

[Elaine Lewis]

Bladder infections, prostatitis, herpes, gonorrhea–oh my!

Bladder Infections (aka Cystitis)

Well, what can possibly be worse than a bladder infection? They can range from a minor annoyance to a major emergency! And you never know when it’s going to surge from one to the other! Women get these things more often than men; and basically, here’s the situation: All of a sudden you find yourself having to urinate frequently, very little comes out, and you never feel like you’re done! It’s a terrible experience. There’s a constant feeling of having to “go” even though there’s nothing there, and there can be pain before, during or after–or all 3.

Having to go to the doctor becomes a necessity, and yet, an impossibility because you are virtually tied to the bathroom! What a shame that people know of no other way of dealing with this besides antibiotics! Homeopathy is ideal for this situation; but, I have to tell you, nowhere does Vitamin C shine more brightly than in the cure of bladder infections!

The brand of Vitamin C that I use is Sufficient-C.

It was created by fellow-homeopath Caralyn Vessal; it’s a powder that you mix with a little bit of water, tastes very mild, it’s all natural, contains no sugar, no GMO’s, not made in China; and the great thing is, you mix a tsp. into half a glass of water, stir, drink, and minutes later, the bladder infection is GONE! I’ve proved this on myself–I don’t know how many times, 4 or 5 maybe? And there’s none of the constant relapsing I’ve experienced with antibiotics. There’s a link on my web site for ordering Sufficient-C: www.ElaineLewis.hpathy.com. I would say you’re going to need a minimum of 2,000 mg. and possibly as high as 10,000 mg. to stop a bladder infection, but I would start with 2,000 mg. (1 tsp.), and if you need to repeat that at hourly intervals until you’re completely well, that’s fine. I’ve never needed to go more than 3 hours and that was only once. I like that with Sufficient-C, there are no pills to swallow. But if you have no Vitamin C in your house (big mistake!), here are the homeopathic remedies for cystitis:

Canth.: Severe cystits, burning, urine is hot, constant urging, intolerable urging, scanty urination, blood in the urine, mucus in the urine, crying and screaming in pain. Cystitis that goes to the kidneys. Pain before, during and after urination. May or may not have a fever. The closest remedy to Cantharis is…

Merc-c.: Severe cystitis. Urine is offensive with blood and pus in it. Cutting and burning pains before, during and after. Bloody, greenish discharge. Scanty urine.

Apis.: Not being able to urinate; urinary retention. Sore, stinging pains. Urethra is swollen shut. Urine smarts and burns. Involuntary urination. Scanty high-colored urine–bright yellow. Last drops burn. Foul smelling. Bladder infections that go to the kidneys with thirstlessness. Edema–hands, feet, face.

Equis.: Ø Burning at the end of urination. Passes large amounts of pale urine without relief. Fullness of bladder not relieved by urination. Frequent urging. Urinary retention. Burning, cutting pain during urination. < at the end of urination. Mucus in urine. Bedwetting. Weak kidneys. Gets up several times a night to urinate. Tonic for weak kidneys. Put 5 drops in 3 ounces of water, drink it all down, 3x daily. Give to high blood pressure patients instead of water pills.

Caust.: Weak sphincter, loss of bladder control, incontinence (MS patients may benefit from it). Burning and cutting pain during urination. Numbness and tingling in urethra. Loses urine when coughing or sneezing. Dribbling of urine. Bedwetting in children caused by children holding their urine all day for whatever reason. Slow stream. Feeble stream.

Staph.: “Honeymoon Cystitis”. Basically, cystitis due to too much sex. Burning and cutting pains. Cystitis from catheters and suppressed anger.

Sars.: Urine dark-colored, feels grainy. Pain at the end of urination. Never-get-done feeling. Pain at opening of urethra. Foul smelling urine (Thuja).

Sep.: Weak bladder after childbirth. Cystitis after childbirth. Urging and burning. Bearing-down sensation. I once had a bladder infection where at the end of urination, it felt like all my insides were going to fall out! That was surely Sepia; but, too bad I knew nothing about homeopathy at the time!

Puls.: Full feeling in the bladder. Thirstless. Usual Pulsatilla picture: pathetic, pitiful, please-help-me look about them, crying, etc.

Lyc.: Backache with cystitis. Usual Lycopodium picture–gas and bloating, > warm drinks, < 16 – 20 h. etc.

Nat-p.: When the etiology is sweets, alcohol (wine), acid foods (citrus) and coffee.

Benz-ac.: Urine is hot, brown, smells really bad!

Nit-ac.: Urine offensive, dark, scanty, feels cold coming out. Burning and stinging. “As if splinter in the urethra”.









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