

Libiyi™ EMS Fußmassagegerät


Vergleich: Capsaicin.

Siehe: Schmerz + Krankheiten



Apis / Rhus toxicodendron comp.                        Anregung der Wärmeorganisation bei akuten schmerzhaften Muskelverspannungen mit neuralgiformer/entzündlicher

                                                                         Komponente (akute Schmerzzustände bei Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen wie Lumbo-Ischialgien, Muskelrheuma.



[Didier Grandgeorge]

Der neuralgische Schmerz: Mag-p. kennt Krämpfe lösen, ähnlich wie Colocynthis. Der Krampf > Wärme.

Der Kranke klagt ununterbrochen und schläft nicht mehr (Bauch-/Zahn-/Mensesschmerzen);

[T. Cooper]



Hecla lava: Facial neuralgia from carious teeth and after extraction.

[Dr. K.N. Mathur]

Mania from suppressed neuralgia: Cimic.


Intermittent Neuralgia of well defined periodicity, i.e. nervous pains of well defined duration, which come at a certain time and disappear at a certain time every day,

Chinin-s. a specific of the first degree, which never failed me, unless the patient had before taken Chinin-s. in massive doses.


Acute pain: in neuralgias/inflammation of a serous membranes/colic. Local modalities are good to prescribe on in the first instance.

[Dr. Adolphe Lippe]

Rhod.: Severe neuralgic pains of an alarming character

[D.M. Borland]

Consider the acute neuralgia: the character of the pain and the circumstances > or <, its cause/its situation.

It is exactly the same in serous inflammations; it is partly on the situation but more on the character of the pain and the circumstances which modify it that one prescribes.

With colic same (gallstone, intestinal or renal colic) little attention to the situation but very much more to the character of the pain and what modifies it.


Neuralgie gefährdete Menschen können sich durch Einreiben mit Aconit Schmerzöl wa vor Wind und Wetter schützen. Cannaboid Mag-p.


Ohrenschmerz Aconit Ohrentropfen [Aconitum napellus/Camphor/Lavandulae aetheroleum/Quarz wa]

[Dr. Baehr and others] acts better in high potencies in neuralgia. It is almost specific for facial neuralgia.

1st to 3rd potency for congestive condition. 3x in the first stage of coronary occlusion. 6th potency for sensory affections. 30th in bad cold, cough and fever.

In sleeplessness and tossing about 30th. (Boericke)



Acute pain: [D.M. Borland] in neuralgias/inflammation of one of the serous membranes/colic. Local modalities are good to prescribe on in the first instance.

Consider the acute neuralgia: the character of the pain and the circumstances > or <, its cause/its situation.

It is exactly the same in serous inflammations; again it is partly on the situation but more on the character of the pain and the circumstances which modify it that one prescribes.

With colic same (gallstone, intestinal or renal colic) little attention to the situation but very much more to the character of the pain and what modifies it.

Die besonders bei Kindern häufig auftretenden fieberhaften Ohrenschmerzen, wo heftig bohrende Schmerzen in den Ohren vorkommen, die auch plötzlich zur

anderen Seite überschießen - Spenglersan Kolloid M - in Verbindung mit Spenglersan Kolloid G wirkt schlagartig und schnell.


Acute facial neuralgia: PAIN in sharp stabs/or twinges of pain running up the course of the nerve, coming on from any movement of the muscles of the face, << draught of air, with superficial tenderNESS over the effected nerve, > warmth (applied)/firm supporting pressure.

Gaul: inflammatory rheuma and neuralgia (head and face)

Mag-p: r. side (not dental neuralgia). Mag-p with Mag-p modalities.

Coloc: left side.

Spig: Orbital neuralgia, with much more sharp stinging pains "As if a red hot needle were stuck into it" radiates out over the course the nerve. (After it has been touched there is a strange cold sensation in the affected area).

Post-herpetic neuralgia: ordinary shingles neuralgia where the patient comes with acute burning pain along the course of the intercostal nerve and gives a history that has had

a small crop of shingles, very often so slight that he paid little or no attention to it.

Ran-b: History of herpes/SHARP shooting pains ext. along the course of the intercostal nerve/painful area is SENsitive to touch induces pain or </CONscious of any weather change that will cause the neuralgia to return.

Mez: Same distributions of pain as Ran-b and same modalities, - aggravation in wet weather/affected area is SENsitive to any cold draught/to any bathing with cold water, pain very troublesome at night, and with a marked hyperaesthesia over the affected area.

Supra-orbital (= above eyes) neuralgia after sinus trouble: Chinin-s. Post-herpetic pains: Ran-b. Ars.

            Merc. and Coffee for faceache [Constantine Hering, M. D.]


Renal pain.


Sciaticas: Classical symptoms: acute pain down the sciatic nerve, < any movement/SENsitive to cold/more comfortable if kept quite and warm, then it depends which leg is involved what drug I give.

Mag-p.: for r. sided sciatica. Coloc.:.for left sided sciatica.

Kali-i: UNcomfortable the longer they keep still/have to start moving/warm-blooded/< warm (warmth of bed)/> moving about.

Rhus-t: Wie Kali-i. + chilly patient/sensitive to damp and cold and more comfortable when moving about.

Gnaph.: pain + NUMB with the pain and tenderness over the sciatic nerve more marked than any other remedy.

Plb-met: pain + NUMB with the pain and tenderness over the sciatic nerve + CONstipation.


Comparison Gnaphalium + Coloc. + Cham. + Mag-p. + Rhus-t.


Hepatic or renal colic:

Acon: 1st attack only/PAIN and drives crazyand terrifies/feels frightfully cold, very anxious, faints sitting or standing up/cannot bear the room being hot.

Bell: repeated attacks, short in duration/developing quite suddenly, stopping + a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium/attacks induced, or << by fluids, + flushing of the face/dilated pupils/full bounding pulse.

Chel.: Liver symptoms for some time, just vague discomfort/slight fullness in the r. hypochondrium, a good deal of flatulence, intolerance of fats, and who is losing condition, becoming sallow and slightly yellow. Develops an acute hepatic colic, with violent shoot of pain going right through to the back (1. angle of

the r. scapula, 2. a constant ache in the hepatic region, 3. another violent colicky attack). Attacks relieved by HOT application/drinking of water as hot as can be swallowed.

Berb: USEful in renal or gallstone colics. Pain radiates in all directions (1. l., 2. r.). Acute urging to urinate with pain at urination. << any movement/distress/a pale, earthy looking complexion.

Morgan pure Darmnosoden


Herzschmerz: Cact. Lach. Cimic. Kalm. Lycps. Spig.


Renal colic: the urine is as a rule rather suggestive/commonly not blood-stained, but contains a quantity of greyish-white deposit which may be pure pus, but mostly contains pus and a quantity of amorphous material usually phosphates, sometimes urates. Although it is a very dirty looking urine it is surprisingly inoffensive.

Ip.: Intense nausea

Morgan pure Darmnosoden


Acute abdominal colic: think of either Coloc. or Mag-p. Both often useful for colic in any area, uterine, intestinal, bile ducts, or renal-it does not matter which it is.

These remedies almost identical with PAIN, patients doubled up with pain/relieved by external pressure and by heat. Colics are intermitting/spasms of pain which come up to a head and then subside.

Coloc.: prefers steady, hard pressure/ always IRritable/IMpatient, wants something done at once, wants immediate relief, and is liable to be violently angry if the relief is not forthcoming/slightly coated tongue (the digestive tract is upset). << cold/likes hot applications, not so extremely sensitive to cold air in its neighbourhood. tends to giddiness (turning more especially to the left).

