Schüsslersalze Anhang



Schüssler Salze für die Schule

Die Schule ist jetzt das zentrale Thema bei unseren Kindern, für die Eltern rückt die Sorge um die Abwehrkräfte der Kinder für den kommenden Winter nun vermehrt ins Blickfeld.

Dafür ist in der Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler vor allem ein Mineralstoff verantwortlich, nämlich die Nr. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum D12.

Dieser Mineralstoff stärkt die Abwehrkraft, wenn er regelmäßig eingenommen wird. Dabei sollten Kinder vorbeugend fünf bis sieben Stück täglich im Mund zergehen lassen, bei Erwachsenen

ist eine Dosierung von sieben bis zehn Stück zu empfehlen. Die Einnahme der Nr. 3 sollte vorbeugend während der ganzen Herbst- und Winterzeit fortgesetzt werden.


Schüßler Salze für die Schule

Powermischung und Stärkung der Abwehrkraft

Ferrum phosphoricum – Nr. 3 zehn Stück

Kalium phosphoricum – Nr. 5 zehn Stück

Natrium chloratum – Nr. 8 zehn Stück

 Nervosität im neuen Schuljahr

Aufgeregt sind wohl auch die älteren Kinder, die schon lange keine „Erstklässler“ mehr sind. Sie fragen sich: „Welchen Lehrer werde ich wohl bekommen? Werde ich das alles schaffen, was

in der Schule von mir verlangt wird?“

Hilfreich in dieser Zeit wirken die Schüßler Salze

Nr. 2 Calcium phosphoricum

Nr. 7  Magnesium phosphoricum

Nr. 11. Silicea

Mein Kind braucht mehr Konzentration zum Lernen

Bei Konzentrationsproblemen bewährt sich immer wieder die Lernmischung:

Ferrum phosphoricum – Nr. 3 zehn Stück

Kalium phosphoricum – Nr. 5 zehn Stück

Kalium sulfuricum – Nr. 6 zehn Stück

Natrium chloratum – Nr. 8 zehn Stück

Diese Mischung hilft selbstverständlich während des ganzen Schuljahres, Schulanfängern genauso wie Absolventen höherer Schulen, Maturanten und Studenten. Kann 1x oder auch

mehrmals am Tag eingenommen werden.


[Nadline Muller]


Mineral Therapy complications (Cooter, 1988/Divoky, 1989).

An additional complaint is the marked deterioration in behaviour occurring in late afternoon and evening, following daytime medication administration – known as a 'rebound effect'

(Johnstone et al., 1988).

Over the past 20 years there have been considerable advances in electron microscope and X-ray diffraction techniques.

Consequently knowledge of cell biochemistry, especially in the field of enzymes, has increased considerably, resulting in a new appreciation of the role minerals play in human metabolism.

For one reason or another, an organism can be deficient of minerals.

According to Fisher slowly (1978), become mineral deficiencies represent, for the most part, the lowest denominator of disease.

All other pathological and functional changes are secondary, and if cognisance is not taken of this fact, all treatment will have only a superficial and temporary effect.

This is because all body functions are dependent on the presence of minerals in sufficient quantities, e.g. the body can burn fat in the absence of glucose, but if there is no magnesium, then

no catabolism can take place at all.


For centuries minerals have been used in various forms for the treatment of human illness according to various philosophies.

In the 1700's Dr Samuel Hahnemann, founder of the Homoeopathic system of medicine, did extensive research on the therapeutic effect of sodium, silica and calcium, as well as on the effect

of hundreds of other plant and animal substances.

He established the theory of 'similia similibus curantur' (like cures like), and medicines were subsequently prepared according to the process of successive dilutions and succussions, called

'trituration and potentisation', until infinitesimal quantities of the crude substance remained. (Boericke &  Dewey, 1984.)

In 1873 Dr William H. Schuessler proposed a system he called 'Biochemistry', consisting of 12 mineral compounds which he named 'tissue salts'.

The theory upon which this system is based is that the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent on certain quantities of organic constituents, and that these 12 'tissue salts' remain

in the form of ashes after the combustion of Living tissues.

Thus any disturbance in the molecular motion of these salts constitutes disease, which can be rectified by re-establishing equilibrium using the 'tissue salts'.

The Schuessler system relies on a chemico-physiological dose and the tissue salts are prepared according to homoeopathic law to 6XH potency (1:1.000.000). (Goodwin, 1980/Boericke & Dewey, 1984.)

In 1930, an Australian Naturopath, Maurice Blackmore, formulated the Celloid concept and Celloid Mineral Therapy became an established Naturopathic modality.

It is based on the application of mineral compounds in physiologically active doses, according to Schuessler's indications for prescribing.

The minerals are prepared in an alcohol and lactose slurry, which is evaporated and the resulting solids are compressed in tablet form. (Fisher, 1978.) The Basic Principle of Mineral Therapy

The body is composed of an enormous number of cells, each consisting of a balanced quantity of 3 classes of materials: water, organic substances and inorganic substances.

Water and the organic substances, such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, make up the greater percentage of the body.

Although the inorganic elements constitute only a small percentage, their function is vital. (Soloman &  Davis, 1983.)

There are over 2000 enzymes in the body and a large percentage of these require minerals to enable them to function effectively (Guyton, 1992).

Therefore the absence of a single mineral or enzyme may result in the disruption of the body's metabolism and consequently disease may occur in one form or another.

However, cell nutrition may be restored and cellular metabolism normalized by supplementing the diet with the relevant mineral (Blackmore Laboratories, 1980/Tratier, 1987).

Mineral deficiencies can come about in a number of ways (Fisher, 1978/Blackmore Laboratories, 1980):

i) Inadequate nutrition;

ii) Mineral deficiency in plants due to the poor soil in which they are grown, usually as a result of poor agricultural methods being used over years;

iii) Failure of the body to assimilate vitamins and minerals.

Functions of Minerals in the Body

The functions of minerals are diverse, but can be summarized as follow (Fisher 1978/Blackmore Laboratories, 1980/Soloman & Davis, 1983/Guyton, 1992):


A constituent of bone, teeth, connective tissue and cell membranes.

A stabiliser of large molecular structures.


Regulation balance.

A stabiliser of gradients. Of osmotic and cell membrane acid-base electrical


Enzyme activators which affect most metabolic pathways and cellular functions.

The following five mineral compounds were selected for use in the study because of their physiological functions and pathological deficiency prescribing indications (Fisher 1978/Blackmore Laboratories, 1980)

The following 5 minerals were selected for use in the study because of their physiological functions and pathological deficiency prescribing indications (Fisher, 1978/Blackmore Laboratories, 1980):

i)                    Potassium Phosphate

ii)                  Magnesium Phosphate

iii)                Natrium Phosphate

iv)                Calcium Phosphate

v)                  Iron Phosphate Side Effects of Mineral Therapy

Mineral Therapy is curative and prophylactic, non-toxic and non-injurious side effects and withdrawal symptoms are unknown and the minerals are completely compatible with and reinforcing to

any other forms of treatment being used simultaneously. (Fisher, 1978/Blackmore Laboratories, 1980.)

2.3 Minerals and Hyperactivity

The role of nutrition in Homoeopathic practice was analysed by Stewart (1986), and Hahnemann (1982) made reference in the ORGANON to the use of diet as a component of treatment in the

broader Homoeopathic approach (paragraph 208):

"The age of the patient, the mode of  Living and diet ... must next be  taken into consideration in order to  ascertain whether these things have tended to increase his malady, or in how far they

may favour or hinder the treatment."

The Feingold diet was introduced by  a naturopathic practitioner and has been used to  treat hyperactivity with great success by many Naturopaths (Trattler, 1987).

Substantial improvements in behaviour were demonstrated when all refined or devitalized foods, poisoned by additives, food colouring, preservatives, flavourings or pesticides, had been

removed from the diet and only fresh organic foods had been eaten. These results were confirmed by Rowe (1988)/Kaplan et al. (1989) showed the effects of dietary supplementation with a

multivitamin in preschool-age hyperactive boys over 10 weeks. Diets were well balanced, low in  simple sugars, and all preservatives, artificial colourings and caffeine were removed.

More than half the children showed improvement in behaviour, and in non-behavioural variables such as night wakening and latency in getting to sleep, negligible placebo effects were shown.

Haslam (1992) and Crook (1992) demonstrated the effective role of megavitamins therapy in the treatment of ADDH.

In both studies large doses of vitamins, especially the B complex vitamins, were administered to hyperactive children and a substantial improvement in behaviour was noted.

In 1974 the Australian Federal Government set up  a Committee of Inquiry into Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy.

The findings of this Committee with regard to the treatment of 34 hyperactive children using mineral therapy for three and a half months at the Austin Hospital Clinical School, were

published in April 1977.

The results showed a substantial improvement in the group using mineral treatment, but not in the group where the testees had placebo treatment. Another striking result was that at  the end

of  the study, despite the stringent double-blind situation, the Naturopath was able to correctly identify 70% of the children  who had been placed on active  treatment.

The fact that he could recognize the classical response patterns to his naturopathic treatment, indicated  that these substances gave rise to a  recognizable and predictable clinical effect.


[Miranda Castro]

The mini-descriptions below include the most common, everyday indications for the use of the 12 tissue salts, confirmed over a lifetime of using them in my own family and with my patients.

More information can be found in The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler by Boericke and Dewey, which includes all of Schüssler’s original indications and also incorporates symptoms elicited

from provings by homeopaths Allen and Hering - thereby increasing the tissue salts’ homeopathic potential and usefulness.


All About Bones: Calc-f.

Affinities: bones, ligaments, muscles, teeth, veins.

Tonic for muscles, ligaments +/o. veins that have become worn out, flabby and lax - for tissues that have lost their elasticity and tone. For example, the prolapsed uterus or bladder (with dragging

down sensations), hemorrhoids (that itch and bleed), or varicose veins.

Building the health and strength of teeth and bones during childhood, and after a serious injury to the bones (fracture. It is also helpful for lumps that develop on bones (a bad bruise to a bone or

a fracture) or around joints (after a bad sprain).

Use this tissue salt along with Calc-p. +/o. Sil. to help build strong, healthy teeth and bones in infants, children, or adults, or to increase the strength of those whose enamel or bones are weak or

whose teeth are producing cavities. It is an excellent tissue salt for bones that are thinning with age (osteoporosis) along with Calc-p. +/o. Sil.

Use it for back or joint pains that are < on beginning to move and > for continued movement, just like the indications for the homeopathic remedy, Rhus-t. If Rhus-t. is given but helps just a little or

not at all, then Calc-f. will usually help.


General Tonic: Calc-p.

Affinities: bones, muscles, teeth.

Tonic for those who are mentally, emotionally +/o. physically exhausted after a period of mental work (studying for exams), for those in the convalescent phase of an illness, or for infants, children,

and young adults who are tired from a growth spurt.

Tend to be sensitive to the cold and to drafts, which can cause a stiff neck. Almost a specific for simple tension in the neck and trapezius muscles (the triangles between the points of the shoulder

and the neck) from exhaustion or after physical stress and strain.

Use: with Calc-f. +/o. Sil. to help build strong, healthy teeth in infants, children, or adults, or to increase the strength of weak enamel or cavity-prone teeth.

It is also useful for building the health and strength of bones after a fracture - can be given in alternation with Calc-f. +/o. Sil.


Yellow, Blood-streaked Stuff: Calc-s.

Affinities: blood; mucous membranes; skin.

Boils or abscesses that are discharging but not healing, or for wounds that have become infected and pus-filled, (with thick yellow pus that may be lumpy or blood-streaked).

If the complaint looks like it should call for the homeopathic remedy Hepar. but it does not respond to Hepar, think Calc-s. Think of it as “a deeper Hepar.”

Calc-s. for coughs, colds, earaches, and eye infections with discharges thick and yellow. Nasal mucus typically drips down the back of the throat or comes out one nostril, while the other side blocked up.

Calc-s. is for a Croupy cough that is mostly there only in the morning on waking.


Any Old Iron: Ferr-p.

Affinities: blood.

This salt is well known to help in the first stage of a fever or an acute illness (cough/cold) before any clearly identifiable symptoms have developed. The person will be listless with flushed cheeks but no other clear symptoms (don’t expect to see the restlessness that indicates Acon. or the shiny eyes pointing to Bell.).

Ferr-p. # Calc-p. for simple anaemia with low energy. The “calcium” helps the body to absorb the iron more effectively. These are wonderful remedies to give to pregnant women who are anemic but loath to take medicines for fear of side effects. It is (for those who experience constipation and other side effects from iron supplements).

Ferr-p. for nosebleeds either after an injury or when blowing the nose during a cough or cold.


White Stuff: Kali-m.

Affinities: mucous membranes.

