Thymus vulgaris (Thymu-vg) = Garten Thymian





Vergiftung: While most Thymus vulgaris preparations are harmless when used in a low dose, and no cases of poisoning have been reported, the essential oil is highly toxic when ingested (Talalaj and Czechowicz, 1989:301);

Positiv: Stärkt Wille/Selbstvertrauen/Mut/;

Negativ: Labil/depressiv/Alpträume, Gedächtnis-/Leistungsschwäche/Geheime Bruderschaft/Republikaner;

warmth organization and the ego don’t fully permeate the stomach and lungs/tendency to develop colds/any organic region holds "too much water and too little warmth“, Children with rickets. Exudative diathesis

will benefit from thyme baths/persistent bronchial catarrh (whooping cough). Gastritis/gastric spasms/colics - if the organic region lacks warmth.

[Chiquita Vosloo]

The aim of this study was to establish the effect of Thymus vulgaris tincture prepared in 43% ethanol and 70% ethanol in comparison to 43% ethanol and 70% ethanol only upon Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, using

a disc diffusion method, and to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MEC) of Thymus vulgaris tincture

in respect of these bacteria. Mueller-Hinton agar plates were streaked with saline test cultures adjusted to the 0.5 McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standard. Five sterile filter paper discs 5mm in diameter were placed on each plate. These filter paper discs were impregnated with 10111 of the test or control substances using a micropipette. The plates were incubated at 3TC for 18 hours. The diameters of the zones of inhibition of the bacterial growth around the discs were measured. This data was used to look for inter-group change by means of the Mann- Whitney Test between the test and control subgroups in both group A and group B. The means and standard deviations of each of the groups were compared in order to look for possible trends if the p-value of each group was insignificant. Il Thymus vulgaris tincture in 43% ethanol produced significant inhibitory effects in comparison to the 43% ethanol control upon all the bacteria tested. Thymus vulgaris tincture in 70% ethanol produced significant inhibitory effects in comparison to the

Thymus vulgaris has been used for its antiseptic properties for centuries and while much is known of the antibacterial effects of the essential oil of thyme, and thymol, little research has been conducted on the antimicrobial effects of the tincture of this common garden herb.

The concept of "Health for All by 2000" in which the Director General of WHO endorsed a plan to utilise traditional medical systems in each country. (Griggs, 1991: Il.) In developing countries the use of medicinal plants helps to reduce imports of drugs, thus boosting economic self-reliance. Furthermore, local products tend to be more readily accepted than those obtained abroad. (Akerele, 1993: 390.) Due to the increase in immunodeficiency states in the poorer section of the population it has become necessary to investigate a non-toxic alternative antimicrobial substance that can be used in cases of immunodeficiency with specific reference to long-term usage.

Antibacterial properties of the tincture upon Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Enterococcusfaecalis in order to determine its value in antimicrobial applications (Monera Kingdom Bacteria)

The active constituent is volatile oil (2-3%), containing mainly thymol and carvacrol (up to 70%), borneol (15%), cineole, tannins (10%), saponins, and flavonoids (Talalaj and Czechowicz, 1989: 300).


[Little, 1994:50]

The Romans used thyme medicinally as a cough remedy, digestive aid and treatment for intestinal worms.


Vergleich: Enthält: Cl + Mn + Cu + ±2% of volatile oil. [containing phenols (carvacrol, thymol, and p-cymol), monoterpene hydrocarbons and sesquiterpenes].

A number of chemical races, e.g. 'thymol' [antiseptic, spasmolytic, expectorant, anthelmintic, calmative. Carvacrol   is a marked spasmolytic. (Wren, 1994: 266.)]

and 'carvacrol' types are known and the phenolic content is held largely responsible for the antiseptic, antitussive and expectorant properties of the drug.

The flavonoids of the leaves may be responsible for the spasmolytic activity of the herb. (Evans, 1996: 263.)

The action of phenolic compounds generally thought to involve interference with functions of the cytoplasmic membrane (proton motive forces and active transport) (Marino, Bersani & Comi, 1999: 1021-1022)];

Teucr.: ( = Thym-ähnlich + Verdauung );

Thymol. (enthalten in: Dam.). Mel-thym.

Siehe: Lamiales


Unverträglich: Einnahme länger als 3 Wochen/Thyroid overaktiv


Wirkung: (Schleim)hautreizend/                                   

Allerlei: ätherisches Öl rotes Öl = 1e Distillierung.            braucht wenig Wasser/LICHT/WÄRME

History, Folklore and Traditional Uses:

The name thyme is believed to derive from the Greek term meaning 'to fumigate', the Greeks using it for incense as well as medicinally (Evans, 1991: 118).

Others derive the name from the Greek word thumus, signifying courage, the plant being held in ancient and medieval days to be a great source of invigoration,

its cordial qualities inspiring courage (Grieve, 1978: 809). It was an emblem of activity, bravery and energy, in the days of chivalry it was custom for ladies to

embroider a bee hovering over a sprig of thyme on the scarves they presented to their knights (Grieve, 1978:809).

Dioscorides and Theophrastus both describe the virtues of thyme in reducing intestinal spasms, fighting infections and improving digestion. Pliny said that burning

thyme put to flight all venomous creatures. (Evans, 1991: 118.)

Lady Northcote (in The Herb Garden) says that among the Greeks, thyme denoted graceful elegance; 'to smell of thyme' was an expression of praise, applied to those

whose style was admirable (Grieve, 1978: 809).

The Romans also used thyme medicinally as a cough remedy, digestive aid, and treatment for intestinal worms (Little, 1994:50). The antiseptic and preservative

properties of thyme were known to the ancient Egyptians who used the oil for embalming (Bunney, 1992: 281).

In the South of France, wild thyme was a symbol of extreme Republicanism, tufts of it being sent with the summons to a Republican meeting (Grieve, 1978:809).

Thyme has inspired many poets over the years; Shakespeare's “A Midsummer Night's Dream”, the play which is richest in herbal lore, carries the famous lines beginning,

"I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows", and many others have alluded to it. Since the days of Charlemagne, it was obligatory to grow thyme in the garden.

(Evans, 1991: 118.)

As the centuries passed, it was used as an antiseptic during plagues (Little, 1994: 50).

Thyme walks were often found in old herb gardens. It was believed that when walked upon the spreading plants released their antiseptic properties into the air and these

were said to combat plague and other infections. (Roberts, 1983: 22.)

By the late 17th century, apothecary shops were selling thyme oil as a topical antiseptic under the name of oil of origanum. From the mid 19th century through

World War I, thyme enjoyed great popularity as an antiseptic. (Little, 1994: 50.)

In antiken Griechenland wurden Soldaten Thymian in Form eines Kranzes auf das Haupt gelegt, wenn sie in den Krieg zogen.






[Qing Liu/Xiao Meng/Ya Li/Cai-Ning Zhao/Guo-Yi Tang/Hua-Bin Li]

Recent study into the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Thymus vulgaris found that all the thyme essential oils examined, demonstrated a good degree of bacteriostatic activity against the microorganisms tested (Marino, Bersani and Comi, 1999:1022).

In another study conducted by Dorman and Deans (2000) Thymus vulgaris essential oil was found to have the greatest spectrum of antibacterial action of all the volatile oils tested.

Sammeln: blühendes Kraut

Atemwegen/nervöse Beschwerden/Verdauung/Gelenkrheuma


Infektion (Nieren/Lungen)


Externally for wound disinfection and internally for indigestion, sore throat, laryngitis, cough, whooping cough, and nervousness (Little, 1994:50).

Markedly antiseptic, it modifies the intestinal flora, it improves appetite and is resolutive and suppressant for spasmodic coughs.

Externally thyme is an excellent application for wound healing. (Rowson, 1976: 134.)

Dried leaves of thyme are powdered and used as a snuff to clear a blocked nose or to stem the flow in a bleeding nose (Roberts, 1983: 23).

Infusions are also a popular way of prescribing thyme; a cup of boiling water is poured over 10 ml dried thyme and allowed to steep for 10 minutes (Hoffman, 1992:237).

This should be drunk 3x daily (Hoffman, 1992: 237) or throughout the day in small frequent doses (Cruden, 1997: 161) or used as a gargle for sore throats and mouth infections (Little, 1994: 50).

Dried thyme in capsule form is also available and a maximum of 2g per day is recommended by Chevalier (1998: 99). Tinctures of Thymus vulgaris

Fresh plant material is preferred for the preparation of tinctures although dried thyme is also used (Lilje, 2001). Tincture doses vary; Cruden (1997:161) recommends 10-20 drops 3x daily and Hoffman (1992: 237) suggests a maximum of 8ml daily in 2-4ml doses.

Both tinctures and infusions are recommended by contemporary herbalists for disinfecting wounds, eliminating skin parasites, reducing aches and pains, and treating fungal infections such as athlete's foot (Pierce, 1999: 631). Tinctures are also used in the production of cough syrups, gargles, antiseptic mouthwashes and compresses (Evans, 1991: 118, Weiss, 1991: 209).

The fresh herb boiled in a litre of water and cooled, strained and rubbed into the scalp every day is recommended to prevent and arrest hair loss (Roberts, 1983: 23). Two drops of the essential oil in half a cup of carrier oil massaged into the scalp is recommended by Viagas (1995: 38) in the treatment of alopecia.

Thymus vulgaris preparations are widely recommended in the treatment of respiratory infections, especially whooping cough (Weiss, 1991: 209),

non-specific urethritis, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, and trichomonas, urinary tract infections, dysentery, gastroenteritis,

low blood pressure, anaemia (Curtis, 1996: 120), boils, abscesses, excessive menses, headaches and hysteria (Roberts, 1983: 23).

Other studies examining the antimicrobial properties of herbal tinctures using microbiological methods include Ramlachan (2001)/Langford (2001).



Antimikrobiell, reinigend, antiparasitär, antifungal, desinfizierend, antiviral. Bronchitis, Gefäßerkrankungen, bei Alzheimer, bei Husten, bei Hepatitis, bei Herz-Infektionserkrankungen, bei Reizhusten.


Thymianöl belebt, hilft so bei Erschöpfung oder auch nach langen Krankheiten.

Antiseptisch, Krämpfe und Verschleimungen, es steigert die körpereigene Abwehrkraft, es fördert die Durchblutung, es steigert den Appetit und ist

gut für die Verdauung. Zudem hat es eine den Blutdruck steigernde Wirkung.

Akne, Asthma, ausbleibende Menstruation, Blasenentzündungen, Bronchitis, Erkrankungen der Ausscheidungsorgane, Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane, Erschöpfung, Fußpilz, Husten, Keuchhusten, Kreislaufbeschwerden, Lustlosigkeit, Schnupfen, Sportverletzungen, zur Vorbeugung gegen Erkältungen und bei Wunden.

Wasserdampfdestillation des frisch blühenden Krautes







Immun- und Nervenschwäche

Intelligenz anregend


Krampf lösend

Magen- und Darminfekt











Herpesbläschen, Pickel und Insektenstiche


Als Waschungen bei Akne



Durchblutung fördernd

Schleim lösend

Krampf lösend





Steigert die Abwehrkräfte bei Infektionskrankheiten.

Wirkt antirheumatisch.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum