Vergleich: Siehe: Common cold + Sinusitisinum + Nase + Anhang (Nomthandazo Dlamini) + Vergleich: Psora – Sykose – Syphillinie - Carcinosinum – Tuberkulinie
Lanza and Kennedy (1997), and Carr (2002) the basis for diagnosis of
chronic sinusitis:
The patient must have more than 2 major factors or 1 major and 2 minor
factors occurring for more than 4 weeks in duration.
Major Factors
- Facial pain/ pressure
- Facial congestion/ fullness
- Nasal obstruction
- Nasal discharge: purulent, or discoloured postnasal drainage
- Hyposmia/anosmia
- Purulent discharge in the nose
Minor Factors
- Headache
- Halitosis
- Fatigue
- Dental pain
- Cough
- Ear pressure/fullness
Nasal obstruction: inhale steam from a vaporiser or a hot cup of water
to lessen the discomfort and soothe inflamed sinuses. Hot wet compresses are applied
over the inflamed area to alleviate symptoms of congestion.
Avoid surgery!
[Dirk Noschinski, Heilpraktiker]
bei Rhinitis und Sinusitis |
Rezepte. aus dem Papyrus Ebers
[David Wember, MD]
Thought to be the culprit for asthma and even chronic fatigue syndrome.
Main remedies:
Ars.: thick, acrid nasal discharges/ more glandular involvement and
night sweats
Kali-i.: thick, more acrid nasal discharges/pain at the root of the nose,
pulsating or lancinating, ext. frontal sinuses.
Stict.: dull pressure in the forehead and fullness at the root of the
nose, with dry nasal passages. Cochlearia: Boericke: pressing and boring pains
in the forehead "as if the frontal bone would fall out."
Cinnb.: pressing pain above the root of the nose and shooting pains in
the bones of the orbit running from the inner to the outer canthi.
Bov.: nose obstructed, with watery nasal discharge, only from the left
[Frank Hartmann]
Aspergillis niger useful for sinus infection in Florida
[Dr. Sahni]
Acute Remedies
Runny nose with watery discharge, sneezing, frequent thirst. Thin,
excoriating discharge.
Nose feels stopped up.
Sneezing without relief.
Burning and Bleeding of nostrils.
<: open air, wet weather, after midnight
>: indoors, heat, warm drinks.
1st stage of a sinus infection with high fever and feeling of constant,
throbbing pain in the sinuses
Throbbing frontal headache. Right sided headache.
Congestion of face.
<: least movement, lying down, jar, touch, noise, draughts, afternoon
>: semi erect posture
+ by photophobia, coryza with mucous and blood; red face.
Sinus pain caused by movement of head associated with increased thirst
Coryza with shooting and aching in forehead.
Swelling at tip of nose, “As if it would ulcerate when touched”.
Excessive dryness of mucous membrane.
<: motion, warmth, change of temperature, morning
>: lying on painful side, pressure, rest
Acute coryza with dull headache and fever. swelling of turbinates.
Watery excoriating discharges. Sneezing with fulness at root of nose, +
very violent sneezing.
Very dull and tired, look drowsy. slow gradual onset of symptoms
Occipital throbbing headache with sensation of dizziness, particularly
on any movement.
+ thirstless
<: damp weather, fog, tobacco smoking, thinking of ailments, 10a.m
>: bending forward, open air, continued motion, profuse urination
Sinus after mastoid operation. 30C
Nose blocked and patient feels that, he will be relieved of the
suffering if secretion commence. Offensive discharge, like old cheese. 1X will
often start secretions and profuse drainage in stuffy colds. < from dry cold
wind > in damp weather
Sinusitis of allergic origin with patient being sensitive to cold
Allergic rhinitis, sneezing culminating into sinusitis
Acute sinusitis ( frontal/frontomaxillary) becoming chronic with passage
of time
Right-sided frontal sinusitis causing sharp, splinter-like pain in the
forehead and the root of the nose, the pain gets < from cold air/cold
foods/cold drinks; in general the person is chilly requiring warm clothes even
in summer and overly sensitive to the environment i.e. noise, touch, light,
Sneezes every time he going to cold dry wind with runny nose, later
thick offensive
discharge smelling like old cheese.
<: dry cold wind, slightest draught, lying on painful side
>: damp weather, wrapping head, warmth, after eating.
Sinusitis + thick yellow or green mucus.
Chronic inflammation of frontal sinus “As if stopped” and fullness at
root of nose
Frontal sinusitis with pain in supra orbital region or inner canthi of
both eyes and at the root of nose.
