Mehrere Mittel


Hevea brasiliensis = Latexbaum /= Kautschuk/= Gonna


Vergleich: Mehrere Bäume werden in Gebrauch und Namen mit Hevea verbunden. Castilla elastica (= Panama rubber tree/Rosales.) siehe Lacs vegetabil.


Latex vulcani prepaired from a condom


= Sulph. + widerspruchlich;

In a bubble not connecting, therefore uninhibited working without respite, restless/separated from danger, therefore reckless.

Lack of communication, dreams in foreign languages, of not being understood.

Violence outside - shock and paralysis. Terratorial issues. (Barrier, disconnection.)

Claustrophobia. Constriction, band sensations.

Cosy, calm and still. Skin symptoms. (skin represents the barrier between within and without.)


Kondom geplatzt – was nun?


            Sperma ausspucken

            Mund ausspülen mit hochprozentige Alkohol (Wodka/Genever/Whiskey)

            Nicht die Zähne putzen - vorhandene Viren könnte im Zahnfleisch gerieben werden.


            Penis mit Seife waschen/Vorhaut zurückziehen und reinigen

            Scheide oder Darm besser nicht spülen wegen Verletzungsgefahr

Test ist erst 6 - 12 Wochen nach dem Sex brauchbar.

Heimtests sind im Deutschland nicht zugelassen/Ergebnisse sind zu unsicher.

Partner hat AIDS: sofort zum Arzt/eine Prophylaxe (= PEP) kann noch funktionieren, ist nicht sicher

Häufig wechselnde Partner ist gefährlich (Promiskuität)

Positiv auf HIV getestet: Es gibt Medikamente, die ein Leben lang genommen werden müssen (Bis 50 Stück täglich)


[Misha Norland]

Expecting symptoms in common with Sulphur and Rajan Sankaran's proving Polystyrenum. The key concept here is "insulation". Furthermore, Monoculture of rubber trees, sliced and "bleeding" almost to death, their sap running into rusty tin cans twined to their trunks.. The elements of this are: insulation, disconnection, lack of feeling, lack

of sensation, sex without conception. Rubber associated with work, (without feeling/for the sake of work). Think of the billions of tyres taking us to and from work.

Sulphur is the binding agent/turning soft sap into the tough, elastic, useful material. This is the major use of Sulphur. Itch/skin symptoms/problems at orifices/muco-cutanious borders/stomach/intestines + problems with relationships. The "glue" which Sulphur is to hydrocarbon molecules, as it is in rubber, might express itself in the psyche of the provers as relationship breakdowns (lack of glue) as well as insulation, lack of connection and indifference.

Latex is used in the manufacture of baby teats and dummies therefore it could have a place in the treatment of bottle fed babies, amplifying disconnection/disgust/having been neglect/rubber in the place of nurturing nipple and sweet breast. Since physical contact is mediated by skin, it follows that these symptoms should have a particular meaning within the context of patients who had been bottle fed babies.

Another aspect of Sulphur/rubber = fire/stench. Symptoms of heat/sweating/foulness. (self-loathing?). Latex has a protective function: it provides a covering for a plant wound, as fibrinogen does for animals in the formation of closing a wound. Wondering whether this aspect would emerge giving us a "wound remedy", or whether the latex bleeding (almost to the death of the trees) would "translate" into non-healing, or whether Latex might prove useful for all manner of exhausting discharges. Given the attack upon the trees, Would develop imaginations or dreams of attack and images of knives and cutting. Feelings of receiving or perpetrating violence, of exploitation, and finally, in a decompensated state, of guilt.


Frauen besonders von der Allergie betroffen

Auch wenn Männern häufiger nachgesagt wird, dass sie eine Abneigung gegen Kondome hegen: Es sind vor allem Frauen, die an einer echten Kondom-Unverträglichkeit leiden. Das liegt zum einen daran, dass Frauen beim Geschlechtsverkehr deutlich intensiver mit dem Präservativ in Berührung kommen. Das Kondom reibt an den Schleimhäuten und die allergieauslösenden Stoffe können in kleine Wunden eindringen. Zum anderen leiden Frauen auch häufiger an einer Allergie gegen den Grundstoff der meisten Kondome: Latex.

Quaddeln und Ausschlag am ganzen Körper

Laut Angaben des Deutschen Allergie- und Asthmabundes (DAAB) leiden rund 2% der deutschen Bevölkerung an einer Latexallergie. Typische Anzeichen sind Juckreiz, Rötung und Schwellungen nach dem Kontakt mit dem Präservativ. Die allergische Reaktion ist meist auf den Intimbereich beschränkt. Sie kann sich aber auch auf den ganzen Körper ausbreiten und Quaddeln sowie großflächigen Ausschlag verursachen. Mitunter würden auch die Atemwege angegriffen, es komme zu Fließschnupfen und Asthma-Anfällen, so der DAAB. Auch Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme könnten folgen.


Häufiger Kontakt begünstigt Allergie

Der vermehrte Kontakt mit Latexprodukten kann die Entstehung der Allergie begünstigen. Beschäftige im medizinischen Bereich leiden deshalb deutlich häufiger an der Unverträglichkeit:

Dem DAAB zufolge sind bis zu 17% des medizinischen Personals betroffen. Ob jemand an einer Latexallergie leidet, wird jedoch meist schon vor dem ersten Kontakt mit einem Kondom festgestellt. So enthalten etwa auch Luftballons, Radiergummis, Elektrokabel sowie viele weitere Alltagsgegenstände Naturlatex, sodass eine Allergie meist frühzeitig erkannt wird.

Auch Farbstoffe können Allergien auslösen

Doch nicht nur das Latex in Kondomen kann Allergien auslösen. Viel häufiger sind verschiedene Beschichtungen wie Gleitmittel oder spermientötende Substanzen, Geschmacks- oder Duftstoffe für die allergische Reaktion verantwortlich. Eine Unverträglichkeit äußert sich dann meist durch Symptome wie lokale Schwellungen und Juckreiz. Diese sind in der Regel jedoch harmlos und vergehen nach einigen Tagen wieder. Kühlende, kortisonhaltige Salben lindern die Beschwerden. Auch ein Antiallergikum beschleunigt den Heilungsprozess.

Kein Grund, auf Kondome zu verzichten

Um künftige allergische Reaktionen zu vermeiden, sollte die genaue Ursache abgeklärt werden. Mithilfe eines Hauttests findet der Arzt heraus, welche Inhaltsstoffe die Allergie auslösen. Besteht Verdacht auf eine Latexunverträglichkeit, gibt ein Bluttest Aufschluss. Liegt tatsächlich eine Allergie vor, bedeutet das jedoch nicht, auf Kondome verzichten zu müssen. Fast jeder große Kondomhersteller hat spezielle latexfreie, allergenarme Präservative im Angebot.


[Peter Fraser]

Theme: AIDS. as disease/as Nososde/as Miasm is the breakdown of boundaries. In the world of AIDS Latex has taken on some of the roles of those lost barriers particularly the role of the immune system in protecting the body from germs and disease. The latex glove had been common in surgery, principally to protect the patient from the surgeon's germs. In the 1980s it quickly became mandatory for all health workers and its use was as much about protecting the worker as the patient.

In the 1960s and 70s the condom was seemingly destined to become an historical curiosity as the pill offered a new style of reproductive prophylaxis and readily available antibiotics made sexually transmitted diseases a minor inconvenience. In every field boundaries were dissolving and the throwing out of this barrier seemed to be a part of the spirit of the times. Yet as the 70s came to a close and the 80s began, first genital herpes. and then AIDS made sex dangerous again and the condom was suddenly a necessity. What had been a dirty secret was being advertised by the government

on TV. It became an icon for the struggle against HIV, a position it still holds, espec. in the HIV community. To talk about condoms was still taboo yet it was a taboo that had to be broken if humanity was to survive this new disease.

Contradictory nature STRONG in Latex. The rubber tyre insulates car/bicycle from rough road + keep the vehicle in close contact with the road. The latex glove insulates the wearer from the patient's possibly poisonous blood/separates the patient from the surgeon's germs. It must not interfere with the surgeon's delicate touch. The same applies to the condom which must act as a complete barrier not only to spermatozoa but also to bacteria and to the tiniest virus. In Rubber (condom) there is a dynamic tension between the barrier to disease and semen and the lack of a barrier to feeling and touch. Latex is a substance that is increasingly universal/can cause strong allergic skin reaction in many (health workers) It has been postulated that much of the enormous increase in atopic infant eczema and asthma may be the result of neo natal sensitization to the latex gloved hands.

Rubber is a very sexual substance, e(apart from its use in condom)/favourite material for fetish wear as it covers and conceals yet is so expressive that it becomes a second skin encompassing both the sexuality of nakedness and the titilation of concealment at the same time. This reflects the nature of fetishistic sex in general where sex becomes more direct more powerful and extreme, often as a way of avoiding intimacy, real contact and the issues that arise in intimate relationships. Rubber clothing also has the contradiction of binding, constricting and holding yet it gives and stretches more freely than any other substance.

The history of the collection of latex is one of unimaginable cruelty  to the tree which is slowly bled to death/to those that collect the material. Rubber is a disposable substance that we use and throw away but it does not just go away. It persists as mountains of burning tyres or as condoms washed up on polluted beaches.

Heating rubber and sulphur together (vulcanization.) gives the rubber increased strength/elasticity/reduced its sensitivity to temperature.

Rubber is found in the latexes of many different plants..

Bound and unbound, tied and untied. Many of these symptoms and sensations of Euphorbiaceae make great sense for Rubber. The sensation of the band, probably a rubber band, and the idea of being tightly held and of being released are what one would expect of rubber and the feeling of being hidebound makes you think of rubber clothing and of the condom. Symptoms that are in tune with this vital sensation were, not unexpectedly to be found in the proving

It seems that Rubber might encompass many of the feelings of the whole family Euphorbiaceae.

Other remedies use latex of a plant as the remedy (Hura. Latex = Hura-ähnLICH/Op. from a very different family (Paveraceae). Together they have shame/an analgesic effect that insulates and isolates found in Op./Hura/Latex might be related to latex. The word latex is cognate with lac and describes the milky appearance of the substance.

It seems likely that latex remedies can have a relationship to the Lacs.



Within 5 minutes of beginning the trituration it was announced that the first air strikes had been made against Afghanistan.

The trituration to C 1 took more that two hours as it was necessary to break down the very resistant substance.

I was hot and perspiring. Trembling.

The substance was hard and stubborn and my reaction was of a similar quality.

Felt a tendency to become obsessive/compulsive as I worked at the trituration.

The smell was nauseating, this went right on into the 3c trituration.

I was belching and felt nauseous, almost, but not quite to the point, of vomiting.

I had a sick head ache.

Felt that the skin on my head was tightening.

Heat in the forehead.

Felt rushed and hurried, carried away with the process.

Became aggressive and violent.

Felt so sick that I had to take two long breaks in the process.

Was clumsy and dropped and smashed things.


Mind: Abstraction/prone to accidents

Desires activity (and unable to Stopp/restless)

Adventurous at  night

Ailments from disappointment/embarrassment/mental shock/shame

Desire for open air

Anger (< full moon/easily/when misunderstood/violent)

Anxiety (about own children -  she is a bad mother/of conscience/about salvation


Awkward (drops things)


Busy (fruitlessly)


Chaotic/clarity of mind

mania for cleanlyness

aversion to company (desire for solitude/with mortification)/aversion to conversation/desire for company (but not participating)

Comprehension – does not understand but thinks she does

Concentration active/difficult (cannot fix attention/studying)

want of self-confidence/confident

Confusion („As if in a dream“/to own identity/loses his way in well-known streets/when spoken to/on waking)

Content (in his bubble)

thoughts of death (before sleep)



Delusions [being alone/being an animal right through/is an ape - territorial and aggressive/is going to be assaulted/being attacked/bed is shaking from palpitations/falling out of bed/body looks ugly/bubbles about to burst/is in a bubble/everything is changed/is in control of her destiny/is cosy and cocooned/had committed a crime/is criticized/eating is unnecessary/energy all around her/breasts are enlarged/distances are enlarged/everything will fail/fish/is forsaken/has 2 hearts/is hindered by everyone/about to receive injury/is invisible/bein laughed at and mocked at/is lost for salvation/is misunderstood/his image looks different to himself in mirror/her image looks evil in mirror/being numb/has offended people/ is an outsider/is paralyzed/is a

