Pulsatilla Kind Anhang


Comparison Med. with others for children

Comparison.x of Carcinosinum and others

Comparison Child: Antimonium crudum and Chamomilla + Antimonium crudum and Sulphur + [Valerie Lovelace]

A Comparitive Analysis of Pulsatilla + Chamomilla

Comparison Child: Sanicula mit anderen


Vergleich: Kind with fear in Calc. + Lyc. + Nat-m. + Phos. + Puls. + Sil. + Stram.

Child: Cham. (tyrant) Mag-c.Puls. (wimp)



Nat-m.-/Plac.-Kind = Puls-ähnlich, 2 - 5 Jahre OFT Puls, Chamomilla-Kindergruppe.x; beherrscht Umgebung wegen emotionelle Bedürfnissen (WILL im Haus bleiben), Hingabe/milde/Zuneigung, Schmerz wird geäußert mit weinen + nach Trost vergessen, leicht beleidigt + schnell getröstet, empfindet sich leicht zurückgewiesen/macht

Szenen wann sich als unbeachtet empfunden, misstrauisch/fürchtet

schlechte Behandlung, braucht Versicherung geliebt zu sein, Bedürfnissen einfach, verlangt Körperkontakt/sucht Nähe, küsst gerne und viel/will geherzt sein, Eifersüchtig

auf alles was Eltern beschlagnahmt (Geschwister), klammert an Eltern/Gewohnheiten (essen), jammert/quengelt, beEINdruckt von religiöse/moralische, gelehrte Normen, zurückhaltend außer Haus/versteckt sich hinter Eltern, selbstsüchtig, Angst (Männer)/flirtet mit Fremden, Angst (allein/dunkel/Geister), Teenagemädchen.

Nahrung: Curry/gedämpfte Paprika ;

Childhood diseases: measles/chicken pox/mumps/colds/conjunctivitis/most children “are” = Puls. at any one time!

Mentals/emotionals exaggerated when they’re sick.

Typical sick child: clings/sad/wanting to be held/reassured; neediness/big sorrowful eyes/> held;

Theme: latching on to a strong supportive adult and not let go.

Will become anxiety-ridden as soon as they can’t see the parent anymore. They won’t last long in this situation/will start searching to make sure the parent is still there and hasn’t left them alone:

Fear of abandonment/being forsaken, Puls’s life focus on the whereabouts of the significant other: does the significant other love him (how much)/is there somebody else stealing the attention and affection of the significant other, and so on; child: jealous/stingy/won’t share (can’t bear to suffer a loss) and may ask, “Do you love me?” over

and over again!

Can’t tolerate the smallest criticism or reprimand = no longer loved. They will persist in some form of attention-getting behavior until they are satisfied that they are again

the center of attention, the sole object of Mom and Dad’s affection (behavior might be quite obnoxious!). Pouting/crying/whining/breaking things to be noticed/creating a scene/feeling sorry for themselves/behaving irritably; to the point they won’t let a slight, snub or rebuff allowed to stand.

When feeling loved, she can be perfectly content basking in the serenity of parental affection/will be joyful and charming.

If the parents fight, this will be very frightening and he will play peace-maker to try to get them to reconcile. They cannot bear disharmony. (Magnesium.)x

Strangers frighten at first but as soon as they think the stranger is safe, they will become the stranger’s best friend/bringing toys to show off, showing off dance routines, reciting lines from school plays/very sociable and thrive in company.

Climb into bed with adult. Being separated at night is too much! Fears the dark and ghosts.

Crying: pathetic (not cross/angry cry = Cham/dwells further on the matter =  Nat-m).

Gentle/yielding/affectionate/eager to please/dependent/emotional/very needy/under stress regressing. They may want to nurse again/soil pants and otherwise act like a baby.


Puls.: Often an acute remedy for children who need Silica or Calcarea carbonica constitutionally.


[David Lilley]

The development of the Pulsatilla dependency state may be precipitated by various early life experiences. These may even be prenatal. Rejection or separation from parental love are potent causes and may give rise to life long feelings of being forsaken or abandoned. It may commence whilst still in the uterus due to the mother’s conscious or unconscious rejection of the pregnancy. Much to the disappointment of the parents the baby may be the wrong sex. Many other reasons for lack of bonding and separation may play a role – incubation, failure to breast-feed, post-natal depression, infant or maternal ill health, adoption, working mother, divorce and parental death. Such a child is likely to develop recurrent Pulsatilla infections. They become high care children, constantly weeping, whining, whimpering and wailing, demanding attention and nurturing, wanting to be carried, cuddled and held close and intolerant of being left alone or losing contact. They suffer separation fear.   

Excessive parental care, love and protection may be a cause. The Pulsatilla child becomes addicted to the warmth and security of such intense parental love. Often the mother herself is a Pulsatilla, dependent on the emotional and sentimental satisfaction of lavishing love on her dependent infant. She may encourage and prolong the period of dependency by delaying weaning, persisting with inappropriate baby talk, dressing the child in clothes too young for its age. A state of infantilism is encouraged.

Paradoxically lack of love is an equally potent cause of eliciting the Pulsatilla state. A child growing up in an environment devoid of love and care, or when such attention is qualified and dependent on behaviour acceptable to strict parents, develops a deep sense of insecurity and the belief that love and care must be bought through certain behaviour. There is often the feeling that they are not worthy, loveable or valuable, with damage to their sense of identity. They develop a desperate need for love from whatever source possible and by whatever means possible and once achieved they will cling to it desperately. They will produce whatever behaviour is necessary to win the security and affection they crave. They may become model children, unnaturally well behaved, neat and tidy, always fearing that any misdemeanour may alienate them from parental love. These behaviour patterns persisting into adolescence and adulthood expose the archetype to manipulation and victimisation. “I’ll be whoever you want me to

be - just love me!”

They are full of fears, especially of separation, rejection, betrayal, being forsaken, being alone, of the dark, dogs, ghosts, dentists and doctors, the opposite sex, people, particularly strangers, of what people will think of them, unfamiliar situations and surroundings. These fears are worse at twilight and may last a lifetime.

To the dependent child maturity and responsibility are not welcome; they are frightening. They resist taking responsibility for their lives and subconsciously resist maturation. This is more conspicuous in girls than in boys. These mild, weepy girls suffer delayed puberty, and when the periods finally begin they are often late or very irregular.

Even when the menses are established they are easily suppressed.

In similar manner all the sequential functions of womanhood and motherhood may be repressed, producing celibacy, infertility, abortion, miscarriage, and, in pregnancy, malpresentation, protracted labour, uterine inertia, retained placenta, milk failure. Sometimes Aphrodite is not denied but welcomed. In response to dependent need, often lack of love at home, the Pulsatilla body buds early with sensual promise, like the flower, a siren call for love and identity. It does not matter whom they are dependent upon as long as there is just someone.

In response to the circumstances they experience, they will shift their dependency or obsession from parents, to a member of the opposite or same sex, from one relationship to another, to a marriage partner, from one marriage to another, to their own children, to some strange belief about food, anorexia, bulimia, promiscuity or celibacy, or to some cult or religion. Despite their indecisiveness and inconstant nature, once fixed upon some dependency or strange notion, they are rigid and immovable. Fanaticism is the most crystallised form of Pulsatilla dependency. It is their extreme defence against insecurity.

[John Henry Allen]

Unwillkürlichen Harnabgang sobald es schlafen geht.


Schwierigkeiten mit natürlichen Abnabelungsprozessen eines Kindes wie Geburt, Abstillen, Kindergarteneingewöhnung (ab dem entwicklungspsychologisch vertretbaren Alter von 3 Jahren!), eines der ersten Mittel, an das wir bei Ohrenentzündung bei Kindern denken müssen, besonders, wenn sie in der Zeit der Abenddämmerung beginnen, immer weinerlich, aber sehr Mitleid heischend und mild gestimmt, nicht so zornig wie Chamomilla

[Elaine Lewis]

Pulsatilla was born from the tears of Venus the goddess of love.

Tears are water and that equals emotions. As Venus wept over the body of her lover, Adonis, who had been killed, Pulsatilla (anemones) sprang up where her tears touched

the earth.

Ah! Hello, Sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just reading through Misha Norland’s lecture on Pulsatilla before the start of our tour, but now you’re here, so let’s get started.

