus: acet-ac. adren. alf. all-s. ALLOX. aln. alumn. am-act. am-c. aml-ns. ant-t. anthraco. apoc. arg-met. arg-n. arist-m. arn. ars. ars-br. ars-i. aspar. aur-met. aur-m. bar-c. bell. benz-ac.

bor-ac. BOV. bry. cac. cain. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-i. caps. carb-ac. carb-v. CARC. carl. caust. cean. cham. chel. chim. chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chion. chlorpr. cina. coca. cod. coff. colch. coloc. con. conv. cortiso. crat. crot-h. cupr-met. cupr-ar. cur. dulc. elaps. und andere

SENFGAS. Vergiftung. Beschwerden durch: anthr. ars. carb-ac. petr.

SILBER, Vergiftung, Beschwerden durch: am-caust. arg-met. arg-n. ars. merc. nat-m. pall. plat. Zinc-met.

Kauterisation, Mittel zum Antidotieren nach: arg-n. nat-m.

Silbernitrat, Missbrauch von: arg-n. nat-m.

SILIKOSE. Beschwerden durch: agav-t. ars. brom. CALC. calc-sil. camph. FL-AC. hell. hep. ictod. ip. lyc. mag-m. merc. nat-ar. nat-c. nit-ac. pen. ph-ac. puls. SIL. sulph.

SILIZIUM. Vergiftung, Beschwerden durch: sil.

SPASMOLYTIKA. Vergiftung. Beschwerden durch: calc. kali-br. lob. mag-p. nux-v. phenob.

STÄRKUNGSMITTEL: <: agar. aloe. ant-c. carb-ac. chin. chion. fl-ac. glon. ign. lach. led. lyc. mag-c. naja. nat-c. NUX-V. op. phos. thuj. zinc-met.

Abneigung: sul-ac.

amel.: chin. nux-v. ph-ac.

Verlangen: alf. aloe. aven. calc. caps. carb-ac. carb-an. caust. chin. cocc. gels. lyc. med. NUX-V. ph-ac. phos. puls. rheum. rhus-t. sul-ac. sulph. valer.

STAUBPARTIKELN, Beschwerden durch Einatmen von: ant-t. ars. blatta-o. brom. ictod. lyss. SIL.

Sägemehl: ars. blatta-o. sil.

STEINMETZEN. Vergiftungserscheinungen bei: asbest. CALC. ip. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. ph-ac. puls. SIL. sulph.

Tuberkulose: asbes. calc. lyc. sil.

STEROIDE. Vergiftung. Beschwerden durch: apis. ars. cortico. cortiso. merc. nat-m. sep. sulph.

STIMULANZIEN. Drogen agg.: agar. ant-c. chin. chion. coca. coff. fl-ac. glon. ign. lach. led. lyc. naja. nat-c. NUX-V. op. paull. phos. thuj. zinc.

amel.: chin. coca. coff. gels. glon. nux-v. ph-ac. rital.

Beschwerden durch Stimulanzien: agar. am-c. ant-c. chin. chion. coca. cocc. COFF. cypr. dig. fl-ac. gels. gins. glon. ign. iod. lach. led. lyc. merc. naja. nat-c. NUX-V. op. passi. paull. phos. rital. thuj. valer. Zinc-met.

Verlangen: alco. aloe. ant-t. ars-s-f. aster. aur. aur-s. calc-i. caps. caust. chin. coca. coff. crot-h. fl-ac. gins. hep. iber. iod. kali-i. mur-ac. naja. nat-p. NUX-V. ph-ac. puls. sol-t-ae. staph. sul-i. sulph. sumb. tab. ziz.

STRAHLENKRANKHEIT. Nebenbeschwerden bei Strahlentherapie: alf. ars. BISM. cadm-i. CADM-S. calc-f. calen. chin. cob. fl-ac. hydr. ip. nux-v. phos. rad-br. sil. SOL. stront-c. uran-n. x-ray.

Geschwüre: fl-ac. rad-br. x-ray.

Verbrennungen: calc-f. canth. caust. fl-ac. phos. rad-br. sol. x-ray.

STRAMONIUM Datura. Beschwerden durch: acet-ac. bell. hyos. nux-v. stram. tab.

STRYCHNIN, Vergiftung, Beschwerden durch: cham. cur. eucal. ign. kali-br. nux-v. oxyg. phys. stry.

SÜCHTE, Beschwerden durch: ars. aven. carc. cham. coff. ip. lach. nux-v. op. thuj.

SUCHTPERSÖNLICHKEIT: ars. aven. carc. lach. med. nux-v. op. thuj.

TABAK. Rauchen. allgemein

Abdomen, kolikartige Schmerzen nach Rauchen: bufo.

Hitze im Abdomen. aufsteigend in die Brust. restlicher Körper fröstelig. nach Rauchen: spong.

Schmerz im Darm. nach Rauchen amel.: coloc.

