Folliculinum (Foll)


Vergleich: Beta-sitotersterol (ähnelt die Grundformel aller Sexualhormonen).

Lil-t + Franz + Tilia (enthalten Foll.). Cars. (Foll. wenn Cars. versagt). Med.  

Comparison Folliculinum and Diethylstilbestrol (= DES)

Comparison Folliculinum to other remedies

Siehe: Hormonen allgemein + Anhang (Dr. Christina/Ari Dorothy/Cooper/Melissa Assilem) + Anhang 2 (Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad) + Sarcodes

Med (grenzenlos/Äußerlich = äußert wichtig) Foll Lach (extravagant)


= Lach.-ähnlich + beidseitig - < Schlaf/Eisprung/= Sep.-ähnlich/Lach + Foll haben gemeinsam: abwechselnde Aufregung + Depression, empfindLICH bei Berührung,

>: irgendwelche Absonderung/= Carc.-ähnlich;

Thema: Beherrschung;

Lösung: negativ: Nicht reagieren; positiv  Rhythmus organisieren;

Kind: Comparison: Carcinosinum and Folliculinum;

Negativ: Aufgeregt # depressiv; sensitiv zu Geräusche/Berührung/Hitze, alle Hormonumstellungen, überbeansprucht sich aus Druck (Pflicht sich bewehren zu müssen

Beschwerden durch nicht bekommenes Lob/Verdienstzuweisung (auch nach eigenem Ermessen). < VOR (Kopfschmerz) Menses/in Gesellschaft; Schnupfen, Augen-/

Mandelentzündungen, Husten;

“Wie von jemand anderem kontrolliert zu werden/nicht im Einklang mit ihren Rhythmen/überschätzt ihre Energiereserven/lebt nach den Erwartungen anderen/verliert

ihren Willen. Sie ist voller Selbstverleugnung.

Sie wird eine Retterin, mit der Sucht, andere zu retten/wird ausgelaugt/ist zu einer Fußmatte geworden/hat vergessen, wer sie ist/besitzt keine Individualität;

·         Hot flashes: night sweats, feels hot and bothered, and facial flushing.

“I am a doormat” issue from having been longtime dominated. Similar to Carcinosin in expressing excessive responsibility. Great Mother theme.

·         Vaginal dryness. Yellow or brownish vaginal discharge.

·         Menstrual cycle irregularities: either too short, too long, or none at all; flooding; pre-menstrual syndrome.

·         Fibroids.

·         Cystitis that recurs premenstrually, or chronic cystitis in menopause, chronic E. coli infections.

·         Candida, yeast infections.

·         Hair loss.

·         Cardio-vascular problems: angina, palpitations, tachycardia, and other heart irregularities.

·         Dizziness, air hunger, and faintness. Headaches/migraines.

·         Weight gain without over eating, both obesity and water retention; and can gain up to 7 pounds before periods.

·         Abdominal swelling and heaviness; bloating; stomach rumblings. Chronic constipation, sometimes alternating with diarrhea. Heavy feeling in rectum. Swollen liver.

·         Cravings for sugar and wheat.

·         Allergies of all sorts, hay-fever, allergic reactions.

·         Skin rashes; itching; dry and chapping eczema; easy bruising.

Feels drained emotionally or psychologically; over estimates her energy reserves. Is full of self-denial. There can be panic attacks. Hyperactive < resting. 

>: during menses except specific menstrual symptoms, after the 3rd day of menses, movement, fresh air, hard pressure. 
<: before menses, from and during ovulation until menses, heat, warmth, noise, touch, resting, motion. 


[Assilem, 1990]

Folliculinum successfully in candiasis

[Farokh Master]

Folliculinum came in my life at a much later stage of my practice. Madame De Mattos introduced it in homoeopathy. Later on Melissa Assilem gave a beautiful picture, Folliculinum is a potentized form of natural estrogen. In 1950s Dr. Donald Foubister, a Scottish homoeopathic physician declared that it is very closely related to Carcinosin.

How do I identify Folliculinum in my practice?

- Folliculinum is one remedy that has lost its identity (ego), due to strong influence of a dominating or dictatorial person in his or her life. To some extent this is a very common syndrome observed in India where females are still considered inferior to males, where females are still dominated by males, because in India, till date, many females (in rural parts) are not at all educated.

- Like Nat-f. Nat-br. Med. and Carc.

- Folliculinum is a remedy after abuse, sexual assault, rape, sexual violence and incest, where the patient has not completely recovered from the emotional trauma.

- Early and precocious pubescent

- which means that there is an early sexual development and maturity in young girls and boys. Any problem that arises during puberty, emotional or physical,

Folliculinum can be used as an intercurrent remedy. However the other symptoms of the remedy should be confirmed.

- Best covers ailments from menopause and troubles that arise from menopause.

- Delayed convalescence after any acute illnesses.

- General aggravation before menstruation.

- Difficult emotional bonding with the child, post-delivery problems like - postnatal depression, postnatal hysteria and postnatal psychosis.

- Strong craving for sugar, wheat and farinaceous food is seen in this remedy.

- All symptoms > as soon as the menstruation starts.


[Richard Pitt]

Well-known, made from natural oestrogen. Donald Foubister, first used it. It is an important medicine in our materia medica (in the era of ‘oestrogen’ overload, for women

and men). Its most important use is when there is a NBWS the pill and also for mental states when there is a history of being dominated. Mostly compared with Carcinosin

in such situations, as well as Nat-m. Staph. and Sep.

Any situation in which menses are suppressed or simply suddenly stop should indicate this medicine. The homœopath and author Melissa Assilem has written extensively on this medicine (and others to do with the birthing/mothering process). It is indicated in any menstrual conditions (prolonged bleeding/PMS), pregnancy and postnatal conditions, including difficulty in bonding with the child or for children who cannot be separated from the mother. It is also a menopausal medicine and will here be

compared with Lachesis and Sepia. The PMS symptoms include being weepy, depressed, apathetic, with an aversion to noise, again similar to Sepia.

In general, the mental state may vary a lot, with great swings from high to low and a corresponding change in the libido. May be great anxiety, anguish and depression and

as mentioned, compounded by any sense of domination or oppression by others. That state, if associated with any type of menstrual or hormonal imbalance, will indicate Foll. Other conditions may include Raynaud's syndrome, migraine headaches, recurrent cystitis and eating disorders. In the latter case, it will often be compared with milk and sugar medicines (See Assilem’s book, The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party).

[Fritz Johann Madel]

For example a Homoeopathic preparation of Folliculinum (a homoeopathic preparation of follicle-stimulating hormone) in the lower potencies, is stimulating in nature, and is indicated in patients with amenorrhoea, where there is a shortage or inhibition of the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone.

Folliculinum in a 7CH potency is used as a regulator and the 9CH and higher potencies has a restraining effect on the over activity of the pituitary gland to produce. excess follicle Stimulating hormone. (Julian, 1982:532)

[Melissa Assilem]

Folliculinum re-empowers, helping to restore the individual’s will. It comes up in cases where there has been abuse (sexual/psychic/physical). The person does not have a sense of their own authority.

[Fatima Hansa]

Mental symptoms: panic attacks, mood swings aggression # depression, hypersensitivity to noise, heat and contact, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity and

forgetfulness (Assilem, 1991).

Pre-menstrual migraines, sexual hyperexcitability, instability and anguish which < at night (Julian, 1979).

General symptoms: include hypersensitivity to heat and contact, need for fresh air, weight gain without excessive eating, cycle irregularities, hot flushes, night sweats, dizziness, fainting, changes in libido and water retention (Assilem, 1991).

Local symptoms: swollen breasts < touch, bloody discharge or spotting, vaginal dryness, drawing and burning pains (ovaries) (Assilem, 1991).


• Menopause

• (Pre)menstrual symptoms

• Candida albicans

• Ovarian cysts

• Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

• Cardiovascular disease

Raynaud’s disease

• Eating disorders

• Post-natal problems

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

• Fibroids

• History of abuse, whether sexual, physical or psychological (Assilem 1991)

The Materia Medica of Folliculinum covers a wide range of physical and mental symptoms regarding menopause such as:

• Cycle irregularities

• Flooding

• Hot flushes

• Hyperactive

• Night sweats

• Air hunger

• Dizziness and faintness

• Abdominal heaviness

• Fibroids


• Vaginal dryness

• Slow movement and spacey thinking

• Hypersensitive to noise, heat and touch

(Assilem, 1991)

All symptoms also related to sprue.!!!

Ursache: (Töchter von) Frauen, die Pille/DES gebraucht haben, Cortison/unterdrückte Empfindungen;

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH naturally produced by the pituitary gland, it is primarily responsible for stimulating growth of the ovarian follicle,

which includes the developing egg, the cells surrounding the egg that produce the hormones needed to support a pregnancy, and the fluid around the egg.


DD.: Sep. very close, but the cycle modalities are stronger in Foll.

Puls. Foll. cannot stand contact.

Lach. does the draining, Foll. gets drained.

Zinc.-met. shares many symptoms/> hard pressure/warm air.

Thyroid. has a different focus but can look alike.

Hypoth. shares characteristics of appetite.

Arist-cl. never been well since the Pill and recurrent cystitis.

Nat-m. re-establishes periodicity of the cycles.

Luna. out of tune with the world and it’s cycles.

Other remedies: Stap. Carc. Thuj. Lac-h.


Gemüt: (eigene) Kinder abgeneigt

Angst (vor Menses)/Qualvolle Angst [abends (bei Sonnenuntergang)]/Furcht (plötzlich)

Leicht beleidigt

Berührt werden abgeneigt

Beschwerden durch Bevormundung (für lange Zeit)/nach Missbrauch/-handlung (nach sexuellem Missbrauch)

Empfindlich (gegen Berührung/gegen Geräusche/gegen Vorwürfe)

Entrüstung, Empörung

Erregt (# traurig)

Gedanken zwingend, nötigen ihn, etwas zu tun

High; fühlt sich

“Wie hilflos“ (während Menses)

Mitgefühl, Mitleid/nachgiebig

Reizbar, gereizt (vor Menses)

Selbstkontrolle erhöht

Traurig (vor Menses/im Wochenbett)/weint (vor Menses)

erträgt keine Ungerechtigkeit

Wahnideen (stehe unter einem mächtigen Einfluss)

Kopf: Schmerz < vor Menses

Gesicht: Hautausschläge - Akne

Innerer Hals: Schmerz < Schlucken

Magen: Übel < vor Menses

Weibliche Genitalien: vermehrte Erregbarkeit der Genitalien

Fluor - blutig/braun/gelb/zwischen den Perioden

Menses - geronnen/hellrot/lange sich hinziehend/reichlich/schmerzhaft am Anfang/unregelmäßig

Metrorrhagie - zwischen den Perioden/durch Myome

Schmerz während Ovulation

Trockene Vagina

Sexverlangen vermindert

Tumoren - Zysten auf Ovarien/Myom in Uterus

Atmung: Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen

Brust: Angina pectoris

Schmerz in Mammae < vor Menses

Glieder: Raynaud-Krankheit

Schweiß: Nachts (22 - 6 h)

Haut: Empfindlich

Allgemeines: 1 h.

Hitzewallungen (während Menopause)

<: kalte Luft/vor +/o. während Menses/Ruhe/Berührung/Wärme/Bewegung;

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: Mehlspeisen, Teigwaren/Süßigkeiten/Zucker;

Wassersucht im Allgemeinen - vor Menses/während Ovulation


Komplementär: Carc. Prog.


Folgt gut: Apis.


Unverträglich: Hautbeschwerden?


Wirkung: mindestens 3 Monaten wirken lassen/zu viel Foll. löst Blasenentzündungen durch Coli aus.


[Christina Ari]

The name oestrogen is derived from Greek. Oistros means “rutor lust” and genao “to create”. What we are talking about is a “rut or lust generating substance”.

The oestrone used in homoeopathy is derived from urine. It is a water-insoluble, white, crystalline substance, triturated to C3.

Path towards the essence

This remedy was proved clinically in detail by Madame De Mattos already in the 1950s. Results can be looked up in Materia Medica of New Homoeopathic

Remedies by O.A. Julian.

At that time mainly low potencies of the remedy were applied and that primarily showed positive effects against the so-called Hyperfolliculinia Syndrome, which

was already described in the year 1936 by Gilbert Dreyfuss. Whatever caused the syndrome could, at that time, not be fully apprehended, though.

Real Hyperfolliculinia takes the form of a glandular-cystic hyperplasia. It is manifested in an anovulatory cycle which can lead to clinical disorders in terms of for

example a polycystic ovary syndrome, cysts or  tumours of female organs that finally leads towards infertility.

This real hyperfolliculinia can be histological verified through biopsy and is differentiated from functional Hyperfolliculinia. The later can not be proved substantially,

but it responds positively to the intradermal Hirschberg Test, that shows a kind of an allergic reaction, if small doses of oestrogen are implied subcutaneously.

The primary assumption that the remedy could be of effect in all medical conditions which result from an excess of or a disturbed level of oestrogen, was questioned

in an early stage, even by Lea De Mattos herself, since the relation of pathological symptoms on a physical and an emotional or psychological level at the same time and

out of the same reason could not be explained in the middle of the past century.

A full understanding of the complexity of the feedback mechanism between hypothalamus, hypophysis and the gonads was not established at that time. Today, we do

know more about the intricate feedback mechanisms of neuro-humoral transmitters, the so-called messenger substances. Possible connections between symptoms and

clinical pictures on different organ system levels can be explained more accurately nowadays. It has been proven that sexual hormones directly influence the neurotransmitting systems, unless they are even considered to be neurotransmitter themselves.

It is therefore safe to say that treatment options of Folliculinum, when applied as a homoeopathic remedy, show a very wide spectrum of indications, exceeding cases of symptomatic, hormone specific disease patterns.

The essence of the remedy becomes manifest on close inspection of the effective range of oestrogens.

Primarily they are responsible for sustaining fertility in human organism.

Therefore oestrogens are responsible for the development, the functioning, and regulation of female sexual organs.

They dictate the female hormonal balance and they safeguard the dynamics of an individual balanced ovular cycle of a woman.

The follicular phase is determined by the effect of oestrogens. This euphorigenic effect provokes lust in life to get stimulated and everyday challenges to be met readily.

This is the aspect of femininity that is widely appreciated and the image of women in general is reflected that way.

Better insight in the essence of this substance is gained considering situations where the level of oestrogen is very high, at its summit, for example during ovulation or when giving birth. In those moments tremendous elementary powers are arising in a female organism, through a direct and exceeding effectof oestrogens on the hypothalamus.

At the time around this hormonal peak women feel like high and get an impressive and fascinating expression, full of effective power.

But simultaneously, somehow like a shade, this circumstance shows definitely some kind of a repression of the controlled waking consciousness.

It seems like an invisible force is taking possession of the female rational guidelines, of the ratio itself and like intoxicated, women surrender to this exceptional state.

Around ovulation lust feelings are at its peak and cohabitation happens thoughtless once a while. Even female climax never can be more satisfying than around ovulation.

Ability for self-abandonment and loss of inhibiting mechanisms of self-control finally facilitate successful fertilization, and as well allow for an easier bearing of the fear

and pain connected to giving birth, and guarantee for a caring and devoted mother-child relationship.

Summarizing one can say that these facts are substantial preconditions for conservation of the evolution of higher species.

On the contrary, at that point, Homo sapiens find himself also confronted with the drawbacks of hormonal effects, shown as unwanted pregnancies and hopeless dependencies in relationships.

The analysing of this key effect of oestrogens finally uncovers the central delusion of this remedy. It can be described as - Being lost in devotion!

One can say that the ability to selflessly devote oneself to a task or a relationship is profoundly female and can be attributed to the effect of the oestrogens.

Fortunately, the physiological sequence of the two-phase female cycle involves a natural opponent, the so called protective hormone gestagen. The balanced interaction of

both gonad hormones facilitates the development of a multilayered perception of women, which is characterized by a creative and flexible organizational ability and natural and consolidating leadership qualities.

Multitasking ability, often come across with women, can be put down to this fact.

Every healthy woman has her own individual rhythmical cycle which helps her to find the right measure in relation to empathy, devotion, self-determination, strength of will, and individuality.

These are the essential prerequisites of a healthy female organism.

Any disturbed or suppressed physiological cycle signifies a missing pace setting signal of the oestrogens and leads to well known disorders in the sense of hyperfolliculinia

and its reflecting symptoms, concerning the entire organism, body, sense and mind.

Oestrogens are the pace maker in a healthy cycle.

Given the fact that women suffering on a disturbed hormonal balance are  not able to fully unfold their potential creativity on physical and emotional level, a deficiency

based diatheses in relation to the development of an individual personality structure arises, which characterizes the guiding symptoms of this nosode.

They are manifested in profound unsteadiness and poor ability to personally dissociate oneself from others because of not being accorded to an individual rhythm.

To compensate deficient feelings, the person somehow feels obliged to surrender completely, to finally` nourish the whole world`, until he or she becomes totally leached out.

This remedy is for someone who is longing for a life in autonomy but unfortunately he or she is condemned to surrender in dependency. In the end it seems there is no way out, he or she falls into deep depression or gets involved into severe illnesses of the body.

Next is a detailed description of Materia Medica of Folliculinum:

Donald Foubister followed Madame De Mattos, examining the remedy.

Publications added by Melissa Assilem have essentially contributed to the development of contemporary remedy characteristics, well described in the Synoptic Materia Medica by Frans Vermeulen.

In her manuscript “Mist or Miasma”, Assilem was the first to show up the fatal consequences of hormonal abuse, effecting the following generations, starting in the second half of the past century.

During a period of about thirty years a drug called Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was given to numerous of women, to prevent miscarriages, in U.K. and U.S.A., causing a rare

form of cancer, a vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma in daughters of those women. Although these cancers could arise very early, many were not triggered off until the girl

was exposed to more hormones, e.g. the pill, or another hormonal treatment. Assilem claimed this to be a case of an acquired miasma triggering off an inherited one.

Many sons of those women treated with DES suffered on low sperm counts or abnormally shaped sperms. The “morning after Pill” was made from DES as well.

In 1999, Folliculinum was proved by Andreas Holling during a seminar in Münster with Jayesh Shah involving 10 participants.

Complemented by the symptoms derived from this proving and by my own extensive experiences with the remedy I would like to attempt to more precisely characterize Folliculinum to achieve a better understanding of it and facilitate differentiation with other remedies.

Indications prefering the femalesex:

Since Folliculinum can primarily be considered a female remedy, I would like to start emphasizing on indications concerning afflictions in preference of the female sex.

In aetiological terms, I will proceed mainly according to clinical aspects, which correspond with the typical pathognomic symptom complexes, including all psycho vegetative symptoms, and also include the side effect symptoms of synthetic hormones.

1. I like to start with indications which can be put down to physiologic fluctuations of the hormonal balance:

2. Frequently in puberty, the development of the ovulatory cycle, is characterized by difficulties concerning the individualisation process leading to womanhood.

It is proved as a remedy for boys as well, unless they are drained and slow and unable to identify with their selfhood

3. In case of abnormalities at the time of ovulation and the days before menstruation 1 (afflictions in terms of a premenstrual dysphoric syndrome or menstrual disorders in general), despite the modality that the start of the period causes improvement

1. During pregnancy, around birth, during the breastfeeding phase (a lack in a balanced mother-child relationship, to the point of puerperal psychosis).

In menopause, the whole spectrum of physical and mental symptoms is covered.

2. Furthermore, Folliculinum is indicated in case of functional and organically manifested female diseases1, which can be attributed to an impaired ovulation cycle, such

as polycystic ovar syndrome, endometriosis, ovary cysts, yomas, malignomas and other tumors, depressions and other physical or mental manifested disorders.

All diseases regarding breasts, should someone remind of Folliculinum 1.

3. Now for iatrogenic causes:

Long lasting hormonal suppression or replacement therapies including all consequences represent a serious iatrogenic cause, as severe physical side effects and a higher risk

of developing cancer are proven. That fact shows one of the main indications for the remedy. It is common practice to treat functional endocrine disorders with synthetic hormones.

In that way to us homeopaths alarming disorders as acne vulgaris, endometriosis and PCO syndrome are basically simply suppressed.

Hormonal contraceptives, no matter what kind, totally blocks the functioning of the ovaries. They are made available too easily to even very young girls, whose cycle is barely developed yet. Suppression and deception of one`s own balancing mechanisms often leads to an ovular cycle not able to regenerate itself, which may cause infertility.

This drastic consequence, the side and after effects of contraceptives such as widespread urinary tract infections, migraine etc. can successfully be treated with Folliculinum.

First stop suppressive drugs and than prescribe rhythmically repeated medications of Folliculinum, because oestrogens are the pace maker in an ovulatory cycle, this is a simple way to induce regeneration!

This method has proven to be very successful in my experience, in the sense of functional therapy, in intervals, supplemented by the treatment with a Simile.

Modern medicine`s answer to infertility is further hormonal treatment and finally in vitro fertilization, which most often needs to be repeated causing severe symptomatic

and functional disorders consequently, the children procreated this way may suffer form problems and diseases. Here you can follow a severe miasmatic pressure already!

Antihormone therapy against hormone-receptor positive carcinomas has lots of side effects, can clearly be made more tolerated by rhythmically repeated medications of Folliculinum C200. Some women respond to weekly, others to doses given every two weeks.

Now I am going to talk about gender-free symptoms and indications, as well as the modalities of  this homoeopathic remedy:

Sources: 1 Julian and deMattos, 2 Foubister, 3 Assilem, 4 Cooper, 5 Holling, 6 Journal of classical Homeopathy, 7 Ari.

Trias of symptoms: Neuropsychic symptoms-symptoms of female genitals including mammae - various sensitivity for pain.

Mind/mental/emotional symptoms:

Delusion, gets lost in devotion.

Results in loss of individual creativity. We have to look out for patients, permanently trying hard to do their best, to express their true selves to find a personal identity.

They are not sure about themselves. They prove their autonomy, but always remain in a trying position. Behind this lack of self confidence, we discover forsaken feelings

and a disposition to dependency.

She feels she is controlled by another. She is out of sorts with her rhythms.

She is living out someone else`s expectations. She loses her will. She over-estimates her energy reserves. She is full of self denial. She becomes a rescuer, addicted to rescuing people. She becomes drained. She has become a doormat. She has forgotten who she is. She has no individuality, she looses sense of herself, she may totally lose herself in her relationships.

„Pressure of a personality or a group on an individual; a dominant or possessive parent, friend or marriage partner; and certainly where there is intolerant religious dominance“.

Puts enormous efforts in order to give her best.

Disorders through paternalism, over a long time.

„ Pressure through conditions on work, also persons that have worked over a period until exhaustion and seem to be unable to recover or to react to a subscripted homoeopathic remedy“.

„Patients (under extreme pressure) not responding to homoeopathy“.

„There is a very strong link here with Carcinosinum and it is not surprising, that Folliculinum works well when Carcinosinum is indicated but does not act.

Cancer cells have lost their identity and the ability to differentiate or individualize”.

Loss of individual creativity

Fear, to have neglected one`s duties.

Fear, remorse, to have done something bad.

Fear, in general and sudden.

Fear, in the evening, at dawn. 1

Fear tortuous.

Fear, to loose control.

Reproaches, self-reproach.

Thoughts force him, to be active.

Feels acknowledged by activities only.

Feels obliged to be friendly, sympathizes to get appreciation.


Excitability alters with depression.

Irritability, bad temper

Feels attacked, hurt and easily offended.
Sensitive to reproaches.

Feels not being taken seriously.

Can`t understand why others find everything she does for granted.

Emotionally reserved.


Feeling of helplessness.


Feeling of abandonment.

Feels high, spacyness.

Delusion to be under a powerful influence.

Delusion, to be assigned with an important mission.

Someone really gets heated up in situations, appearing very important to him/her.

Wants to dictate and establish oneself.

Seductive, wants to put someone under one`s spell.

Pulls the nearest into her fate.

Wants to pull nearest into her dependency.

Can`t let dearest go, husband, children (overprotective mother).

Indicts her nearest, complains.

Aversion against own husband, children.

Falls into a feeling of emptiness, as soon the children leave home or she loses her job.

Has a feeling of not being able to finish things.

Weak concentration if trying to do more things at a time, this irritates him.

Can only do one thing at the time, or as less a possible.

Makes things in series, not simultaneously.

Confused, if too many mental impressions at the same time.

Deficiency in concentration and fear when driving a car, fears loss of control.

Aggressive verbal attacks when getting Lrequirements.

Losing herself in details.

Avoids stress.

Longing for rest or for action alternate with need for rest.

Cancels appointments and dates, escapes.

Weird slowness or agitated hurry.

Feels overstrained, drained.

Territorial confusion, loses perspective.

Incapacity to keep the overview.

Generalities and clinical indications:

History of abuse whether sexual, physical or psychological.

Fixed ideas on sexual matters.

Lack of libido or increased libido.

Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

General risk for dependency.

Serotonin deficiency syndrome, depressions and psychosis, on people, who cannot find boundaries.

Burnout syndrome

Suicidal tendency.

Chronique fatigue syndrome.

Immune deficiency syndroms.

Dorothy Cooper describes a very interesting aspect:

“Pressure in adults of continued ill health or slow recovery after recurrent or severe infection. This covers (in my experience) young men after glandular fever or

presenting with what is becoming identified as post viral syndrome. In these cases I always start by using Carcinosinum, but add Folliculinum if the Carcinosinum

does not achieve a lasting response. The same applies to patients not responding after cortisone treatment“.

My personal experience confirms a greater incidence for Folliculinum, since I can differentiate in a better way between Carcinosinum and Folliculinum.

The development of an immune mediated disease connected with a viral infection.

Almost every multiple sclerosis patient shows a mononucleosis disease in his medical history.

I have seen patients suffering for multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Bechterew`s disease and Darier White Syndrome showing good results with this remedy.

Chronic B.Coli infections.


Candida albicans.



Vasomotoric disorders.

Exhaustion and fatigue.

Heat, hot flash.


<: through wind, heat, noise, touch, rest, alcohol, nicotine;

>: fresh, cool air and exercise outside, through commendation and appreciation;

Desires: wheat and sugar (pastry, pasta);

Contradictory symptoms change quickly.

Period: 1 h., dependency on the rhythm of the moon, periodically.

Colour preference by Müller, Welte 12 - 14 C

DD.: Lanthanides



Body Symptoms:

Head: Feeling as if more oxygen reaches the brain, this makes thinking easier.

Headache, slightly can extend to migraine.


Vertigo: Dizziness.

Eyes: Pale, rings under one`s eye.

Swollen conjunctivas.

Sore eyes.

Ears: Seborrhoae of the auditory canals with pruritus.

Nose: Rhinitis vasomotorica.

Hay fever.

Seborrhoae of nares.

Face: Facial neuralgia.

Facial acne.

Mouth: Itching, tickling, burning, a feeling that you get from touching a battery with the tongue, or slightly burning of pepper.

Throat: Painful swallowing, pressure sensitivity of the pharynx, hoarsenessas far as anaudia.


Tickling of the airway from the throat up to the xyphoid process, this provokes a cough.

Spasmodic cough with up to choking.

Stomach: Gastralgia with nausea.

Abdomen: Diversified periodic dyspepsia.

Dyspepsia allergy (intolerances).


Pain, right hypochondrium.

Hepatic dysfunction, liver swelling, liver carcinoma.

Biliary tract dysfunction.

Pancreas disorders.

Rectum: Diarrhoea # constipation.

Urinary tract: Recurrent infections of the urinary system, incontinence, increased desire to urinate.

Small stings in the bladder.

Urine smells like ammoniac.

Incontinency, pollakisuria, nightly dysuria.

Symptoms of the female gender have been mentioned in advance.

In general everything < around ovulation and before menses.

Chest: Cardiovascular disorders, including disorders of the rhythm of the heart and stenocardia, angina pectoris.

Accelerated pulse, with faintlessness.

Dyspnoea, breathlessness.

Longing for fresh air.

Takes deep breaths, deep sighs.

Labile hypertension or manifest hypertension.

Raynaud`s disease.

Thromboembolic disorders and varicositas.


Back: Pain, arthralgia miscellaneous forms, myalgia.

Extremities: Achillodynia, on the right side more than left.


Eczema on the fingers with fissures.

Skin: Dry lichen, itching.


Atopic dermatitis.

Eczemas, Foubister advises against the use of Folliculinum considering skin complains. My experience does not agree with that.

Chloasma uterinum.



Dreams: Situations, which are difficult to cope with, to feel to go under and to prove oneself something.

Occupied by adverse power  and forces.

Exhausting situations with obstacles.

Heroic doings.

Loss of control.

Fear of loss of control while driving vehicles with obstacles.

Dream after taking Folliculinum C200 once: She is cooking a feast for the whole family. As the meal is finished, the door bell rings, the guests arrive.

She panics, she is not showered, not combed, not dressed yet, she now flees into the bathroom. She hears her brother saying amused: „It`s like always”,

she is never ready on time, she is not able to organise her time.“ She is in the bathroom, she is in despair and stressed as she tries to get ready, she becomes aware

that she can`t find her own image looking in the mirror.

She can`t recognise herself, she has no identity.

The amount and complexity of symptoms points out the importance of the remedy.



[Christina Ari]

First I want to talk about the necessary differentiation of both the nosodes Carcinosinum and Folliculinum:

Carcinosinum tries hard to be obliging and fulfil duties properly to avoid conflicts. The aim is to avoid its own shortcomings, his shade to be seen as a possible form

of expression of being.

Out from this avoidance life is not perceived in its entirety. This inner separation leads to illness.

Carcinosinum refers to a neglected self, a lack of integration of negative aspects of being. Self is compulsively sacrificed, an expression of an unsurpassable conflict

mirroring the struggle` against it self `, leading primarily into demolition.

Folliculinum excessively surpasses its obliging and dutiful behaviour to be able to better express and be aware of its own self. There is no relation to its own individual rhythms of life, life only functions in complete dependency.

Folliculinum already has lost its `self. The attempt to compensate by encountering life with utmost devotion and selflessness leads into deeper deficiency and finally

into a state of reduced ability to regenerate. This picture mirrors a struggle `for itself`, leading primarily into a chronic form of suffering.

Now let me compare Folliculinum to other close or related remedies:

Discerning nosodes, it is essential to find out whether a deficiency based diatheses is present or not.

Thyreoidinum as well as Medorrhinum can be very similar.

Animal remedies follow sorted according to similarity.

Concerning female remedies De Mattos called Lachesis to be the closest remedy, finding the following: excitability # depression, extreme sensitivity to contact,

> by menstrual flow.

In Folliculinum we do not find:

Laterality, or aggravation from sleep, but, on the contrary, aggravation during ovulation.

M. Assilem: Lachesis does the draining, Folliculinum gets drained.

Elaps and Cenchris are close related as well as other snake remedies.

Sepia is very close, but the cycle modalities are stronger in Folliculinum. Sea remedies depending to rhythm, in general relate, as Calc. and Asterias rubens.

Plants: Lilium tigrinum, Staphisagria, Ignatia, Aristolochia, Pulsatilla and Cyclamen are close.

Minerals: Natrium muriaticum, Samarium muriaticum, all the muriaticums and lacticums could be compared as well as other Lanthanides and remedies out of

the silver-serie.

Granit has aggravation at ovulation. Kalium carbonicum shows the weakness.

How to prescribe?

Over the past ten years of intense studies with this remedy, functional and miasmatic prescriptions of Folliculinum have become more common to me.

In this way (complemented by a Simile) the nosode accompanies chronic recoveries.

This method has proven to be successful with many patients and resulted in lasting recovery.

Foubister already experienced good effects giving Folliculinum three or four days before an individually selected constitutional remedy.

Exclusive prescription provides a solution with iatrogenic induced cycle disorders, as already explained before. According to its properties I rhythmically administer the remedy in case of chronic states, which can be seen in connection with hormonal disorders, mostly in C potencies; the level of the potency is always chosen according

to the individual case.

If the remedy is to be prescribed solely according to the simile nature, the most satisfying recoveries can be observed. In such cases, fluxion- and Q-potencies have

proven to be successful.

Folliculinum and Miasma:

I would like to talk about the superior meaning of Folliculinum in a miasmatic sense. In 2010 the birth control pill celebrated its 50th anniversary. 3 generations of women

in industrialized countries have made use of it. Millions of women have avoided experiencing their own individual female rhythm, the basis of their creativity, and do not realize that they are victims of the drug.

In striving for liberation from paternalism, they haven fallen prey to deceitful carelessness, which eventually leads to taking possession of female sex again.

This attempt to escape is understandable, taking the role which has been imposed on women over countless generations by the dogmas of world religions.

Women have been reduced to the caring form of expression of their being, giving birth to and taking care of ten or even more children, definitely missing a steady cycle.

They were for the most part refused to be seen as rational beings and therefore not considered to have leading capacity.

Thousands of years of suppression of individual and creative possibilities for development of women all around the world can primarily be seen as a taking of possession

of femality.

Folliculinum therefore is an expression of lost matriarchy, combining a desperate strife for rehabilitation. The general impact on our health induced by increasingly incontrollable hormone substitution and genetic engineering in animal breeding, though leading to an appreciated worldwide rise in production, can not be neglected either. Hormones pass our food, are excreted through our liver and kidneys, go back into the water supply and are reintroduced into the circle, as they cannot be filtered out. We are under a constantly growing hormonal exposure.

Out of this hormonal pollution and in connection with taking synthetic hormones over centuries, hormonal misuse has become part of our lives and has to be considered a mayor risk to our health at present and even more in the future.

The rise in breast cancer and cervical dysplasia is alarming. In Austria one out of eight women develops a malignant breast tumour. The fertility rate in industrialized countries is constantly decreasing symptoms such as endometriosis and PCO syndrome are on the rise.

Not only women are afflicted by this phenomenon, disorders in spermatogenesis probably induced by oestrogen can be observed with men. The sperms are too slow, too

small in number, or deformed. Whether environmental pollution or the taking of the pill by their mothers before pregnancy is the cause can not absolutely be differentiated.

In this context, I would also like to mention the Burn Out Syndrome which affects both sexes and has been on the increase over the past years. It is terrible to see how many people suffer from chronic stress.

People who have self-sacrificed themselves in tasks and duties and are terribly striving to keep up control mechanisms, who have forgotten to perceive and live out their capacities, have definitely lost touch with their individual rhythm of life.

Folliculinum ought to be an option in these cases, a remedy which is mirrored noticeably in the regretful state of our civilized society.

Assuming a miasma in general to be an influence that induces illness and is hidden behind common pathologic symptoms which are signs of a disrupted force of life, it is legitimate in this case, to speak of a new miasma that has to be taken very seriously.

What we are talking about here and now, is neither a simple iatrogen, nor a sex-specific nor a simple carcinogen miasma.

I would like to point out that this is a distinct folliculin miasma, which can either be acquired or inherited. What we are dealing with is a so-called adapted or chronic cancerogen miasma, which primarily leads to degenerative disorders to sign up for reduced regenerative properties.

Coming to this point I hope for a broad acceptance of my mission, also to do justice to the remedy which has proven helpful to mankind.

Folliculinum helps to restore and reempower the patients. Finally they are able to develop a new identification of selfhood, which is needed to re-establish their individual rhythm of life- the chance to move out of this destructive and degenerating miasma.

This remedy is of big importance and should be considered in the same order as Carcinosinum or Medorrhinum.

I`d like to say thank you to all the people who have paved the way like for example Lea De Mattos, Othon Andre Julian, Donald Foubister, Melissa Assilem, Dorothy Cooper, Frans Vermeulen, Andreas Holling as well as my Austrian colleagues Jutta Gnaiger Rathmanner, who has contributed a lot to the topic already, and Günter Mattitsch, who

I owe the initial fruitful personal contact with the remedy. A big thank you also to Dr. Srinivasa Rao Nyapati and his team, I asked for collaboration. He and his team recently started a complex study on Folliculinum in Hyderabad, India, a kind of intercultural comparison. Its results are eagerly anticipated. Last but not lest a big thank you to Marina Afanasieva, who invited me to Riga, and Reinhard Flick, who kept encouraging me to take on this invitation.


[Fatima Hansa]

The efficacy of a complementary formulation of Folliculinum D6 and Five-Flower Formula™, in the treatment of menopausal symptoms.

This double-blind placebo controlled study investigated the efficacy of a complementary formulation of Folliculinum D6 and Five-Flower Formula™ (Folliculinum D6,

Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum) in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in terms of participants’ perception of the treatment.

This formula is currently available commercially as an unregistered product trading under the name of Femme Rosa. This formula was developed by Dr Maharaj, and is prepared by Natura®.

The formula consists of Folliculinum D6 and Five-Flower Formula™.

A total of 60 female participants who were going through natural menopause and currently experiencing menopausal symptoms took part in the study. They were randomly assigned according to the randomization sheet drawn up by the supervisor, 29 participants to the treatment group and 31 to the placebo group.

An  improvement was demonstrated in both treatment and placebo groups after treatment yet this improvement was not statistically significant.

The only symptoms that improved in the treatment group were the hot flushes and psychological symptoms however, there were no significant differences between the treatment and placebo group.

It was concluded that the complementary formulation of Folliculinum D6 and Five-Flower Formula™ was not statistically effective in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in terms of the participants’ perception of the treatment.

Folliculinum: Name  is derived from folliculin (a.k.a. oestrone), which is a natural hormone secreted by the ovaries.

Biologically, the smallest quantity of folliculin necessary to produce vaginal signs of oestrus (heightened sexual arousal) in a castrated female rat is 140g by subcutaneous injection at 3 hourly intervals (Allen and Doisy’s test). It is a white crystalline substance, insoluble in water. The first 3 attenuations are made by trituration, the base unit

being 140g (Julian, 1979).

Folliculinum is primarily a female remedy. The clinical picture of Folliculinum is as follows:

Mental symptoms that indicate this remedy are panic attacks, mood swings that alternate between aggression and depression, hypersensitivity to noise, heat and contact, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity and forgetfulness (Assilem, 1991).

Other mental symptoms include pre-menstrual migraines, sexual hyper-excitability, instability and anguish which < at night (Julian, 1979).

General symptoms include hypersensitivity to heat and contact, need for fresh air, weight gain without excessive eating, cycle irregularities, hot flushes, night sweats, dizziness, fainting, changes in

libido and water retention (Assilem, 1991). 

Local symptoms are swollen breasts < touch, bloody discharge or spotting, vaginal dryness, drawing and burning pains (ovaries) (Assilem, 1991).



 Premenstrual symptoms 

 Candida albicans

 Ovarian cysts

 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

 Menstrual problems

 Cardiovascular disease

 Raynaud’s disease

 Eating disorders

 Post-natal problems

 Myalgic  Encephalomyelitis


 History of abuse, whether sexual, physical or psychological (Assilem 1991)

The Materia Medica of Folliculinum covers a wide range of physical and mental symptoms regarding menopause such as :

 Cycle irregularities


 Hot flushes


 Night sweats

 Air hunger

 Dizziness and faintness

 Abdominal heaviness



 Vaginal dryness

 Slow movement and spacey thinking

 Hypersensitive to noise, heat and touch

(Assilem, 1991)

The conclusion reached in this study is that the complementary formulation of Folliculinum D6 and Five-Flower Formula™, (Folliculinum D6, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem,            Cherry Plum) is ineffective in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in terms of the participants’ perception of the treatment.


            Phytologie: Angelikawurzel                                                50g

Beifußkraut                                                                                     50g

Damianblätter                                                                        40g

Echtes Eisenkraut                                                                        30g

Rosmarin                                                                                    30g

Kräuter mischen, 2? Teelöffel à 200 ml heiß überbrühen, 8 - 12 Min. ziehen lassen, abseihen und eventuell mit Honig süßen.

Trinken vom Ende des Menses bis zum Eisprung.



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