Angst Anhang 2


[Prof Dr. Sven Voelpel hat einen Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaft an der Jacobs University Bremen und ist Gründungspräsident des WDN - WISE Demographie Netzwerks]

Altersforscher: Angst im Alter ist Kopfsache

Ein Interview von Lena Ruppert

Aktualisiert am 11. April 2019, 13:23 Uhr

Kleine Kinder erscheinen uns oft furchtlos, mit zunehmenden Alter werden viele Menschen jedoch vorsichtiger. Manche entwickeln etwa plötzlich Höhenangst oder trauen sich ein Hobby nicht mehr zu. Warum das so ist und wie man dem entgegensteuern kann, darüber haben wir mit dem Altersforscher Sven Voelpel gesprochen.


Der Eindruck ist, dass man im Alter immer ängstlicher wird. Können Sie das bestätigen?

Sven Voelpel: Ja, das ist so. Es geht nicht allen so, aber bei überdurchschnittlich vielen Menschen nehmen die Ängste im Alter zu.


Warum werden wir denn immer ängstlicher?

Da spielen verschiedene Faktoren eine Rolle. Natürlich sammelt man über seine Lebenszeit Erfahrungen, darunter auch negative. Dadurch erwartet man [mit fortschreitendem Alter, Anm.d.Red.] auch mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit Negatives und wird ängstlicher. Ein Kind ist dagegen noch unerschrocken.


Das heißt, wir müssen das einfach akzeptieren?

Dass die Ängste zunehmen, ist der Ist-Zustand - nicht aber der Soll-Zustand. Um dem vorzubeugen müssen wir an unseren Verhaltensweisen, Denkweisen und Einstellungen ansetzen. Dann muss es nicht dazu kommen, dass wir ängstlicher werden. Wissen wirkt auch hier Wunder.


Wie kann man der Angst aktiv entgegenwirken?

Vieles ist Kopfsache, die Einstellung ist entscheidend. Eine positive Einstellung zum Alter verlängert mein Leben nachweislich um 7,5 Jahre und ich bin dann auch 7,5 Jahre länger fit. Das heißt, ich bin biologisch auch um 7,5 Jahre jünger.

Eine positive Einstellung zum Alter ist sehr wichtig. Durch die richtige Einstellung bleiben wir länger jung. Nach dem Motto "Glaube versetzt Berge".


Was passiert, wenn ich ängstlich an etwas herangehe?

Wenn ich ängstlich an etwas herangehe, wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit größer, sich zu verletzen. Die Unbedarftheit eines Kindes ist also eigentlich etwas sehr Gutes.

Eigentlich sollte man die Erfahrung eines Älteren mit der Einstellung eines Kindes kombinieren.


Was würden Sie jemandem raten, der immer gerne in den Bergen war, es sich heute aber nicht mehr zutraut, weil er Höhenangst bekommen hat?

Wenn man die Einstellung hat, dass man etwas nicht mehr kann, weil man alt ist, dann ist das so. Wenn man sich Studien zum Ruhestand ansieht, dann stellt man fest, dass bei denjenigen, die aktiv in den Ruhestand gehen, also sich beispielsweise sozial engagieren oder ein neues Hobby beginnen, der Blutfluss im Gehirn ansteigt, weil sie sich auf neue Dinge einlassen, neue Leute treffen, etwas Neues lernen und so weiter.

Diejenigen, die passiv in den Ruhestand gehen, die es sich also eher bequem auf der Couch machen, bei denen nimmt der Blutfluss im Gehirn ab. Krankheiten wie Herzinfarkte, Bandscheibenvorfälle und Depressionen nehmen bei diesen Menschen zu.

Wenn wir nicht sozial isoliert werden, weiterhin unsere Hobbys ausüben und in Vereine gehen, dann bleiben wir aktiv. Wenn man also Angst hat, dann wäre also die richtige Einstellung, erst recht in die Berge zu fahren. Das ist eine mentale Einstellungssache. Man kann wirklich alles machen, dafür gibt es genügend beeindruckende Beispiele.


Ist also wirklich alles nur Kopfsache?

Vieles. Auch in der Pädagogik gibt es dafür Beispiele. So hat man Lehrern gesagt, dass bestimmte Kinder hochbegabt seien, was gar nicht der Fall war. Nach einem Jahr waren sie [die Kinder, Anm.d.Red.] es aber tatsächlich, weil sie anders behandelt, gefördert und entwickelt wurden.

Wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass etwas passiert, dann passiert es auch zu einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit, als wenn ich es mir nicht vorstelle.


Wie kann man konkret an seiner Einstellung arbeiten?

Folgendes kann man als älterer Mensch machen, wenn man Angst hat: Sich in Dankbarkeit üben. Ich sollte mir einfach sagen, ich bin dankbar und glücklich darüber, dass ich jetzt in die Berge gehen kann und werde das total genießen. Dann stelle ich den Zustand, den ich erreichen will, schon in meinem Unterbewusstsein her.

Wenn ich mich darauf programmiere, also beispielsweise abends mit dem Gedanken einschlafe und morgens damit aufwache, dann erkennt mein Körper nicht den Unterschied, ob ich mir das real vornehme oder nicht. Im Englischen sagt man dazu "Mindfulness".


Wenn derjenige aber dennoch zu dem Schluss kommt, dass er sich in den Bergen nicht mehr wohlfühlt, was würden Sie ihm dann sagen?

Ich würde ihm dringend raten, sich schnell ein anderes Hobby zuzulegen, um den Alterungsprozess nicht zu beschleunigen.

Es ist ganz wichtig, dass nicht einfach etwas wegfällt, sondern dass man etwas anderes findet, von dem man begeistert ist. Man soll vor allem das machen, was einem wirklich Spaß macht.


[Astrid Süßmuth]

Amethyst D30–D200: Fördert Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Intuition, stärkt die Willenskraft, etwas durchzuziehen, und sorgt für ruhigen Schlaf.

Argentum nitricum D8: Lampenfieber, akute Blackouts in Prüfungssituationen, man fühlt sich völlig gehetzt; Prüfungsangst schon am Abend vor der Schulaufgabe,

mit Bauchschmerzen und Durchfall; Angst vor Prüfung verhindert das Einschlafen.

Argentum phosphoricum D12–D20: geistige Erschöpfung, schwierige Konzentration; stärkt die Erinnerung.

Calcium phosphoricum D6 nach einmaliger Hochpotenz: Konzentrationsschwäche ungeduldiger Kinder, die von Misserfolgen gleich frustriert sind.

Gelsemium sempervivens D12: Prüfungsangst der Schulkinder mit Bauchweh und Durchfall; sind wie gelähmt vor Aufregung.

Kalium phosphoricum D6/D12: Hektische Erwartungsspannung vor Prüfungen von eigentlich gut organisierten Schülern – als Folge von Überarbeitung.

Lachnantes tinctoria D4: Lampenfieber, Redehemmung vor Publikum.

• Rp. „Da-geh-ich-jetzt-rein-Mischung“ für Nervenkraft und Eloquenz vor dem Prüfungszimmer

Lachnantes tinctoria D4 10 ml

Verbena officinalis Ø 10 ml

Turnera diffusa Ø 10 ml

Vinca minor D4 10 ml

Rosa canina Ø 10 ml

Emerald X6, Helios 10 ml

Rhodiola rosea Rx., Fluidum 10 ml

Magnesium phosphoricum D6: Lampenfieber und Prüfungsängste, die sich in Schreibkrämpfen äußern.

Manganum sulfuricum D6: Wenn beim Lernen Gedächtnis und Konzentration als Folgen von Überarbeitung leiden; der Schüler ist nur noch müde.

Pallasit D12 Trit., Weleda: Durchhaltemittel zur Prüfungsvorbereitung; nimmt Prüfungsängste und die Angst zu versagen.

Rosa canina Lampenfieber und Versagensängste, gepaart mit Stimmverlust.

