Lac humanum/homo  (Lac-h) = Mensch

Lac maternum (Lac-m) Siehe unten

Croton tiglium, when there is pain from the nipple through to the back when the child nurses, as though it were being pulled by a string.


= Anac + moralisches Empfinden/wie Ign überfordert = mit Beruf + Partner = Lac-h. überfordert mit Beruf + Kind;

Thema: Kontrolle/ Überheblichkeit;

Lösung: positiv: Halt haben; negativ: Uninteressiert sein;

Kind/Anhang: Apathisch + kontrolliert, steckt alles im Mund, demonstriert Unabhängigkeit/weigert Schnuller, trinkt lange und viel von Babyflaschen/braucht Nuckelflaschen,

liebt Brei/zornig/kaltblutig (tötet Spinnen)/steckt ALLES im Mund;

Positiv: Bodenständig;

Negativ: A. Verlassenheitsgefühl/Mangel an menschlicher Wärme, B. Verlangt alleine Vergnügen nachzugehen, C. Unzufrieden mit Familie, Freunden und Gesellschaft,


Mangel an Empfinden (auch körperlich)/gleichgültig gegenüber Leiden anderer, isoliert, irritiert/unentschieden/unzufrieden/Selbstvertrauenmangel, Ehrgeiz, Stimmungswechsel, wird kontrolliert/will Umgebung ordnen, fällt zurück in kindliches Verhalten, nimmt Abstand zu eigene Kinder (während stillen)/Stillproblemen, will alleine sein + sehnt nach Verständnis, Taubheitsgefühl an verschiedenen Stellen
Daumenlutscher/will immer etwas im Mund haben/nuckelt an TASchentuch, Stoff etc.
Anorexia/Bulimie. PMS Übelkeit durch Essen und > Bewegung.
< Unordnung, isoliertes Empfinden, Energie, AppeTIT, Füßen kalt/Schweiß,

Milch: </verlangt/abgeneigt/allergisch; Verlangt: Süßes/Choc/Warmes/Ingwer/Salz; Abgeneigt: Milch/Saures;

Mangel an menschlicher Wärme und Liebe äußert sich als taubes Gefühl an verschiedenen Körperteilen, Daumenlutschen, Nuckeln (Taschentuch, Kaugummi, Bonbons...)

Ursache: Tod Mutter während Patientin schwanger ist/Abstillen/Brustkrebs (Eigene/Mutter)/ohne bonding mit Mutter;

Reactions as a baby to food: never enough/temper tantrums food is finished (in proving a lot of dreams about food)
- Probable bonding problems (premature birth)/Verbleib in einen Inkubator nach Geburt/of illness of the mother after birth/bonding problems with mother figures at school
- Insensitiv/hard-heartedness
- Diabetes, a food/sugar related illness, where all Lac’s are important remedies

Stopped diary products for the following reasons:
1 There is bound to be a sensitivity to milk
2 In the rubric diabetes there are a lot of milk-derivatives in this rubric (Lac-ac/Lac-c/Lac-d/Lac-v/Nat-lac.) indicating a possibly causal relationship between milkconsumption and diabetes.
[Elizabeth Adalian]

History of being unwanted by one or both parents, background of a rupture through a situation such as can occur in adoption, addictive as well as ritualistic tendencies* can present in the child as a result of one or both parents’ habits as a way of regaining the control they unconsciously feel they have lost.

[Robin Murphy]

Cod liver oil taken by nursing mothers improves the breast milk by increasing the amount of fatty acids, which promotes brain development,

and the amount of vitamin A helping to prevent infections, but the level of vitamin D is unchanged.

[Angelica Necula]

Homeopath Angelica Necula shares a case of a woman of 39 who felt detached, was unobservant yet hypersensitive to feelings.

Female patient, 39 years old

December 15, 2020   INITIAL CONSULTATION

    She was complaining mostly of “weird” feelings (her words) like she does not belong to this world, that sometimes she cannot feel her body, as if only her soul exists, without no physical body.  She said “Life is too much!”

    Her partner told her that it looks like lately she lives in “her own world” because several times when they were crossing small streets together (with no traffic lights), she

did not even look to check the surroundings, to see if there was any car coming.

    A few times after paying for groceries, she took only part of the bags with groceries she bought, as if she was not aware of the other bag or maybe she forgot to take it.

She mentioned also, that the crowds of people disturb her and affect her ability to concentrate on what she needs to do. As a result of what it is happening to her right now, she said she does not trust herself anymore.

    Even though she admits these are things she needs to correct, when her partner wants to talk with her about these unusual situations, more often she does not feel comfortable at all discussing them.

    She found herself daydreaming at work, and at home too; she had periods of times during her life when she was daydreaming, but lately this and the other symptoms are more intense and repeat more often.

    She feels disconnected from reality, like not present in this world.

    Therefore, she said, she feels sad and nothing can make her feel more joyful.

    She is longing for something more meaningful in life, but does not know what that could be.

    She gets headaches approximately once or twice per month, but does not know what the cause of her headaches could be. The headaches, affecting her temples, are not extremely painful, but they make her feel “spacey”; sometimes she gets spells of dizziness as well.

    She is a chilly person in general, with nose, hands and feet feeling cold almost all the time.

    She feels “disconnected” from her partner, no desire for intimate relationship.

    She is thirsty in general, and drinks at least 2 liters of water per day, soups, coffee, and milk – which she likes a lot, but unfortunately it causes the eczema on the occipital area to flare up.

    As a child she had many recurrent ear infections, as an adult she gets these very rarely.

    She decided not to have children.

    Her mother could not breastfeed her (due to some health issues).

Based on the totality of the symptoms presented, I recommended Lac Maternum 1M. (See mentals of Lac Maternum below)

FIRST FOLLOW UP – January 20, 2021

    She did not get any headaches this month

    No dizziness

    No flare up eczema

    She felt a bit more connected to her partner (20 – 30% improvement)

    A bit more present and aware of her surroundings (just by approximately 10%)

    Still affected by crowds of people which give her some anxiety

    She still feels sad, no joy

She noticed that she felt more tired than before, even though she slept the same number of hours and nothing changed in her sleep routine. She had the same load of work.

Since there was improvement, I gave her a dose of the same remedy, but in 10M this time.


Lac maternum  –Source: mixture of human milk from nine donors at different stages of lactation, including colostrum. Proving: Dr. Tinus Smits

Essence Of Lac Maternum (by Dr. Tinus Smits): Anxiety in accepting the physical state; disconnected from reality. unawareness of the true identity, loss of ambition, lack

of focus, starts a project, but never finishes. Not centered, his/her energy is easily disturbed by the energy of other persons and of the surroundings. There is no real clarity

of mind, different types of allergies: to medication, food, pollens, dust, etc. Headaches; dizziness, skin issues: eczema.

This remedy helps patients to feel happier, more in their body more energetic, more confident in life, more self-aware, more alert, less negative, less anxious, aware of what they feel, more aware of what they really want, more efficient, everything becomes more real, they see things more clearly, they feel more in touch with everything, desire

to do more in life, more conscious of their boundaries.


SECOND FOLLOWUP – February 26, 2021

    There are more improvements since the previous follow-up.

    The most important one was the fact that she felt much more aware of her surroundings (about 70 %). She was more present in this world.

    A bit more connected with her partner (approximately 50%).

    More aware of her symptoms in her body.

    The anxiety from being in crowds of people is back.

    Her tiredness got worse, even if she slept more.

    She started to feel overwhelmed at work and even by the chores at home (even though there were not so many).

    Bad news on TV about people, life or pets really affected her, like she feels the pain of those unfortunate people or pets.

    Loud music or people talking or laughing loudly at work or on the street or in public started to bother her more than in the past.

I recommended Vernix Caseosa 200CH and asked her to repeat one more dose, if needed. I decided to give her the remedy in 200CH potency, since she is so sensitive.

The remedy Vernix Caseosa was created by Dr. Tinus Smits. It is made from the white, fatty substance found on the skin of newborn babies. This fatty substance plays a

role in protecting the baby, through the presence of antibacterial proteins which fights against some infections during birth.

“Vernix homeopathic remedy enables us to stay in contact with the outside world on all levels without being overwhelmed by it and to know what our own feelings are and what those of others are without mixing them up.”  – Tinus Smits


Tinus Smits:

A very unprotected person, insufficiently protected against the outside world. They are easily disturbed, and have the feeling that they are “naked”, lacking a skin

    They experience the outside world as a threat. Everything comes directly inside, and the outside world is experienced as being too intense. They are over-sensitive

to everything

    A guilty feeling, with the feeling of not doing enough for others. It is impossible to say “no”

    Sensitive to noise and smells

    Desire to be held; desire to be swaddled

    They need to develop contact with their own needs and feelings


 THIRD FOLLOWUP – March 31, 2022

    She said she took 2 doses of Vernix Caseosa 200CH, because she felt she needed it.

    At work the boss is giving her more work and she cannot say “no”, because she feels guilty if she says “no “and so as a result she feels extremely overwhelmed. At home she cannot even prepare dinner, because she does not have any energy left after work.

    She feels like the boss is taking advantage by giving her more assignments.