Mag-p.: more relief from rubbing/not the same degree of irritability, patient is distraught because of the intensity of the pain rather than violently angry/tongue is usually clean. << cold/SENsitive to a draught on the affected area. No giddiness. Pain results of exposure to cold (dysmenorrhoea/abdominal colic).

Dios: ViolENT, spasmodic colic coming on quite suddenly, rising up to a height, then subsiding. Some relief from applied heat. Tossing to get relief. Contradicted to Coloc and Mag-p. (doubled up) is hyper-extended;

In gallbladder attacks, in a few intestinal colics, and in a case of violent dysmenorrhoea. I have never tried it in a renal case. Where you get that extreme extension of the spine you can give Dios. without asking any further questions.

            Ip.: Pain MORE cutting than the acute spasmodic pain occurring in most other drugs. + intense nausea which each spasm of pain with clean tongue.


Menses colic: Ip.: Violent dysmenorrhoea, rather warm-blooded and with the spasm of pain often described as cutting pain in the lower abdomen. Get hot and

sweaty and deadly sick so that cannot stand up and < movement. A perfectly clean tongue and a normal temperature = very often Ip. Even tends to

dysmenorrhoea altogether.


Intestinal colic: Lyc.: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/post-operative/in region of caecum = Blinddarm)/r. down towards the r. iliac fossa and spread over to the l. side/rumbling and gurgling/eructation with sour taste/pain in the back > passing urine/bit emaciated patient with a rather sallow, pale complexion.

Raph: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/mostly localized in one definite area/< 16 - 20 h./post-operative/paralytic)/a small area coming up in one place/becoming harder and chancing place/a little flushed/no eructations.

Op.: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/mostly localized in one definite area/post-operative/paralytic)/apt to be a definite area of distention („As if everything simply churned up to one point and could not get past it “/ “As if something trying to squeeze the intestinal contents past some obstructing band “/ “As if something being forced through a very narrow opening “/Heat with colic (wants to push the blankets off). Distension likely to be in

the centre of the abdomen rather than in the r. iliac fossa/very common in a paralytic ileus. (SENsitive to noise).

Podo: hepatic colic mainly/miserable and depressed, almost disgusted with life. helpful in intestinal colics + acute diarrhoea with Podo modalities. infectious gallbladder/max. temperature in the morning (< 7 h.) and not in the evening. Jaundice. Pain not definitely localized in the gallbladder area/more in the epigastrium as a whole/tends to spread across from the middle of the epigastrium towards the liver region. Twisting towards the liver region. < taking food. After pain soreNESS in liver region/> stroking the liver lying down.


Zahnschmerz Repertorium + Zahnarztbesuch


Das Aconit Schmerzöl wa kommt unter anderem bei schmerzhaften Verspannungen zum Einsatz. Welche Qualität bringt das Trägeröl bei diesem Arzneimittel ein?


Acute facial neuralgia: PAIN in sharp stabs/or twinges of pain running up the course of the nerve, coming on from any movement of the muscles of the face, << draught of air, with superficial tenderNESS over the effected nerve, > warmth (applied)/firm supporting pressure.

Gaul: inflammatory rheuma and neuralgia (head and face)

Hep.: mostly right-sided, due perhaps to exposure to cold winds. Remember the mental irritability and hasty speech and action, as characteristic.

Mag-p.: r. Side (not dental neuralgia)



[T.F Allen MD]

Mez.: In herpes zoster extremely valuable (after-pains). Violent neuralgia of the face and head following herpes zoster.

Coloc: left side.

Spig: Orbital neuralgia, with much more sharp stinging pains "As if a red hot needle were stuck into it" radiates out over the course the nerve. (After it has been touched

there is a strange cold sensation in the affected area).

Post-herpetic neuralgia: ordinary shingles neuralgia where the patient comes with acute burning pain along the course of the intercostal nerve and gives a history that has

had a small crop of shingles, very often so slight that he paid little or no attention to it.

Mag-p.: with Mag-p. modalities. [Dr. Dorothy Shepherd] specific; <: r. side/cold; >: heat/pressure;

Ran-b: History of herpes/SHARP shooting pains ext. along the course of the intercostal nerve/painful area SENsitive to touch (pain or <)/ CONscious of any weather

change causes the neuralgia to return.

Mez.: Same distributions of pain as Ran-b and same modalities, - aggravation in wet weather/affected area is SENsitive to any cold draught/to any bathing with cold water, pain very troublesome at night, and with a marked hyperaesthesia over the affected area.

Supra-orbital (= above eyes) neuralgia after sinus trouble: Chinin-s. Post-herpetic pains: Ran-b:. Ars. Merc. and Coff. for faceache


Hecla.: Facial neuralgia from carious teeth and after extraction

[C. Hering]           

Cluster Kopfschmerz: Cinnb.

[G. Vithoulkas]

Ran-b: für Intercostalneuralgien, l. Seitig;

[E.A. Farrington]

Kalmia and Kreosote are useful in neuralgia (burning pains).

Mag-p.: neuralgia which occurs regularly each night.

Mez.: neuralgia in the cheek-bone or over the left eye. The pains leave numbness and they are < warmth.

[Dr. K.N. Mathur]

Mania from suppressed neuralgia: Cimic.

[Dr. E.P. Anshutz]

Visc.: in gouty and rheumatic complaints (tearing). It is also very effective in different neuralgias of a gouty or rheumatic origin, as in ischias, prosopalgia, periostitis (tearing pains in the ears) and otitis. It is a sovereign remedy in rheumatic deafness.

[Dr. Baehr and others]

Acon. .Acts better in high potencies in neuralgia. It is almost specific for facial neuralgia.

[J.D. Buck]

Mag-p.: the anti-spasmodic remedy, has proved effective in otalgia neuralgica and in the neuralgic pains of the head and face, associated with the acute inflammation of the tympanum, also in spasm of the tensor tympani muscle and muscles of the pharynx.

[Dr. Dorothy Shepherd]

There is a history of repeated vaccinations; recurrent chronic neuralgia of long-standing duration following within a short period of an unsuccessful vaccination. Face ache arising from left cheek-bone near the ear ext. through teeth to nose, through temples into head. Painful spots burn like fire and are sensitive to the sun rays.



[Farokh Master]

The way all allopathic pharmacopoeia boasts about their strong and effective painkillers, in homoeopathy we also have some very reliable, strong and effective painkillers.

The biggest advantage of using homoeopathic remedies as painkillers is that they are without side effects, they are not habit forming and at the same time they cure the disease completely.

Today I will be discussing common painkillers used in homoeopathy.

Trigeminal  neuralgia (supra orbital branch of the trigeminal  nerve) and the characteristic symptom is neuralgia < slightest motion or < slightest  anxiety.

Costochondral  neuralgia is where you get the typical pain in the chest but there is actually no angina pectoris.

Acon. .This is the most common medicine used in my practice; Pain increases and decreases with the sun.

Pain increases and decreases with the sun: Glon. Kalm. Kali-bi.

Aconite neuralgias usually appear suddenly.

Pain may appear suddenly: Acon. Bell. Nit-ac. Puls.

Pain in the benumbs the affected part: Acon. Cham. Plat-met. Verb.

Pain is extremely intolerable; the patient just cannot bear the pain: Acon. Coff. Cham. Nux-v.

Pain comes like lightening and is very violent: Acon. Arn. Rhus-t.

Pain usually extends in different directions like upwards or downwards or crosswise.

There are different types of pain described in Aconite but mostly you will get a feeling as if the pain is from a blow: Acon. Arn. Cina and Ruta.

Pain can be burning or bursting but the lightening type of pain is very characteristic of Acon. Coloc. Kalm.

Pain usually + formication: Acon.

Pain + numbness: Kalm.

Pain can be also pressing, “As if two parts were pressed together or pressing within outwards” Acon.

