

Acon. = Blauen Eisenhut/= Monkshood/= Ziegentod/= Teufelswurz/= Sturmhut/= Venuswagen/= Fuchswurz/= Giftkraut/= Kappenblume/= Wolfskraut/= Würgling

Acon-s. = Mönchskappe

Agn. = Mönchspfeffer/= Keuschlamm/= Chaste Tree

Apis. Regarded as never sleeping, the bee represented Christian vigilance and zeal. In addition, the beehive became a Christian metaphor for the ordered, chaste and charitable

life of monastic communities.

Arion vulgaris. = Spanische Wegschnecke

Arn. = Wolf(erei)/= Saukraut/= Bergwohlverleih/= Fallkraut/= Teufelsabbiß/= Mönchswurz/= Engelkraut/= mountain tobacco/= Leopard's Bane

Ergotism. known as St. Anthony's Fire. (= 3rd Century anchorite saint/died at age of 105/spending most of his life in the Egyptian desert/tormented by demons in a myriad of forms/his OLD age was part of his torment, martyrdom having been denied him despite efforts to seek it).

Esp-g. = Frailejón (= Gewand der Mönche)

Physal-a. = Mönchskirsche/= Judenkirsche/= Lampionplant

Polyg-h. = Mönchskraut

Rumx. spp. = Mönchsrhabarber

Salsola soda = barba di frate = Bart. des Mönchs Caryophylalles. Taumelgruppe

Sec. = remedy for senility and the aged.) Akut: experiences physical torment as burning fire on skin/devilish hallucinations most beautiful women and sensual delights. = patron of monks/healers.

Tarax. = Löwenzahn/= Saubleamle/= Saurüssel/= Saustochkraut = Pissenlit/= Dandelion/= Paardebloem/= Kamphool (I)/=Pu-gong ying/Blätter/Wurzel/= Sonnekraut/= Augen-milkkraut/= Kuhblume/= Kuhlattich/= Krötenblume/= Mönchskrone/= Schäfchenblume

Trop. = Kapuzinerkresse



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