Rhodiola rosea Wurzelextrakt: Hauptmittel der Prüfungsvorbereitung; steigert Erinnerungsvemögen und Konzentration.

• Rp. Das „15-Punkte-Abi-zeit-Begleitrezept“

Rhodiolae roseae Rx., Fluidum 40 ml

Agaricus D6 10 ml

Argentum phos. D20 20 ml

Rubellit D10 10 ml

Aqua marina D12 10 ml

Avena sativa Ø 10 ml

Rubellit D10–D30: Konzentrations­ und Gedächtnisschwäche im Zusammenhang mit Prüfungsangst, („Morgenmuffeln“); steigert geistige Leistungsfähigkeit.

Stannum metallicum C30: Schüler, die nie besonderen Erfolg hatten und jetzt Angst davor haben, als völliger Versager dazustehen.

Strophantus kombe D4: Prüfungsangst der Schulkinder mit totalem Blackout direkt vor der Prüfung.

Succinum D10–D60: Prüfungsangst, die zu Hysterie, depressiver Verstimmung und Panikattacken führt.

Uranium metallicum C200: Eklatante Prüfungsangst mit Lernblockade und diffusen Zukunftsängsten völlig „überlernter“, älterer Prüflinge.

Vinca minor D4: Zittern nach geistiger Anstrengung; steigert Hirndurchblutung für aktive Prüfungsgestaltung.

Neurodoron (Aurum metallicum, Kalium phosphoricum, Ferrum sulfuricum, Mel, Vinum, Quarz), Weleda: Schulkopfschmerz, Lampenfieber, depressive Gemütsstimmung vor Prüfungen

Verbascum F    Komplex 129 (Actaea    spicata,  Asarum,  Crocus,  Gelsemium,  Iris vers., Melilotus, Melissa, Strontium, Verbascum), Fa. Nestmann:

Konzentrationsstörungen,  Kopfschmerzen,  Lernstörungen,  Schulkopfschmerz,  geistige Überanstrengung


[Farokh Master]

What is anxiety?

Every day we hear this word in our day to day practice.

Some people consider anxiety as stress, some people consider anxiety as worry, many people come to us in our clinic with different causes of anxiety and different pattern of anxiety.

People do tend to worry and become anxious over many different activities and events. Manytimes I have seen such kind of disorders very commonly running within a family

so somehow I feel that there is an element of the genetic trait.

Anxiety disorder is such a common thing I see it in every age and sex. But this has to do a lot with the personality of the patient because many times these anxious patient can say that

they have being anxious as long as they can remember.

Being anxious many times is a state where there is little or no cause to worry but they have been habituated to worry from one problem to another. The most common

area of worry is family, relationships, work issues, money, health and other problems.

Sometimes the anxiety becomes so severe that its difficult for patient to control because there are many other symptoms that are associated with the anxiety like difficulty in concentration,

fatigue, irritability, difficulty in falling asleep, if at all they are sleep their sleep is quite restless and unrefreshing or in general the patients becomes quite restless and startles very easily.

There may be headaches or tension headache or there may be little trembling or shakiness, sometimes one may also get nausea or loose stools.

The goal of homoeopathic treatment is to help the patient to function well in day to day basis of life. A combination of proper constitutional homoeopathic medicine is the best answer

as many anxiolytic drugs can produce severe side effects.

Only in an extreme case I refer my patient to psychotherapist for cognitive behavioural therapy.

If the patient is already on anxiolytic drug like serotinine, nonepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, benzodiazepine such as alprazolam, then I try to reduce it as early as possible.

Let me quote some interesting cases from my clinic. The first case is of a man who was 55 years old, who was diabetic for last 17 year and was on anti-diabetic drugs. He was keeping all the

dietetic restriction for his diabetes. He was working in a bank on a good post. Suddenly he developed irritability, and started losing his temper quite frequently and later he developed anxiety,

when this happened his blood sugar levels started to go high. He was never like that before. All these things started in the last 6 months. I tried to find out the cause but I could not.

The only thing that has changed in last 6 months was his place of work, he was transferred to a new office and in that particular office the work was quite chaotic and hence he had to spent extra

energy and the staff who were working under him were not cooperative slowly he started to feel neglected and humiliated, on the other hand suddenly his wife had to go to United States to meet

her sick mother so for about three and a half months he was all alone managing home and office.

His symptoms were mostly in the morning when he wakes up in the morning he develops sudden anxiety and also in the night when he goes to the bed and wants to close his eyes

suddenly all the anxiety comes up. The anxiety was related to his health viz. what if something happens to him??? or if diabetes does not remain under control??? or if he develops some heart

problem??? or if he develops some paralysis???,

Whenever he becomes anxious he also gets eructation’s with distension of the abdomen and then to divert his attention from the anxiety he goes out of his house for buying grocery or shopping

or in the open space in presence of company of people.

Slowly he observed that he cannot focus and concentrate properly in his job especially in the morning hours. This happens from 7 h. to almost 13 h. in the afternoon, he does not feel like

getting up, he does not feel like eating his breakfast, doing his routine coures; otherwise he is extremely responsible and duty bound, conscientious person who really wanted to improve

the situation at his work place.

As a child he had strict parents and hence with this fear he was obedient and performed well in school, this affected his confidence to some degree and later he would always take opinion

of people around him before making any decisions. He also complained to me about acidity if he eats during the period of anxiety.

Whenever he is nervous he develops little loose motion; he sleeps on sides; he sweats all over his body whenever he exerts even slightly; he complained that he cannot have a heavy meal;

his body functions very well when he takes a light meal like a soup or a salad which he enjoyed eating.

I started treating him with Lycopodium but nothing much happened excepting that his acidity and eructations were little ameliorated but rest of the symptoms were the same. He was a hot

patient; he needed fanning; he needed an air-conditioner, he wanted hot water bath even in Bombay but may be that is due to the culture because 60% people who live in Bombay are taking

a hot water bath in the morning even in summer.

I was trying to figure out a remedy based on causative factor. Now I took two more additional symptoms: ailments from responsibility and ailments from rudeness of others because

the staff that used to work under him was not cooperative and this new situation required extra responsibility, I added this symptoms with his previous symptoms like:

anxiety in bed, anxiety with fear; anxiety about his health;

anxiety morning waking on; business in capacity for; wants company; concentration difficult morning; self-confidence want of; confusion of the mind morning; fear waking on;

eructation empty; heartburn; constant nausea; nervous diarrhoea; sleeps on side; perspiration after exertion slightest; and loves soup and salad.

Now I selected Mag-m. 30C it was given every day one dose for three weeks. After three weeks he reported to me that he felt much better. I continued the same medicine for three more

weeks where I see a definite improvement in his anxiety levels even though his bank doctors had advised him allopathic drugs; he never took it because in his family there was a strong

faith in homoeopathy. After 11/2 month his anxiety came down almost 70% and this is the time when I gave him placebo and I said that look now you have to change your life style, you have

to accept people’s handicaps, you have to accept things as it is. I gave him little session on psychotherapy, asked him to take a morning walk, asked him to listen to the music and less dependent

on homoeopathic medicines.

After 11/2 month he reported that he rarely gets an anxiety attack,

I gave him Mag-m. 1M 1 dose and then asked him to be on placebo for a long period. After 4 months there was no trace of anxiety, he happily accepts his new job all the problem related

to stress, physical problem emotional problem were much better, he could sleep nicely and enjoyed his life.

The second case was of a 37 years old male teacher working as a mathematics teacher in a secondary school, he developed sudden anxiety, weakness of memory.

He considered this quite normal but when it become troublesome it started affecting work and now students started making comments on his mistakes, he was forced by his wife

to see a general practitioner who gave him some tranquilizers but the drugs did not suit him, one of his relative who was my patient recommended homoeopathy. He came to me with severe

anxiety in the morning as soon as he wakes up, he does not want to go to school, he does not want go for work, he has a strong fear that he won’t be able to perform, he daily forces and drags

himself to the school to teach.