Pain can be shooting or like (hot) needles. Acon.

Pain like cold needles: Agar. Ars. Aur-met. Aeth. Lach. Rhus-t. Spig.

Rheumatic or gouty pain affecting different joints of the body: Acon.

Pain in usually comes in very dry or cold weather and always < during pregnancy: Acon. Cimic.

In such a situation. The pain can be in the bones, muscles, glands, ligaments, joints, nerves.

Cancerous pain: Acon. Euph. Cit-ac. Calc-act.

After Amputation: Acon. All-c. Hyper. Staph.

Whenever you prescribe Aconite correctly according to the symptoms the pain reduces in few minutes.

Pains < at night/pressure/touch/dry, cold weather;

> rest and in open air;

The mental symptom that supports Aconite pain are great anxiety or the agonizing fear, the person may scream or moan and it gives an impression of terror.

Bell.: develops pain coming suddenly Nit-ac. Glon.

Pain may go gradually like Hyper. or it may go away suddenly like Kali-br. Phyt.

Belladonna has: gradual disappearance as well as (very) sudden disappearance.

Pain of Belladonna can resemble pain of Acon., but the burning pain is very characteristic for Bell., other pains are boring, drawing, gnawing.

Burning as from hot charcoal like in Apis, Tarent. is one of the golden key notes of Belladonna.

The pain can be bursting, compressing, cramping, lightening or neuralgic.

Many times the neuralgic pain of Bell. + colic pain: Coc-i. Plb-met.

Pain of Bell. may also come in form of waves as Plat-met. or Sep.

It is also one of the good remedies in homoeopathy for growing pains of young children especially in the night when they scream with pain in middle of the night.

DD.: Guai. Ferr-acet. Ph-ac.

Pains of Belladonna can be < during menses and it can affect different parts of the body like bones, muscles, ligaments, glands or hollow organs,

but many times you will see that in Bell., the pain occurs in paralyzed parts like in Coc-i. Helon.

Pain may also come on uncovered parts like in Kali-c.

In Belladonna, the body becomes hot to touch and you may see some amount of redness in streaks in different parts of the body.

The neuralgia of Bell. always gets < in the heat of the sun or when the person gets heated, draft of air on the head, any noise, after any jarring, touch, pressure and motion.

The neuralgias of Belladonna are usually better by light covering and not with a very heavy covering.

Belladonna usually has < afternoon and > by taking rest in the bed like in Aconite.

Talk very fast whenever there is neuralgia, an important concomitant in some chronic cases of Belladonna. They are very restless like Ars. and there is lot of moaning


Many pains of Chamomilla come after anger/during fever/during menses/during sleep. The pains can be very violent as in Merc. and Nux-v.

Pains in Chamomilla are wandering and usually becomes < in stormy weather.

Different types of pain in Chamomilla and it could be benumbing like Aconite, it could be burning or crampy pain. Many times I have seen that people have intolerable pain during fever like Ars. and Coff.

Most of the pains < emotions or emotional upheavals especially anger, < has night aggravation (neuralgias) in the ear when the child wakes up at night crying and holding the ear,

<: wind/taking/cold drinking coffee/consumption of alcohol or narcotics/he pain, heat aggravates the pain. Even if you look at the person and if you touch the affected part it can cause severe pain.

Chamomilla pains usually >: cold application/being carried/sweating a lot;

At the level of mind the person gets vexed on every trifle and the child needs to be carried and needs to be petted and wants to be clinging all the time with piteous moaning this is what Kent described the picture of a Chamomilla child. In adult he cannot bear anyone near him during pain like Bryonia.

Coff.: neuralgias of different types; usually pain comes suddenly and disappears suddenly: Phyt. Mez. Rhus-t. Nit-ac.

The pain is choking or bursting and the pains always come with excitement, like Cantharis. The pains are usually intolerable and has a strong relationship with menses (before menses, during menses or after menses), and any type of noise < pain: Ther. Canth. So you will see that Canth. comes very close to Coff. in neuralgias.

