Rattus = Mus maximus



Vergleich: Lac enthält: Solids 0.5,  Fat 14.8, Eiweiß 11.3,  Lactose 2.9, Ash 1.5;

Columba. livia f. domestica (= Straßentaube/= „Ratte der Lüfte“).

Equis-a. (= Ackerschachtelhalm/= Ackerschachtelhalm/= Mu zei/= Queue de rat/= Kattensteert/= Zinnkraut).

Siehe: Mammalia + Begleiter der Menschen


Rats conjure up all sorts of images but primarily for most individuals a negative and even fearful reaction.

rats are also historically associated with the plague and the spread of disease as well as nocturnal, dark, dank and shadowy places.

the words “rat,” “ratty,” ratfink,” etc. are all used in a derogatory fashion, to deride someone for their sneaky or unethical actions. “

ratting on someone” or “being a rat,” refers to someone who tells another’s secrets or a group’s secrets to selfishly save themselves +/o. for personal gain.

the word “packrat” describes someone who compulsively hoards items. these are the ways that the actions of rats have crept into our culture and vocabulary, reflecting

our general feelings towards them and our understanding of their actions.

the twists and turns of our language reveal much about the remedy itself.

the patient who needs Rattus may conjure up many of the images that the words above bring to mind, be that secretive action, revealing secrets or taking things which do

not belong to them.

Similar to other remedies in the Yersinia miasm, with the homeopathic remedy made from rat’s blood, we see an attempt to sabotage those in authority and those who are successful. In particular we see attacks on those who have some sense of purpose or integrity to what they are doing and who are successful in the form of practical outcomes. As a practitioner, these patients will attempt ultimately to undermine your success by virtue of how they interact with you during the course of their treatment.

there is a lack of respect for another’s possessions and for what others have earned, as well as an attempt to destroy the sense of integrity that another person may have.

Inside there is a sense of wanting to use others for their own selfish dark purposes. In the North American proving one of the provers says, “there’s a glimpse of the darkness in me, wanting to claim her, use her, albeit with the best of intentions.”

this also expresses another aspect of what I have seen in Rattus patients: have little self-awareness about their actions (and little need for it).

their actions are not so much out of craftiness but more from instinctual desires; they feel that their intentions are good and, as found throughout this miasm, “egalitarian.”

there is a lack of awareness as to taking responsibility for others. During the Indian Rattus proving, one of the provers states: “I was indifferent to my responsibility and duty as a doctor.”

there is an underlying indifference towards the welfare of others and little sense of guilt. As a practitioner, you will get an uncomfortable feeling from the person who needs

this remedy. This can manifest in a number of situations. As a practitioner treating the patient who needs Rattus you may see that, after each (correct and incorrect) prescription, this patient will do something to sabotage any positive benefits gained – mainly by starting other therapies.

Not only that, they will attempt to create disharmony between you and your employees or other professionals (or, if you know them better, your ratt-n. & ratt-r. friends).

they will attempt to mess with your possessions or accomplishments, as does a packrat.

Paradoxically, in spite of being shadowy in their dealings, they can be quite socially active and even have an extroverted quality (in healthier stages). Underlying such extroversion, however, there remains a proactive desire to mess with others’ material things or accomplishments, both materially and psychologically.

On the other hand, it’s not really the rat alone that causes the plague.

The rat carries a flea [the most common is Xenopsylla cheopis (= the Oriental rat flea)] and it is the flea that carries the bacteria. Dispositionally, then, you could say that

the patient feels wrongly accused of many things, concomitant with a state of not really caring deeply, or not having any sense of duty or compassion. Deeper inside they

can feel ugly, despised, and invisible. this feeling exists in conjunction with a kind of delusion or belief that others mistreat them.

they have the impression that they have been mistreated and excluded – especially in situations where they decide to be compliant.

they are resentful of this and can actively complain of it, albeit in private.

In the two provings the elements of living in the shadows, idols, and then destruction and darkness each came through: all these are part of the Yersinia miasm.

there was also a theme of sabotaging the happiness of others (and especially of male authority), both of which I have seen in clinical practice.

Nancy Herrick: the main theme .... is secrets. Listen to the words of the provers:

“Didn’t want to be seen .... people who sit all day looking out of their secret worlds ....

we were having a secret affair. Something about this stuff wants to remain hidden .... .”

these are deep, dark, profound secrets: “not exactly insane but not your everyday, run-of-the-mill .... .”

She also mentions that these have to do with sexual secrets. My clinical experience confirms these insights.

this focus combines with those themes that I have discussed above to present as a desire to tell sexual secrets about others while they themselves stay in the shadows.

In this regard, there is an interest in (or dreams of) “cheap” sexuality or dirty things.

this can also manifest as a voyeurism, in the original sexual sense, but also as the desire to know another’s business along with the envy of such.

