

[Dr. Sayeed Ahmad/Dr. Charles Boericke]

Nux-v.: for the irritable, overworked, costive dyspeptic male;

Puls.: for the contradictory, changeable, lachrymose female;

Cham.: for the whining, restless, irritable child;

Chin.: and Chinin-ars.: for postgrippal asthenia.

Ars-i.: Chronic coronary artery disease, and in the recuperative stage following acute myocardial infraction. This remedy covers the weakness, prostration, restlessness, nightly aggravation, substernal soreness and burning

pains relieved by heat, paresthesias, and chronicity of complaints.

Sec.: In arteriosclerotic heart disease, where the pathology is angina pectoris and right heart disease, with cold and blue extremities, intermittent claudication and endarteritis, intolerant of heat and feels better in the cold and

from cold applications. May turn out to be the homœopathic nitroglycerine.

Scut.: In neuro-circulatory asthenia and hyperventilation syndrome. It seems to quiet the marked apprehension due to cardiac irregularities. (MOCHUS).

Nat-s.: An excellent rheumatic tonic (hydrogenoid constitution where the patient feels change of temperature from dry to wet, always weak ankles and knees, and a tearing rending pain from hips to knees, < night).

Carb-v.: a post-influenzal tonic, where the patient has complete asthenia, easy perspiration, a stubborn persistent tracheo-bronchial cough and evening huskiness of the voice.

Staph.: residual pain and nervousness after teeth extraction. Also one of the best constitutional tonics for the early paranoid psychosis characterized by hypersensitivity, easy offence over trifles, indignation about things done

by others, inward sufferings from pride, envy, or chagrin. The patient harbors imagined slights as an obsession.

Pic-ac.: extreme mental and physical prostration. Always tired, so much so that he must lie down and sleep most of the time. Heaviness and numbness of the limbs and a persistent weakness of the back.

Echi.: eclectic blood tonic. Staphylococcus infections, viral herpes of the lips, canker sores, and so-called blood poisoning.

Zinc-met.: older individual oversensitive and prostrated. Slow cerebration. The mind seems weak and sluggish. He repeats questions before answering, waits a moment, looks blank, then his face lights up and he answers.

Dr. Margaret Tyler: "When the reflexes are abolished Zincum comes in”. Might well be considered for the paralysis following cerebral thrombosis.

Ambra.: geriatric tonic. Indicated for the prematurely old with feebleness and trembling. The patient exhibits confusion with vanishing of ideas. He jumps from one subject to another. He asks question after question, never

waiting for an answer. The presence of another person seems to aggravate all symptoms. The mind runs on unpleasant fancies, diabolical faces and sights. Physically the patient has asthmatic breathing and a nervous

spasmodic cough. General nervous hypersensitiveness is a keynote symptom.

Phos.: delicate and sensitive adolescent. Apathetic, responds slowly and move sluggishly. He seems weary of life and has gloomy forebodings. He has weak and "all gone" sensations in all parts of the body. Craves salt and

iced drinks. He elicits fears of being alone, of the dark, of thunder, that something will happen. He is indifferent to friends and loved ones. He has vivid imaginations.

Ph-ac.: similar to Phos. in some respects, but these patients complain of crushing weight on vertex, occiput, and nape of neck. A painless diarrhœa is common. The nervous system is in a state of debility without erethism.

There are profuse night sweats. This remedy is a great tonic to young people who are over-grown. To be considered for the chronic and long lasting effects of grief.

Calc-p.: tonic of pregnancy and prophylactic to toxemias and anĉmias. This remedy seems to regulate calcium-phosphorus metabolism and is a catalyst for the assimilation of iron.



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