Abneigung gegen Rauchen: acon. acon-l. agar. alum. alum-p. androc. ant-t. arg-met. arg-n. arn. ars-h. asar. asc-t. bcg. bell. ben-d. borx. brom. bry. CALC. calc-p. camph. canth. carb-an. casc. chen-a. chin. chinin-m. chlor. cimic. clem. coc-c. cocc. coff. con. crot-h. euphr. Ferr-met. ferr-i. grat. hydrog. IGN. ip. jug-r. kali-bi. kali-n. lac-ac. lach. led. lob. lyc. lyss. m-aust. mag-s. mand. meph. mez. nat-ar. nat-m. nat-s. nep. nicc. nux-m. NUX-V. olnd. op. ox-ac. par. paraf. phos. phys. phyt. plan. plat-met. psor. pull-g. puls. rhus-t. sars. sep. sol-n. spig. spong. stann. staph. stry. sulph. tab. tarax. tell. thiop. thuj. til.

v-a-b. valer. zing.

abends: arg-n.

Abhängigkeit, trotz: lob.

bitterer Geschmack: ang.

Frühstück. nach dem: psor.

Geschmack der Zigarre, gegen den: brom. chen-a. ferr-met. ign.

morgens: meph. ox-ac.

nachmittags: ign.

Rauchen ohne Genuss: ars-h.

raucht viel trotz Abneigung: thiop.

Schnupftabak: spig.

Tabakrauch schmeckt nicht: ang. hyper.

BESORGNIS Schwangerschaft EKLAMPSIE. Gestose


BEWUSSTLOS: nux-m. nux-v. op. sec.

BLASENMOLE. Mola hydatidosa. zur Unterstützung der Austreibung: ars. bell. calc. cinch. ferr. lyc. merc. nat-c. puls. sabin. sec. sil. sulph.

fliegender. schießender Schmerz: calc.

Neigung zu Blasenmolen: calc. sil.


krampfartige Schmerzen: lyc.

BLUTANDRANG. Kongestion. allgemein: psor.

BRUST. Blutandrang in die: glon. nat-m. sep.

Blutwallung nach oben: lyss.

Schmerzen in den unteren Rippen: arg-n.

BRUSTDRÜSEN. harte Knoten in den: calc-f.

Knötchen: fl-ac.

schmerzhaft: sep.

BRUSTDRÜSEN. Schmerzen in den: calc. calc-p. cimic. con. kali-c. lac-c. sep.

brennend: calc-p.

Brustwarzen. unter den: calen. cimic.

entzündlich: bell. bry.

neuralgisch: con. puls.

wund schmerzend: calc-p.

CHLOASMA. Melasma: cadm-s. card-m. caul. lyc. nux-v. rob. sep. sol.

Sonne agg.: cadm-s. sep. sol.

CHOREA: caust. chlol. cupr.

DIARRHOE: alum. am-m. ant-c. apis. ars. cham. chel. chin. dulc. ferr-met. gels. hell. hyos. iris. lac-ac. lyc. nux-m. nux-v. petr. PHOS. puls. sep. sulph.

chronisch. mit Mattigkeit und trägem Gedankenfluss: nux-m.

Fahren oder Reiten agg.: petr.

Gesicht. mit erdfahlem: lyc.

harte. schwierige Stühle. danach: olnd.

Kolik: calc-ar.

Rektumprolaps. mit: mez.

Schleim: caps.

DOPPELTSEHEN: bell. cic. gels.

DURST: phos. verat.

EINGEBILDETE Schwangerschaft: apis. carc. caul. croc. cycl. ign. nux-v. op. puls. sabad. sulph. thuj. vrat.

EKLAMPSIE. Gestose: APIS. apoc. ars. ars-i. aur-m. benz-ac. berb. bry. cact. calc-act. canth. chin. cinnb. colch. crot-h. cupr-ar. dig. dulc. ferr. gels. glon. hell. helon. ind. kali-ar. kali-br. kali-c. kali-chl.

kalm. lach. led. lyc. merc. MERC-C. nat-m. ph-ac. phos. rhus-t. sabin. senec. sep. sulph. ter. thlas. thyr. uran-met. verat-v.

Entbindung. vor und nach der: merc-c. ph-ac. pyrog.

Nierenentzündung. mit: apis. crot-h.

EMOTIONALE Störung: bell.

EMPFÄNGNIS. Konzeption falsch: caul. puls. verat.

eingebildet: croc. verat.

mit Symptomen vorangegangener Schwangerschaften. außer dass eine regelmäßige Monatsblutung auftritt, 3 o. 4 Tage lang, spärlich, schmerzlos und zu blass: puls.

leicht: borx. canth. merc. nat-c. nat-m.

schwierig: agn. nat-m. sep.    


[J.B. Chapman]

Schuesslersalze in teething disorders

Calc-p.: chief remedy to supply material for the bony structure of the tooth. Too late or retarded teething. All ailments during teething if traceable to deficiency of lime. Open fontanelles; slow in learning to walk; convulsions and spasms during teething. (Also Magn-p.)

Mag-p.: Chief remedy for the convulsions and spasms, during the attack. Alternate with Calc-p. to remove the cause.

Ferr-p.: For fever; gums hot and inflamed, and other febrile disturbances.

Sil.: much sweat about the head, also in scrofulous subjects. Alternate with Calc-p.


[Heinrich Pennekamp]


ABGELEHNT fühlt(e) sich bewusst oder unbewusst (auch ungestillt. Ungeliebt?) – aur-met. calc-s. Nat-m. Plat-met. puls. Sep.

ABGESCHOBEN oder störend fühlt sich (Krippe, Kindergarten, Verwandte) – aur-met. aur-m. calc-p. Hyos. ign. lyc. mag-m. NAT-M. Plat-met. Sep. sil. Staph.

ABHÄNGIG von Eltern, mangelhafte Entwicklung zur Selbständigkeit - ars. Bar-c. Calc. cycl. merc. Puls.

ABHÄNGIGKEIT Kinder hängen stark am Vater - cycl.

ABNEIGUNG gegen das, was er will, wenn ANDERE es vorschlagen - arg-n. CAPS.

ABSCHEU allgemein Pubertät in (Ekel) - Ant-c. nat-m.

ABSCHWEIFEND - verliert den Faden bei Unterhaltung oft - ambr. Cann-i. lyc. MED. Thuj.

ABSTAND - die anderen Kinder sollen 3 Meter weiter weg spielen - Bry. CINA. kali-br.

ABSTILLEN und Entwöhnen, Folgen bei Kind, incl. Weinen - arg-n. bell. bry. calc. chin. Puls. Staph. SULPH.

ABWEISEND bei Untersuchung - wo tut es weh? - sag ich nicht! - ant-c. Calc. lyc. nat-m. sil. Tub.

ABWEISEND brummig, will in Ruhe gelassen werden - BRY. lyc. nux-v.

ÄNGSTLICH, nervös und schreckhaft, wenn müde und schläfrig - acon. brom. Calc. mag-c. nit-ac. sulph.

ÄNGSTLICHE Reizbarkeit mit Abmagerung (Beine) - ABROT.

ÄNGSTLICHKEIT, Schüchternheit, Scheue allgemein - ambr. arg-n. BAR-C. bor. CALC. calc-s. carb-v. Carc. gels. hell, kali-c. Lyc. Nat-c. nat-m. petr. Puls. sep. SIL. tub. Tub-r. vinc. zinc-met.

-------------------------- Kleinkinder allgemein Acon. arg-n. ars. bor. Calc. Cham. Kali-c. phos. Sil. spong.

-------------------------- Säuglinge allgemein - Acon. Ars. Bor. Calc. Cham. kali-c. phos.

-------------------------- agitierte (unruhige) - Acon. arg-n. ARS. calc. hyos. lyc. Phos.

-------------------------- abends, mit fiebriger Hitze weit in die Nacht hinein - Zinc-met.

-------------------------- Beruhigung durch Zuspruch dabei leicht möglich - ars. Phos. PULS.

-------------------------- Beruhigung durch Zuspruch dabei nicht möglich - Cina. Sil.

-------------------------- furchtsame - Acon. ARS. BAR-C. Calc. calc-p. carc. caust. cina. gels. kali-c. LYC. nat-m. Phos. sep.

-------------------------- Kind hält ständig die Hand der Mutter - ant-c. ars. bac. Bar-c. bism-met. bor. Kali-c. lil-t. Lyc. Phos. puls.

-------------------------- und Schüchternheit, aber Lachen bei Tadel - cann-i. Graph.

ÄRGERLICH Hänseleien bei, wenn er gehänselt wird - hasst das - anac. Bar-c. bry. CALC. pall-met.

------------------- über frühes ins Bett geschickt werden ("ungerecht") - Ign. Sep. sulph.

------------------- extrem über seine Krankheit - sie "soll aufhören" - calc. CHAM. ign. lyc. Nux-v. Sanic. Sep. tub.

AGGRESSIV - anac. calc-f. calc-s. canth. Cham. chel. Cina. Cupr-met. cur. Fl-ac. Gal-ac. Hep. hura. MED. sanic. stram. Tarent. Tub.

------------------ larvierte, dabei Beine ruhelose während Anamnese - Med. TUB. Zinc-met.

ALLEIN sein Verlangen - ant-t. aur-met. calc-s. hell, helon. iod. Kali-bi. lach, lil-t. lyc. Nat-m. Sep. Sil. staph. sulph.

------------ während Pubertät – aur-met. calc. Calc-s. helon. Kali-bi. Lach. lyc. NAT-M. Plat-met. sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph.



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