He was quite discouraged and negative when he came to me thinking that he won’t be ever able to teach mathematics because when he wants to talk in the class and teach he suddenly

forgets; he forgets equations; he forgets calculations; he makes mistakes; he forgets the things which he had kept.

He is quite sad and depressed in the morning because of his anxiety because that is hindering his routine life and that is also hindering his job giving him fear of financial insecurity in future.

Basically he is quite timid individual, not much ambitious, always wanted to do simple job, earn money for his family, never had big dreams. He was suffering from male pattern

baldness this gave him some complex. As a student he suffered from migraine and so he always thought it is better not to do lot of education and strain his brain. His migraines were

always < a warm congested room and > cold open air. He was thirsty and constipated, in the morning he has to visit toilet 2 - 3 times to clear the bowel, His hands were always

cold and rough because of cracks. He sleeps on right side; he does not like to eat vegetables he prefers eating legumes, rice and meat.

I asked him why this anxiety started? He replied this is a slow ongoing process since last year but it became worse in the last three months, he said that ever since one of his colleagues

died because of a road accident two years back. He observed that his health detioriated since then, he kept on thinking what if something happens to my health?

This affected also his mind very strongly, other than this there was no other cause.

He was mild, He mentioned that in the night it became difficult for him to go to bed and sleep because it takes lot of time for him to go to sleep deeply also his sleep is quite interrupted and

restless, he wakes up at 2 – 3 h. in the morning, in the morning it becomes difficult for him to wake up, after waking he does not like to go to the school. I basically also thought that he was

teaching in a class of 65 students which is big number, keeping that in to consideration I started first Kali-p. 30C and later Kali-p.

My main indication for that remedy was anxiety in the morning, confusion in the morning, fear of work, making mistakes, sadness in the morning, headache better in the open air, and coldness

of the hand. He was not better so I increased the potency to 200 and then 1M but nothing happened.

The symptoms remaining the same, the totality remaining the same, I discovered that he had a yellow discoloration of his tongue, It was dirty yellow then I thought about a remedy which has

extreme degree of thirst with yellow discoloration of the tongue who is hot patient with anxiety in the morning especially after waking up, fear of work, fear of death, memory problems

especially for what he was about to say or what was about to do, with constipation for soft stool, these were the leading indications of the remedy Kali-s.

I immediately changed my prescription to Kali-s. 30C one dose every day for next 15 days. The response was dramatic. The first thing to improve was his sleep, he could sleep comfortably

the remedy did not help him in his anxiety, so I repeated Kali-s. for one more month, now his memory improved, his mistakes were less often and he became more confident which was

a good sign. After three months his anxiety became better by more than 60%. I asked him now that are you tormented or think about the incident of your colleague who died in a road accident

?? he said no, I now never think of it, I am not now much concerned about what happens to me, I have left everything in the hands of God, I just do not realize why I was so anxious being an

intelligent educated why did I take so many things on my mind and destroyed my happiness, the self realization came with Kali-s. which is a very good sign.

Kali-s. as you know is a remedy which does not have a big mental picture but we can use this remedy many times by knowing the common traits of Kali and Sulphuricum.

The only difference that I see with other Kali is that Kali-s. are basically mild people, they are not obstinate and headstrong like other Kali’s (Kali-c. or Kali-i.).

Many times I see the element of self pity in Kali-s. they are quite warm blooded and thirsty. They have a yellow coating of the tongue; hands are cold to touch; and they have cracked

and dry skin.


[Lia Bello]

Do any of you have any fears or anxiety when you get on an airplane? This is one of the more common phobias. I actually have first hand knowledge on this one. I have had the start of

some panic attacks on airplanes. For me it is the feeling of being closed into too small a place and something might happen and I can’t get out. Very unpleasant. I can totally see why there

are some people that just won’t get on a plane or those who need some kind of drug or alcohol to help them relax to get through the flight.

I have found a more natural medicine to use for fear - one that I had been prescribing for years to my patients for phobias like not wanting to drive on crowded 4 lane highways, or over a big bridge,

or for the fear of flying. Acon. covers this panicky feeling of being hemmed in, fear of death, cannot be calmed. The heart suddenly starts pounding and the person is restless.

They look terrified So if I do start to feel panicky when the plane doors close I just take out my little vial of Acon. C30 and pop one or two pellets in to my mouth and suck on them. About 10

seconds later the whole feeling is gone and I feel calm inside again.

Another scenario. The family car is hit from behind, it skids around crazily and screeches to a stop. You check in with the kids in the back and your husband and there don’t seem to be any physical

injuries -but everybody is very upset- the shock and scariness is felt by all, your little one is crying and your body is very tense. Give everyone a dose of Acon. My experience shows that the emotional wounds of life can predispose us to being susceptible to physical ailments so giving the remedy is actually a preventive medicine. It is much better to give it when the shock and fear has just happened

but it will help even days later if it can’t be given immediately.

Well, think how many people had some major fear and fright on September 11th, 2001. Acon. was the universal remedy that day. In homeopathic circles Acon. was called the Genus epidemicus for

the country (New York) that whole month. Many people are still dealing with the effects of the stress they felt.

Our vital force (governing system) is susceptible to emotional traumas and will create physical manifestations when it is forced out of balance by stresses. Sleep disrupted, mood is definitely impacted,

digestion is off, along with the concentration and memory, some peoples immunity plummets, even menstrual cycles can be thrown off by a shock or fright. While orthodox medications can ease the

pain, they don’t deal with the underlying cause or causes of the symptoms. There is also a possibility of side effects and dependency, and drugs can make some people feel emotionally numb and

mentally dull. Homeopathy, a complementary therapy, has much to offer those who wish to pursue an alternative to drug treatment.

Acon. goes straight to the cause of fright and fear, and the nervous system can heal itself because the remedy, chosen on the principle of Like cure like, works to help the body find its balance, not

by suppressing the symptoms -as a tranquilizer would- or by changing the chemistry of the brain to dull the emotions.

I used Aconite earlier this year on a beautiful 6-month-old baby boy after he had to have open heart surgery. Think of the shock and fright he had to his delicate nervous system! Acon. is an excellent

first remedy for heart attack or any shock to the system.

One more case about fright before we go on to talk about stress and other emotional upsets and their homeopathic treatment.

A child who has had a shock or fright may retain this in his nervous system and start to have bad dreams or insomnia or fears arising. Acon. is the remedy to give as soon as possible after a fright or

if a child is fearful of an upcoming surgery or other ordeal. The mother of a 6 year old complained to me that her son would not go into the bathroom alone anymore after seeing the movie “Jurassic Park”. Acon. helped to bring him back to balance. To insure mind and nervous system wellness, I recommend giving it first after surgery or accidents, right before Arn., which is the remedy used for speeding

the healing of any trauma to the physical body.,

If Aconite is the leading remedy for fear then the leading remedy for anxiety is Arsenicum Album. The symptom picture for this remedy is anxiety about the person’s own welfare, with restlessness, insomnia, worry about the future, health, and germs. The person who needs this remedy seems to have an affinity to being worse after midnight, they might pace or fidget or their physical ailments will be < at this time.

This person can be perfectionistic and compulsive. Ars. also a remedy for people whose physical ailments may be exacerbated by anxiety like some people’s asthma, colitis and eczema.

Have any of you heard of RESCUE Flower Formula, a mixture of 5 Flower Essences? This is a liquid remedy which seems to help when there are emotional situations, large and small, that call for immediate action and calming. Though it is not actually “homeopathic” I wanted to tell you about it. Smart Mothers keep it handy for the myriad of daily upsets and major crises, too. I wish that it was used at emergency rooms, crisis centers and by school nurses. I always have it available while assisting at home births and at birthing centers for laboring mothers and their families, and for the newborn if things are not going well.