Pharoah/is not safe except at home/separated from everything/he were separated from himself/is separated from the world („As if in a bubble“)/bein sick/is sinking/is supported/is tall/time seems earlier/is being touched/is being trapped/is being watched/drops of water are falling on her/looks wretched]/“As if in a dream“/“As if heavy“/“As if helpless“


Detached (from the world/from his problems/“As if observing from outside“

Disconnected (selfishness of others/from surroundings), with

Dull (when spoken to/unable to think long)

Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences

ESCAPE, attempts to


Fear (of being alone/of cancer/of sleep – he will die if he goes to sleep/impending disease/something will happen/of rain/of losing self-control/of spiders)

Forgetful (forgets where she is going)

Feeling forsaken („As if isolated“)

Greed, cupidity


Hurry, haste/impateince/impulsive/rash (when driving)/heedless


Indifference, apathy (adverse to circumstances/to personal appearance/to danger/to eating/to everything/to  opposite sex)

Industrious, mania for work (desire to finish his work/with sexual desire wanting)

Irritable (# tranquility/towards children/from noise)


Memory active/weakness of memory (for what was about to do/for where he has put objects)


Mistakes in writing (transposing letters)

Mood changeable (sudden)/naive

Sense of orientation  decreased

Peaceful feeling


Not recignizing streets; well known


Aversion to responsibility

Restless (> in open air/during palpitations/with sadness)


Selfish, egoism

Senses acute (too acute to eat)/dull, blunted

Sensitive (# indifference/to noise/to odors/to touch)/want of sensitiveness

Shrieking (in anger/during rage)

Singing (hilarious, joyously)

incorrect judgement of size

Spaced out feeling

Speaks inarticulate

Starting, startled (by own reflection)


Suicidal disposition


Mental tense (# tranquillity)

Thoughts disagreeable/disconnected/sexual/of stagnation/violent

appears shorter; passes too quick/appears longer; passes too slow


aversion to be touched

Tranquility, serenity, calmness (# sadness)

telling the plain truth

Unfeeling, hardhearted

everything seems unreal

aversion to violence

awareness of the weather

Weeping (with remorse)

strong will power

Vertigo: im Allgemeinen


tendency to fall to the left

„As if floating“

Motion [of head (quickly)/turning]

With nausea

> while sitting

with nausea

while walking


Congestion/constriction [in forehead („As from a band“)]

„As if filled with cotton wool“

Dandruff (itching)

Drawn forwards/to the left

Heaviness (on waking/in forehead)

Itching of scalp

„As if scalp lifted“/“As if numb on the sides“

Pain [+ nausea/ascending stairs/on going to bed/from cold drinks/> after eating/maddening/< motion/from noise/from stooping/while talking/“As if in a vise“/from wine/in forehead (r./above eyes/alternating sides/pulsating)/behind eyes (ext. Occiput)/in temples “As if in a vise“/drawing, tightening/dull (in occiput)/“As from a nail“ (in vertex)/pressing („As from a band“/like a cap/constricting/“As from weight“/in forehead/in occiput/in temples)/sharp/shooting in temples r./sore]

Eye: Brillant/

Discharge stringy


Dry lids

Itching (morning/>/< rubbing/lids)

„As if wide open“

Pain in canthi/sore (in lids)/stitching (l.)

Pupils dilated

Styes (l.)

„As if tired“

Twitching eyebrows/lower lid r.

Vision: Accomodation defective


Blurred (distant objects)/distorted/foggy

Colors before eyes + pain in head/purple



Spots (fish shaped)

Ear: „As if full“/itching behind the ear

Noises – grating/ringing r./rushing

Pain at night/intermittent/from loud noises/> from pressure/pulsating/on swallowing/in meatus/burning in Lobe/

stitching (r.)

„As if stopped“ [l. (then r.)]


Wax – sticky/black/increased

Hearing: acute/sounds seem distant/impaired (r./# acuteness of hearing/“Like a leaf or membrane before the ear“/“As from a plug“

Nose: Coryza/discharge (clear)/epistaxis (l.)/odors imaginary and real (burning something/of earth)

„As burning, smarting from pepper“

Smell acute – smoke/cooking food


Face: Cracked lips

dark circles under eyes/pale (lips)

Lips dry/tingling upper/twitschin upper




Pain in frontal sinuses/pinching around mouth/sore, bruised (Lips)

Swollen around/under eyes/swollen upper lips

Mouth: Tongue blue/numb

Dry (night)

Pain „As if burnt“ (gums/tongue)/tongue „As if edges are cut“/sore Palate



Swollen gums/tongue (at night)

Taste – bitter/diminished/soapy

Teeth: chattering/Pain neuralgic

Throat: Choking (eating)

Redness/inflamed Tonsils (l.)/irritated

Asif a lump“ (on swallowing)

Mucus (saltish/thick/white/yellow)

Pain l./> cold drinks/on inspiration/swallowing/talking/burning > cold drinks/rawness/sore (r./on waking)



External throat: Eruptions rash/swollen cervical Glands

Stomach: Appetite [changeable/increased (# loss of appetite/during chill/after eating/only while eating)]/appetite returns/increased on waking/ravenous (morning/soon after eating)/wanting (but feels she should eat/with hunger/without thirst)



„As if full“ after eating (ever so little)

Heavy after eating

Nuasea [constant/after eating (fats)/on motion/while riding in a carriage or on the cars/sweets]

Pain > eructations/squeezing

Thirst - drinking increases thirst/for large quantities/thirstless

Abdomen: r. Distension/flatulence/movements like a fist of fetus/rumbling  croaking like frogs

Pain [(>) bending double/“As if menses would appear“/> pressure/> stretching out/cramping, griping (before stool/on waking)/stitching (l.)


Rectum: constipation/diarrhhea (in morning driving out of bed/in morning waking with urging/after  midnight - 4 h - 4-5 h/# constipation)

Hemorrhage from anus/hemoorhoids

Pain burning (after stool)


Stoool: Bloody/copious/dark/forcible, sudden, gushing (like explosion)/frequent/offensive odor/soft/yellow

Bladder: Inflammation/

Pain aching

Urging to urinate [night (after midnight - 3 h)]

Kidneys: stitching

Urethra: Pain (during urination/burning (after urination/at the end/last drops cause violent burning)

Male genitalia/sex: erections wanting/

Eruptions itching/on penis

Itching on scrotum ext. perineum

Sexual desire (wanting)

Female genitalia/sex: Irritationin vagina/itching between labia/in pudendum

Menses copious/too frequent

Pain in uterus during menses/stinging in r. ovary

Sexual desire diminished with indifference/wanting

Larynx and trachea: lost/nasal

Respiration: Asthmatic (after midnight - 5 h)/difficult (ascending)

Cough: in general

cold air

irritation in throat-pit/tickling in troat

< lying in bed

when waking from sleep

Expectoration: Bloody

Chest: Constricion (lying)

Eruptions – rash/in Axilla (blotches/cracks/itching/rash)


Itching (in Axilla)

Oppression (on Sternum)

Pain (burning in Sternum/stitching in l. Nipple)

Palpitation of heart – at night in bed/+ difficult respiration/tumultuous, violent, vehement

Perspiration (in Axilla)

Pulsation on region of clavicle/l.

Back: Eruptions - rash in cervical region (itching)

Pain < bending forward/> rubbing/on waking/ext. To thighs/in cervical region r./ext. Head/(aching) in lumbar region (sitting)/cramping in dorsal region in r. scapula/dragging in sacrum/pressing in cervical region lying

Pulsating in Scapulae

Cervical region stiff

Lumbar region weak

Extremities: Awkwardness

Callosities on heels

Chilliness in shoulder

Cold (feet)

Eruptions [eczema/itching (on elbow/on forearm/in hand)/rash in hand/Nates (pimples l.]

Goose flesh

Hot soles of feet

Iinflammation in joints/first toe

Itching in knee/in soles of feet

brittle nails

Numb [upper limbs (r.)/(l.) hand/(r.) fingers]

Pain in forearm (on motion/neuralgic)/in joints (fingers/thumb/“As from a splinter“)/sciatica in lower limbs/r. hip/in knee (walking/ext. downward and upward)/in soles of feet/burning (lower limbs)/“As if dislocated [Shoulder/wrist/(l.) hip]/shooting/sore, bruised in elbow/in sore, bruised in soles of feet/ankle „As if sprained“/stitching

(„As from splinters“/wrist/outer side of thigh/in joints of toes/in 1st toe]

Perspiration clammy in hand

Sensitive fingertips

nodular swellings in upper arm

Tingling [at night/in upper limbs/(l./night) Hand/fingers]

Twitching in knee/weak knee

Sleep: Deep/heavy/light/little need/on abdomen/lying straight/writhing/restless/aversion to riseafter  waking/unrefreshing

sleepy (afternoon)/sleepy (and will not close the eyes)from restlessness/horrible and dark thoughts/from activity of thoughts)

Waking after midnight - 4 h – 4 - 5 h/difficult/too early/frequent (with restlessness)/with thirst

Dreams: Shapes/greedy/condoms/completing things/difficult communication/foreign languages/accidents (happening all around him)/amorius/suffering animals/vaginas/toe cut off/cancer/childbirth/about children (in danger)/choices/clothes (changing identity/packing)/confused/has committed a crime/being criticized/crocodiles/danger/death/disappointments/disease/open wounds but not bleeding/(fighting (dogs)/doors/of dreaming/driving a car without brakes/earthquake/embarrasment/without emotions/closets blocked with excrements/explosion of bombs/fire erupting from a pit/being among foreigners/(dangerous) ghosts/guilt/hiding from danger/hospitals/house without privacy/humiliation/imprisonment/of infection/insects/being isolated/lucid/being pregnant/rape/snakes/teeth falling out/threats/tigers/tunnel/urinating/violence

Fever: in general

Perspiration: Odor like curry/garlic/smoky

Salty deposits after perspiration

Skin: feels smooth/brown/eczema (itching)/goose flesh/itching (without eruptions/must scratch until it is raw/unchanged by scratching/voluptuous

Generals: < air draft/desires open air

Coldness of affected parts l.

> after eating

excess of energy

Faintness (on rising)

Food and drinks: Aversion to: cooked food/fat/sweets;             Desires: ginger/cold drink, cold water/meat/raw food; - desire

Geasy, oily, fatty

flushes of heat (evening/night/during sleep/ext. Outwards)/lack of vital heat/sensation of heat (night)


Inflamed Sinuses

Affected parts numb/numbness externally/numbness of parts lain on

Pain sore, bruised


Physical relaxed

> short sleep

desire for tobacco

Trembling externally (while writing)



Vergleich:.Latex enthalten in: Tarax. + Ficus Benjamini + Ficus elastica (= Rubber. Plant air filtering plants. Rosales.)           

Group nach Sankaran/Mangiolavari

Siehe: Malphigiales


Bei der Behandlung mit Majorana Vaginalgel kann es bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Latex-Kondomen oder anderen Latex-haltigen Verhütungsmitteln zu einer Verminderung der Reißfestigkeit oder Dichtigkeit und so einer Beeinträchtigung der Schutzwirkung dieser Verhütungsmittel kommen.


Allerlei: Brasilien Hevealatex wird mit Ammoniumverbindungen haltbar gemacht und mit S erhitzt (= vulkanisieren)/= Polymer

Latex vulkan (schützt nach beide Seiten + = beinahe unsichtbar/Einweghandschuhe/Kondome/enthält S)Latex = enthalten in Babyschnuller/Autoreifen/Pflaster/Kondomen/Briefmarkenkleber/Luftballons/Kaugummi/Wärmflaschen/Stretchkleidung/Einmalhandschuhen/Turnschuhe Räder

seiner Fuhrwerke – damit sie nicht rumpelten. Bereits 1845 baute er Gummireifen. Seine Pionierarbeit geriet in Vergessenheit. Michelin entwickelte 1894/95 erste Autoreifen.

Charles Goodyear entdeckte 1839 das chemisch-technische Verfahren, mit dem sich plastischer Kautschuk (Latex) in robusten elastischen Stoff verwandeln lässt:

Bei der Vulkanisation mit Hitze und Druck entstehen zwischen den langkettigen Kautschukmolekülen stabilisierende Schwefelbrücken. Vulkanisiertes Gummi kehrt nach

mechanischer Belastung in seine Ausgangsform zurück. Zur Herstellung des Werkstoffs eignet sich aber nicht nur der Saft des Kautschukbaums. Synthetischer Gummi besteht

oft aus ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen (Styrol oder Butadien). Auf Basis von Chloropren entsteht das Material Neopren, aus dem zum Beispiel Schwimmanzüge von

Triathleten gefertigt werden.