Pain comes during fever in the form of waves;

Pains can extend all over the body like Ign. Valer. and Meny. Pain can be anywhere but more common in the muscles, joints, organs, head or anywhere.

Many times the pain of Coffea are so intolerable that it drives the person to despair. < at night/mental exertion/noise/cold windy weather/;

Coffea has got a strong night aggravation of the pain. Person is always > warmth/lying down/sleep.

At the level of mind a person usually trembles, faint very easily or they are in the state of despair.

Coloc.: One of the best remedy for neuralgias.

Pain < morning as soon as the person wakes up: Bry. Sulph.

Pains always < after anger: Chamomilla.

Pain usually appears very suddenly and can disappear gradually or can appear gradually and disappear gradually also. The most important modality usually < after coitus:

Cupr-met. Graph.

The type of the pain could be cramping, cutting, digging, biting, boring and neuralgic but usually neuralgic pain + colic or it can be a pressing pain, pinching pain or as if somebody has screwed together: Stront-c.

Pains are usually > walking: Rhus-t. Tub.

> warmth: Mag-p.

A useful remedy for pains of cancers, sciatica, headache, migraine and gout.

A strong affinity for tendons: Ruta, Rhus-t. Bry. Kalm.

With an abdominal pain then it causes the patient to bend double with lot of restlessness, twisting, turning to obtain the relief and much > hard pressure. More the pressure > pain in Coloc., more the heat > the pain in Mag-p.

At the time of colic the patient becomes extremely irritable on being questioned.

If you see an acute case of Colocynth with pain, don’t question him too much because otherwise he will become quite angry or he will feel quite offended.

If it’s a sciatica pain then the patient feels the pain as if like a screwed in a vise and he lies on the affected side. The pain in sciatica usually is shooting or lightening, shocks down the whole limb.

Usually it’s left sided sciatica in Colocynth.

It is also useful for trigeminal neuralgia, the pain radiates to the eye and there is excessive chilliness. Face becomes distorted and cheeks are cold to touch.

The pains < any motion and anger. During the pain the person always wants to walk about, he is disinclined to talk or disinclined to even answer anybody.

They are extremely thirsty patients; this is very important concomitant which I have confirmed in my practice for Coloc.

[Harris Ruddock]

Severe darting, stabbing, or burning pain along a nerve trunk or its branches, chiefly affecting those of the head and face, recurring in paroxysms, at regular or irregular intervals.

1. Facial Neuralgia: Bell. Ars. Acon. Coloc. Spig. Phos.           

2. Gastrodynia and Enteralgia: Nux-v. Ars. Coloc.

4. Neuralgia of the heart: Bell. Cact. Spig. Verat-v.

5. Sciatica.: Ars. Coloc. Acon. Rhus-t.

6. Pleurodynia: Ran-b. Arn. Acon. Ars. Cimic.

8. From mechanical injuries: Arn. Acon.

[KS Gopi]

Homeopathy for NEURALGIA,

Trigeminal neuralgia. Causes and symptoms of Trigeminal neuralgia.

Neuralgia: an intense burning or stabbing pain caused by irritation of or damage to a nerve. The pain is usually brief but may be severe. Often “As if shooting along the course of the affected nerve”.

Different types of neuralgia occur depending on the reason the nerve has been irritated. Neuralgia can be triggered by a variety of causes: tooth decay, eye strain, or shingles

(= caused by the herpes zoster virus). Pain is usually felt in the part of the body that is supplied by the irritated nerve.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that affects trigeminal nerve. Excruciating, shooting stabbing pain in area of distribution of trigeminal nerve.

What is the Trigeminal Nerve?

A cranial nerve responsible for sensation in the face and motor functions such as biting and chewing.

Nerve has three major branches: the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve, and the mandibular nerve .