The sometimes emotional process of going to a doctor or dental visit or having surgery can be soothed if pre-visit doses of the appropriate remedy are given. I always tell the story in my Homeopathic courses about how my mother, who was a nurse, gave me Seconal sleeping pills before I had to visit the dentist for fillings when I was 5 and 6 years old. How I wish that she had known about the remedies that Homeopathy has to offer for children or adults who need calming. Acon. or Ars. for fear, or anxiety, and RESCUE Formula for any and all upsetting feelings. Cham. probably the remedy that I needed back when I couldn’t stay still long enough to sit in the dentist’s chair. It is a good remedy for fussy children and babies -who get angry if they can’t have their own way- and are inconsolable till given what they want.

Also Cham. is specific for calming teething babies.

Things just go a little easier when you add these helpful remedies into an emotional situation. They do not make everything perfect—they just help you though without the need for drugs which are toxic to the body.

Have you tuned in to the effects that STRESS has upon you? How it makes one more susceptible and triggers problem areas? H. spoke of the “morbific influences which untune the vital force” as the cause of disease. I think that stress is in that category. 20 years ago my family made a big transition from a busy suburban life in the Washington, D.C. area, and moved to rural, northern New Mexico where there is very little sign of the rat race (it is rare to see a man in a business suit there). Since this life style change away from stress we have so many less headaches and colds and flu’s. Homeopathy can help with stress, too.


Case—A patient of mine, a 40 year old, mother of two, has a husband who travels frequently for his job and leaves her to handle most everything at home. She also runs a busy home-based business. This summer, between all of the kid’s activities, illnesses, family vacations and her own mid–life issues and worries, she entered a state of overwhelm in which her body felt “tight and knotted” and as if she “was jumping out of her skin”. We looked in to checking her thyroid and estrogen levels, she practiced stress reduction techniques, and we started to research a constitutional remedy for her. In the meantime she just had to have” something quickly” so I suggested Kali-p.

The next day she called to rave about how much better she felt -things were not bothering her so much- she had stopped being so impatient and knew that things were all going to be OK!

This remedy takes the edge off of stressful situations, exhaustion and overwork. When you have to leave the house early and fight traffic and you have schedules and deadlines, it can be used daily if necessary in a low potency to help you deal with these stresses. Sometimes you can just feel the stress being lightened from your shoulders after taking it. “Rat race” headaches, exhaustion at the end of the day, and the daily stresses that our kids undergo in their busy lives before, during and after school call for Kali Phos. I suggest that any busy, stressed out person use this remedy frequently in a low potency to find nervous system balance and to prevent illness. Kali-p. is one of the 12 cell salts, or minerals which make up our bodies and is nick-named “the nerve-nutrient remedy”, but I also call it “Homeopathic Valium”.

Mommy!! They’re after me! Waah! Can I come in your bed? I had a bad dream. Every parent knows this plea from a child after they’ve had a nightmare and we wish that we could prevent any more frightful dreams. When bad dreams or nightmares are recurrent a parent can administer acute remedies like a dose of Bell. before bedtime for 1-3 nights. If you know the child’s bad dream was from a frightful experience, then Acon. can be given to clear the mind.

How about performance anxiety? “No Mom, I just can’t go to school today–we’re each supposed to do our big book report in front of the class and I know I’ll mess up. Besides, I have a stomach ache.” The fear of public speaking or tests can be devastating to some school children’s wellness. As many an occasional public speaker knows, stage fright or performance anxiety is experienced by adults too. Does one have to go through this stress un-aided?

When someone is performing in front of a crowd, competing in a sporting event or taking an exam and their anxiety levels are high, there are several remedies to help them cope. Lyc. insecurity is an anticipation that arises even though the person has prepared well for the event, and then subsequently does well. A person with butterflies in the stomach, weak knees and trembling voice and body needs Gels. Arg-n. can be used to help if is there is a restless, nervous anticipation that brings on diarrhea or flatulence, this remedy picture can include hyperventilation. Again Rescue Formula can be an adjunct to calming the system.

Grief is a particularly devastating emotion, and for some it can cause a a good deal of physical symptoms. The sorrow of a loss through death or divorce cannot be medicated away. Homeopathic Ign. helps those who are reacting to the effects of separation, sorrow or grief. They are moody, find it hard to work or study, are oversensitive to noise and sigh a lot. You’ll probably realize they need this remedy when thy burst into tears a few times.

Many people have been known to go to the emergency room for the symptoms for a lump in the throat that seems very physical but is just a somatic sensation from acute grief. Lump in the throat and sighing are keynote symptoms of Ign. Situations of loss and worry, like parental divorce or separation will warrant giving everyone in the family some Ign., as will the death of a loved one.

A child just starting to be away from Mom for day care, pre-school, or for longer stays at summer camp will naturally go through separation anxiety and home sickness. Those children who are particularly emotional during this time will do better with a few doses of Ign.

Of course, each person will have his own personal way of reacting to a stress. The remedy chosen should fit the patient and the circumstances as closely as possible. Homeopathic remedies are often effective when used to treat acute, emotional and physical ailments but, when symptoms become chronic, and do not resolve in an appropriate period of time, it is best to refer to a professional Homeopath to treat the person constitutionally.

A deeper level of cure can be reached in this way.

Sleep Disorders

It seems that when I do an initial homeopathic interview and ask “How is your sleep?” 75% of people respond that they have some form of chronic sleep disorder. Many have trouble getting to sleep and the rest have the problem of waking too early and not being able to get back to sleep. These are very frustrating problems. They need to be looked at from several perspectives.

First rule out or remove causes like caffeine, and need for nutrition and physical obstructions like sleep apnea and airway resistance syndrome. Then do stress reduction techniques and enough exercise to ensure that the nervous system is ready to sleep after a stressful day. Sometimes there are emotional or spiritual causes that need to be addressed.

Chronic sleep problems need a constitutional approach. The homeopathic practitioner you consult will take all of the symptoms–body/mind/emotions– in to account in choosing the remedy and then expects the body to balance itself in the months after the similar remedy is given. Follow up is essential to work on these long term problems. Menopause can be a time of sleep disturbance. Instead of manipulating the hormones, balance the whole system using your constitutional remedy. Although you can help your homeopath choose the remedy by describing your symptoms well, and tell them which ones seem to match you, it is best to leave the final decision to them as we are not objective about ourselves (or our family members) when it comes to mental and emotional issues.

For occasional sleep disturbances you can try one of the following remedies:

Try it before bedtime for a few nights, 1-3 times after bedtime if sleep doesn’t come easily and 1-3 times if wakened and you cannot return to sleep. If no better after 3 days, do not continue with the same remedy. Consider getting a constitutional workup if insomnia comes up more than once a month.

If anticipation of the next days events and an alert mind just won’t be turned off at bedtime–then COFFEA CRUDA can be given every 15 minutes for a few doses. This is the best remedy when the insomniac is too awake and can hear the smallest noise and their mind just won’t turn off. ARSENICUM ALBUM insomniacs are anxious and restless, and worrying and perhaps fearful. They wake after midnight and toss and turn. IGNATIA can be used for sleeplessness when grief or emotional worry is the cause. Crying and big sighs are signs that point to the need for Ignatia.


Each of these remedies can be given before bedtime for a few nights, and 1-3 times after bedtime if sleep doesn’t come.


[Basil B. Williams]

Overcoming Stage Fright With The Help of Sanguinaria Comp (= Sanguinaria Canadensis, Ferrum sulfuricum, Quarz)

The term “stage fright” is generally used for what some people may experience when required to appear before an audience and perform in some way. While a normal degree of excitement, anticipation and even anxiety accompany most people, some are overwhelmed by the feelings. The feelings hinder or decrease the ability to calmly and clearly bring the message to the audience. When these symptoms occur therapeutic intervention can be helpful. Individuals who have come for treatment tell of a wide range of symptoms. They tell of shaking of the body, blood rushing to the head, disorientation, sweating, stammering, incoherent speech and so on. While some say that they feel in control before the event, the moment of standing before the audience brings forth the symptoms.

The primary substance in the compound is the root of the plant Sanguinaria canadensis e radice D2. It is used traditionally as therapy when strong emotions, arguments, mental overwork and excessive sense impressions trigger migraine and cephalalgia. When the emotional or astral body reacts to the excessive stress, the sanguinaria enhances the ego organization of the patient to overcome the dis-organizational forces of the astral activity. This compound also contains Quartz cum ferro sulfurico D3. The essential form-giving forces of quartz and the incarnating forces of iron augment the work of the ego organization process in the patient.

My patients have told me that they have felt more focused, in-control, alert, and that they had the ability to organize thoughts for more precise speech presentations when they took the Sanguinaria Comp before going on stage. In a few cases the stage fright symptoms occurred in college students before taking an exam. Again the Sanguinaria Comp is safe and is effective. The students were grateful.

Sanguinaria Comp is helpful for episodes of stage fright, a broader question of nervousness and a hope not to feel overwhelmed by stresses of modern life can be pondered further by exploring various anthroposophical insights.


[Dr. Phil. Reinhard Müller]

Die Angst vor Versagen und Nichtbestehen -

Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen sind durch Erfahrungen von Maßregelung, Abwertung, Einstufung und Ohnmacht in Kindheit und Jugend oft in entscheidendem Maße geschwächt.

Die anerzogene Orientierung an Autoritäten und deren Maßstäben lässt trotz der Loslösungs-Phase von ihnen in der Adoleszenz-Phase häufig "Reste" zurück, die sich - aus teilweise noch vorhandener innerer Abhängigkeit von ihnen - in Form vielfältiger Versagens-Ängste und der Furcht vor mangelnder Bestätigung äußert. Lampenfieber, Prüfungs-/Erwartungs-/Versagens-Ängste werden häufig vor Prüfungen, prüfungsähnlichen Situationen, Vorstellungs-Gesprächen, Präsentationen und Gesprächen (in der Gruppe) erlebt. Trotz vorhandener Fähigkeiten, Talente und Stärken besteht ein tiefes Misstrauen in die eigene persönliche Kraft, das Selbstwert-Gefühl ist herabgesetzt und die eigenen Ängste vor Wiederholung früherer traumatischer Situationen werden auf Personen der Umwelt (z.B. die Prüfer, die Gruppe) projiziert. Und trotz rationaler Selbsterkenntnis dieser Situation und der eigenen persönlichen Anteile kommen die Gefühle aus der Vergangenheit per Schlüsselreiz immer wieder hoch. Diese gefühlsmäßigen Knoten können nur über den Weg der gefühlsmäßigen Arbeit an unseren unbewussten Anteilen angegangen werden. Die Homöopathie mit ihren energetisch wirkenden Heilmitteln ist hierbei eine mögliche Hilfe.

3 wichtige homöopathische Mittel zur Behandlung von Prüfungs-, Erwartungs- und Versagens-Ängsten:

Arg-n.: häufig im Zusammenhang von Lampenfieber und Prüfungsangst.

Das Element Argentum hat kreative und schöpferische Fähigkeiten, die er auch gut entwickeln kann, hält aber an bisherigen Erfolgen und Positionen fest (anstatt seine kreativen Energien frei fließen zu lassen). Argentum hat in seiner Kindheit häufig die Botschaft erfahren: "Du sollst dir mit deinem Erfolg nichts einbilden".

Argentum ohne Urvertrauen, trägt die innere Empfindung mangelnder Geborgenheit in sich und fühlt sich nicht gleichberechtigt und angenommen.

Das Element Nitrogen sucht nach Lebensgenuß, persönlichem Glück und positiver Außenwirkung. Hiermit einher geht ein Bedürfnis nach Expansion, Weite und Raum. Enge führt zu innerer Spannung und symbolisch auch zu kongestiven Beschwerden (Röte, Schwellung, innere Hitze).

Sucht persönliches Wachstum, Expansion und Weite durch die Anwendung seiner schöpferischen und kreativen Fähigkeiten und durch individuelle Selbstverwirklichung. In der Regel macht sich dies symbolisch in Form irrationaler Ängste bemerkbar: Empfindungen der Enge (Fahrstuhl/Menschenmenge) verstärken dieses Gefühl. Schwäche-Empfindungen werden "durch Belastung deutlich". Die hierdurch entstehende geistige Schwäche wird von Erregbarkeit, Nervosität und Impulsivität im emotionalen Bereich begleitet. Die geistigen Fähigkeiten sind reduziert, während die Gefühle überstark sind". Sein eigentliches Problem sind das Gefühl mangelnder Geborgenheit und mangelndes Urvertrauen. Fordert Nestwärme ein. Er hat, das Gefühl, nicht gestützt und geschützt worden zu sein, obwohl es dringend gewünscht ist.

Und in der rauen Wirklichkeit der Außenwelt hat er häufig die Empfindung, diesen Schutz nicht zu haben, deshalb kommt bei ihm eine teilweise aus der frühen Kindheit herrührende Angst vor, in seiner Selbstentfaltung gehindert und beengt zu werden. Hierdurch fühlt sich Argentum nitricum seines inneren Friedens und seiner Vorstellungen von persönlichem Glück durch Entfaltung seiner Fähigkeiten beraubt. Zugleich hat er genau hiervor Angst: ein Glücks-Zustand, mithin die positive Erfahrung seiner Selbstentfaltung, könnte ihm zugleich den tiefen Fall in Situationen seiner schlimmsten Befürchtungen bringen. Die Höhen-Angst steht symbolisch hierfür. Sein Erfolgsstreben ist zu hoch, es wird ihm schwindelig und taumelig wie auf der Höhe des Berges, des Turms, der Brücke - und es zieht ihn in die Tiefe. Argentum nitricum strebt aber diesem unerreichbaren "Glücks-Zustand" ständig nach. Er zieht bevorzugt Situationen (wie z.B. Prüfungen oder prüfungsähnliche Konstellationen) an, die seine irrationalen Ängste vor deutlicher Verweigerung seiner ständigen Suche nach Bestätigung und somit Geborgenheit auslöst.

Argentum nitricum als Arznei deckt die wahre Intelligenz dieses Menschen auf, die durch Angst, Ärger, Unsicherheit und Unrast kaschiert wird. Sie schenkt Halt, Ruhe und Überlegenheit.

Magen: "Völle bis zum Zerplatzen", lautes Aufstoßen, Magengeschwür sind ebenso Symptome wie die Neigung zu Blähungen. Dem starken Verlangen nach Süßigkeiten korrespondiert eine - hierdurch bedingte - Unverträglichkeit und die Verschlimmerung von Beschwerden. Dies symbolisiert den Menschen, "der den Bezug zur Lebenssüße verloren hat". Auslöser der Symptome ist mit großer Häufigkeit die Erwartungsspannung.

 Angst, nicht durchzukommen

 Angst, durchzufallen

 Angst vor Absturz

 Angst vor Alleinsein


 Angst vor Prüfungen

 Angst in engen Räumen

 Angst vor einer Verabredung


 Angst im Tunnel

 Furcht in einer Menschenmenge

 Furcht auf offenen Plätzen

 Furcht, in Ohnmacht zu fallen

Typische Träume:

Absturz, Fallen, Schwarzes Loch, Prüfung, enge Räume, in einen Abgrund fallen, von einer Höhe herabfallen, Schiffsuntergang, Hunger, Gespenster.

< 17 h. Hitze ist unverträglich (Sommer).


Sil.: Zusammenhang mit Prüfungen sowie Situationen des Sich-Beweisen-Müssens und des Bestehens vor der Welt hat vornehmlich mit seinem mangelnden Selbstwertgefühl und seinen hohen Ansprüchen hinsichtlich der Wirkung auf andere zu tun.

Zeigt sich nach außen hin nachgiebig, zart, feinsinnig, ruhig, gelassen und zuweilen etwas schüchtern, zugleich aber auch korrekt, reserviert und steif.

Achtet in großem Maße auf sein Image. Hieraus resultiert eine große Furcht vor Versagen und davor, von den anderen als unfähig angesehen zu werden. Aus diesem Grunde gibt Silicea in Angriff genommene Möglichkeiten oft vorzeitig auf, weicht vor seiner Verantwortung zurück und ersetzt diese durch rigide und enge moralische Prinzipien, pedantische Kleinlichkeit und Intoleranz.

Tiefgreifenden Erlebnissen des Verlassen-Werdens in der Kindheit zu suchen, aber auch im Extremfalle körperliche Misshandlung oder Missbrauch sind wesentliche Spielarten der kindlichen Verletzungs- Erfahrung. Hieraus ergibt sich ein tief verletztes Selbstwertgefühl, verbunden mit der Empfindung der eigenen Unfähigkeit und großen Ängsten vor Ungewissem. Die tiefere Ursache dieser Haltung kann auch in der Pränatal-Phase gefunden werden. Mangelndes Zutrauen zu sich selbst, zum anderen das Bestreben, in einer Geborgenheit zu verbleiben, die Schutz bietet. Silicea hat eine starke kindliche Sehnsucht nach der Höhle im Mutterleib. Zugleich ist in ihm ein Bestreben nach Selbst-Werdung: er möchte sich gern aufrichten, der Vater als starkes Leitbild und seine Zuneigung sind ihm deshalb sehr wichtig. Hieraus resultiert ein Schutzwall, den sich Silicea aufbaut und der sich in folgenden Merkmalen äußert:

 Großer Drang nach Perfektionismus und Vollkommenheit.

Tendenz zu Flucht, Sich-Entziehen, Weggehen und Distanz zu schwierigen Situationen hängt hiermit unmittelbar zusammen. Damit verbunden ist ein Zurück-Weichen vor und ein vorzeitiges Aufgeben von angstbesetzten Situationen, die Umdeutung schwieriger Gefühle durch Rationalisieren und Intellektualisieren.

Generelles Problem ist das "Verkopft sein". Durch Verletzungen wurde das "Eigene" der Individualität und der Gefühle weggedrückt. Das Leben soll per Kopf-Intellekt gelebt werden, damit eine emotional unerträgliche Situation nicht mehr so belastet. Zentrales Thema "tiefe Furcht vor Misserfolg". Diese führt zuweilen - gleich einer self fullfilling-prophecy - zu dem eigentlich unerwünschten Ergebnis:

Seine Versagensangst bringt - durch Über-Perfektionismus und hohes Anspruchsdenken - in einer Reihe programmierter Verhaltensweisen das befürchtete Versagen geradezu hervor. Sil. leidet unter mangelndem Selbstvertrauen, trotz offenkundigen Hervortretens seiner Talente und Fähigkeiten.

 Angst vor Nadeln und spitzen Gegenständen

 Angst zu zerfließen

 Angst vor Auftauen

 Angst vor Leistung und Aufgaben

 Angst vor engem Kontakt

 Angst vor Prüfung

 Angst vor Versagen und Misserfolg, vor allem bei Prüfungen

 Angst vor Unordnung

 Angst vor geistiger Arbeit

 Angst vor literarischer Arbeit

 Mangelndes Selbstvertrauen

Eis hat als Traum-Motiv mit dem Einfrieren von Beziehungen, der Empfindung seelischer Kälte und der Gefahr der inneren Vereinsamung zu tun. Die Eisscholle verstärkt dieses Bild noch, die Eiswüste verweist auf eine seelische Stagnation in diesem Bereich. Das Glashaus beinhaltet die Verkapselung und Abschottung der eigenen Überempfindsamkeit und Verletzlichkeit. Fenster schaffen so etwas wie eine Trenn-Wand zwischen Innen und Außen: von innen beobachte ich mit Distanz die Vorgänge in der Außenwelt. Schnee hat eine ähnliche Bedeutung wie Eis. Wasser verweist auf den Bereich der tiefen Gefühle, und klares Wasser deutet auf das Bedürfnis nach gefühlsmäßiger Klärung und Klarheit hin. Kristall ist das Symbol für Empfindlichkeit, Verletzlichkeit, Misstrauen und Distanz zu den Menschen und zugleich auch für sachliches, nüchternes Denken. Sand als Symbol für Zeit und Vergänglichkeit verdeutlicht die Angst vor Alter und Tod. Der Hund gilt als Schutz gegen Angriffe, steht aber symbolisch auch für Aggressionen. Sinkendes Boot: Zweifel, Verunsicherung, mangelndes Selbstvertrauen durch hochkommende Gefühle; Angst, hierdurch unterzugehen und sich nicht mehr stabilisieren zu können. Die Überschwemmung ist ein Symbol für die Überflutung mit Gefühlen, die in das Bewusstsein dringen.

Die tageszeitliche Verschlimmerung liegt sowohl bei 10 h. als auch bei 15 h. Körperlich wirkt Silicea bei Migräne, Hautentzündungen (Ekzeme), Wachstumsstörungen und wird als Mittel zur Austreibung von Fremdkörpern aus dem Gewebe eingesetzt. Akute und chronische Eiterungen sowie Eiterungen durch Fremdkörper sind ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet.


Gels.: kann von seinem vorrangigen und typischen Kennzeichen als Zitter-Mittel verstanden werden: "Wenn man zu gehen versucht, zittern die Beine. Die Hände zittern, wenn man sie zu heben versucht. Die Zunge zittert, beim Versuch, sie herauszustrecken". Von den Gemüts-Symptomen ist der Gels.-Typ vor allem in für ihn schwierigen Situationen "träge, schläfrig und scheut Bewegung". Die geistigen Fähigkeiten sind schwach: kann weder klar denken noch seine Aufmerksamkeit auf einen Punkt richten, will ungestört sein, wünscht nicht zu sprechen oder irgend jemand zur Gesellschaft zu haben, selbst wenn die anwesende Person schweigt.

Gels. befindet sich in dem circulus vitiosus, dass Angst Schwäche erzeugt, und dass jede weitere Schwäche seine Angst noch verstärkt. Sein Grundmuster in der Erwartungsangst ist die Befürchtung: "Irgendwann werden sie mich umbringen". Er zittert vor Angst. Seine "innere Sicherheit geht durch Erwartungsangst vollständig verloren".

Überreichliches Wasser-Lassen und Durchfall korrespondieren auf körperlicher Ebene diesen Symptomen. Von ihrer Symbolik deuten sie darauf hin, daß Gels. davor zurückscheut, sich auf Erfahrungen überhaupt einzulassen und daß er sie - aus Schwäche - möglichst schnell hinter sich bringen möchte.

Gels. weicht der Verantwortung, der Realität und Begegnungen mit der Umwelt aus. Die Angst vor Eigenverantwortung führt dazu, dass er sich jeder Anforderung durch Schwäche und Ohnmacht entzieht. Vor allem unvorhergesehene Ereignisse, Situationen und Herausforderungen sind für ihn furcht- und somit Schwäche auslösend. Seine Fall-Ängste sind ein Ausdruck dessen, wie sehr er sich in seiner Schwäche bedroht und ausgeliefert fühlt.

Mit letzter Kraft versucht er, sich an etwas Greifbarem festzuhalten, um nicht irgendwo hinunterzustürzen. "Alle Bewegungen nach unten rufen in ihm große Ängste hervor, weil er dabei wohl im übertragenen Sinne sehr stark das Gefühl hat, dass es mit ihm 'abwärts' geht. Er bangt um seine augenblickliche und einigermaßen sichere Situation, und so kann jede Bewegung nach unten ihn wieder mit seiner Furcht vor dem Fall in Kontakt bringen".

Schwermut, Traurigkeit, depressives Verhalten und stiller Kummer gehen mit diesen Schwäche- und Ohnmachts-Zuständen einher.

Gels. antwortet einsilbig bzw. kurz oder barsch, damit seine Schwächen nicht entdeckt werden, oder seine Antworten kommen langsam.

< 9 - 11 h./Frühjahr.

Die Unsicherheit, die Neu-Anfang und -Aufbruch mit sich bringt, ist für Gels. besonders lähmend. Körperlich wird Gels. bei Nervenschmerzen, Muskellähmungen, Herzmuskelentzündungen und als Fieber- und Beruhigungsmittel eingesetzt.


 Angst auf offenen Plätzen

 Angst vor Öffentlichkeit

 Angst vor Prüfungen

 Angst vor Terminen

 Angst vor Verabredungen

 Angst vor dem Tod

 Angst vor ungewissem Ausgang

 Angst vor Loslassen

 Angst vor Ohnmacht


 Angst vor Verlust der Selbstkontrolle

 Angst vor Misserfolg bei Prüfungen

 Furcht, das Herz würde aufhören zu schlagen, wenn nicht ständig in Bewegung

Typische Traum-Motive:



 Nicht vorbereitet sein auf Prüfungen




What is Fear?

Emotions play an important part in our daily lives. Fear is one such emotion that is pre-programmed into all animals and people as an instinctual response to potential danger.

As for what is fear biologically speaking, when a person experiences fear, certain areas in their brain such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus are immediately activated and appear to control the first physical response to fear. Chemicals such as adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released into the blood stream causing certain physical reactions such as:

 Rapid heart rate

 Increased blood pressure

 Tightening of muscles

 Sharpened or redirected senses

 Dilation of the pupils (to let in more light)

 Increased sweating

People who have experienced this will often remember the moment when disaster stuck and how time seemed to slow down. They knew exactly what to do without consciously thinking about it, they

had great strength (some have even been able to lift a car to save their trapped child) and they felt no pain. All these are protective mechanisms to increase our chances of survival.

There are numerous causes of fear. Some are better known than others such as fear of flying or Aviophobia, fear of spyders-Arachnephobia, and fear of confined spaces-Claustrophobia. Others types of

fear not so well known are fear of mirrors-Catoptrophobia, and fear of hair-Chaetophobia. Fear of being tickled by feathers-Pteronophobia, and Papyrophobia or fear of paper are yet other not so well known causes of fear. Still new causes of fear are being diagnosed.

Fear is not always adaptive. A small amount of fear before an important speech serves a purpose – it encourages you to focus on your topic and avoid making a fool of yourself. This is one of the types

of fear that can be useful to sharpen our minds. However, some types of fear that are excessive can become crippling, or even make you feel like escaping when it is not appropriate to do so.

When fear gets out of control, or when we fear something that cannot actually harm us, it can escalate to a point where it effects our daily functioning. Fear is no longer adaptive if we find we are constantly afraid of events that haven’t happened yet.

Future-orientated fear is known as anxiety. While fear happens at the moment danger arises, anxiety is characterized by apprehension because we don’t know what’s going to happen next, and we cannot control upcoming events.

Experiencing an alarm response when there is in fact nothing to be afraid of is known as panic. Many people are familiar with this type of fear and it is often (although not always) accompanied by a phobia.

Panic is an immediate physical response to unrealistic and irrational fears. This can have a huge affect on both your emotional and physical well-being – as well as your ability to reach your full potential.

What Causes Fear?

While it is important to be aware of potential and real threats, it is just as important to react appropriately to them. For most of us, our initial startle response subsides as soon as we realize that there is no actual threat or danger.

However, this is not always the case. There are many people for whom fear becomes maladaptive, as they struggle with anxiety, phobias and panic attacks. Children are also at risk of overactive fear, as they are not always able to rationalize fears that are unrealistic or unfounded.


What is fear like for children?

Children experiencing fears and phobias feel very real threats and parents often have difficulty consoling or reassuring their child that there is actually nothing to fear. Childhood anxiety can have a negative impact on their healthy development and may predispose them to problems in later life.


Fear of :-

- Falling; downward motion Borax.

-  Of pointed things; knives and forks etc. Spigellia.

-  Of Dogs; animals Belladonna.

-  Being alone; thunder strom, ghosts etc. Phosphorus 200.

-  Appearance before audience; examination etc. Argentum Nit.

-  Fear of failure, stage fright (examinations etc) Gelsemium.

-  Aeroplanes flying over the head Aconite.

-  Child fears to go to bed alone Causticum.

-  Fear to be alone; feels better in open air even though patient is chilly Pulsatilla.

-  Fear of poverty Calcarea Flour.

-  Fear of accidents Carbo Veg., If Carbo Veg fails, Psorinum.

-  Fear of being touched Arnica.

-  Fear of Cholera Lachesis.

-  Fear of consumption; contagious disease, going to a dentist Calcarea Carb.

-  Fear of cutting face while saving Caladiums.

-  Fear of dark Stramonium.

-  Fear of death; impending illness, disgust for life Pneumococcin.

-  Intercurrent remedy Sulphur.

And here are the Homeopathic remedies used for Anxiety due to different reasons :-

 -….. Sudden with restlessness and fear of death Aconite.

-  Prolonged with periodic and panic attacks Ars.

-  With fainting spells; profuse sweating; worse in the morning Sulph.

-  Makes patient walk fast; due to anticipation Arg-n.

-  < lying in bed and closing the eyes Carb-v.

-  Anxiety aggravated by upward or downward motion; going in an elevator; < till 23 h. Borx.

-  Anxious about business even when seriously ill Bry.

-  Full of apprehensions in the evening Caust.

-  Anxiety and fears in the evening with restlessness and palpitation Calc.

-  Anxiety < lying still. Sad music > Mang-act.

-  Anxiety due to fright, fear, exciting news; stage fright; < appearing for examination or interview etc Gels.

-  Anxiety due to grief or shock in the subconscious mind Ign.

-  Anxiety; > after eating Anac.

-  P.S :- Rescue Remedy is another very good option.



1. Identify your fear. Exactly what are you afraid of?

2. Analyze your fear. Is your fear rational? Will it hurt you? Fear is a good thing if it keeps you safe and prevents you from getting eaten by a wild animal or burned by a fire. Most fears, however, are of things that won’t harm us. Those are the fears we need to banish.

3. Use gradual desensitization. Start small. Take baby steps to gradually melt the fear away. If your dream is to travel, start travelling in a “safe” way with someone to hold your hand until you’re ready to stand on your own.

4. Consider what others are doing. If they can do it, why can’t you? What do “they” have that you don’t? Chances are: nothing.

5. Change the way you think and you change the way you act. You can control your thoughts. Whenever you find yourself dwelling on the things you’re afraid of, change your thoughts to think positive thoughts about the good parts of your dream.

6. Be on the offensive rather than defensive. The vast majority of those things you fear will never happen. What you imagine is nearly always worse than the truth. Just start walking and face the fear.

7. Go public about your fear. Somehow there is power in letting it out. Tell everyone how scared you are and, chances are, the fear will dissipate.


Getting Over Lost Love (HEART BREAK) !!


“Breaking up is hard to do,” just as the song title says. An emotional wound like this happens to most of d people at some point in our lives. With the break up comes a sense of rejection, insecurity, fear, and hopelessness that can be overwhelming.

things u can do is......

- wishing that things were different than the way they are.

- Remember that in time you will heal. You can learn to take good care of yourself and make the emotional hurt serve your growth.

- Talk to a friend or a Counselor, someone who can give you perspective and understanding.

- Allow yourself time to heal. Avoid rebounding into another relationship.

- Invest time and energy in yourself. Learn something new.

- Do something you have always wanted to do so that you expand your horizons.

- Remember that the initial raw pain will subside. A wounded heart requires time to heal just as does a broken leg.

- Avoid drugs and alcohol, they only delay the pain.

- Read something Inspirational


Capture the beauty of time shared together, and note the valuable life lessons learned. Be thankful for having experienced love, and know that you are a better person because of it.

No challenge is ever presented to us, if we are un-able to handle it.