    She started to daydream again at work, probably as a copping mechanism

    She has a restless mind and she is thinking about everything that is happening in her life and how her life makes her feel now.

    Her partner says she feels the need to be hugged more than before, because she said hugs feels like giving her more protection, more security from the overwhelming situations in her life

    She is extremely tired and she sleeps more now, but she does not wake up with more energy. In fact, she feels anxious to get through the day.

    Crowds of people make her feel even more anxious; sometimes she feels the pain especially of older people or kids crying.

    She said like she is too much in touch with feelings.

    She feels like quitting her demanding job to stay at home or go to her mother in the mountains area, to recover.

    She decided not to watch the bad news since it affects her so much

    The allergies she used to suffer from in the past are coming back.

    She said she felt like life is too much for her right now and that she needs to retire from everything.


See also

Revisiting: Tonsillitis, Elaine Aggravates


I gave her Vernix Caseosa in 1M.


FORTH  FOLLOWUP – April 30, 2022


She said she felt some very small general improvement in what concerns all her symptoms mentioned at the previous follow up.


I repeated Vernix Caseosa in 1M.




    There was definitely more improvement after the second dose of Vernix Caseosa. She has more energy for the things she needs to do. She is more in control of her life and feels less overwhelmed. She is aware of her feelings caused by the outside stimuli (crowds of people, bad news on TV about life and people and pets, an over demanding boss and overwhelming job), but she can manage those feeling better s now.


I recommended another dose of Vernix Caseosa in 1M in case there is no further improvement or in case the old symptoms start to come back.

[E.A. Farrington]

Urtica urens is the  best remedy for non-appearance of the milk without any other  symptoms, there being no apparent reason for the agalactia

Croton tiglium, pain from the nipple through to the back when the child nurses, as though it were being pulled by a string.

Phellandrium aquaticum is an excellent remedy when pain course along the milk ducts between the acts of nursing.


Til. and Lac-h. (belong in the upper region of the Periodic System) and Til. have both the desire for symbiosis, for unity, for oneness. Both feelings of isolation and separation.

Dreams about babies and death.

From the trituration of Lac humanum in 2002:

C1 Nourishment

C2 Lust, satisfaction

C3 Magical development (intuition, beyond senses)

C4 Discovering the self and one‘s own.

o reliving the way from birth to death

o feeling at home /comfortable in one‘s own way

o controlling polarity (variety in unity)

o creating an perspective view

o balancing different views

o taking responsibility for the self

Lac-h. is in conflict with the child or the adult, the mother. The goal is growing up and makes the child an inner child in you. It is here about taking too much or too less responsibility, or of being up with expectations of the child or the mother.

Lac humanum knows antagonisms like:

Baby                         ↔ Mother

Hunger, sex.             ↔ Civilisation, culture

Aggression             ↔ Sociability, morality

Irresponsible             ↔ Responsible

Dominance of animal instincts

Group member             ↔ outsider

Unity with care taker ↔ development of ego,

marking border             ↔ compensation is control, duties.

Tilia is also developing an ego, but there is some tension with the urge to unify with the world, with all the people around. Lac-h. has the tension within the unification with the care taker.

Both are controlling of nature, but Til. is overprotective towards the partner or others.

Themes in the Remedy

    * Lack of concentration

    * Lack of confidence

    * Dreams of death

    * Forsaken/Isolated feeling

    * Helplessness

    * Indifference/apathy

    * Shuns responsibility/caretaker

    * Caring for food/caring for others

    * Need to be nurtured

Other themes: Being helpful to others so that you receive acceptance and are not alone. The ‘I’ needed to be sacrificed for the good of the “we.” It is necessary to do things for others, obey the rules,

and be sensitive to the opinions of others, but unfortunately, this also leads to feeling forced, treated badly and ridiculed.

The issue of having two wills is central. Thus there is conflict between having both a spiritual and non-spiritual nature, a desire to work and a desire to go on a holiday, a desire to be an individual,

yet part of a group. There is a lot of emphasis on one’s relatives and on being helpful to one’s friends, family, community and those less fortunate, what we might call humanitarian service.

Physical symptoms

    * Eczema < milk

    * Emptiness and depression on waking

    * Alcoholism

    * THIRST

    * Affinities with the breast and the female organs

    * Endocrine system

    * Kidneys

    * < alcohol/eating/waking/before menses/breastfeeding

    * > eating/motion/sex/breastfeeding


[J. Houston und E. Halahan]

Ständig auf der Suche nach ihrem individuellen Selbst, gehören jedoch zu Gruppen, denen sie sich anpassen müssen. Sie sind die einzigen Säugetiere, die während ihres gesamten Lebens mit

der Angst vor dem Tod  konfrontiert sind. Sie tun alles, was in ihrer Macht steht, um dieser Angst zu entgehen o. legen ein tollkühnes Verhalten an den Tag.

Sankaran: Für Lac humanum heißt es: „Ich oder die anderen“. Man muss den anderen töten, um selbst zu überleben.


Besonders in der Pubertät tritt die Problematik von Lac humanum hervor (Selbst-Identität in Beziehung zur Gruppe).


Lac maternum

[Tinus Smits]

Quelle: Muttermilch-Mischung von neun verschiedenen Spenderinnen aus verschiedenen Laktationsstadien, einschließlich Kolostrum.

    Geheilte Symptome (klinische Versuche) Lac maternum aus der Milch von 9 Frauen, 3 Tage nach der Geburt bist 10 Monate nach der Geburt - DOLISOS 1994 enthält auch Colostrum

Untersuchung von Träumen, die durch die Prüfung ausgelöst wurden.

Das Kind inkarniert sich während seines intrauterinen Lebens. Diese „Inkarnation“ aber ist bei der Geburt noch unvollständig, und das Stillen ist eine natürliche Fortsetzung dieses Prozesses.

Daher also die „Religion“ des Stillens, wo sich viele Mütter zum gemeinsamen  Stillen treffen; „La Leche Liga (1)“ ist die Kirche dieser neuen Religion!  Die Angst der Eltern vor der neuen Aufgabe und der Verantwortung ist direkt mit dieser Situation verbunden.


Standstill Cases – Giving an Intercurrent with Emphasis on the Scope of Using a Clinical Tip  Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea

Nursing and Lactation

Puls.: best remedy to arrest the secretion of milk after weaning the child, or to prevent the secondary ailments of weaning. Bell. Bry. Calc. are likewise useful.

[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

Four Remedies in Agalactea - Absence of Breast Milk

Lec.: Increasing the number of red blood cells and amount 6%. Excellent galactogogue, renders milk more nourishing and increases quantity. Improves nutrition in emaciated child. (30C 200C)

Nat-c.: Aversion to mothers milk. Causes infant to have diarrhea and vomiting. (Sil.: < milk)

Spiran.: To increase milk in breasts. (Potency 6)

Thyroid.: Agalactea, begin treatment early in pregnancy. (200C)


Agn.: Agalactea with despairing sadness. Milk scanty or entirely suppressed. Debility and depression of spirits and vital power. (30C, 200c)

Asaf.: Deficient milk, with over-sensitiveness, excitable. (30C, 200C)

Borx.: Flow of milk coagulates, curdles speedily. If Borax fails give Lachesis. Stony hardness of mammae. A drawing pain in breast during breast feeding, thinks the baby

is sucking empty breast. (30c, 200c)

Bry.: Lumps, induration, and inflammations of the breasts, with diminished or retarded secretion of milk.  [Milk fever]. (30C, 200C)

Calc.: Deficient secretion of milk, scanty flow; with distended breasts in lymphatic women. (30C / 200C)

Crot-t.: Pains runs from nipple to back, when baby nurses. Breasts inflamed, hard, swollen. (30c, 200c)

Galega-o.: Increases the quantity and quality of the milk in nursing women, also the appetite. Anaemia and impaired nutrition.  [Q. (M.T.) 10-15 drops, 8-12 hourly]

Iod.: Mammae heavy, dry, hanging, with huge quantity of thin, watery milk. (30c, 200c)

Lac-c.: Loss of milk while nursing, without known cause. Milk scanty. (30C, 200C)


Gut gefolgt von: Bell. Verat. Rhus-t.                                               

Folgt gut: Rhus-t. Sacch. Vernix caseosa


Vergleich: Enthält: Solids 13.6,  Fat 5.5, Eiweiß 1.0,  Lactose 7.0, Ash 0.1; Enthält: Prostaglandin + MGS + Dioxin + Vit.K; Taurin Arn (Verletzt sein verheimlichen). Aphanitromen.

Aq-mar. (= Lac-h + VERlassen).

GLA. Cars. Nux-v. (selbstsicher) Sacch. Sanic. (will nicht berührt/angeschaut +/o. neben Mutter liegen). Pip-m. Gefördert von: Card-m. Chion. Ricin. Urt.                        

Comparison. Lacs.

Comparison. Tilia cordata with Lac humanum

Vergleich: AIDS nosode, Lac humanum and Carcinosin - Signatures Miasms, AIDS (Misha Norland)

Vergleich: Carcinosinum. + Lac-humanum

Vergleich Lac humanum mit anderen

Siehe: Carsinosinum- + Geburts- + Saccharumgruppe + Anhang (Christiane Bergmann/Patricia Hatherly/Misha Norland/Melissa Assilem) + Lacs allgemein + Kind Anhang (Farokh/Patricia Le Roux/Heike Wischer)

Nat-m (enttäuscht/vertuscht Liebesbedürfnis) Aq-mar (Religiös/empfindet sich alt)/Lac-h. * (Gatten/ Familie abgeneigt)


Unverträglich: zu wenig Zeit der Pflegepersonen um Nachholbedarf des Kindes auf zu fangen


Forderung: Medus. Phel.


Wirkung: phosphorisch/canceroid


Allerlei: Enthält 7% Lac-sacch./= süßeste Milch/enthält Endorphine/gefördert von Prolaktin.

Schon vor vielen Jahren wurde die Existenz von drogenähnlichen Substanzen (Exorphine) in einigen alltäglichen Nahrungsmitteln vermutet und man fand opiatähnliche Aktivität in Weizen.,

Mais. und Gerste. in Kuh.- und Muttermilch entdeckte man das Kasomorphin, wobei das Exorphin des Getreides stärker wirkt als das Kasomorphin der Kuh.

Milchfluss gehemmt von: Ricin. Stict.

Milchfluss gefördert von: Lecithin. Vitamin B Komplex. Placental extract.

Chalcedon in hellblaues mikrokristallines Siliziumdioxid (wa Ampullen D15):

An erster Stelle versinnbildlichen Brüste Mutterschaft, Behaglichkeit/Geborgenheit/Fülle und Geben, was gleich ein Bild von Fruchtbarkeit und Milch, dem ersten Nährmittel, hervor bringt.

Milch ist eine Art Lebenswasser. Die Galaxis ist die Milchstrasse, die nach einem antiken Mythos durch verspritzte Milch der Hera zustande kann. Inder und die jüdische Kabbala sprechen vom Schlangenweg. Das führt zurück zur Schlangensymbolik, in der die Schlange zu den "erdmütterlichen", "chthonischen" Wesen zählt, die von "Anfang" an schon dabei ist.

Mother had an aversion to coffee in pregnancy associated in a significant degree with cow’s-milk allergy in the child.

Human milk, the best food for babies, contains the right amount of nutrients in the right proportions, for the growing baby. A living, biological fluid, it contains many unique components.

(lactoferrin provides optimal absorption of iron and protects the gut from harmful bacteria/lipases assist in digestion of fats/special growth factors and hormones contribute to optimal growth

and development. Mother’s own milk changes during a feeding from thirst-quenching to hunger-satisfying, and comes in a variety of flavours as the mother’s diet varies.

Its composition changes as the baby grows to meet the baby’s changing nutritional needs.

Human milk is baby’s first immunization. It provides antibodies which protect the baby from many common respiratory and intestinal diseases, and also contains living immune cells.

Colos. packed with components which increase immunity and protect the newborn’s intestines. Artificially fed babies have higher rates of middle ear infections, pneumonia, and cases of gastroenteritis (stomach flu). Breastfeeding as  an infant also provides protection from developing immune system cancers such as lymphoma, bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and celiac sprue, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, all of which are related to immune system function. Breastfed babies generally mount a more effective response to childhood immunizations. In all these cases, benefits begin immediately, and increase with increasing duration of breastfeeding.



Gemüt: Familienangehörige/Freunde abgeneigt/entfremdet (von Freunde und Verwandte)

Verlangt Aktivität/Amüsement, Vergnügen

Angst [über Geschäfte/wenn in Gesellschaft/um (eigene) Gesundheit/Gewissensangst/um Kleinigkeiten/vor Schlaf/i.B. auf Speisen]/ Qualvolle Angst (nach dem Hören von Schrecklichem)/Furcht [angegriffen, überfallen zu werden/vor Autorität/berührt zu werden/vor Dunkelheit/ermordet zu werden/erwachend (aus einem Traum)/Fehler zu machen/vor Geisteskrankheit/durch Geräusche (vor plötzlichen Geräuschen)/etwas werde geschehen/vor Hunden/Krebs/das Leben anzunehmen/in Menschenmenge/plötzlich/vor Räubern/vor Schlaf/jemanden zu stören/vor dem Tod (wenn allein)/vor vor dem Versagen, Misserfolg (bei Prüfungen)]

unfähig sich anzuziehen

Antwortet - bissig, schnippisch/einsilbig

Auf-/Zusammenfahren (bei Berührung/im Schlaf/durch Schreck und „Wie durch Schreck“)

< Beobachtet werden abgeneigt

> Beschäftigung

Beschwerden durch Verlegenheit/durch Vernachlässigung (durch Mutter)


Betäubt (erwachend)

Bewusstlos (mit automatische Bewegungen)

Boshaft (in Träumen)


Ehrgeiz erhöht, vermehrt, sehr ehrgeizig

fühlt sich Energiegeladen (bei Kindern)

falsche Einschätzung von Entfernungen


Erregt (über Kleinigkeiten)

Erschöpfung; geistige


Verlangt nach rot/schwarz/Farben


Macht Fehler [lesend/i.B. auf Raum (und Zeit)/i.B. Zeit/rechnend/sprechend (buchstabierend)

versucht zu Fliehen (in eine Traumwelt)


Gedächtnisschwäche (für was gelesen hat/für Namen)/Gedankenandrang, einstürmende Gedanken, Gedankenfluss

Gedanken - gewalttätig/sonderbar, merkwürdig/tiefschürfend/Vergehen, Schwinden der Gedanken/zusammenhangslos (kann nicht lesen)


Gefühllos, hart

Geistesabwesend (verträumt)

Geisteskraft - erhöht

Geistige Anstrengung abgeneigt/verlangt geistige Anstrengung (# Faulheit)

Gelingt nichts, es


Geschmacklos in der Wahl der Kleidung

Gesellig, ist kontaktfreudig

Gesellschaft abgeneigt (> wenn allein)/während Schmerz/> wenn allein/verlangt nach Einsamkeit/> in Gesellschaft

> Gespräche

macht Gesten, Gebärden [unwillkürliche Bewegungen der Hände (ringt die Hände)]

Verlangt getötet zu werden (will lieber getötet werden, als alleingelassen zu werden

Gewissenhaft, peinlich genau in bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

Gleichgültig, Apathie [gegen alles/gegen die persönliche Erscheinung, sein Äußeres/gegen Essen/gegen

Leiden (anderer Menschen)]


Hast, Eile (fahrend)

Heikel, pingelig

„Wie hilflos“

krankhafte Impulse, Triebe (etwas anzuzünden, zu verbrennen - Streichhölzer/einen Lehrer zu ersticken/zu Laufen

Kinder zu zeugen und zu haben/liebt Kinder

Kindisches Verhalten

Klarer Verstand


Konzentration - gut, aktiv/mangelhaft/schwierig (> abends/rechnend)

Kreativität verloren

Lachen (über Ernstes)


Launenhaft, launisch


Mangel an Moralischem Empfinden

Mutterfixierung/Mutterkomplex/ Ödipus-Komplex


Orientierungssinn vermindert

Redselig; geschwätzig

Reizbar, gereizt [# Traurigkeit/möchte allein sein/gegen ihre Familie/bei Kopfschmerz/vor Menses/gegenüber Mutter]

Respekt, Ehrfurcht vor seiner Umgebung (gegenüber Lehrer)

Ruhelos [abends/> wenn allein/durch Schmerz (im Bauch)/sitzend/zwingt ihn, etwas zu tun]


Schreckliches und traurige Geschichten greifen sie stark an

Schüchtern, zaghaft



Seelenruhe, gelassen

(<) Selbstbetrachtung

Möchte still sein, seine Ruhe haben (verlangt Ruhe und Stille)/stilles Wesen

Verlust der Selbstkontrolle

Selbstsucht, Egoismus

Mangel an Selbstvertrauen (tagsüber/> abends/möchte Unterstützung, Zuwendung)

Singt (Kinderlieder)

Sinne - scharf

Spricht beeinträchtigt, unnatürlich

Stimmung, Laune - veränderlich

Streitsüchtig (mit eigene Familie)


Suizidneigung; Neigung zum Selbstmord (Gedanken an Selbstmord)/Gedanken an den Tod/wünscht sich den Tod, möchte sterben

Tadelsüchtig, krittelig

„Wie im Traum“/alles scheint unwirklich

Traurig (nachmittags/denkt an die Mutter/während Menses)


Unduldsam, verträgt bestimmte Dinge nicht

Unentschlossen, schwierig Entscheidungen zu treffen



Unzufrieden (mit sich selbst)

Verantwortung abgeneigt

„Wie verlassen zu sein“ (nicht geliebt zu werden von Eltern, Ehefrau, Freunden/“Wie isoliert“)

Verletzen; sich zu

Verstecken sich

Verweilt - vergangenen unangenehmen Ereignissen; bei

Verwirrt geistig (mit Kopfschmerz)

Verzweifelt (am Leben/beim Schmerz)

Wachsam (morgens/abends/erwachend)