Sinusitis in hot weather or summer, causing wandering pain in the forehead,
in a spot that can be covered by the tip of the finger
Post nasal catarrh exciting the cough. Nasal discharge scanty, thick,
sticky, purulent, yellow, ropy
loss of smell.
<: morning, hot weather
>: warmth
Nasal catarrh involving frontal sinuses. Chronic sinusitis causing
throbbing pain and burning in the nose
Bursting throbbing in nose and sinuses. Violent sneezing, takes cold
from every damp day.
Profuse acrid hot watery discharges, Fullness in nose; < in cool air
with salivation and dysponea.
Stiffness and dryness without discharge. IRRitable.
Tightness at the root of the nose. Ozaena with perforated septum.
<: at night/warm room/damp weather/warm clothing/heat;
>>: moving in open air.
Sinus headache with vomiting, stunning shock in or a leader load holds
down occipital > letting hair down and warmth. Discharges white, thick,
stuffy cold in head.
Vault of pharynx covered with adherent crusts. Stuffy cold. Nose bleed.
Whitish gray tongue. Discontent, discouraged, fears, sits in silence,
imagine he must starve.
Colds with yellow slimy expectoration. engorgement of nasopharyngeal
membranes with mouth breathing, snoring etc after removal of adenoids
Yellow slimy discharges, complaints after removal of adenoids. Obstructed
nose + smell lost.
Itching of nose.
<: evening/heat/heated room.
>: cool and open air.
Right-sided sinusitis associated with earache, toothache and vertigo
which increase on lying on the back, pain not > inhaling steam, “As if a band
around the head”. Acrid, thick, greenish yellow, pus-like discharge from the
nose and that too more
at night. Intense thirst for large amounts of cold water and profuse,
offensive perspiration.
Frontal sinusitis < night with nasal obstruction. Fever associated
with sweat, chilliness < night
Moist thickly coated indented tongue with foul breath.
<: wet damp weather, night, warm room, warm weather
Coryza culminating to sinusitis after working in cold water or getting
wet in rain. Pain in supraorbital or paranasal region associated with malaise,
body ache and chilliness
Tip of nose sore red ulcerated. swelling of nose. nose bleed on
stooping. Slowly
progressing feverish attack, + very violent generalized aching.
violent attack of sneezing with greenish nasal discharge. Complaints +
restless and triangular red tip of tongue. Thirst for sips of warm or rarely
cold drinks.
<: warmth, covering, during sleep, cold wet rainy weather, night,
>: warm dry weather, motion, warm application
Nasal catarrh, when the discharges dry up there is pain in forehead and
frontal sinuses.
Heavy full feeling, pain at root of nose, better by discharge
Dry nasal membrane. Post nasal discharge.
Constant need to blow the nose with no discharge.
Dry scabs (evening/night).
In hay fever when the trouble centers in the head and frontal sinuses;
nose completely plugged up, though there is continual sneezing.
<: sudden changes of temperature
Constitutional Remedies
Basically gentle and can be persuaded to cooperate and change viewpoints
easily, like the winds changing the direction of the Windflower.
Usually blond, blue eyed, sympathetic, easily brought to tears.
Indicated in many affections of women and children or in persons of mild, gentle
yielding disposition with weeping tendency; in women of light complexion,
inclined to plumpness, with scanty, delayed menstrual flow; derangements
of puberty; delay of the first menstruation; threatened abortion.
Mild, weeping nature, thirst less, have changeability of symptoms, of
contradictory nature.
Guiding symptom: seeks open air and feels better there. Highly emotional
and craves sympathy.
AFfinity for maxillary, frontal, frontal maxillary sinusitis with thick,
bland, greenish yellow discharge. Low grade fever with shifting type of
The head pain < lying down/in a warm room; > in cool air.
The sinusitis may begin after being overheated. Stooping, sitting,
rising from lying down, and eating can < head pain, which is often in the
front part of the head and + with digestive problems. They get some relief from
slow walking in the open air or by wrapping the head tightly in a bandage. This
condition is commonly experienced when the child is in school. The nasal
discharge is often thick and yellow or green. Sinusitis with pain that shifts
from one part of head to another, the pain gets worse from
steam-inhalation but is relieved by pressure, cold applications or moving in
open air, profuse thick, greenish yellow, bland discharge from the nose.
Cold, chilly, hugs the fire, wants plenty warm clothing, and hates
drafts; hands and feet cold, < in winter. Lack of vital heat with icy
coldness of hands and feet. Prostration of mind and body. SENsitive to taking
Intolerance of alcoholic stimulants. Ailments attended with pus
formation. epilepsy..
Want of grit, moral or physical. Scrofulous, rachitic children, with
large head, open fontanelles and sutures, distended abdomen, slow in walking.
