Siehe: Drüsengruppe
[Margriet Plouvier Suijs]
The Chakra's
The chakra-system is a philosophical model of the Universe, extending
seven levels, which has been in existence for more than four thousand years.
The intention of yoga is to develop human
consciousness in a way that it will become even with the Universal
Consciousness. The stages in this development are represented by the chakra's:
the chakra's to be the centres of vital energy related
with the different levels of awareness in the human system. We are able
to recognize the expression of the chakra's in the way we look, in the patterns
which we manifest in our life, and in the way
we handle the situations that life brings us.
The seven chakra's, the translation of the word chakra literally is
wheel or disk referring to a rotating circle of bio-energetic activity, are
located in the body from coccyx to vertex where the large
plexus of the nerves are found. The lower four chakra’s express themselves
by material and social laws of order: these correspond to the idea of the
"kingdoms". The upper three chakra's are related
to the mental part, insight and wisdom: here we can see the human
expression to be unique.
1st chakra:
K potency: 6C/K up to 30C/K, LM potency LM1 up to LM6
The translation of the Sanskrit name of this chakra: Muladhara
is ‘root-chakra’ and it is localized in the coccyx. The element being
appropriate at this chakra is earth and the nature of the chakra is:
be without conscience. The expression is the physical identity or the
structure of the body on is own. Here the same words which are appropriate at
Mineral-kingdom return: to be, to exist, structure etc.
The appropriate miasm is the psora. Characteristic for the psora
is the itching skin. The skin is the border of the body and if by tingling, it
asks attention continuously, you will be aware of that
boundery. Harry van der
Zee describes in his book ‘Miasms in Labour’ the
period just before delivery: the sensation of the 'housing' becoming too tight
to the skin and the change has to take place.
Earth is the appropriate element to this chakra: to acquire stability it
is important to be rooted. Our house as well as our property renders the feeling
of stability and security. We build ourselves an
To use the system as a frame to choose the potency for myself, it was
helpful to divide surrounding-factors and physical factors being appropriate at
the chakra.
Surrounding factors
I without mirror, unaware about myself.
The floor.
The house.
The sources of existence.
Physical factors
The structure of the hereditary material.
The structure of the tissue of the organs.
The entire body.
The structure of mind and emotion: the nature.
The organ of sense: the sense of smell.
Life period: the period in the uterus up to and
including the first year.
Sanskrit name for the second chakra is Svadhistana,
translated as graciousness. Another translation is: sweet. The logic of both
translations is present in the idea: to live together. To be able to live
we live according to the circumstances in which we are gracious to each other
and we give the little children sweets at the moment we expect them to show
nice and quiet behaviour. This shows
we are aware: little children don’t have the education to be gracious, by
sucking a sweet it is easy for them to be quiet. The nature of this chakra is
to be recognized in the words Chaim Rosenthal
with "Plant-kingdom": increase, reproduction, assimilation and
adaptation. The element water is associated with this chakra and expresses
itself in the flow of fluids: blood, urine, bile and
fluids. The appropriate miasm is the sycose: the core topic of sycose
is increase and production as well. Ortega describes in ‘Notes on Miasms’ the changing mood and the abundance of ideas
that is appropriate to the sycose. Harry van der Zee names
the phase of the labour-pain as the sycotic period of
the delivery. Chaim Rosenthal typifies Medorrhinum as the remedy which fits the sailor
who visits a port and ‘lives’ during
the night. He is taking too much space, is too noisy and doesn’t seem to have
any border. Also from the Materia Medica
validation this picture comes forward: surplus
of everything, much need for pivots
and challenges and thereby fear about what might happen.
In the body the second chakra is
localized in the lower abdomen. It corresponds to the nerve plexus at the
reproductive organs. At this chakra reproduction is the aim of sexuality. This
sexuality is
appropriate in the marriage meant to
have children. Another form of sexuality is again the picture of the sailor,
who literally and figuratively just visits a prostitute and has his flu.
Mammals feed their young ones from
several levels. The herd animal feeds from the second chakra and with the milk
of the mother the calf gets the message; "stand up on your legs, join the
herd and
stay there". A calf that is
lost by the herd will die. These aspects are to be recognized in the Delusions
of Lac Defloratum: she has to go to a convent, he is
about to die. The intolerance for milk is
showing that the message is contrary
with the development to ones own identity, but in big families it is appropriate
to drink milk.
Surrounding factors:
I being one of us.
The environment, furniture.
People who feed you.
People who show you who you are.
Family members.
The every day communication, verbal and
Physical factors:
The vegetative system.
The digestion.
The reproduction, the cycle of menses.
The urine system.
The blood flow.
The grow and physical development.
Sleep, the coma.
Organ of sense: the taste.
Life period: 1½ year up to 2 years.
3rd Chakra: K potency:
200K or 1 MK, LM potency LM 12 of LM 18:
The Sanskrit-name for this chakra is
Manipura most often translated into "sparkling
jewel". In Greek the term epithumia is used
which means "covetousness". The two translations show aspects of
the element fire. In this chakra,
localize in the plexus solaris, passion and emotion
are established. Emotion is of the same stem as the English word motion. Motion
or movement has been linked to
the "animal kingdom". Chaim Rosenthal uses the words; want, instinct,
sensitivity, competition and desire. The miasm which
is appropriate is the syphilitic: Chaim Rosenthal
shows us the prostitute
who has to work at night aiming on
the nocturnal worsening of Luesinum. Ortega describes
the miasm with "bend or burst, it is "there
on or there under". Harry Vander Zee indicates the labor
at the
period of the delivery itself to
"bow down and go for it". A child who does not bow down cannot pass
the birth canal. Every new start we need; "the courage to bow down".
In the field of sexuality we talk
about passion and sensuality. In the picture of remedies of animal resources
this aspect shows itself commonly. Mammals living in families like swine, dogs
and cats,
live in their own territory. The
young ones have to find their own territory. Immediately after birth they have
to find a nipple to suck. From the birth day on there is competition about the
best position
and it is important to have a high
rank in the hierarchy. The Delusions appropriate to the remedy Lac Caninum are; being dirty, being despised, errors or
identity. Moreover the Mind-rubrics appropriate
for the remedy are; "Anxiety
from doubt about success" and "rage from contradiction". The
message which lies in dog milk is that you yourself must go for the profit and
that success is not ensured.
We compared with they.
The world outside its own environment.
Situations which evoke violent emotions such as
fear, anger, pleasure, domination and passion.
Fight or Flight responses.
The system mastered by the sympaticus:
heart and lungs.
The animal nervous system.
The muscles obeying the will.
The throat and larynx to shout, shriek and cry.
Organ of sense: the sight.
Life period: the period from 1½ to 4 years,
the period of the development of the will.
4th Chakra:
The Sanskritname
for this chakra is Anahata, translated as
"undefeated " or "disentangle". This is the heartchakra and the Buddhist symbol of the chakra is de Vajra or Dorje the double lemniscate
(the heart literally is a lemniscate because it links the circulation of the body and
the lungs. The lemniscate is to be recognized in the
way we write an eight (8) and in the mathematical sign
that indicates
"infinitely". One of the numerological meanings of 8 is healing:
bring body and spirit in balance. Out of our heart we say: "I love
you" and we feel equal with someone else. To arrange this
we need to master our instinctive
responses. The words Chaim Rosenthal uses for
remedies made out of tissues from the “Human Kingdom” are morality and control and
he declares that understanding
and sympathy belong to them. The
appropriate miasm is "cancer". Toussaint
describes in "Ziekte als
lot en kans" how people dying from cancer are
emaciated before they die. He shows that the hunger,
which is appropriate to cancer, is
the hunger for love and about this issue of balance between to give and to
receive is important. About the remedy picture of Carcinosinum,
Tinus Smits describes people
who continuously tend to give and take
care of others, doing the best they can and more: people who give surplus and
lose the awareness of their own need. The other extreme: continuously taking,
appropriate for people who show the
picture of Acidum Fluoricum:
a cancer remedy as well.
Sexuality appropriate to this chakra
is based on love and equality of both partners.
Mammals living in tribes are
primates. Like us they breastfeed their young ones from the heartchakra.
The message linked to the milk is: "you are like I am". Monkeys give
and take: Waals describes in
"Van nature goed"
how a disabled female monkey is fed by members of the tribe and they give her
the best they have so she is looking well fed. Another situation which he
describes is that of a young
monkey of 4 years old which injured
him considerably: his mother gave him the attention that the young needed from
her and her baby had to wait for some time.
It is clear that living in a tribe
is linked to many rules to keep structure. These undecided rules belong to the
culture and we teach our children to live according to them in the period
following the
stubborn phase. To play games
together is a good practice. This is the period of kindergarten: "if I am
placed in a position where I don’t know the rules I feel like a kid".
Surroundings factors
You and I.
Situations where sympathy or antipathy are part
of the game.
Situations asking for a balance in to give and
Situation asking for suppression of violent
Teachers at school.
Physical factors
The heartbeat giving the awareness of sympathy.
The voice we use to express our feelings of
sympathy and antipathy.
Organ of sense: hearing.
Life period: 3 till 7 years.
5th Chakra:
K potency 10MK, LM potency LM 24
The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Visshudha
translated into cleaning and purifying. This is the throat chakra. There is a
relationship between the third and the fifth chakra: the strong and violent
emotions which flare up in the area of the plexus solaris
are noticed and are to be expressed in a human manner. Instead of growling I
can say: I am angry. Instead of a impulsive embrace I am able to
say: “I like you.” The Belgian say it more precise: “I gladly see
Appropriate to this chakra is the “Human Kingdom” again. Chain Rosenthal
uses the words abstract and conscience. Sankaran
introduces the term sensation for the fifth level, and sensation means: to
become aware. If we are able to clear up our emotions expressing them like
well-educated grown-ups, we are able to negotiate difficult questions. "To
dispute" is appropriate here, instead of "to quarrel" that
belongs to the third chakra.
In psychology we learn about light and shadow. Freud and Jung show us
these aspects. We are able to recognize our shadow by projecting it. By example:
if I suppress my jealousy I recognize it in
other people and I tell others: “he is such a jealous man!!” ( gossiping
). The awareness that the "man" is jealous is mine, might be he
himself doesn’t notice! If I had to stay with that ‘man’ and his
jealousy causes me trouble I can take Lachesis
10MK (or a better suiting remedy with the symptom of jealousy ) and have
Surroundings factors:
They and I.
Awareness in situations which ask for
appointing emotion;
“I am angry”.
“I am sad”.
“I am astonished”.
“I am afraid”.
Physical factors:
The lungs, the respiration with the aim to
The throat and the voice, the melody of the
voice: intonation.
The mouth and the tongue to articulate.
The hands and the arms to perform.
Life period: 7 years up to 12, the period of
learning at school.
6th Chakra:
The Sanskrit name of this chakra is Ajna
translated into ‘to perceive’. The chakra of the forehead is related to
insight. This chakra is connected to the second chakra and the awareness of
we perceive from our relatives. Related in this case aren’t the violent
emotions, but the feelings of well-being, morose and the appreciation for
someone else. It is about knowing your own temper,
knowing the logic of the feeling, understanding the Delusion and
recognizing our own shadow. This awareness arises by means of the surroundings:
I perceive that I am irritated because it seems to
be everything is against me, all the furniture is my way or I can’t find
a thing. Relatives as well help me to perceive: they do just like me or they
irritate me and I have to be aware about my own
Surroundings factors:
We and I.
Everything in the surrounding considered as the
own mirror.
Relatives that react, showing reflection or
Physical factors:
Psychosomatic complaints;
Disorder of temper like: irritation, morose,
bored, puzzled.
Life period: adolescence.
7th Chakra:
The Sanskrit name of the chakra is Sahasrara =
‘1000 form’. In Greek this chakra is named epistemon
translated to ‘intuitive wisdom’. Immediately after epistemon
comes ‘ho nikon’ = the conqueror.
In numerology the number of epistemon is 999
and of 'ho nikon' is 1000. As a human being, I know
myself as being part of everything. This is the crown chakra: the place of the
small fontanel.
A child that passes through the birth channel with the small fontanel as
the first part, presents itself by the crown chakra. Immediately under the
small fontanel lies the glandula pinealis.
According to Blavatsky this is the place of awareness of the Self.
In the awareness of Self man perceives his limits and he understands the
suffering belonging to those limits. This is part of him. The end of the
struggle and the understanding of these facts brings peace and the feeling to
be the conqueror. This feeling of well-being is shown by a baby after a normal
delivery. It is to be known by everyone and the knowledge is connected to the
wisdom; this feeling is unlimited. We are aware just for one moment, because
life is connected to time and space. Time and space create the possibility to
move, in Latin, 'movere'. The word emotion is out of
the same stem.
By learning from our emotional state we are able to change and to grow
in wisdom about our self and about the world.
The process of growing in wisdom and awareness is a spiraling
movement. We live in cycles, periods of time; one day, one week, one month, one
year, seven years. The spiralling movement is to be recognized in the double
helix of our genes.
Every cycle begins with the inviting words of the Gospel of St. Thomas,
“Walk into this world”; words according to the first chart of the Tarot; the
Simple. Every cycle ends with the knowledge of
another word of the same Gospel, “live and pass by", but before we
let it go we need to know about our emotions, we have to struggle and return to
tranquility of mind.
Surrounding factors:
We, all of us, everyone.
The whole family, the clan.
The spirit of the time we live in.
Physical factors:
Total body.
[Grahame Martin]
Chakra, Prescribing and Homœopathy
A chakra is nothing more than an
area of consciousness. There are many different schools of thought that differ
in the position and number of both the major and minor chakras. This book
concerns itself with the seven major chakras that are central to the spiritual
practices that have been native to the people that have visited, participated
in and inhabited the island of Britain for a long, long time. They are however,
to be found in practices all over the world. These seven chakras pertain to
seven differing regions of the body and all that is contained within those
They act on the physical body or
matter, and on the etheric body, the astral body and
the spiritualised bodies via the endocrine glands and the nervous system. So
they are in effect master to all that
is possible and not simply agents of
the particular sphere to which they belong. Their interaction is the making of
the whole human being, for in truth they cannot be separated.
The seven major chakras line up
along the spine in order that spirit can dip in and out of them. Being
manifested conscious energy, they are associated with each of the seven levels
of awareness that make up the human constitution whilst here on Earth. Together
and when in balance, they are the factory for producing purpose which manifests
both in the physical world and the spiritual one. When balanced they enable
Self to be in a state of ‘now’, not complete but at one and in focus with the
task in hand, which may be to heal: this is to produce what is known as divine
intervention or the spiritual purpose. Being centres of consciousness means
that we add and subtract from them constantly and therefore they have the means
to heal all locked away inside their mystery. Other than these seven chakras
and the subdivisions of these chakras located elsewhere around the body, there
is nothing more to being human. This may be why homœopaths
have become so fascinated in their study, for their philosophy provides a
structure for the prescribing of a homœopathic
The notion of a chakra can be traced
back to many various sciences, spiritual beliefs, philosophies and religions.
The wisdom as to their relationship to the energies of the body is as old as
language itself. Like religions, languages have common factors for they
originate from primal sources. Within them will be the crystallisation of
wisdom of which the mystical knowledge of the seven energy centres C -the
chakras- is a major attribute in deciphering what lies behind human existence.
The purpose of this book is to be
both a source of information and also primarily within the energy it evokes, a
journey book for the development of the reader. Each chapter has been written
both to instil knowledge and the essence of each chakra in an energetic way,
which is not only homœopathic, but is also the very
nature of working on each chakra. Therefore, contained in each chapter is the
means for the reader to work on their own equivalent chakra and this will
happen during the progression of this book.
When anything new is formed, be it
in any medium, (just so happens to be a book here) it will evoke a response, as
it contains its own energy so there is nothing new in my intention here. What
has been intended though, is to try and evoke the pure energy of each chakra in
order that the homeopath or any other practitioner or simply the spiritually
curious who wishes to further their path, may receive a sense of its presence.
Through this the feel of a chakra
can be recognised. Its language and communication, not to mention its resonance
and its aura, can reveal qualities that if out of balance can be understood and
worked on. One is able to perceive disharmony within and it is hoped that in
healing, these imbalances can be seen in one’s patients, not just
intellectually but intuitively. This imbalance may be observed within
individual chakras or as a collective. In doing so, one is instantly projected
to a point from which to prescribe or simply to send healing energy or light. Balance
is the refining of both strengths and weaknesses, so both will require
exploring but it will be the weaknesses that will require the most attention.