Think of Kali-m. for coughs, stuffy head colds, or sinus infections with white discharges. The tongue is also coated white; white ulcers or thrush may be present in the mouth.

Earaches with congestion in the Eustachian tubes so that hearing is affected. It is brilliant for the snap, crackle, and popping noises in the ears after a cold.


Nerve Tonic: Kali-p.

Affinities: nerves.

Worn out following a heavy work or study period. It is a good tonic for those in the convalescent stage of an acute illness (after flu) where there is muscular weakness and nervous exhaustion. People who need this remedy feel > for/NEED warmth and rest, and a healthy diet to build themselves up again. They feel emotionally sluggish and can become mildly depressed. They get one-sided headaches and may be sensitive to light and noise, and be easily startled. They are also mentally sluggish and can’t concentrate even if they try. For women in childbirth who have become exhausted, I have given Kali-p, one dose in between every contraction for up to six doses ... and their energy usually starts to return.

This remedy is also lovely for the simple insomnia that follows a period of excitement or intense work or mental strain, when a person feels worn out but cannot sleep.


Yellow Stuff: Kali-s.

Affinities: mucous membranes; skin.

The indications for this remedy resemble those for Puls. generally < for heat and > for fresh air. They also suffer from thick yellow discharges with a cough, a cold, or an earache, and the tongue is coated yellow as well. The coughs are loose but the mucus is difficult to cough up. During an earache, the person has crackling in the ears when chewing and temporary hearing loss from mucus in the middle ear.

A change of weather from cold to warm can bring on symptoms - a cough or a cold or joint pains that move around the body, that are < for heat and > for a walk in the fresh air.


Homeopathic Aspirin: Mag-p.

Affinities: muscles; nerves.

Called “the homeopathic aspirin” because of its ability to heal acute pains anywhere [ear-/head-/toothache (teething in babies)/sciatica] pain > for heat and pressure. The pains may be “neuralgic” (sharp pains that come and go).

Will also help cramps anywhere in the body (as long as they are > for heat and pressure). Mag-p. is to painful menstrual periods in women what Cham. is for teething in babies; these remedies help so frequently in such cases because the symptoms are so common - to the remedy and to those suffering from the complaint. Mag-p. won’t work for all women but it will relieve a significant number suffering from this miserable complaint. It won’t necessarily cure the problem but it will provide much appreciated relief - as long as the pains are much > for heat and pressure - the harder the >. Those needing this remedy can be found lying doubled up in bed with a hot water bottle (or heating pad) pressed into their crampy abdomens. Hot baths > the pain.

Works best when taken in warm water (boiled and partially cooled).


Water Balancer: Nat-m.

Affinities: mucous membranes; skin.

The water balance of people needing Nat-m. is disturbed. They suffer from dryness: of the mouth with a correspondingly big thirst; of the lips, which crack (the center of the lower lip); and of the bowels, which become constipated. Pregnant women for simple water retention towards the end of their pregnancies, when the ankles are puffy but they have no other symptoms and are feeling

well overall.

Acute cold sores (herpes) on the lips and around the mouth, and also for blisters on the tip of the tongue, +/o. painful mouth ulcers.

It is indicated in the early stages of a dry cough and for colds with watery or clear but thick, eggwhite-like mucus.

May get back pain that is > for lying on a hard surface - like the floor.

Any of these symptoms can arise after a significant loss (of a loved one/job or a dream, for example - one that hasn’t been mourned or healed.

Holds in their tears, and this causes all sorts of problems from headaches to insomnia.

While the herpes and the headaches can come on after emotional stress, they can also be caused by too much heat, (the heat of the sun/hormonal changes like around a menstrual period).


Acidity: Nat-p.

Affinities: stomach; intestines.

Sensitive, disordered digestive tracts. Cannot tolerate many foods (milk/fats/sweets/vinegar) causing acidity with heartburn, indigestion, and gas. They have acid belchings after eating.

Infants with colic who vomit curdled milk after eating, and who are sensitive to cow’s milk.

Itching of the anus due to worms (child). They may have obstinate constipation or constipation alternating with sour-smelling diarrhea.

Think of the color yellow when thinking of this remedy! For someone needing this remedy, the back of the tongue (not the whole tongue) may be coated yellow, and the discharges are yellow.

The eyes weep a yellow, creamy mucus, which causes the lids to stick together in the morning.Thick yellow mucus may drip down the back of the throat and be < at night.

Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat p: has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by

the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheuma. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat-p. saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.


Green Stuff: Nat-s.

Affinities: head, liver.

Headache after an injury to the head - after Arnica has been given and the swelling has come right down.

Vulnerable to cold, damp weather, or to humidity and they fall sick with a cough or a cold then. The mucus is green as is the coating on the tongue.

They experience colic, indigestion, and green diarrhea after starchy foods or fruits.


Homeopathic Lancet: Sil.

Affinities: bones, glands, hair, mucous membranes, nails, skin, teeth.

Sensitive, chilly, and sweaty types who catch cold easily. They may have become chilled in a cold wind or draft/become worn out after a period of overwork. Either way, they can fall ill

with a cough, earache, cold, or sinus infection. The glands will usually be swollen with an illness.

Hair and nails: weak, thin, and break easily. Teething babies take forever to produce teeth and get sick with diarrhea, cough, or a cold with every tooth.

Sil. also useful for building the health and strength of bones after a fracture - when it can be given in alternation with Calc-f. +/o. Calc-p..

For boils or abscesses that are painful but not discharging yet, Sil. has a reputation as the “homeopathic lancet” because it hastens the suppuration or pus-formation process.

Give after a splinter has become embedded, and it will help the foreign body to be “evicted”! It helps with infections and post-surgical scars that are inflamed, painful, and slow to heal.

Sil. may be indicated for constipation with large, hard stools and lots of straining. Headaches after a heavy period of work or with a sinus infection - that settle over the eyes and make the

forehead feel heavy - may be helped with Sil. This remedy may be useful for cracked skin anywhere but (between the toes of sweaty “athletes’ feet).


Cell salts can be taken dry, on or under the tongue. They can also be dissolved in water if needed which makes it easy to repeat doses or to give to children or the elderly. Dissolve 4 tablets in 4 ounces of water and stir vigorously. You can take a teaspoon at a time as a dose, stirring vigorously before each dose, or just sip according to the frequency directions above.


Alternating remedies

Some tissue salts work well together - like Calc-p. and Ferr-p. (for anemia), Calc-p. and Kali-p. (after an acute illness), or Calc-p. and Mag-p. (for cramps and growing pains in youngsters).

Two remedies can be taken on the same day but preferably not at the same time. The best schedule is to take one cell salt (say Calc-p.) on waking and around midafternoon and the other one

(say Ferr-p.) around midday and at bedtime. Or one cell salt can be taken for a week and then the other for a week. In the case where 3 remedies are indicated - like Calc -f. Calc-p, and Sil.

for building bones +/o. teeth - one can be taken on waking, the second at midday, and the third at bedtime. Ideally, tissue salts taken this way, should not be taken for long periods of time

without a break. I usually suggest that people take them Mondays to Fridays with the weekends off, or for two to three weeks and then one week off.

If a person who is sensitive to a particular cell salt takes it for too long, they can make their current symptoms < or they may get symptoms they didn’t have before. Taking breaks from taking

the remedy will enable you to spot this particular pattern.


(Franz Seidl)


Schwindel - bei alten Leuten

Nr. 6: Kalium sulfuricum                 10 Tabletten


Schwindel - bei Blutandrang zum Kopf

Nr. 3: Ferrum phosphoricum               15 Tabletten


Schwindel - beim Bücken

Nr. 10: Natrium sulfuricum                10 Tabletten

Nr. 11: Silicea                        10 Tabletten


Schwindel - beim Drehen

Nr. 5: Kalium phosphoricum             10 Tabletten


Schwindel - nach dem Essen

Nr. 10: Natrium sulfuricum                10 Tabletten


Schwindel vom Genick in Nacken und zum Scheitel steigend

Nr. 11: Silicea                        10 Tabletten


Schwindel - nach schweren Krankheiten

Nr. 2: Calcium phosphoricum             10 Tabletten

Nr. 8: Natrium chloratum                 10 Tabletten

Nr. 5: Kalium phosphoricum             5 Tabletten


Schwindel - bei Schwächezuständen

Nr. 5: Kalium phosphoricum             10 Tabletten

Nr. 7: Magnesium phosphoricum             10 Tabletten

Nr. 8: Natrium chloratum                 10 Tabletten


Schwindel - bei kaltem Wind

Nr. 2: Calcium phosphoricum             10 Tabletten



Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum