Chamomilla Kind Anhang


Comparison Child: Antimonium crudum and Chamomilla / Antimonium crudum and Sulphur [Valerie Lovelace]

Comparitive Analysis of Pulsatilla + Chamomilla

Comparison Child: Sanicula mit anderen

Learning disability


Commons in children of Sanicula aqua + Cina + Chamomilla + Tuberculinum

[Charles J. Hempel]

Cham. ist die „Katzenminze der Homöopathie“, weil es besonders für nervöse Leiden passt, vor allem bei Kindern;


Mag-m. similar to Chamomilla in diseases of children.

Cham. (extremely demanding, irritable and violent, seeking immediate attention) Rheum Mag-c. (behaves like an orphan demanding nothing)

Mag-c (Waisen + wenig Bedürfnis) Rheum (Eltern viel weg) Cham (nicht gefordert = verwahrlost)

Child: Cham. (tyran) Mag-c. Puls. (wimp)

Mag-p Catar Cham. 


Chamomilla Radix w = Chamomilla e radice wa Zahnungsbeschwerden, Schlafstörungen bei Kleinkindern.


Whining restlessness

Child wants many things which he refuses again

Piteous moaning because he cannot have what he wants

Child can only be quieted when carried about and petted constantly

Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always complaining

Spiteful, Snappish

Complaints from ANGER and vexation


with the pain

during sleep

on waking

inclination to sit

sits quite stiff



throws things away

Conscientious about things of little importance

[Farokh Master]

Ist Lac-h.-Kind ähnlich.

[Frans Küsse]

Setting boundaries, quickly interpreting things as threats. Dealing with boundaries in their own way: defending themselves by challenging and pre-emptively going into attack, in order to reassure themselves that they are strong enough.

[Robin Murphy]

Used to talk about how he’d be walking down the corridor at the clinic, hear the screaming in the examining room, and say, “Give that child Chamomilla.” I know it sounds

a bit like Bell., but, look at your reaction to the child. The Belladonna child’s parent feels the need to act, to do something, give a medicine, find a solution, fast!

The Chamomilla child’s parent just wants her kid to shut-up!  There is no sympathy, the parent is fed up!

[Elaine Lewis]

Almost any child or baby can go into a Chamomilla state. Teething seems to set it off, ear infections…whatever the reason the child is in pain or discomfort, the response in

the Chamomilla state is to scream and shriek inconsolably and unendingly!  I made a visit once to my friend Shobi’s house, her little one had some sort of virus and she brought him to me in her arms.  He was not nestled contentedly on her shoulder as Puls. would be; rather, he was screaming, arching his back, bending over backwards stiffly, threatening to fall on the floor head-first–a real handful, in other words! 

I said, “That’s Chamomilla!”  It’s an angry crying, you feel no sympathy for the Chamomilla child, you just wish they would stop!  We gave Chamomilla 30C and the baby calmed down right away.   When you think of Chamomilla, think of easily-upset children, flailing about, demanding one thing and another and then throwing it down, screaming/crying, easily frustrated, demanding attention, demanding to be carried, and generally making the parents feel desperate!

[David Little] 

Cham. wenn das Kind vollkommen ungenießbar ist und alles wonach er gerade verlangt hat, wutentbrannt wegschleudert, sobald Sie es ihm geben und er gleichzeitig unter sehr starken Schmerzen zu leiden scheint (Ohrenschmerzen oder Zahnungsbeschwerden), wissen homöopathisch vor gebildete Eltern, dass Chamomilla das homöopathische Mittel der Wahl ist. Kinder, die Chamomilla als homöopathisches Mittel brauchen, sind meist sehr willensstark und verfügen über sehr viel Energie.

Sie verlangen sich selbst einiges ab und versuchen schon früh ihre Empfindsamkeit zu verstecken. Dafür äußert sich diese Empfindlichkeit dann auf der körperlichen Ebene. Wenn sie Schmerzen haben, sind die so unerträglich, dass sie oft bis zur Erschöpfung schreien und sich nur beruhigen wenn sie getragen werden.

[Y. Agrawal]

Child awakens as if he had an awful dream

[Farokh Master]

Frenzy, angry, irritable, stiff, rigid, arching its back, yelling, crying, screaming, cross, uncooperative, will NOT calm down, is inconsolable, throws down everything -every toy, every stuffed animal- you give him even if he asked for it! And why is he doing this? Because the pain is intolerable! It could be colic, teething pain, it doesn’t matter.

You can’t examine this child, he will have to be forcibly held down in the doctor’s office to put the otoscope in his ear! His cheek will be red, he will be hot with hot feet. Belladonna will have cold feet. The only thing that will stop Cham. from crying is brisk carrying! As soon as you put him down, he will start crying again. Lucky for you, all you need is a dose of Chamomilla 30C to end all of this.



wollen getragen sein. wünscht sich was + lehnt Erfüllung dieser Wünsche ab


Acet-ac. appetitlos/blass/gereizt/mager/Durchfall/beschwert sich/mag den Kopf nicht berührt haben.

Anth. = Cham + übel + erbrechen

Antraci. WILL im Haus bleiben

Ant-c.Jantje lacht. Jantje huilt = Kleinjohan lacht, Kleinjohan weint“. Will nicht unbedingt getragen sein. Schmust gerne. kreativ.

Ant-t. Berührung ABgeneigt/mürrisch/weinerlich/jammert/klammert an Mutter; Kind will in aufrechter Haltung umher getragen sein; zahnen + husten.

leichtes/mittleres Fieber/Übelkeit/hörbares Schleimrasseln.

Arn. = Crot-t + heiß;

Ars. schnell getragen.

Arum-t. erst wollen dann verschmähen

Aspar. ängstlich/Katarrh

Bell. Will versorgt sein

Benz-ac. schreien/treten. Urin stinkt.

Brom. will schnell getragen sein im Krupp. oft Nasenbluten/l. seitig

Bry. verlangt nicht zu Verfügung stehendes/schwierig zu besorgen Sachen.

Calc-p. = sanfter + keine Angst vor Wind/= Hep-ähnlich + < Kleidung/kaltnasses Wetter - Fußschweiß + deckt sich ab/= Staph + heftig/= Mang-met + < liegen

Caps. Heimweh + schlaflos

Catar.  = Cham-ähnlich/= Valer-ähnlich

Cham. Gereizt/wünscht sich was + lehnt Gleiche ab wenn Angeboten. Berührungsangst. Bauch. < 9 h. Fieber + eine Backe rot/andere blass + heiße/klebriger

Schweiß + Hitze + ununterbrochene/unstillbare Durst.

Chrysan-x. = Spig-ähnlich/= Cocc-ähnlich/= Cham + überfordert mit direktem Umfeld

Cina. Körper + Geist sensiTIV/ERregbar + launenHAFT. verlangt auf den Arm getragen zu sein ohne Beruhigung + dick + launisch. Annäherung = unerträglich.

kapriziös. Nasenbohren/Würmer. Blähungen/aufgetriebener Bauch. Zähneknirschen im Schlaf. > bewegen. < leichter Druck.

Cist. Durchfall

Coffn. = Coff + Herzbeschwerden + < Erregung/= Cham-ähnlich

Gal-ac. aggressiv + unruhig (< nachts)

Kali-p. will nachts von Zimmer zum Zimmer getragen sein

Kreos. = < 18. h.- 6 h. Unruhe/will in Bewegung sein/schreit

Lil-t. haut sich selbst + will getätschelt sein am Rücken. < 16 h. - 4 h.

Mag-p. = Phos-ÄHNlich - Angst/= Cham + > Wärme/= Calc-p + impulsiv/= Kali-c. + > Druck/= Sil - Kopfschmerz + >> Druck

Puls. langsam tragen

Rheum. = nicht beruhigt durch tragen/besteht nicht auf getragen sein/riecht sauer/< nachts


Sanic. = Calc + umgedrehte Modalitäten mit Phos + Hautproblemen/= Sil-ähnlich

Verat. will schnell herumgetragen sein. 



