Braut = Sonne.


Vergleich: Siehe: Glück




Lignum aquilaria = Agaroud

Brautschilling = Brautschatz

Dianthus caryophyllus = Carnation betrothal or engagement/= Mary’s Tears at Jesus' plight/in France and Francophone culture symbol of misfortune and bad luck/used

in Greek ceremonial crowns Caryophylalles

Cocc-s. The Bulgarian contribution to the “ladybird-ology” is a nursery song

“Ladybird, Ladybird, show me the way, show me the way, where I’ll go to marry”.

The insect is put on the palm and where it flies, from that direction the suitor will come.


Croc-s. Brautschleier wird mit Safran eingefärbt

Cydonia So verfügte das Athener Gesetz, die junge Braut habe auf der Schwelle des Brautgemachs eine Quitte

zu verzehren, was mit der Hoffnung verbunden war, die Frau möge ihrem Gemahl so viele Kinder schenken, wie

die Quitte Samenkörner enthält. Wünschen wir der Braut, dass die Quitte gekocht war!

Epil = Weideröschen/= Wilgenroosje/= bruid van Haarlem .

Euplectella aspergillum = Gießkannenschwamm

Francoa sonchifolia = bridal wreath Geraniales

Honig-mond“ = Flitterwochen

Lawsonia inernis. = Henna am Hochzeitstag gebraucht zur Bemalung der Hände der Braut

LSD. = Lysergsäurediethylamit/= „Acid “/= „Trip“ /= Cubes/= Delysid/= Wedding Bells/= Royal Blue/= Pearly Gates/= Heavenly Blue

Polygonum aubertii = Fallopia baldschuanica/= Chinese bruidssluier Caryophylalles.

Mangi.: Marriage pandals are festooned with strings of mango leave s.

Plan. = Breitwegerich/= Plantain/= Lungenblatt/= Wundwegerich/= Ballenkraut/= Wegtritt/= Saurüssel./= Mausöhrle/= Aderkraut/= Straßenbraut/= Heufressa

Prunus 'Shôgetsu' = Prunus serrulata = Blushing Bride Rosales

Rosm. = Blätter/= Anthoskraut/= Brautkleid/= Hochzeitsbleaml/= Kranzenkraut/= Mariareinigung/= Meertau/= Weihrauchkraut/ätherisches Öl aus Pflanze ohne Wurzel/= Merdow/= ödelimarie/= Rosemarie

Rot und weiß. = Brautfarben

Sonnebräute Siehe: Sonne

Spirae = Wiesen Geißbartwurzel/= Bocksbart/= Meadowsweet/= Bärmutterkraut/= Schäfernusz/= reine des prés/= Moerasspirea/= Bridewort

Thalamus. = Brautgemach

Vinc-m Immergrün steht für Treue/verwendet früher als "Jungfernkranz" (Hochzeitsschmuck)

Visc.: in manchen Gegenden der Schweiz trägt die Braut am Hochzeitstag Mistelzweige mit im Kranz.

Cananga = Ylang-Ylangöl (gebraucht im Hochzeitsbett)



Treuegruppe: Haben ein Leben lang einen Partner:

Adam. = Diamant, was symbolic to fidelity to Christ and God, so the popularity of wedding rings made of diamonds.

Anser anser.x = Gans

Ara macao. = Ara

Castm. = Bibergeil

Columba. = Taube

Naja tripudians.

Rosa-d.x Zum Kranz vor die Tür der Geliebten, das Haus als einen Tempel zu ehren. Wurde der Rosenkranz ins Haus geholt, bedeutete dies ein Ja der Dame.

Rosm. fördert Treue

Tyto alba. = Schleiereule/Lac owleum.x = Bürzelsekret/= Eulenmilch von Tyto alba

Smaragd. fördert Treue


Getäuschte Rollen

Casuarius casuarius = Helmkasuar/Weibchen hat mehrere Partner und die Partner brüten die Eier aus und erziehen die Brut Aves.

Hippoc-k. = Seepferdchen



            Ros-c. unter Rose Ausgesagtes wurde geheim gehalten (Antike Rom)

            All-c. auf der Zwiebel würde geschworen

            Mit Speichel. wurde Vertrag abgeschlossen

Salz. brechen ist einen Vertrag brechen


Allerlei: China: Gürtel - Beamtentum; Tausch der Gürtel: Eheschließung

                                                               Ring - Dauerhaftigkeit, Beständigkeit, Rückkehr (Unendlichkeit)

[Nancy Mellon]

Swahili tale: from East Central Africa tells of a distressed husband whose wife remained lean and listless although he fed her all the finest foods. Nearby lived a poor man whose wife was plump and happy. The sultan invited the poor man to visit him and privately asked,

"How is it that your wife is so joyous, and healthy?"

The poor man replied, "It is no secret! Every day I nourish my happy wife by feeding her meat of the tongue."

The sultan immediately ordered his cook to buy the tongue of every animal slaughtered at the market. At every meal the sultan's wife was given tongue meat prepared in exotic sauces. Yet although she ate tongue meat so often, she remained thin and sad.

Finally the sultan demanded that the poor man exchange wives with him. Despite protests, the poor man's wife was taken to the palace, and the sultan's thin, sad wife was delivered to the poor man's home. As soon as the poor man's wife arrived at the palace she was feted with every possible tasty meat and drink, yet with each passing day she became thinner and sadder. Her happiness and beauty faded like a wilted blossom.

Meanwhile, in the poor man's home, the sultan's wife grew happier and began gaining weight. At sunset, when the poor man returned from his work, he would tell his royal wife all the funny things that had happened to him that day. Often she would howl with laughter until tears of joy ran down her cheeks. Then he would sing her songs accompanied by his musical instruments until late in the evening, and she would dance. Each night was spent in conversations, song, and story. These she would remember

and savor during the day. Although her food was simple and the portions quite modest,  in a short time she grew plump. Her hair began to shine, and her skin took on a

healthy glow.

When the sultan saw his old wife and the poor man walking in the marketplace, he was amazed at the transformation. He wanted her back. She refused, and in a jealous rage, he demanded, "What has this poor man given you that I, a great and rich sultan, cannot offer?"

The wife told the sultan how she and her new husband passed each evening together in story and song. The sultan was filled with humble understanding—and new aspirations.



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