Repertorium Berufen



Arn.: any bruising injury, ragged cut, head injury, broken bones.

Hyper.: For pain FUL banged-up fingers and toes. Follows Arnica in head or spine injuries.

Led.: For puncture wounds. May help prevent tetanus. Follow with Hypericum if much pain.

Sil.: For splinters that are too deep to reach. Causes the body to expel them, even if they’ve been there for years.

Note: Do not use Silica if you have any kind of surgical implant.



Arn.: for any traumatic injury

Canth.: Top remedy for burns

Phos.: Use after Arnica for electric shock

Carb-v.: For the effects of breathing hot air


Miners asthma from cold dust: Nat-a.


Arbeiter in Blei-verarbeitende Betrieben: Plumbum Mitteln

Arbeiter in Porzellanherstellung/Bildhauer/Steinmetzen/Untergrundarbeit: Card-m. Sil.

Beschwerden von Flugpersonal: Aqua pluvial 1986, Rad-br. (Nahrung:Weißkohl).


[Farokh Master]

Bird remedies patients usually are pilots in airlines and C.E.O. of big companies


Healers working on the psychic plane to relate more easily with the spirit world; equally significant, to remain grounded when dealing with energies

from different dimensions of reality: Thuja

[Rosina Sonnenschmidt]

Arbeiter in Autowerkstätte: Sul-ac.

Autofahrer: Lanthanum oxydatum

Autoverkäufer: Chel.

Menschen, die mit Beleuchtung im Filmbetrieben arbeiten: Lanthanum oxydatum

Tankwart/Angestellten in Autobahnraststätten: Sul-ac.

Taxifahrer: Nux-v.



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