Babies and infants cannot bear anyone near them; older children cannot bear to be spoken to; when forced to answer, they answer peevishly and snappishly.

Excessive temper tantrums and other conduct disorders in children of mothers who have abused drugs like cannabis, cocaine, morphine, green tea, coffee or

tobacco. Irritability and peevishness come in spells, with incessant screaming and howling; can be hushed and calmed only when carried.

Piteous moaning and whining persist for hours and days when the child’s desires are not fulfilled by the parents.

Infants and neonates are extremely restless (Ars.); they move from one person to another; they are never at peace; never completely still; as the baby goes from

one person to another, he becomes extremely dissatisfied, and may strike at them as he leaves. They want to be constantly carried and petted.

Red-hot anger when things are refused, or the child tends to vehemently reject them when they are offered (Bry. Cina. Kreos.).

The child cannot enjoy music at all; it will quickly turn its ear away from the source.

Triad of Cham: Peevishness, sensitivity, and frantic irritability.

Ungoverned, uncivil, out of control, and out of hand children who hold their breath in tantrums; can develop spasms, convulsions, colic, diarrhea, fever

with anger; occasionally the child may bang his head against the wall.


Many physical symptoms, like bilious vomiting, chills, colic, convulsions, fever, migraine, etc. start after the child becomes angry.

One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold.

Universal sensitivity to pain; pain seems unendurable, drives him to despair; the child becomes mad during pain, and also makes others mad and panicky

with the pain; wants instant and immediate relief; during pain, the child becomes impatient, violent, and tosses about, shrieks in despair, and can even upset the whole neighborhood; pain < from heat, evening to midnight, in a warm room, local application of heat; + fainting; the painful part ultimately turns numb.

Children are highly prone to ear-/head-/toothaches, from which they want instant relief.

Discharges are hot: Hot coryza, hot perspiration, and hot stools.

Extremely useful in infants whose mother was given morphine during labor.

Infants are sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot, and numb.

[J.H. Allen]

A sycotic remedy because of their irritability, crankiness, oversensitivity to be looked at or spoken to, inability to endure pain, green slimy stools, > from being carried

or rocked. (I have seen that)

Cham children usually have a family history of rheuma, arthritis or asthma).

Newborn makes constant faces and bores head into the pillows.

Oversensitivity to open air; with a strong aversion to wind (around the ears).

Cham: Neonate and Infants

Crying (shrill, loud with anger).

Gestures with the arms.           

Inclined to bend the head back wards and stiffen from anger.

Palms clenched.


Stretching body and extremities in anger.

Trembling all over with crying (around the mouth).

Other important symptoms


Behavior problems in children who are petulant and snappish, and tends to throw temper tantrums; violent, abusive, and contrary; pinching, throwing things around,

being besides themselves in anger, with red face and dysponea (in the morning on waking) or from some kind of pain or discomfort.

Capricious child; rejects things he asked for when they are offered (throws them vehement away).

Ailments from being offended, mortified, or scorned.

Cannot tolerate the slightest pain during dentition: Weeps, moans, or gets very angry, restless, and violent, with shrieking and striking; worse from consolation; can

be only quieted when carried.

Disposition to frown at all times.

Inconsolable infants.

Puts fingers into the mouth.

The child insists on being carried everywhere and vehemently refuses to walk; if forced to walk, he will go in to spasms of colic or throw temper tantrums.

Ugly, cross, and uncivil children, who are very quarrelsome and get vexed at every trifle.


Headaches from anger, dentition, on becoming cold, suppressed perspiration due to excessive application of hair oil, washing the head too frequently with shampoo,

or windy weather; < in the morning in bed.

Examination findings:

- Copious, clammy, sour perspiration from the scalp while being fed.

- Involuntary nodding of head back and forth.

- Meningitis and encephalitis.

- Moist eruptions on the scalp.

- Unable to hold up the head, which is drawn to the side.


Catarrhal inflammation of the eyes in infants from cold.

Lachrymation with coryza or fever.

Examination findings:

- Blepharitis.

- Eyelids half-open.

- Icterus.

- Inflammation of the meibomian glands.

- Pupils tend to contract # dilate.

- Rolling of the eyeballs.

- Staring.

- Yellowish purulent discharges from the eyes (in the morning) tends to agglutinate the eyes.


Ears sensitive: open air and noises.

Earache with sore throat, < from exposure to cold air and at night from warmth of bed; > wrapping up the ears; ears are very sensitive to slightest touch, > deep pressure.

Impaired hearing from catching a cold, with pain in the ears.

Examination findings:

- Red earlobes.

- Thin wax from the ears.

- Eustachian catarrh.

- Otitis media with thin, purulent discharge.


Cannot tolerate strong odors.

Copious, watery, hot, excoriating coryza with blocked nasal passages.

Epistaxis of dark, black, clotted blood (r.), in the morning on rising, and during headache.

Sneezing with inability to sleep.

Examination findings:

- Congested nostrils (Nux-v, Samb, Stict).


Hot perspiration on the face (after eating, drinking/during fever).

Examination findings:

- One cheek cold and red, the other hot and pale.

- Chewing motion of the jaw.

- Crack in the middle of the lower lip.

- Mumps.

- Sunken face.

- Swelling and induration of the parotid and submaxillary glands.

- Trembling of lips when crying.

- Wrinkled forehead.


Child tends to put fingers in his mouth all the time

Toothache ext. the head and ears, < chewing/taking warm food or drinks (Bism, Bry, Coff); > holding cold water in the mouth

Biting the glass when being fed.

Dry mouth with increased thirst.

Profuse, frothy salivation during toothache.

Slow and difficult dentition.

Examination findings:

- Gum abscess (Merc. Sil).

- Halitosis.

- Mapped tongue, or may be coated dirty yellow or white, with a red stripe down the center, with red edges.

- Ranula.

- Stammering speech.


Can only swallow fluids; the least so lid food gags (weakness of laryngeo-tracheal muscles).

Recurrent tonsillitis from the slightest exposure to cold.

Sore throat from cold, > taking warm drinks.

Examination findings:

- Dark red throat with enlarged and inflamed tonsils.

- Perspiration on the external throat.

- Swelling of cervical and submandibular glands.


Capricious appetite.

Marked thirst, an important concomitant with complaints like diarrhea, fever, or with pains.

Disordered stomach, with indigestion and pain in the epigastric region after any kind of emotional excitement (anger and fright), or before a fit of

coughing; > bending double.


Nausea with violent retching and easy, bilious vomiting after anger, vexation, with fever, after cough, after milk or allopathic medicines,

Sour eructations after eating, with odor like rotten eggs.

<: Milk/sweets/warm food and drinks;

>: Coffee/cold food and drinks;

Aversions: Coffee/soup/warm food and drinks;

Desires: Bread/cold food and drink/sauerkraut (very common in Russia)/sour food, and vegetables.


Cramping and griping pains in nurslings or small infants from anger, excitement, or vexation; < coffee/cough/touch/trying to urinate;

> bending double/passing flatus/warm applications; + much flatus.

Hepatitis after vexation.

Obstructed flatulence with painful, tympanitic distension of the abdomen, < after eating.

Examination findings:

- Liver feels hard on palpation.

- Painful and strangulated inguinal hernia (Nux-v. Op. Verat).

- Paralytic ileus.

- Sigmoidoscopy: Ulcerative colitis.

- Umbilicus tender to the touch.


Painless diarrhea in nurslings; of bilious, hot, corrosive, mucous, green, watery stools (like chopped eggs and spinach)/with a rotten-egg odor; from

cold weather, dentition, downward motion (Borx, Sanic), emotional excitement (anger/fright/vexation), exposure to cold wind, and from taking a cold.

Cholera infantum with frequent, watery, green stools.

Constipation with Changeable knotty, nodular, lumpy stools, united by threads of mucus (Graph. Nux-v. Sel).

Itching around the anus (evening)

Passes very offensive and hot flatus with a sour or rotten-egg odor.

Examination findings:

- Excoriation and redness around the anus.

- Roundworms.


Bilious, hot, corrosive, mucous, green, watery stools (like chopped eggs and spinach)/with a rotten-egg odor/changeable knotty, nodular, lumpy

Urinary organs:


Examination findings:

- Red sediment on diaper.

- Urine: Pus +, RBC +

Larynx and Trachea:

Hoarseness of voice during coryza (Carb-v. Caust. Merc. Phos).

Examination findings:

- Stridor.

Respiratory organs:

Child holds his breath in anger.

Sudden arrested respiration in children after a bout of crying.

Sudden attacks of asthma or dysponea resulting from catching a cold, dry weather, emotions (anger), flatulence, suppressed measles, taking

coffee or warm food; > taking cold water or going out in the cold air, and by sitting upright.

Examination findings:

- Hot breath.

- Irregular, unequal, stertorous respiration.

- Loud inspiration with forcible expiration.

- Sighing respiration.


Chronic dry cough after measles (Dros, Puls).

Constant, dry, violent, spasmodic, paroxysmal cough in sleep; < after midnight, but it does not seem to disturb or wake him (Aral. Arn. Lach); becomes loose by daytime.

Dry, irritating cough that seems to come from the stomach (Bry. Sep); < cold wind, dentition, emotions (anger, crying, vexation),

listening to music, when playing the piano, and in winter.

Weeping from cough (Bell. Cina. Hep).


Examination findings:

- Bronchitis.

- Hard nodular swelling in mammae of newborn.


Child always lies with the limbs abducted.

Cramps in toes.

Profuse foot-sweat.

Stiffness of upper limbs on grasping anything.

Examination findings:

- Thumbs clenched and drawn inwards.

- Cold perspiration on the palms.

- Dry palms with very cold fingers.

- Excoriation between the thighs.


Newborns who are very light sleepers; awakened with a start by the slightest noise.

Sleeplessness after vexation, during dentition, or when in pain; the infant has to be carried.

Child keeps yawning, tossing about, and stretching out throughout the night, with restless sleep.

During sleep: Hot sweat from the scalp; jerking, twitching, or trembling of legs; kicks the covers off; loud respiration; open mouth with salivation;

moaning, shrieking, snoring; starting as from a fright; somnambulism;

talking, weeping, whimpering; and uncovers the feet.

It is quite impossible to put Cham. children to bed, as they are extremely agitated from around 21 h. until about midnight. After midnight the

excitability wears off, and slowly the child goes to sleep.

Position: Lies with the limbs abducted (abgespreizt).

Sleepy but cannot sleep (Bell. Caust. Op).

Startled during sleep.

Twitching of muscles of hands and face during sleep.


11 – 16 h./early spring (from March to April).

Ailments from: Anger or vexation; during dentition, measles or hepatitis;


- Cold limbs with burning heat of the face, with a sensation of heat coming out from his eyes.

- Thirstless.

- < uncovering, undressing, cold air.


- Extremely irritable and moaning during fever (Bry).

- The greater the heat, the more the thirst.


- Hot perspiration (face/head).

Tongue: Yellow or white at the sides and red in center (reverse of Ant-t).


Haut ist hochrot und entzündet.

Dry skin, with inability to perspire.

Itching of perspiring parts, < scratching.

Examination findings:

- Erysipelas.

- Intertrigo.

- Unhealthy skin.


Ailments from: Dentition, emotional excitement (anger/mortification/punishment), fever, sleep, and worms.

During convulsions:

Abdominal pain, clenched thumbs, coughing fit, falling, froth from mouth, stiffness and contracted muscles and tendons of limbs (flexor muscles of forearm or fingers), titanic rigidity and weeping.


Ailments from abuse of allopathic medicines (quinine preparations), measles, and suppression of perspiration (foot-sweat).

Aversion to bathing.

Chilly child, with one half of the body cold and the other half hot; aversion to open air; < from change of weather, exposure to cold, or wind in any form.

Chorea with rhythmic motion of the body.

Desire for and > from motion.

Fair, blond, light complexioned, emaciated child, with lax fiber and a tendency to take cold easily.

Unhealthy, suppurating wounds that heal slowly.

Wandering, intolerable pains, < after anger.



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