

Vergleich: Siehe: Lacs vegetabile


Ist entstanden im „Mondzeitperk“ (wann Feste, Flüssige und Gaszuständen anders waren als im heutigen Zeitalter). In alte Mondära hatte Erde eine stickstoffhaltige Atmosphäre Funktion wie CO2 heute

Lacs vegetabil:  Sie stehen Lacs nahe/= entstanden in Mondzeitalter Pflanzenmilchsaft ist mit lemurische „Ursuppe“ verbunden (= Bilderepoche)

N-beziehungen bedeuten Verbindungen mit alter Mondära.

N = Vermittler zwischen Obere Menschenpol mit Kosmos/= Luftbestandteil/= astralisch/= Empfinden/vergeistigt das Kosmische und nimmt Tierisches auf.

Lemurien hatte „Eiweiß“atmosphäre mit S

In der Saturn-Epoche hatte unser Planet lediglich eine thermische Qualität. In der Sonnen-Phase hat die Erde eine Art Luftkonsistenz angenommen und im Mond-Zeitalter kondensierten Teile davon in eine wässrig-gallertartige Form (4 Elemente: Feuer, Luft, Wasser und Erde gehen auch auf diese Entwicklung zurück). Die dichtesten Anteile wurden schließlich zur festen Materie, bis sich die Erde in die heutige Form entwickelt hat.

R.S.: Forms living in the Moon region of the earth/originate in the element of warmth (pollen), but then go into the sphere of decay (saprophytes). Their fruiting bodies face the soil and not the light as in higher plants. The 3rd station of creation, the Old Moon. world, raised the human creature to the level of animal being. The creative sacrifice of high spiritual beings gave of their own substance of being to provide man with a soul quality, the astral principle. With this, the Moon substance condensed as far as the fluid state. As "remnants" of the earlier creations 2 natural kingdoms below that of man continued to exist, a plant one and a mineral

one. Then came the creation of the earth. By filling the human germ with spiritual substance from the sphere

of spiritual being itself, it raised it to a spiritual being able to comprehend itself, a bearer of Ego.

As remnants of the 3 preceding creations, the 3 kingdoms of nature below man have remained. Man therefore is the first-born of creation, its key-note (even though he is the last to make his appearance). He never went through the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms existing !?!?! today; these are only remnants which could not be transformed into human beings, cast-offs, one might say on the road to human development.

For continuing the studies that are the aim of this book it is necessary to study the evolution of the Old Moon which immediately preceded the evolution of the earth.

The Old Moon had 3 natural kingdoms. From these arose the 4 natural kingdoms of the earth. Those 3 natural kingdoms of the Old Moon world were of a peculiar nature. They were not mineral, plant and animal in the present-day sense, but in-between beings which were in-between the natural kingdoms of today. In them rested the germs of development of the earth world lying ahead of them. Otherwise they would not have been capable of true development.

The highest kingdom was that of an animal-man (beings higher than the animal of today, but with no ego and therefore lower than man of today).

The 2nd kingdom represented an in-between sphere between the plant and animal beings of today. Here one must speak of animal-plants and plant-animals.  The lowest kingdom on the Old Moon was a mineral-plant or plant-mineral kingdom somewhere between the plant and the mineral of today. There was no dead, solid, stony mineral ground on the Old Moon.

"We have to imagine the whole ground and body of the Moon consisting of this plant-mineral substance, just

as the earth today consists of rocks and stones, airable soil, etc. As here and there rocks protrude from the earth today, so in the Lunar mass, harder portions also were embedded. These might be likened to forms made

of hard wood or horn. Moreover, as plants today spring from the mineral soil, so was the ground of the Moon covered and also penetrated, by a 2nd kingdom, consisting of a kind of plant-animal. Their substance was

softer than the basic mass, and more mobile in itself“.

Once one has come to accept the idea of this Old Moon world with its "in-between beings", it is possible to understand how as relics of that ancient evolution the natural kingdoms of the earth have within them the tendency to develop in-between forms (as abnormalities?). As we are primarily concerned with the plant kingdom, this may help us to gain a better understanding of the half mineral, half plant phenomena in plant life, as well as those showing an interplay between plant and animal. In marshy regions and swamps. one will see and comprehend forms reminiscent of the lowest kingdom on the Old Moon, their consistency somewhere between solid and fluid:

on those soils actual animal-plants also tend to arise (carnivorous. plants). The many different parasitic and semi-parasitic. plants also bear reminiscence of the Old Moon world. They are not able to grow on the earthy soil of today, but only on a living or half-living basis. On the other hand these plants often tend to animal-like processes, they hypertrophy in this direction, producing flower forms resembling animal forms [Orchids./Bromeliaceae. (Poales.)/Rafflesiae arnoldii (Malphigiales.)]. Another aspect which is illuminated through this point of view are the numerous instances of symbiosis between animals and plants. Many bonds still exist where once there was a complete life-unit.

Plants today have "their" animals, animals "their" plants; at one time they were complete animal-plant beings.

Once one has come to accept the idea of this Old Moon world with its "in-between beings", it is possible to understand how as relics of that ancient evolution the natural kingdoms of the earth have within them the tendency to develop in-between forms (as abnormalities?). As we are primarily concerned with the plant kingdom, this may help us to gain a better understanding of the half mineral, half plant phenomena in plant life, as well as those showing an interplay between plant and animal. In marshy regions and swamps one will see and comprehend forms reminiscent of the lowest kingdom on the Old Moon, their consistency somewhere between solid and fluid:

on those soils actual animal-plants also tend to arise (carnivorous plants). The many different parasitic and semi-parasitic. plants also bear reminiscence of the Old Moon world. They are not able to grow on the earthy soil of today, but only on a living or half-living basis. On the other hand these plants often tend to animal-like processes, they hypertrophy in this direction, producing flower forms resembling animal forms [Orchids/Bromeliaceae (Poales)/Rafflesiae arnoldii (Malphigiales.)]. Another aspect which is illuminated through this point of view are the numerous instances of symbiosis. between animals and plants. Many bonds still exist where once there was a complete life-unit. Plants today have "their" animals, animals "their" plants; at one time they were complete animal-plant beings.

Fungi. connected with the ancient Moon stage of earth evolution, man must let go of that aspect and take his evolution forward.


Aldrovandra vesiculosa.

Alkaloiden. = giftige Verbindungen, die N  enthalten

Azolla filiculoides = mosquito. fern/= duckweed fern/= fairy moss. Pteridophyta. Quelle: Aquariumhandel

Cusc-eu. lebt auf andere Pflanzen und erstickt sie/hat eine schwarze Wolke über sich schweben wie Cimic

Cuscutta sandwichiana.

Cuscutta reflexa.

Eichhornia crassipes = Wasserhyazinthe./nimmt Arsen auf Süßwasser.-/Treibergruppe

. Schmutz. Commelinidadae.  

Fic-i. = Banyanbaum/wächst auf Wirtsbaum/tötet ihn ab + wächst GROß aus


Fabalaceae. Reichern N an im  Boden/enthalten N

Lem-m. lebt auf Wasseroberfläche

Sphagnum. lebt im Moorwasser ohne Wurzeln

Tillandsia. asteroides o. usneoides lebt auf Bäume und Drähte

Lentibularia o. Utricularia vulgaris Utricularia leben auf Wasseroberfläche Insektivoren. Lamiales. Sukkulenten. 

Vauc. = Süßwasseralge




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