Comparison Tilia cordata with others.


Sankaran has mentioned very valuable information about Tilia in “An Insight into Plants, volume II”. Tilia eureopea is belonging to the Malvales Superorder with the following families: Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae.

The homeopathic remedies in this Superorder would be very much alike in sensation and function.

The sensation: together and then separated, joined and separated or attached and then unattached.

The passive reaction: estranged from his family / society, indifferent (to everything), aversion to the husband.

The active reaction: communicative, affectionate, dream of falling in love.

Compensation: independent, self-confident.

Malvales themes are:

- overprotection, then sudden isolation.

- Child like dependence

- Left alone to fend for herself.

- Someone nice suddenly showing their hard/malicious side.

- Rejection. Longing to be loved.

Chocolate. (Belgian Bitter Chocolate; Sterculiaceae): Sankaran in ‘The Soul of Remedies‘ about Chocolate: „It is the feeling of a child who was separated from her mother too early, while the need to suck at her mother’s breast was still strong. As a result the person feels forsaken, isolated and estranged from her family. Being separated from her mother makes her feel as if she is separated from her world. Chocolate knows the social alienation, cannot connect, not even with her children. Dreams of losing his own family. Dreams of childbirth. Detached.

Chocolate knows the image of the mother who is turning her back on her child and shows her thorny side, like a hedgehog. One prover with Tilia eureopea was overstrained, shouting at her husband.

Here you see similarity, also with Sepia. Chocolate has a more animal instinctual side. The dilemma revolves around love, on the one hand, the ability to give and receive it, and the dichotomy between our social skills and our animal instincts, on the other hand. The feelings of Chocolate addicts often associated with nourishment, breast feeding and motherly love. These aspects (of nurturing love) seemed to revolve around family issues, often in connection with nourishing and raising children.

Sankaran: mainly an acute miasm, says Sankaran, where Tilia is more sycotic. Chocolate has sudden manifestations or symptoms, tries to escape or hide and is more impulsive. Both have the fear of impending danger.

Theme: panic when detached.


Cacao. (Sterculiaceae)

Abel. (Musk seed; Malvaceae): more a typhoid miasm. Proposed theme: demands to be attached.

Goss. (Cotton plant; Malvaceae); ringworm miasm. A lot of itching (Douglass M.): round little spots around the left ankle, which itch intensely, itching eruption on the skin: itching turns to burning on

            scratching. In the trituration of Tilia eureopea there was a lot of itching and one prover had a lot of spots (but there were doubts if she was reacting on Limulus or on the trituration). The brooding and discontentedness were also seen in the trituration of T. eureopea. Sankaran‘s proposed theme was the feeling of trying to become attached.

Abrom-a. (Devil‘s Cotton; Sterculiaceae): more a malarial miasm. Tilia eureopea had in the proving no ailments of intermittent nature, but Tilia can be very hot or less often chilly. Sankaran is citing D. Ray

            in his proving of Abrom-a.: irritability of temper, ill-humour, depression, mind fretful and morose, easily excitable angry mood; dislike for active work, moody, weakness of brain. General uneasiness, languidity; feeling of extreme exhaustion, inability to do any active work, disinclination to work, irritability of tempers; great loss of flesh. In another proving there was colicky pain of intermittent nature and a sensation of small ball pushing from inside, felt intermittently in the umbilical and right hypochondriac region. The symptoms of Tilia are also of cramping or motion in the abdomen, but not intermittent of nature. Here the feeling would be hindered and troubled by the one he is attached to. Two provers of Tilia eureopea were experiencing hindrance and trouble when trying to save children. The feeling of accepting and resigned to detachment, Sankaran describes, is present but not quite in his totality I suppose.

Tilia cordata (Tiliaceae):

Bannan: the lime-tree in his book “Die Linde Tilia cordata”:

“….with her strong despair, helplessness and resignation. The Lime is feeling threatened and as if in an ominous situation where she has no influence nor knows what to do. The Lime will then be passive. The Lime stops watching dangerous situations and split off her situation and her feelings. The splitting off is leading to the sensation of isolation, the sensation of a barrier between others and themselves. She felt forsaken and is isolating herself in a world which is dead. The other answer of the Lime to despair and resignation is finding everything pleasant: elated, euphoria and uncontrolled laughter about death, wounds and suffering”

Bannan stressed the splitting off from other people. One prover felt split off her husband, but not like the sensation of behind the glass from Natrium carbon. She had the feeling that he doesn‘t like her, as if she smells awful and felt guilty about it. Another prover felt a barrier between her, her husband and others. She felt like a stranger. Another prover felt himself behind the glass window, and that he could not communicate. When I will die, nobody will notice. One prover had this thought about her husband: What is that man doing here? Another prover withdraws herself after seeing dead railway and wagons. She didn‘t want to talk with anyone, being touched or being loved.

Sankaran: “Insight into Plants” the next symptoms, fitting his themes of the Malvales superorder.

Bannan: Other typical proving symptoms: I feel separated from my family as if my husband doesn‘t want me. I‘ve felt like a stranger here like I don‘t belong. There‘s a barrier between myself and my husband. I felt total loneliness and hopelessness, as if I were on my own. I felt alienated and I was watching the people with me as if they were not there. I felt my closest people were strangers and they had no interest in me.

I found a lot of similarities in our trituration and the proving of Bannan. A remarkable difference is that Bannan underlines the sensation of a dangerous situation and that the reactions would be helpless or being passive. In the proving of T. Eureopea I cannot recognize this theme so clearly. The caring side of T. Eureopea forces T. eureopea to act even in contradiction with people around them, seen in the dreams of saving a child. The T. Eureopea seems to have more contrary behaviour and sometimes giving up.

It seems to me that the C4 trituration of the Tilia Eureopea gives an answer on the question why the Lime-tree would withdraw and is feeling isolated. Provers experienced a strong connection with the partner, family, friends, other people, the world and even the universe. In the elated or almost orgasmic connection she can be very disappointed in people and therefore is withdrawing from others and feeling isolated. In the proving from Bannan there are images of a bridal gown and meanwhile a strong feeling of sadness, thoughts of death. The gown was red and there was a party with much gaiety. Then an experience of unification with red / pink flowers (Hibiscus) and felt an indescribable happiness. This experience of elated unification is similar to that of provers at the C4 trituration of Tilia Eureopea. The gown is also seen in the poem ´Patterns´ of Amy Lowell, where she wore the dress waiting for her husband to come back from the war. But she got the message that he was dead.

The despair in the proving of T. cordata is stronger than in T. eureopea. Except the euphoria both have much laughter, out bursting laughter. Laughing about awful things, like accidents or suffering

with T. cordata. The sadder the story, the more there was laughter.

Other similarities are:

Indifferent/no more feelings. One prover of T. cordata felt nothing when her daughter was sitting in her lap. One had no feeling to her family in a dream. Another didn‘t want to reconciliate after a fight.

No identity in one dream of a prover. A sensation of emptiness, no thoughts, nothing to laugh about. Night, no wind, no motion, no forms.

Darkness: a lot of dreams and thoughts about dark water or darkness.

Fights, contrariness. One prover argued for 15 minutes with an employee, another in her dream with her mother.

Reacting passively, not fast enough; in the car. T. Eureopea has this difficulty driving a car too. She can do one thing at a time. There is the wish to do things slowly, talking, and acting, in everything.

Perceiving with the senses is more acute: hearing, seeing and smelling. Illusions of smells.

An image of a tree full of bees.

Colourful dreams: T. cordata yellow, green and blue, T. Eureopea no specific colours.

Dreams about people, a crowd of people.

Dreams about strange things, not fitting in. One prover of T. cordata was suspected to be a lesbian while she knew she was not. The feeling that something doesn´t make sense. A plane crashing in a crowd and nobody is hurt.

Physically both Tilias have the stitching pains, the slowly motions, hot dry mouth, difficulties with breathing, a lot of perspiration, sleep or sleeplessness, itching.

There is not enough evidence for differentiating Tilia eureopea from the species of T. cordata (Til-c.) and T. platyphyllos (Til-p.). The characteristic of being a hybrid of these two species doesn‘t make this easier.

Kola. = Kola-nut. (Sterculaceae): more a leprous miasm with a noticeable dislike of loved ones getting close to him, feeling neglected, an outcast, no desire for company. Kola would have much more

            characteristics like taking what he needs and then withdrawing again, wanting to forget the need for harmony, desire to get angry face to face. Similar with Tilia eureopea is some doubt and despair about not being ‘good enough‘. Also Tilia eureopea has a little bit feeling of superiority, shown by one prover 11/C2. Kola can be aggressive towards the children who have irritated Kola in extreme. Kola will feel good about it. Tilia eureopea can be very irritated but would probably not be aggressive soon. Tilia eureopea can feel more indifference, pointing at the dreams of drowning a cat or losing a dog out of sight with indifference or the diverse symptoms of being different in the trituration.

The imagination that the fingers were grown together (Complete) are similar to the imagination of prover 5/C3 that her legs were grown together. Kola would have a lot more rush, where Til. is much more in rest. Both have physical sensations of emptiness. Kola has the essential feeling of being abused, persecuted and poisoned by person from whom she seeks affection and attachment. T. eureopea has more the feeling of being dominated by the partner, has an indifferent partner or the partner is out of reach. T. eureopea is sensitive to arguments in the family. Her ideas of oneness and loving each other would then be disrupted.

Sankaran the comparison. of Scrophulariaceae, Conifers and Leguminosae.

Pseuts-m.: = Pseudotsuga Menziiesi, the Douglas spar, is apt to fall (remember the fallen Lime-tree where this remedy is made of). This falling is connected to the feeling of not being supported. He felt

            isolated, alone, split off. Never supported by his family, abused and betrayed by life or by people. Pseuts-m. is critical and at a distance. Sensitive to criticism. As if a dark hand is pulling me down. Felt put in the dark. Missing will power (backbone) and a real connection to life, not knowing how to connect or communicate. Out of a feeling of emptiness he can long to a relationship, to a soul mate,

but he will never ask. He must do it all alone and is hard for himself. Deep in the inner hole of the abdomen he feels an inner fire.

Both have difficulty to breath. Pseuds-m. has bulimia, addiction behaviour, stasis like amenorrhoea or constipation.

Samb.: Sambucus nigra = elder, contains sambunigrine, just like T. cordata. From the Lime-tree and Samb. the ethereal oils are used as a diaphoretic and there are clinical studies of the effects of elder

            flowers and Lime flowers at conditions of influenza, especially with children. Perspiration would prevent the severe rising of the fever. The German Commission E Monograph has approved in 1998 of the Lime blossom tea in treating colds and related cough. The site mentioned that clinical studies proved that the tea is working as well as paracetamol, even better for children (Salix / Willow).

Both will have affinity with respiration, perspiration, kidneys, skin, left side. Sambucus gets frightened and then difficulties of breathing are coming up. Samb. is following Op. very well. Samb. has asthmatic attacks & profuse perspiration. Tilia has asthmatic attacks, ailments of the heart and flushes. Watery coryza. Samb. has a drawing pain where Tilia has a more stitching pain.

Fagu. = Beech

Dusty Miller sees the Lime-tree as a grandmother, where grandchildren are always welcome whatever they did. Unconditional love. Lime-tree will stimulate: Exercise, see if you can get rid of your hang-ups; just practice.

The Lime-tree keeps it simple and doesn‘t want to be involved in complicated business, just one thing at a time. The character is a bit similar to that of Fagus, in the sensitive way. Her children are grown up and she left the menopause behind. She has her own independent role, next to god. She can organise behind the curtains. She can calm you down and strengthen your inner qualities so you can move on. The wise advisor at all problems. She will solve the day-to-day problems.

Olea. Eureopea also fits the Beech.

Thuj. A keynote of Thuja (and the Conifers) is that he cannot see connections between different parts. In the trituration of T. eureopea there was one prover who saw no connection between the details

            (10/C4). He could not see the essence. Thuja has fixed ideas. Prover 16 experienced in the C4 some fear of fundamentalism, rigid ideas. Prover 5 experienced the delusion being double, what is noted for Thuja. The existence of Thuja seems to be endangered, just like T. eureopea and cordata. Thuja has the feeling of being abused or neglected. He can never be good enough. Thuja felt unloved, ugly and is despising himself. All this he will keep this a secret, very sycotic.

T. eureopea is also sycotic of nature. Thuja is busy with his image and there is a lot of confusion about his identity. The Lime-tree has also confusion of his identity. A dream of prover 11/C4 shows the behaviour like a chameleon when her homeopath visits her in her dream. Both Thuja and Tilia eureopea feel disconnected with people. There can be feelings of sadness, isolation and being split off. Both can be irritable, but Thuja will not express that very soon. Thuja thinks that others cannot be trusted and then withdraws himself to be in nature, with animals or is went hiking. Tilia eureopea is more disappointed in love, in relationships with people and will then withdraw. Both have a minor concentration, a weak memory, easily distracted. The power of T. eureopea is to be focussed on one thing.

Both have rheumatic complaints, ailments of the mucous, urogenital system and genitals.

The pattern of perspiration differs: Thuja has an oily skin and a sweet or awful smelling perspiration. Til. eureopea has a lot of flushes and has a lot of heat. Both would have soreness and redness of external genitals (Boericke).

Minerals and elements

Calc. The lime in Lime-tree stands for chalk, calcium. Calc. is made of the inner shell of the oyster. Frans Vermeulen: themes protection and organization. Protecting against external and internal influences

            leading to disorder. The lime-tree has also to protect herself out of fear of danger and is withdrawing herself at her home, like an oyster in his shell. The principle of stability and organization is lesser known in the trituration/proving of the Tilia eureopea, the lime-tree has more the meditative aspect or the desire to be alone to be with herself. Calcium‘s task is to build up a stable balance out of a yet unorganized inner world and, at the same time, to protect against external influences which are too strong, without excluding them together. This is the fundamental base of every human organism and leads, if undisturbed, to independence, self-realization and self-support.

If anything goes wrong the result will be: dependence, withdrawal and loss of social relationships. It offers the individual support and courage. Calc. is known for its passivity; too open for influences or too armoured and isolated in order to compensate for their lack of ability to meet a challenge. There is perfectionism, what is also seen in the proving of T. eureopea. Everything has to be done, checking and playing safe.

I suppose Tilia eureopea doesn‘t have a fear of being criticized. There is a great lack of self-appreciation with Calc. The C-element in the carbonate indicates problems with the identity, a lack of identity with Calc. The trituration revealed also some lack of identity with Tilia eureopea. Both can be overwhelmed by the responsibilities and their work. According to Bailey Calc. is known for her hospitality and domesticity, like Hestia, the goddess of the home and the fireplace. A shortness of calcium will give rise to allergy, problems with menses and menopause, sleeping disorders, headaches, cramping pains in the muscles, osteoporosis, tingling, arthritis and rheuma; most of them seen in the trituration of the Lime-tree.

Calc. is chillier where Tilia eureopea is hot. Calc. perspires profuse like T. eureopea but the perspiration of Calc. is sourer. Calc. has also affinity with nutrition, skin, blood, chest, heart and children.

Lack of resistance, and continuously active RES-system.

Nat-m.: Tilia has much lovesickness or is disappointed in love. She got ailments from being dominated in the relationship (Carc.). Or she cannot connect with her partner, because of indifference from the

            partner or herself. The partner may be out of reach in some way. Tilia feels like she is a victim. Nat-m. and T. have both the lovesickness and disappointed love. With Nat-m. everything is about a relationship, especially with the partner.

It is a remedy of the Silica series of the theories of J. Scholten. How do I make social contact? The potassium series has more to with duty, responsibility and work. Tilia is also about relationships with

other people, family and friends, the whole universe. Both can be very melancholy, still thinking about the lost relationship. Both do not want to be hurt and are willing to avoid being hurt and are withdrawing them.

Nat-m. has a lot of ailments from suppression of emotions, being hurt, disappointment, humiliation, anger and grief. Tilia feels no unity or oneness anymore with the partner or friends. Are relations real or fake, she asks.

Nat-m. (and also Til.) can be crying or laughing, seemingly without a reason.

Both can be brooding about things, where Nat-m. will have difficulties to forgive and forget.

Both can be introvert, serious, responsible and have perfectionism. Nat-m. can be fastidious, controlling the surroundings, Til. can be overprotective to her surroundings. I sense that Til. is yet more sensitive

Nat-m. < with comfort. Calc. and Pearl are both remedies next to Sep. (the irritable housewife) who are living in the sea or here Nat-m.

Nat-m. has to be alone and in isolation to discover herself, just like Hestia and maybe Til.

With Nat-m. child you‘ll see distance between the mother and the child. There is a desire to be in symbiosis. This is much like Til. and has also in another way to do with Lac-h. Both have affinity with the digestive system, muscles, blood, brain, heart, mucous and the skin. Ailments of the retention of salt; kidney problems, gout and rheuma.

Nat-m. has more affinity with headaches and has more periodicity. More a malarial miasm that sycotic.

Nat-c. has the delusion of being separated from the world, as if behind the glass. The proving of Tilia cordata describes this feeling. Nat-c. can‘t digest very well, at all levels, not just physically. Being

            ignored is one of the worst things for Nat-c. Than Nat-c. will have to withdraw in dignity. He is alone (Nat.) in the appreciation of himself (Carbonicum), according to the theory of Jan Scholten. Rajan Sankaran in The soul of the remedies’: Nat-c. very sensitive for separation of loved ones or broken relationships, He is needy of just one relationship and is dependable on this one. Wants to make contact but will not succeed and thinks he is guilty. Estranged from his family and friends. Dreams are about danger, death, being alone or good relationships or connections with the society.

Nat-c. and Til. < the sun. Bad assimilation of food, but also weakness and a lack of stamina and problems with concentration. Both have affinity with the digestion system and the mucous membranes.

Kali-c. and Til. both feel responsible and having perfectionism. Both have something with rules, rigidity and fundamentalism.

Trees are known for having the need of protection and the urge to do something great (metals). In the information about the Lime-tree there is no information what is really pointing to this metal element. The ambition to get something important done is lacking in the Lime-tree, maybe because of the archetype of Hestia. There is more religious affection and spirituality, the sense of having to take responsibility and protecting others. Metals (and elements) are lacking some spirituality, there is fear of losing something. With trees there is more a disconnection of the child and the wise in themselves.

Kalium is more fitting the picture of the old man clinging to tradition and having rheumatic pains. Kalium doesn‘t want to see the deeper level of awareness and considers things in a practical or simplistic way.

Trees will have a lot of potassium.

Merc.: In Tilia perspiration is WARM, differing from the perspiration of Mercurius, which is either cold [forehead] or clammy and oily, and failing to relieve pain. (Lippe)

Cann-i. is a social drug; it removes every feeling of isolation. Cann-i. and Til. both have delusions of their body, distances are enlarged, floating in the air, out of the body experiences. Both are spiritually oriented. There

can be a lot of theorizing and confusion.

Uncontrolled laughter. Fear of death, an ominous death. Both have affinity with the emotions and the urogenital system. With Cann-i. the sensorium and the nerves are sensitive. The thinking is getting slower. There is a lot of imagination. Both have an intense exaltation, where Cann-i. exaggerates all perceptions, concepts, sensations and emotions. Sankaran told in The soul of the remedies about breaking his trust and then Cann-i. will

withdraw from the reality. Cann-i. is locked in a palace without any stimulance in the house. Cann-i. has fear of going out of the house because the outer world is too hard and too dangerous. Til. has some similarities here but Cann-i. has much more delusions and fantasies and will be in another world. Til. will be at home, meditating, finding herself. Both can have a lack of identity, feeling isolated and alone, feeling disconnected. Both are sycotic.

Hell. and Til. have both affections of the mind; confusion, difficulties in concentration, wandering thoughts, cannot do more things at the same time, mind becomes blank (Alum.). Til. has the need to do things slowly.

Both have feelings of isolation.

Puls.: Clarke: similarities with Puls. in the mental symptoms: melancholy, disposed to weep; love sick; dread of society; irritable, disinclined to work, together with the relief from walking in the open air and cold applications.



Pearl.: Made by molluscs with shells (oysters). When irritated by a foreign body, cells of the mollusc‘s mantle secret various components, which produce Pearl. Spherical Pearls are formed when a

            foreign body makes a depression in the mantle in such a way that a sac eventually develops around the irritant, which then becomes entombed in nacre (calcium carbonate). The pathology stems from a lack of groundedness in the emotions.

The watery emotional self is not connected to her earthed and ground self and so suffers. Internally is Pearl very insecure and lacking of sense of true self. All emotions become extreme, disproportionate and overwhelming.

There is anxiety, terror and instinctual fear, feeling of being crushed ad disintegrated, fragmentised, isolated and alone. On the other hand there are themes of protection, support, strength, sanctuary and stability. With pearl the fundamental drive loves care, warmth and security in human relationships. Feelings of insecurity and needing it from family. The Pearl force is very significant in the making of successful husband and wife relationships, representing the moon. Like Hestia Pearl can seek the safety of religion and tradition as a place to hide, but Pearl will do that to hide from their own fears and inadequacies. Pearl can reach self-containment, feeling whole.

The big difference between Pearl and Tilia eureopea is that Pearl is feeling crushed and fragmentised and needing security from the family.

Tilia eureopea has a deep desire for uniting, becoming one with the whole world, partner and loved ones.

Physically there are similarities of weakness, tiredness, desire to sleep, stiffness. Pearl knows both heat and coldness. Other similarities are respiration problems; breathing difficult, feels restricted, but with Tilia eureopea there is more bronchitis. The sharp or stabbing pains with anxiety and inability to breathe are similar. Pearl would be especially good for heart troubles, palpitation and high blood pressure.

A lot of itchiness.

Sep. has the image of an irritated, overstrained housewife. Til. has something of this picture when she will not be seen at home, when she is overstrained in her female energy.

Sepia is known for having conflicts between the urge for independency and having to take care (of children). Til. loves to take care. Both can have feelings of indifference. Sepia will hurt people out of their feelings of being

abused or anger where Til. is much milder. Both can have stasis in their emotions, where the hormonal imbalances are much clearer with Sepia. Sepia has some similarities with Chocolate.

Apis.: irritable, heat, flushes, stitching pains.

Both-l. Ailments of the heart and the lungs. Cerebrovasculair accident. Aphasia. Profuse perspiration, only cold with Bothrops. Til. has an aggravation in a warm room, Bothrops is ameliorating. Bothrops is more syphilitic

of nature whereas Tilia is more sycotic. Snakes are symbols of transformation and are lying beneath the life tree. There will be some connection between snakes and trees. Certainly when the Lime-tree has also complaints of

the heart.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                   Impressum.