For those currently in relationships, cherish and honor your partner for who they are as form and formless Beings. Accept the reality that life is full of change, and dance with the changes and challenges as they come. And when they come, view each one as an opportunity for personal growth – when you do that, nothing is lost.



If you went through a traumatic experience and are having trouble getting back to your regular life and reconnecting to others, you may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When you have PTSD, it can seem like you’ll never get over what happened or feel normal again. But help is available – and you are not alone. If you are willing to seek treatment, stick with it, and reach out to others for support, you will be able to overcome the symptoms of PTSD and move on with your life.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless. Most people associate PTSD with battle-scarred soldiers – and military combat is the most common cause in men – but any overwhelming life experience can trigger PTSD, especially if the event is perceived as unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe, those who witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. It can even occur in the friends or family members of those who went through the actual trauma.

Traumatic events that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include:



 Natural disasters

 A car or plane crash


 Violent assault

 Sexual or physical abuse

 Medical procedures (especially in kids)



Following a traumatic event, almost everyone experiences at least some of the symptoms of PTSD. It’s very common to have bad dreams, feel fearful or numb, and find it difficult to stop thinking about what happened. But for most people, these symptoms are short-lived. They may last for several days or even weeks, but they gradually lift.

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however, the symptoms don’t decrease. You don’t feel a little better each day. In fact, you may start to feel worse. But PTSD doesn’t always develop in the hours or days following a traumatic event, although this is most common. For some people, the symptoms of PTSD take weeks, months, or even years to develop.

The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can arise suddenly, gradually, or come and go over time. Sometimes symptoms appear seemingly out of the blue. At other times, they are triggered by something that reminds you of the original traumatic event, such as a noise, an image, certain words, or a smell. While everyone experiences PTSD differently, there are three main types of symptoms, as listed below.

Re-experiencing the traumatic event

 Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event

 Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening again)

 Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening things)

 Feelings of intense distress when reminded of the trauma

 Intense physical reactions to reminders of the event (e.g. pounding heart, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating)

PTSD symptoms of avoidance and emotional numbing

 Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma

 Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma

 Loss of interest in activities and life in general

 Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb

 Sense of a limited future (you don’t expect to live a normal life span, get married, have a career)

PTSD symptoms of increased arousal

 Difficulty falling or staying asleep

 Irritability or outbursts of anger

 Difficulty concentrating

 Hypervigilance (on constant “red alert”)

 Feeling jumpy and easily startled

Other common symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

 Anger and irritability

 Guilt, shame, or self-blame

 Substance abuse

 Depression and hopelessness

 Suicidal thoughts and feelings

 Feeling alienated and alone

 Feelings of mistrust and betrayal

 Headaches, stomach problems, chest pain



Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.



Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to simply as anorexia, is one type of eating disorder. More importantly, it is also a psychological disorder. Anorexia is a condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. A person with anorexia initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control. The drive to become thinner is actually secondary to concerns about control and/or fears relating to one's body. The individual continues the endless cycle of restrictive eating, often accompanied by other behaviors such as excessive exercising or the overuse of diuretics, laxatives, and/or enemas in order to reduce body weight, often to a point close to starvation in order to feel a sense of control over the body. This cycle becomes an obsession and, in this way, is similar to any type of addiction.

Who is at risk for anorexia?

Approximately 95% of those affected by anorexia are female, but males can develop the disorder as well.

What causes anorexia?

At this time, no definite cause of anorexia nervosa has been determined. However, research within the medical and psychological fields continues to explore possible causes.

Some experts feel that demands from society and families could possibly be underlying causes for anorexia. For many individuals with anorexia, the destructive cycle begins with the pressure to be thin and attractive. A poor self-image compounds the problem.

Other researchers feel that this disorder can stem from a particular dysfunction often seen in families of anorexia patients. In one particular type of dysfunction, family members become so interdependent that each cannot achieve their identity as an individual. Thus, family members are unable to function as healthy individuals and are dependent on other family members for their identity. In children, part of this dysfunction includes a fear of growing up (especially girls). Restrictive dieting may prevent their bodies from developing in a normal manner

And, in their thinking, restricts the maturational process and maintains the parent-child relationship that the family has come to rely on. Other family situations that have been suggested, but not proved, as possibly being related to the development of anorexia nervosa include high parental expectations, poor communications skills, and problems with conflict management.

Some studies also suggest that a genetic (inherited) component may play a role in determining a person's susceptibility to anorexia. Researchers are currently attempting to identify the particular gene or genes that might affect a person's tendency to develop this disorder.

Although no organic cause for anorexia has been identified, some evidence points to a dysfunction in the part of the brain (hypothalamus) which regulates certain metabolic processes. Other studies have suggested that imbalances in neurotransmitter (brain messenger chemicals involved in signaling processes levels in the brain may occur in people suffering from anorexia.

Symptoms of anorexia

There are many symptoms for anorexia, some individuals may not experience all of they symptoms. The symptoms include: Body weight that is inconsistent with age, build and height (usually 15% below normal weight).

Some other symptoms of anorexia are:

1.Loss of at least 3 consecutive menstrual periods (in women).

2.Not wanting or refusing to eat in public



5.Brittle skin

6.Shortness of breath

7.Obsessiveness about calorie intake

Homeopathic medicines are known to have deep effect on human economy and have been found effective in various psychological and devlopmental disorders. The focus of homeopathy is not to treat the isolated symptoms of Anorexia but to treat the person as a whole. Not only the symptoms of Anorexia but also the general physical and mental constitution of the patient, past medical history, medical history of parents, information about pregnancy and vaccination - all are used to find the probable cause in a given case and based on the final analysis a remedy is chosen for a patient.



The Challenge of Psychiatric Conditions

Psychological disorders pose one of the biggest health challenges today. According to one study, one out of five suffers from psychological disorders.

The trend is rising. The common causes, apart from biological causes, are setbacks in life, grief, poor coping skills, faulty upbringing, high pace & high demands of modern life, complex social structure, rapidly changing human values, lack of role models, poor support system, influence of media etc.

Our society is changing fast and the demands are challenging. These demands call for in-depth acceptance and constant adjustments.

Everything happening at personal, social, professional or day-to-day life has profound psychological impact. Job stress and poor interpersonal skills at both social and family level are beginning to show its effect. Modes of communication are rising but true communication is lacking.

More and more people feel misunderstood, alone and unwanted. Emotions are unsatisfied and mind management skills are lacking.

Result is obvious. This affects people’s ability to think, feel, act and relate in effective manner. They affect the happiness and progress in life.

Psychological complaints are rising alarmingly. And to add there are many organic and functional disorders. The world needs a healing system, which has safe and effective treatment for such complaints. The answer lies in homeopathy. It is the most safe and effective treatment method of psychological, psycho somatic and psychosexual complaints.

The Advantage of Homoeopathic Psychiatry

 It is effective in treating psychiatric diseases and gives peace of mind.

 It improves alertness & functioning of mind. It does not make mind dull.

 It is safe for all ages and conditions. It has no side effects.

 It does not create dependence.

 It is proactive and prevents sickness from developing.

 It has unmatched reputation in treating psychosomatic conditions helping at both physical and mental level simultaneously.

 It is suitable for both acute and chronic phases of sickness.

 It values the significance of person’s thoughts, feelings, behavior as well as life incidents & circumstances.

 It very well deals with emotional traumas and pent up emotions.

 It can deal with chemical imbalance in brain and brings that back to balance

Homeopathy has given high emphasis on psychology and personality of the person to be treated of any physical disease or psychological complaint.

It takes mind and body as a complete whole. Its treatment of psychological complaints is positive i.e. it not only relieves complaints but also makes the person more functional to become more adaptable and better equipped to handle stress of life.

Homeopathy understands and values minute feelings and also physical impact of emotions. It does not ridicule strange looking feelings and sensations but takes them as important messages of inner health. It ‘cures’ the root cause of psychological complaint be it impact of grief, disappointment or discord in personal life. It can even resolve pent up emotions & bad memories. It is said to restores the chemical imbalance in brain.



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