Lungengruppe Anhang 2 Coronavirus


[Elaine Lewis

Homeopathic Remedies For Viral Pneumonia

Coronavirus is an illness with many presentations.  Some cases are mild, like an ordinary cold.  Some have no symptoms at all; but, the worst cases seem to descend into pneumonia and are noted for high fever, dry cough and shortness of breath.  Some cases have had gastro-intestinal symptoms as well.  With that in mind, any one of the following remedies might be a match for you or your patient: 

Ferr-ph.: Take at the first sign of any cold!  I take it as soon as I feel a sore throat coming on.  One dose of Ferrum phos. 200C, and that should do it!  It’s for the first stage of inflammation, early stage of fever, before symptoms have become clarified.  Always treat a cold right away at the first sign!  You never know what it might morph into if you let it sit.  Will it go to your chest and turn into pneumonia?  Don’t wait to find out!!!!  However, if you miss giving this remedy at the early onset, it might still be useful for the following later-stage symptoms that fit its profile:

    Apathy, listlessness

    Shortness of breath

    Short, painful, tickling cough

    Hard dry cough with sore chest

    Hacking, spasmodic cough

    Worse morning and evening

    Cough with retching and vomiting

    Worse bending forward

    Worse touching throat

    Bloody expectoration

    Fever, thirstlessness

    Chest feels heavy, sore

    Sharp pain, right side, worse coughing

    Worse deep breathing

    Better resting

    Rattling mucus

    Worse open air

    Better cold applications

Acon.: Ailments from cold/dry winds (yes, the usual Aconite presentation!)  For sudden onset of symptoms with high fever, full bounding pulse, hard painful dry cough,

chill, hot skin, fear, restlessness, thirst for cold drinks; short of breath, sits up; hoarse, dry cough; worse at midnight.  Stabbing pains in chest.  Sensation as if lungs will

not expand.  (This is a symptom I’ve heard a lot from Coronavirus patients.)  <: least motion/lying on left side;  Pressure in chest.

Bell.: It’s often hard to tell the difference between Aconite and Belladonna.  They both have sudden onset.  They both have high fever.  They both have hot skin. 

They both have dry cough.  But Aconite is likely to turn pale when they sit up.  Redness, red face, is a keynote of Belladonna.  Blood rushes to the head, throbbing ensues, face is hot and red, dry heat radiates from the body, hands and feet are cold, eyes are glassy and pupils are dilated.  May be delirious with fever.  Bloody taste in the mouth when coughing.  I had that once, and I said, “I sure hope this is in the Repertory!”

< 21 h.  They can be thirsty but more likely, thirstless despite dry mouth and dry lips.  Belladonna usually gives the care-giver a fright and the need to act quickly because the patient seems so desperate and even frantic.  Both of these remedies tend to show up at the beginning of an illness.  If the illness drags on, it’s less likely to respond to either Aconite or Belladonna; so, if your homeopath tells you, “The remedy is Belladonna!” don’t wait around till tomorrow or the next day to give it, by tomorrow it might be something else!

A remedy prescription is only good for the symptoms you came in with.

If your symptoms change the next day, it’s not Belladonna anymore. 

Almost all remedies have “cough”, “fever”… “Oh!  I have a fever!  Give me Belladonna!”  No, it’s not like that. 

“Fever”, by itself, isn’t a “characteristic” symptom, and won’t lead you to a remedy.  BUT, fever with glassy eyes, dilated pupils, redness, red face, high fever, sudden onset, cold feet, hot head, thirstlessness.

It might be a painful headache, it might be right-sided, better for firm pressure and in general, these Belladonna patients are pretty frantic, they’re not placid, and like I said, you’re going to feel the need to do something fast!

Bry.: Here’s the opposite of Belladonna–Bryonia.  Bryonia has a slow onset.  They are not the least bit frantic; in fact, they are lying quietly in a dark room and they don’t want to be disturbed; not because they are resting peacefully; no, not a bit.  They are very sick!  They are so sick, they can’t even move or talk!  Any movement makes them worse.  Any conversation makes them worse.  Breathing makes them worse!  They can’t take a deep breath.  Robin Murphy says, “Any pneumonia with pain!”  Pain is always a big part of a Bryonia case.

Trouble breathing, dryness of mucus membranes, dry mouth, dry tongue, and because of that they’re thirsty, very thirsty.  They won’t ask for water often but when they do, they’ll drink it down.  Moderate fever.  Lungs feel as if they can’t expand.  Dry, hard, hacking, painful cough.  They must hold their chest when they cough.  Sharp, stitching pains in chest (also Aconite and Belladonna).  Breathing makes the pain worse.  They want to lie on the painful side which is often the right side.  A Bryonia virus often includes a very bad headache as well.

Carb-v.: The last stage of pneumonia.  You know, they say this Coronavirus ends in pneumonia; but, some doctors are saying that it’s like no other pneumonia they’ve ever seen, and that, in fact, it appears to resemble Altitude Sickness more.  They say the patients turn blue and are gasping for air.  Their lungs work fine, but their hemoglobin is being attacked by the virus and it can’t carry oxygen anymore.  They say the respirator is making these patients worse and is inappropriate; they need oxygen.  Carbo veg. is our remedy for Altitude Sickness!

Need air, crave air.  They want the fan turned on, the windows open.  It’s often described as “air hunger”.  They’re very cold, weak pulse, exhausting sweats, prostration, apathetic, unresponsive, comatose.  Panting and gasping.  Spells of coughing, rattling of mucus, burning in chest, spitting of blood, worse exertion.  Think of the color blue.  Remember for Belladonna we think of the color red.  For Carbo veg, think of the color blue.  Here is Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ICU doctor, who swears these patients don’t have “pneumonia” as we know it; watch his video below:


Sounding like the ICU could use some Carbo veg. 200C.

Ant-t.: Another last stage of pneumonia remedy.  But with Antimonium-tart., the problem is mucus in the lungs; with Carbo veg, the problem is lack of oxygen. 

Ant-t. feels like suffocating.  There’s bubbling, rattling in their lungs, but little expectoration.  They must sit up!  Belladonna must sit up too but that’s because their head is

so congested and lying down makes it worse.

Prostration.  As if a weight on their chest.  Coughing and gasping.  They might have a thick white coating on their tongue.  Afraid to be alone.  Despondent.  Pale, blue, cold face covered with cold sweat, sunken features.    Lungs filled with rattling mucus.

Ant-t. is our drowning remedy!  Gasping, panting and blue just like Carb-v. but one has too much mucus and the other doesn’t have enough oxygen.  I’ve noticed that this remedy is a boon especially for the elderly, who often are trying so hard to bring up phlegm, and they’re trying and trying, and they just can’t seem to get that mucus completely out.

Ars.: Many conditions, so many diseases: viruses, food poisoning, asthma, pneumonia, anxiety, anguish, fear, cancer. You can never miss an Arsenicum case; if you see the mentals, give the remedy, it doesn’t matter what the physical symptoms are.  Here are the Arsenicum mentals:

    Fear of death!

    Desperate need for company and hand-holding.

    Need for reassurance–constant need for reassurance and yet they won’t accept it! They don’t believe they can get better.

    Begging for you to help them.

    Fear that if you leave, they will die! (“Please don’t go!”)

    They don’t want to go to the doctor or the hospital even though they probably should. This puts you in a bind since there’s nothing you can do but they can’t be left alone.

    Restlessness. May be tossing and turning, may be moving their head from side to side, may be moaning and groaning.


    Anxiety about health.

What else?

    Clammy perspiration

    Cold limbs

    Cold and shivering

    Desires warmth

    Brown tongue

    Burning pains


    Cough, < lying, must sit up

    Pulmonary edema

    Oppression of the chest

    Better sitting up

    Thirsty for frequent sips of water

Now remember, as I said before, you don’t have to have everything on the list to give a remedy.  You just have to try to find the closest match.  Are you going to not give Arsenicum just because the patient doesn’t have clammy perspiration?  Or isn’t wheezing?  Or isn’t thirsty?  Or doesn’t have a brown tongue?  No.  No one ever has all the symptoms that you see listed in the Materia Medica under a remedy.

Phos.: Pneumonia and bronchitis.  I once gave my sister Phosphorus 200C for a spell of bronchitis, she was completely better in 20 minutes!  She was full of energy, up and moving around, being creative…she talked about it for months, it was so incredible!  So, OK, Phosphorus has weak lungs, tightness of chest, oppression of the chest as if a weight on it, trouble breathing, hard dry tight racking cough, worse talking, worse laughing; burning heat in chest, stitching pains, worse coughing, worse breathing, worse lying on the left side, sensitive to light, noise and touch.  Worse cold air.  Fear of being alone, better for company and, unlike Arsenicum, is easily reassured!

If you say, “You’re gonna be fine!” they’ll believe you!  Also, night sweats and coughing up blood.  Phosphorus is a bleeding remedy.  They may have a history of nose bleeds.  If a person is hemorrhaging, think of Phosphorus (blood is bright red).  Phos. craves ice cold drinks!  A burning thirst!  And, they may also have a craving for salty things like pretzels and may also have a craving for ice cream.  Better for being rubbed, like a back rub.

Kali-c.: Robin Murphy: One of the top five remedies in pneumonia .  Chilly with hot hands.  Most of the other remedies have cold hands and feet:

Carb-v. Ars. Bell. Phos. Ant-t.…in fact, if your patient has hot hands, you may be deciding between Kali carb and Sulphur. 

And maybe Pulsatilla.  But Pulsatilla is mostly a children’s remedy and children tend not to get this disease–thank God!!!!  But Kali-c. chilly with hot hands.  Very unusual.

Trouble breathing with mucus in chest, can’t sleep or drink.  Wheezing, rattling breathing with choking cough. 

Fails to raise mucus like Ant-t. but Ant-t. will not have hot hands.  Sharp, stitching pains like Bryonia.  Worse motion like Bryonia.  Intolerance of cold.  Thirsty.  Must sit up and lean forward!  You see, Bryonia does not have that.  Bryonia wants to lie perfectly still.  See?  This is how you differentiate these remedies; otherwise, who can all look alike.

<: 2 – 4 h./lying on the painful side (unlike Bryonia): >: heat;  Cold feeling in chest.

Never Well Since pneumonia.

Irritable and demanding.

Swelling over eyelids.

Sulph.: Any stage of pneumonia.  Left lung.  Flushes of heat, dry hot skin, great thirst, night sweats (nape of neck, occiput).  Heat on top of head.  Dry tongue.  Weak and faint.  Irritable.  Air hunger.  Irregular breathing.  Loose cough, >: morning/ talking/ deep breathing;  Rattling in chest, burning in chest; stitching pains shooting straight through back.  <: 11 h./ heart feels too large, chest feels heavy.  Dyspnea middle of the night, better sitting up, wants windows open. 

Throw the covers off!  And have hot feet!

Verat-v.: It’s here because it’s essentially a Belladonna case with nausea and vomiting!  Sudden onset like Belladonna, with high fever, strong rapid pulse like Belladonna and Aconite.  Pneumonia with faint feeling.  Blood pressure drops.  Red streak down center of the tongue.  Delirium and dilated pupils like Belladonna.  Burning distress in heart region.  Oppression of the chest.  Sudden fainting, prostration, nausea.  There seems to be a lot of fainting or near-fainting with this remedy from sudden drop in blood pressure; so, if you see that, think of Veratrum v.  Face flushed but becomes faint on sitting up; so, may turn pale.  Thirsty.

[Dr. E.A. Farrington]

An invaluable remedy in those violent congestions which precede pneumonia. It may even abort the whole disease.  It also produces oesophagitis, in which disease it may be indicated even when the disorder has arisen from traumatic causes. It is called for by the difficulty of swallowing and the fiery burning pains in the oesophagus.


[Robin Murphy]

Author of Murphy’s Repertory, says that Oscillococcinum is the best preventative remedy for Coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

Take a dose once a month (but maybe if you’re a nurse in the ICU, once a week?).  A dose is a few pellets on your tongue.

Dana Ullman says to take it once a month if you’re in a high-risk demographic; otherwise, once every 2 months.

 “Some observations received from New York. Good results when symptoms clear. Camphor is failing even in collapse. Some patients ‘stalling’. Reinforces to Jeremy that different (better) remedies still need to be found.”



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