Follow me this way. The path to finding Pulsatilla leads us on the ups and downs much like the changeability of Pulsatilla’s emotions. Oh, watch your step, it’s dark here–darkness is what one experiences, after all, when one is all alone in the world, as Pulsatilla imagines that she is (Delusion: alone, that she is always).*

Hush now! Be very quiet as Pulsatilla gets afraid easily (Mind: frightened, easily) so we must approach carefully; fright can cause them their ailments. (MIND: AILMENTS FROM FRIGHT)

The cries you hear in the distance? That’s Pulsatilla. The sad weeping sound, it’s like someone who has lost their love. (MIND: CRYING, PITIOUS). We must be getting closer.

Ahh good! Now on the right here, if you observe down through this gap we see the timid and even childish pulsatillas. If I open this gap a little wider you can view them clearly. As you can see, they

wear their hearts on their sleeves. The lovely pulsatilla is gentle and yielding (Mind: Yielding, passive, can’t say “no”, too yielding).

Firstly let’s look at them as a group. You can see that some are crying to relieve their suffering (MIND: CRYING > SYMPTOMS) and some are connecting with others by being attentive

(Mind: Openhearted), some are being kind and loving (MIND: AFFECTIONATE) but then there are others who are at the end stage of pulsatilla’s condition. They have become loners, introverted and too frightened of the hard, harsh world (Mind: company, aversion to). Yes! You’re right, Pulsatilla is very changeable! They vary from one moment to the next and ohhh…over there, that one is devoted to her religious prayers (Mind: Religious affections).

This offers them the security and the stucture they so lack. You see, Pulsatilla is called “the wind flower”, because they are so easily tossed this way and that by the wind, not able to take a firm stand. Rigid beliefs can be a way for them to stay anchored.

Pulsatilla’s passive, mild nature gives her a softness that draws out the sympathy of others. Only in the final stages of pulsatilla will you see disconnectedness and isolation.

They behave with affection and will give attention but mostly in the hope of receiving it in return. Is needy and may appear greedy and jealous (MIND: JEALOUSY, AILMENTS FROM).

It is as if there were a big hole inside that they just can’t fill no matter how hard they try. They will ask, “Do you love me?” over and over again. Over there you can see a pulsatilla girl being cuddled that makes everything better, even for the adults, being consoled is what they love best (MIND: CLINGY, HELD, WANTS TO BE). But this little blonde haired blue eyed girl we have been watching for a few days, she has pains–wandering pains, and we are concerned. She is thirstless, which is typical for Pulsatilla, and no two stools are alike -changeable, you know-

and has had a yellowish to yellow-green, bland discharge coming from her nose. Also, as the pains get worse, she gets colder. Mum understands her and knows that warm temperatures are intolerable to her and takes her out in the cold fresh air to help her condition as well as ensuring she is lying on the painful side as this seems to help the situation.

Pulsatillas desire cold food and they loathe fat–but don’t confuse that with butter, which they actually love, as well as ice cream, though they may regret having eaten it later (Desires +/o. <).

If you turn to your right you can see a pulsatilla man waking from sleep. If I know pulsatilla correctly he will have a white coated tongue and will feel unrefreshed from his sleep (Sleep: unrefreshing), as he would have taken a long time to get to sleep from the night before (Sleep: Insomnia, night, midnight, until, fixed thoughts [from]).

As you can see he sleeps on his back with his hands above his head or behind his head.

I would like to conclude this part of the pulsatilla exhibit with a sweet flower myth of the sympathetic, weeping, pulsatilla. The pulsatilla speaks of being forsaken. The jealous Greek goddess Flora turned the nymph Anemone into a windflower when she had attracted the attention of her husband, Zephyr. He abandoned Anemone; leaving her blowing in the wind.2/ So there you have it, that is Pulsatilla! Now where to next?

What? Bryonia?

But why? Can’t you see they don’t want to be disturbed? Maybe next time.


If you have children, you’ll be wanting to keep this remedy near by, because it will cure most of the ailments that children have (measles, chicken pox, mumps, colds, conjunctivitis), it’s because most children “are” Pulsatilla!

By that we mean, they have the Pulsatilla personality, the Pulsatilla mentals and emotionals, which become exaggerated when they’re sick.

Think of the typical sick child: clingy, sad, wanting to be held and reassured; this is the essence of Pulsatilla. So no matter what the illness is, when you see the neediness, the big sorrowful eyes, and the amelioration from being held and reassured, you can be certain that Pulsatilla will do the job.



What is Pulsatilla anyway? It’s a delicate flower. It sits on a very fine stem that is tossed and turned whichever way the wind blows and hence, is called the “Wind Flower”. This tells you all you need to know about the Pulsatilla personality. This flower lacks strength, just like the small child who must depend on his parents for protection.


Shana builds a house.

The theme of Pulsatilla is to latch on to a strong supportive adult and not let go.

Pulsatilla children will become anxiety-ridden as soon as they can’t see the parent anymore–as soon as the parent is no longer in sight. They won’t last long in this situation and will start searching to make sure the parent

is still there and hasn’t left them alone–Fear Of Abandonment, in short, fear of being forsaken, and so Pulsatilla’s life focus is on the whereabouts of mom: does mom still love him, how much does mom love him, is there

an interloper stealing the attention and affection of mom, and so on; so, you can gather that these children are jealous, stingy, won’t share (can’t bear to suffer a loss) and may ask, “Do you love me?” over and over again!

Their security is their primary focus, so they are ever-mindful of where the parent is, and that he, the child, is getting the attention and acknowledgment–the love–that will allow him to relax and feel safe. They can’t tolerate the smallest criticism or reprimand; for them, it means they are no longer loved. They will persist in some form of attention-getting behavior until they are satisfied that they are again the center of attention, the sole object of Mom

and Dad’s affection. Some of this attention-getting behavior might be quite obnoxious! Pouting, crying, whining, breaking things to be noticed, creating a scene, feeling sorry for themselves, behaving irritably, and so on; the point being that they won’t let a slight, snub or rebuff go by. It won’t be allowed to stand.

As long as Pulsatilla feels loved, she can be perfectly content basking in the serenity of parental affection. They will be joyful and charming.

If the parents fight, this will be very frightening and he will play peace-maker to try to get them to reconcile. They cannot bear disharmony.

Strangers will frighten them at first but as soon as they get the idea that the stranger is safe, they will become the stranger’s best friend–bringing toys to show off, showing off dance routines, reciting lines from school plays;

Pulsatillas are very sociable and thrive in company.

At night, expect the Pulsatilla child to climb into bed with you. Being separated at night, for them, is too much! They fear the dark and ghosts.

You can’t talk about Pulsatilla without talking about “crying”! It’s a pathetic cry, not a cross/angry cry like that of Chamomilla. Their cry says, “Please help me.” This is what they’re known for; of course, this is what children

are known for in general -crying easily, whether it’s from rejection, anger or because they’re tired; but here’s the thing to remember about Pulsatilla- he or she is easily reassured! If you pick the Pulsatilla child up and reassure him,

the crying will stop and he’ll feel better; and he won’t dwell on the matter further, the way other remedies, such as Nat-m., will.

This remedy is gentle, yielding, affectionate, eager to please, dependent, emotional and very needy. Pulsatillas do not hold back their emotions. When Pulsatilla children are under stress, they will regress. They may want

to nurse again and otherwise act like a baby.

Some physical symptoms of Pulsatilla:

*< Warm rooms! They’re much better out in the fresh air. Even if they’re chilly, will still be < in a warm stuffy room.

*Usually thirstless, especially when you would expect a person to be thirsty, like during a fever or when the mouth is dry.

*Thick, bland discharges; yellow or green.

*Complaints are worse at twilight.

*Changeable symptoms. Think of how the Pulsatilla flower is tossed and turned by the wind every which way; hence, Pulsatilla symptoms can appear to be all over the map–the pain is here, now it’s over here…the discharge changes colors; the menstrual cycle is irregular, the moods change suddenly, and so on.

*Ailments from fatty foods–the fat of meat, cheese, too much ice cream.

*Hormonal changes make them emotional.

*Walking in open air ameliorates their complaints.

*Cold applications ameliorate.

*The childhood diseases


That’s about it!



Child has a strong emotional bond with his mother (clinging); will not leave her even for a second.

Girls who, from a very early age, show an inclination or a desire to marry early, become housewives and

have many children of their own these girls who would like to take up careers in the nursing field.

Adapted to children who are (opposite of Nux-v):







Children where the Oedipus complex fails to resolve.

Children who are stuck at the oral stage of Freudian psychosexual development.

Children who demand excessive attention all the time.

Children who develop various emotional disorders after arrival of another newborn in the family.

Children who feel neglected very easily from slightest cause.

Children who would not like their mothers to share love with other children, even their own brothers and sisters.

