Saccharum Kind Anhang


Kind: Chamomilla-Kindergruppe.


[Tinus Smits]

A prolonged experience with this remedy in this kind of children permits me to say actually that most of the ADHD-children (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders)

are Saccharum-children. This means that this kind of disorders mostly are a problem with the carbohydrate metabolism, at least at the physical level, and that the use of sugar and carbohydrates in general attributes largely to the aggravation of this phenomenon. Therefore we see also digestive problems in these children, often constipation and flatulence and pain in the abdomen.

All this doesn’t mean that the whole problem can be solved by a sugar free diet, because with this the frustration of the underlying lack of love, attention and self-love becomes even worse, but in the beginning dramatic ameliorations can often be observed. Therefore it is the work of skillful homeopaths to treat this kind of disorders on a much deeper level and to bring peace again in the whole family. A sugar free diet is then most of time not necessary and the tremendous desire for sweets is spontaneously becoming less and less.

[Tinus Smits]

FEAR to be separated from the mother/follows her constantly/desires to stay in physical contact with her/wants to be carried/hold her hand/sit on her lap/suck his fingers.

Waking up at night, anxious, screaming for his parents, he often can be consoled only lying in the bed of his parents making close physical contact with the mother

('As if he or she wants to creep in her'/Stram) School is trageDY for these children/oft only at ease after asking their mother again and again if she will surely come back to

pick him or her up/refuse to play on the street with other children/to do purchases.

[Georg M. Kißling]

Zucker und Kinder

Kurz nach der Geburt bildet sich in den Brustdrüsen der Mutter das sogenannte «Kolostrum», die Vormilch. Diese ist sehr eiweißreich und für den Lebensanfang des Kindes von größter Bedeutung. Im Verlauf der nächsten Tage verwandelt sich diese Vormilch in die eigentliche Muttermilch. Der hohe Eiweißgehalt der ersten Tage wird vermindert,

während sich der Milchzucker erheblich vermehrt.

Der Milchzucker dient der Ich-Organisation des Kindes, vermittelt Wachstumsimpulse und fördert die Bewußtseinsentwicklung. Der süße Geschmack der Milch spricht

die Ich-Kräfte besonders an. Die Wonne des Schmeckens der süßen Milch erfüllt Leib und Seele und fördert gleichzeitig die kräftige Ausbildung der Verdauungsorgane.

Das Getreide ernährt den ganzen Menschen und gilt deshalb - wie die Milch - im gesunden Fall als universelles Nahrungsmittel. Aus der folgenden Beschreibung der verschiedenen Dosierungen in der homöopathischen Anwendung von «Saccharum lacticum» werden wir die feineren Unterschiede der Wirkungen zwischen einer kleinen, einer mittleren und einer hohen Dosierung, und der Wirkung der dynamisierten Potenz dieses Stoffes, erkennen.



Dick/große Gliedmaßen/neigt zu Ödem, dünn/blaSS, Mangel Wärme/Aufmerksamkeit, kapriziös/querköpfig, ärgerlich/weinerlich/Heimweh, ist nicht interessiert sich

selbst zu beschäftigen/kann gleiches Spiel immer wiederholen; Routine muss immer gleich bleiben, Angst von Mutter getrennt zu werden/klammert an Mutter/zwingt Eltern

es zu hätscheln (bis in die Nacht)/weigert Kontakt, Finger lutschen bis im Schulalter o. älter/beißt Nägel, Wutanfälle (unnahbar)/eifersüchtig/Heimweh, lieb # aggressiv/ empfindlich vor Rüge # ungehorsam, Selbstvertrauenmangel/für Sprache unbegabt, Angst (dunkel/verschwinden der Eltern), hyperakTIV/UNruhe (berührt alles), essen nur Süßes/ Kleinigkeit, Herzhaftes abgeneigt, Zahnen spät,

SCHWEIß (nachts) Child: compensation mechanisms: NEED for cuddling/exaggerated sucking of fingers/biting of nails (adult: uncontrollable need to smoke)/puts everything in the mouth/touches everything.

Tinus Smits († 27-4-2010) verified the relation between the sucking of fingers and the inveterate habit of smoking (patients admitting that they changed the first for the latter).  Another mechanism: loquacity (= secret demand for attention).

Child: does pranks/asking again and again for something/doing things that are forbidden/asking constantly for attention when the parents talk to someone else/being jealous

at a sibling. being restless/shouting/fighting/crying/having pain/being ill, etc.

Compensation mechanisms: NEED for cuddling/exaggerated sucking of fingers/biting of nails (adult: uncontrollable need to smoke)/puts everything in the mouth/touches everything.


Synthesis Treasure Edition 2009 Schroyens F.

ANTISOCIAL – children; in

BITING – nails – toenails – children; in

CUDDLE – desire to be cuddled

DELUSIONS – criticized, she is in– children/he or she is neglected in children

GESTURES, MAKES –children put fingers into the – Night

MALICIOUS – in children/after chocolate/after sweets


ANTISOCIAL – children; in

BITING – toenails in children

CUDDLE – desire to be cuddled

GESTURES, MAKES –children put fingers into the mouth at night

QUARRELSOME – children; in – sweets; after

RESTLESSNESS – children, in – sweets; after/sitting in children

SENSITIVE – pain, to – children; in


Restless children with behavioral problems: Bell. Carc. Cham. Cupr-met. Stram. Tub.


Sacch-child = fat/= Calc-like.

[Tinus Smits]

Sacch-child = thin/PALE/emaciation expresses a disturbed mechanism in the assimilation of carbohydrates (obesity).


Saccharum the spoiled child

Vergiftung: Unverarbeitete Resten verursachen Nierenbeschwerden

[Manish and Phalguni Panchal]

Sugar has gained a back door entry in our life and we hardly realize that it can cause as much damage as other addictive substances like alcohol etc. We are yet to awake

to its harmful effects because it comes disguised with such sweetness that we almost consider it as the most innocent thing. We are overloading our system with sweets

(Coke, Pepsi, cakes, pastries, chocolates, sauces), which then goes directly in our blood stream with amazing speed. There is a rapid rise of blood sugar which in turn requires

a rapid rise in insulin in order to normalize. It leads to a sort of continual temporary diabetic state, damaging tissues and causing heart troubles. Obesity, scurvy, rickets,

acidity of stomach, itching of the anus, aggressive behavior, cornea opacity, sleeplessness, diabetes, heart troubles etc. are some of its effects. The list is never-ending.

This has resulted in our children and even teenagers and young adults growing more fat and bloated. They do not pay any attention to eating a balanced, nourishing diet. Instead they opt for refined delicacies like sweets, pastries, chocolates, munching snacks like popcorn, wafers, potato-chips etc and parking themselves in front of

televisions or computers. They do not occupy themselves fruitfully in any constructive way because they have now grown used to an easy life; they shy away from any

efforts, because a slight effort is too much trouble for them. Why take the trouble of making efforts? Everything in their life is provided by their parents as a compensation

for their lack of love and time for them.


[J.H. Clarke]

“Children, who are large-limbed, fat and bloated with a tendency to dropsy like Calc. The children are dainty and capricious, care not for substantial food but want little snacks, always cross and whining and if old enough, are insolent and do not care to occupy themselves in any way. Everything is too much trouble. Violent temper, irritable, quarrelsome and bilious, sanguineous temperament”.

[Dr. Tinus Smits]

Lack of self love, leading to a fear that the person does not deserve his mother’s love and that he will be abandoned by her. Desires any kind of sweets (Choc./licorice/pastries).

NEED for cuddling, exaggerated sucking of fingers and biting of nails, putting everything in the mouth and touching everything. Effective for certain ADHD children.

Im Zentrum steht für ihn eine verzweifelte Suche nach Liebe, Zuneigung und Aufmerksamkeit. Als Folge versuchen die Betroffenen diesen Mangel zu kompensieren (oft orale Ersatzbefriedigung wie essen oder rauchen) oder sie weisen jede Form von Zuneigung ab. Aus diesem Grund weist Saccharum viele gegensätzliche Symptome auf.

Beispiele dafür sind:

Unersättlicher Appetit (Süßigkeiten, Schokolade, Gebäck)                                     generelle Appetitlosigkeit, Bulimie

Heißhunger morgens nach dem Aufstehen                                                                         kein Appetit morgens

Adipositas (Tinus Smits bes. bei Erwachsenen)                                                             Abmagerung (Tinus Smits häufiger bei Kindern), blasse Kinder

Durst auf große Mengen                                                                                                 durstlos

Großes Schmusebedürfnis, übertriebenes Daumenlutschen                                     Zurückweisung jeglicher emotionaler Kontakte

Freundlichkeit # Aggressivität überempfindlich gegen Schmerzen                         schmerzunempfindlich – betäubt sich (denaturierter Zucker ist fast steril und hilft zu konservieren)



Hyperaktive Kinder. 

Starke Konzentrationsstörungen.

G  roße Eifersucht.

Marco Riefer: Allgemein sehr polare Aspekte, starke Stimmungswechsel und wechselnde Zustände:

Frech-egoistisch, hyperaktiv                                                                                                 Schüchternheit, Furcht vor Misserfolg, empfindlich gegen Tadel, Angst vor unbekannten Situationen

Aggressives Verhalten                                                                                                 Sanftheit, Gleichgültigkeit Muss alles anfassen (Kind)

Vermeiden von Kontakt jeglicher Art Heißhunger, Adipositas                                     Appetitlosigkeit, Abmagerung, Anorexie

Verlangt: SÜßIGKEITEN (Zucker, Schokolade, Gebäck)/Milch/kalte Getränke/rohes Gemüse/Senf;

Abgeneigt: Butter & Fett/warme Milch/feste Nahrung/Süßigkeiten;

<: Süßigkeiten; >: Süßigkeiten/Essen;

Reizbar vor dem Frühstück!



Hinweise anderer Autoren

Saccharum officinale (Sac-alb, Sacch.) / Zuckerrohr, weißer Rohrzucker

Allgemeine Modalitäten: < morgens, > abends

Neurodermitis, trockene Haut und Schleimhäute, trockene Ekzeme (im Gesichtsbereich); empfindliche Haut mit starkem Juckreiz; Mundsoor, Aphthen

Diabetes mellitus, Candidose, Aphten, Otitis media, Heuschnupfen. 

Beschwerden im Zusammenhang mit Eisprung und Menses

[Karl-Josef Müller]

Beschwerden die sich gehäuft bei Patienten finden, die ein Gras benötigen, sind u.a.: Schwindel/Probleme mit dem Gleichgewicht, Überlastung (bei Bambus der Wirbelsäule), trockene Haut, schuppige Gesichtshaut und brüchige Nägel [Kieselsäureanteil (= Silicea) und Heuschnupfen.]

Generell Arzneimittel, die viel „Süße“ enthalten, aber auch andere Arzneien:

- Saccharum-raffinatum (raffinierter Zucker): wenn Saccharum officinale nicht „greift“

- Chocolate (Schokolade): wie Saccharum-officinale Gefühl nicht genug geliebt zu werden. Gegenüber der Umwelt oft abweisend: sich einigeln, seine Stacheln aufstellen, Abneigung gegen Kinder (eigene), problematische Mutterbeziehung, anhänglich und kindlich, orale Kompensation.

- Lac-humanum, evtl. auch andere Milcharzneien: Milch enthält, je nach „Tierart“, recht viel Milchzucker: Ähnliche Grundthematik: Mangel an Zuwendung, Verlassenheit => Kompensation:

Milch- und Süßverlangen, Unreife, ausgeprägte emotionale Bedürftigkeit oder ’kaltes Herz’, emotionale Gleichgültigkeit.

- Tub.: Unzufriedenheit, Abmagerung, Unbeständigkeit, aufsässiges und boshaftes Verhalten.

- Lyc. (Tinus Smits): Diktatorisch, Süßverlangen, Furcht vor Fremden und neuen Situationen. Auffällige Diskrepanz im Auftreten zwischen zu Hause (kann wütend werden,

zeigt schlechte Laune, aggressiv) und in der Öffentlichkeit (sehr schüchtern, verweigert Kommunikation, sehr ängstlich).

- Bell. und Stram. (Tinus Smits): Hyperaktivität, Destruktivität.

- Nat-m.: Emotional zurückgezogen, traurig, verweigert Kommunikation, Abneigung gegen Zärtlichkeiten.

- Cina.: Unzufriedenheit, Abneigung gegen emotionale Zuwendung [„Ich brauche (jetzt) keine Liebe (mehr)“]; boshaftes Verhalten, schlagen etc.

[E.A. Farrington]

Similar to Calc. child large-limbed, fat and bloated, with a tendency to dropsy. Dainty and capricious. He cares nothing for substantial food but wants little “nick-nacks”.

He is always cross and whining, and if old enough he is indolent and does not care to occupy himself in any way. Everything seems to be too much trouble to him.



Behavioral problems (Anac. Hyos. Stram. Tarent. Tub. Verat.), like temper tantrums and attention deficit disorder, which arise in children whose mothers have suffered from suppressed anger or grief during pregnancy.

Biting nails.

Child frequently tends to put his fingers or other objects in his mouth and keep sucking them (Calc. Cham. Ip.).

Impatient, hyperactive and restless child (Bac. Cham. Cina. Merc).

Aversion to company and presence of strangers (Ambr. Bar-c. Cic).

Capricious, needs change.

Child neglected because of a newborn sibling in the family frequently develop infections and allergies, due to envy or jealousy.

Cross, peevish, and whiny child (Cham. Cina. Merc. Tarent. Tub).

Deceitful and sly children.

Desire for physical exertion or exercise.

Impelled to touch everything, very fidgety (Carc. Cina. Hyos. Merc).

Loves to be carried, held and caressed (Puls).

Plays pranks, and are very mischievous.

Sensitive to reprimands or reproaches.


Aversion to cooked vegetables (Nicc-met.).

Likes tidbits and refuses substantial food.

Worm affections.

Ailments from change of temperature or weather.

Ascites with painful induration of abdomen.

Fat, bloated, large-limbed, OR absolutely emaciated children, in spite of a good appetite.

Painlessness of complaints that are usually painful.

Pale, hippocratic face.

Scurvy and rickets in bottle-fed babies.

Slow healing of wounds.

Stiff, thick, and white coating on the tongue.

Other important symptoms


Child either has a great need to be fondled and caressed (Carc. Podo. Puls), forcing his  parents to stay with him until he falls asleep, OR difficulty in admitting

this need, and shows an aversion to any kind of contact.

He needs a lot of love, but does not know how to receive it.

Frightened easily by trifles (Kali-c. Lyc. Phos)

Homesickness, with a desire to go home (Caps. Ign. Mag-m. Ph-ac)

Insolence (Lyc. Plat-met. Verat)

Feels unloved by parents and other family members (Mag-c. Puls)

Writes indistinctly and makes many mistakes in speaking and writing; using the wrong words, or omitting words (Lyc. Merc. Stram. Thuj).

Ailments from lack of affection and physical contact in early childhood.


Discontented with everything.

Disobedient and defiant.

Fear of failure.

Have a high threshold for pain; don’t cry when they are hurt.

Irritable (when hungry); > after eating.


Likes to sing and dance.

Loss of initiative.


Rocking ameliorates.


Sensitive to pain, criticism, and moral impressions.

Startling from the least noise or during sleep.

Taciturnity and tranquility; child is disinclined to talk.


Hair grows rapidly.

Perspiration of forehead at night.

Examination findings:

- Dry hair.


Frequent desire to rub the eyes (Caust. Op. Puls. Squil)

Dim vision.


Examination findings:

- Agglutination.

- Cataract begins to occur behind the tear duct, thus blocking it (the tear duct) (Caust. Sil).

- Dry and red.

- Closed on account of swelling of lids.

- Sunken eyes, with a tired expression.

- Twitching of the upper lids (r.).


Examination findings:

- Discharge of pus from the ears.


Coryza that descends down into the chest, producing asthma.

Coryza (< morning).

Examination findings:

- Inflamed alae.

- Postnasal drip.


Examination findings:

- Deadpan, mask-like expression (Mang-met).

- Cracked lower lip.

- Pale, oedematous face, with red lips (Chin. Ferr-met. Verat).


Inflamed salivary glands with increased salivation (Bell. Merc. Puls. Rhus-t).

Dry mouth without thirst.

Examination findings:

- Puts fingers or any other object in the mouth (Cham. Ip. Sulph).

- White coating on tongue (Ant-c. Bry. Merc. Rhus-t), so thick that it makes the tongue stiff.

- Aphthae and ulcers on the inside of cheeks, gums and palate.

- Ranula.


Dry throat (morning on waking) is absolutely thirstless.

Examination findings:

- Ulcers in the throat.


Likes tidbits and refuses substantial food.

Morbid hunger soon after a full meal (Lyc. Phos) or wanting of appetite.

Loud eructations after eating.

Recurrent nausea and vomiting in stomach diseases (Ars).

Tendency to eat frequently between meals, due to sensations of weakness, dizziness,  trembling, headache, etc.

Violent retching with vomiting of bloody mucus.

Weak digestion with acidity.

Aversions: Cooked vegetables/sweets/and warm food;

Desires: Bread and butter/chocolates/cold drinks/lemon/licorice/meat/milk/mustard/pastry/pungent things/refreshing things/salad/salt/soda water/soup/sour and sweet taste/spices/sugar or sweet things/

tea/raw vegetables/and vinegar;


Koch’s abdomen (Bar-c. Calc. Iod)


Impaired digestion with disordered nutrition.

Irritable bowel syndrome.

Pain in the umbilical region.

Sensation of something constricted in the abdomen.

Examination findings:

- Ascites (Apis. Apoc. Lyc)

- Mesenteric glands swollen and edematous.


Anal itching (Aloe. Merc. Sulph) (in the morning in bed).

Constipation # mucus diarrhea.

Constipation with constant and frequent desire to pass stool.

Diarrhea: Acrid, bloody, debilitating, watery, with shiny mucus.

Diarrhea after supper.

Stool of a dry, knotty type with cadaveric odor.

Sudden urging for stool in the morning.

Examination findings:

- Excoriation between the nates and in the anal area from the stools.

Urinary organs:

Chronic renal failure.

Frequent urging to urinate.

Examination findings:

- Renal calculi.

- Urine: Proteins ++ (Apis. Hell. Ph-ac)

- White sediment on the diaper.

Male organs:

Examination findings:

- Enormously swollen scrotum.

Female organs:

Vaginal itching.


Desire to take a deep breath.

Hoarseness or roughness of voice (in the morning or from reading for a very short while).

Irritation in the larynx causing a hacking cough.

Respiratory organs:

Can breathe only in an erect position.

Has to lie with head in raised position on account of dysponea.

Respiration oppressed in the morning > expectoration.


Copious, yellowish, cream-like, salty, cold and very offensive (Borx. Calc. Phel. Sang) expectoration (in open air).

Dry cough of children.


Perspiration in the axilla (at night).

Examination findings:

- Emaciation of the chest, the muscles dwindle away.

- Pneumonia.

- Swelling of lower part of sternum.

Heart failure due to deficient heart muscle, without valvular lesion.

Rheumatic affections of the heart.

Examination findings:

- Irregular, weak pulse.

- Thrombosis.


Cramps in the calves of the legs.

Heat in the soles at night with a desire to uncover.

Examination findings:

- Coldness of hands and feet.

- Emaciation of hands, nates and thighs (Calc. Chin. Plb-met).

- Hard, oedematous swelling of arms, legs, ankles and feet (Ars. Chin. Sulph).

- Restless hands and legs.

- Twitching of extremities on falling asleep.


Stings of insects.

Vesicular eruptions from exposure to sun.

Examination findings:

- Dry skin; all perspiration is suppressed (Colch. Graph. Plb-met.).

- Excessive granulation of ulcers.

- Panaritium.

- Scurvy.


Falls asleep easily, at times even while sitting (Nux-m. Nux-v. Sulph)

Needs to sleep for long hours.

Starts from sleep.

Yawning in open air.


Alternating and contradictory states (Abrot. Lac-c. Lyc. Sulph)

- Chilly # hot.

- Compulsive eating # anorexia; obesity # emaciation.

- Desire to be fondled # aversion to being touched.

- Gentle # aggressive.

- Sensitive to pain # numbness to pain.

- Sensitive to reprimands # disobedient and insolent.

Dropsical affections (Apis. Hell. Plb-met.)

Emaciation with a great appetite (Abrot. Calc. Iod. Nat-m. Tub)

DRY (eyes/feet/hair/hands/mouth/nails/nose/rectum/skin/throat/vagina) (Bry. Nat-m. Nux-m.).

Generally a hot remedy (Calc. Gels. Lach. Sulph), but when very depressed emotionally or emaciated, there is chilliness and shivering.

Loves to bathe (Tarent)

Painlessness of complaints that are usually painful (Hell. Op. Stram)

Unhealed or slow healing of wounds (Hep. Lach. Nit-ac. Sil. Sulph).

Useful after operations to promote healing and prevent Sepsis. (Ars. Crot-h. Lach. Pyrog.)

Useful for malnutrition and various mineral and vitamin deficiencies:

Calcium deficiency, Chromium deficiency (causing hardening of the arteries), deficiency of Vitamin C (resulting in scurvy) and D (resulting in rickets), Iron deficiency (resulting in anemia), and Thiamin deficiency (causing beriberi and heart failure).

Useful in cases where there is a low immune response, [wasting from AIDS/Candida albicans infection (thrush)/pneumonia with wasted chest muscles/cancer]

Very early addictions: Amphetamine, cannabis, cigarettes, heroin, junk food and opium.

Family history of diabetes mellitus.

<: At night (at 1 h.)/in the morning;

>: After meals/when in the open air (Aur-met. Carb-v. Iod. Puls);



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