Natürliche Alternativen zum Kautschukbaum sind die Korbblütler Guayule oder Löwenzahn. Einem Institut der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ist es gelungen, extrem

kautschukhaltigen Löwenzahn zu züchten. Der Autozulieferer Continental versucht momentan, daraus Kautschuk für die Reifenproduktion herzustellen.

Autoreifen: Lange vor Dunlop wickelte der Schotte Robert William aufgeblasene Därme um die Fahrradreifen: Erst bastelte der irische Tierarzt John Boyd Dunlop

1888 für seinen Sohn ein Dreirad, dann ärgerte ihn der Lärm. Also klebte er Gummistücke zusammen und pumpte sie auf.

Der Franzose Édouard Michelin entwickelte kurz darauf das Konzept eines Radreifens mit auswechselbarem Luftschlauch.

Kondom: Dem US-amerikanischen Chemiker und Tüftler Goodyear verdankt die Menschheit nicht nur die Vulkanisation, sondern auch das erste Präservativ aus Gummi.

Es ging 1870 in Serienproduktion. Üblich sind heute auch Modelle aus den Kunststoffen Polyethylen oder Polyurethan.

OP-Handschuh: Noch immer schwören viele Mediziner im Operationssaal auf Einmalhandschuhe aus echtem Latex. Die dünnen Schutzhüllen verhindern Infektionen in

der offenen Wunde. Sie schützen aber auch den Arzt vor möglichen Ansteckungen durch das Blut oder andere Körperflüssigkeiten des Patienten.

Gummistiefel: Naturgummistiefel sind elastischer als Kunststoffexemplare – aber nicht güllebeständig, weswegen sie in der Landwirtschaft von Polyurethanmodellen

weitgehend abgelöst wurden. Als Erfinder gelten die Ureinwohner Südamerikas. Sie tunkten ihr Schuhwerk in Pflanzensaft, um es langlebiger zu machen.

Dichtung: Die Vielfalt ist riesig: Allein bei Türen und Fenstern kommen Moosgummi-, Flügelfalz-, Einfräs- oder Lippendichtung zum Einsatz. Ihre Aufgabe ist aber

laut Definition immer, "ungewollte Stoffübergänge von einem zum anderen Raum zu verhindern oder zu begrenzen".

Klebstoff: Steinzeitler schmolzen Holzkohlenteer aus Birke und Kiefer, um Steinklinge und Holzschaft zu verbinden. Mesopotamier klebten mit Asphalt. Gut eignen sich

ebenfalls Kleber aus Natur- und Synthetikkautschuk. Allerdings sind sie nicht besonders temperatur- und alterungsbeständig.

Wärmflaschen: Da der weiche Naturkautschuk so anschmiegsam ist, erfreuen sich Wärmeflaschen aus diesem Material nach wie vor großer Beliebtheit – trotz

Billigkonkurrenz aus dem PVC-Lager. Aus der Mode gekommen sind historische Exemplare aus Metall, Glas und Steingut oder der klassische heiße Ziegel.



Dermatitis/Ekzem/Schnupfen/Augenentzündung/Asthma/Tod während Operation/niedrige Blutdruck/AsthMA/Kehle zu/Mund geschwollen/übel/Erbrechen/

Juckreiz irgendwo/Haut rot

Enthält Patain (Aminosäure) = Allergen

Enthalten in: Avocado/Banane/Sol-t/Lycpr/Esskastanien/Kiwi/Mango/Papaya/Grapefruit/Ananas/Acerola?

Spina bifidapatienten sind OFT allergisch.

Schnelle Reaktion Behandlung mit Adren-injektion

Betroffene Lebensmittel: Pesto/Erdnüsse/Mandeln/Nougat/Praline

Ficus benjamin = Zimmerpflanze + kann Latexsaft verströmen

            Parthenium argentatum = Guayule/= alternate source of rubber + hypoallergenic/Asterales



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