I find that these patients reveal much about their sexual partner but little about themselves. Additionally, they can feel that their partner is the ratt-n. & ratt-r.

Enterobacteriales: related remedies

Rattus cause of all their problems and can actively work to undermine him or her. In children or teenagers this may be indicative of the way they view their father especially,

as the one in authority (compare Am-c.).

they may hold deep grudges – again, note that same remedy.

the patient has a constant inner complaint that they are being “put upon” – particularly when asked to do something for another person. In other words, as came out in the proving and as I have confirmed in my own clinical experience, they feel they are “prostituting” themselves when they give anything.

this is another main theme of this remedy.

they may express it as feeling that their husband treats them “like a prostitute” or they may have many dreams of prostitutes, as arose in one of the provings.

they have the sense that they are exploited but, in getting the whole picture, you catch a glimpse of the fact that it is they who are exploitative even while the delusion of

being exploited is constantly on their mind. either they keep all of this very secret or if they do confide any sexual problems to you as a practitioner, the patient may go

into too much detail on sexual issues. If there are sexual problems they blame their partner.

After a while, though, you get a sense that they are the ones who have the base sexual nature which they attribute to (and blame on) their partner.

this will prove to be an important remedy for the treatment of cancer and AIDS.

Names and Meanings

rat – a genus of animals allied to mice, but larger. Latin Mus maximus (= rat)

DD.: Mus minimus (= mouse).

rat – compare Sanskrit, rada (= a tooth).

Different etymologies are proposed, connecting our word “rat” (and cognate modern european languages) to Latin, rodere and thence to earlier meanings around the actions scrape, scratch and gnaw or to Greek, rhinê (= a file, a rasp).

A criminal informant (informing to the authorities or to a competing gang).

A renegade, turncoat, traitor, strike breaker.

A miserable or ill-looking specimen. A despicable person.

this usage exists in contrast to the personification of mice who are “cute and bourgeois.”

to rat out/to rat on – to desert one’s group, rats are said to leave a falling house, or doomed ship; to betray the interests of ratty - wretched, unkempt, untidy; angry, irritable.

In the cartoon strip Peanuts: Charlie Brown uses the catch phrase “rats!” whenever he has suffered yet another reversal in his fortunes.

Of the Muridae family, in the subfamily Murinae (meaning “mouse-like”) of the rodentia order.

rats, like other mammals within the order rodentia, have two gnawing teeth in the front upper jaw.

A breakdown of the species into five sub-groups has been proposed; this does not include all species and is as follows:

The norvegicus group;

The rattus group;

Australian native rat species;

New Guinea native rat species;

Xanthurus group.

DD.: Other rodents (such as squirrels, mice, beavers and porcupines).

In western countries, many people keep domesticated rats as pets.

These are of the species R. norvegicus originating in the grasslands of China and spread to Europe and eventually, in 1775, to the New World.

Pet rats are Brown rats descended from those bred for research, and are often called “fancy rats”, but they are still the same species as the common city “sewer” rat. Domesticated rats tend to be both more docile than their wild ancestors and more disease-prone, presumably due to inbreeding.

the common species are opportunistic survivors and often live with and near humans. Many wild rats carry a number of diseases and parasites, but which diseases, and what percentage of the rat population is infected, vary with the population under study. Some parasites may have interesting effects on rat behavior which benefit the parasite.

rats can carry over thirty different diseases dangerous to humans, including weil’s disease, typhus, salmonella and bubonic plague.

the Black Death (which killed at least 75 million people in Europe, the Middle East and Asia in the mid-late 14th century) is traditionally believed to have been caused by

the micro-organism Yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis which preyed on R. rattus living in European cities of the day; it is notable that these rats were victims of the plague themselves.

regardless, while modern wild rats can carry Leptospirosis and some other zoonotic conditions (those which can be transferred across species, to humans, for example), these conditions are ratt-n. & ratt-r. in fact rarely found in the wild; rats living in good environments are typically healthy and robust animals.

wild rats living in cities may suffer from poor diets and internal parasites and mites, but in developed countries do not generally spread disease to humans.

rats often chew electrical cables. Around 26% of all electrical cable breaks are caused by rats, and around 18% of all phone cable breaks. Around 25% of all fires of unknown origin are estimated to be caused by rats.

Rats are frequently blamed for damaging food supplies and other goods.

when it comes to conducting tests related to intelligence, learning and drug abuse rats are a popular choice due to their high intelligence, ingenuity, aggressiveness and adaptability.

A 2007 study found rats to possess metacognition, a mental ability previously only found in humans and some primates.

It was discovered that rats emit short, high frequency, ultrasonic, socially-induced vocalization during rough and tumble play, and when tickled.

the vocalization is described as a distinct “chirping.” Humans cannot hear the “chirping” without special equipment. It was also discovered that like humans, rats have “tickle skin.” these are certain areas of the body which generate more laughter response than other areas.

the laughter is associated with positive emotional feelings and social bonding occurs with the human tickler, resulting in the rats becoming conditioned to seek the tickling.

those that laughed the most also played the most, and those that laughed the most preferred to spend more time with other laughing rats.

this suggests a social preference to other rats exhibiting similar responses. However, as the rats age, there does appear to be a decline in the tendency to laugh and response to tickle skin.

the initial goal of Pank-sepp & Burgdorf’s research (2003) was to track the biological origins of joyful and social processes of the brain by comparing rats and their relationship to the joy and laughter commonly experienced by children in social play. Although, the research was unable to prove rats have a sense of humor, it did indicate rats can laugh and express joy. Chirping by rats is also reported in other studies, where rats have been seen to chirp when wrestling one another, before receiving morphine, or having sex.

The sound has been interpreted as an expectation of something rewarding.


Guide for Rattus appearance of Patient

Slow, obtunded (= abgestumpft), confused +/o. clipped speech.

Loquacious, but not about themselves.

Frequently wears dark clothing or flashy clothing.


Indien: Legenden die Ratten sind Wiedergeborene eines Fürsten- und Bardengeschlechts, bekannt als Volk der Karni Mata. Als die weise Frau in der Gegend wirkte, wurde ihr ein Junge gebracht, der durch einen Unfall ums Leben gekommen war – einer Variation der Legende zufolge ihr Stiefsohn Laxman, der beim Versuch, aus einem Brunnen zu trinken, hineinstürzte und ertrank.

In Trance bat die Heilige den Totengott Yama, das Kind wieder zu den Lebenden zu schicken. Doch Yama weigerte sich mit der Behauptung, das läge nicht mehr in seiner Macht, da die Seele des Jungen bereits anderweitig wiedergeboren sei.

Und so schwor Karni Mata, dass kein männliches Mitglied ihres Volkes je wieder das Totenreich des Gottes Yama betreten würde. Stattdessen sollten die Seelen der Verstorbenen als Ratte wiedergeboren werden, um dann im folgenden Leben als viel geachtete Barden wiederaufzuerstehen. Einer anderen Version zufolge war die Wiedergeburt als Ratte von vornherein ein Vorschlag des Totengottes, um eine Rückkehr des Jungen zu ermöglichen.

Einer anderen Legende zufolge sind die heiligen Ratten Seelenbehälter von Soldaten. Demnach soll einst eine 20.000 Mann starke Armee vor einer Schlacht nach Deshnok geflohen sein. Als Karni Mata erfuhr, dass sie desertiert waren, eine Sünde, die eigentlich mit dem Tode bestraft wird, ließ sie Gnade walten. Anstatt sie zu töten, verwandelte sie die Männer in Ratten und gab ihnen den Tempel als neues Zuhause. Aus Dankbarkeit versprachen die Soldaten-Ratten, ihr auf ewig zu dienen.

Ratten sind in der hinduistischen Kultur ohnehin nicht ausschließlich mit demselben Ekel-Ruf behaftet wie etwa hierzulande. So wird die Ratte auch mit Ganesha assoziiert, dem Hindu-Gott mit dem Elefantenkopf. Er steht für Klugheit, Glück und Reichtum. Die Ratte ist sein „Fahrzeug“, sein Reittier, auf dem er oft abgebildet wird.

Wie der Gott wird auch die Ratte oft als klug und glücksbringend bewundert.



Sternzeichen Ratte in chinesisches Horoskop Ratte:

Die Ratte ist ein humorvoller und oft charmanter Mensch, der die Geselligkeit liebt. Sie ist ein Gruppenwesen, das am liebsten bei allen Aktivitäten Mitstreiter hat.

Im Zeichen der Ratte Geborene sind kreativ, spontan und offen für alles Neue. Ihr Enthusiasmus lässt sie viele Dinge in Gang setzen, doch ihr mangelndes Durchhaltevermögen fördert nicht unbedingt das Beenden des Begonnenen (?ADHS?).

Ihre Energie, ihr Ehrgeiz und ihre Hartnäckigkeit helfen der Ratte, ihre Vorhaben schnell voranzutreiben. Wenn es darum geht, etwas durchzusetzen, scheuen sie sich manchmal auch nicht davor, andere zu manipulieren oder sich über Gegebenheiten engstirnig hinwegzusetzen. Solch ein Verhalten löst nicht immer Begeisterung unter ihren Mitmenschen aus.

Die Ratte ist begehrt als verständnisvoller, oft sogar weiser Berater, doch für sich selbst kann sie nur schwer Entscheidungen treffen. Sie steht sich selbst im Weg, weil sie weder anmaßend noch überheblich wirken möchte und sich deshalb oft in den falschen Situationen zurück hält.

Eine erfolgreiche Ratte kann aber auch zu Machthunger und Gewinnsucht neigen. Andere Ratten versuchen ihr Glück herauszufordern, indem sie eine Leidenschaft für Glücksspiele entwickeln.


China: Reichtum, Geiz, Dämonie;


Mind and disposition:



Destroy harmonious relationships

ratty behaviour

Borderline Personality Disorder

Secret and hidden (Thuj.)

Sexual secrets

Secret affairs

Revealing secrets of others

revealing private sexuality of others

Prostitute/”As if treated like a prostitute”

Seductive and cheap sexuality but hidden

Sexuality for the purpose of getting something

Dreams of prostitutes

Feeling abused

Sexual appearance and dress (sometimes)

Dreams – dirty/toilets/voyeurism, cheap sex

Indifferent to welfare of others


Swindling, con tricks and cunning

Delusion - injured


Feel ugly

Unwanted, despised; “As if invisible” with resentment over this selfishness,


Desire for the easy life, enjoyment

Neglecting duty

wants others’ possessions or to “play” with your possessions


Lustful, over-consumption

Anorexia or overeating


Flashy clothes and food or black dark clothing


Lying for petty gain


Fear – snakes/high places

Dreams - attacked by snakes/pursued by mobs/police/terrorists/riots


Cursing and swearing

Loves rats


Focus “As if a lump or ball”

Ball-in-throat sensation

Ball in various parts (throat/bladder etc.)

Throbbing headache

yellow vision during headache

Eyelids – heavy/partially closed

Sensitive to noise

Greasy skin

Bitter taste with profuse salivation during sleep

Easy profuse bleeding

Stomach ulcers bleeding

Profuse bleeding from wounds, during menses


Intermittent fever

Heat from orifices

Fever starts late afternoon

Fingers and toes cold during heat

Malodorous patient

they can wear much perfume (or deodorant)

Dirty or very clean

Chronic fatigue syndrome


restless extremities

skin itching suddenly, in spots and then goes away


hair falling

Alopecia areata

Irregular distribution of hair

Small moles

Menses heavy

watery, thin or very heavy bleeding

Sudden cramping, shooting during menses

Uterine cancer

One of the main remedies with heavy bleeding also Benign tumors

History of sexually transmitted infections [papillomavirus (HPV)]

oesophageal cancer

ulcers on skin

Food and drinks: Desires: junk food and enjoyment in food/craves spicy, chocolate and ice cream/powdered food (Yersinia enterocolitica)


From Nancy Herrick’s Proving

Theme: hidden secret

Dream: walking into a building to get away from everyone. Don’t want to be seen. I go into the second door on the left and walk into a dark bar with a pool table.

there are several rooms, kind of low light. I turn to the left and stoop to enter a low door that I have to get down on my hands and knees to crawl into. It feels like Alice

in Wonderland.

It is a long, low tunnel, glowing red. I am afraid to close the door behind me as I crawl in. everything seems a bit distorted, and I realize that I’m  afraid to close the door

once I’m in there.

Feeling burdened by social circumstances, wishing for anonymity.

thoughts of homeless people who sit all day looking out of their secret worlds .... reminds me of the far-out fancies and realities of the people who live underground in

New York City, not exactly insane but not your everyday, run-of-the-mill fancies .... wanting to be separate, not merged into regular society.

Didn’t want to be seen, would stay in the shadows.

Feel like I don’t belong or fit in anywhere. All I wanted to do was go off into the woods with the dog. A strong feeling not to be in my everyday life at all. I didn’t want

to deal with life, society, and work.

Dream .... I was with a man I couldn’t have as my own partner because he was married to a conservative woman. we were having a secret affair.

Dream: I am going to a homeopathy meeting on a bizarre walkway way up high on these entangled roadways, way up in the air. Arrive at a huge gym, a stadium really, and

it’s all very secretive and hush-hush.

repeating the proving remedy. Something about this stuff wants to remain hidden, and I want to find out what that is.

Extracts from Provers’ notebooks (Herrick):           

“Meditation: this is a feminine energy, ancient and powerful but afraid, afraid of being taken over. Here is the Goddess, wanting to rock us in the cradle of loving kindness

but there is something dark and evil she fears, some force that covets power over us.

we are so familiar with its form and feeling we can’t recognize it; its omniscience is like the air we breathe; we can’t see it but it’s integral to us now.

to know the beauty of the goddess is to understand mathematics, geometry and an abstraction from the material world. My mind wants to grasp this knowing, to apply it to my clients and their needs and with a sick feeling, I know this is her fear, to be used and controlled by a purpose not her own – there’s a glimpse of the darkness in me, wanting to claim her, use her.



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