Ophthalmic nerve – The ophthalmic nerve supplies branches to the cornea, ciliary body, and iris; to the lacrimal gland and conjunctiva; to the part of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity; and to the skin of the eyelids, eyebrow, forehead and nose.branches and distribution of trigeminal nerve. Homeopathy treatment for trigeminal neuralgia

Maxillary nerve -It comprises the principal functions of sensation from the maxillary, nasal cavity, sinuses, the palate and subsequently that of the mid-face, and is intermediate, both in position and size, between the ophthalmic nerve and the mandibular nerve.

Mandibular nerve – is the largest of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve. In general, the mandibular nerve supplies the lower face for sensation over the mandible (attached teeth/the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and the mucous membrane of the mouth as well as the anterior two-thirds of the tongue)

Trigeminal neuralgia most commonly involves the middle branch (the maxillary nerve) and lower branch (mandibular nerve) of the trigeminal nerve.

Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia ?

    Irritation of the nerve due to adjacent artery, vein, tumor, cyst etc.

    Physical damage to the nerve: This could be the result of injury, a dental or surgical procedure, or infection.

    Multiple sclerosis – Demyelization (destruction of myelin sheath) occurs due to auto-immune disease. Myelin sheath is the insulating covering of the nerve.

Clinical features of Trigeminal Neuralgia

    Unilateral facial pain: paroxysmal, severe shooting or stabbing (like an electric shock).

    Burning pain in area of distribution of nerve.

    Pain lasts several seconds (in rare cases, several minutes) and may appear up to 100 times per day

    Typically shoots from mouth to the angle of the jaw on the affected side in most cases.

    Occurs either at rest or triggered by movements such as chewing, talking or touch (e.g., brushing teeth, washing face); becomes worse with stimulation.

    Pain is unilateral but may affect both sides.

    Facial spasms may occur

    Psychological distress due to severe pain.

    Severe depression with suicidal tendencies

Diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia

    Clinical symptoms are major tool for diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia including history duration and extension of pain.

    Dental X-Ray is recommended to rule out dental caries.

    Other investigation such as MRI is suggested in some cases.

Conventional Treatment of  Trigeminal Neuralgia

    Trigeminal neuralgia is usually managed conservatively. Drug of choice is carbamazepine

    Surgery is indicated if conservative treatment is not sufficiently effective. In cases of symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, treatment of the underlying condition should be considered.

    Subsequent coexisting conditions (e.g., depression) should be managed as appropriate.

Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.

A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of  Trigeminal neuralgia. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related

to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica section. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.

Commonly indicated for Trigeminal Neuralgia:








    Argentum nitricum

    Magnesia phosphorica

    Calcarea carbonica


    There are violent cutting pains coming on towards evening, most violent about midnight; the paroxysms of long duration and there are symptoms of vascular excitement;

    The pains radiate to temples, ears and nape; are worse from noise, motion , jar, chewing, cold air, etc., and are relieved by absolute rest and warmth.

    The pains come and go suddenly and hyperaesthesia marks the remedy.


    The more purely nervous the affection the more effective is Arsenicum.

    It has the well-known intermitting burning, stinging, hot needle-pain, the distressed countenance, the restlessness and the periodicity.

    Holds the first place in neuralgias (malarial origin, neuralgias from influenza or simple debility with great aggravation at approach of night, and > external heat.

    The pain is severe and drives the patient from place to place.

    It suits especially infra-orbital forms with a Hippocratic countenance during the attack.


    A useful remedy where there is a constrictive pain, numbness, profuse lachrymation, worse at night and at rest.

    The pains are cramping, causing numbness and tingling; pain at the root of the nose or in the other part of the body as if squeezed in a vise.

    The pains also increase gradually and decrease gradually.

    Neuralgias from hollow teeth, especially suitable to old people with a mouth full of hollow stumps, which pain violently at times.

    Platinum suits especially hysterical subjects who have profuse, thick, black exhausting menses.


    Skin symptoms, affections of bones, and neuralgias most important, especially about teeth and face.

    This remedy is indicated by the spreading character of the pains, and the aggravation from warmth; they are accompanied with chilliness and sensitiveness.

    Violent neuralgia about face and teeth, running towards ear, at night; worse, eating; better near hot stove. Roots of teeth decay.

    There is a stupefying pressure and the pains are worse at the midnight hours.

    After the attack there is a numbness remaining.


    Has a pronounced action on the inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of the cranial nerves; on the ear; and respiratory tract and bladder.

    Neuralgia affecting zygoma, temporo maxillary joint, and ear (Menyanthes), particularly of left side, with lachrymation, coryza, and “As if parts were crushed with tongs”.

    Talking, sneezing, and change of temperature aggravate the pains; also, pressing teeth together.

    Pains seem to come in flashes, excited by least movement, occurring periodically at same hour in morning and afternoon each day.


[Dr. Dorothy Shepherd]

Thuj.: neuralgia always has a history of repeated vaccinations. Recurrent chronic neuralgia of long-standing duration, following within a short period of a

vaccination.  Face ache arising from left cheek-bone extending through teeth to nose, and through temples into head. Painful spots burn like fire and sensitive to the sun’s rays.

Mag-p.: almost a specific for facial neuralgia. It has cured more face aches than almost any other medicine. It has neuralgia of the face, < right side/cold, > heat and pressure;

Coloc.: pains come on after an altercation. If the patient gets angry and indignant his self-love has been wounded, and his pride hurt and he gets mad about it and broods over it. Then violent neuralgia follows.

Spig.: neuralgia + stitching, burning, tearing pains in temple and forehead, extending to the eyes, < on motion, < towards evenings, < from stooping, from hard pressure, loud noise. > lying down/gentle and prolonged pressure.

Stann-met.: neuralgia begins when the sun rises, increases gradually until noon, gradually diminishes and ceases at sunset. A pain like to the pulling of a string, gradually increasing and gradually diminishing.

Mag-c.: often overlooked in neuralgia. In many cases where Mag-p. is given and fails, Mag-c. was really the right remedy. In one patient the pain came on after sitting in a railway carriage with an open window for several hours. Pain <: cold air/cold applications/touch/sitting down.

Acon.:after exposure to dry cold wind. Pain agonizing, patient tossing anxiously from side to side in bed is sure she is very near death. If you get this acute restlessness and fear of death accompanying facial neuralgia, give a dose of Aconite.

Verbascum neuralgia, <: left side of the face/after talking/motion of the jaws/change of temperature/daytime/from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the pains seem to come on in flashes.


Some Tips from R. W. Nelson, M.D., Circa 1882


Anasarca — All kinds of dropsy, with a sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach. Apocynum can.


When a tendency exists to miscarry in the third month – Sabina


Abscess — Induration and suppuration of the lymphatic or glandular system in any part of the body. To mature abscesses when desired, and reduce excessive suppuration to moderate limits. Silicea 30x.


Acidity— Of the stomach with aphthae – Sulphuric acid 30x.


Heartburn, with unconquerable sleep after dinner, with cutting pain across the hypogastrium from right to left. Lycopodium 30x.


Varicose veins of the leg. Hamamelis, internal and external.



Prolapsus Ani – When moderate pressure at stool causes prolapsus, lgnatia amasra.


With constipation -Aesculus hip.


Retention of urine in the new born. Aconite or Hyoscyamus every hour till relieved. Two or three doses will be sufficient.


Rhagades (fissures, cracks, or linear scars in the skin, especially at the angles of the mouth and nose) – Graphites.


Yellow Fever — Prophylactic in: Crotalus hor.


Vertigo: When lying down and turning over in bed. Conium


Vertigo falling forward after stooping – Silicea


Vertigo with singing in the head. Sanguinaria]

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