Jealousy in children when the attention of the family members is diverted from them to some other newborn sibling.


Secretions from all mucous membrane are bland and

yellowish-green (Kali-s. Nat-s).

Symptoms are ever changing (Ign. Tub).

Adapted to children with blue eyes, fair complexion, pale face sandy hair.

Male children who look quite feminine.

Metastasis of mumps to testicles.

Pain: Erratic rapidly shifting from one part to another (Kali-bi. Lac-c. Mang-act).

Pains and many other complaints + chilliness.

Thirstless with nearly all complaints.

Other important symptoms


Affectionate children, who love and need to be shown affection by being hugged, kissed caressed; they need attention all the time (Carc. Phos).

Moaning is a fundamental trait; seen to occur before stools, during sleep, with fever, pain, etc.

Pitiful complaining and weeping with pain.

Awkward when doing anything; tend to be quite accident-prone.

Biting the nails.

Capricious children who tend to refuse things that they just asked for.

Causeless weeping and sobbing in babies.

Changeability of moods.

Child clings to close ones all the time (mother).

Children who love the color pink.

Children who weep a lot when taking a shower, since they fear having water poured over the head (Stram).

Darkness aggravates.

Desire to be carried about slowly, over the shoulder.

Difficulty in concentration when studying.

Envious, selfish and greedy children.

Full of fears; fears darkness or twilight (Phos. Stram), dogs, ghost, going to the dentist, insects, narrow and crowded places travelling by train.

Imagines being forsaken and neglected by loved ones.

Imagines seeing ghosts or frightful faces.

Irresolute children (chiefly as a result of dependency).

Irritability with weeping and restlessness during fever and on waking in the morning; better by being carried out in the open air.

Loves animals.

Makes mistakes when writing or talking, misplacing or omitting letters or words.

Manipulative children, who tend to lie and feign sickness to get attention (Hyos. Tarent. Verat).

Sensitive to rudeness and reprimands.

Shrieking with a red face when angry.

Timid children who blush easily and hide behind the mother; answers only in monosyllables or by nodding.

Want of self-confidence in school children.

Weakness of memory for learning verses.


Severe throbbing migraine attacks in young children  or in schoolgirls around puberty.

Ailments from and Aggravation from:

- Evening onwards throughout the night.

- Fright (Acon. Ign).

- Ice cream (Ars).

- Warmth in any form (heat of sun, summer, warm food or drinks, warm room, etc).

- Getting wet or after washing the head.

- Stooping.

- Too much of reading and studying.


- Binding up the head tightly (Arg-n. Sil)

- Cold applications (Aloe. Spig).

- Walking about or being carried about slowly in the open air.


- Dimness of vision.

- Nausea and vomiting.

- Photophobia (Nat-s).

- Stiffness of neck.

Profuse and fetid perspiration only from the scalp.

Examination findings:

- Hydrocephalus with inflamed meninges of the brain.

- Open fontanels.

- Pustular eruptions on the occiput.

- Tenderness of the paranasal sinuses.

- Tenderness of the scalp with inflamed periosteum.

- Unable to raise or hold up the head; is drawn to the side.


Inflammation of the eyes in newborns and infants (Arg-n. Merc-c).

Recurrent styes and chalazion.

Intense burning pain with dryness and itching in the eyes; < reading/in a warm room/in the evening;

>: bathing the eye with cold water when in the cold air.

Lachrymation is an important concomitant to most of the complaints, which gets worse when out in the wind.

Ophthalmia neonatorum; catarrhal diseases of the eyes due to gonorrhea or herpes in the mother.

Photophobia from artificial light.

Thick yellow, profuse, bland discharge from the eyes, that causes agglutination of the eyes in the morning on waking.

Useful in cases of conjunctivitis after injuries to the eye or after entry of foreign bodies into the eyes (Coc-c).

Weak eyes after measles (Kali-c).

Examination findings:

- Constantly wiping or rubbing the eyes.

- Conical cornea with opacity.

- Edematous swelling and thickening of the lids.

- Fistula lachrymalis with discharge of purulent matter from the lachrymal gland on pressure.

- Glaucoma.

- Granular and allergic conjunctivitis and iritis.

- Ingrowing eyelashes, with or without eversion of lids.

- Paralysis of the optic nerve.

- Pendulum-like or rolling movements of the eyeball.

- Strabismus.

- Stricture of the lachrymal duct.

- Sunken eyes.

- Tarsal tumors.

- Trachoma.


Sequelae of measles: Discharges, impaired hearing, inflammation, etc.

Child weeps with the pain in the ears, < in a warm room and at night (Cham. Ferr-p).

Chronic suppurative otitis media, with copious, purulent thick, yellowish-green discharges from the ear (l.).

Impaired hearing in cold, wet weather from catching a cold, with catarrh of the eustachian tube.

Otitis media, with a high risk of perforation into the attic of the temporal bone, leading to pyogenic meningitis (neonates).

Examination findings:

- Abscess with formation of adhesions in the middle ear.

- Black, hardened wax in the ear.

- Earlobes red.

- Eruptions on the tragus and inside the meatus.

- Exostosis.

- Inflammation or catarrh of the eustachian tube.

- Perspiration on the ears.

- Pustular eruptions with scab formation behind the ears.

- Swelling of the meatus and the glands in front of the ear.


Frequent paroxysmal sneezing in a warm room (All-c).

Snuffles in newborn infants (Lyc. Nux-v. Samb).

Chronic watery coryza during wet weather (Merc), in the open air (Nit-ac) and when in a warm room (All-c. Merc. Nux-v).

Copious, free-flowing, bland, thick, yellowish or greenish, offensive nasal discharge (morning).

Dryness # fluent coryza.

Epistaxis of black blood, on blowing the nose when in a warm room.

Nasal catarrh ext. frontal sinuses.

Obstruction of the nose in a warm room and at night; >  going out in the open air.

Examination findings:

- Abscess at the root of the nose.

- Oily nose.

- Polyps in the nose.

- Scurfy nostrils.


Swelling and inflammation of the parotid and  submaxillary glands, metastasizing to the testes.

Examination findings:

- Child constantly rubbing his face and eyes with his fist when coughing.

- Dry lips; constantly smacking and licking them.

- Crusty and scabby eruptions on the nose and inside the nostrils.

- Red when lying and becomes pale on rising.

- Maxillary sinusitis.

- One side red and the other pale, with bluish circles around the eyes.

- Spasms of the facial muscles.

- Twitching or trembling of the lower lip.

- Wrinkled forehead (Nux-v).


Baby bites the glass when fed.

Dryness of the mouth and tongue on waking in the morning + thirstless.

Halitosis, with a bad taste in the mouth on waking in the morning.

Toothache with swelling of the corresponding cheek; <  from mastication and by warmth in any form (warm room, warmth of bed, warm food or drinks, etc.); >  cold applications and holding cold water in the mouth.

Examination findings:

- Abscess of the roots of the teeth, evident through suppuration of the gums.

- Difficult dentition with black teeth, full of caries.

- Involuntary biting of the tip of the tongue on talking or masticating (Ign).

- Thick yellowish or whitish coating on the tongue (Kali-bi).


Constant disposition to swallow, which is painful.

Dryness of the throat, especially on waking in the morning, with absolute thirstlessness.

Food lodges in the throat, causing choking (Kali-c).

Liquids come out through the nose on attempting to swallow.

Examination findings:

- Chronically swollen, dark red and inflamed tonsils and uvula.

- Prominence of blood vessels in the pharynx.

- Swollen and indurated cervical and pre-auricular glands.


Hungry, but does not know for what.

Indigestion with a lot of eructations, flatulence and pain in the stomach after taking fatty or rich food (butter/ice cream/pork); > taking cold drinks.

Slow digestion.

Hiccoughs after drinking.

Keeps biting his spoon or glass, instead of eating or drinking properly.

Nausea and vomiting of food some hours after eating, feels better after taking cold drinks.

Retching and vomiting on coughing; of a frothy, greenish sour smelling matter, which is full of mucus.


<: Bread/and/butter/cabbage/fatty/or/rich/food/frozen/food/fruits/pastry/pork/potatoes/raw/food/spoiled/fish;

Aversions: Butter/eggs/fat/fruits/ham/meat/milk/pork/warm food and drinks/water;

Desires: Cheese/cold/drinks/creamy/stuff/eggs (soft-boiled)/frozen/food/herring/juicy/and/refreshing/things/peanut/butter/smoked/food/sour/food/and/fruits/tea;


Colicky gripes in the abdomen after fatty food, fruit ice cream.

Obstructed flatulence with tympanitic distention of the abdomen, < after eating.

Pain in the abdomen after indignation, on coughing before stools; compels him to double over with the pain.

Rumbling in the abdomen after eating and before stools.

Examination findings:

- Hard, tender swelling of the glands in the inguinal region.

- Inguinal hernia.

- Ring-like swelling around the umbilicus.

- Tabes mesenterica.


Changeability of stools; flat, hot acrid pasty and offensive with greenish mucus.

Diarrhea is an important concomitant to most of the complaints (jaundice/measles/urticaria)

Diarrhea < after fatty food, after fright or anger, after fruit, after slightest indiscretion in eating, during dentition, during fever in warm weather.

Involuntary passage of stool in sleep.

Lactose intolerance.

Passes two to three stools everyday, which is normal and routine for him.

Passes hot, offensive flatus after eating.

Voluptuous itching and rubbing around the rectal area, < scratching.

Examination findings:

- Prolapse of the rectum with tender, ulcerating hemorrhoids; child howls and shrieks when the part is wiped after stool.

- Relaxed anus, with moisture around the area.

- Stools: Segments of tapeworm.

Urinary organs:

Child shrieks and weeps at the end of urination (Sars), with oozing of a bloody discharge from the urethra.

Retention of urine in newborns with every attack of cold (Caust. Dulc) and also in those whose mothers have had a history of gonorrhea.

Frequent urging to urinate when exposed to cold or wet weather.

Greenish-yellow, thick discharge from the urethra, with priapism.

Involuntary urination in sleep (in the first part of the sleep/passing flatus/sneezing/laughing/coughing)

Scanty, brown-colored, offensive urine.

Examination findings:

- Red sand or sediment adheres to the diaper.

- Spasmodic stricture of the urethra.

- Urine: Albumin ++

Male organs:

Frequent disposition to masturbate.

Examination findings:

- Congenital hydrocele.

- Orchitis or epididymitis in children born of gonorrheal parent.

- Perspiration in the scrotal area.

- Red, indurated, swollen, hot tender penis and testes, after injury to the part or after mumps.

- Retraction of the right testes.

Female organs:

First menses are delayed.

Examination findings:

- Constricted, red, indurated vagina, with ulceration around the part.

- Milky or purulent, painless leucorrhea in small girls (morning/lying down).

- Polyps in the vagina.

Larynx and Trachea:

Dryness, irritation tickling in the larynx as from dust, worse in a warm room.

Rawness and pain in the larynx on coughing.

Roughness or hoarseness of voice in a warm room.

Respiratory organs:

Asthma after suppressed eruptions (after suppressed measles), urticaria rash.

Allergic asthma in small babies after the MMR vaccination (Carc. Thuj), and after taking cold (Spong); < in the evening until midnight; > in the open air (Kali-s).

Breathless due to the warmth of a room; wants to be carried near the open window or out into the cold, open air.

Dyspnoea after eating, due to flatulence, with fullness and distention of the abdomen, > after eructations.

Dyspnoea when lying (on left side) (Phos, Spig).

Examination findings:

- Loud inspiration.

- Moaning, sighing, rattling, and stertorous respiration.


Chronic loose cough after measles (Dros); < lying down, talking, warm food warm room; child must sit up with cough is > with open air (Am-c).

Constant asthmatic cough in the evening until midnight, disturbing sleep.

Expectoration copious, thick, yellowish or greenish; only in the daytime.

Loose cough in the morning, which becomes dry and hacking, with dryness and irritation in the larynx, in the evening.

Spasmodic, suffocative, paroxysmal, exhausting coughing fits in the morning and at night on lying down, which tends to disturb the sleep.


Pneumonia in infants with a whitish discoloration of the tongue.

Examination findings:

- Chest X-ray: Consolidation; emphysema; and primary complex.

- Pulmonary edema.

- Swelling and induration of the axillary glands in children suffering from Koch’s.

Heart and circulation:

Violent palpitations of the heart in children suffering from rheumatic heart disease (lying on the left side/with fever).

Examination findings:

- Hypertrophy of the heart.

- Murmurs.

- Weak, almost imperceptible pulse.


Pain in the lumbar region on coughing and on lying down; > gentle motion.

Examination findings:

- Dorsal curvature of the spine.

- Perspiration on the back.

- Stiffness and tension in the muscles of the cervical and lumbar regions.


Burning heat in the feet; throwing off covers.

Cramps in the calves at night in bed.

Itching of the lower limbs at night in bed.

Restless limbs (feet/when sitting/in sleep).

Rheuma (knees) in wet or cold weather, with fever; pain and swelling > cold applications and motion.

Spontaneous and easy dislocation of the hip joint.

Examination findings:

- Cold, fetid perspiration from the feet and from between the toes (Sil)

- Chapped hands.

- Chilblains in hands, feet and toes with bluish discoloration of the joint and itching of the part.

- Dorsum of the foot is swollen and oedematous.

- Excoriation and rash-like eruptions between the nates.

- Felon and ulceration of nails; > cold water application.

- Fullness of veins in the hands.

- One hand and one foot hot and the other hand and foot icy cold.

- Sore, inflamed corns.

- Suppuration of the hip joint.

- Trembling of hands on holding them out.


During sleep: Chattering of the teeth, hiccoughs, jerking of head and limbs, lids slightly open, moaning, profuse salivation, rattling or stertorous

respiration, restlessness, rolling of eyeballs, rumbling sounds from the abdomen, shrieking, sighing, snoring talking.

Great sleepiness in the afternoon and sleeplessness at night.

Late to fall asleep at night, with early waking in the morning.

Position: On abdomen or back, with arms over the head or crossed over the abdomen and the feet drawn up.

Sleeps without any covers.


Absolutely thirstless in all stages of the fever, with a dry mouth; infant tends to smack his lips constantly.

Chill: - Cannot tolerate covers and warmth in any form in spite of chill; wants to be out in the open air (Apis).

Heat: - Coldness of hands and feet, with heat of the body

OR hands and feet are red and hot on one side of the body and red and cold on the other.

- Coughing increases the temperature.

- Delirious with dry, burning heat.

- During this stage the child complains of brown and scanty urination, circumscribed redness of face, increased salivation, lower backache raw pain in the larynx with hoarseness of voice.

- The child gradually falls into a deep comatose sleep during this stage.

Perspiration: - Cold and fetid, drenching perspiration after the heat stage (from the face) with exhaustion and sleepiness.

Irregular periodicity with changeable paroxysms of fever, usually increasing in severity every time.

Useful remedy especially in cases of eruptive fevers.


Intolerable itching that is worse from warmth of bed (Psor. Sulph); must scratch the part until it becomes raw and bleeds, without relief; followed by intense burning.

Jaundice with yellowish discoloration of the skin and diarrhea.

Measles with watery yellowish-green discharge from the eruptions watery coryza and lachrymation.

Pain: Erratic rapidly shifting from one part to another (Kali-bi. Lac-c. Mang-act).

Pains and many other complaints are accompanied by chilliness.

Thirstless with nearly all complaints.

Other important symptoms

Irregular periodicity with changeable paroxysms of fever, usually increasing in severity every time.

Useful remedy especially in cases of eruptive fevers.

Skin is hot to the touch (on waking in the morning) but the child has no fever.

Urticarial eruptions with intense itching at night and with diarrhea as a concomitant.

Examination findings:

- Chickenpox with large vesicular eruptions.

- Excessive growth of hair all over the body in infants and small children.

- Freckles.


Ailments from: Anger (in nurslings) injury.

Changeability of the convulsive symptoms.

Epileptic convulsions during sleep with a pale face (lying on the sides).


Ailments from abuse of antibiotics, antipyretics, iron tonicsal steroids; after measles when the eruptions are suppressed; change of weather or temperature; and from

getting wet

Anaemic children with marked pallor, faintness constipation.

Allergic to cats.

Child desires cold, open air, which ameliorates, but < from draft of air.

Contradictory and alternating states

OR constant and rapid change of symptoms, with wandering pains.

Discharges: Bland or excoriating, copious, fetid, hot, purulent yellowish-green.

Hot, tender, indurated glands, with a bluish discoloration of the part.

Intolerance of covers and woollen clothes.

Most of the complaints < after twilight.

Never well since otitis media and after infectious diseases.

Soft bones; rickets.


[Barabara Nowecki]

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- Schlaf auf dem Rücken oder Bauch

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- Exanthematöse Kinderkrankheiten, begleitet von Augen, Ohren, Bronchitis

- Dicke, milde, gelb-grüne Absonderungen

- Wechselnde Symptomatik



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