Ill effects of vaccination. Suppurative processes. Ripens abscesses.
Child usually a chronically stuffed nose. They have a sense as though
their head would burst. The head pain tends to be < in one eye (r.). <
mental exertion (while studying for an exam).
Cold air, moving the head, light or noise can also aggravate the head
pain. It is relieved by wrapping the head warmly and tightly or by applying
heat. Headache starts from the back of the head and settles above the right eye
i.e. right frontal sinusitis, pain < movements (stooping)/noise/cold air but
is relieved by pressure.
> warmth, wrapping up head, summer; in wet or humid weather.
< new moon, in morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering,
lying down, damp, lying on left side, cold.
Inertia and relaxation of fiber; hence feebleness of tone characterizes
its symptoms.
Ebullitions of heat, dislike of water, dry and hard hair and skin, red
orifices, sinking feeling at stomach about 11 h. and cat-nap sleep always
indicate Sulphur.
Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients, it is always
uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to
being washed. When carefully-selected remedies fail to act (acute diseases), it
frequently arouses the reactionary powers of the organism. General
offensive character of discharge and exhalations. Very red lips and face,
flushing easily. Often great use in beginning the treatment of chronic cases
and in finishing acute ones.
Indicated in acute sinusitis with pain and dryness in throat, thirst for
cold water, feverish, heat in body, burning pain in eyes, palms and soles,
flushes of heat from face. Nose stuffed indoors, imaginary foul smells. Chronic
dry nasal catarrh, dry scabs and bleeds easily. Polypus and adenoids. Chronic
sinusitis without any discharge from nose, burning heat in palms and soles.
Pain in forehead < blowing the nose
<: rest, warmth in bed, washing, morning, night
>: dry warm weather
Indicated in hydrogenoid constitution where complaints are due to living
in damp houses and basements, cellars. Feels every change from dry to wet.
Complaints < rainy weather/water in any form. Always feel better in warm dry
Serious, focused and hard-working. They have a high sense of
responsibility and a very sensitive nature being easily driven to tears by sad movies,
books or music. Generally when well they are sensible and a little reserved and
When ill they become confused and deeply depressed (after a head
They lose interest in life and can in extreme cases become suicidal.
Chronic frontal or frontal maxillary sinusitis with profuse thick green
purulent discharge.
Nasal catarrah with yellow and salty mucous. Coryza, epistaxis,
ethmoiditis. Occipital
< damp cold/monsoons
>: dry weather/pressure/changing position
Sensitive people. Tend to have inhibitions, irritability, depression and
although they keep their emotions under tight control are easily hurt by
criticism or a lack of acceptance when they become moody and self-centered.
Ailments from suppressed emotions and grief. Depressed particularly in
chronic diseases. Consolation aggravates. Irritable and gets into a passion
about trifles. Self-centered depression and sadness, worse from heat. It is
thought to be especially appropriate for frail, excitable and irritable
people who suffer from sharp mood swings or emotional outbursts. Such people
have a very low tolerance for hectic and frenzied surroundings or any
sympathetic attempts to comfort them.
< sudden noises or loud music. Physical symptoms are often a mucosal
discharge and/or fluid retention associated with headaches.
Ailments involving water balance (sinus, mucous, hay fever, edema, puffy
eyes, lightheadedness, perspiration, constipation, dizziness, water retention,
Constant runny nose, watery eyes, and excess mucous. Headache that
begins at the root of the nose and extends to the forehead and is associated
with nausea. Indicated in sun headache with bouts of sneezing and lachrymation.
Chronic frontal-maxillary sinusitis with supra orbital headache commencing in
morning around 10 - 11 h. Frontal sinusitis with headache as if thousand little
hammers are knocking on brain, > sleep. Violent fluent coryza
then changing into stoppage of nose. Discharge thin watery like raw
white of egg. Loss of smell and taste.
Leucophlegmatic constitution. Large head and large features with pale
skin and chalky look and in infants – open fontanelles. Scrofulous
constitution- enlarged and hard lymphatic glands. Tendency to obesity in youth.
Mentally they are sad, depressed and melancholic with great anxiety.
Disposition to weep even about trifles. Individuals belonging to the Calcarea
type are known to be sluggish, firm, realistic and lumbering. Complaints
associated with foul smelling sweat on back of head and chest.
Frequent attacks of cold, swelling at root of nose, nausea. Headache
with vertigo better in dry climate, lying on painful side. Headache of various
kinds especially right sided with
lancinating pains, icy coldness. Headache arising from nape. Profuse
perspiration of the
head, particularly where it stands in large, bead-like drops, and in
such profusion, as to
soak the pillow thoroughly; it may run down upon the face and neck. Nose
bleeding with
feeble smell. Polypus; nasal secretion with bad smell; purulent nasal secretion;
of nose.
Intercurrent remedies
In chronic sinusitis, the Sycotic miasm is active. The Sycotic miasm is
to do with overproduction and anything to do with the sinuses is to do with
overproduction of mucous.
The nosode remedy for the Sycotic miasm is MEDORRHINUM and this could be
considered as a treatment to try to clear the miasm. In the remedy Medorrhinum,
the theme of exaggeration or excess produces many
inflammatory states, with an exaggeration of function. The expression is
intense and focuses on areas of the body to do with water, communication and
expansion – sinuses, chest, joints, kidneys and bladder, skin and heart.
Mentally there is a tendency to extremes, unpredictability, intensity,
addictions, everything is too much.
Medorhinum is indicated for thick yellow discharges, obstruction of the
posterior nares, chronic nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs. It is also indicated
for suppression of ailments as a result of improper medication, overproduction
of secretions in the nasal passages and overgrowth of tissues like
polyps. There is often an association with tumorous growths and a peculiar
odour of fish brine or stale fish. This remedy is indicated for obstinate
nasal catarrh, nose that is sensitive to inhaled air, itching and
crawling sensation in the nose.
Tuberculinum is the major medicine associated with the Tubercular miasm.
This miasm arises from a family history of tuberculosis. Indicated for green
fetid pus and for patients who suffer from repeated exacerbations of
local symptoms, usually + by catarrhal condition in the chest. There is
often an association with adenopathy and hard glands of the head and neck
When symptoms are constantly changing and well selected remedies fail to
improve and cold is taken from a slightest exposure tuberculinum is indicated.
Tuberculinum patients are sensitive to cold yet desires cold open air.
Least exposure to cold, even walking bare foot on cold surface precipitates
sinusitis. Sinusitis associated with easy fatigue. Sinusitis associated with
irritation in throat, dry cough, rhinitis, sneeze. < change of
Tends to frequent coryza and recurrent
sinusitis and to those who have a family history of cancer, diabetes,
tuberculosis, and pernicious anaemia.
Luffa operculata: bei Rhinitis,
Sinubronchitis oder Heuschnupfen angewandt.
Nasenatmung erschwert
Borken in der Nase,
Nasenschleimhäute trocken
Sekret zäh o. dünnflüssig tropfend
Zunge belegt
Brennen im Hals,
ständiges Räuspern und Hüsteln.
Bewährt: eignet sich zur längeren
Anwendung bei trockener Nase und nach Nasentropfen-Missbrauch (Dauergebrauch).
Bei Entzündungen der
Nasennebenhöhlen ist Luffa D6 z.B. gut geeignet, wenn der Infekt bereits
abklingt und angegriffenen Schleimhäute mit zähem Schleim.
Bei dünnflüssigem Nasenschleim und
Brennen im Hals wird zu Luffa D12 geraten.
Bei allergischer Rhinitis wird
Luffa D6 empfohlen, wenn bei den Symptomen vor allem die Nasenatmung stark
behindert ist.
Rachen- und Kehlkopfentzündungen,
bei Stirnkopfschmerzen und Reizungen der Nasen-Nebenhöhlen, Brennen im Hals und
trockenem Mund angewandt.
+ thick yellow
discharges, obstruction of the posterior nares, chronic nasal and pharyngeal
catarrhs. Indicated for suppression of ailments as a result of improper
overproduction of secretions in the nasal
passages and overgrowth of tissues like polyps. Often an association with
tumourous growths and a peculiar odour of fish brine or stale fish.
Indicated for obstinate nasal catarrh, nose
that is sensitive to inhaled air, itching and crawling sensation in the nose.
Psorinum: with chronic catarrh,
coryza, and loss of smell, offensive odours, and purulent discharges, and for
sinusitis with nasal ulcers that are slow to heal.
in cases where there is frequent dry or fluent coryza, long continued
obstruction of one or both nostrils, weak or lost sense of smell and polypi of
the nose.
Syphillinum: nasal ulceration; suppuration
and bone affections as a result of complications. Loss of smell, snuffles in
children, dark, greenish black or brown thick crusts (not always offensive).
Tuberculinum: + green fetid pus and for patients who suffer
from repeated exacerbations of local symptoms, usually + catarrhal condition in
the chest. Much sneezing and yellow thick
discharges smelling like old cheese constantly
dropping down the throat. Often associated with adenopathy and hard glands of
the head and neck region.
Phytologie: Siehe Luffa.
Vorwort/Suchen. Zeichen/Abkürzungen. Impressum.