Indigo (Indo) = Farbe


pH range acid > 11 Strong alkali Violet or Indigo


„Prahlhans“ „Hochstapler“

Thema: Gemeinschaftsdienst; Lösung: positiv: Verbunden sein mit Mitmenschen; negativ: Fanatisch sein;

Positiv: Religiös/sozial/optimistisch/gütig/tierlieb/treu/Arbeitsfreudig/ehrlich/Kühlen/lindernd

            Fördert Distanziertheit/Erfahrungen evaluieren/Führer;

Negativ: Chaotisch/Grenzen setzen, frostig, ohne Emotionen/intellektuell/analysierend/gnadenlos/ ängstlich/nervös/ depressiv, Schreibfehler, Schmerz, Pelviskongestion, Augen/Nase/Ohren, Farbe der Kopfregion und der Füße, von Mond in Widder, Stier und Fische - die Farben der intuitiven Erkenntnis, der tiefen Wahrnehmung und

der Bescheidenheit. It is the "bluest remedy in the Materia Medica."

Augen, Nase und Ohren;

Note: When energy is low in the relevant organs, use indigo, when high use orange!

Relates to the BROW chakra or third eye which is in the centre of the forehead The related organs to this chakra are the eyes, lower head and sinuses and the endocrine

gland is the pituitary gland.

Indigo relates to self responsibility, that is to say, being responsible for one's own life; responsible to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. The ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort. Intuitive messages are unique to you

and are for you personal.

Some of the associated problems relating to the brow chakra are:- tension headache, migraine, visual defects, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, glaucoma, cataracts,

catarrh, sinus problems, some ear problems.

positive aspects of this colour                         negative aspects of this colour

Highly intuitive                                                 Separateness

Faithful                                                             Fearful

Sense of unity                                                 Intolerant

Fearless                                                             Impractical

Devotion to duty                                                 Judgmental

Articulate                                                             Inconsiderate

Practical idealists                                                 Depressed easily

Using colours well in the home is a way of creating a balanced environment.

Indigo is a sedative and it helps to open up our intuition. The colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind. Not suitable for areas for entertainment but for more 'quiet' places. Bedrooms or treatment rooms for example. Some people find indigo is helpful for studying so this colour could be used as part of the decor of a library or study;

dogmatisch/fanatisch/überheblich/tadelsüchtig ;


Vergleich: Amorpha fruticosa (= Bastardindigo/Fabales./Farbstoffen./Quelle: Gartenhandel).

Anil. (= source material for synthetic Indigo).

Bapt. (= Wilder Indigo).

Bell. Bismutum.. ‡.


Isatis tinctoria (= Färberwaid erzeugt nach Fermentation Indigo Brassicales.).

Camph. Cob. Crot. Cupr-met. Elec. Indg. Phos. Pitu. Pic-ac. Sep.

Comparison: Sutherlandia with Indigo, Baptisia tinctoria, Sepia succus, Ambra grisea, Carbon compositions

Doctrine of Signatures.

Strongly purple or indigo plants, such as wild indigo, true indigo (woad), and echinacea remedies for deep inflammatory processes where there are tendencies

to putrefaction, necrosis, and tissue death

Siehe: Farben allgemein + Imponderables


Unverträglich: tagsüber/depressiv/intelektuELL


Wirkung: sycotisch  introversiv/nervennährend/fördert Lebenskraft

Allerlei: 6e chakra. Begabte Kinder werden Indigokinder genannt

entsteht durch Fermentation.


Phytologie: Gicht/Rheuma



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