Wahnideen [allein zu sein (immer allein)/allein auf der Welt/Feuer/ist bei seinen Freunden unerwünscht/hat keine Freunde/fühlt sich wie von Neuem in die Welt hinein geboren/verzerrte Gesichter/sieht Gesichter/von Gewalt/Körper sieht häßlich aus (sei zu fett)/würde ein Nest bauen/Unrecht begangen zu haben/alles erscheint unwirklich/Verbrechen begangen zu haben/sei vergiftet  worden/würde gleich verletzt werden/würde vernachlässigt/sei verraten worden/sei wertlos/Waisen]

Weint [nachmittags - 14 h/- 17 h/erwachend/grundlos/kann nicht weinen, obwohl traurig/lesend]

verträgt keinen Widerspruch/Widerstreit mit sich selbst/widersprüchlich Wille (i.B. Arbeit und Ruhe)

Wohlwollen, Güte

Zorn (# mit schneller Reue/# Traurigkeit/< Gerüche/durch Unterbrechung/durch Widerspruch/wenn Dinge nicht nach seinem Willen geschehen)

Zurückhaltend, reserviert (essend)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Morgens (6 - 9 h) < Aufstehen

+ Taumeln/+ Kopfschmerz/+ Schwere im Kopf

„Wie berauscht“

„Als ob in Bewegung“/“Als ob schwebend“

Kopf nach vorne beugend/< Bücken

Fallen, stürzen geneigt

> Rückenlage/< Seitenlage

< Stehen

mit Übelkeit

Kopf: Hautausschläge (auf Hinterkopf)

Jucken der Kopfhaut

Leeregefühl, „Wie hohl“/„Wie durch Rausch“

Pulsieren mehrere

Schmerz [morgens/nachmittags/> abends/berstend/drückend/dumpf/hämmernd/pulsierend/schießend/stechend/+ Erbrechen/+ Übelkeit/> (schnelle) Bewegung/> Druck/< Erschütterung/< Fahren mit der Straßenbahn, Tram/> Gehen/< lesend/> Liegen im dunklen Zimmer/< Musik/> Augen schließen/< sitzen/> warmes Baden/< Zugluft, Luftzug/erstr. zum l. Auge/Hinterkopf (erstr.Scheitel/seitlich)/Scheitel/(l./r.) Schläfe/< liegend/Stirn (über Augen/über Nase/erwachend)

Schweregefühl (> nachmittags/> im Freien/steigend)

Zusammenschnürung („Wie Band o. Reifen“/< während Menses/Schläfen/Stirn)

Auge: Ekchymose


“Als ob kalte Luft in die Augen weht“

Öffnen der Augen, der Lidspalte schwierig/verlangt Augen zu schließen

Schmerz [r./brennend/“Wie durch Sand“/in morgens erwachend (Wehtun)]

Schweregefühl (Lider)

Tränenfluß < Wind


Geschwollen (Oberlicer) r.

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche - Klingeln

Schmerz r. (stechend/ziehend)/l. (stechend/Wehtun)/im tauben Ohr (stechend)]

„Wie verstopft“

Nase: Absonderung - r./dick/klar/mild, bland/wäßrig/weiß/zäh

rote Nasenspitze

Katarrh (in Choanen)

Schnupfen (einseitig/mit Absonderung)

Übelkeit erregend nach Muttermilch

Geschwüre innerlich

Jucken in Choanen/Nasenlöcher

Niesen [morgens (und abends)/anfallsweise/anhaltend morgens/< kalte Luft/ohne Schnupfen/< Zugluft, Luft

Schmerz [brennend („Wie durch Pfeffer“)/in l. Nasenloch (drückend)]

Verstopft (einseitig)/r./l./morgens < Aufstehen/erwachend)

Gesicht: grünlich

Hautausschläge [flüchtiges Exanthem (> Menses)/Furunkel auf Stirn/Herpes um die Lippen/auf Stirn (Pickel)/l. Wange]


Rissige Mundwinkel

Schmerz in Kiefer („Wie verrenkt“)

Schweiß um den Mund

Steife Unterkiefer


Mund: Aphthen (an Innenseite Oberlippe)

Blutendes Zahnfleisch

Zunge weiß


Hautausschläge - Bläschen

Schmerz in Gaumen (brennend)/Innenseite Oberlippe (stechend)/Zunge [r. (wund schmerzend)/an einzelnen Stellen (wund schmerzend)/an Zungenspitze (wund schmerzend)]

Speichel - etwas salzig/übel riechend/Speichelfluß morgens erwachend



Innerer Hals: rot


Katarrh schwer abzulösen, auszuwerfen


„Wie Klumpen“ morgens


Schleim zäh

Schmerz [r.abends/nachts/stechend/brennend/wund schmerzend/erwachend/roh, „Wie wund“/Wehtun/hustend/wenn nicht schluckt/> warme Getränke; warme - amel. - brennend

erstr.Ohr/in Rachen/l. Mandel]



Würgen, Zusammenziehen

Äußerer Hals: Hautausschläge - rot/schmerzhaft


 Geschwollene Halsdrüsen l.

„Wie verstaucht“ (muß auf dem Rücken liegen/< Seitenlage)

Magen: Appetit vermehrt (nachts)/vermindert

Aufstoßen anhaltend/> nach Trinken/Art des Aufstoßens. „Wie faule Eier“/Auftreibung „Wie voller Luft“

Durst (nachts/auf große Mengen und oft)/Durstlos

eisige Kälte schmerzhaft

„Wie Klumpen „ nach dem Essen

Leeregefühl nach Tee trinken

Schluckauf < essend/< nach kalten Getränken

Schmerz [brennend/> erbrechen/krampfartig/> liegend mit angezogenen Beinen/nagend/stechend/Tenesmus/> warme Milch/zwickend, kneifend]

Schweregefühl (> Aufstoßen)

Sodbrennen (> nach Essen)

Übelkeit (aufstoßend/> Bewegung/> essend/> nach Essen/beim Anblick von Speisen/durch Geruch von Speisen)


Erbricht (häufig/heftig/plötzlich/von Speisen nach Mitternacht - 2.0 h - erwachend während Traum vom Strangulation, erwürgt werden)/Art des Erbrochenen: gelb/von Schleim/

Bauch: Auftreibung (< nach Essen)/Flatulenz

Hautausschläge - juckend

Jucken in Leistengegend

Schmerz [morgens/>/< Druck/schneidend/krampfartig/wund schmerzend/ziehend/stechend/erwachend/schneidend/< Lachen/vor Stuhlgang/in Hypochondrien r. erstr. nach l./in Hypogastrium (r./< Erschütterung)/in Leber/in Leistengegend/in Nabel/r. dann l.]

Schwere/Spannung abends/Zusammenschnürung Nabelgegend/l.

Rektum: Durchfall (morgens/# Obstipation)

Obstipation (schwieriger Stuhlgang)

Schmerz [nach Mitternacht -  h (Tenesmus)/brennend/< nach Stuhlgang/vor Stuhlgang (Tenesmus)]

Stuhldrang - abends/plötzlich

Stuhl: Dunkel/mit Flatus/übel riechend/gewaltsam, plötzlich, in einem Schwall/grün/hart gefolgt von weicher Stuhl/häufig/klumpig und flüssig/“Wie Kugeln“/schleimig (bedeckt von Schleim/gelb)/schwarz/Schwimmen auf dem Wasser/veränderlich/gelb/“Wie Teer aussehend“/wäßrig/weich

Blase: Schmerz (brennend)

Urinieren häufig

Urin: gelb - dunkel

Riecht kräftig/übel riechend/reichlich <während Menses

Harnröhre: Schmerz (schneidend)

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor - durchsichtig/fadenziehend, zäh/sahneartig

Menses - braun/geronnen/zu häufig/lange sich hinziehend/membranös/reichlich/schwarz

Metrorrhagie während Ovulation

Schmerz - in Ovarien während Ovulation bis zu Menses (scharf)/in Uterus und Uterusregion < während Menses (abwärtsdrängend)

Sexverlangen vermehrt

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Schmerz in Trachea hustend (< wund schmerzend)

Stimme belegt

Husten: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/nachts
Anfallsweise (morgens - 8 h)

Bellend/gelöst, locker/gewaltsam/heftig/trocken (< Liegen)

Auswurf: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/dick/durchsichtig/in Fäden/gelb/Geschmack metallisch/salzig/schwierig/weiß/zäh

Brust: Absonderung aus Brustwarzen milchig in Männern

Hautausschläge in Achselhöhlen (r./juckend)

Zusammenschnürung (erstr.Magen)/Beklemmung im Herzen

Herzklopfen - morgens erwachend/Extrasystole/< liegend

empfindliche Knoten in Mammae

Pulsieren in Achselhöhlen - r. erstr. l./zum Arm

Schmerz [morgens/stechend/< liegend/roh „Wie wund“/Brustbein (drückend/erstr.Rücken)/hinter Brustbein (dumpf)/Herz (krampfartig/erstr.Magen/erstr.Rücken/in Herzgegend/> abends)/Mammae stechend („Als ob Milch erscheint“)/Rippen (stechend, durchstechend)/l.]

Geschwollene Mammae (< vor Menses)

Steife Brustmuskeln erstr.Bizeps und Rücken

Rücken: Jucken abends < im Bett

Knacken - Zervikalregion - Drehen des Kopfes <

Schmerz [rheumatisch/< nach langem Sitzen/< in Dorsalregion < tiefes Atmen (stechend)/in l. Schulterblatt (brennend)/in Lumbalregion/in Sakralregion < vor Menses (ziehend)/in Sakralregion < während Menses (ziehend)/Wirbelsäule (neuralgisch)/in Zervikalregion r. < Kopf drehen/in Zervikalregion morgens erwachend]

Steifheit unter Schulterblätter erstr. Arm/erstr. Brust/in Zervikalregion < Kopf drehen

Glieder: Gänsehaut auf Unterschenkel

Gefühllos, taub [Finger (nach Mitternacht - 4 - 5 h)/Mittel-/Zeigefinger/Fußsohle]

Hautausschläge - juckend/

Hautausschläge - schmerzhaft/Ellbogenbeuge Pickel/Füße - juckend/rot/Oberschenkel - Pickel rot/weiß/Unterarme rot

Hitze in Handflächen

Juckende Fußrücken/Knie morgens - 6 h

Koordination fehlend, gestört

Krämpfe - Arme/Beine

Lahmheit in Knie < Gehen

Ruhelose Füße nachmittags

Schmerz - < Berührung/Beine (< Gehen/< Sitzen)/Ischiasnerv (r./> Gehen/< liegen auf schmerzhaften Seite/in Ischiasnerv > Sitzen/erstr.nach unten/rotierend/wund schmerzend/nachts/> Bewegung

Schwache Beine/Schweregefühl in Füße

Steife Hüfte mit Schwäche/steife Knie (im Bett)/steife Oberarme (< Druck)

Ungeschickt (stolpert gehend/< Treppensteigen/läßt Dinge fallen/Hände < vor Menses

Unsichere Hüfte r

Zucken in r. > sitzend

Schlaf: Einschlafen tagsüber/spät

Gestört (nach Mitternacht - 3 h.)/ruhelos/unerquicklich/tief

Erwacht nach Mitternacht - 4 h./5 h.

Erwacht „Wie aus Angst“/zu früh/häufig/schwierig/durch Träume

verändert häufig die Lage

Schlaflos [nachts (um Mitternacht/vor/nach Mitternacht bis 1 h/2 h.)/durch Gedankenandrang]

Schläfrig [tagsüber/morgens/nachmittags (17.0 h)/abends/< lesend]

Träume:  (((<<< VIELE >>>)))

Frost: Nachts (22 - 6 h) nach Mitternacht - 4 h

Schweiß: Morgens (6 - 9 h)


Haut: bläulich/gelb

Juckende Flecken

Allgemeines: jeden Tag/alle 12 Stunden/morgens erwachend/nachmittags (1 - 18 h) - 1 h - 1 - 14.0 h/vor Mitternacht

Aktivität körperlich abends/vermehrt

< körperliche Anstrengung

> Baden, Waschen

Übermaß, Überschuß an Energie (abends nach 18 h)

>/< Essend/> nach Essen/> nach Koitus

< Fahren mit der Straßenbahn, Tram/< Sonnenlicht/< vor Menses


Verlangt sich hinzulegen

“Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen (erstr. sich zu nach oben)/Lebenswärmemangel/> Wärme/> warmes Baden

Matt (nachmittags)/müde/erschlafft körperlich/Ohnmacht plötzlich

Schmerz - nachts/Muskeln (krampfartig)

Schweregefühl - morgens

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Alkohol/Milch/saure Speisen, Säuren/Suppe/Süßigkeiten;  >: warme Milch/Trinken;   <: Alkohol wird leicht betrunken/Bier/Gewürze,

Würzmittel/Milch /Tee/Wein;  Verlangt: Brot/Weißbrot/Champagner/Eier/gehaltvolle, fette Speisen/Ingwer/kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Kartoffeln/Kartoffelbrei/

Marshmallows/Mehlspeisen, Teigwaren/Milch/Milch/warme Pudding, Nachspeise/Sahne/Salz/Schalentiere/Schokolade/durchwachsener Speck/Süßigkeiten/Tee/warme

Getränke/warme Speisen;

Verbrennung schmerzlos/Verletzung

Wassersucht im Allgemeinen

< geringe Berührung/< Unsauberkeit

Empfindlich äußerlich

Krampfadern gestaut

Schwäche (morgens/nachmittags/abends/plötzlich)


Disconnection: between the spirit and the physical body

between mind and body.

between one half of the self and the other half (l. and r./top and bottom)

between self and others (sense of alienation/lack of appreciation)

Spaced out; extreme vertigo; sense of intoxication; everything seems unreal, „As if in a dream“

Alternating states and sides: duality between being cheerful/positive/buoyant and listless/unmotivated/withdrawn/sad

restlessness # tranquillity

sleepy # sleepless

alert # confusion of mind

symptoms travel from r. to l. or v.v.

Confusion of mind: while calculating/while studying (cannot concentrate)/establishing a location/recognising surroundings/establishing a sense of direction

Indifference; detachment: to eating/to socialising/to working (physical/mental)/to horrible, iolent acts/to life

Heightened senses; sensitive to: light/smells/dust/touch

Quelle: Dolisos in Holland/Milch von mehreren Frauen in unterschiedliche Zeit nach der Geburt 

Lac Maternum

Milk of 9 women and collected from 3 days (colostrum) to 10 months after parturition.

Themes in the Remedy

    * Anxiety about life

    * Homesickness for the astral world

    * Refusal of the child by its parents at the beginning of pregnancy

    * Anxiety for the responsibilities of a new life

    * Lack of centre/ energy easily disturbed by the energy of other persons and of the surroundings

    * Lack of clarity of mind; thinking is muddled and defenses against the outer world are lowered

    * Want of self esteem

    * Sadness

    * Lack of joy

    * Sensation of floating out of body

    * Daydreaming

    * Lack of awareness of one’s surroundings/boundaries

    * Unfeeling/Indifferent

Incarnation in current life - the process of incarnation that takes place during pregnancy, is not complete at birth and mother’s milk helps the baby to come down gradually.

The centre of the remedy is lack of incarnation from several deeper causes, such as anxiety in accepting the physical state, apprehension of the difficulty of our task during this incarnation,

homesickness for the astral world, refusal of the child by its parents at the beginning of pregnancy, or anxiety for the responsibilities of a new life.

This lack of incarnation. causes a deep unawareness of the true identity; the person is not centered and the energy is easily disturbed by the energy of other persons and of the surroundings.

Physical Complaints

Headache, migraine, dizziness, vertigo, empty feeling, flushes, loss of hair, extremities cold, weak libido, lack of feeling, awkward, general chilliness, eczema, psoriasis.


In mature milk the whey/casein ratio of milk protein is in the order of 60 : 40 (while in cow’s milk it is 20 : 80). In the immediate post-partum period the whey fraction of human milk protein may be as high as 90%/at this time it is also high in sIgA immonuglobins (x higher than in mature milk/sIgA levels are maintained throughout lactation).

Immunoglobulins in general play a vital role in facilitating various immune complexes designed to offer protection to an individual against bacterial and viral pathogens.

It is the IgA, which abounds in the mucosal epithelium and therefore plays a vital role in protecting the newborn against potential airborn pathogens (in first hours following birth before colonisation of the oral/nasal mucosa with maternal bacteria).

Secretory IgA is known also to protect against:

Enteroviruses [Poliovirus types 1,2,/Coxsackievirus types A9, B, B5; Echovirus types 6 and 9]

Herpes virus [Cytomegalovirus/Herpes simplex]

Semliki forest virus

Respiratory syncytial virus


Reovirus type

Rotavirus (2)

When milk production falls below 400 ml per day, the breast is said to be in a phase of involution. During this time the breast experiences a drop in lactose due to a lowering of

glucose and citrate levels. Zn/P/Ca also decrease. At the same time Fe/Na/Cl levels rise and protein and lipid levels to those resembling colostral phase. The immunologic

components such as IgA and sIgA and lysozyme and lactoferrin increase as the junctions between the alveoli (= Lungenbläschen) begin to open up again, as if in some way to

confer a protective parting gift to the infant in as much as colostrum is a welcoming protective gift.


Just prior to birth a new species of messenger RNA is produced in the cells of the alveoli. This begins to stimulate the synthesis of α-lactalbumin the predominant protein in human milk.

With the repelling of the placenta, progesterone levels drop thereby allowing an increase in prolactin in the anterior pituitary. This initial phase of milk production

is independent of suckling. However, in order for prolactin levels to be maintained the breast has to be suckled and drained regularly. Prolactin levels, therefore, are regulated

as a direct response to nipple stimulation and breast emptying. While prolactin is the main hormone involved in human milk production, other hormones such as thyroid stimulating hormone, insulin, cortisol and HGH play important roles. Oxytocin (produced in the posterior pituitary) has a role equal to that of prolactin as it governs the milk ejection reflex. It is, therefore, considered to complement the role of prolactin. Put simply, prolactin makes the milk and oxytocin makes the milk available.


Like all mammalian milks human milk is species specific. It is basically a solution containing various proteins, carbohydrates and salts mixed with a variety of fatty acids.

Assays of human milk from mothers from a variety of social and economic backgrounds, has detected little variation with respect to its comprehensive biochemical profile.

Poor nutritional status may result in a lowered content of some water-soluble vitamins and some fats. In particular, ascorbic acid, thiamine and B12 may be affected by deficient diets. And, while human milk contains all trace minerals including Se/I/Fl levels can be at the lower end if maternal exposure is compromised. Also, mothers who because of social, religious or environmental reasons have minimum skin exposure to adequate sunlight, vitamin D content may be problematical. Other than that, human milk

is remarkably consistent across the planet and, remains so for the duration of the lactation.


Mature Milk consists mainly of water/a common feature of mammalian milks as water intake contributes to the temperature regulating mechanism of the newborn who can

experience as much as a 25% heat loss through evaporation of water from the lungs and the skin.

Although the fatty acid profile lies between 2 - 5% of the total volume, provide largest source of calories in the milk. After the colostral phase the fatty acid levels go from 2.9

to 4.2 g/100 ml, the fat tending to be more concentrated at the end of a feeding. The 20% of the milk, which tends to remain in the breast after a feedinging contains up to 50% of the fat. Therefore, the most important predictor of fat content is the length of time since the last feeding; the longer the interval, the lower the fat concentration.

Fat is first digested in the baby’s stomach, which contains amounts of rennin during the neonatal phase. It is further assisted by bile-stimulated lipase and serum-stimulated lipase. There tends to be no loss of fat in the stool of a breast-fed infant. Mothers with diets high in omega and omega-6-fatty acids reflect that in the fatty acid composition

of their milk.

When maternal fat intake is limited, depot fats are mobilised. These contain a preponderance of lauric and myristic fatty acids and possible maternal toxins stored in the fat.

The predominant carbohydrate in human milk is lactose. In mature milk it is found in levels of 7. g/100 ml and, as it provides a ready source of galactose essential for

CNS development. It is high in human milk relative to other mammalian milks because of our large brain. The presence of lactose in the abdomen promotes L-bifidus producing 

organic acids and synthesises many of the B vitamins. It is thought also that the acid milieu checks the growth of enteropathogenic organisms and improves the absorption of Ca/P/Mg and other minerals.

The protein level in mature milk is 1,4 g/100 ml. The protein level in cow’s milk is more than 2x higher at 3,4 g/100 ml. Cow’s milk also has a much higher casein/whey ratio, which imparts an opaque quality. Human milk is “thin and blue” because it has a relatively low casein content. The higher whey fraction in human milk allows the protein to be acidified in the stomach to form soft, flocculent curds, which are easily digested and supply a continuous flow of nutrients to the baby.

There are two other proteins of significance. Lactoferrin (an iron-binding protein) inhibits the growth of certain iron-dependent bacteria in the gut. This helps to protect the neonate’s iron status and helps to protect against gastro-intestinal infections. Lysozyme, which abounds in quantities 00% higher than in cow’s milk, contributes to the development and maintenance of intestinal flora by attacking the cells walls of bacteria through cellular lysis.

Non-protein N also has a vital role, and up to 0% of the total N in human milk is in the form of non-protein N. This consists of a variety of organic and trace amounts of inorganic compounds deposited in the milk. These include peptide/HGH/epidermal growth factor/free amino acids/amino alcohols of phospholipids/nucleic acids/ nucleotides/urea/carnitine and sugar amines.

Of the free amino acids, it is the sulphur based taurine (2-aminoethane sulphuric acid) which is the most abundant and, therefore, the most important. It is almost non-existent in bovine milk but may be plentiful in human milk, depending on diet. It is present in animal protein (organ meats/invertebrate seafood), but is not found in vegetable protein.

It is associated with bile acid conjugation and therefore plays an important role in digestion. It facilitates the passage of Ca-/P-/K-/Na-/Mg- ions in and out of cells and has

an important role in cholesterol degradation.

During pregnancy, taurine accumulates in the maternal tissue to be released during the perinatal period to the foetus via the placenta and to the newborn via the milk.

It accumulates in the foetal and neonatal brain and if maternal stores are low this is reflected in the baby’s levels. Taurine deficiency in the mother may lead to growth retardation of the offspring and to impaired perinatal development of the CNS and of the pancreas. Research has shown that this may have a trans-generational effect as

adult offspring of taurine-deficient mothers display signs of impaired neurological function, impaired glucose tolerance and vascular dysfunction. This may result in gestational diabetes thereby transmitting the effects to the next generation.

Taurine deficiency sets the “wellness” thermostat for life. As a Homoeopath it intrigues me that this is a sulphur-based amino acid/its role seems to suggest that it may possibly be implicated with Psora. Sufficient taurine will result in optimal function of the aforementioned systems while deficiency and lack seem to be the grand keynotes of a system deprived of taurine.

Finally, there are many hormones and 20 different enzymes in human milk, which perform a variety of functions (protective). Other resistance factors found predominantly in the whey fraction of human milk include: cytokines/epidermal growth factor/interferon/interleukins/low molecular weight glycosides/oligosaccharides and peptides/ lymphocytes/polyamines/prostaglandins. No breastmilk substitute (= artificial milk) can absolutely mimic the range of subtleties provided by breastmilk. Breastfed babies are more intelligent, and are less likely to be obese or develop coronary artery disease. Breastmilk protects against childhood diabetes and cancers and offers protection against such gut problems as ulcerative colitis/Morbus Crohn.


Themes of detachment abound in Lac-h and the lack of emotional attachment I seemed to have concerning the conception is consistent with this theme, thereby suggesting

that it is also a theme for Lac-m.

Synthesis of Lac Maternum from Tinus Smits († 27-4-2010)’ Inspiring Homeopathy

Essence: lack of incarnation. Causation: anxiety regarding incarnation in the physical world

Sensation of floating, out of body sensation; out of body experiences/out of reality/living in the past; [NB living in the future was also expressed in several dream rubrics]

weak and strange feeling as if not belonging to one’s body; as if looking down on one’s body; as if everything is far away, different; as if one hears oneself speaking,

as if someone else is talking; feeling that mind and body are separated; not feeling one’s body anymore; as if watching life, not participating; as if invisible to other people.

Vertigo; dizzy feeling; feeling as if having no legs, soft legs; empty feeling in the head; feeling of absence; feeling of cotton wool in the head, foggy sensation in the head;

stuffed up feeling in the head, as if head too large. Tendency to fainting; fear of fainting; fainting.

Day-dreaming; clouded thinking; absent-mindedness; difficulty in concentration; mistakes in speech, saying wrong words; difficult word-finding.

Awkwardness; bumping into things; hurting oneself; knocking things over; falling; unobservant.

Ineffective; tendency to procrastinate; having to force oneself to realise one’s dreams or to effectuate one’s daily occupations; lack of responsibility.

Exhaustion, weakness, lack of courage.

Sadness, lack of joy in Life; sudden changes in mood; laughing # weeping; joyfulness # weeping, irritability and quarrelsomeness; fits of weeping.

Anxiety about life, not being able to face life alone or fear of having to face Life alone; Symbiotic relationship with parents, partner, children; humour easily influenced by the

emotional state of others; very dependent on others.

Lack of awareness of one’s own identity; questioning the meaning of life; chaotic inner feeling.

Lack of awareness of one’s surroundings, as if perception is only general and not in detail; as if things do not penetrate; everything looks strange.

Desire to read, reading giving the possibility of escaping from reality and living in an imaginary world; completely absorbed during reading, not answering when spoken to;

pursuing studies to be in another world, fear of completing studies and having to perform; reading impossible owing to lack of concentration.


Unaware of one’s own boundaries; feels unprotected, porous everything enters directly too strongly, sound, smell (nausea), energy and feelings of other people; won’t stand

up for oneself; lack of self respect; lack of care for oneself, caring for others, worried by the problems of others; abused by other people, always caring for others; desire to

be taken care of (cf: Vernix caseosa).

Anger; irritability at trifles; throws things away.

Desire to go out; not feeling well at home (the house being the symbol of the body); not being really aware of one’s own territory; letting others invade one’s space/energy;

absence of real feeling of being the master at home, with the garden being not fenced-in. Unlike Carcinosinum this is not because lack of self confidence makes one unable

to resist others, but because of unawareness of one’s own space, own identity, so one unconsciously shares his ‘home’ with others and is unable to be fully oneself; desire

to have one’s own place at home; desire to be alone, to have time for oneself; also fear to go outside because of the feeling to be unprotected; needing the house as an extra protection.

Unfeeling; indifference; doesn’t care about oneself and the household/untidy/unable to tidy up at home.

Hears voices, sees ghosts, telling one a lot of things; sees movements out of the corner of the eye; sees aura of people and trees; fear of ghosts.

Anticipation (diarrhoea)

Want of self-esteem; neglects oneself; feeling of not fulfilling the expectations of Life, of others, her husband/his wife; feeling of not being considered, of no longer being

physically attractive; trying to fulfil the expectations of others; never angry; avoiding conflicts.

Intercourse; weak libido; wants to be held, to be caressed, but aversion to sex [NB the polarity of this symptom came out in the  male provers].

Desires sweets.

Skin: eczema; eczema with thick, brown-yellow crusts with dreadful itching all over the body; itching skin; circumscribed eczema with a red border; molluscae; psoriasis.

Falling out of hair; dry hair; grey hair.

Headache; migraine, vomiting.

Chilliness; icy coldness cutting to the bones, sometimes # heat; coldness of feet, hands, nose.

Flushes during/after Menopause; flushes from exertion, mental or physical [NB emotions (irritability) in the female prover associated with a rise in body temperature].

Unrefreshed sleep; restless sleep; shouting during sleep; frequent waking owing to worries; difficulty in falling asleep.


Many similarities between the proving of Lac-m and Lac-h, and also some vital differences.

With the benefit of modern research into the essential role that human milk plays in the potentiation of all biological systems, (especially that of the CNS and GIT), it is

to be expected, according to the Doctrine of Signatures, that a homoeopathic medicine made from human milk would possibly have a similar sphere of influence.

And, certainly, before undertaking the supervision of this proving it had been my clinical experience, through extensive use of Lac-h, that the therapeutic efficacy of that remedy did indeed revolve mainly around the mind/CNS and the GIT.

Therefore, since this remedy was made from the milk of 9 women, (including secretions from one woman in the colostral phase and possibly from one in the involuting phase of the lactation), it was my expectation that the proving would provide added emphasis regarding the efficacy of the use of the remedy on the physical body, since the protective aspects of human milk are heightened during the colostral and involuting phases.

In fact, it turned out to be the complete opposite with Lac-m having much more emphasis on the mental/emotional state, therefore giving approbation to the work already

done by Tinus Smits, and establishing that these two milk remedies are not, in fact, identical. As in Lac-h, many rubrics in Lac-m do have an affinity to the cognitive and digestive processes; and, indeed, the proving brought out many similar or identical rubrics. However, the rubrics pertaining to the mind, dreams, delusions and vertigo all reflect the struggle to come to terms with living and functioning within the confines of the human body, and do constitute the bulk of the proving.

Tinus Smits has stated that the main issue of the Lac-m state is to do with anxiety regarding incarnation into the physical world, and a continued tendency to disassociate

from the body. To this end, it struck me, in collating all this material, that many of the rubrics from this proving put one in mind of the process of Birth.

There are a large number of rubrics describing intense pressure on the head, neck and upper back, aggravated by bending the head forward and turning it and ameliorated

by extending the head back and straightening up the body.

There is also a rubric describing pressure first on one shoulder then on the other (and another, describing the dislocation of one!) These all mimic perfectly the initial aligning

of the head in the bony pelvis and the flexion and extension experienced by the baby during the birthing process. That the headache is also ameliorated by [rocking back and forth] puts one in mind of the instinctive rocking motion that all mothers tend to adopt while holding their babies.

Added to this are all the rubrics describing a lack of appetite and a desire to sleep, which are both normal physiological events during the first few hours after Birth, following the initial period of alertness (also reflected in rubrics).

It could be surmised that this tendency to sleep for an extended period following the initial alert period (required to allow the baby to search for the nipple), is due to a combination of sheer exhaustion and oxytocic bliss. To that end it is interesting that the provings of both Lac-h and Lac-m produced the rubric [alcohol aggravates], as it has been demonstrated through research that alcohol dampens the oxytocin response.

There are also rubrics reflecting a state of intense aggravation from bright light with a desire to squint and ones indicating a heightened sensitivity of the nasal mucosa.

Added to this are those rubrics describing the tendency to bleed freely from cuts and grazes with a reluctance for the blood to clot. These put one in mind of the period following Birth when the baby is at risk of haemorrhagic trauma due to a relative excess of unconjugated bilirubin (Quelle: and a deficit of vitamin K.

Even the stool is watery (like a baby’s) and dark and reddish-brown, those rubrics similarly reflecting an excess of bilirubin at the expense of biliverdin.


I would venture to suggest, therefore, that it is the colostral aspect of Lac-m which makes all the difference, and that it possibly contains some sort of morphogenetic resonance reflecting the baby’s memory of the birth experience, and his/her reluctance to accept the confines of the physical body after residing in the astral or spiritual dimensions.

“To Be, or not to Be?” is, indeed, the question; and it perhaps most succinctly defines the dilemma associated with the Lac Maternum type.

This is consistent with the “alternating states” aspect of Lac-m and is further reflective of the possibility that the Vital Force, in the initial post-partum period, engages in

a process of association # disassociation with the physical body, followed by a gradual acceptance of physicality as it allows itself to become grounded through the suckling process.

This process of alternation between states possibly comes to completion once the body [straightens] when a state of ambulation is achieved. This is also consistent with Piaget’s stage of “Object Constancy” and Erikson’s stage of “Autonomy versus Free Will”. Both of these stages occur around  months when the baby has learnt to appreciate a sense

of separateness, having successfully negotiated Erikson’s initial stage of “Trust versus Mistrust.” The dream of prover 0 on day  of the proving perhaps then expresses this transition from “the Saloon where I would expect to be more comfortable to singing, dancing and drinking in steerage.”

As mammals, we humans are born into bodies which are still in a considerably under-developed state requiring completion at the breast. So, the hesitancy with which the Vital Force views the prospect is perhaps understandable. However, it is through breastfeedinging that all babies gradually become entrained with the rhythms of Mother Earth since human milk is a complete food which contains the full complement of planet Earth’s biologic and mineral diversity. Research has demonstrated that optimum



Lac maternum (Lac-mat) = Milch von mehrere Frauen


Mother’s milk is, at least for infants, the most wonderful beverage. And an aversion to it is possibly the most strange, rare, peculiar and meaningful aversion we encounter in our case taking.

Lac maternum is made from the milk of nine women collected from day 3 (colostrum) to 10 months following partuition. Tinus Smits had the remedy prepared by Dolisos Pharmacy in the Netherlands.

He had extensive experience with the use of Lac humanum (made from the mature milk of one woman) and decided to prove Lac maternum.

“Taurine deficiency therefore, sets the “wellness” thermostat for life. As a homoeopath it intrigues me that this is a sulphur-based amino acid and its role seems to suggest that

it may possibly be implicated with Psora. Sufficient taurine will result in optimal function of the aforementioned system (central nervous system and pancreas; organs related to transmitting diabetes to the next generation) while deficiency and lack seem to be the keynotes of a system deprived of taurine. It seems that Eve, with her “desire for apples”,

is the original Sulphur and therefore possibly progenitor of Sulphur and therefore possibly progenitor of Psora. We perhaps would have been a good deal better off had she rejected the apple in favour of eating the snake!”

Accepting the principle that one becomes what one eats I think the author’s last statement remains to be seen.

The proving symptoms are written out fully and grouped according to chapters of the repertory, followed by a listing of rubrics divided in the same way. Although the provers were few, the symptoms are well divided over mind and body. Attempting to summarise the proving the author mentions five themes:

• Disconnection between the spirit and the physical body

• Alternating states and sides

• Confusion of mind

• Indifference; detachment

• Heightened senses; sensitive to


Repertorium:                                                                                     []

Lac maternum

Gemüt: Angst (vor Inkarnation. in der physischen Welt)/Furcht (vor Gespenstern/davor in Ohnmacht zu fallen)

Beschwerden durch Missbrauch, Misshandlung



Erschöpft geistig


Macht Fehler [sprechend (Worte/falsche Worte)]

Gefühllos, hart


Gleichgültig, Apathie (gegen die persönliche Erscheinung, sein Äußeres/gegen häusliche Angelegenheiten/gegenüber sich selbst)

verlangt das Zuhause verlassen

unzureichende Inkarnation

Konzentration schwierig

Lachen (# Weinen)

Verlangt zu Lesen

Liebt Kinder

Verlangt, liebkost, gestreichelt zu werden

übertriebener Mutterinstinkt

Reizbar, gereizt (durch Kleinigkeiten)

Schreit (im Schlaf)

Sorgenvoll (um andere)

Stimmung, Laune - veränderlich

Stumpf (mit Unfähigkeit, die richtigen Worte zu finden)

“Wie im Traum“ (tagsüber)




Unfähig Verantwortung zu übernehmen

Sich zu Verletzen

Verschiebt alles auf den nächsten Tag

Verschmelzt mit der Umgebung

Wahnideen [sieht bewegende Dinge/(sieht) Gespenster, Geister, Gestalten/Körper und Geist seien getrennt/sei von der Welt getrennt/außerhalb des Körpers/schweben

(in der Luft)/jemand würde sprechen wenn er spricht/hört Stimmen (schimpfender und unflätiger Stimmen sprechen in ihm)/alles erscheint unwirklich/i.B. leben in der Vergangenheit]


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf: Leeregefühl, „Wie hohl“

Schmerz (mit Erbrechen)


„Wie geschwollen“

Haare werden grau/Haarausfall/trocken

Sehen: Aura von Bäumen/von Menschen

Nase: Kälte

Rektum: Durchfall nach Erwartungsspannung

Männliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen fehlend           

Weibliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen fehlend

Schlaf: Erwacht häufig/ruhelos/unerquicklich

Schlaflos durch Sorgen

Glieder: Kalte Füße/kalte Hände

Fieber: # Frost

Frost: Frösteln

Haut: Hautausschläge – gelblichbraun/Ekzem/Psoriasis


Allgemeines: Hitzewallungen - durch geringste Anstrengung/< geistige Anstrengung/während Menopause


Speise und Getränke: Verlangt: Süßigkeiten;


Repertory Lac maternum:

Mind; Absent minded (with fever)



Alert (morning)

Antagonism with himself, individuality versus group

Antics, plays

Alienation, feelings of

Buoyancy, feelings of (# with despondency)

Cheerful feelings, happy (# sadness)

Company aversion to (and desires solitude)/desires company (attracts others towards himself)

Concentration, active/difficult concentration (while calculating/while studying)

Confusion of mind (sense of duality/“As if after being intoxicated“/about location/of surroundings/with vertigo)

> Conversation

Despair, life of


Detached, ego from


Disconnected/disoriented/distance, inaccurate judge of

Disgust, feelings of

Dream as if in

Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking

Emotionally balanced, feelings of being

Enthusiasm, lacks

Estranged, friends from


Forsaken feeling/“As if isolated“

Horror, feelings of

Indifference to everything/to eating/to horrible visions

Indolence, aversion to work

Irritable (wishes to be alone)

Lamenting about futility of human relationships


Loquacity/manic behaviour

Memory poor

Mental work, aversion to

Mistakes in calculations/in space and time 

Misunderstood, feelings of being

Moods changeable

Motivation feelings of (lacking)

Nostalgic, feelings of being

> Occupation


Prostration of mind, mental exhaustion, brain fag

Quiet disposition


Revulsion, feelings of/loathing oneself

Sadness, melancholy

< Scrutiny of self/from others

Senses acute/sensitive to light 

Silly behaviour

Spaced out

Speech affected

Averse to be spoken to, wants to be left alone

Stupefaction, as if intoxicated (on waking)

Talk, indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn

Thoughts disconnected


Unreal, everything seems

Weary of life


averse to mental work

Delusions: sees aliens during sleep/is not appreciated/arms work in opposite directions/body is divided/body is physical disconnected from spiritual/body is 2 steps behind self/body parts disconnected/is cut in 2/is detached from body/divided in two parts/division between himself and others/“As if in a dream“/thinks she is dumb/has aged face/floating in air, body suspended above/friendless/sees ghosts, spectres, spirits in sleep/l. halve disconnected from r. halve/2 halves of self/errors of personal identity/

sees images (sees) of phantoms during sleep/mind and body separated/has  been poisoned/lack of responsibility/everything seems unreal/horrible visions in sleep/Vertigo/

with confusion of mind/sense of direction lost/> while driving/sensation of rising and falling/during headache/as if

intoxicated/light headed/> lying on back/with nausea

Reeling, walking while

Speech incoherent with

Staggering with


< while walking/< while standing

Vomiting with

Head: Constriction band or hoop

Forehead hot, touch to during headache > cold compress

Itching scalp

Pain many

Eyes: Dry in afternoon/itching in morning/sensitive to light (> squinting)

Sore/stinging after early morning walk

Ear: Congested in eustachian tube

Nose: Coryza with discharge

Discharge bland

Itching in posterior nares

Obstruction (> deep breathing)

Sensitive to smells (putrid/pleasant floral)

Sneezing < dust

Mouth: Dry lips

Throat: Dry


„As if lump“/gagging > cold water

Pain, dry - > cold water/> swallowing/< breathing dry air)/sore when swallowing

Neck: Pain in cervical region (after physical exertion/ext. to vertex)/in nape of neck ext. vertex

Stiffness in cervical region (after physical exertion/ext. head, vertex/> moving forward and backward/< bending forward)

Back: Pain intermittent throughout day l. dorsal area/sharp l. dorsal area/after physical exertion > rest/in scapulae after physical exertion > rest/stabbing l. side dorsal area

Stomach: Appetite diminished (with increased energy)

Nausea during vertigo

Food and drinks: < alcohol; Desires: chocolate/coca cola/fruit (with headache)/mandarins/mango/meat/seafood/salmon/mussles/water with headache;

Abdomen: Distension after eating

Flatulence diminished  [curative symptom]

Pain cramping (precedes diarrhoea/precedes flatulence)

Rectum: (immediately) Diarrhoea after eating

Urging sudden (in morning/after eating evening)

Stool: Forcible, sudden gushing

Loose noon/afternoon

Lumps and liquid

Smells burnt/like pungent, fermented herbs/like smoke/like vomit/offensive


Small, ill-formed chunks/thin, lumpy and liquid/thin, red/watery with red lumps

Well-formed  [curative symptom]

Urine: Colour, yellow-brown

Smells offensive/strong

Female organs: Menses intermittend

Male organs: Sexual desire increased

Sleep: Difficult due to obstructed nose


Position on back on lying diagonally across the bed


Sleepy afternoon/evening

Sleepless before midnight/early morning 5 - 7 h

Waking early 4 – 5 h

Dreams: Aliens7wild animals/late for appointment/attacked by dead body by/watched by audience//caring for babies/babies bor with full set of teeth/giving birth/beach/

body parts falling off while walking/lower half removed of body by dissection/breastfeedinging/bribing police/skinless cadavers/muscle and skin flaying from body while walking/driving in cars, automobiles/car chase/children/changed into clean clothes/wearing simple, home-spun clothes/community of future/co-operation; sharing tasks/danger/

Dead body, crypt in, full knight’s regalia dressed in, hovering above, meditation during

Dead bodies, skinless, of

Dead body, skinless of, mutilation of face by

Destination, searching for

Dining, restaurant in

Dissecting himself, cadaver as

Doctor, appointment with


Entertaining socially

Face, aged

Face, squeezing blackheads, on





Football team

Forest, primordial, dangerous


Friends, estranged

Friend, rich, visiting with

Future; post-Apocalyptic


Gang, urban

Hamburger, lady looked like a


Intestines, contents of, emptied onto face and chest, removal of lower half of torso, after

Library, doing research in a

Man, primitive, spear with

Mutilation, body, his own

Mutilation, face, skinless cadaver by

Parties, of, pleasure



Pursued and caught, a grizzly bear by

Pursued, with no fear, cow by

Reflection, face of, mirror in, much aged


Relatives (nieces; nephews; cousins)

Responsible, co-operative, sharing tasks in


Searching, exit for

Sepia colours, dreaming in

Shelter, food, refugee searching for



Singing, dancing, drinking, social circumstances lower than usual, in

Sister, kissed, being

Tasks, co-operation, sense of responsibility, in performance of

Travelling, space in


Woman, Vampire-like, exercising, treehouse in

Woman (mine) challenging another, my affections, over


Dislocation, arm, left, socket from

Pain, aching, shoulders, left, then right

Pain, sharp, scapula, left, sudden movement aggravates

Pressure, aching, heel, left, waking on


Dry heat, daytime, absent-minded with

Warm, touch to, irritability with

Skin: Bleeding ulcers r. slow to scab over and heal, bleed when wet

Bleeding intermittent trickle, over temple from a graze will not clot

Bleeding constant trickle, from small cut in leg from, will not clot, < slightest touch

Dry (red, itching spots, in folds of elbows/red, scaly around elbow/in creases of elbows)

Generalities: > Bending head backwards/< bending head forward

Energy increased (despite lack of appetite)/energy decreased

< Exertion/> Fasting


>/< lying/> rocking back and forth/> rubbing

Senses of taste and smell heightened

> Sleep/> straightening body


< turning head

Affinities: mind/CNS

Head/neck/shoulders/upper back


Alternate sides



Allerlei: The oneness of the nursing mother and her baby has always fascinated mankind. Like lovers, they are united both physically and spiritually. Unlike lovers, their union lacks the ambivalence and tensions of sexuality.

The Egyptians portrayed their chief goddess, Isis, with the infant Horus at her breast.

Christianity reveres the Madonna, the image of mother and infant, as a symbol of pure love.

The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, speaks of compassion and altruism as first learned at a mother’s breast, as the mother gives of herself to her child.

Artists throughout history and around the world have been inspired by the nursing couple, to convey in stone and clay and paint, two souls who are one.

In addition to all the known benefits of human milk, it’s also clear that the act of breastfeeding is beneficial. Research shows that breastfeeding leads to optimal brain development.

Breastfeeding’s contribution to optimal oral development means less risk of malocclusion - and perhaps lower orthodontist bills! Bottle-fed babies have a higher risk of baby bottle tooth decay, as well.

The skin-to-skin contact with mother provides optimal nurturing and an almost automatic close emotional attachment. Suckling at the breast optimizes hand-to-eye coordination (regular “side-switching“).

Even in the rare cases when the mother can’t produce enough milk, or for adopted babies, supplemental systems can allow mother and baby to enjoy a breastfeeding relationship.


Phytologie: Muttermilch bei vielen Infektionen, wenn man sie äußerlich als Medikament aufträgt.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum