Pflanzen Anhang Agro-Homeopathy


[Niurka Meneses Moreno]

Agriculture with homeopathy! Use of homeopathic remedies in agriculture, organic farming and gardening. Agro-homeopathy, that is Agriculture with Homeopathy is the safe and chemical free way to do farming!

The use of the homeopathic method in agriculture was introduced with Agro-homeopathy, which allows one to influence biological processes of plants to either accelerate or delay

growth. Moreover, it can contribute to the control of plagues and diseases, directly promoting increased production.

In agriculture, homeopathic nosodes and autonosodes can assist in controlling plagues and diseases by use of the same disease of the plant, the plant damaged by the plague, or even

the actual plague. Nosodes used in humans and animals are defined as homeopathic remedies prepared from diseased tissue or the product of disease, but are not defined chemically. Nosodes can be derived from animal, human or plant products. They can be complex compounds (of pathological secretions or excretions, infected tissues or causal organisms)

or simple compounds (such as pure microbial or viral cultures).

Possibilities in agriculture

Utilizing homeopathic dynamizations on plants guarantees non-toxicity, because their mode of preparation assures that plants will in no way be contaminated. Agro-homeopathy is

a win- win solution for farmers. They can use this method with confidence that it will neither damage the organism, the soil nor the plants.

Autonosodes represent the most immediate way to extend the use of homeopathy to farmers. They only require the plant damaged by the disease or plague, along with bottles and

alcohol with which to prepare the dynamization. It is an easy, uncomplicated and immediate process that counters the damage caused by the plague or disease.

Agro-homeopathy has enormous potential as it covers the majority of crops and enables crop abundance and nutritive yields. Therefore further investigations must be performed to strengthen the advances already achieved in developing this science.

Important benefits of agrohomeopathy include economic savings and preservation of the natural ecology. Agro-homeopathy can reduce costs from agrochemicals, and it will not

damage the organism, the ground under the plant or its surrounding area and the water that serves as the solvent in the dynamizations.

To elaborate further, the mother tincture is generally produced in an hydro-alcoholic solution of 87%. Dynamizations use 87% alcohol as a solvent, which if applied to the plant as is, would be toxic. That is why in agrohomeopathy we use distilled, boiled, tap or irrigation water in the two last dynamizations. This helps guarantee that there is no toxicity to the plant.

The therapeutic effect is due to the initial substance of the mother tincture and the process of dynamization. This also reduces the costs.

If there exists a certain analogy between the response of plants and of humans to dynamizations, then it must be considered that low potencies (6CH, 9CH) are to be applied for acute symptoms and damages in plants, medium potencies (12CH, 30CH) for problems with the tendency to a certain chronicity (fruit trees). In some cases, these analogies can be applied; however, the zigzag effect requires more investigation into recognizing which dynamizations act most energetically. Thus, achieving the biological optimum does not necessarily correspond with the application of how low or high potencies are used in humans.

Agro-homeopathy in the ecological environment is harmless for the user. This is important, due to the fact that the use of agrochemicals and especially pesticides, frequently causes injury and sometimes death of farm workers. It is inhumane to use these chemicals if it is known that a poison can be inhibited by the same poison when it has been prepared homeopathically, and therefore, one can avoid injury and death of many humans. Agro-homeopathy and homeopathic potencies do not contaminate land or people and help support the regeneration of the ecosystem. The ground on which the potencies are applied is not at risk of increasing its salinity; the potencies do not injure micro flora and fauna, or the aquifer mantles.

Agrohomeopathy can also reverse damage already present in the ground because of the use of fertilizers or pesticides, or excessive salinity. There is already scientifically verified evidence supporting the relevancy of applying dynamizations to plants before and during sowing, or directly on the ground.

If the current agricultural practices in Mexico continue, then in the future Mexicans will be more dependent on the health industry, thereby allowing America to exercise greater control over Mexico, not only as an underdeveloped country, but also as a country dependent on medicines produced by transnational companies.

How to use homeopathic products in agriculture?

Add one drop of the product to one liter of water, shake forcefully for one minute. Spread this dilution by means of an aerosol upon the plants.

For backpacks or major volumes take this prepared liter and mix it with the water in the container.

Seeds can be treated by immersing them in this solution for 20 minutes.

Some practical recommendations for the use of homeopathic remedies with plants:

Silicea. For slowly growing plants, attacks of mildew and other fungi. Rachitic plants. Interruptions of growth. Delay in production.

Carb-v.: After attacks of defoliating insects, water deficiency, change of temperature, flowers falling off, bud death, plants in compact soil.

Apis mellifica: For very thin plants due to high production, varieties with low heat tolerance, low fertility of pollen, falling off of flowers and fruits.

Calcarea phosphorica: Hydric stress, apical decay in fruits, acute sensibility after high production.

Magnesia carbonica: Abortion of flowers, absence of bloom, sensibility to low temperatures, excess or deficiency of magnesium or calcium.

Staphisagria: Attacks of plant louses (aphids), nematodes or mites (acarians), for plants with excess of shadow.

Nux vomica: Pants intoxicated by agro-chemicals.

Sulphur: Excess transpiration, for plants demanding fertilizers.

Arnica: For plants in mild climates (cold climate) during heat periods, after elimination of buds, after crops which have damaged branches. (Always with mechanical damage of tissues.)

Calcium carbonica, Calcium phosphorica, Calcium fluorica: Plants not responding to fertilization, of slow growth, necrosis on the border of leaves.

Chamomilla: Utilized to increase absorption of nitrogen in plants.

Carbo vegetabilis: Can be used to reactivate bio-fertilizers in a balanced form.

Can be used together with Nux-v to decontaminate water.

Cina: To control nematodes, plagues and bacteria.

Valeriana officinalis: To provide disease resistance and also to activate phosphorus.


Examples of the use of homeopathic remedies

Cane plants infected with Xanthomonas albilineans, treated with Oscillococcinum 200 CH


Perspectives of the use of homeopathic products in agriculture

- Control of viral, bacterial and mycotic diseases

- Control of plagues

- Control of contamination in in-vitro culture laboratories as well as bio-fabrics

- Amelioration of conditions for in-vitro plants in the phase of acclimatization

- Amelioration of nutritional absorption

- Germination of seeds



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