Kind Prävention von Rauchen Und Alkohol trinken in der
Die gute Schule: Wo unsere Kinder gerne lernen [Taschenbuch] Christian Füller
Ina Einwohlt: Sina Serie Die Schule und ich Informationen/Beratung für Kinder zum Internetgebrauch
Pinoccio + französisch/Lust auf Theater Arte t.v.
Dhatari serie
Opal Schwäche der Atmungsorgane (Begleitmittel von Calc).
[E.W. Hubbard]
Baby Modalities
Wondering how to elicit modalities from a baby?
Some suggestions: Open a window for draft, uncover it, pile clothes on it,
remove its pillow, turn on a bright light, give it a drink of water ( hot,
cold), pick it up, walk it up and down, touch it, jar its crib, lay it on one
side or the other, give it something sour, slam the door.
Vergleich: Ger-i. (= Ruprechtskraut/= Herbe (à) robert/= bird’s eyes/= Kindsmacher/= Stinkender Storchenschnabel/= Gottesgnadenkraut).
Vergleich: Kind in Medhorrinum + Tarentula;
Vergleich: Miasmen in Kinder und Jugendlichen
Siehe: ADHS
Anhängsel Ernährung
Anhang Sinnen
Anhang Platz des Kindes in der Familie
Anhang 3 Einzelkind
Anhang Großeltern
Anhang 5 Kopfschmerz
6 Hormonen
Anhang. 7 Einnässen
Kind Anhang 8 [Mohinder Singh Jus]
Kind früher Einschulen?
Kind genesen
Kind prescribing nursing infants
Kind Repertory
Calcium phosphoricum-Kind
Medhorrinum Kind (Down syndrom)
Psoric Child
Kind Fieber
Kind Problemen
Kind (Why Parents Should Stop Overprotecting Kids
and Let Them Play)
Kind Durchfall diarrhea.
Pubertät. - wie war das eigentlich früher?
Repertorium Schulkind.
Schwierige und Aggressive Kinder.
Adoptivkind: Jan Scholten: bei Recherchen nach einer Arznei für Adoptivkinder über das Thema „Kuckuck“ gestolpert, da dieser seine Kinder ebenfalls zur Adoption freigebe. In Holland gäbe es eine Pflanze, Oxal-a., als „Kuckucksblume“ bezeichnet, die entsprechend ihrem botanischen Namen viel Oxalsäure enthalte.
Davon ausgehend helfe diese Arznei möglicherweise bei seinen Adoptiv-Patienten, deren Verhaltensauffälligkeiten er bisher nur sehr mäßig verbessern konnte.
Dank der „Oxalicums“ kann er die meisten der Adoptivkindern gut helfen.
[Dr. Herbert A. Roberts]
In general practice we frequently meet children
who are backward in mind and body. Here is a field where we are able to do
remarkably good work with our remedies. The Barium salts are not sufficiently
appreciated for such work, but the Calcarea group, Silica or Sulphur (to
mention but a few) may be more clearly indicated. The Kaliums and the Natriums
are surprisingly successful when indicated. When the constitutional remedy is
found, it is surprising how these children - under-developed, dull, stupid, unable
to learn, perhaps nervous and high-strung - react to normal development. Often
these children are deceitful as well as backward; then we add Arg-n. and
perhaps Bufo to our list; In convulsive children these remedies may be even
more strongly indicated.
Kind als Tyran empfunden o. gesehen/zu lasch erzogen? Logoniaceae (Gentianales.)
Kinderkrankheiten: oft Puls.
Ringelröteln = Erythema infectiosum/= fifth disease durch das Parvovirus B19 ausgelöst.
Dreitagefieber = Exanthema subitum/= Roseola infantum/= Sixth Disease
Langsame/schlechte Entwicklung.:
Massage mit Olivenöl/Einwickeln mit Tuch mit Olivenöl
Lyc./Agraph. (mutinism unconnected with
Erbrechen: nach Francoise Dolto (1908-1988) französische Kinderärztin und Psychoanalytikerin
erbrechen Säuglinge weil sie noch nicht sprechen können. Sie essen darum auch mehr um Erbrechen: zu können. Es hilft sie wann das Kind zugeredet wird.
Bahnhof-Apotheke in Kempten
Hans guck in die Luft: Linaloe, Litsea, Mandarine, Melisse, Rosenholz, Rosenhydrolat, Ethanol
Kindermassageöl Dornröschen: Mandarine, Rose, Rosengeranie, Vanille, Ylang-Ylang, Haselnussöl, Jojobawachs, Sonnenblumenöl
Kindermassageöl Kobold: Limette, Linaloe, Orange, Pfeffer, Rosenholz, Mandel-/ Sonnenblumenöl
Kindermassageöl Strubbelpeter: Lavendel extra, Melisse, Ravintsara, Aprikosenkern-/Sonnenblumenöl
Konzentrationsöl: Linaloe, Myrte, Nanaminze, Pfefferminze, Rosenholz, Pfefferminz-, Rosenhydrolat,
Motivationsduft: Grapefruit, Ingwer, Rosmarin, Koriander, Zeder
Rumpelstilchen: Grapefruit, Mandarine, Zimt reine äth. Ölmischung, nicht unverdünnt auf die Haut auftragen! nicht als Bad verwenden"
Sandmänchen: Fenchel, Lavendel, Orange,
Right from childhood the capacity to receive intuitive feelings. This intuition
usually comes true (predicting accidents/natural calamities/results of exams).
Hate is a much more intense feeling in Med. A child who
was getting “A“ (= note 1) grade, in school,
suddenly starts getting “F” (= note 5 - 6). The child who used to love his
parents starts hating them from the depth of his heart. A child who had
tremendous attachment to animals (Aeth./Nuph.) starts hating them/the child
becomes very violent towards animals.
Tarent/Anac/Mosch: are very cruel to
Tarant: violence, with physical restlessness
and mobility.
Anac: two wills and confusion about
what is right and what is wrong.
Mosch: a lot of sexual excitement
and violence of the last degree. Important for sexual perversions and
nymphomania, starting at a very early age of life.
The child is very sensitive and emotional. He
loves flowers, beauty and takes good care of them. The child who was polite,
soft, passionate and loveable turns into a devil (strong desire to
bite/kick/hit/strike/rude/aggressive/acts erratic/develops inner hardness)/child
is hard to handle. Love what is forbidden. If you tell them not to do certain
things, they are the first people to go and do it.
Tarent = similar. This makes them
courageous and brave.
Both remedies are courageous, but in
Tarent. they have no soft corner for anything. They can lie with so much
confidence, it is believed it as the truth.
Med. child starts with a lie but does not know
how to finish and gets caught half-way through, starts fumbling and he doesn’t
have the same confidence as the Tarentula child.
As this child grows into a teen-ager, he wants
to experience everything. He wants to try out new things in life. He likes to
go out with girls for parties, discotheques etc. As young children moving around in the
streets or discotheques, late
at night. They always love to do
what is forbidden. If the father says, come back at 22 h., will come back at 2
h. They will sneak out of the house, once the parents have gone to sleep. They
smoke, drink
and they have sexual relationship at a very
young age. They don’t like bindings. That is why the idea of marriage seems
unendurable. They are the people who remain unmarried till very late in life,
even though they have
many boy or girl friends.
Med. predominantly an extremist/self
centered/hard hearted/don’t want any connections. At times they are very crude
and violent (towards people/own children/animals). Here similar to Lyc/Sep.
Both do not like their children. Lyc. Does not
like children, because they don’t like to take up responsibility. So they
remain unmarried. They are anxious about sexual performance and duties that
will be thrust upon them.
Sepia has aversion to children, males and sex.
Med. along with aggression, other extreme
responses like shyness are also quite obvious (Gonorrhoea/suppression leads to
all the troubles and complications).
Med.: one of the important remedies for mental
retardation and poor reaction/physically very weak with enlarged lymphatic
glands and catch infections easily. These infections progress slowly and steadily,
remain for a longer duration and take more time to resolve. The infection can
act as a shock to the system and may have long lasting effects. At the mental
level, there could be shock from some act of the parents. It could be some kind of hatred, jealousy,
negligence and abuse from parents or relatives. The shock goes very deep into
their systems and the child totally withdraws from the parents.
Fenoterol = Partusisten wann Mutter Fenoterol als Wehenhemmer bekommen hat Quelle:
Vib-o.: asthma of childhood/asthmatic phase of
hayfever Interkurrent. Sulph?
Tierlieb: Aeth. Nuph
Very violent towards animals: Tarent. Anac.
Tarent.: violence with physical restlessness
and mobility/makes them courageous and brave. Both remedies are courageous, but
in Tarent. they have no soft corner for anything. Can lie with so much
confidence, it is believed
as the truth.
Anac.: two wills and confusion about what is
right and what is wrong.
Mosch.: lot of sexual excitement and violence of
the last degree. Mosch becomes an important remedy for sexual perversions and
nymphomania, starting at a very early age of life.
Med.: very sensitive and emotional/loves
flowers, beauty and takes good care of them/was polite, soft, passionate and
loveable turns into a devil (strong desire to
bite/kick/hit/strike/rude/aggressive/acts erratic/develops inner
hardness)/child is hard to handle/loves what is forbidden. If you tell them not
to do certain things, they are the first people to go and do it.
child starts with a lie but does not know how
to finish and gets caught half-way through, starts fumbling and he doesn’t have
the same confidence as the Tarentula child.
Lyc.: Does not like children, because don’t
like responsibility/remain unmarried/anxious about sexual performance and
duties that will be thrust upon them.
Puls.: Kinderkrankheit: measles/chicken
pox/mumps/colds/conjunctivitis most children are Puls. at any one time.
Mentals/emotions become exaggerated when they are sick.
Typical sick child: clingy/sad/wanting to be
held/reassured; neediness/big sorrowful eyes/> held; latch on to a strong
supportive adult and not let go. Child will become anxiety-ridden as soon as
they can’t see the parent anymore/as soon as the parent is no longer in sight.
They won’t last long in this situation and will start searching to make sure
the parent is still there and hasn’t left them alone: Fear of abandonment/being
foresaken, so
Puls.’s life focus is on the whereabouts of the
significant other: does the significant other love him, how much does the
significant other love him, is there an interloper stealing the attention and
affection of the significant
other, and so on; child: jealous/stingy/won’t
share (can’t bear to suffer a loss) and may ask, “Do you love me?” over and
over again! Can’t tolerate the smallest criticism or reprimand = no longer
loved. They will persist in
some form of attention-getting behavior until
they are satisfied that they are again the center of attention, the sole object
of Mom and Dad’s affection. Some of this attention-getting behaviour might be
quite obnoxious! Pouting/crying/whining/breaking things to be noticed/creating
a scene/feeling sorry for themselves/behaving irritably, and so on;
the point being that they won’t let a slight, snub
or rebuff go by. It won’t be allowed to stand.
Puls: when feels loved, she can be perfectly
content basking in the serenity of parental affection/be joyful and charming.
If the parents fight, this will be very
frightening and he will play peace-maker to try to get them to reconcile. They
cannot bear disharmony.
Strangers will frighten them at first but as
soon as they get the idea that the stranger is safe, they will become the
stranger’s best friend/bringing toys to show off, showing off dance routines,
reciting lines from school plays/very sociable and thrive in company.
You can’t talk about Pulsatilla without talking
about “crying”! It’s a pathetic cry, not a cross/angry cry like that of Cham.
Their cry says, “Please help me.” This is what they’re known for; of course,
this is what children are known
for in general–crying easily and easily
reassured. If you pick the Puls. child up and reassure him, the crying will
stop and he’ll feel better; and he won’t dwell on the matter further, the way
other remedies (Nat-m.) will.
This remedy is gentle, yielding, affectionate,
eager to please, dependent, emotional and very needy. Pulsatillas do not hold
back their emotions. Puls.-child under stress will regress. They may want to
nurse again and otherwise act like a baby.
Schlaf. Anhängsel.
Phimose: Therapie kann bestehen in einer Weitung der Vorhaut. Eine Behandlung mit Cortison-haltiger Salbe kann sinnvoll sein, da sie antientzündlich und abschwellend wirkt.
Dazu wird 4 - 6 Wochen 2x täglich etwa 0,05-prozentige Betamethason-Creme aufgetragen, nachdem zuvor die Vorhaut so weit wie möglich zurückgeschoben wurde.
PALME = Präventives Elterntraining für alleinerziehende Mütter geleitet von ErzieherInnen.