If there is information within this
book that is unclear or difficult to understand, then this is an opportunity to
meditate on it and thus allow understanding to filter through on some level,
for the chakra will still continue to be worked on whether you are fully
conscious of the process or not. This is the same for patients as they often
present what is confusing to us, so one can just stop and meditate on it in
order to receive an answer. However, simply allowing each chapter to wash over
the reader will enable a communication to be energetically established and this
will reveal itself when it is ready or necessary. This often happens during
prescribing and this book will help the practitioner to think in the way of
chakras or enable the intuition to open up to the chakras, the prescription, or
hopefully both. When meditating on anything, one opens oneself up as a channel.
It is thus very important to visualise and maintain in your mind’s eye a circle
of white light rotating anticlockwise
around yourself or around the whole
group if meditating together. This will provide protection whilst being in such
an open state. This light should be dispersed when closing down from the
meditation and the person should concentrate on being back in their body and
back down on Earth, re-establishing their natural protective aura, completely
sealed around them. This is a necessity and should be achieved before once
again opening the eyes, as it is not safe to be in this kind of open state in
what is essentially an uncontrollable world.
Each chakra contained in this book
is a reflection of my discovery, research, what I’ve been taught, and that
which I have channelled. To achieve this, I myself also had to work extensively
through each of the seven main chakras, such is the nature of how this energy
is obtained and thus how universally important it is in the healing process.
The seven main chakras and their contents are central to all health, vision and
wisdom through the expansion of consciousness that is the course of planetary
development. Thus their inclusion makes inroads into all forms of healing and homœopathy is no exception. To understand the human
constitution, an understanding of the seven chakras, along with each of their
glands that make up the endocrine system, is imperative.
This becomes clearer when studied
next to the body’s functions. Both are fundamental to existence and without the
endocrine system being balanced, it is impossible to truly know who you are.
Therefore, it stands to reason that the wisdom unlocked by an understanding of
the chakras will become a necessity for all healers. Like the miasmatic philosophy of homœopathy,
their essence is all encompassing and of course understanding the nature of the
seven chakras inevitably widens miasmatic knowledge
and thus aids in the perception of them, both in our minds and also as a tool
for prescribing.
This book is intended to be a
support for those who wish to ally their prescribing to using the seven chakras
in order to heal. There is no particular method as it is the very engagement in
energy work that is the key and what is required comes through the practitioner.
The practitioner is not the healer but somœone who is
able to allow healing energy to come through, which in homœopathy
reveals itself in the remedy selection. The purpose of understanding the seven
chakras, which can only come from working through them, is the means by which
one’s personal development unfolds and thus the experience is used to help
others: it is this that makes homœopathic prescribing
easier. This book is designed to offer the information and the means to develop
in order that the chakra structures may become clearer, stronger and deeper as
they are aligned with the human development of consciousness. This will then
help open up the portals to enlighten perception. The book is not intended
to be an intellectual pursuit, even though
the intellect will benefit from it. Consciousness only occurs when the pursuer
is ready. This is part of the development that will come clear when working on
the ideas within the book. This book, therefore, is not only for health
practitioners and homœopaths but also for all those
who wish to work through their seven chakras and these people will come to
it when they are ready. As already
stated, it is a journey book to which homœopathic
philosophy has been applied. Take the homœopathy away
and it contains that which will enable everyone’s development, so there are two
ways of reading it. If you pass it on, do so with love.
Lastly, the order of colours for
each chakra are as follows: starting at the base chakra - yellow, the sacral
centre - blue, the solar plexus - red, the heart chakra - green, the throat
chakra - dark blue, the brow chakra - orange and finally the crown chakra -
purple. This system is different from that of the rainbow, which is a system of
colours that are said to make a direct bridge to the emancipation of Earthly
existence. The colour system used here is ancient and the reason why they
pertain to a particular chakra will become clear as each chapter is read but
the key to their understanding is to be found in the concept of service.
Coupled with the energetic resonance and information within each chakra, they
are, about releasing and transforming the difficulties and stubborn patterns of
human karma that inhibit us all. This ability to release human karma means that
the seven chakras and their purpose are found in the centre of the majority of
faiths and religions. The chakras are imperative
in both esoteric and occult
philosophy. This book helps the reader to understand some of the connections
and harks back to the origins of such philosophies that have often been lost.
Locked inside the true meaning will be the energy that has the power to induce
the flow that we all need, offering a different way of perceiving the world.
The Longer Version
Just as the chakras overlap
energetically, so a similar structure has been necessary in the creation of
this book. There will be information or terms mentioned in a chapter, which may
not be explained fully until in a later chapter. Though not easy on the reader,
this is unavoidable, so as to avoid distraction away from the pure energy of
the chakra: the detail will surface as the book progresses.
When evoking the energy of each
chakra it is of the upmost importance to focus as specifically as possible on
the quality of that chakra and pick up what it contains even on its periphery.
it can be a thin line between what
is starting to spread into another chakra and maintaining its own integrity.
This can, of course, be the very nature of the chakra. For instance, the sacral
centre, being ruled by Jupiter, is very expansive so one may get confused in
knowing where the boundaries lie. The reader may benefit from writing down a
term that is not explained when they come across it and either exploring a
definition online or waiting to see how I have used the term later on in the
Alternatively, one can allow the
essence to simply wash over oneself whilst reading.
This book is designed to take the
reader through each of the seven chakras and thus enable them to work on each
chakra sequentially. This has been carefully constructed in order that the flow
of this process is maintained. For the flow to be achieved, this book has had
to steer away from being merely an intellectual exercise: it is rather a
‘journey book’ that uses the knowledge of ancient energies to evoke deep
healing in the reader. If this is denied, and if it is judged solely
intellectually, then its purpose, which is to induce the chakras energetically,
will be missed.
The book works and has to be
accessed and thus assessed by other means. The intellect will, however, be
required to assimilate the process as it unfolds, although this will become
superseded by ‘direct knowing’: the intellect should never be used to hold back
this process.
It will often be the subtleties, and
even the areas that seem initially to make no sense within this book, that
create the energy of the journey, for they prompt the unconscious. This is the
point to the book -it reminds us of what we have forgotten but that is held in
the unconscious and by making conscious- by remembering, we grow. There is no
doubt that the reader has to work at it, but regular meditation will greatly
help with the clarity required.
Like all journeys, this book has to
build and this is how the chakras interrelate, so the next chapter will explain
more about the previous one.
As with all chakra work, one needs
to be patient and this book has been written to develop patience. It also
enables the reader to pace oneself, for with this work one needs time to absorb
and adjust. It is a process and one simply cannot handle everything at once.
The end result should be of a collective, in which all the parts of the book,
where possible, have been fully covered. This ties together the seven chakras
in a holistic way. It is this unification that completes the journey. One
recognises this completion when the seven chakras are perceived as one. It is
imperative to ‘switch off ’ the chakra and close it and yourself down not only
after you have finished reading for a time, but also at the end of each chakra
section to give yourself a break. This is the most important
point within the ‘How to Use this
Book’ section. The opening up of one’s chakras will be a natural occurrence
that happens during the process of reading each chapter. I suggest this is done
in a comfortable place in which one has control of ones environment. The
emphasis here must be in the closing down, as it is not wise to keep a chakra
open all the time. The chakra, however, will remain active as one works through
the consequences of it having been called on.
It is advisable to close down
regularly, by first closing one’s eyes and imagining that each chakra is a
coloured light or candle. This should be visualised as this light belonging to
the part of the body where the chakra lies. For example, the throat chakra
would maintain the light at the throat, so it is from this position that it
should be closed down. The colour should pertain to the colour of the chakra
and in your mind’s eye it should be switched off or blown out. Depending on the chakra and your relationship
to it, this can prove difficult at times, but you should persist until
confident that it has closed down completely. Once this is achieved, your aura
should be re-sealed using the mind’s eye, making sure there are no holes.
Finally, you should feel completely back in your body with the feet firmly on
the ground. It can be useful to remove your shoes and really feel the earth
under the feet. Again, it is good practice to do this each time you finish
reading and most importantly at the end of each chapter. It is also good to
have a rest.
If you are confused and unable to
understand a particular chakra, then this may be because you are working very
deeply with the energy of that chakra. By closing down and leaving the chakra
a while, you can then re-read the
chapter without the initial intensity and this should help. This refers
particularly to the brow chakra, as the pituitary gland may not be able to both
adjust to the process and absorb the information into the brain at the same
time: it’s as if the mind goes blank. Rest will cure this occurrence.
When this book is read initially, it
should be in the sequence in which it is written - chronologically in the same
way the chakras run up the spine, from base to crown. Only after this process
is completed should an individual chakra be delved into at random. During this initial read and subsequently, if
a chakra is dipped into and out of as pleased, it is necessary to make sure the
light of
the chakras prior to the one
presently being read are also switched off when closing down. This should be
achieved by starting with the most recent - the present chakra and working
one’s way back down to the base. This is because where one is on the evolution
of chakra work is also an amalgamation of the work done on all the stations
before, so the previous chakras will automatically light
up to support the current position.
For example, if one finishes at the end of or during the heart chakra, that
should be switched off using the exercise above, and then switch off the solar
followed by the sacral centre, and
finishing with the base. A simple way to remember this is that whenever you
close down, finish with the base chakra.
Miasms are energies of destiny. The core
of their energy is shaped by consequence - the decisions that one makes in
previous, present and future incarnations. They are the results of living on
Earth and have formed through the separation between Self and the Divine. Miasms are forces of a negative amalgamation of space,
time, matter and spirit. They manifest from the illusion of this separation,
from being here on Earth, which masquerades as reality. Homœopathy
does not rely on the notion that the world is out to attack the human
constitution through an onslaught of bacteria
or contagious viruses. It does not
believe disease can be ‘caught’ but is propagated within, given the right
circumstances, though this is not to deny the existence of bacteria. These
circumstances’ are the forces that
pull Self down into a state of ill health. These forces will determine Self ’s
disposition to any given disease, depending on Self ’s own relationship with
them, their mix and activity. This process is also true of the group as well as
the individual, for these circumstances can also be induced collectively
through fear. Fear in itself is tremendously powerful and is both created by miasms and used by them to further their cause.
In homœopathy,
the understanding of energy gravitates to a central philosophy that
differentiates between the forces that lie behind disease. These different
forces are called miasms and the pursuit of their
understanding establishes further insight into the nature of the human kingdom
in relation to the other kingdoms and the purpose to life. Essentially this is
humanity’s relationship with the Divine and how this relationship is played out
on planet Earth. This knowledge of the workings of the miasms
leads to further understanding of homœopathic
remedies, including the nosodes (remedies made
directly from the disease state of each of the miasms),
for they resonate somewhere on the periphery as the vibration of the miasms moves outwards. In the centre of this vortex is
the syphilitic miasm
from which the other miasms resonate. This is why
most remedies have an action upon all the miasms.
So, to summarise, by the simple act
of reading this book one becomes open to its energy. The reader does this naturally
because this energy is not in reality new but is the making of them. The
process is constructed to be taken in a chapter at a time, and then once having
absorbed the energy of the chapter, one waits.
Pausing provides the time and the
space to allow the consequences of the absorbed energy to develop. This cannot
be rushed. The information contained in Chapter One will explain this, as this
in part, how one forms a good base
chakra. As each chapter is read, its consequence will provide the tools to
enable the reader to progress to the next chapter. For example, a good base is
to explore each chapter.
We live in fast adrenal driven times
but in order to get the most out of the latter chapters, the discipline gained
in the first few chapters should be adhered to. Once again, this is not
achieved intellectually but by appointing the time and the space for the energy
of each chapter to be integrated, achieving stability. This is like painting a
picture, as each brush stroke is the making of the final image. How one starts
anything will determine the finish. Each brush stroke needs to fit with its
adjacent, each colour should add to the whole. But the surface must often be
allowed to stand, to breathe and be given life. This provides the time to
reflect upon it (or let it dry), without which, one is left with a muddy image.
There is much to each chakra and
much to clear and balance. Chakras can even be spinning in the wrong direction.
The consequences of this are what needs to change, so try to be patient as we
work and rework areas of the canvas.
the equivalent remedy - the ‘like’
or similimum in vibrational
energy terms. It will partly or completely contain the solution to counter the
metamorphosis of miasmatic energy, which if Self allows,
will help to unlock the constraints of what is essentially the result of karma.
All of us as guardians of the human
race need to constantly remind ourselves that within this world it is wrong to
blame natural physical responses such as disease on bacteria for example, when
it is the soil of the soul that is the garden in which miasms
are planted and cultivated.
Miasms have traditionally been taught
within the context of the time line of human history. Their development has
been associated with the way in which the human condition has evolved and as it
has become more conscious of the physical function of its body. This approach
places the Psoric miasm as
the forerunner, it being primarily, in physical pathological terms, to do with
the elimination of toxins through the skin, the first alternative to the bowels
and thus the first negative physical alternate state. The skin also marks the
boundary, again in physiological terms, from which Self can
be sure where it stops and starts.
Therefore this boundary can be
considered the initial point that denotes our awareness of being Self and so
the subsequent fear of separation, which is too much to bear, leads to its
If we explore a little more of this
physiological point of view, the sycotic miasm is then born from the storing of toxins that the
bowels and the skin fail to clear, creating lumps and tumors
within the physical body. It’s thought that from this internalised energy the
soul compensates by gorging upon inner desires as a means to tolerate its
newfound freedom. According to this premise, the syphilitic miasm
evolved as a result of the inadequacy of excess to provide a suitable solution
to the torture that the soul feels from the fear of separation. The next
physical solution manifested by driving the problem so deep within the tissues
that it could no longer be detected, and being so well hidden the soul could
convince itself that it has disappeared. In the human quest to understand its
function within the universe and thus combat its fears, it utilizes the
reactionary force to separation that when unleashed is primarily destructive -
the syphilitic miasm.
Within this historical perspective
it is thus considered that this destruction led to the formation of the next miasm in which all the boundaries have been demolished
through perversity (essentially the
improper means to reconnect). This
state enables the amalgamation of all the previous miasms
by flowing into one another and by doing so creates the Tubercular miasm. This nebulous, uncontainable energy, finds
expression in the tissues by having been buried deep inside, leaving hollow
spaces behind as it tries to find an exit route. Once it is discovered that
this does not equate to a genuine exit strategy, usually when the energy starts
to run out, one compensates for having no boundaries by pushing oneself up a
tight alleyway where all can be eventually condensed into the falsification of
boundaries - the Cancer miasm. These unreal
boundaries are the most dangerous to the physical part of the constitution as
cells proliferate under their pressure. This physical miasmatic
development that has just been outlined can be plotted against the seven
chakras, starting with Psora at the base represented
by the element earth. They continue upwards until they amalgamate to form the
Tubercular miasm. Some place this miasm
at the heart chakra and others at the throat, but once again this is only a
physical slant and so only a small piece in the jigsaw puzzle that indicates
how the miasms work together within each of the seven
chakras. This is not a true representation of how the miasms
evolved, just as the traditional western historical representation of the
evolution of humanity is not correct, but a manipulation of time and space that
is solely interested in the fitting of physical events. Even scientists are
beginning to realise the inadequacies of relying on the assumption of material
evidence. It is true that due to the expansion of matter, physical life has
adjusted accordingly. However, this reveals very little on how the miasms interact as a collective, as energies of the seven
chakras and of the Seven Principles of Man. This book explores this
relationship, for it is the study of the interaction of the seven essential
life vortexes that are the seven chakras, which reveals miasmatic
activity as they are meant to be perceived as the result of human karma.
The spiritual nature of human
evolution has been ignored by historians, glossed over by academics and
controlled by religions. This evolution will manifest as miasmatic
disease when mankind chooses to ignore it, as miasms
in themselves are able to influence consciousness. This also includes Divine
consciousness or to be conscious of the Divine as opposed to Self. All the
other lower kingdoms therefore, do not manifest disease in the same way, for
they do not have the capacity to question Divine Will. However, with such
consciousness humanity does have this ability, as
co-creator, to place its influence
over these lower kingdoms. It is only through humanity that disease can be
introduced to the other kingdoms here on Earth. This rationale places the
forces of destiny that manifest miasmatically in a
different context to that which can be obtained and be perceived by the five
senses. The Psoric miasm may
be the least cruel of the miasms to the physical
body, perhaps because it is in direct cognition with the earthly element that
in its creative sense is the making of the soil of the Earth. Therefore at
present it is easiest for the human form to find harmony and unravel the
secrets of its home, but the consequences of the Psoric
miasm can be detected more deeply within the human
psyche on the higher planes and if unresolved will flow over and affect both
the next generation and of course the next life after reincarnation. This can
hinder much in the way of possibility for the purpose of a life. When the Psoric miasm is looked at within
its consequence upon the higher planes, the true extent of its pain can be
ascertained. Miasms therefore do not simply pass
their way through the bloodline and along the ancestral stream.
The consequence of one life also
feeds into the next as essentially this dictates the necessity for rebirth. The
energy of past events bleeds through the time barrier in the form of miasmatic inheritance and is thus contained within more
than just the physical and etheric bodies. Therefore,
if miasms pertain to the other bodies, they have the
means to draw on energy resources that go back
a long way. The drawing of such
energy happens simultaneously, as essentially in evolutionary terms there is
only what we know to be the present. Therefore when treating using homœopathic philosophy one can only deal with what is
presented but one has also to be aware that it is only the tip of the iceberg. Miasmatic energy is fed parasitically by past patterns on
which they gorge and it is thus within their interest to maintain these
patterns as it is from these that miasms are kept
alive. It is because miasmatic damage manifests in
the ‘here and now’ that much can be done to free the soul of its constraints.
This is why we are only a meditation away from our past lives, from one’s
history, from healing the past, as all in reality is happening simultaneously.
This is what we are as a whole. It is only when miasmatic
energy transcends on the spiritual plane that spirit, through the soul, is no
longer limited by their bounds.
In this book, the syphilitic miasm is presented as expressing itself through the other miasms. This is a different way of looking at the evolution
of the miasms and questions the more traditional
point of view with regard to their function and growth. Central to this is the
notion that miasmatic activity is safer on the human
constitution when acting on the physical end of the chakra line and much more
devastating when acting on the spiritual. All the miasms
are the product of the separation of Self from the Divine. It is the varying
ways the different energy centres that we call chakras interelate,
which not only differentiate the miasms from one
another but also explains how they coexist and thus pertain to a particular
chakra. Like the chakras, we only differentiate the miasms
so that we can access them to further human consciousness using the limitations
of the human brain.
Miasms fascinate us even though they are
the result of negative karma. We need to enter their dark world to understand
them, for they are a means to healing and by healing we enter the light.
We gain from them much insight that
is innate to the human individual purpose. This purpose uses the mechanism of
reincarnation in which spirit has its part in the evolution of all the planets
and not just Earth. Miasms test our understanding and
thus the structures that humanity places on the cause of disease and therefore
the subsequent treatment. They place the responsibility of this not simply on
the actions of Self but also on the group. Both are of miasmatic
making and the greatest cause of miasms are actions
created out of fear.
Base Chakra
There is a process to life, which
evolves one’s spirit working through each chakra in reverse order to when they
were first visited by spirit during the act of incarnation. So in effect, we reclimb the ladder, exploring what was once known but then
forgotten by the conscious mind. This enables Self to replace that of the old
with the new. All ladders need a firm footing and the purpose of the base
chakra is to provide this for the child and later the adult. A good base chakra
provides the opportunity to explore life in all its diversity, in short, to
take a firm grip of the reins and take it on.
The importance of this footing
cannot be stressed enough, and when taking the patient’s case an assessment in
relation to the quality of the childhood should be carefully addressed. How is
the level of trust, as opposed to fear, learnt through the patient’s
construction of their base chakra as a child, and subsequently how does this
now reflect in the conduct of their everyday needs?
The base chakra marks the beginning
of a spiritual quest: to rise from material limitations of physical life. To do
so means the lessons of Saturn (the governing planet of this centre) must be
thoroughly mastered, for it will not allow the student to pass through its
gates until it feels that the definition of physical truth, as opposed to
illusion, has been imbedded in the personality. There are many adults who have
yet to master this initiation. We know in homœopathy
that the more the patient is present and integrated, the easier it is for them
to evolve through their treatment. This is the cut and dry of this centre; it
either works for you or it doesn’t. There is no room to haggle here, no maybes
or loose loitering around its periphery, for it requires full or attract great
wealth to support its purpose for being here. This can bring about great
change, for which this wealth will be needed. The test of Saturn will be to
prevent this wealth from becoming the motivation. The material world and Self
should operate in harmony, otherwise nothing of note will be achieved. In the
West this has become more of a challenge, for society has placed great
importance on possessions.
Saturn has only one outcome in mind,
to teach Self trust, so that it may pursue its purpose. Some of the remedies
required when facing difficulties here are Lyc. Sil. Clay, Earth and Yellow.
The inability to get into one's base
chakra makes the physical manifestations of life’s natural needs difficult to
cultivate. It is impossible to catch the bus if you haven’t made it to the bus
stop. The stability that this centre provides is simply not available for
construction if the spirit is not around to benefit. This also makes homœopathic remedies very difficult to use on a person who
is not in their body and therefore not present to receive them. Often in this
case base remedies (Sulphur) will be needed to re-establish the connection of
body and spirit, often before other remedies will work. These will root the
person to their base, enabling them at last to make an assessment as to the
state of their lives, which have been continuing whilst they have not been
around to make any purposeful decisions. It is fairly common these days to
hinder a child’s development by throwing them out of their body and away from
their base chakra. One major cause of this is vaccinations.
Can the spirit of a child really be
expected to hang around during an attack of insidious, negative karmic material
that directly bypasses the immune system and thus besieges its home? In this
way we could say that the energy of the crusades is still among us. Violence on
TV will also do this, as of course will fear instilled by their trustees. We
can now begin to see how much the base chakra has influence over the yet to be
developed emotions. There is much in this modern world to which the child has
to be wise and not overly open. But then sometimes a new child enters the
family with its own karmic quest for protection in mind, unconsciously making
demands, one of which may be to not be vaccinated. This throws the family into
turmoil, for on a conscious level they don’t know or can’t see what is
motivating this new form of questioning within them. The child will thus change
the dynamic of the family by reminding it that things need to be different.
It may also be said that part of
this inability to touch base can be a attention if Self is to progress. It is
fairly easy to ascertain the connection between the development of the
formative years and the way they play out in the habits of later life. Poor
development or function of the base manifests in two different ways: the soul
either hides within the base chakra or the spirit has a problem accessing it.
In either situation, there is a fear of allowing Saturn to participate
naturally in life. Avoidance does not push the will of Saturn away and thus it
is applied over and over again until its lessons have been learnt and the gate
opens on Self ’s voyage to the next chakra. The repercussions from Saturn’s
relentless pursuit, if ignored, lead to devastation, as all that is held dear
is lost. By the time
that Saturn has outmanoeuvred the
avoidance of Self by removing each obstacle placed in its path, Self, if having
relied solely on material gain, can then find itself ill prepared and incapable
of change. Saturn’s lesson is that of flexibility. It forces Self to make the
decisions that are necessary, those that Self is reluctant or feels incapable
of taking. In challenging personal rules it removes the need for excuses - the
false gods that Self accumulates in order to justify its reluctance towards the
new. To be stuck in the base centre results in the action of holding on to what
one’s got, be it a little or a lot. This is to be a slave to the material world
and indicates a lack of trust in the process of life. It does not mean that the
material world is not important, as it sustains our purpose for
being here. However, there is a
point to this relationship and that is to loosen its solidity in order that
Self may shine brightly through it and not have it govern its shine. Or to put
it another way, it is the sunlight that makes our planet so green, not the
green that makes the sunlight. Material possessions should be gained to assist
Self, but instead they have become the means by which to express power and to
reflect status.
Status is the primary mover in
material dominance and is motivated by the fear of loss. There is a universal
law that states: change can only happen for the better. It has no other
motivation and the energy of the base is the preparation for such changes, of
which there will be many during life. Those who cling to the material world
like a life raft find it impossible to locate dry land on which they can
explore the challenges that life presents. It is only through letting go that
one can correct the old, pointless cycles of the personality, which is part of
what Self is here to undo. The more materialistic humanity is, the further it
will be from its purpose, and this will sadly be reflected in the wishes of
[Martin Miles /this article has been
taken directly from Martin’s work, with only a few of my own comments]
The endocrine system and the chakras
published in The Journal of the Society of Homeopaths - summer 2010-issue 291
The following work by Len Marlow is
based on his notes from lectures given by the late Martin Miles, in London from
1990-92. We are very much aware of the importance of the work of a
master such as Martin, but also that
much of what he has to say is drawing on his clinical experience and, during a
lecture, cannot often be supported by written or other evidence. Nevertheless,
there is a lot of learning and
experience incorporated in the work and we believe that it should be available
to our readers. Similarly, using connections to other therapies and
philosophies, is not
pure homeopathy.
However, there is a strong tradition
in our practice of being informed by other philosophies and we think it is what
many readers would be interested by. Of course there are health warnings about
suggestions made by lecturers but
they are worth hearing about and adding to the breadth of knowledge.
Introduction - Len Marlow
Whenever a hormonal imbalance is
present it is necessary to consider the entire endocrine system. The endocrine
glands are not stand-alone producers of hormones but an intricately linked and
balanced system. Using chemicals to
act as feedback messengers. If one endocrine gland seems to be malfunctioning
you can assume adjacent glands will also be affected. Although modern science
have given names to these glands and
their secretions the understanding of their importance dates back to early
Hindu teaching through the system of chakras. The seven main charkas relate
to the endocrine system.
The Seven Chakras and associated
Endocrine Glands
Sahasrana Crown
Chakra 7th
Chakra Pineal gland Upper Braib/Central
Nervous System Violet/Purpur.x
Ajna Eye/Brow Chakra 6th Chakra Pituitary.x gland Lower Brain/Autonomic Nervous System Indigo.x
Vissudha Throat
Chakra 5th
Chakra Thyroid.x gland Respiratory System/Laranx/Pharynx Blau.x
Anahata Heart
Chakra 4th
Chakra Thymus.x gland Heart/Blood/circulatory System Grün.x
Manipura Solar
Plexus Chakra 3rd Chakra Adrenal.x glands Solar
Plexus/Digestive System/Liver/Gallbladder Gelb.x
Swadhisthana Sacral
Chakra 2nd
Chakra Ovaries and Prostate.x glands Governs Reproductive System Orange.x
Muladhara Root/Base
Chakra 1st Chakra Coccyx Governs Skeletal System Spine Rot.x
Martin was the first practitioner to
encourage me to see prescribing as not being bound by medical models, to see
that a person exists on many levels and is connected to everything, to realise
are no limits to the arena in which
homeopathy can work. Martin would prescribe support remedies and remedies for
the state of the client but would also see a need to prescribe on the space in
which that person is existing. Here he particularly turned to the new age
remedies. He was never insistent on how to prescribe these remedies but we were
encouraged to “prescribe in threes”. With just this permission many
practitioners have developed ways of accessing all sorts of modern conditions:
Autism, Aids, Gulf war syndrome, drug toxicity, living without roots, absence
of any spiritual connection.
So what follows are extracts from
Martins lectures and part of my journey to an understanding of this great gift
from Martin. As he would say; please read, it may mean little to you now but
you are going to need it and it will be there when you do. This article is much
too short to cover his greater understanding of the pictures of the miasms, to develop in any depth the pictures of the gland
remedies, to understand how to analyse a case from the charkas, to regain well
being after long years of medical and other abuse so; I would encourage you all
to pick up and cherish any notes or writings by Martin as they become
Martin’s introduction
Homeopathy has a direct influence on
these centres. So it is good to be as conscious as possible about them.
Although one looks at them individually, they all work together as a group, and
function or dysfunction together as a group; although there’s usually a
dominant centre (as in the adrenal type of person, for instance).
In that way, homeopathy influences
the endocrine glands and the charkas associated with them. The secretions of
the endocrine glands are hormones. Modern science gives them boring names and
makes them complex in the hope that you won’t understand them.
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